LoRa IoT Asset Tracking System

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LoRa IoT Asset Tracking System


NC Fatima Tu Zahra
NC Hadia Ushaq
NC Muhammad Mustafa Omar
PC Laiba Maqbool

Supervised by:
Dr. Ayesha Habib
Co-supervised by:
Dr. Mir Yasir Umair

Submitted to the faculty of Department of Electrical Engineering,

Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad,
in partial fulfillment for the requirements of B.E Degree in Electrical (Telecom) Engineering.
June 2023

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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This is to officially state that the thesis work contained in this report
“LoRa IoT Asset Tracking System”
is carried out by
NC Fatima Tu Zahra

NC Hadia Ushaq

NC Mustafa Omar

PC Laiba Maqbool
under my supervision and that in my judgement, it is fully ample, in scope and excellence, for the
degree of Bachelor of Electrical (Telecom.) Engineering in Military College of Signals, National
University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.

Approved by

Dr. Ayesha Habib
Department of EE, MCS

Date: ___________

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We hereby declare that no portion of work presented in this thesis has been submitted in support of

another award or qualification in either this institute or anywhere else.

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We are grateful to Allah Subhan’Wa’Tala, our Creator, for guiding us through every step of this

endeavor and for each fresh idea You implanted in our minds to make it better.

We are appreciative of our beloved parents and our colleagues for their constant motivation and


Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to our supervisor, Dr Ayesha Habib, whose

help, and insightful recommendations allowed us to achieve our goals in this endeavor.

Finally, presenting gratitude towards the group members, who through all adversities worked


Plagiarism Certificate (Turnitin Report)

This thesis has a 10% similarity index. Turnitin report endorsed by Supervisor is attached.


Fatima Tu Zahra
Hadia Ushaq

Muhammad Mustafa Omar

Laiba Maqbool

Signature of Supervisor

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This project has been designed for the purpose of tracking an asset with the help of a recently

introduced technology named LoRa (Long Range Radio). The goal of the project is to track the

vehicle/asset and identify its positioning (coordinates). At the end, the data collected will be sent to

the Gateway and displayed at the User End.

For the achievement of the objective, the model has been designed as so:

The First LoRa Sensor Node, acting as the transmitter, will be attached to the Asset which will

constitute a LoRa Transceiver Module and GPS Module to send positioning of the vehicle to the

second LoRa Node.

The Second LoRa Sensor Node, acting as the receiver, will be with the users or could act as a relay

between Gateway and Transmitter. It consists of a LoRa Transceiver and OLED Display.

The Third Part is the Gateway which is the modified version of the Receiver. It will send the

Received Data to Receiver to your mobile phone/laptop.

The User end application for displaying the data will be constructed of Firebase.

The project has been extended to the point where two LoRa Transmitter nodes on different vehicles

are used, such that their coordinates will be sent to the Gateway side-by-side.

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Popularity of LoRa and LoRa WAN: ........................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Why choose LoRa and LoRa WAN: .........................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Proposed Solution..................................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Working Principle .................................................................................................................................................7
1.5 Scope and Objectives ............................................................................................................................................7
1.6 Deliverables ...........................................................................................................................................................8
1.7 Sustainable Development Goals: [13] ...................................................................................................................8
1.8 Structure of Thesis:................................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Literature review on LoRa Technology ............................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Narrowed down Literature review and comparison. ........................................................................................... 17
2.4 Comparison of LPWAN with other technologies ................................................................................................ 21
2.5 Shortcomings/Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 24
2.6 Problem Domain: ................................................................................................................................................ 24
2.7 Proposed Project .................................................................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER 3: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Hardware Overview............................................................................................................................................. 28
3.1.1 Microcontroller ............................................................................................................................................. 28
3.1.2 LoRa Module ................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.1.3 GPS module .................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.1.4 Arduino Nano ............................................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.5 OLED ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.6 LIPO batteries............................................................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Software Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.2.1 Arduino IDE ................................................................................................................................................. 32
3.2.2 Firebase ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
3.2.3 Altium........................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.2.4 Microsoft Visio............................................................................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER 4: WORKING AND RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 35
4.1 Interfacing and Testing of Hardware Modules .................................................................................................... 36
4.1.1 Interfacing Arduino Nano with NEO-6M GPS Module ............................................................................... 36

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4.1.2 Interfacing OLED with Arduino Nano: ................................................................................................... 42
4.1.3 LoRa to LoRa Communication..................................................................................................................... 45
• 4.2 Hardware Circuits of LoRa Transmitter and Receiver Circuits ................................................................. 51
4.2.1 Interfacing Arduino Nano and NEO-6M GPS Module with LoRa Transceiver Module ............................. 51
4.3 Interfacing Arduino Nano and OLED with LoRa Transceiver Module ....................................................... 54
4.4 Node to Node Communication - Tracking the Asset by using the Nodes as Transmitter and Receiver: ..... 57
4.5 Construction and Working of Gateway: ...................................................................................................... 60
4.6 Integration of Multiple Nodes with Gateway ............................................................................................... 75
4.7 The Final Circuits: ....................................................................................................................................... 85
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 87
5.1 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................................... 88
5.2 Future Research and Further Possible Advancements: .................................................................................... 88
• Increased range using modern antennas: .......................................................................................................... 88
• Mobile App Development for easier access for users. ..................................................................................... 90
• Including Additional Information about Assets like Speed, Altitude etc ......................................................... 91
• Adding Relays to increase Range. .................................................................................................................... 91
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 92

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List of Figures
Figure 1: Global LoRa and Lora WAN Devices Market Value, 2020-2026 ($M) ..........................................................4

Figure 2: Proposed Block Diagram for LoRa IOT Asset Tracking System ....................................................................7

Figure 3: SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure ...............................................................................................8

Figure 4: SDG 10 Responsible Consumption and Production ........................................................................................9

Figure 5: Bandwidth vs Range of LoRa and other Radio Technologies ....................................................................... 26

Figure 6: LPWAN vs other networks ............................................................................................................................ 23

Figure 7: ESP8266 Microcontroller .............................................................................................................................. 28

Figure 8: LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 Module ........................................................................................................................ 29

Figure 9: NEO-6M GPS Module ................................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 10: Arduino Nano .............................................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 11: SH1106 OLED Module ............................................................................................................................... 31

Figure 12: LIPO Batteries ............................................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 13: Arduino IDE ................................................................................................................................................ 32

Figure 14: Firebase ........................................................................................................................................................ 33

Figure 15: Altium Designer ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 16: Microsoft Visio ............................................................................................................................................ 34

Figure 17:GPS NEO-6M Module Pins and their connections with Arduino Nano Pins ............................................... 37

Figure 18: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module ................................................................. 38

Figure 19: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module ................................................................. 39

Figure 20: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module…………………………………………..40

Figure 21: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module ................................................................. 40

Figure 22: Output shows reception of coordinates on the Serial Monitor ..................................................................... 41

Figure 23: Coordinates of the current location .............................................................................................................. 41

Figure 24: Interfacing between OLED Module and Arduino Nano .............................................................................. 43

Figure 25: Code uploaded in Arduino Nano.................................................................................................................. 44

Figure 26: Output “LoRa Trackers Module 1” displayed on OLED Screen ................................................................. 45

Figure 27: Interfacing LoRa Module with Arduino Nano ............................................................................................. 48

Figure 28: Implementation of LoRa-to-LoRa Communication (without Antennas) ..................................................... 48

Figure 29: Code for Transmitter .................................................................................................................................... 49

Figure 30: Code for Receiver ........................................................................................................................................ 50

Figure 31: Code for Receiver ........................................................................................................................................ 50

Figure 32: Output of LoRa-to-LoRa Communication ................................................................................................... 51

Figure 33: Transmitter Node Circuit ............................................................................................................................. 52

Figure 34: Transmitter Code ......................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 35: Transmitter Code ......................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 36: Transmitter Output ....................................................................................................................................... 54

