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CHAPTER 20: Independent Activity Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-1

Guiding Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-1
MCPS Policies and Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Other Important Materials and Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-2
Contact Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
Roles and Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-3
Disbursement of IAF Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-5
Prohibited Disbursements of IAF Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6
Denial of Reimbursement for Procurements Lacking Prior Approval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6
Contracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-6
Management of IAF Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-7
Financial Accounting Records and Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-7
IAF Account Structure and Utilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-10
Business Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-11
Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-12
Retention, Disposal, and Removal of IAF Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
School-Affiliated Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
Closing Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-14
Opening Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-16
Frequently Asked Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-16
Appendix A: Chart of Accounts—EPES and Quicken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-18
Appendix B: Bank Reconciliation Process—EPES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-25
Appendix C: Chart of Accounts—SFO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-30
Appendix D: Posting Electronic Payment Receipts—SFO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-35
Appendix E: Recording CIF Transactions—SFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-37
Appendix F: Visiting Bookkeeper Checklist—SFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-39
Appendix G: End of Month Checklist—SFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-41
Appendix H: Guidelines for Student Athlete Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-43
Appendix I: Escheatment Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-45

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Independent Activity Funds

Guiding Principles • The principal will not approve any IAF fund-raising
The following principles are general guides meant to activity that is prohibited by law, Board of Educa-
direct decision making and actions for administering tion policy, MCPS regulation, or the provisions
the Independent Activity Funds (IAFs) of Montgomery of this chapter, or any activity that would bring
County Public Schools (MCPS): discredit upon MCPS or the school.
• The two basic purposes for raising and disbursing of • Prices for field trips, admission events, and other
IAFs are to promote the general welfare, education, activities and items should be set whenever pos-
and morale of students and to finance the recog- sible at levels that encourage broad participation by
nized extracurricular activities of the student body. students.
• The IAFs of a school belong to the student body • The principal shall not approve the use of school
currently enrolled at the school unless specifically facilities and equipment for fund-raising purposes
designated for other ownership. unless the privilege is available to all school groups.
• The principal is the fiduciary agent for the IAFs • The management of IAFs must be in accordance
charged with determining the manner in which with good business practices that include sound
funds are raised and expended. accounting procedures and internal controls.
• The principal is responsible for ensuring that IAFs • Principals are encouraged to participate in the prep-
are administered in accordance with MCPS policies, aration, modification, and interpretation of policies
regulations, and procedures. and procedures for administering IAFs. Proposed
suggestions for improvement or clarification of cur-
• All procurement of goods and services must adhere
rent policies and procedures should be forwarded to
to MCPS policies, regulations, and procedures.
the Office of Shared Accountability (OSA).
• S
 taff-owned funds may be included in IAFs
• Principals will perform a monthly review of IAF
provided that separate accounts are maintained
account balances.
for these purposes. The source of staff social funds
must be derived entirely from staff contributions • Expenditure of IAF funds may not be used to
and activities. duplicate expenditure for similar items provided by
MCPS. For instance, an MCPS employee provided
• Funds derived from the student body as a whole
a Blackberry communication device also may not be
should be used to benefit the student body as a whole
provided a cell phone paid by IAFs.
unless specifically designated prior to being raised.
• Those entrusted with MCPS resources are respon-
• Gambling is prohibited at all times in school build-
sible for establishing and maintaining effective
ings and on school grounds except as permitted by
controls to ensure that programs meet the school’s
the Maryland Annotated Code of Criminal Law Title
goals and objectives.
13, Subtitle 18 with the appropriate licenses and/or
permits. Gambling includes bingo, raffles, and other • Fees assessed to students will be set as nearly as
games of chance. Schools are discouraged from possible only to offset the costs incurred by MCPS
using gambling as a means of raising IAF funds. for the item. They will not be designed to create
profits for a school. That is the purpose of conducting
• The principal approves all school fund-raising activi-
fund-raising activities. All course-related fees must
ties conducted by staff and students, as well as those
be approved by the Office of School Support and
conducted by organizations representing themselves
Improvement (OSSI).
as affiliated with the school.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


• Th
 e principal will not authorize any procurement Regulation GCB-RA Reporting and Handling Fraudu-
without having sufficient funds available in an lent Actions by MCPS Employ-
appropriate account to make the disbursement for ees, Agents, or Contractors
payment of the goods or services.
Regulation IGK-RB Career and Technology Educa-
These principles provide a framework for sound deci- tion Projects from Outside MCPS
sion making. When unsure of the applicable law, policy,
Regulation IGK-RC Acquisition and Disposal of
regulation, or procedure pertaining to an issue, it is
Donated or Purchased Vehicles
the responsibility of the decision maker to inquire in
for Career Development Educa-
advance. A list of contacts is provided for this purpose.
tion Programs
MCPS Policies and Regulations Regulation IPD-RA 
Travel-Study Programs, Field Trips
Policy BBB Ethics and Student Organization Trips
Policy CFB Public Charter Schools Regulation JNA-RA Curricular Expenses for Students
Policy CND School-Related Fund Raising Regulation JNA-RB Collection of Student Debts or
Policy KBA Policy on Public Information
Regulation KBA-RA Public Information
Regulation ABA-RC Vendors on or Near School
Property Regulation KGA-RA Community Use of Public Schools
Regulation COF-RA Intoxicants on MCPS Property
Other Important Materials and Links
Regulation DAA-RB External Audits Requiring Board High School Athletics Handbook
of Education Approval
Procurement Manual http://montgomeryschoolsmd.
Regulation DIA-RA Accounting for Financial Opera- org/departments/procurement
tions/Independent Activity
Purchasing Card http://montgomeryschoolsmd.
User’s Guide org/departments/procurement
Regulation DIA-RB  ayments for Personal Ser-
vices and Reimbursements for Related Laws and Guidance
Expenses from School Indepen- Gaming—Local Maryland Annotated Code §§
dent Activity Funds (IAFs) Provisions 13-1801 through 13-1815
Regulation DIE-RA Travel for Montgomery County Maryland PTA, Inc. Cash Encounters Guide for
Public Schools (MCPS) Purposes Money Management
Regulation DJA-RB Purchases of Materials and Public Ethics Maryland Annotated Code §§
Equipment using Nonappropri- 15-811 through 15-817
ated Funds and Acceptance of
Public Information Act Maryland Annotated Code §§
Donated Items
10-611 through 10-630
Regulation DMB-RA Control of Admission Receipts
Regulation DNA-RA  isposition of Board of Educa-
D Definition of Terms
tion Property Activity Sponsor
An individual who has received principal approval to
Regulation ECG-RA Student Driving and Parking plan and execute an event for students, such as a field
Facilities trip, student club, fund-raising event, etc.
Regulation EDC-RA Control of Furniture and Equip-
Competitive Non-School Club
ment Inventory
A group of students participating in an athletic activ-
Regulation GCA-RA Employee Conflict of Interest ity that is supported by a private organization and is
not sanctioned by MCPS.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Designation or Delegation Roles and Responsibilities

A designation or delegation is specific authority con- Principal
veyed from one person to the entrustment of another A principal is the individual who has the overall fiduciary
person or persons. Any designation or delegation responsibility for the IAF. Unless prohibited, a principal
impacting IAF actions shall be in writing, updated may delegate in writing the authority to transact financial
each year, and filed in the school financial office, where business in his/her name to a subordinate individual;
they will be available for examination at any time by however, the principal remains ultimately responsible for
the OSA internal auditors. that individual’s actions. Delegation should be considered
Escheatment carefully so internal controls (separation of duties to have
Legal requirement for un-cashed checks and other multiple individuals involved with receipt of cash and rec-
unclaimed accounts to be remitted to the state as onciliation of accounts) are not compromised by reducing
abandoned property. the oversight of fiscal management. Written delegations
pertaining to IAF shall be filed with the IAF records,
Financial Agent updated for each fiscal year.
Elementary school administrative secretaries, sec-
ondary school financial specialists, school business Financial Agent
administrators, and central services fiscal staff. Each financial agent is responsible for being familiar with
MCPS rules and regulations as well as any applicable law,
Inactive Account communicating requirements to staff, and verifying that
An account that has had no transactions recorded procedures are followed. In the event that the financial
in it for the entire current fiscal year with no future agent determines that a requirement is not being met, the
revenue or expense anticipated to be recorded in it for financial agent is obligated to inform the principal so that
the following fiscal year. appropriate action can be taken.
MCPS Employee Visiting Bookkeeper
Any person employed by MCPS in either a full-time, The visiting bookkeeper (VB) is a financial agent
part-time, or temporary part-time status. assigned specifically to elementary schools for the
Obligation purpose of completing the monthly independent bank
An obligation is an accounts receivable that a student statement reconciliation. Additionally, the VB provides
owes to the school for expenses incurred related to guidance and assistance to school administrative secretar-
school activities, or for the loss of or damage to school ies who administer their respective school’s IAF.
Internal Auditor
Petty Cash Item The internal auditor evaluates controls designed to
An item of nominal cost usually not exceeding several assure the proper procedures for fiscal responsibility of
dollars purchased using petty cash funds. school funds and other assets are being followed. Dur-
ing evaluation, the internal auditor is concerned directly
Contact Information with the prevention of fraud or improper use of MCPS
Internal Audit Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301-444-8650 property in any form or extent in any activity reviewed.
The internal audit unit is authorized to conduct a count
Department of Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . 301-279-7265
of any school funds without advance notice given to the
Department of Facilities Management . . . . . . 240-314-1060 principal, financial agent, or fund custodian.
Department of Materials Management. . . . . . 301-279-3348 Athletics Unit
Division of Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301-279-3115 The Athletics Unit provides guidance for administration
of the MCPS interscholastic athletic program. Included
Division of Procurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301-279-3555 in its guidance is the procedural control for event admis-
Division of School Plant Operations. . . . . . . . .240-314-1075 sion and gate receipts. The Athletics Unit also ensures
consistent standards for booster clubs that provide finan-
Maryland PTA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410-760-6221
cial and/or non-financial support to MCPS schools.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Department of Infrastructure and Operations type of item for a period of time not to exceed a
The Department of Infrastructure and Operations fiscal year. The sponsor cannot exceed the total
manages MCPS e-mail, user IDs, network connections, amount of expenditures in the approved budget
internet access, online resources, telephones and mobile without receiving prior written approval of the
phones, and ensures that all the applications running on principal to amend the budget. The financial agent
MCPS systems are working reliably and optimally. is responsible for monitoring of any budget to
ensure revenues and expenditures conform to what
Department of School Safety and Security the principal has approved. Should revenues not
The Department of School Safety and Security is reach budgeted levels, sponsors are expected to
responsible to ensure a safe and secure environment as adjust expenditures to stay within budget.
well as to coordinate the display of any federal or state d. MCPS Form 234-22: Purchasing Card: Approving
required material relating to safety and security within Official Acknowledgement. In addition to authoriz-
MCPS buildings. ing a staff member the privilege of using a pur-
chasing card, the principal also enters on this form
Activity Sponsor both per transaction and monthly dollar amount
An activity sponsor is designated by the principal to plan limitations for expenditures as well as the school
and execute an event for students, such as a field trip, account number to be charged for the purchase.
fund-raising event, etc. Each activity sponsor is expected Detailed instructions for authorization and use of
to follow MCPS policies and procedures as well as any the MCPS purchasing card are in the Purchasing
additional applicable guidance provided by the financial Card User’s Guide on the Division of Procure-
agent required for appropriate internal control proce- ment’s website at
dures for the specific activity conducted by the sponsor. departments/procurement.
Any request to procure goods or services entered into the
Authorization to Procure Goods and Services
Financial Management System (FMS) and approved by
Using IAF
the principal within FMS is a valid principal authoriza-
The procurement of goods and services must adhere
tion to proceed with the procurement.
to Board of Education policy, MCPS regulations and
guidelines, and the Division of Procurement’s Procure-
ment Manual. In addition, the procurement of goods and Additional Required Procurement Approvals
services must be approved in writing by the principal There are several instances in which the authorization to
prior to staff proceeding with any intended purchase. procure certain goods and services require the principal
This prior approval may be granted by the principal’s to obtain higher-level written approval in advance from
signature on any of the four following documents: either the chief operating officer (COO), the Office of
School Support and Improvement (OSSI), the Depart-
a. MCPS Form 280-54: IAF Request For A Purchase, ment of Facilities Management (DFM), or the BOE
shall originate with and be signed by the requester ethics officer. Any procurement that requires higher-level
for an intended purchase of goods or services. approval must cite the source of IAF to be used.
The form then shall be provided to the financial
agent to certify the availability of funds and then Procurements requiring the principal to obtain prior
presented to the principal for signature indicating written authorization from the COO include the
authorization to proceed with the purchase. following:
b. Memorandum designating certain school staff by a. Construction of building or other structures,
name with the authority to expend IAF not to including alterations and attachments thereto. The
exceed a specified amount per transaction and not principal must submit proposals to the Depart-
to exceed a specified total amount per month. The ment of Facilities Management using the Facili-
time period for which the memorandum grants ties Project Request Form and obtain prior written
this authority cannot exceed a fiscal year, July 1 authorization before construction or installation
through June 30. of any playground equipment on school property
c. Budget prepared by the sponsor of a school activity to ensure the specifications comply with safety
approved by the principal that indicates projected guidelines.
revenue by source and projected expenditure by

