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Usability design

1. Welcome page

User Feedback: <I like the overall colour scheme and layout of the app
as it catches the user9s attention and is easy for the user to navigate. I
think the screen could be ûlled up with a few images however as it is
quite empty=

Review: During the development of the app, I will try to add more
elements to this page, however I will not add images here, as they
will interfere with the minimalist theme of the app.

Justification: This screen is the ûrst one the user is shown when they
enter the app. It will have a sleek and minimalistic design in order to
give the app a professional look, and a clear button in the centre to
guide the user to the input process. Shortcuts at the bottom of the
page take the user to other parts of the app.

2. Ingredients / allergen pages

User Feedback: <This page is ûlled up more and is structured in a very

simple way that makes the app easy to use. I really like the colour
scheme and the minimalistic theme. Again the background is quite
simple, so changing the colour or adding images to it will make it
more interesting.=

Review: I disagree with the user feedback regarding the background.

A constant white background, with the same accent colours enable
the app to üow smoothly, and look put together.

Justification: This page is where the user inputs their ingredients,

either by selecting straight from the list or searching with the search
bar. When an ingredient is selected it becomes indented and changes

3. Waiting page

User Feedback: <I think that this page contains all the necessary
information and that it looks good and matches the rest of the app9s
theme =

Review: I will keep the design of this page the same.

Justification: This page will be displayed to the user whilst the

algorithm ûnds matching recipes for them. As it will not be displayed
for long, there are no interactive elements and not a lot to look at. An
inspirational message is centred on the screen to excite the user.

4. Recipes page / saved recipes page

User Feedback: <I think this page looks great and the pictures help
make the app stand out more. The colours all work well together
however I think the font is too small and not bold enough which
doesn't make the app accessible for everyone=

Review: In the development of the app, I will make the font sizes of
the titles bigger, and ensure all the text is readable.

Justification: The recipes displayed here are the ones returned by the
algorithm. The layout of the saved recipes page will be the same, with
an action button to create folders, and a row of folders at the top.

5. Single recipe view page

User Feedback: <This page looks good and all the colours match the
colours used on previous screens. Again I think the font is quite small
and should be bolder and the + button in the corner doesn9t match the
colour scheme so it looks out of place=

Review: I will iterate the design of the button throughout the

development process, as currently it is blue to stand out and add
variation to the colour scheme.

Justification: Once the user clicks on their chosen recipe, this page
will open. There is a cover photo for the recipe at the top of the page,
followed by the ingredients list, then the method. Missing ingredients
are highlighted in orange. The blue action button will give users the
option to save or share the recipe, or enter cooking mode.

6. Explore page

User Feedback: <The recipe of the day is a useful feature which will
help users if they are unsure of a recipe. I also like the popular recipes
at the bottom and I think the layout of the whole page makes the
recipe of the day stand out.=

Review: The recipe of the day is meant to be the highlight of the page,
so I will make sure it continues to stand out on the page during

Justification: The explore page adds an extra layer of depth to the

app, encouraging users to return more frequently. A random recipe
will be selected each day to be recipe of the day, followed by the most
saved recipes of the week.

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