Figure 37: Receiver Node Circuit.................................................................................................................................. 55

Figure 38: Receiver Code .............................................................................................................................................. 55

Figure 39: Receiver Code .............................................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 40: Receiver Code .............................................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 41: Receiver Output ........................................................................................................................................... 57

Figure 42: Node-to-Node Communication .................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 43: Transmitter Sensor Node Output ................................................................................................................. 59

Figure 44: Receiver Sensor Node Output ...................................................................................................................... 59

Figure 45: Schematic Diagram of Tx Node made on Altium. ....................................................................................... 60

Figure 46: Circuitry for modifying the Receiver into Gateway ..................................................................................... 62

Figure 47: Transmitter Code integrated with Gateway. ................................................................................................ 63

Figure 48: Receiver Code integrated with Gateway. ..................................................................................................... 65

Figure 49: Receiver Code integrated with Gateway (Contd.)........................................................................................ 65

xi | P a g e
Figure 50: NodeMCU ESP8266 Gateway Code ........................................................................................................... 68

Figure 51: Naming the Project on Firebase ................................................................................................................... 69

Figure 52: Select “all Extension Features.” ................................................................................................................... 70

Figure 53: Select “Realtime Database.” ........................................................................................................................ 70

Figure 54: Creating a Realtime Database. ..................................................................................................................... 71

Figure 55: Setting up Realtime Database. ..................................................................................................................... 72

Figure 56: Setting up rules to true to allow communication. ......................................................................................... 72

Figure 57: Retrieving the API Key ................................................................................................................................ 73

Figure 58: DATABASE URL ....................................................................................................................................... 73

Figure 59: Schematic of Receiver modified into Gateway. ........................................................................................... 74

Figure 60: Gateway PCB ............................................................................................................................................... 74

Figure 61: NodeMCU Gateway connected with Realtime Database on Firebase ......................................................... 75

Figure 62: Hardware Circuit of Node A ........................................................................................................................ 76

Figure 63: Code for Transmitter Node A ...................................................................................................................... 78

Figure 64: Receiver Code .............................................................................................................................................. 80

Figure 65: Code for ESP-12E ........................................................................................................................................ 83

Figure 66: Display of Coordinates of both Sensor Node on OLED mounted on Gateway. .......................................... 84

Figure 67: Display of Coordinates of both Sensor Node on OLED on Firebase ........................................................... 85

Figure 68: Transmitter Node A ..................................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 69: Receiver and Gateway ................................................................................................................................. 86

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1.1 Overview
In the contemporary world with advancement in technology there is a need for new asset

trackers. The demand has exponentially increased in recent years as businesses continue to grow

and expand. Newer asset monitoring systems provide more precise and effective tracking

capabilities thanks to technological improvements, making it simpler for organizations to keep an

eye on their assets. Also, asset monitoring systems are necessary in many industries to adhere to

rules and specifications, such as those pertaining to food safety or medical device tracking. LoRa

(Long Range Radio) technology is a low-power wireless communication protocol that enables long-

range transmissions with low power consumption. [1] Therefore, we have created a Lora WAN IoT

Asset Tracker. In our project LoRa Trackers will be placed on an asset and it will send real time

location coordinates to a central gateway. It will display the coordinates on a cloud computing

platform i.e., firebase.

1.1.1 Popularity of LoRa and LoRa WAN:

LoRa and LoRaWAN are two low-power wide-area (LPWAN) technologies that are

becoming increasingly popular for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. LoRa is a physical layer

technology that provides long-range, low-power communication, while LoRaWAN is a network

layer protocol that provides a standardized way to connect LoRa devices to the internet. [2]

There are several reasons why the popularity of LoRa and LoRaWAN is expected to increase in the

upcoming years. First, these technologies are well-suited for a wide range of IoT applications,

including asset tracking, environmental monitoring, and smart city applications. Second, LoRa and

LoRaWAN are very energy efficient, which makes them ideal for battery-powered devices. Third,

LoRa and LoRaWAN are relatively inexpensive to deploy, which makes them accessible to a wide

range of businesses and organizations.

As the IoT market continues to grow, the demand for LoRa and LoRaWAN is expected to increase.

In fact, a recent study by ABI Research predicts that the global market for LPWAN technologies

will reach $15.8 billion by 2025. This growth will be driven by the increasing demand for low-

power, long-range communication solutions for IoT applications.

Here are some specific examples of how LoRa and LoRaWAN are being used today:

• Asset tracking: LoRa and LoRaWAN are being used to track assets such as shipping

containers, vehicles, and equipment. This helps businesses to improve their supply chain

management and asset management.

• Environmental monitoring: LoRa and LoRaWAN are being used to monitor

environmental conditions such as air quality, water quality, and temperature. This helps

businesses to comply with regulations and to protect the environment.

• Smart cities: LoRa and LoRaWAN are being used to build smart cities. For example, they

can be used to monitor traffic, collect data on energy usage, and control streetlights.

As the IoT market continues to grow, the demand for LoRa and LoRaWAN is expected to increase.

These technologies are well-suited for a wide range of IoT applications, and they offer a number of

advantages over other LPWAN technologies. As a result, LoRa and LoRaWAN are likely to

become the dominant LPWAN technologies in the years to come.

Figure 1: Global LoRa and Lora WAN Devices Market Value, 2020-2026 ($M)

1.1.2 Why choose LoRa and LoRa WAN:

LoRa, or Long Range, is not just another wireless technology. It's a game-changer that

combines long-range capabilities with low-power consumption, making it the ideal choice for a

wide range of applications. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should choose LoRa: [3]

1. Unmatched Range: LoRa offers exceptional coverage, with the ability to transmit data over

several kilometers, even in challenging environments. This extended range empowers you

to connect devices and gather data from remote locations, bridging the gap between the

physical and digital worlds like never before [4].

2. Low Power Consumption: With LoRa, power efficiency is at the forefront. Devices

equipped with LoRa technology can operate on batteries for extended periods, sometimes

even years. This low power consumption not only reduces maintenance costs but also

enables the deployment of wireless devices in areas where power supply is limited or not

readily available.

3. Cost-Effective: Implementing LoRa networks is cost-effective compared to traditional

cellular or wired solutions. The infrastructure required for LoRa is relatively simple, and its

long-range capabilities reduce the number of gateways needed to cover large areas. This

makes LoRa an affordable choice for both small-scale projects and large-scale deployments.

4. Scalability: LoRa is designed to support massive-scale deployments. Its advanced network

architecture allows for seamless scalability, accommodating thousands, if not millions, of

connected devices. Whether you're starting with a small proof-of-concept project or

planning a large-scale deployment, LoRa can adapt and grow with your needs.

5. Secure and Reliable: Security is a paramount concern in today's interconnected world, and

LoRa takes it seriously. Built-in encryption and authentication mechanisms ensure the

confidentiality and integrity of your data. LoRa's robustness against interference and its

ability to operate in licensed or unlicensed spectrum bands guarantee a reliable and

consistent connection.

6. Open Standard: LoRa is an open standard, which means it fosters collaboration and

innovation. It encourages the development of a diverse ecosystem of devices, gateways, and

applications, providing you with the freedom to choose the best solutions for your specific

requirements. This openness ensures compatibility, interoperability, and futureproofing of

your investments.

LoRa is revolutionizing the way we connect, enabling an unprecedented level of connectivity that

has the power to transform industries, enhance efficiency, and improve lives. Its impressive range,

low power consumption, cost-effectiveness, scalability, security, and open standard nature make it

an attractive choice for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike.

So, whether you're looking to build a smart city, optimize your industrial operations, monitor

environmental conditions, or create innovative IoT solutions, LoRa is the answer.

1.2 Problem Statement

Asset tracking systems are in use for a long period of time. Current asset tracking systems have

certain limitations. Following are some highlights of the existing asset tracking system. [5]

1. Traditional asset tracking systems often rely on manual input, which can lead to errors and

2. Many asset tracking systems only provide limited visibility into the location and status of

3. Traditional asset tracking systems can be expensive to implement and maintain, requiring
specialized hardware and software.