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


b. Aggregate school expenditures for the procure- than one organization for staff development purposes the
ment of refreshments in connection with meetings principal should seek OSSI approval.
and staff appreciation items that will exceed $60
per full-time equivalent (FTE) staff per fiscal year. Procurements requiring the principal to obtain prior
Refreshments (coffee, tea, doughnuts, cookies, etc.) written authorization from the BOE Ethics officer
may be purchased with IAF and served at staff include the following:
meetings. The number of FTE staff for a school is Any goods or services procured from any MCPS
found in the Schools at a Glance document on the employee, a member of any MCPS employee’s immediate
MCPS website at http://montgomeryschoolsmd. family, or any business entity (for profit or not-for-profit)
org/departments/regulatoryaccountability/glance. in which any MCPS employee or MCPS employee’s
c. Any procurement requiring the disbursement of immediate family has any amount of ownership in or
$7,500 or more, or any contract with an antici- influence over decision making of the business entity.
pated aggregate expenditure of $7,500 or more,
excepting disbursements and contracts for pictures, Disbursement of IAF Funds
yearbooks, field trips, proms, athletic uniforms, and Prior to the disbursement of any IAF, the financial agent
athletic equipment. This applies to the cost of any will ensure that he/she has received the appropriate
single good or service as well as the total cost of authorization documentation to support the procurement
a similar good or service procured multiple times of the goods and services for which the disbursement is
during the same fiscal year. to be made. The financial agent also will ensure adequate
d. Any contract with a period of performance documentation has been received to support payment
extending beyond 36 months, or with an aggregate such as original itemized receipt or invoice and written
amount greater than $7,499, or involving liability/ indication that goods and services were received in the
risk of injury. quantity and quality required. It is recommended that any
e. Essential/replacement equipment items that discrepancy in quantity and condition be resolved with
cost more than $1,000 and less than $5,000, and a vendor prior to payment. This documentation must be
furniture to be procured with budgeted funds. In marked or stamped as “Paid” upon processing for dis-
the event that budgetary constraints prohibit the bursement and retained in the business office. Canceled
purchase, the Department of Materials Manage- checks, vendor statements without invoices or delivery
ment should be contacted to determine if any tickets, or Request for a Purchase Form alone are not
donated or used furniture and equipment is avail- considered adequate documentation to support disburse-
able to meet the school’s needs prior to the consid- ments. The financial agent will ensure that a sufficient
eration of using IAF funds. If IAF funds are used, dollar balance is available in the appropriate account(s)
the principal must ensure compliance with appli- prior to making a disbursement. One exception to this
cable procurement procedures and have sufficient, rule is allowed if a transportation company requires
non-restricted IAF funds available to purchase the advance payment for a field trip prior to the sponsor of
essential/replacement furniture or equipment. the field trip collecting funds from all the participants and
f. Any contract involving liability/risk of injury that remitting the funds to the financial agent. In this example,
could place MCPS, the school, or any MCPS the field trip account may have a temporary negative
employee at risk for potential legal damages. (See balance. However, this disbursement is not allowed if it
Contracts section, Liability Considerations, of this would result in an overall deficit for the school’s entire
chapter). IAF. A second exception is allowed if the deficit created is
g. Promethean Boards. expected to be eliminated by a future reimbursement.
Procurements requiring the principal to obtain prior All disbursements from a school’s IAF, except those made
written authorization from OSSI include the following: from a school’s petty cash fund, will be made by check
Any organizational membership for the purpose of either drawn on the school’s IAF bank account. Regardless of
enhancing school-community relationships or for staff the documentation that approved the procurement of
development paid by IAF must be in the best interest of goods and services, all disbursements from a school’s IAF
the school. Should a school require membership in more other than for petty cash items will be approved by the

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


principal using MCPS Form 280-54: IAF Request For A b. Any disbursement that is prohibited by federal,
Purchase, prior to expenditure of funds. state, or county law, or by MCPS policy or regula-
tion such as reimbursement for intoxicants.
The principal shall designate, in writing, school employees
c. Meals for any MCPS employee should not be paid
who are authorized to sign checks. Their signatures and
for from IAF, unless it is in conjunction with previ-
that of the principal’s shall be entered on a signature card
ously approved overnight travel or in accordance
filed with the financial institution with a copy on file at
with staff appreciation policy.
the school. The number of school employees designated
d. Extension of credit or loans to MCPS employees
should be limited but provide for the orderly conduct of
or to any person other than a student. Small emer-
business based upon the amount of IAF activity. This
gency loans for field trips and similar items may be
list of check signers should be updated when the school’s
made to students at the discretion of the principal.
authorized employees change position assignments within
e. Contributions to charitable organizations, unless
the school or no longer are assigned to the school.
funds have been raised by students for a specific
All checks will be completed with date, payee, and charity and advertised as such with full disclosure.
amount prior to any signature. No checks will be signed Appropriately raised contributions should be dis-
in advance of these completed items. Once written, a bursed to the designated charity as soon as possible
check must not be altered or erased. If an error is dis- after conclusion of the collection time period for
covered, the word “Void” should be written in ink across the activity but no later than the end of the fiscal
the face of the check, the signature section cut off, the year in which the funds were collected.
remainder of the check kept in the checkbook or stapled f. Direct payment for services to any MCPS
to the stub, and a new replacement check written. employee. All payments to MCPS employees for
All checks issued will bear two signatures, one of which services will be processed by the Employee and
must be that of the principal except for the following two Retiree Service Center (ERSC).
circumstances: g. Purchase of gift cards for MCPS employees, unless
the funds used for purchase are derived solely from
a. A bsence of the principal. The principal will desig- staff contributions and disbursed from a staff-
nate by written memorandum an individual who has owned account. As explained in IRS Publication
IAF bank account signature authority to serve for 17, a gift card given to an employee is considered
this purpose during any time period of absence. The as extra salary or wages regardless of the amount
duration of authority conveyed by the principal will involved and is, therefore, taxable. Purchase of gift
not exceed one fiscal year. cards to be used as rewards to students is discour-
b. Any check made payable to the principal also may aged. Gift cards are fungible and susceptible to loss
not be signed by the principal. Two other individu- or theft. Similar to cash, they must be secured and
als who have IAF bank account signature authority controlled in like manner.
must sign any check payable to the principal. h. Purchase of gift cards such as grocery store cards
c. Blank check stock not in use by the financial agent for classroom activity use.
to conduct daily business must be adequately
secured in a locked cabinet or safe. Each box of Denial of Reimbursement for Procurements
blank check stock not currently in use should be Lacking Prior Approval
labeled and sealed so that any tampering would be Any procurement of goods and services to be paid from
obvious. an IAF must have advance written approval from the
principal prior to making a purchase. Neither the princi-
Prohibited Disbursements of IAF Funds pal nor the school IAF shall be held responsible for reim-
a. Any disbursements that are primarily for the bursement of an expenditure made by a pupil, teacher,
benefit of school staff members or other MCPS or any other school employee who has not received prior
employees, unless the funds for these purposes are written authorization from the principal.
derived solely from non-student generated sources.
Disbursements for meeting refreshments and staff
appreciation within the limitations authorized by
the COO are an exception.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Contracts Commissions and Bonuses

Obligation Authority A contract such as those for yearbooks and student
Only the principal or acting principal may obligate the pictures may include a provision for the payment of a
school by contract for the purchase of equipment, sup- commission and/or bonus. If a contract has this provi-
plies, or services procured with IAF. All contracts must sion, school staff must understand how the commission or
be signed by the principal or acting principal and by an bonus is calculated and confirm that the school receives full
authorized representative of the contractor. payment under the contract terms when due. Verification
is critical to ensure that the school receives all funds due.
Any contract whose terms obligate the school for more Liability Considerations
than 36 months in the future must be approved by the Contracts that include activities such as a pool party,
COO. The principal will not commit the school to a moon bounce, dunking tank, vehicle towing, etc., may
contract that contains a renewal clause that automatically appear to be without consequences but depending on the
extends the contract beyond its original termination date. contract’s terms, the school could have the potential to
cause personal injury or property damage liability claims
Procurement Division Assistance filed against MCPS. Prior to execution, any contract of
Principals are encouraged to seek the assistance of the this type needs to be approved by the COO.
MCPS Division of Procurement before making a com-
mitment for a purchase approaching the $7,500 amount. Contract File
Principals must use the MCPS Division of Procurement The school financial agent will maintain a file with cop-
guidelines for any purchase costing $7,500 or more. These ies of all contracts for the period of time as stated in the
guidelines are contained in the Procurement Manual on Retention, Disposal, and Removal of IAF Records section.
the MCPS website at
departments/procurement/. Management of IAF Funds
Principal’s Accountability
Cost of $1,500 or greater The principal is responsible for all monies received or dis-
Any contract for $1,500 or more must contain the fol- bursed within the school as well as the implementation
lowing clause with regard to contract price: “The vendor of internal controls for achieving compliance with MCPS
guarantees that, within the previous 90 days, he has not policies, regulations, and procedures pertaining to these
offered the same product or service at a lower price or funds. The principal has overall responsibility to ensure
better terms to any other school system in the Wash- the maintenance and timely preparation of monthly and
ington metropolitan area (District of Columbia, Prince yearly financial reports.
George’s County, Fairfax County, Alexandria, Arlington,
and Falls Church). The vendor agrees to adjust the con- Transparency
tract price and terms to any lower price or better terms To provide transparency for the IAF, the principal shall
offered within such area during the following 90 days.” make available to the general public the school’s annual
financial statement and latest audit report. In accordance
Contractor Subsidies with MCPS Policy KBA-RA, Public Information, a copy
Any commission, rebate, or free item provided by the of each document shall be placed in the school’s media
contractor, including free transportation provided to a center for review by any interested person or organiza-
chaperone on a field trip, shall be stated specifically in the tion, and both students and parents will be advised of its
written contract. No MCPS employee shall receive any availability. Anyone from the general public who desires
item or service free or at a reduced price in connection a copy of the school’s annual financial statement or audit
with a contract without the knowledge and approval of report will be directed to contact the MCPS Public
the principal. See MCPS Administrative Regulations Information Office using the procedures outlined in the
GCA-RA, Conflict of Interest, and IPD-RA, Travel-Study Maryland Public Information Act. The annual financial
Programs, Class and Student Organization Trips. statement is a mechanism for measuring and monitor-
ing a school’s IAF performance and reporting the results
to interested users. The documentation comprising

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


this statement is described in the Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Records and Reports
Records and Reports section. Any personal informa- General
tion and bank account numbers should be redacted on Financial records must be kept up to date at all times.
any of the documentation included in the statement by Delay in recording transactions significantly increases the
the financial agent prior to delivery of the copy to the likelihood of error, loss of information, and loss of funds.
school’s media center. Beginning January 1, 2012, every The financial transactions are recorded and maintained
school audit report together with the respective princi- using computerized double-entry bookkeeping software.
pal’s response is uploaded to the MCPS website. Once The financial records shall consist of a series of reports
a school has a report uploaded to the MCPS website, it and the files of supporting documents. In FY 2013,
is no longer necessary to maintain a copy in the school’s MCPS will convert all school IAF software to a web-
media center. Anyone requesting a copy of the latest based platform, School Funds Online (SFO).
audit report for these schools should be directed to access
it via the internet. Monthly Reports
The monthly reports shall be prepared as of the last day
Purchase/Credit/Debit Cards of each month after all entries are recorded. At elemen-
With the approval of the principal, the school may tary schools using the visiting bookkeeper system, the
establish credit with specific vendors as needed to monthly reports preparation depends on the timing of
facilitate IAF operations. However, no general-purpose the visits. The monthly reports for schools once con-
credit card or debit card should be obtained in the name verted to SFO are described in Appendix F, Visiting
of the school, except a card officially established by the Bookkeeper Checklist and Appendix G, End of Month
MCPS Purchasing Card Program. Guidance on using Checklist. The monthly reports for schools using EPES
the MCPS purchasing card can be found in the MCPS and Quicken include the following:
Purchasing Card Users Guide.
1. General Ledger (EPES) or Cash Ledger and
The use of personal credit cards is discouraged because Funds Ledger (Quicken), cumulative from July 1
purchases made with them are not exempt from sales tax through end of current month being reported
and may accrue unearned benefits to the cardholder. An
individual using a personal credit card will not be reim- 2. Sequential List of Receipts, for current month
bursed for the sales tax portion of a purchase. The card- 3. Sequential List of Checks, for current month
holder should not profit from making a school purchase.
Therefore, the monetary value of any rewards such as fre- 4. Sequential List of Transfers (accounts 1-989), for
quent flyer miles, rebates, etc., received by the cardholder current month
rightfully belong to the school that paid the expense and 5. Sequential List of Movements of Cash (accounts
should be turned over for deposit into the school’s IAF. 990-999) (List of GL transfers in EPES), for cur-
If the principal gave advance written approval as the only rent month
option available for a personal credit card purchase, the
cardholder must provide the receipt and a copy of the 6. Sequential List of Adjustment Journals Reports
credit card statement on which the purchase is included for current month
to the financial agent to substantiate reimbursement to 7. Account Reconciliation (accounts 1-999, cur-
the cardholder. rent month) or Account Reconciliation—All
(Quicken), for current month
Membership Cards
The Department of Materials Management (DMM) no 8. B
 ank Reconciliation computer generated and
longer issues membership cards at no expense to MCPS manual, for current month
schools for discount shopping at COSTCO. However, 9. CIF statement from Escrow Manager Account for
membership cards for a discount shopping club may each account
be purchased with IAF funds. The membership cards
The monthly bank statement shall be delivered directly to
should identify the school and be limited in the number
the principal, unopened. If the school uses online bank-
purchased per school. The cards also should be con-
ing, the principal must independently access and review
trolled with usage monitored by the principal.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


