Tech It Easy 4 - Interactive Test 1

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1 Lessons 1-6

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Vocabulary /50

1 Fill in the word list. /20

1. misunderstanding 11. get over
2. cheerful 12. intelligent
3. control 13. miserable
4. distance 14. graduate
5. combination 15. wherever
6. particularly 16. lead (to)
7. divide (into) 17. process
8. rehearse 18. addicted (to)
9. guilty 19. private
10. hopeless 20. decision

2 Fill in with the words from the box. /6

practise self-esteem confident get along with frightened difficulty

1. Martha had in publishing her book since almost nobody thought that she had talent.
2. My brother believes in his ability to succeed. He’s very .
3. I got very when I heard that loud noise in the middle of the night.
4. My coach advised me to more if I wanted to get better results.
5. Lots of children suffer from low . How can their parents help them?
6. Elsa and Andrew don’t each other after that huge fight they had.

3 Choose and circle. /6

1. Don’t put the blame on / make friends with me! We missed the flight because of you!
2. How do you keep in touch with / feel like your grandson now that he’s moved abroad?
3. - I’m really disappointed with Justin’s behaviour. - I see … But I think you should be impressed / let it go
this time and give him another chance.
4. Mr Walters does research / stays tuned on the causes of car accidents.
5. Ken does damage to / is crazy about diving. I’m sure he’ll take part in this training programme.
6. Rita does charity work / reaches her destination at weekends. She helps elderly people who live alone.
tech it easy! 4 1
4 Choose and circle a, b or c. /18
1. I wish I were as as Victoria. She never gets 10. The nurses are able to with emergency situations.
upset about anything. a. break up b. deal c. argue
a. easy-going b. depressed c. artistic
11. Do you think that telling can destroy a friendship?
2. Although it seemed an dream, in the end, it a. issues b. topics c. lies
actually came true.
12. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
a. impossible b. inseparable c. annoyed
a. truly b. lonely c. daily
3. Scientists are about the rise in sea levels.
13. I think that you some rest after all the hard work
a. social b. sociable c. worried
that you’ve done.
4. The director has a plan to improve customer a. invent b. deserve c. involve
service at our shops.
14. We haven’t been informed about the of the event
a. deleted b. subscribed c. announced
5. The main course was absolutely . However, the a. excuse b. disability c. location
dessert was delicious.
15. I don’t know if I can you after what you said about
a. remarkable b. awful c. low
6. The journalist’s comments Margaret’s feelings. a. forgive b. develop c. receive
a. introduced b. hurt c. texted
16. The seemed impressed by the actors’
7. If Ryan this job offer, he will have to move to performances.
Milan. a. speech b. audience c. business
a. accepts b. retires c. benefits
17. If we pay for our hotel reservation , it will be much
8. Mrs Beckley for being late for the meeting. cheaper.
a. apologised b. handled c. edited a. in detail b. in general c. in advance
9. Is it true that we have less face-to-face due to 18. Kids, I need your for a moment. I’ve got something
social media nowadays? important to tell you.
a. image b. interaction c. gesture a. attention b. task c. pursuit

Grammar /50

1 Fill in with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous (--?). /6

1. The aquarium (close) at 7:00 in the evening.
2. We (not expect) any guests tonight.
3. The flowers in my garden (not grow) in winter.
4. (your kids / run) in the marathon next month?
5. This TV show (become) more and more popular.
6. (Henry / dine) with his relatives at weekends?

2 Fill in with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous (--?). /7

1. The man (deliver) the orders at that moment.
2. While Karen was jogging in the park, she (find) some coins on the ground.
3. They (not relax) when their neighbour rang their doorbell.
4. (the policemen / manage) to arrest the thief last night?
5. Tim (not buy) stuff online when he was younger.
6. (Meg / have) a yoga class while Oscar was training at the gym?
7. Allie (eat) dinner, washed the dishes and went to bed.
2 Super Course
3 Choose and circle. /7
1. We are thinking / think about our holidays now. 5. Did the Potters own / Were the Potters owning a
2. Mrs Logan is looking / looks very sad. Has house by the lake in the past?
something bad happened? 6. We weren’t having / didn’t have lunch when Jennifer
3. Are you agreeing / Do you agree with their arrived at our flat.
plans for the meeting next Friday? 7. - Did you participate in the 2010 dance competition?
4. I see / am seeing the Prime Minister this week. - Actually, I don’t remember / am not remembering.

4 Fill in with the Present Perfect Simple (--?). /6

1. We (work) for this 4. How many tickets
company for ten years. (they / sell) so far?
2. I (not see) my 5. The plane to Budapest
grandparents since last October. (not take off) yet.
3. This is the first time Beth 6. (Mr Nielsen / report)
(dive) into a river. the robbery to the police?

5 Choose and circle. /6

1. The girls have gone to / have been to the 4. She has gone to / has been to Rome three
greengrocer’s. They’ll be back soon. times so far.
2. Has Luke been in / Has Luke been to the library 5. The Carters have been in / have been to
since 6:00? Madrid for five years.
3. - Sandra isn’t here. - Has she been to / 6. I have been to / have gone to many countries
Has she gone to the stadium? but my favourite is Spain.

6 Choose and circle a or b. /6

1. I my bedroom yet. Sorry, Mum. 4. you a famous person before?
a. didn’t tidy b. haven’t tidied a. Have … met b. Did … meet
2. Vincent a lot of useful information since he started 5. Grandpa asleep on the sofa while he was
attending those seminars. watching TV.
a. gained b. has gained a. has fallen b. fell
3. We by train in the past. We preferred using the bus. 6. How long ago the Millers the parcel?
a. didn’t travel b. haven’t travelled a. did … send b. have … sent

7 Fill in with the Present Perfect Continuous (--?). /6

1. Pete and I (not hang out) for very long. We only became friends a week ago.
2. Mr Ferguson (teach) English since he was 24 years old.
3. How long (you / decorate) your living room?
4. Patricia (not edit) the article since this morning. She started five minutes ago.
5. (Carl / cycle) in the forest all afternoon?
6. The witnesses (answer) questions for an hour.

8 Choose and circle a or b. /6

1. How long your uncle that clothes shop? 4. at home when the earthquake happened?
a. has … had b. has … been having a. Were you b. Have you been
2. My daughter very shy when she was young. 5. I with my cousins every day when I was a child.
a. would be b. used to be a. was playing b. would play
3. Molly in the theatre for over ten years. 6. I Bruce for many years. We met last summer.
a. has been performing b. has performed a. haven’t known b. haven’t been knowing
tech it easy! 4 3
Writing task (optional) /10
Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet.
Use the following plan for help.

Most people around the world use the Internet

• Say that using the
Para 1

Internet has both

advantages and

On the one hand,

• Talk about the
benefits of using
Para 2

the Internet.
Give reasons and

On the other hand,

• Talk about the
drawbacks of
Para 3

using the Internet.

Give reasons and

• Say again that using

All in all,
the Internet has
Para 4

both advantages
and disadvantages.

• Express your
opinion on the topic.

4 Super Course

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