4. Asset tracking systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches, which can
compromise the security and integrity of asset data.

1.3 Proposed Solution

The major goal of our proposed solution is to create a long-range asset tracking system. We

have used the LoRa technology, which is cost efficient, provides end-to-end encryption, is energy

efficient as it uses less power and covers a large area [6]. LoRa technology is easy to implement

[7]. Our project uses LoRa transceivers to send real time location coordinates which use frequency

below 1GHz therefore, its signals can overcome obstacles. [8] [9]

1.4 Working Principle
The project consists of two parts, i.e., hardware build system and software application. [10] The

step wise procedure followed for the completion of the solution is as follows:

1. The GPS tracker measures the location and sends the coordinates to the Arduino Nano.

2. The Arduino Nano forwards the coordinates to the LoRa transceiver.

3. The LoRa transceivers of the node and the gateway communicate with each other.

4. The gateway receives data from several nodes.

5. The gateway sends the data to the ESP 8266.

6. The ESP 8266 sends the data to Firebase using Wi-Fi.

7. Real-time location is displayed on Firebase.

Figure 2: Proposed Block Diagram for LoRa IOT Asset Tracking System

1.5 Scope and Objectives

The project will be able to share the location of the asset along positing of the vehicle. Our

project achieves the following objectives.

1. Tracking, Mapping in off-grid areas using LoRa based modules.

2. It provides GPS location [11] [12].

3. Gateway to collect data and send it to cloud server - basic connection to the Internet.

4. Dashboard to access database Tools Used For this project.

5. Node to Gateway Secure Communication.

1.6 Deliverables
• Hardware Device

• Realtime Database Application

1.7 Sustainable Development Goals: [13]

• SDG 9: Sensor performance can be optimized using Lora WAN. Allows companies to

access real-time energy data and transmit it to the power grid for advanced storage and

analysis. Enabling decision-makers to build data-driven optimization strategies.

Figure 3: SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

• SDG 12: Lora WAN can cover a large area and support advanced IoT without requiring

extensive infrastructure. It encourages responsible use of available resources, significantly

reducing the deployment and maintenance costs.

Figure 4: SDG 10 Responsible Consumption and Production

1.8 Structure of Thesis:

The structure of this thesis is as follows:

• Introduction: Chapter One provides background information on the usage of LoRa and

LoRa WAN, the reason of selection of this technology, the problem faced and the solution

to the problem.

• Literature review: Chapter Two takes you through the existing research on LoRa. //It

should identify the gaps in the research and explain how the thesis will fill those gaps//.

• Methods: Chapter Three contains detail of the design and development towards the solution

of the project. It includes the hardware and software requirements of the project and the

details of why these modules and software are preferred.

• Working: Chapter Four walks you through the complete step-by-step procedure to reach

the solution.

• Conclusion: Chapter Five summarizes the main points of the research.

• Future Work: Chapter Six discusses the future directions of research on the topic and

highlights the future work needed to be done for the commercialization of this project.


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2.1 Introduction
Detailed description of research works, and project projects carried out in recent past linked

with our work, will be enumerated and briefly analyzed here in this section.

Asset Tracking:

An asset tracking system is composed of the set of facilities employed to track the position, status,

and condition of physical assets in real time. The system may consist of items including equipment,

tools, materials, and vehicles. The demand for asset-tracking solutions is growing in industrial and

business sectors requiring real-time tracking of inventory, ensure compliance with safety

regulations, and improve operational efficiency. Industries benefit the most from IoT-based asset

tracking include manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics. Smart tracking systems prevent sudden

equipment failure by estimating the requirement for maintenance or reparation. In addition to

guaranteeing security, real-time asset tracking lessens vulnerability towards theft and ensures the

efficient dispatch/delivery of items.

Asset tracking can also be used in the logistics and supply chain industry to identify and track

shipments, vehicles, and personnel. It can provide real-time visibility into the location and status of

shipments, allowing companies to optimize routes, prevent delays and ensure timely delivery.

Different kinds of businesses, including manufacturing and construction firms, hospitals,

emergency management organizations, and fulfilment centers, own or rent a variety of assets that

are necessary for running their day-to-day operations [14] [15]. For instance, logistics firms need a

fleet of cars to transport goods, while hospitals require heart-lung equipment to carry out successful

bypass operations [16].

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It is crucial that these assets continue to work well throughout their lifespan, which is where a sound

asset management strategy as a methodical procedure for managing physical resources comes into

play. As a result, it offers a mechanism and a structure for keeping track of vital lifecycle data such

asset value, use, condition, maintenance, depreciation, and operating cost [17] [18]. The Internet of

Things, or IoT, was created because of ongoing developments in digital technology, enabling us to

connect billions of items, people, and animals in previously unheard-of ways [19]. An ever-

evolving range of resources and cost-effective indoor and outdoor location tracking solutions that

don't rely on manual data entry have emerged in this new era. In fact, cloud based IoT applications

depend on the location of the connected device [20], which opens the door for more sophisticated

asset positioning solutions.

Over the period various asset tracking systems have been made available using RFID, Wi-Fi and

Bluetooth LE but they come up with certain limitations. [21] [22]

2.2 Literature review on LoRa Technology

The Internet of Things has and will continue to have an enormous impact on modern day human

life because of increasing reliance on digital devices as part of their everyday lives. It is estimated

that there exist six IoT devices for every person in the World, presently [23] [24]. IoT renders the

most effective mechanism to bridge the void between the cyber and physical worlds [25].

Several high-quality research work has been carried out in this field in recent past.

Liya, M.L et al [26] carried out a comprehensive overview of Low Power Wide Area Networks

(LPWANs), including LoRa technology. It discusses the key features, network architectures, and

deployment considerations of LoRa for IoT applications. The paper also covers various challenges

and open research issues in the field.

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Iqbal, Mehzabien et al [27] focus on the performance evaluation of LoRa under different scenario

conditions. Their research work investigates the impact of various factors such as distance,

obstacles, and interference on the communication range and reliability of LoRa networks. The paper

provides experimental results and analysis to assess the performance of LoRa technology in

practical scenarios.

Khutsoane et al [28] conducted a broader survey of IoT, it includes a section on LPWAN

technologies like LoRa. It discusses the potential applications of LoRa in the industrial sector and

highlights the advantages and challenges of using LoRa for asset tracking and monitoring in

industrial environments. The paper also explores the integration of LoRa with other IoT

technologies for enhanced functionality.

Liya, M. L et al [29] presented a case study of a smart agriculture system based on LoRa technology.

Their work focuses on monitoring environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and

soil moisture, using LoRa-enabled sensor nodes. The paper discusses the design and

implementation of the system and evaluates its performance in terms of data transmission range

and power consumption.

Ferrari et al [30] proposed an energy-efficient LoRaWAN-based Intelligent Transportation System

(ITS) for smart cities. They explored the use of LoRa technology for real-time vehicle tracking,

traffic monitoring, and congestion management. The paper discusses the design of the system,

including the network architecture, power management techniques, and data processing algorithms.

Deese, Anthony S [23] et al proposed the design and testing of LoRa communication based IoT

devices to track smaller and cheaper non-powered assets like concrete roadway barriers within a

smart city, highlighting how these requirements differ from those associated with larger and more
13 | P a g e
expensive assets. This work presents an innovative technique to curtail the LoRa module energy by

monitoring for localized movement or acceleration as well as changes in received signal strength

from the base station. This research work also proposes a technique to optimally place LoRa relays

while considering the needs of professionals working in different sectors. They proposed the

development, implementation, and testing of hardware with the ability to track the assets effectively

while being inexpensive enough to warrant their fitment on smaller assets, far-reaching enough to

track and communicate with assets over ranges up to 2.5km.