the bank statement. The review is documented by a copy Sponsor Records and Reports
of the bank statement, signed and dated by the principal, The financial agent will provide to each sponsor a report
signifying that the statement has been reviewed. This for each month in which any transaction was recorded in
copy may be kept electronically but must be available for that sponsor’s IAF account. The sponsor will verify the
audit upon request. The principal shall review the state- report to ensure that the correct total of all remittances
ment, the canceled checks if provided, and other docu- submitted were credited to the account, all disbursements
ments and thereafter arrange for a reconciliation of the from the account were in the amounts authorized, any
statement by someone other than the school financial transfers into or out of the account were in the amount
agent (EPES users, see Appendix B, Bank Reconcilia- authorized, and the ending monthly balance indicated on
tion Process–EPES, SFO users, see Appendix G). The the report by the financial agent agrees with that of the
principal should have electronic access to cleared checks sponsor’s records. If the sponsor agrees with the transac-
through the bank’s online banking capacity in order to tion and ending balance amounts, the sponsor will sign
identify the payee on any questionable check, and to and date the report to indicate agreement, and return
save/print the monthly bank statement if the school uses within five days a copy to the financial agent for retention
online banking exclusively. in the finance records. If the sponsor does not agree with
any amount on the report, the sponsor immediately will
The checking account must be reconciled to the ledger
contact the financial agent to resolve the discrepancy and,
and the checkbook each month, as of the last day of the
once resolved, sign and date the report. If the sponsor
month. If the bank statement indicates a cutoff date
and financial agent cannot resolve a discrepancy, they will
other than the last day of the month, the school should
present the matter to the principal for resolution.
ask the bank to change the cutoff date. If the bank will
not do so, the school will prepare the reconciliation to Activity sponsors should keep a detailed record of
the end of the month by using the balance as of the last receipts and disbursements for each activity showing the
day of the month shown on the bank statement. number of units involved, the unit cost, the total cost,
the unit selling price, and the total selling price, together
The Federal Tax Identification Number to be used for
with the opening balance and the balance to date in their
all MCPS IAF checking accounts is the MCPS ID #52
account in order to reconcile with the report received
6000989. No other tax identification numbers should be
from the financial agent. MCPS Form 281-21: Indepen-
applied for from the IRS for a school.
dent Activity Funds Sponsor’s Record, also should be used
The financial agent shall furnish the General Ledger Report by sponsors to compute a continuous balance in their
or Cash and Funds Ledger, cumulative from July 1 through accounts for assisting them with monthly reconciliation.
the end of the month to be closed, to the principal no later
The financial agent shall maintain a control (for example,
than the 20th of the month following the close of each
a check-off list) to identify and follow up on those activity
month. The principal shall review this report, sign and
account reconciliation reports not returned by sponsors.
date it to indicate this review, and return it to the financial
agent to be filed with other monthly items. The princi- Field Trips
pal also shall include review of the monthly Corporate MCPS Form 280-41: Field Trip Accounting, can be used
Purchasing Card Report Profiles, individual cardmember by sponsors to record field trip funds collected. Sponsors
reports, and logs to ensure purchases are in compliance should have a complete class or club roster of student
with MCPS policies and regulations. names to annotate how much each student paid, stu-
A memorandum providing instructions for assembling dents who did not attend the field trip, and students who
the documentation comprising the annual financial received waivers/scholarships or reduced fees. Sponsors
report on IAFs and the due date (the third week of July) should keep the cost and fee information for each trip
to the Internal Audit Unit will be issued by the associate and turn in the data to the financial agent when a trip is
superintendent for the Office of Shared Accountability completed. The data can be used to review the submis-
prior to June 30 of each fiscal year. The memorandum sion and recording of receipts and to estimate the pricing
will indicate those items the IAU can obtain directly of future trips. The financial agent should retain this data
from SFO. until the next internal audit. If a field trip requires com-
mercial transportation, the Division of Procurement’s

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


website shall be used to select a carrier from the most “Retention, Disposal, and Removal of IAF Records” later
current listing of approved commercial carriers. in this chapter.
The calculation of the total cost of a field trip is the
responsibility of the sponsor. The sponsor also is respon- IAF Account Structure and Utilization
sible for collecting an amount of funds that comes as The IAF general ledger consists of the cash ledger and
close as possible to the break-even point to pay for all the funds ledger which details the specific accounts which
costs associated with a field trip that may include trans- comprise the sum of the total cash balances. A standard
portation, admissions, food, substitute teacher, chaper- chart of accounts, which describes how transactions
ones, etc. A field trip is not designed to make a profit or affecting IAF are to be recorded, is at the end of this
incur a loss. A student should not be expected to pay chapter in Appendices A and C. In addition, the following
more than his/her prorata share of the cost of the trip. procedures shall be adhered to with respect to account
No student will be charged more than his/her prorata utilization:
share in order to subsidize any other student paying Course Fees
either a reduced share or no share of the total cost of the Funds collected from approved course fees are to be
trip. If substitute teachers are used, the IAF must reim- deposited into accounts based on the course number to
burse MCPS for the cost from field trip funds collected. facilitate reporting and transparency. Regulation JNA-
Sponsors will remit funds to the financial agent each day RA, Curricular Expenses for Students, provides direction
that funds are collected. on what may be included in the fee charged and the
Staff Development process for approval. It is the expectation that funds from
Before the IAF is used to pay for staff development course fees will be used for materials for that semester’s
expenditures, the availability of budgeted funds must course. Minimal residual funds may be transferred to
first be considered. If the principal determines that the departmental accounts upon conclusion of the course.
IAF is to be used for any staff development expenditure Staff-Owned Accounts
including fees for organization memberships, training, Staff-owned accounts are used to record funds whose
conferences, overnight travel, etc., the source of the funds source is generated directly from staff contributions
may not be student generated. The principal must docu- or indirectly from commissions of a vending machine
ment with MCPS Form 280-54: Independent Activity located in the faculty lounge or other area that is not
Funds Request for a Purchase which alternative sources of accessible to students. Staff-owned accounts may be
funds were considered, what precluded their use in lieu either included in or excluded from the school’s IAF.
of IAF, and cite the source of IAF that clearly indicates If staff-owned funds are included in the IAF accounts,
the funds being used are not student generated. For staff they must be maintained in a separate fund account or
out-of-town travel and local travel requiring lodging for accounts. Staff-owned accounts must maintain a positive
one or more nights, the approval requirements of MCPS balance. Student-owned funds must never be used to
Regulation DIE-RA, Travel for Montgomery County Pub- offset deficits in staff-owned accounts.
lic Schools (MCPS) Purposes, apply. Any overnight travel
request requires the additional submission of MCPS At the discretion of the principal, staff-owned funds
Form 281-1: Request/Accounting For Overnight Travel may be maintained outside of the IAF records, provided
Funds. a separate bank account is maintained, the funds are
administered by someone other than the IAF financial
Supporting IAF Records agent, the school name is not included as part of the
Documents supporting the IAF reports are part of the account name, and the IAF bank account is not used
financial records and should be maintained in the school to receive or disburse staff funds. Staff participating in
office and filed in a logical manner (numerical, alphabeti- a separate staff bank account will establish their own
cal, or chronological) in order to be readily available for operating procedures independent of the IAF. Since a
audit or other purposes. Supporting documents include school is authorized only one bank account, a separate
bank statements, canceled checks, deposit slips, receipts, staff-owned account will not be afforded the same tax
contracts, purchase requests, invoices, sales tax returns, exemption as the school’s IAF bank account or use of the
sponsor budgets approved by the principal, etc. See MCPS tax exemption ID number.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Sponsor Accounts Inactive accounts with positive balances should be closed

A sponsor may be assigned responsibility for an account out at fiscal year end and transferred to the benefiting
within the IAF general ledger to record the raising and accounts or the general account, as appropriate. After
expenditure of student funds for the intended purpose transfer, the inactive accounts should be deleted from the
of the account. The principal shall not authorize any dis- general ledger that begins the new fiscal year.
bursement or transfer of funds from a sponsor’s account
without the consent of the sponsor. Transfers Between Fund Accounts
The financial agent shall execute a transfer of funds
Memorial Accounts between fund accounts only after receiving a properly
Memorial accounts are used to account for funds donated executed transfer request, MCPS Form 281-46: IAF-
by persons or groups for specific educational purposes Transfer, at
such as student scholarships. Principals should seek legal forms/pdf/281-46.pdf, signed by the account sponsor
counsel from the Office of the Chief Operating Offi- and principal. Transfer requests shall be numbered and
cer before accepting any restricted memorial funds. All entered individually in the ledger. Transfers may be
disbursements of memorial funds shall be in accordance entered at any time during a fiscal year but all accounts
with the stipulated requirements of the donor. Memorial should be reviewed at the end of each fiscal year ( June
funds shall be held in CIF savings accounts until dis- 30) and transfers made to close accounts not needed for
bursed, and the memorial’s share of the interest income the next fiscal year.
shall be credited entirely to the memorial accounts. The
school must maintain the original documentation estab- Escheat (uncashed check) Procedure
lishing the account and any legal amendments thereto for Effective in 2013, uncashed checks from schools that are
internal audit to verify that the principal is administering more than 180 days old must be reported to the Division
the funds in accordance with the agreement of the donor. of Controller at the end of the calendar year, using the
Schools should discuss alternate uses of funds with the process outlined in Appendix I. The Division of Control-
appropriate parties in the event funds raised do not reach ler will contact the individuals and handle reissuance of
the anticipated levels. A memorial fund does not need to the checks following established procedures. Schools will
have an additional CIF account separate from a school’s be billed for the escheat amount through the iReceivables
general CIF account unless the memorial was established process. Unclaimed funds will be remitted to the state by
based upon legal documentation restricting the use of the the Division of Controller in compliance with state law.
funds or the amount of the funds received was significant Schools are encouraged to contact payees who have not
enough to justify creating a separate CIF account. cashed checks prior to 180 days. All questions regarding
uncashed checks should be directed to the Division of
Class and Club Activities Accounts
Any balance remaining in the account of a graduating
class or an inactive club, after the class has graduated and
Business Activities
the class or club has had an opportunity to determine
The business activities listed below provide the major
the disposition of the balance, shall not be considered
sources of revenue to support IAF activities. Because
as belonging to the graduated class or club and shall be
these activities involve the handling of cash, it is impera-
closed out to the general fund at the beginning of the
tive that adequate internal controls are in place. Accord-
next year. Competitive non-school clubs, such as hockey,
ingly, the principal and all personnel involved in such
shall not be permitted to carry accounts on the IAF
activities should be aware of the existing regulations and
accounting records.
guidance established and the procedures that need to be
Negative Balance Accounts and Inactive Accounts followed. At high schools, it is advisable that the princi-
In reviewing the general ledger, the principal shall be pal assign the school business administrator to monitor
aware of any negative balances in IAF accounts that compliance with these requirements. All of these busi-
continue to the end of the school year. The principal shall ness activities require approval of the principal prior to
investigate to determine the cause to preclude recurrence implementation. Guidance on cash handling is provided
and take timely corrective action to eliminate such nega- in Chapter 7 of the MCPS Financial Manual.
tive balances.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Vending Machines 5. O
 btain written approval from the principal prior
The MCPS Division of Procurement has issued a to advertising the fund raiser or ordering any
centralized contract for beverages and snacks. Schools merchandise (Reminder – contracts must be
must operate under this full-service countywide con- signed by the principal)
tract, which provides for periodic commissions based 6. I f fund raiser includes selling tickets, follow
on sales. The periodic commission payments received MCPS regulations DMB-RA and complete
should be reviewed to ensure that they agree with the MCPS Form 280-54: Independent Activities Fund
vendor’s statements and comply with the terms of the Request for a Purchase
contract. Vending machine accounts shall be established
in the #700 series of accounts for schools using EPES 7. Deposit funds each day that funds are collected
and Quicken. Those schools using SFO use 0120.0000 8. K
 eep deposits separate (for example, concession
for commissions generated by student purchases and sales must be deposited separately from ticket
0130.0000 for commissions generated by staff purchases. sales in order to adequately determine profits/
School Stores
9. C
 ompete a Fund Raiser Completion Report
It is recommended that school stores use the centralized
using MCPS Form 281-25: Statement of Profit or
vending contract to order supplies to ensure compliance
Loss on Sale of Merchandise
with nutrition requirements and to take advantage of
on-site delivery. Detailed instructions and guidance for 10. T
 ransfer funds to receiving account before dis-
operating school stores are contained in the Handbook bursing funds
for the Operation of School Stores. This handbook can be
located on the MCPS website at www.montgomeryschool- Admission Events Athletic and nonathletic admission events that generate
receipts shall be controlled in accordance with MCPS
Fund-raisers Regulation DMB-RA, Control of Admission Receipts.
All fund-raising activities shall be in accordance with Such receipts are highly susceptible to improper diver-
Policy CND, School-Related Fund-raising. Detailed guid- sions and should be controlled carefully. The regulation
ance for sponsoring IAF fund-raisers is contained in the provides for internal controls through (1) the use of
MCPS publication, Guidelines for Sponsoring an IAF serially numbered tickets, (2) separation of duties that
Fund-raiser. All fund-raisers require principal approval includes a ticket controller, admissions manager, and
on the Request for Fund-raiser form and analysis of the report auditor, (3) preparation and signature of MCPS
activity on the Fund-raiser Completion Report. Form 280-50: Tickets and Cash Report of Admissions
Manager, and (4) reconciliation to ensure that the value
Fund-raising actions, in brief, performed by the sponsor
of unsold tickets plus funds deposited equals the value of
and financial agent include the following:
tickets issued. The procedures for how these controls are
1. Determine purpose (how funds will be used). carried out are outlined in the regulation.
2. Determine desired amount to raise.
Student Parking Permits
3. D
 iscuss idea with financial agent for feedback and The COO provides guidelines to high school principals
feasibility. with information pertaining to parking permits. Park-
4. Complete a Fund Raiser Request form including: ing fee receipts should be recorded in the subaccount
#6091 of the Athletics Account #100 for schools using
a. D escription of purposed fund raiser including EPES. Those schools that have converted to SFO will
merchandise to be sold use account #1000.6091. A record should be kept of all
b. Name of vendor (who is providing the goods numbered permits received by the school and unused
to be sold), if applicable permits should be retained. Each semester, reconcilia-
c. Budget—cost per item, sale price per item, tion should be made of the funds received and deposited
expected cost, expected profit to the number of permits sold. Beginning in FY 2012,
d. Intended use of proceeds all unused permits must be returned to the Office of
e. Proposed dates