Jin, Jiong et al [31]presented a detail of the IoT infrastructure for a smart city, primarily focusing

on the design of network architecture. The presented mapping of urban noise is presented as a case


Popli et al [32] conducted a comprehensive Survey on Energy Efficient Narrowband Internet of

Things (NBIoT) enumerating their architecture, application and challenges. While deliberating the

background of NBIoT, central challenges and problems related to the real time implementation of

NBIoT were identified and discussed by these aurthors. In this manuscript, a detailed study related

to resource allocation, and energy efficiency techniques for both IoT and NBIoT is presented. They

presented the Layered Architecture of IoT to specify how IoT works. A comparative analysis of

NBIoT with other low power IoT communication technologies is also given in this paper.

Demetri et al [33] proposed an automated approach to estimate the coverage of LoRa gateways

prior to deployment and without on-site measurements. The presented a technique by combining

free, readily available multispectral images from remote sensing with the right channel model. Their

processing tool-chain automatically classifies the type of environment (e.g., buildings, trees, or

open fields) traversed by a link, with high accuracy (>90%) and spatial resolution (10×10 m2). They

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used the outcome to explain the attenuation observed in experiments. They corroborated their

findings by validation on 8,000+ samples from a real dataset indicating that their automated

approach predicts the expected signal power within a∼10dBm error, against the 20 – 40dBm of

popular channel models.

Andersen et al [34] discussed that LoRa is a good candidate for building an asset tracking

application on, for example targeting search and rescue operations. Their paper describes the

development and testing of a prototype LoRa based tracking system, using commercial off-the-

shelf Internet of Things (IoT) consumer devices and a proprietary mesh protocol. Their prototype

enables distributed position tracking utilizing the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), a

gateway to the Internet, a server for data storage and analysis, as well as a Web application for

visualizing position tracking data. Their devices are small, and tests included both personnel on

foot carrying the equipment, as well as having the devices on vehicles. It plots how environment

and distance effect packet loss in LoRa technology.

Figure 5: [34] Effect of distance and environment on LoRa technology

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Mekki et al [35] provided a comprehensive and comparative study of Sigfox, LoRa, and NB-IoT

technologies. They exhibited that Sigfox and LoRa are advantageous in terms of battery lifetime,

capacity, and cost. Meanwhile, NB-IoT offers benefits in terms of latency and quality of service. In

addition, they analyzed the IoT success factors of these LPWAN technologies, and they consider

application scenarios and explain which technology is the best fit for each of these scenarios.

Magno [36] et al presented a high precision low power system, which can be energetically

autonomous. Their proposed approach exploits a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

module with RTK combined with a long-range communication radio (LoRa) to achieve a high-

precision localization system with minimal wireless radio infrastructure requirements. Wireless

sensor nodes, designed to be energy efficient, comprise the system and they include solar energy

harvesting for self-sustainability. Experimental results, show an average accuracy below 1 meter

up to more than 1km distance of the end-node from the geostationary reference anchor; with a peak

accuracy of only 10cm.

Aernouts et al [37] explain that localization with LoRaWAN has been introduced as a potential

low-power alternative to GNSS. However, these methods render bigger estimation errors, which is

not desirable for IoT applications that depend on accurate position information. A thorough analysis

of the trade-offs between GNSS and GNSS-less localization is required to be conducted before

choosing either option. This paper explains the relevant technological parameters of both GNSS

and LoRAWAN that should be considered, and briefly describes how GNSS and GNSS-less

localization algorithms work. They also identify battery lifetime and location update rate as

application requirements affected by these parameters, and illustrate how to determine the balance

between requirements and technology. Finally, realistic examples of IoT applications clarify how

authors analysis can aid in the choice between localization with or without GNSS.
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Mayer et al [38] presented a scheme to combines GNSS application of real time kinetic (RTK) with

low-power long-range communication to achieve submeter precision in an energy-efficient RTK-

based system. The proposed system exploits a state-of-the-art RTK-GNSS module combined with

a long range (LoRa) to achieve position with minimal wireless radio infrastructure requirements.

An energy-efficient algorithm is proposed and implemented in a microcontroller to have a quick

startup and high accuracy. Authors evaluated three different GNSS modules and compared their

performance in terms of power and accuracy. Experimental results, with in-field measurements,

exhibited that an average position precision of tens of centimeters is achievable on a battery-

operated wireless end node connected to a single base station used as a geostationary reference

beacon placed at kilometers of distance. The peak precision measured is better than 10 cm.

These research papers provide valuable insights into different aspects of LoRa technology,

including network performance, applications, integration with other technologies, and energy

efficiency. They contribute to the understanding and advancement of LoRa-based asset tracking

systems in various domains.

2.3 Narrowed down Literature review and comparison.

We referred to the research paper titled "Vehicle Tracking System Using LoRa Module"

[39]. The research paper focuses on the development and implementation of a vehicle tracking

system using LoRa module technology. The paper highlights the significance of accurate and

reliable location tracking for various applications such as fleet management and security.

The authors introduce LoRa (Long Range) technology and emphasize its suitability for IoT

applications due to its long-range capabilities and low power consumption. They propose

leveraging these advantages in the context of real-time vehicle tracking.

17 | P a g e
The paper outlines the architecture of the vehicle tracking system, which involves integrating

LoRa modules into the vehicles as transceivers for transmitting and receiving location data. The

data is then forwarded to LoRa gateways placed strategically to cover the desired area. A central

server receives and processes the data for further analysis.

Technical aspects related to the implementation of the LoRa module are discussed, including the

selection of appropriate hardware and software components. The authors provide insights into

configuring parameters like frequency band, data rate, and transmission power to optimize LoRa


Data security and privacy are also addressed in the paper. The authors emphasize the importance

of encryption techniques to safeguard the transmitted location data from unauthorized access.

Encryption algorithms are proposed to ensure the security of sensitive information.

To assess the system's performance, the research paper presents the results of field tests and

experiments conducted with a fleet of vehicles. The evaluation includes parameters like location

data accuracy, communication reliability between vehicles and gateways, and overall system


In summary, the research paper explores the development of a vehicle tracking system using

LoRa module technology. It discusses the system's architecture, technical implementation, data

security measures, and performance evaluation. The paper showcases the advantages of utilizing

LoRa for real-time vehicle tracking and its potential applications in various industries.

18 | P a g e
Figure 6 [39]: Block diagram

The research paper titled "Tracking System Using LoRaWAN Technology" [40] by Ms. Shreya G.

Zade explores the implementation and benefits of a tracking system based on LoRaWAN

technology. The paper aims to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of using LoRaWAN for

tracking applications.

The paper begins by introducing LoRaWAN technology, highlighting its features and capabilities

for low-power, wide-area networking. It explains how LoRaWAN utilizes the LoRa physical layer

to enable long-range communication with low power consumption, making it suitable for tracking


Next, the paper presents the architecture and components of the tracking system. It describes the

integration of LoRaWAN modules into the tracking devices, which act as transceivers for sending

and receiving location data. These devices communicate with LoRaWAN gateways deployed in the

coverage area. The gateways forward the received data to a LoRaWAN network server for

processing and analysis.

19 | P a g e
The research paper also discusses the advantages of using LoRaWAN for tracking applications. It

emphasizes the long-range capabilities of LoRaWAN, which allow for tracking devices to transmit

location data over large distances. Additionally, the low-power consumption of LoRaWAN enables

extended battery life for the tracking devices, ensuring long-term tracking capabilities without

frequent recharging or battery replacement.

Moreover, the paper addresses the security aspects of the tracking system. It highlights the built-in

security features of LoRaWAN, including data encryption and device authentication, which protect

the location data from unauthorized access.

To evaluate the performance of the tracking system, the paper presents the results of practical

experiments and tests conducted by Ms. Shreya G. Zade. It includes metrics such as location

accuracy, communication reliability, and power consumption. The findings demonstrate the

effectiveness and efficiency of the tracking system based on LoRaWAN technology.

The paper concludes by highlighting the advantages and potential applications of the tracking

system using LoRaWAN. It emphasizes the scalability, cost-effectiveness, and wide-area coverage

provided by LoRaWAN, making it suitable for various tracking scenarios such as asset tracking,

vehicle tracking, and personal tracking.