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


the Chief Operating Officer with copies of the school’s Shop work shall be performed pursuant to a written
permit sales records and EPES reconciliation reports for work order. Each shop shall have a set of prenumbered
the IAF account #100-6091. Further information is con- work orders, with the names of both the school and
tained in MCPS Regulation ECG-RA, Student Driving the shop printed thereon. Work orders shall be used
and Parking Facilities. in numerical sequence within each shop. Voided work
orders shall be sent to the office for retention by the
Yearbook Sales financial agent.
To identify and separate yearbook advertisement rev-
enues from sales receipts, two separate accounts shall be When payment in full is received for work done under
established, Yearbook and Yearbook Advertising. Upon a work order, each copy shall be stamped “Paid,” dated,
receipt of the yearbooks, the sponsor should ensure that and marked with an indication of whether payment was
the inventory is counted and adequately secured, distri- by cash or check. One copy is given to the customer, one
bution is monitored, and a physical inventory is taken copy is retained by the Career and Technology Education
at fiscal year end. The sponsor must maintain a record shop, and one copy is retained by the financial agent.
of books ordered and received, all books sold at specific At the end of each month, the financial agent shall recon-
prices, a record of advertising revenue, and a detailed cile work orders and other receipt documentation used
list of any yearbook giveaways and books returned to with cash receipts. The Career and Technology Educa-
the vendor for credit. At fiscal year end, MCPS Form tion teacher shall provide the financial agent with a list
281-25: Statement of Profit or Loss on Sale of Merchandise, of work orders in process and other unused receipts as of
at the end of the month so that all issued work orders and
pdf/281-25.pdf, should be prepared by the sponsor for receipts can be accounted for.
review by the school business administrator and the prin-
The Career and Technology Education teacher shall
cipal to reconcile revenue, expenditures, and remaining
maintain a detailed record of receipts and disbursements
physical inventory to the accounting records.
of the enterprise he/she manages and shall reconcile it
Picture Sales monthly to the activity account reconciliation report
Commission statements received from vendors should received from the financial agent.
contain sales information so that the basis for commis- Delegations by the principal of authority to purchase
sions received can be confirmed as correct easily. shop equipment, tools, materials, and supplies shall be in
writing and shall be monitored carefully by the principal
Career and Technology Education and the school business administrator. All purchases
These business activities shall be conducted in accor- should be in compliance with MCPS procurement
dance with MCPS Regulation IGK-RB, Career and practices.
Technology Education Projects from Outside MCPS.
Students shall not pick up or receive merchandise pur-
Credit shall not be extended to any MCPS employee chased for the Career and Technology Education shop.
or other person. When work is requested by customers, The Career and Technology Education teacher is respon-
they should be advised, and the order forms should so sible for receiving all merchandise and for inspecting it
state, that no work will be released until payment has to ensure that it is the kind and quantity ordered and
been made in full. is in good condition. If the results of the inspection are
Payments for Career and Technology Education proj- satisfactory, the teacher shall sign and date the invoice or
ects should be made to the school financial agent. If receiving ticket to indicate acceptance of the merchandise,
the amount of cash received is small, however, and its and then forward it to the financial agent for payment.
handling is part of the instructional program (cosmetol- Inventories of materials, parts, and supplies shall be kept
ogy shops, for example), the principal may approve the at the minimum necessary for efficient shop operation.
receipt of cash in a particular shop. Whatever funds are So far as practical, purchases should be limited to items
collected by the enterprise should be turned in daily to expected to be used within the school year. A physical
the financial agent together with copies of the related inventory, priced at cost, including the purchase date,
work orders or other receipts. shall be taken as of June 30 each year and at such other

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


times as directed by the principal or the Office of School Employees for Personal Services. Payroll procedures are
Support and Improvement. All purchases of materials published by the Employee and Retiree Service Cen-
and parts (except for items of nominal value) shall be ter. Schools will be billed monthly by the Division of
accounted for either as inventory or on itemized work Controller for the payroll amounts incurred. An addi-
orders. tional 7.65 percent of the amount of wages paid will be
included in the bill for the employer’s share of FICA.
Donated vehicles and equipment shall be accepted and
Schools are expected to make complete payments when
recorded in accordance with the provisions of Gifts to
billed. No school or activity should incur payroll costs
the School and Student Body and Equipment under the
without having sufficient resources to make payment.
Miscellaneous Section below.
Any use of the shop facilities outside of normal school MCPS Students
hours must be authorized in advance, in writing, by the The school shall report each student to whom payments
principal, specifying the date and hours of the approved for personal services are made to the Division of Con-
usage and naming the teacher or other MCPS employee troller using MCPS Form 280-47: Report of Payments to
to whom the authorization is granted in accordance with MCPS Students for Personal Services, prepared in accor-
the requirements of MCPS Regulation KGA-RA, Com- dance with the instructions on the back of the form.
munity Use of Public Schools. The facilities never may be
used outside school hours by students without supervi- Independent Contractors
sion. Under no circumstances shall equipment or tools be Payments to independent contractors (non-employees
removed from the premises without the written approval of MCPS) shall be made only after IRS Form W-9 has
of the principal. been obtained. The financial agent may contact the Divi-
sion of Controller to determine if this form is already on
Miscellaneous file for an independent contractor. Such payments must
be reported monthly to the Division of Controller using
Payment to Vendors and MCPS MCPS Form 280-47A as described in MCPS Regula-
Each school shall maintain a good credit rating by paying tion DIA-RB, Payments for Personal Services and Reim-
all valid obligations promptly, by the due date established bursements for Expenses from School Independent Activity
by the vendor. Failure of one school to make prompt pay- Funds (IAFs) for payments made in 2013 prior to con-
ments to a vendor could jeopardize the continued busi- version to the SFO system. Effective with the conversion
ness relationship with that vendor for all other MCPS to SFO, data for payments in 2013 and beyond will be
schools. Each school shall promptly (normally within 30 used by the Division of Controller for 1099 preparation
days) pay all amounts owed to MCPS. Failure of a school directly from the system, eliminating the need for schools
to make prompt payments to MCPS could jeopardize to submit information on paper forms. It is important
that school’s operating budget allocations as well as its that schools verify that an individual is not an MCPS
ability to continue using the MCPS purchase card. employee in any capacity (including substitute teacher
or temporary) prior to contracting. Schools can confirm
Payments for Personal Services and Reimbursements
through ERSC.
for Expenses
Guidelines and procedures for payments to employees, Obligations
students, and independent contractors from IAFs are School staff issue financial obligations to students for the
contained in MCPS Regulation DIA-RB, Payments for replacement cost of unreturned or damaged books, mate-
Personal Services and Reimbursements for Expenses from rials, equipment, property damage, or uniforms as well
School Independent Activity Funds (IAFS). The following as any fees that have not been paid. Copies of financial
is a summary of the requirements: obligations are sent to the respective department resource
teacher and the financial office. Once issued, a teacher,
MCPS Employees
sponsor, or coach must not accept books, uniforms, etc.,
All payments for personal services to MCPS employees
because the obligation will remain outstanding as it was
must be processed through the MCPS payroll system
reported to the financial office. Only the financial agent
using MCPS Form 280-46: Report of Payments to MCPS
can clear a student from an issued financial obligation.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Obligations can be accounted for using methodology • Monthly reports ( July 1 through June 30) listed
similar to field trip record keeping. As an example, for in the section Financial Accounting Records and
collection of class fees, class sponsors should have a com- Reports
plete class roster of student names entered on a work- • Maryland retail sales tax returns, together with sup-
sheet to annotate how much each student paid, students porting documents
who had fees waived or reduced, and obligations issued. • Authorizations and delegations by the princi-
Sponsors will remit funds to the business office when pal, deputy superintendents, and community
collected and provide a final accounting worksheet with superintendents
the entire class roster annotating fees collected, waived, • Bank statements, reconciliations, canceled checks,
and reduced and obligations issued. and deposit slips
• Documentary evidence of investments in which the
At the beginning of the school year, an elementary school
investment is liquidated
should transfer any uncollected obligation owed by any
• MCPS Form 280-54: Request for a Purchase, with
prior-year fifth grade student to the MCPS middle
supporting documents
school where the debtor student matriculated. A middle
• Invoices from vendors with supporting documents;
school should transfer any uncollected obligation owed
these go with MCPS Form 280-54 or purchase card
by any prior-year eighth grade student to the MCPS
high school where the debtor student matriculated. At
• Invoices to debtors for amounts owed the school
the beginning of the school year following the graduation
with supporting documents
of a debtor high school student, the high school should
• Petty cash vouchers with supporting documents
consider writing off any uncollected debt still owed.
• Receipts with supporting documents
Gifts to the School and Student Body • MCPS Form 280-45: Record of Funds Transmitted
Gifts of material and/or equipment, whether donated by to MCPS, with supporting documents
a club, a class, or a group or person outside the school, • MCPS Form 280-50: Tickets and Cash Report of
may be accepted only in accordance with the provisions Admissions Manager
of MCPS Regulation DJA-RB, Purchases of Materials • MCPS Form 281-46: Independent Activity
and Equipment Using Nonappropriated Funds and Accep- Funds—Transfer
tance of Donated Items. All such gifts must be approved • Contracts
by the principal before being accepted. Additional • Corporate Purchasing Card Report Profiles and
approvals may be required by the regulation. individual cardmember reports
Removal of Records from School Premises
Equipment IAF financial records must not be removed from the
Any equipment that a school acquires by gift or IAF pur- school premises except as indicated by the retention peri-
chase shall become the property of MCPS. Procedures ods above. This applies both to formal records such as
for controlling such property are contained in MCPS the monthly reports and to supporting documents such
Regulation EDC-RA, Control of Furniture and Equip- as bank statements, canceled checks, paid invoices, check
ment Inventory. stubs, and receipt books.

Retention, Disposal, and Removal of IAF In the event that unusual circumstances require an excep-
Records tion to this rule, the principal must authorize in writing
The following IAF records shall be retained for a period such removal in advance, specifying the dates to which
of five years after the close of the year to which they the authorization applies. In any event, all records must
apply and until all audit requirements have been met, be returned to the school at the start of the next working
whichever is longer, and then destroyed: day so that they are available during all working hours.
There should never be a circumstance when financial
• End-of-year annual financial report records are unavailable during normal working hours.
• Audit reports and correspondence
• Records of investigations The COO may authorize the Internal Audit Unit to
remove IAF records and MCPS equipment containing
IAF records or related data from a school to conduct an

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


School-Affiliated Organizations Sometime prior to the closing date (recommend at least

School-affiliated organizations such as booster clubs 120 days in advance), the principal will contact the Divi-
and PTA/PTSAs must follow school and school system sion of Procurement to coordinate the removal of vend-
guidelines and procedures with respect to fund-raisers, ing machines and cessation of product deliveries.
including gaining approval from the principal or designee
Every effort must be made to collect all accounts receiv-
for all fund-raisers and following approved school system
able before the closing date. Schools with postage meters
accounting procedures.
or permits should settle their accounts with the post
School-affiliated organizations may use the name of the office before closing.
school in their organizational name as long as it is clear
Every effort must be made to resolve all accounts pay-
that the organization is the [School Name PTA] or
able due to vendors and MCPS before the closing of the
[School Name Boosters] to clarify that the organization
school. Vendors should be notified to submit their bills
is not the school itself. These organizations never are
by a specified date. School personnel also must be noti-
permitted to use the MCPS tax identification number on
fied to submit any claims they have for reimbursement of
their bank accounts.
expenses promptly so that they may be paid before the
Booster Clubs closing date.
Additional information pertaining to booster clubs is During the last four months (120 days) before closing,
found in the High School Athletics Handbook published by it is suggested that all checks written on the IAF bank
the MCPS Athletics Unit. account be accompanied by a statement requesting that
Booster Clubs are not permitted to pass funds through a the check be cashed promptly. If any checks have been
school IAF. outstanding more than 60 days, the payees should be
contacted and requested to cash them.
PTA/PTSAs The closing school must not transfer any cash or invest-
Information pertaining to PTA/PTSA resource guide- ments to the receiving school or schools. The transfer will
lines is found in Cash Encounters published by Maryland be made by the Office of Shared Accountability (OSA),
PTA, Inc., Glen Burnie, MD. This document includes in conjunction with the Office of Teaching, Learning, and
a section pertaining to items for which PTAs can and Programs and/or the Office of the Chief Operating Offi-
cannot provide funds and is available in the members cer, after the closing audit of the IAF accounts has been
only section of their website at Refer any completed. At that time, the remaining funds (including
additional PTA/PTSA questions not answered in this the value of inventory of salable merchandise already
document to Maryland PTA, Inc., via e-mail or tele- transferred) will be allocated to the receiving schools in
phone at 410-760-6221. accordance with the procedures detailed below.
PTA/PTSAs are not permitted to pass funds through a During the year of closing, any excess funds available may
school IAF. be invested in the MCPS Centralized Investment Fund.

Closing Schools Before the closing date, new signature cards must be filed
with the financial institutions to authorize signatures
General Instructions on checks and withdrawals by employees of the Office
During the year preceding the closing, inventories of of School Support and Improvement and the Office of
salable merchandise should be reduced to a minimum Teaching, Learning, and Programs after the school is
by limiting purchases, as far as practicable, to quantities closed. This is necessary in order to facilitate payment
that can be sold before the closing date. The principal is of any late bills and the transfer of funds to the receiving
responsible for the disposition of unsold merchandise. schools after the accounts have been audited. Specific
If possible, it should be returned to vendors for credit or names and procedures for the new signature cards will be
refund. If credit or refund cannot be obtained, the mer- provided by OSSI prior to the closing date.
chandise may be transferred to the receiving school(s). A
record must be kept, for audit purposes, of the quantities The financial institutions must be notified to address
and cost of all items transferred to receiving schools or future bank statements and correspondence to OSSI
otherwise disposed of other than by sale to students. after the closing date.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Staff must prepare the regular annual financial state- ownership of any part of the IAFs. However, since incom-
ments at closing to reflect the June 30 closing. The finan- ing freshmen become part owners of the IAFs, they will be
cial statements must be submitted to OSA, together with considered in determining the entitlement of the receiving
the record of disposition of unsold merchandise referred schools, even though they never attended the closed school.
to above. The projected enrollment figures to be considered by the
Board of Education in its decision to close the school will
The financial records for the current fiscal year should
be used to compute the allocation formula.
be boxed, appropriately labeled, and delivered to OSA.
Financial records for earlier years should be sent to When the closing of a school is phased over a period of
Central Records for storage. Guidance as to which two or more years, any changes in grades or boundaries
records may be destroyed after five years and which must which occurred prior to its final year of operation will
be retained permanently is provided above. Permanent be ignored for purposes of the computation. The grades
records should be boxed separately, and other records and boundaries of the school at the date of final closing
should be boxed, labeled, and arranged chronologically to will govern, and the students in those grades from within
facilitate their removal and destruction when the reten- those boundaries during the following school year will
tion period is completed. Standard storage boxes and determine the allocation of funds to receiving schools. As
labels, available from Central Records, must be used. noted, however, this will not be based on actual enroll-
ment but rather on the projections considered by the
The school shall provide OSA with the summer
Board of Education in its decision to close the school.
addresses, telephone numbers, and the new assignments
(if still with MCPS) of the principal and the financial Only those schools that receive students from within
agent who maintained the IAF financial records during the boundaries of a closed school shall be entitled to any
the year of closure. portion of the closed school’s funds. The fact that, at the
time of closing, some of the receiving school’s students
The principal shall notify the Maryland Comptroller’s
are reassigned to a third school, does not entitle the third
Office that sales taxes no longer will be collected. A copy
school to any portion of the funds of the closed school.
of the letter will be forwarded to OSA for record-keeping
purposes. The retention of students in an elementary school who
would otherwise have graduated to a closed middle
Disposition of Residual Independent Activity Funds school does not entitle the elementary school to any por-
The following procedures will be followed in the alloca- tion of the funds of the closed school.
tion of the residual IAFs of closed schools:
All other circumstances that may cause a school to
IAFs will be transferred between schools only when a be closed and that are not mentioned above must be
school is closed. The gain or loss of grade, or the gain or referred to the deputy superintendent of school support
loss of students due to boundary changes, will not result and improvement and/or the chief operating officer for a
in the transfer of IAFs between schools, unless a school decision.
closing also is involved. OSSI shall provide instructions
for the disposition of any funds donated for a specific Opening Schools
purpose in a manner that will preserve the integrity of Generally, the COO will authorize the controller to issue a
each fund and continue the purpose for which it was nominal amount of start-up funds to a new school in order
established under the terms of the donor. for the principal to open an IAF checking account with
The policy for allocating the funds (other than specific- a bank. The COO may require the school to reimburse
purpose donated funds) of closed schools is based on MCPS for these start-up funds after a period of time.
replicating, as closely as possible, the situation that would The principal will open a checking account with a bank
have prevailed if the school had not closed. The funds will in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 7,
be allocated to the receiving schools in proportion to the Cash Control of School Funds, in this manual.
number of students to be newly assigned to each, in the
school year following closing these students would have If training has not been received already by the principal
attended the closed school had it remained open. In the and financial agent(s) prior to the opening of the new
case of a high school, graduating seniors will not be consid- school, they will schedule themselves for School Finance
ered in the allocation formula because they do not retain Basic Training as soon as possible.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Frequently Asked Questions I received a letter from the Maryland Office of the Secretary
My school conducted fundraising for a charity. Since we of State that said the Charities and Legal Services Division
didn’t collect as much money as expected, can I increase had not received my school’s annual submission required by
the amount of the check I send to the charity if the organizations raising charitable contributions in Maryland.
sponsor of another account within the IAF agrees to do so? What do I do?
No. You only can send to the charity the exact A school’s PTA/PTSA often uses the school’s mail-
amount of money collected; no more and no less. ing address for its correspondence. Therefore, the
letter may be addressed to your school but it is meant
Can a car wash be conducted on school property?
for your PTA/PTSA. It is the responsibility of your
Car washes may not use school water supplies. The
PTA/PTSA, not your school, to file the Annual
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)
Update of Registration form and other associated
requires the rental of a meter to connect to a fire
documentation with the Maryland Office of the Sec-
hydrant to record the amount of water used, for which
retary of State. Forward the letter and attached form
WSSC will request reimbursement. County environ-
to your school’s PTA/PTSA representative. Public
mental groups consider car washes as being detrimen-
schools do not have this requirement.
tal to the Chesapeake Bay and other water ways due to
the resulting run off, so car washes are discouraged. My school received an invoice for internet service from
Comcast. Do I use my school IAF funds to pay it?
My school wants to sell coupon books to raise funds. Do we
No. All schools are provided internet service but some
need to collect sales tax?
need additional bandwidth or are in locations with
No. Sales tax is not collected at the time the coupon
deteriorating service from Verizon not yet providing
book is sold. Sales tax is collected by the retailer at
FIOS in these areas. Therefore, these invoices are paid
the time a coupon from the book is redeemed by the
centrally and should be sent to the Department of
purchaser of the coupon book. For more information
Infrastructure and Operations, 45 W. Gude Dr., Ste.
on sales tax, see Chapter 18, Taxes.
3300, for payment. Questions should be directed to
Can I use IAF funds to purchase flowers to give to another 240-453-2446.
MCPS employee to recognize his/her accomplishment such
My school was given a stock certificate from a donor. What
as a promotion?
should I do with it?
No. You either may use your personal funds or staff
Whether the stock certificate was in paper or elec-
contributed funds maintained as a convenience in the
tronic form, it should be sold so that the proceeds
IAF. You may not use student funds for this purpose.
can be used to benefit the students of your school.
Can I sell or give to another school any furniture or Contact the Department of Financial Services for
equipment for which my school no longer has a need? assistance with the conversion process of any market-
No. You must contact the Department of Materi- able security. Questions may be directed to either the
als Management for disposition of any furniture or chief financial officer at 301-279-7265 or the chief
equipment that your school no longer needs even if investment officer at 301-517-5822.
it was purchased with your school’s IAF. For more
A staff member requested reimbursement without
information, refer to MCPS Regulation DNA-RA,
presenting a receipt for a school purchase for which the
Disposition of Board of Education Property.
business office has documentation that the principal
My school received notification in the mail from a company approved the procurement in advance. Can the staff member
that stated we would be in violation of federal and state be reimbursed if the receipt was lost?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Yes, if this is approved by the principal with the fol-
legal requirements if we failed to purchase for display the lowing conditions. The financial agent must verify
posters the company was selling. What should I do? that the item(s) approved for purchase were received
Look closely at what you received. Sometimes adver- in good condition, obtain a written statement from
tising materials are made to look like official notices. the staff member as to the circumstances of the lost
Any OSHA requirements are coordinated by MCPS receipt listing description of item(s) and cost of each,
Systemwide Safety Programs. verify the reasonableness of the amount requested
for reimbursement, and attach the statement to the
MCPS Form 280-54.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


A new principal was appointed to my school and wants Can a school fund-raising activity be conducted to benefit
to forgive all prior recorded student obligations. Is this staff-owned accounts?
allowed? No. However, fund-raising may be conducted to
No. Obligations are debts owed to MCPS and the provide supplemental support for staff to participate
principal’s fiduciary responsibility is to take reason- in professional development activities that contribute
able measures to collect the debts. A debt may be toward student success.
forgiven on a case-by-case basis depending on the
My PTA is requesting me to give them the Box Tops for
principal’s consideration of a student’s financial
Education funds I deposited into my school IAF. Should I
do this?
Can the principal deny reimbursement to a staff member No. The funds received from Box Tops for Education
who presents a receipt for a school-related purchase? and other similar programs are meant to enhance
Yes. If the staff member did not receive prior approval student education. The mission of PTAs is providing
from the principal before making the purchase, the support to schools.
principal is under no obligation to reimburse the staff
Can the social committee buy gift cards?
Yes. If the funds are entirely contributed by the staff,
How do I calculate the maximum amount that my school can gift cards may be purchased to recognize a special
spend for staff refreshments and appreciation for the fiscal event of a staff member, such as the birth of a baby,
year? marriage, retirement, or other similar milestone. Gift
At the beginning of each fiscal year, calculate the cards are not to be used to reward staff members.
maximum amount that your school can spend for the
How do I know whether to charge/collect sales tax for my
combined total of staff meeting refreshments and staff
fund raiser sale? How do I know how to calculate sales tax?
appreciation for that fiscal year, July 1st through June
How do I know how to remit it?
30th. This calculation is based on full-time equivalent
Please see chapter 18 of this manual, Taxes.
(FTE) staff rather than the number of individual staff
members assigned to a school. From the most recent When we are setting student obligations and the amount is
Schools-at-a-Glance on the MCPS website, find the not a whole number, can we round up?
number of FTE for your school on the page with the Student obligations should be for the exact amount
Staff Positions section. Add the total professional and of the damage or lost item if possible. If rounding is
total supporting services numbers together. Multiply needed, the amount should be rounded down to the
that sum by $60 to get the maximum dollar amount nearest whole dollar.
you can spend for that fiscal year.
Questions related to Athletics
Does sharing the cost of refreshments with other high school
Can student athletes be required to pay for uniform items?
for hosting an all high school athletic directors meeting
Yes. Athletic purchases fall into the following three
at Carver Educational Services Center convened by the
different categories:
director of Systemwide Athletics count towards my fiscal
year $60 per FTE calculation? 1) Required Uniform Items—Inventory is main-
No. The cost of refreshments for these meetings is tained by the school; items are issued to students.
an exception to the $60 per FTE rule. The School • These items are required for participation in
Funds Online chart of accounts has an account in interscholastic athletic competitions
the athletic series to record these costs. However, any
meeting your school athletic staff convenes separately • If a student damages or loses an assigned item,
does count against your $60 per FTE per fiscal year the student incurs a financial obligation for
maximum amount. repair or replacement costs.
2) Required Personal Items—Student purchase is
required for participation; items are retained by