In summary, the research paper explores the implementation of a tracking system utilizing

LoRaWAN technology. It discusses the architecture, advantages, security features, and

performance evaluation of the system. The paper showcases the feasibility and benefits of using

LoRaWAN for tracking applications, as demonstrated by the research conducted by Ms. Shreya G.


20 | P a g e
Figure 7 [11]: Flowchart of Shreya G. Zade paper

LoRa Trackers Vehicle Tracking TRACKING

System Using LoRa SYSTEM USING
Module LoRaWAN
Power consumption Medium High Low
Cost Low High High
Security Medium High High
Accuracy rate Low High Low
Coverage Medium Medium High
Typical Battery Life Medium Medium Low

Table 1: Analysis of research papers

2.4 Comparison of LPWAN with other technologies

Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies are designed to provide long-range, low-

power communication for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They are specifically optimized for

applications that require low data rates, long battery life, and wide coverage areas [41]. Here's a

comparison of LPWAN technologies with other commonly used wireless communication


1. LPWAN vs. Cellular Networks:

21 | P a g e
Cellular networks (e.g., 4G LTE, 5G) offer high-speed data transmission and wide coverage, but

they consume significantly more power compared to LPWAN. They are better suited for

applications that require real-time communication, high bandwidth, and mobility.

2. LPWAN vs. Wi-Fi:

Wi-Fi is a local area wireless technology that offers high data rates and is commonly used for

connecting devices within a limited range (typically a few hundred feet). It requires more power

and is better suited for applications that require high bandwidth, such as video streaming, file

transfers, and real-time communication.

3. LPWAN vs. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE):

Bluetooth Low Energy is a short-range wireless technology designed for low-power

communication between nearby devices. It is commonly used for applications such as wearable

devices, health monitoring, and home automation. BLE has higher data rates than LPWAN but is

limited in terms of range.

4. LPWAN vs. Zigbee:

Zigbee is a low-power, low-data-rate wireless technology designed for short-range communication

within a network of devices. It is commonly used for home automation, smart lighting, and sensor

networks. While Zigbee offers lower power consumption than Wi-Fi, it has a shorter range

compared to LPWAN.

Overall, LPWAN technologies are optimized for long-range, low-power IoT applications, whereas

cellular networks, Wi-Fi, BLE, and Zigbee offer different trade-offs in terms of data rates, range,

22 | P a g e
and power consumption. The choice of technology depends on the specific requirements of the

application at hand.

Figure 8: LPWAN vs other networks [42]

Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2020:

Gartner sees LoRa growth accelerating is less than 2 years to mainstream adoption. Market

penetration today is estimated at 5 to 20% of the target audience, while 20% is approximately

when the technology's target audience has adopted or is adopting the technology as it enters the

Plateau of Productivity phase.

Figure 9: Gartner Hype Cycle for IoT Standards and Protocols,2020

23 | P a g e
2.5 Shortcomings/Issues
Existing asset tracking systems have certain restraints.

1. Interference that could result in data points being lost.

2. Poor performance in spaces with plenty of metallic or reflecting surface.

3. They are not scalable.

4. They have high energy costs.

5. They are not accurate.

6. They have expensive RFID tags.

7. Easy interception of wireless signals.

8. Unable to provide location data in real time.

Table 2: Comparison with other Radio technologies

Atrributes LoRa Wi-Fi Bluetooth LE RFID

Security ✓   ✓

Range Very High Low Low Low

Cost Low Medium Low High

Power Low High Low Low


2.6 Problem Domain:

In order to build an asset tracking system, the prime objective is to deliver a long range, secure,

low-cost and low-power system. For the improvement purposes we are using LoRa technology. As

the world is going under the umbrella of technology there is a need to make efficient asset tracking

systems. The LoRa transceiver will be used to send location data of assets to a central gateway. Use

24 | P a g e
of these transceivers will make tracking more reliable and efficient. Due to advancement in the field

of technology and people want to get things done easily and quickly [43]. The main issue of the

modern age is to make existing systems more systematic and businesslike, therefore our project can

be used for mass deployment by diverse set of industries such as medical, agro based and logistical

[44]. LoRa IoT asset tracking can be used by defense institutions to upgrade and enhance their

previous systems i.e., spying.

The project consists of following components:

1. Asset Tracking Device: The asset tracker is a small, battery-powered device equipped with

a GPS receiver and a LoRa transceiver. It may also include additional sensors depending on

the specific tracking requirements, such as temperature, humidity, or motion sensors.

2. LoRaWAN Network: The device communicates with a LoRaWAN network, which

consists of gateway devices deployed throughout the area of coverage. These gateways

receive and forward the data from the asset tracker to the network server.

3. Network Server: The LoRaWAN network server is responsible for receiving and

processing data from the asset tracker devices. It manages the communication between the

asset tracker and the application server.

4. Application Server: The application server receives the data from the network server and

processes it based on the specific requirements of the asset tracking application. It may

include functionalities such as data storage, real-time tracking visualization, event triggers,

and notifications.

25 | P a g e
5. Data Analysis and Visualization: The application server processes the received data and

provides insights through data analysis and visualization. This allows users to track the

location and monitor the status of their assets in real-time or view historical data for analysis.

Figure 10: Bandwidth vs Range of LoRa and other Radio Technologies [45]

2.7 Proposed Project

We have proposed a project that sends location coordinates of assets using global

positioning system (GPS). The location coordinates are sent using LoRa. We have used LoRa

transceivers that send data to a central gateway that displays data on the internet. Furthermore,

through this project we have created a long-distance communication model that is secure, consumes

less power and is budget friendly.

26 | P a g e

27 | P a g e
3.1 Hardware Overview
To design an asset tracker, we need to consider both hardware and software requirements.

To build a LoRa based asset tracker the system will consist of:

• A transmitter which will read the coordinates from the GPS module and transmit it over


• The receiver end will receive the information and display it on an OLED display.

• The Gateway will collect the information of the location coordinates and send them to

cloud-based application hence, displayed periodically. The Gateway communicates with the

two nodes. As we are based in Pakistan, we are using 433MHz frequency band for

transmission as it is the legal ISM band here.

3.1.1 Microcontroller

A microcontroller is the central processing unit of an asset tracker. Its purpose is to

communicate with the LoRa module and other sensors on the device. For this purpose, we are using

the open-source Lua-based Node MCU ESP8266 microcontroller, which is a development board

specifically created for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Its hardware is based on the ESP-12

module and firmware runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC.

Figure 10: ESP8266 Microcontroller

28 | P a g e
3.1.2 LoRa Module

A LoRa module is the wireless transceiver that sends and receives data from the LoRa

network. We are using the RA-02 SX1728 LoRa module. It is based on SEMTECH's SX1278

wireless transceiver. It uses LoRa™ modulation technology which provides anti-blocking

properties and selection properties. Along with this it provides a high sensitivity of -148 dBm,

power output of +20 dBm. It uses cutting-edge LoRa spread spectrum technology and has a 10,000-

metre communication range.

We are using LoRa Modules which operate on the 433MHz frequency band as it is the legal ISM

band in Pakistan.

Figure 11: LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 Module

3.1.3 GPS module

A GPS module is used to track the location of the asset. It should be able to communicate

with the microcontroller. We are using NEO-6M GPS GSM module. To provide the most accurate

positional information, this device makes use of the most recent Ublox technology. For indoor

applications, it has a high sensitivity.

29 | P a g e
Figure 12: NEO-6M GPS Module

3.1.4 Arduino Nano

Arduino nano will be used as the main processor for the nodes. It is an ATmega328P-based

small, flexible, and breadboard-friendly microcontroller board. The reason we are using Arduino

Nano rather than other Arduino boards is that LoRa Chip is an SPI-based chip with a 3.3V logic

level. This can be achieved with Arduino Nano board only.