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds INDEX March 2013


• The items become the personal property of the o Parent/booster groups should have their
student for reasons of personal hygiene or safety own bank account with their own federal tax
requirements. identification number, totally separate from
the school’s IAF.
• Ideally, these items are made available for stu-
dent purchase directly from the vendor. Can athletic teams fund raise?
Yes, but athletic fund-raising should conform to the
• Alternatively, schools may coordinate these
following guidelines:
student purchases as a pre-sale activity, with stu-
dents placing orders and paying for items (plus • All fund-raising activities shall be in accordance
sales tax) in advance. with Policy CND, School-Related Fund Raising.
If offered for sale through the school, the cost of the • The principal must authorize in advance and in
item to students (rounded to the nearest dollar for accordance with Policy CND all fund- raising
ease of accounting) must be calculated with sales tax activities.
and no profit to the school’s athletic program. No
• Booster clubs must follow school and school
overcharge may be assessed to paying students to off-
system guidelines and procedures with respect to
set the costs absorbed by the school for students who
fund-raisers, including gaining approval from the
are unable to pay.
principal or designee for all fund-raisers and fol-
The coach would be responsible for coordinating lowing approved school system accounting proce-
orders and collecting funds from students. Checks dures. Such activities should be planned/scheduled
should be made payable to the school (not to an collaboratively with the school administration to
individual) and funds collected should be remit- minimize conflicts with the instructional program
ted to the school financial specialist on a daily basis. or previously planned school-sponsored fund-
The order should be transacted according to MCPS raising activities.
procurement guidelines and paid through the school’s
• Fund-raising activities may not be conducted for
independent activity fund.
the purpose of raising funds to purchase personal
3) Optional Personal Items—Student purchase is items retained by student athletes or to support
optional; items are retained by students. out-of-season activities such as camp or clinic fees,
meals, apparel for coaches or participants, summer
• Students may choose to purchase personal
league-related expenses, or coaches’ compensation.
items/team gear not required for participation
in sports. • Fund-raising activities may be conducted to
defray the cost of optional activities such as travel
• Coaches must emphasize that purchasing
expenses for out-of-area tournaments and athletic
the item is an option, not an expectation or
Can student athletes be required to generate a minimum
• If offered for sale through the school, the cost
amount of fund-raising profit (e.g. sale of merchant coupon
of the item to students (rounded to the nearest
dollar for ease of accounting) must be calculated
No. Participation in school fund-raising activities
with sales tax.
shall be on a voluntary basis, and no student shall be
• If the principal has approved the sale of optional compelled to participate or contribute.
team gear as a fund-raising activity, the cost to
students may be calculated to profit the school’s
This chapter maintained by the
athletic program.
Internal Audit Unit
• The sale of optional team gear may be coordi-
nated by parent booster groups if approved in Last update: March 2013
advance by the principal.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Chart of Accounts
EPES and Quicken
In order to provide uniform reporting, the following account numbers should be used. Additional numbered accounts
may be added as needed.
1–99 GENERAL SCHOOL 209–Class of 2019, 2029 600–699 EXCHANGE
ACTIVITIES 210–Class of 2010, 2020, 2030 ACTIVITIES*
010 General 211–258 Available to Secondary Schools 600 Exchange
011 Meeting Refreshments 259 Testing Support Community Service Activities
013 Staff Development 260 Choral Music Red Cross
015 Principal’s Student Assistance Creative Foods Disaster Relief
020 Staff Appreciation 265 Instrumental Music 690–699 Change Funds
025 PTA Art
030 Cellular Phone Time for Kids 700–749 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES
036 Postage Scholastic News 700 School Store
040 Media Center/Library Weekly Reader 701 Cell Tower Commissions
045 Lost–Damaged Texts (obligations) 270–299  Student Fees/Student Workbooks 709 Student ID’s
050 Checking Interest or Lab Fees by Subject 710 Picture Commissions
055 CIF Interest & Expense 275 Preschool Education Program (PEP) 720–729 Vending Machine
060 MCPS Reimbursement 730–739 
067 Principal’s Supplemental 300–399 G
 RANTS AND Auto Shop
070 SERT DONATIONS Cosmetology & Tech Ed. Revenues
075 ICB 300–369 Grants 750–799 Summer School
090 Guidance/Transcript Fees 310–319 Recognition Awards
091–094 Exam Fees/Expenses 370–399 Donations 800–899 FUND-RAISERS
095 Sales Tax 380 Giant Bonus Bucks 800 Fund-raiser
099 CIF Transfers 381 Target Rebate
382 Box Tops for Education 900–919 PUBLICATIONS
100–198 ATHLETICS 383 Safeway/eScrip 900 Yearbook
100 Athletic Department 901 Yearbook Ads
105 PE Uniforms 400–499 CLUB ACTIVITIES Newspaper
Cheerleaders 400 Student Council/Government Literary Magazine
Pom Pons Activities (SGA)
190 Middle School Athletics 410 Patrols 930–959 M
191 Middle School Intramural Program 411–499 Other Club Activities SCHOLARSHIP
199 K–8 425 Drama Club 930 Memorial
Boys/Girls Phys. Ed.
201–209 Kindergarten 500 Field Trips – General 980 Social Committee
210–219 1st Grade or 6th Grade 501–509 Kindergarten FT Staff Hospitality/Sunshine
220–229 2nd Grade or 7th Grade 510–519 1st Grade FT Refreshments
230–239 3rd Grade or 8th Grade 520–529 2nd Grade FT Retirements
240–249 4th Grade 530–539 3rd Grade FT
540–549 4th Grade FT CASH (ASSET) ACCOUNTS
250–259 5th Grade
550–559 5th Grade FT 990 Petty Cash
501–559 Available to Secondary Schools 991 Cash On Hand
201–Class of 2011, 2021
560–569 Additional FT 992 Checking Account
202–Class of 2012, 2022
570–579 Grade Combinations FT 993 Centralized Investment Fund
203–Class of 2013, 2023
204–Class of 2014, 2024 580 All School FT
205–Class of 2015, 2025 590–594 Additional FT
206–Class of 2016, 2026 595–599 Outdoor Ed.
207–Class of 2017, 2027
208–Class of 2018, 2028

* Exchange Accounts year–end balances should equal zero or have an anticipated reimbursement carried as an accounts receivable.
Those accounts without numbers can be assigned by the school as needed.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Chart of Accounts—EGES and Quicken

The Independent Activity Fund (IAF) chart of accounts is standardized for consistent reporting, auditing, and visiting
bookkeeper accounting assistance.

1–99 GENERAL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES account is the preferred method to track the
Account Name costs for cell phone usage. Reimbursement
010 General Fund. For all school activities not by staff members for personal calls should
listed elsewhere in the chart of accounts. be posted to this account as well. Accounts
031 to 035 can be used, as needed, if the
011 Meeting Refreshments. There is a fiscal school has multiple cell phones. This is a
year spending limit for the combined total negative balance account that will be closed
of meeting refreshments and staff appre- by transfer from the general account 010 at
ciation equal to $60 per staff full-time year end.
equivalent (FTE). To determine the fiscal
year total for a school using the per FTE 036 Postage. A negative balance account that
amount, refer to the previous year’s Schools is reimbursable from Montgomery County
at a Glance document and locate the staff Public Schools (MCPS).
positions section to find the number of FTE 040 Media Center/Library. To track purchases
to use as a multiplier. and income for the media center/library.
013  taff Development. This account records
S 045 Lost-Damaged Texts (obligations). Funds
staff development activities. Funding for staff collected from students/teachers for lost
development must come from sources that or damaged textbooks and other school
clearly are not student-generated funds. obligations.
015  rincipal’s Student Assistance Fund. Used
P 050  hecking Interest. Monthly interest pay-
by the principal to assist a student in need ments received from the school’s checking
under emergency circumstances for any account are recorded in this account. This
reason (lunch, school supplies, clothing). account is closed to the general fund at year
020 Staff Appreciation. This account includes end.
items such as lanyards, T-shirts, and hats 055  entralized Investment Fund (CIF)
purchased during the year for the staff as Interest and Expenses. Monthly interest
morale boosters. There is a fiscal year spend- and expenses distributed from the Cen-
ing limit for the combined total of meeting tralized Investment Fund are recorded in
refreshments and staff appreciation equal to this account. This account is closed to the
$60 per FTE. Parent Teacher Association general fund at year end.
(PTA), sponsors, and/or other sources can
060  CPS Reimbursement. For tracking
donate money into this account, but that
amounts paid and received for reimbursable
does not allow a principal to exceed the fis-
expenses paid from IAF funds, much like
cal year spending limit of $60 per FTE.
an exchange account. If the reimbursement
025  TA. Funds donated by the PTA, not
P is for a disbursement posted to another
designated for a specific purpose, should be account, then the reimbursement needs to
recorded in this account. be posted to that account. Using the Pur-
030  ellular Phone/Wireless Communica-
C chasing Card system will eliminate the need
tion. Maintaining a separate cell phone to request MCPS reimbursement.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


067 Principal’s Supplemental. For tracking allo- 095 Sales Tax. Record sales taxes collected
cations received and expenses paid that high on items sold such as yearbooks, work-
schools encounter for academic supports, books, PE uniforms and other garments,
support for student success, community athletic resale items, school store items,
outreach, building and grounds improve- and fund-raising items. Collected amounts
ment, as well as purchasing of items such are to be remitted to the Maryland State
as replacement band uniforms and equip- Comptroller.
ment upgrades not included in allocations
099 CIF Transfers. Checks written to transfer
to schools. This account is to record only
funds to the CIF will be recorded in this
transactions identified in the April 29, 2008,
account and then voided.
memorandum from the chief operating
070 SERT Rebate. An energy rebate grant pro- 100 Athletic Department. This account is a
gram awarded for energy conservation in the consolidation of all expenditures that per-
schools. This account is unique. The amount tain to funding the school’s athletic depart-
of the grant received is recorded in this ment. Sub-accounts are used to track pur-
account and as funds are expended, they also chases of equipment and supplies for each
are recorded in this same account. The SERT sport, as well as income such as gate receipts,
office recommends expenditures that further sales of uniforms, booster clubs, and parking
the environmental goals of the program. fees. The MCPS Athletics Unit publishes
075 I nteragency Coordinating Board (ICB). these standard four-digit subcodes.
The ICB is responsible for the community use 105 Physical Education (PE) Uniforms. Sec-
of schools during nonschool hours. The ICB ondary schools that require use of a stan-
reimburses schools once a year for mainte- dard uniform record the purchase and sale
nance impact due to community use, using of these items in this account.
a formula based on hours of community use
190–191 Middle School Athletics and Middle
scheduled from the preceeding fiscal year.
School Intramural Program. These
The annual award is to be used for equip-
accounts are used to record receipt of
ment/maintenance. The ICB directs that each
middle school allocations and expenditures
school must maintain records and receipts
against them.
and submit a year-end report to the ICB prov-
ing that the money received was used only 199 Boys and Girls PE for Grades K–8. This
for repairs, improvements, and replacements account is for all expenditures that pertain
or new purchases which positively impacted to the school’s PE program. Sub-accounts
community use of schools. This account are strongly encouraged.
is unique in that the amount of the award
received and the funds that are expended are 200–299 CLASS ACTIVITIES
both recorded in this same account. (Elementary and Middle Schools) Use these account
090 Guidance/Transcript Fees. This account numbers, as needed, to record receipts and disbursements
records the receipts and disbursements for class activities and for approved supplemental class-
for activities related to the guidance office, room materials such as Weekly Reader and Time For Kids.
including transcript fees. 201–209 Kindergarten
091–094 Exam Fees/Expenses. Use these accounts 210–219 1st Grade or 6th Grade
to record receipts and expenses related to 220–229 2nd Grade or 7th Grade
external examinations such as International
Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement 230–239 3rd Grade or 8th Grade
(AP), SAT, etc. 240–249 4th Grade
250–259 5th Grade

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


(High Schools) 300–399 GRANTS AND DONATIONS

201 Class of 2021 300–369 Grants. Maintain a separate grant account to
track the revenue and costs associated with
202 Class of 2012 each grant. Copies of the grant application
203 Class of 2013 and award detailing requirements for the
204 Class of 2014 use of the funds should be on file with the
financial agent. MCPS Form 280-71A: Infor-
205 Class of 2015 mation on School-Based Small Grant Awards,
206 Class of 2016 must be completed at year end for each small
207 Class of 2017 grant. See MCPS Regulation DDA-RA,
Seeking and Securing Federal, State, and Pri-
208 Class of 2018 vate Grants.
209 Class of 2019
310–319 Recognition Awards. Elementary schools
210 Class of 2020 record funds received from the Maryland
211–258 Available to Secondary Schools. May be State Department of Education (MSDE)
used to record fees and related expenses for marked improvement in testing. Trans-
for class activities such as food labs, other fer funds to the account from which you
Family and Consumer Science (FACs) want to make expenditures.
projects, and other fees that have been 370–399 Donations. Maintain a separate donation
approved by the Office of School Support account to track the revenue and expendi-
and Improvement. ture associated with each donation. Do not
259  esting Support. Record expenditures
T accept donations that have donor restric-
for assistance to students unable to pay for tions without first seeking counsel from
SAT, AP, and other external examinations. the Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Schools may request reimbursement from or the chief financial officer. Do not accept
MCPS for funds used for exam fee assis- gifts other than cash. If stocks or bonds are
tance when this account balance is negative. offered, ensure that they can be sold imme-
A detailed tracking record and account diately prior to accepting them. Transfer
reconciliation is required when requesting funds to the account from which you want
reimbursement of expenditures for exam fee to make expenditures.
assistance after MSDE and College Board 380 Giant BonusBucks. Funds from Ahold
fee reductions have been utilized. Finance based upon parents and others
260 Choral Music registering with Giant. The use of the Giant
BonusCard and registering a school pref-
265 Instrumental Music erence earns points for the school. Ahold
270–299 Student Fees. Available for use to record Finance distributes the checks directly to
fees that have been approved by the Office the school. Transfer funds to the account
of School Support and Improvement. from which you want to make expenditures.
These are student funds.
275  reschool Education Program (PEP). Used
only by elementary school site locations to 381  arget Rebate. Funds are distributed to
record fees that have been approved by the schools based upon a percentage of use of
Office of School Support and Improvement the Target credit card by parents and others
and other related expenses for PEP Program who register their school preference with
activities. the store. Transfer funds to the account
from which you want to make expenditures.
These are student funds.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


382  ox Tops for Education. Funds are distrib-

uted to the schools based on the number of 500 General Field Trips. This account is used
box tops, can labels, and Universal Product to close out completed field trips during
Codes (UPC) from different products, such the current year. The field trip accounts can
as General Mills cereals, Pepperidge Farm have positive or negative balances. At year
products, and Campbell soups. Transfer end, individual field trips (501-599) that are
funds to the account from which you want to completed with all outstanding bills paid have
make expenditures. These are student funds. their balances closed to this account. At no
time should a field trip that is not complete be
383 Safeway/eScrip. Funds from Safeway based
closed to this account, not even at year end.
upon parents and others registering with
Safeway. The use of the Safeway BonusCard 501–599 Field Trip by Grade. Each field trip should
and registering a school preference earns have its own account number and should
points for the school. Safeway distributes the be accounted for by grade/trip. A file for
checks directly to the school. Transfer funds each trip is kept by the school administra-
to the account from which you want to make tive secretary or financial assistant with
expenditures. These are student funds. the following records: Field-Trip Approval
Form, worksheet for the cost of the field trip,
400–499 CLUB ACTIVITIES completed MCPS Form 280-41: Field Trip
400 Student Council/Government Activities Accounting, Activity Reports signed by the
Account (SGA). This account is used for sponsor, and Reconciliation Reports for the
SGA activities. Any fund-raising activity General Ledger account corresponding to the
should be recorded in a separate fund-rais- field trip account.
ing account in the 800 series and a fund- 570–579 Grade Combination Field Trips. These
raiser request and completion report should accounts are used to track expenditures
be created for each fund-raiser. At the con- for field trips involving multiple grades at a
clusion of a fund-raiser, the balance in the school and follow the same procedures as
fund-raiser account is then transferred back those used for accounts 501–559.
to the SGA account using MCPS Form
281-46: Independent Activity Funds-Transfer. 580 All School Field Trips. This account is
Funds from dances should be accounted for used to track expenditures for field trips
using the MCPS Form 280-50: Ticket and involving all grade levels at a school and fol-
Cash Report of Admissions Manager. lows the same procedures as those used for
accounts 501–559.
410 Patrol Activities. This account is used for
school patrol activities. 595–599 Outdoor Education. Outdoor Education
is considered a field trip. Track any extra
411–499 Other Club Activities. These accounts fees for optional activities and supplies not
are used to track expenditures in Home- provided by the Outdoor Education office
work, Art, Math, Photography, and other in a separate account.
activity clubs. If there are any fund-raising
activities, they should go into separate
fund-raising accounts in the 800 series and
600 Exchange Activities. This account is used
a fund-raiser request and completion report
strictly for one-time only transactions with
should be completed for each fund-raiser.
receipts equaling disbursements and normal
Any money earned or any losses from the
year-end balance of zero. For example, funds
fund-raiser are then transferred back to the
collected for a charity are disbursed in their
club account using MCPS Form 281-46:
entirety to the charity. Other examples
Independent Activity Funds-Transfer.
include checks erroneously made payable
425 Drama Club. This account is used for to a teacher rather than the school or a staff
drama club activities. member erroneously purchases a personal

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


item included with an order for the school revenue from staff machines separately from
and must reimburse the school for the per- that of other machines, or separate accounts
sonal item. If this account should have a bal- can be maintained. The income may be
ance at year end, the amount will be listed transferred to other accounts during the
as either an account receivable or payable year as necessary. Vending machine income
depending on the nature of the transaction. is not to be used to support staff unless
the revenue was generated from machines
690–699 Change Funds. May be established to
located in the school staff lounge.
track separate change funds for activities
(athletics, drama productions, or school 750–799  ummer School. These accounts will be
stores) that will be closed out at the end of used to keep track of income and expenses
the activity year. These accounts will have related to summer school programs.
a negative balance indicating the amount
of the change fund issued, and a balance of 800–899 FUND-RAISERS
zero when the funds are returned for close 800 Fund-raiser. Each fund-raiser will be
out of the activity. assigned a new account number between
800 and 899. The Guidelines for Sponsoring
700–749 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES an Independent Activity Fund Fund-raiser
700 School Store. This account records the contains the instructions for a successful
income and expenses of operating a school fund-raiser. Each account will have recorded
store. The expenses should be limited to the income and expenses related to one
only purchases for resale and the sales tax fund-raiser. The financial agent should make
paid on merchandise sold. No salaries or sure that the money that has been collected
stipends should be paid from this account. reconciles to what was purchased and sold.
Any salable inventory remaining at the end
701  ell Tower Commissions. This account
of the fiscal year will be reported as inven-
is used for recording funds received by the
tory on the IAF year end report.
host school and other schools within a clus-
ter as part of the commissions from the Cell
Tower Program. 900–929 PUBLICATIONS
900 Yearbook. This is considered a business-
709  tudent Identification (ID) Cards. Stu-
S type activity. The principal executes a con-
dents are charged for a replacement ID card. tract from the publisher for the production
The revenue to replace the ID cards for of the yearbook. The contract never should
students will go into this account. be renewable automatically or extend
710  ictures Commissions. Only the com-
P beyond three years duration. Yearbooks
mission revenue derived from the contract sales and expenses are accounted for in
with the portrait vendor should be recorded this account. It is recommended that a new
in this account. The income may be trans- account be set up for the next year’s year-
ferred during the year to other accounts book if the current year is not closed yet.
that directly benefit students as necessary This suggestion is helpful when sponsors
such as yearbooks to reduce the cost of the send students to workshops for the follow-
yearbook to students. ing year, or the yearbook bill is received late.
It is much easier to track expenses and sales
720–729  ending Machines (Beverage and Snack).
V for the purpose of completing the Profit and
Only the commission revenue derived from Loss Statement if the years are not com-
the central contract with the beverage and mingled. Losses will need to be offset by
snack vendor should be recorded in these transfer of funds from the General Account
accounts. Separate accounts should be or other accounts.
maintained for beverage and snack vend-
ing. Sub-accounts may be used to record

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


901 Yearbook Ads. This account is to track 980–989 STAFF-OWNED

income from yearbook advertisements. 980–989 Staff Committee Funds. These funds are
to be self-sufficient with revenue derived
 chool Newspaper. This is considered to be
from dues paid by the school staff for the
a business-type activity. Since the newspa-
purpose of sending flowers or cards and
per is not sold, the sale of advertisements is
funding other staff activities. The funds pass
usually the only source of revenue. Expen-
through the IAF, but they are not supple-
ditures for operating the school newspaper
mented from the IAF. The use of the IAF
are recorded in this account. The newspaper
checking account is for convenience of the
usually operates at a loss if the school is not
staff and to avoid the expense of opening
aggressive with advertising sales. A profit
their own checking account.
and loss statement at year end should be
completed. Losses will need to be offset by
transfer of funds from the General Account CASH (ASSET) ACCOUNTS
or other accounts. 990 Petty Cash. Schools may need small
amounts of cash for reimbursement pur-
Literary Magazine. This is considered to be poses to eliminate writing checks for small
a business-type activity. Since the magazine amounts. See Chapter 7, Cash Control of
is not sold, the sale of advertisements is School Funds, for guidance on cash handling.
usually the only source of revenue. Expen-
ditures for operating the literary magazine 991  ash on Hand. This account is the holding
are recorded in this account. The magazine account for your cash receipts. After making
usually operates at a loss if the school is not a deposit, the account should equal zero. If
aggressive with advertising sales. A profit there is still a balance in the Cash on Hand
and loss statement at year end should be account after making a deposit, there is a
completed. Losses will need to be offset by problem in your cash reconciliation. This
transfer of funds from the General Account account must equal zero at month end and
or other accounts. year end.
992  hecking Account. This is the account
930–959 MEMORIAL/SCHOLARSHIP that is used to record the bank deposits and
930 Memorial. A separate account should be disbursements for the school’s checking
established for each memorial or scholar- account.
ship fund maintained by a school. Original
993  entralized Investment Fund (CIF). This
documentation indicating the donor’s intent
is the account where transfers into and
for expenditures from a memorial or schol-
withdrawals out of the CIF are recorded.
arship fund must be retained by the school
The activity for this account is done via a
to substantiate that the donor’s directives
transfer and not as a check or a receipt. See
are being followed. Before accepting any
Chapter 22, Centralized Investment Fund, for
restricted funds, please seek counsel from
more information regarding the CIF.
the Office of the Chief Operating Officer.
Schools should discuss alternate uses of
funds with the appropriate parties in the
event funds raised do not reach the antici-
pated levels.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Bank Reconciliation Process—EPES
Independent Bank Reconciliation in EPES. A staff Staff member using the bank statement:
member other than the financial specialist (FS) must • Places a check mark next to deposits and checks on
perform the bank reconciliation independent (manual) EPES GL Transfers and outstanding checks lists
from the IAF accounting software. that appear on the bank statement. Marks these
same items on the bank statement, as well.
The monthly bank statement is opened and reviewed
by the principal, with any unusual transactions noted. • I f Journal Adjustments are used, places a check mark
After review, the principal gives the original statement next to transactions recorded to GL Account 992
to the school staff member who will perform the manual (ignore transactions recorded to other accounts).
reconciliation. A copy of the bank statement also is given Marks these same items on the bank statement.
to the school FS. All separate notifications received from
• Items remaining unchecked on outstanding checks
the bank (ex: fees, interest, adjustments/corrections,
list become the new outstanding checks list. Runs
ACH deposits, and NSF checks) should be recorded in
an adding machine tape or spreadsheet with check
EPES (IAF accounting system) before the reconciliation
number and amount to calculate the total. Attach to
is performed.
the reconciliation.
Materials • Items remaining unchecked on the GL Transfer list
are Deposits in Transit. Calculate the total.
Financial specialist (FS) provides to staff member:
• Original bank statement • If any items on the bank statement other than bank
• List of outstanding checks (before canceling any for fees or credit memos do not have a check mark next
the month) to them, they are reconciling items to EPES that the
• General Ledger (GL) Report (highlight account staff member must resolve immediately with the FS.
992, Checking, to assist staff member) Entries may need to be recorded in EPES. Calculate
• GL Transfers for current month (this is the list of the total of any bank fees and credits that remain
deposits) unmarked.
• List of GL Journal Adjustments (if used by school
to record bank statement activity) Using the back of the bank statement:
• List (sequential) of receipts for current month • Follow the instructions provided on the bank state-
(return to FS to retain in Monthly Report file) ment and, using the totals calculated in the prior
• List (sequential) of disbursements for current month step, reconcile the bank statement balance to the
(return to FS to retain in Monthly Report file) EPES checking account balance as reported on the
• Folder(s) with voided checks/receipts last page of the Ledger Report.

Procedure • If there are any bank fees and credits that have not
been recorded in EPES yet, these are reconciling
Staff member verifies the following: items that will have to be recorded in EPES to
• GL Transfer amount equals total receipts (+ or - reconcile EPES to the bank statement. (Adjust the
bank adjustments, if Journal Adjustments not used). EPES checking account balance first, and then com-
• Checks or receipts that have been voided should pare the result to the bank statement balance.) This
have a zero balance indicated on the List of Checks/ should be done after the manual reconciliation. This
Receipts, and all three parts of each document must is the purpose of the manual reconciliation (manual
be present. Voided, lost, or stale checks should have preparer should not have access to adjust EPES).
a negative balance.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


• Staff member signs and dates the bank statement to

indicate the account balance reconciles to the IAF
General Ledger Report checking account balance.
Meanwhile, the FS completes the same tasks in EPES,
using a copy of the bank statement, and prints the bank
reconciliation and final outstanding check list from
EPES. The financial specialist signs and dates the copy of
the bank statement to indicate the account balance recon-
ciles to the IAF General Ledger Report checking account
balance. The principal compares the results of the two
reconciliations; any differences must be resolved. The
principal signs/dates both reconciliations, which become
part of the Monthly Report file. All the materials used in
the preparation of the manual bank reconciliation also
become part of the Monthly Report file.
These tasks must be completed before the final monthly
reports can be reviewed by the principal. The principal’s
final review of all reports is due the 20th of the follow-
ing month. Completing the bank reconciliation by this
deadline enables the school to adjudicate any bank errors
in a timely manner.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


March 2013

Chart of Accounts—SFO
SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

NOTE: The purpose of the Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Chart of Accounts (COA) is to provide uniformity for accounting and reporting of IAF
transactions. This COA is intended as a reference for the various account series and does not display all accounts available in SFO as they are too
numerous to publish in the Financial Manual. The entire COA for each school level is available in the SFO software.
Account # Series Account Name Account Description
0010 - 0130 GENERAL SCHOOL
Revenue or expense for activities not listed elsewhere in the COA. If there is an account that better
0010.0000 0 General
describes an expenditure, transfer funds to that account prior to making the disbursement.
0013.0000 0 Staff Devel Staff development activities. Source of revenue cannot be account #10 or any other student funds.
Assistance to students in need for emergency circumstances to provide items such as lunch, school
0015.0000 0 Studnt Assist
supplies, clothing, etc.
0017.0000 0 Studnt Recognition Student recognition expenditures.
Staff appreciation recognition for items of nominal dollar value such as lanyards, T-shirts, hats, etc. The
0020.0000 0 Staff Apprec fiscal year total amount expended in this account plus that of account #21 cannot exceed $60 per FTE. A
school's number of FTE is found in the current Schools at a Glance document on the MCPS website.
Light refreshments for staff meetings. The fiscal year total amount expended in this account plus that of
0021.0000 0 Staff Food account #20 cannot exceed $60 per FTE. A school's number of FTE is found in the current Schools at a
Glance document on the MCPS website.
0024.0000 0 Studnt Food Student food expenditures.
0025.0000 0 PTA/PTSA Funds received from PTA or PTSA. Transfer funds to appropriate account(s) prior to disbursement.
0026.0000 0 Volunteer Apprec Volunteer appreciation expenditures.
0027.0000 0 Beautification School expenditures to enhance the appearance of the building or grounds.
Cellular phone expenses for authorized school purposes. Since MCPS issues principals a Blackberry or cell
phone and pays all expenses, no payments for this service will be made from the IAF for a principal. The
0030.0000 0 Cell Phone
negative balance accumulated in this account will be eliminated at fiscal yearend by transfer of funds from
the general account.
0035.0000 0 Technology Computer-based equipment or software license.
0036.0000 0 Postage Postage expenditures. The negative balance in this account is reimbursable from MCPS.
0040.0000 0 Media Ctr Revenue or expense for the media center.
0043.0000 0 Media Ctr Oblig Funds received to reimburse the school for lost or damaged media items.
0044.0000 0 Cafeteria Oblig Funds received to reimburse the school for cafeteria obligations.
0045.0000 0 Textbook Oblig Funds received to reimburse the school for lost or damaged textbooks.
0047.0000 0 Calculator Oblig Funds received to reimburse the school for lost or damaged calculators.
Funds received for which there is no other COA account to better describe the loss of or damage to school
0048.0000 0 Loss/Damage Oblig
Monthly interest received as indicated on bank statement. Transfer of balance at fiscal yearend may be
0050.0000 0 Checkng Interest made to account(s) that do not record student generated funds. Transfer to #9800 series staff accounts
is prohibited.
Monthly expense charged as indicated on bank statement. Transfer negative balance at fiscal yearend to
0051.0000 0 Checkng Expense
the general account.
Monthly interest received as indicated on Escrow Manager statement. Transfer of balance at fiscal yearend
0055.0000 0 CIF Interest may be made to account(s) that do not record student generated funds. Transfer to staff accounts is
Monthly expense charged as indicated on Escrow Manager statement. Transfer negative balance at fiscal
0056.0000 0 CIF Expense
yearend to the general account.
Expenditure or receipt of funds for reimbursable expenses previously paid from IAF funds. If the
0060.0000 0 MCPS Reimb reimbursement is for an expenditure recorded in another account, transfer the reimbursement to that
account. Use of the Purchase Card will eliminate the need to request for MCPS reimbursement.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a framework for creating safer and more effective
0065.0000 8 PBIS Reimb schools. Reimbursement requests for PBIS expenditures are submitted to the Department of Student
Incentive funds schools receive from the SERT office for conserving energy, reducing waste, and increasing
recycling. Funds can be used to educate students and staff about the importance of conservation,
0070.0000 0 SERT
environmental stewardship, and sustainability. Contact the SERT program manager for additional guidance
on use of funds.
Interagency Coordinating Board (ICB) award paid to schools for community use. The ICB will not release an
0075.0000 0 ICB Annual Award
award to a school for the next fiscal year until the prior-year documentation is received.
User groups pay the ICB Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) office for use of school equipment.
0076.0000 0 ICB Equip Use
CUPF reimburses high schools quarterly, and elementary and middle schools semiannually.
User groups pay the ICB CUPF office for outside use premium (OUP) overtime hours worked by MCPS
0080.0000 0 ICB Payables
Independent Activity Payment (IAP) for hours worked at a school event. School submits hours worked at
0085.0000 0 MCPS Payables
premium (SEP) overtime rate to ERSC. School is invoiced by controller division for MCPS reimbursement.
Sales taxes due on items sold such as yearbooks, PE uniforms and other garments, school store items, fund-
0095.0000 0 Sales Tax
raising items, etc. Account balance at yearend is paid to the Maryland Comptroller annually in July.
Checks written to transfer funds from checking to CIF are recorded in this account. Checks are then
0099.0000 0 CIF Transfers voided as these transfers between checking account and CIF savings account neither increase nor decrease
the total amount of a school's asset accounts.
Cell tower commission revenue. Revenue is based on a sharing formula for consortium and host schools
with towers. Consortium schools receive two payments; one of which is to be shared with schools within
0100.0000 0 Cell Tower_Comm
their respective consortium. Transfer of balance at fiscal yearend may be made to account(s) that do
not record student generated funds. Transfer to staff accounts is prohibited.
Commission and bonus revenue received from the portrait vendor. Prior to making any expenditure,
0110.0000 0 Stdnt Pictures_Comm
transfer funds to account(s) that benefit only students.
Vending machine commission revenue identified as generated by student purchases. Funds are transferred
0120.0000 0 Vendng_Studnt_Comm
into student benefiting account(s) prior to expenditure.