Figure 13: Arduino Nano

30 | P a g e
3.1.5 OLED

To display the coordinates, we use a small 1.3’ diagonal OLED SH1106 with 128 x 64

dimensions. This model uses I2C to communicate with Arduino Nano board.

Figure 14: SH1106 OLED Module

3.1.6 LIPO batteries

To power it we are using LIPO batteries over LI-ION batteries as they offer high capacity, do

not lose their charging capacity very fast and are rechargeable.

Figure 15: LIPO Batteries

31 | P a g e
3.2 Software Overview

3.2.1 Arduino IDE

Arduino Software (IDE) is a text editor for creating code and is used to upload programs on

Arduino hardware and communicate with them. Specific LoRa libraries were integrated into

Arduino IDE for code to operate seamlessly. Additional libraries were installed for ESP32


Figure 16: Arduino IDE

3.2.2 Firebase

A Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) app development platform Firebase provides hosted

backend services such as a real-time database, cloud storage, authentication, crash reporting,

machine learning, remote setup, and static file hosting. Google Firebase is used to store and

visualize asset location coordinates in real-time.

32 | P a g e
Figure 17: Firebase

3.2.3 Altium

Altium is software used for designing electronic products including printed circuit boards.

The only PCB design software that is based on a unified design environment is Altium Designer,

which makes it simple to import a schematic into a PCB layout. The hardware circuit schematics

which included circuitry of Gateway and Nodes was designed using Altium.

Figure 18: Altium Designer

33 | P a g e
3.2.4 Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio is used creating diagrams and other visual representations. Microsoft Visio

is an efficient tool because of its user-friendly interface, collaboration capabilities, integration with

other Microsoft products, customization options, and automatic diagramming features.

Figure 19: Microsoft Visio

34 | P a g e

35 | P a g e
4.1 Interfacing and Testing of Hardware Modules

4.1.1 Interfacing Arduino Nano with NEO-6M GPS Module

The NEO-6M GPS Module can track 22 satellites and locate points of interest anywhere in the

world. The module features an LED that shows the condition of "Position Fix". Depending on

the condition it is in, it blinks at varying rates:

a. No Blinking: Searching for Satellites.

b. Blinking: Satellite is Locked. Pin Functions:

There are four pins that are used for integrating the GPS Module into circuits. The pins

along with their functions are defined in Table 2.

Table 3: GPS NEO-6M Module Pins and their Functions


VCC VCC supplies power to the GPS Module and receiver the input

power from the 5V on Arduino.

GND GND grounds the module.

TX TX is used for Serial Communication.

RX RX is also used for Serial Communication.

36 | P a g e Pin Connections between GPS Module and Arduino Nano:

To get the module running, it needs to be connected to Arduino Nano so the sketch

can be uploaded, and it can perform its required functionality. Table 3 shows the required pin

connections between Arduino Nano and the GPS Module.

Table 4: GPS NEO-6M Module Pins and their connections with Arduino Nano Pins





GND GND Circuit Diagram and Implementation:

The Circuit Diagram for the two modules along with its implementation is shown in Figure


Figure 20: GPS NEO-6M Module Pins and their connections with Arduino Nano Pins

37 | P a g e Code:

The Code uploaded in Arduino Nano is shown in Figures 18,19,20 and 21. As a result, the

coordinates of latitude and longitude of the location at which the GPS Module is placed would be

retrieved by the Arduino Nano. They are then printed on the Serial Monitor as shown in Figure 26.

The TinyGPS++ Library is used for parsing GPS data from a GPS Module. It has in-built functions

like gps.isValid (), gps.location.lat () and gps.location.long() used to receive longitude and latitude

of current location.

The SoftwareSerial Library is an in-built library which is used to allow serial communication.

Figure 21: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module

In the setup () function, the GPS Module is initialized along with the Serial Monitor.

38 | P a g e
In the loop () function, the availability of GPS is checked by using a function gpsSerial.available

(). If the GPS is available i.e., it is connected to a satellite, then information from the GPS Module

is retrieved.

The displayInfo () function displays the longitude and latitude of the current location.

Figure 22: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module

Additional functions for retrieving Date and Time are also included in the code.

39 | P a g e
Figure 23: Code for interfacing Arduino Nano and GPS NEO-6M Module Output:

Serial Monitor Output:

Output obtained on Serial Monitor of current location of GPS Module

40 | P a g e
Date: 3/1/2023
Longitude: 73.063423
Latitude: 33.577842

Figure 24: Output shows reception of coordinates on the Serial Monitor

Coordinates cross-check using Google Maps:

The figure 23 shows the location of the GPS Module when the coordinates obtained on the

Serial Monitor are entered in the search bar of Google Maps

Figure 25: Coordinates of the current location

41 | P a g e
4.1.2 Interfacing OLED with Arduino Nano: Pin Functions:

There are four pins that are used for integrating the OLED Module into circuits. The pins

along with their functions are defined in Table 3.

Table 5: OLED Module Pins and their Functions


VCC VCC supplies power to the GPS Module and receiver the input

power from the 3.3V on Arduino.

GND GND grounds the module.

SDA The data from the Arduino will be sent to this pin. The data is only

(MOSI, DI) sent as an input to OLED, there is no output from it. As a result, both

SPI and I2C will use SDA as their data input.

SCK A common clock signal for both the microcontroller and Arduino

(SCL/CLK) with OLED will be performed on SCK pin. It will function as a clock

pin in SPI and I2C communication. Pin Connections:

The OLED module needs to be linked to an Arduino Nano so that the sketch can be

uploaded, and it can carry out its necessary functions before it can be used. The pin

connections between the Arduino Nano and the OLED Module are shown in Table 4.

42 | P a g e
Table 6: OLED Module Pins and their connections to Arduino Nano


VIN 3.3V



SDA A4 Circuit Diagram:

This circuit diagram in Figure 24 illustrates the connections and components used to connect

the OLED Module with Arduino Nano. By examining the circuit diagram, we can easily see how

the components are connected and how they function together to create the desired outcome.

Figure 26: Interfacing between OLED Module and Arduino Nano

43 | P a g e Code:

Figure 23 displays the code that was uploaded to the Arduino Nano. As a result, the term

"LoRa Trackers 1" is printed on OLED Screen as shown in Figure 26.

In the setup () function, the OLED is initialized, and the parameters of the OLED are set such

as test size, text color and cursor.

String to print on OLED Display:

“LoRa Trackers Module 1”

Figure 27: Code uploaded in Arduino Nano

44 | P a g e Output:

Figure 28: Output “LoRa Trackers Module 1” displayed on OLED Screen

4.1.3 LoRa to LoRa Communication Pin Functions:

There are twelve pins that are used for integrating the LoRa Module to Microcontrollers.

The pins along with their functions are defined in Table 6.

Table 7: LoRa Module Pins and their Functions


3.3V 3.3V Supplies 3.3V to the Module from Arduino Nano

GND GND grounds the module

NSS (Slave SPI Chip Select is used to choose the LoRa slave with whom

Select) the master device will communicate. The NSS pin is used to

choose which slave device the master device will

45 | P a g e
communicate with when there are several slave devices

attached. (Active Low Pin)

DIO0/DIO1/ Digital I/O are used to provide or receive various signals

DIO2/DIO3 during the communication process.

SCK SPI Clock Pin provides a timing signal that synchronizes the

data transmission and reception between the LoRa module

and other digital devices.

MISO (Master SPI Data Output is an output pin on the slave device that

Input Slave transmits data to the master and an input pin on the master that

Output) receives data from the slave device. After a LoRa module has

received and demodulated a signal from another LoRa

module, it sends data to the MISO pin via LoRa

communication. The MISO pin, along with other SPI pins like

MOSI, SCK, and NSS, makes it easier for the LoRa module

to communicate with other digital devices.

MOSI (Master SPI Data Input is an input pin on the slave device that receives

Output Slave data from the master device and an output pin from the master

Input) device that transmits data to the slave device. Data from the

master device, such as a microcontroller or sensor, is sent to

the LoRa module through the MOSI pin in LoRa

communication to be transmitted over the air.

46 | P a g e
RST Reset pin on a LoRa module is used to reset the module and

restore it to its default settings. Pin Connections:

For the LoRa module to be linked to an Arduino Nano the following pin connections

are done as shown in Table 7.

Table 8: LoRa Module Pins and their connections to Arduino Nano


3.3V 3.3V








47 | P a g e Circuit Diagram:

This circuit diagram in Figure 27 and 28 illustrates the connections and components used

to connect OLED Module with Arduino Nano.

Figure 29: Interfacing LoRa Module with Arduino Nano

Figure 30: Implementation of LoRa-to-LoRa Communication (without Antennas)

48 | P a g e Code:

For the purpose of testing the LoRa Modules, without the antennas as of now, and setting

up communication between them, the following codes are used.

Transmitter: A string “Its LAIBA” is sent from the Transmitter Side to be printed on Serial

Monitor of Receiver Side.

Sent String to Receiver:


Figure 31: Code for Transmitter


49 | P a g e
Figure 32: Code for Receiver

Figure 33: Code for Receiver

50 | P a g e Output:

A String “Its LAIBA” is received and printed on the Receiver’s Serial Monitor. The Garbage

values in the starting lines show that the LoRa’s have limited range when they are used without



Figure 34: Output of LoRa-to-LoRa Communication

• 4.2 Hardware Circuits of LoRa Transmitter and Receiver Circuits

4.2.1 Interfacing Arduino Nano and NEO-6M GPS Module with LoRa

Transceiver Module Pin Description:

Combination of and

51 | P a g e Circuit Design

For the completion of Transmitter Circuit, we combine the circuits shown in Module 4.1.1

and 4.1.3. The GPS Module would lock a satellite which would tell the current location at which

the GPS Module is placed. Then, the Arduino Nano would retrieve these coordinates from the GPS

Module and send them to the LoRa Module. The coordinates can also be printed on the Serial

Monitor if needed. Lastly, the LoRa Module would forward these coordinates to the LoRa Module

at the Receiver Circuit.

Figure 35: Transmitter Node Circuit Code:

The code for the Transmitter Node is as follows:

52 | P a g e
Figure 36: Transmitter Code

Figure 37: Transmitter Code Output:

The longitude and latitude received from the GPS Module are printed on the Serial Monitor. These

coordinates can be crosschecked with the final output on OLED Display in Figure 38.

53 | P a g e
Figure 38: Transmitter Output

4.3 Interfacing Arduino Nano and OLED with LoRa Transceiver Module

4.3.1 Pin Description:

Combination of and

4.3.2 Circuit Design:

For the completion of the Receiver Circuit, we combine the circuits shown in Module 4.1.1

and 4.1.3. The LoRa Module would receive the coordinates from the Transmitter Circuit. Then,

the Arduino Nano would retrieve these coordinates from the LoRa Module. Finally, the

coordinates received will now be printed on the OLED Module.

54 | P a g e
Figure 38: Receiver Node Circuit

4.3.3 Code:

The code for the Receiver Node is as follows:

Figure 39: Receiver Code

55 | P a g e
Figure 40: Receiver Code

Figure 41: Receiver Code

56 | P a g e
4.3.4 Output:

The longitude and latitude received from the GPS Module are printed on the Serial Monitor.

These coordinates can be crosschecked with the final output on OLED Display in Figure 38.

Figure 42: Receiver Output

4.4 Node to Node Communication - Tracking the Asset by using the Nodes as

Transmitter and Receiver:

4.4.1 Pin Description:

Combination of and 4.3.2

4.4.2 Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Diagrams of both the transmitter and receiver areas follow. The transmitter node

sends the data through LoRa module to the receiver node which further displays on the led. Node

to Node communication is demonstrated.

57 | P a g e
Figure 43: Node-to-Node Communication

4.4.3 Code:

Combination of and 4.3.2

4.4.4 Final Output:

The transmitter output shows the longitude and latitudes of current location are shown in

Figure 43.

58 | P a g e
Figure 44: Transmitter Sensor Node Output

The receiver output shows the same longitude and latitudes obtained through LoRa communication:

Figure 45: Receiver Sensor Node Output

59 | P a g e
4.4.5 Node Schematic on Altium:

Figure 46: Schematic Diagram of Tx Node made on Altium.

4.5 Construction and Working of Gateway:

4.5.1 Pin Description:

The next step is to modify the Receiver, made in module 4.3, into the Gateway. For that

purpose, the LoRa Module is hardwired to the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. The TX pin of Arduino is

connected to RX pin of ESP8266, but a voltage divider is added in between consisting of two

resistors (1k-ohm and 2k-ohm).

As the TX (transmit) and RX (receiver) pins of an ESP8266 module and an Arduino board operate

at different voltage levels, a voltage divider is frequently used when hardwiring the two

connections. The ESP8266 normally runs at 3.3V, whereas the Arduino operates at 5V. The

ESP8266's input could be harmed by the increased voltage if the Arduino's TX signal is connected

directly to the ESP8266's RX pin.

60 | P a g e
4.5.2 Pin Functions:

The functions of the TX pin of Arduino and RX pin of ESP8266 are explained in Table 8.

Table 9: LoRa and ESP8266 TX, RX Pin Functions


TX (Arduino Nano) This pin is used to send data from the Arduino board to

other devices.

RX(ESP8266) This pin is used to receive data from the other devices

board to ESP8266.

4.5.3 Pin Connections:

The pin connections are as follows:

Table 10: LoRa Module and ESP8266 Connections



4.5.4 Circuit Diagram:

The new circuit for the Gateway is integrated as shown in Figure 42. A voltage divider

consisting of 2 resistors is added to account for the voltage difference.

61 | P a g e
Figure 47: Circuitry for modifying the Receiver into Gateway

4.5.5 Codes:

Since the receiver has been modified into a hybrid of receiver and gateway, some modified

codes are uploaded in the Arduino Nanos and ESP8266. These codes are shown below.

Transmitter Code:

The transmitter code is as follows in which first pins are defined for serial communication with

GPS. Secondly, LoRa is initialized in the setup () function.

62 | P a g e

The loop () function obtains the longitudes and latitudes from GPS Module.

Figure 48: Transmitter Code integrated with Gateway.

Receiver Code:

63 | P a g e
For the receiver, LoRa is initialized, and OLED parameters are defined in the setup () function.

In the loop () function, LoRa module receives and reads the packet. Finally, the values received and

saved in the variables.

64 | P a g e
Figure 49: Receiver Code integrated with Gateway.

The lcddisplay () function initializes some basic parameters for OLED that are text size, text color

and cursor position.

Figure 50: Receiver Code integrated with Gateway (Contd.)

65 | P a g e
NodeMCU Code:

The code helps you select which ESP Microcontroller you’re using and adds libraries accordingly.

Then helper functions such as TokenHelper and RTDBHelper are used to help with the payload

transmission and reception in ESP. In addition to that the network credentials are added for

connection to WiFi.

The API Key and Database URL are used for the Firebase environment setup.

66 | P a g e
After connectivity is established with Wi-Fi along with Firebase, the ESP8266 Microcontroller

reads and saves the values that it is receiving on its RX pin from Arduino Nano’s TX pin.

67 | P a g e
Figure 51: NodeMCU ESP8266 Gateway Code

68 | P a g e
4.5.6 Setting up Realtime Database on Firebase

1. First of all, we open Firebase and name our project.

Figure 52: Naming the Project on Firebase

2. After creating project, we scroll down to the end of the webpage to click the link “See all

Extension Features.”

69 | P a g e
Figure 53: Select “all Extension


3. Click on the option of “Realtime Database.”

Figure 5: Select “Realtime Database.”

4. Create Database in Realtime Database:

70 | P a g e
Figure 6: Creating a Realtime Database.

5. Setting up Realtime Database:

71 | P a g e
Figure 55: Setting up Realtime Database.

6. Setting up Rules to true to receive values and send them to ESP8266.

Figure 56: Setting up rules to true to allow communication.

7. Retrieving the API Key from Project Settings > Service Accounts > Database Secrets

72 | P a g e
Figure 7: Retrieving the API Key

8. Database URL and API Key is used in NODEMCU Code as shown in Figure 46 to link

ESP8266 to Firebase.


73 | P a g e
4.5.7 Gateway and Receiver Schematic on Altium:

Figure 9: Schematic of Receiver modified into Gateway.

Figure 10: Gateway PCB

74 | P a g e
4.5.8 Output:

Once the Gateway is linked to Firebase, we receive the coordinates received at the Gateway

on the Firebase console too as shown in Figure 61.

Figure 11: NodeMCU Gateway connected with Realtime Database on Firebase

4.6 Integration of Multiple Nodes with Gateway

For the achievement of the final prototype, another transmitter node is added to complete a

network. This module implies that LoRa can support data reception and transmission from and to

multiple nodes respectively without interference.

The same pin connections and circuit would be used for this part as shown in module 4.5. The only

changes are in the codes along with the setting up of another sensor node.

75 | P a g e
4.6.1 Setting up a New Transmitter Node:

To set up another node, we will follow the same steps as shown in module 4.2. The circuit

diagram and implementation are as follows.

Figure 12: Hardware Circuit of Node A

4.6.2 Updating the Codes:

76 | P a g e
Both the transmitter nodes would use almost the same code for transmitting their longitudes

and latitudes.

The major changes for this module would occur in the codes for Receiver and Gateway since they

will be receiving data from two sensor nodes now.

Transmitter codes


LoRa transceiver SX 1278 will transfer its location coordinates to the gateway. This Node is named

LoRa sender Node 1. If location is valid, it will send latitudes and longitudes to the receiver

otherwise it will state starting LoRa failed.

77 | P a g e
Figure 13: Code for Transmitter Node A

Receiver Code:

The LoRa receiver will receive data from Node A and Node B. The Serial monitor will be initialized

and "LoRa receiver" will be displayed. Void Loop () is used to receive location data from both

nodes A and B. Furthermore, that data is displayed on the LCD using lcddisplay().

78 | P a g e
79 | P a g e
Figure 64: Receiver Code


In this module data will be sent to firebase using Wi-Fi through ESP 8266. Node MCU will be

connected to Wi-Fi initially. After that location data in terms of longitudes and latitudes will be sent

to firebase using void loop(). Then the location data of both nodes will be displayed on the firebase

to be viewed.

80 | P a g e
81 | P a g e
82 | P a g e
Figure 65: Code for ESP-12E

83 | P a g e
4.6.3 Output:

The final output of the project is as follows.


The longitudes and latitudes of both Transmitter Node A and Node B are displayed on the Serial


Figure 66: Display of Coordinates of both Sensor Node on OLED mounted on Gateway.

Realtime Database:

Similarly, the values displayed on the OLED are updated on the Realtime Database too.

84 | P a g e
Figure 67: Display of Coordinates of both Sensor Node on OLED on Firebase

4.7 The Final Circuits:

The final circuits of all the Sensor Nodes are shown below.

Transmitter Node A:

Figure 68: Transmitter Node A

85 | P a g e
Receiver modified as the Gateway:

Figure 69: Receiver and Gateway

86 | P a g e

87 | P a g e
5.1 Conclusion:

A LoRa IoT asset tracker is a particular kind of gadget used to track and keep track of the

whereabouts and condition of assets using LoRa (Long Range) technology. For use with Internet

of Things (IoT) applications like asset tracking, LoRa is a low-power, long-range wireless

communication technology [46].

Typically, a LoRa asset tracker is a compact, battery-operated gadget that is fastened to the object

that must be tracked. The project uses GPS for location tracking to establish its position, and then

communicates that information to a central server or application through the LoRa network. LoRa

sx1278 is used to communicate between the transmitter and receiver node. The longitudinal and

latitudinal values are displayed on the OLED at the receiver node. Esp8266 further connects the

receiver to the internet device via firebase and displays the location of the transmitter nodes.

In conclusion, in sectors like logistics, transportation, and agriculture where it's critical to monitor

the whereabouts and status of priceless assets like cars, containers, and equipment, LoRa asset

trackers are frequently employed. This kind of application benefits from the extended range and

low power requirements of LoRa technology, which enables devices to broadcast data over vast

distances while preserving battery life [47].

5.2 Future Research and Further Possible Advancements:

Future milestones that need to be achieved to commercialize this project are the following.

• Increased range using modern antennas:

The main objective of LoRa devices is to provide Long Range communication. Due to budget

and time constraint locally, available antenna is being used in the project.

88 | P a g e
More expensive and modern antennas with the LoRa sx1278 module can be used for Longer Range

and efficient communication.

There are several things to consider when selecting an antenna for LoRa SX1278 at 433MHz,

including the antenna gain, radiation pattern, polarization, and impedance matching.

A couple of the common antenna types for LoRa SX1278 at 433MHz are listed below:

• A simple, affordable, and often used antenna for LoRa SX1278 at 433MHz is the 1/4 wave

monopole. It is excellent for applications where the antenna needs to receive signals from

all directions because it is a quarter-wavelength long and has an omnidirectional radiation


• Helical Antenna: Helical antennas can produce high gain with a small physical size and

have a three-dimensional emission pattern. They are a useful option for applications where

there is a need for signal directionality but there is limited space.

• Yagi Antenna: Yagi antennas have a high gain and are very directional. They are frequently

employed in point-to-point applications where a specific receiver must receive a signal.

Yagi antennas are more expensive and sophisticated than other antenna types, although they

can perform better in some situations.

• PCB Antenna: Because they are built into the LoRa device's PCB, PCB antennas are a

practical and affordable choice for tiny devices. They are useful for applications where the

antenna must be placed close to a ground plane because of their planar radiation pattern.

The following antenna designs for use with the SX1278 have gotten positive reviews from the LoRa


89 | P a g e
• RFM95W Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing 433MHz: It is possible to use this antenna

with LoRa devices like the SX1278 because it is small and simple to use. It is a monopole

antenna with a gain of 2.2dBi and omnidirectional coverage.

• GW.36.A.10.0115C: This external antenna is a high-performance, portable option for LoRa

devices. It has a VSWR of less than 1.5:1 and a gain of 2.2dBi. It is suited because it is

made to work at 433MHz.

• The ANT-433SP from RF Solutions is a quarter-wave monopole antenna intended for use

with LoRa gadgets. It is compatible with SMA connectors and has a 3dBi gain. For uses

where an omnidirectional antenna is required, it is a sensible choice.

• The Hoperf ANT-433MHZ-SMA is a powerful external antenna made specifically for the

SX1278. It is compatible with SMA connectors and has a 3dBi gain. It works well in

situations when an omnidirectional antenna is required.

• The Cirocomm SGM-433-XTAL-T is a lightweight, high-performance external antenna

that may be used with SX1278-compatible LoRa devices. It is made to operate at 433MHz

and has a gain of 2.15dBi. Applications where space is limited can use it.

• Mobile App Development for easier access for users.

Currently, the User Interface being used is Firebase which prints real time data. However, a

mobile application would result in easier access for users. Opening the application would direct you

to an interface where you could select your asset to being and check its current location. This App

can be designed much more easily on Flutter since it’s already linked with Firebase.

90 | P a g e
• Including Additional Information about Assets like Speed, Altitude etc
The GPS NEO-6M Module has the ability to also calculate the speed and altitude of the module.

Using these attributes, multiple parameters of the asset can be calculated by using appropriate

functions in the codes.

• Adding Relays to increase Range.

Even if LoRa is long range, when it comes to objects/assets that are constantly moving and

might need arrange more than LoRa provides, relays can be used to increase the range of the Asset

Tracking System in which data would be forwarded to central relays and then to receivers.

91 | P a g e
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