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March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


APPENDIX C March 2013

SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

Account # Series Account Name Account Description

Vending machine commission revenue identified as generated by staff purchases. Funds are transferred
0130.0000 0 Vendng_Staff_Comm into benefiting account(s) prior to expenditure. Benefiting accounts may be in the 9800 - 9850 number
1000 - 1910 ATHLETICS
Consolidation of all revenue and expense that pertain to a school's athletic department. Sub-accounts are
1000.0000 1 Athletic Dept used to record purchases of equiment and supplies for each sport, as well as income such as gate receipts,
sales of uniforms, booster clubs, and parking fees.
1000.1001 - 1000.1710 1 Boys Team Sports
1000.2001 - 1000.2710 1 Girls Team Sports
1000.3101 - 1000.3910 1 Coed Team Sports
1000.4001 - 1000.4110 1 Support Groups
1000.5011 -
1 All Sports Expenses
1000.5050 -
1 Misc Athletic Expenses
1000.6000 1 ATH__MCPS Allocation
1000.6091 1 Stdnt Parking Fees Receipts received from sale of student parking passes.
1000.6093 1 ATH__MCPS Supplement
1000.6094 1 ATH__Corollary Supplement
1000.7050 -
1 Gate Rcpts Required
1000.8063 -
1 Gate Rcpts Optional
1000.9050 1 ATH Dept FR
1000.9051 1 ATH Concessions
1000.9052 1 ATH Dept Resale
1000.9053 1 Stdnt Purchase_Uniform
1000.9054 1 Host Tourn/Invit/Relay
1000.9055 1 MPSSAA Playoff_Gate
1000.9056 1 MPSSAA MCPS Reimb
1000.9057 1 ATH_Booster Club
1000.9058 1 ATH_Donations
1000.9059 1 ATH_Other Income
1000.9087 1 ATH_School Store Rev
1900.0000 1 ATH_Middle School
1910.0000 1 ATH_MS.Intramural Prog
2010 - 2930 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective business activity account name.
2010.0000 2 Guid/Transcript Fees Receipts and disbursements related to the guidance office, including transcript fees.
2100.0000 2 Exam Fees AP Receipts and disbursements related to Advance Placement (AP) exams.
2110.0000 2 Exam Fees IB Receipts and disbursements related to International Baccalaureate (IB) exams.
2120.0000 2 Exam Fees PSAT Receipts and disbursements related to Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) exams.
2130.0000 2 Exam Fees Other Receipts and disbursements related to other external exams.
This account may have a negative balance until allocations are received for reimbursement of the
2150.0000 2 Exam Waiver/MCPSReimb
2175.0000 2 Testing Receipts and disbursements related to testing for which there is no other COA descriptive account.
Receipts and disbursements from purchase and resale of merchandise operating a school store. The
2200.0000 2 School Store portion of revenue from the resale of merchandise attributed to Maryland sales tax will be transferred to
account 0095.0000, Sales Tax.
2210.0000 2 PE Clothing Receipts and disbursements related to PE clothing.
Receipts and disbursements related to agenda books. It is a violation of MCPS fiscal policy to sell agenda
2220.0000 2 Agenda Books
books to students if the agenda books were purchased with operating budget funds.
2240.0000 2 Stdnt ID's Receipts from replacement of student ID cards.
2300.0000 2 Subscript_Classroom
2300.0010 2 Time for Kids
2300.0015 2 Scholastic News
2300.0020 2 Weekly Reader
2400.0000 2 Subscript_Staff
2500.0000 2 Trades/Technical
2900.0000 2 LSP_Instructnl Receipts and disbursements related to Local School Summer Program - curriculum related
2910.0000 2 LSP__Camp Receipts and disbursements related to Local School Summer Program - recreational
2915.0000 2 SS_Reg Summer School Receipts and disbursements related to Summer School Regional.
2920.0000 2 SS_ELO
2925.0000 2 ESY-Extend School Yr
2930.0000 2 SS_MS Orientation Receipts and disbursements related to Middle School Orientation.
3001 - 3950 CLASS ACTIVITIES Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective class activity account name.
3001.0000 3 Grade_1
3002.0000 3 Grade_2
3003.0000 3 Grade 3
3004.0000 3 Grade 4
3005.0000 3 Grade 5
3006.0000 3 Grade 6
3007.0000 3 Grade 7
3008.0000 3 Grade 8
3009.0000 3 Kindergarten
3010.0000 3 Pre K
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Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


APPENDIX C March 2013

SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

Account # Series Account Name Account Description

3030.0000 3 Headstart
3040.0000 3 Title I
3050.0000 3 PEP Preschool Education Program
3011.0000 3 Class of_2011 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3012.0000 3 Class of_2012 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3013.0000 3 Class of_2013 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3014.0000 3 Class of_2014 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3015.0000 3 Class of_2015 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3016.0000 3 Class of_2016 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3017.0000 3 Class of_2017 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3018.0000 3 Class of_2018 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3019.0000 3 Class of_2019 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3020.0000 3 Class of_2020 Prior to graduation, class sponsor obtains written directive of the class for expending any account balance.
3250.0000 3 Class Activity/Other
3300.0000 3 NHS Receipts and disbursements related to National Honor Society.
3350.0000 3 NJHS Receipts and disbursements related to National Junior Honor Society.
3400.0000 3 Honor Soc/Other Receipts and disbursements related to Other Honor Society.
3500.0000 3 SGA Receipts and disbursements related to Student Government Association.
3505.0000 3 It's Academic
3507.0000 3 AcademicTeam/Other
3510.0000 3 Patrols
3515.0000 3 Drama Club
3520.0000 3 Key Club
3525.0000 3 SADD
3530.0000 3 Club/Other
3531.0000 3 Promotion
3535.0000 3 Graduation
3900.0000 3 YRBK_Current Yr
3905.0000 3 YRBK_Ads/Current Yr
3910.0000 3 YRBK_Prev Yr
3920.0000 3 Newspaper/Current Yr
3930.0000 3 Newspaper/Prev Yr
3940.0000 3 Literary Mag
3950.0000 3 Publication_Othr
Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective curricular fee account name. OSSI must
approve of each activity fee before a student is required to pay it. These accounts should not accumulate
4010.0000 - 4018.9999 4(01) Art
4020.0000 - 4027.9999 4(02) Band
4030.0000 - 4037.9999 4(03) Choral Music
4040.0000 - 4047.9999 4(04) Career and Tech Education
4050.0000 - 4054.9999 4(05) FACS
4060.0000 - 4064.9999 4(06) Foods
Instrumental Music /
4070.0000 - 4076.9999 4(07)
4080.0000 - 4087.9999 4(08) ROTC
4093.0000 - 4095.9999 4(09) Science
4100.0000 - 4105.9999 4(10) Trades
5000-5200 FIELD TRIPS Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective field trip account name.
5000.0000 5 Gen_Field Trip
5010.0000 5 FT_Kindergarten
5011.0000 5 FT_GR_1
5012.0000 5 FT_GR 2
5013.0000 5 FT_GR 3
5014.0000 5 FT_GR 4
5015.0000 5 FT_GR 5
5016.0000 5 FT_GR 6
5017.0000 5 FT_GR 7
5018.0000 5 FT_GR 8
5019.0000 5 FT_Combo GR
5020.0000 5 FT_All School
5030.0000 5 Outdoor Ed_Fees
5031.0000 5 Outdoor Ed_Other Exp
5033.0000 5 College Fair
5035.0000 5 FT_Course Related
5040.0000 5 FT_JROTC
5045.0000 5 FT_Clubs
5050.0000 5 FT_Other
5100.0000 5 FT_Magnet Program
5200.0000 5 FT_Signature Program
6010-6300 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective department account name.
6005.0000 6 DEPT_Guidance
6010.0000 6 DEPT_English
6011.0000 6 DEPT_Math
6012.0000 6 DEPT_Science
6013.0000 6 DEPT_Social Studies
6014.0000 6 DEPT_Foreign Lang
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March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


APPENDIX C March 2013

SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

Account # Series Account Name Account Description

6015.0000 6 DEPT_Music General
6016.0000 6 DEPT_Music Choral
6017.0000 6 DEPT_Music Band
6018.0000 6 DEPT_Music Inst
6019.0000 6 DEPT_Art
6020.0000 6 DEPT_Bus Ed
6021.0000 6 DEPT_Drama
6022.0000 6 DEPT_Tech Ed
6023.0000 6 DEPT_PE
6025.0000 6 DEPT_Special Ed
6027.0000 6 DEPT_SCB
6030.0000 6 DEPT_ESOL
6050.0000 6 DEPT_Dept Acct/Others
6100.0000 6 DEPT_GR LVL TEAM
6010.0000 6 DEPT_Kindergarten
6011.0000 6 DEPT_GR_1
6012.0000 6 DEPT_GR_2
6013.0000 6 DEPT_GR 3
6014.0000 6 DEPT_GR 4
6015.0000 6 DEPT_GR 5
6016.0000 6 DEPT_GR 6
6017.0000 6 DEPT_GR 7
6018.0000 6 DEPT_GR 8
6019.0000 6 DEPT_Combo Grades
6200.0000 6 MAGNET PROGM
Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective fund raiser account name. Refer to the
Guidelines for Sponsoring an Independent Activity Fund Fund-Raiser for instructions for conducting a
successful fund-raiser. At the conclusion of a fund-raiser, the sponsor will provide a profit and loss
7000-7560 FUND RAISERS
statement to the financial agent to reconcile the money collected with what was purchased and sold. Any
profit from a fund-raiser will be transferred to the benefiting account prior to expenditure. Any salable
inventory remaining at the end of the fiscal year will be reported as inventory on the IAF yearend report.
7000.0000 7 FR_General
7010.0000 7 FR_Class
7020.0000 7 FR_Club
Receipts received from fund-raiser activities conducted with prior principal approval by non-athletic booster
7021.0000 7 Boosters/Non_Athletic
7030.0000 7 FR_All School
7035.0000 7 FR_Book Fair
7040.0000 7 FR_SGA
7043.0000 7 FR_Key Club
7045.0000 7 FR_Staff
7050.0000 7 FR_Other
7100.0000 7 FR_Athletics
7200.0000 7 FR_Magnet Program
7300.0000 7 FR_Signature Program
Receipts and disbursements related to concession activities. Transfer profits from these fund-raising
7400.0000 7 FR_Concessions
activities to the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to drama production activities. Transfer profits from these fund-
7500.0000 7 Drama Productions
raising activities to the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to homecoming activities. Transfer profits from these fund-raising
7525.0000 7 Homecoming
activities to the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to prom activities. Transfer profits from these fund-raising activities
7530.0000 7 Prom
to the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to club activities. Transfer profits from these fund-raising activities to
7540.0000 7 Club Event
the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to all-school events. Transfer profits from these fund-raising events to
7550.0000 7 All School Event
the benefiting account.
Receipts and disbursements related to other events for which there is no other COA account description.
7560.0000 7 Other Event
Transfer profits from these fund-raising events to the benefiting account.
8100-8500 GRANT / DONATION Receipts and disbursements associated with the respective award, grant, or donation account name.
8100.0000 8 Recog Awards Awards received that recognize school achievement.
A small grant is a grant that is less than $20,000, does not require restricted annual financial reporting,
does not require cash or in-kind match nor a commitment of MCPS resources, and is not used to employ
personnel, other than substitutes, in the schools during the regular school day. Upon receipt of a small
8200.0000 8 Small Grants
grant, the financial agent will submit a copy of completed MCPS Form 280-71A, Information on School-
Based Small Grant Award, to the Internal Audit Unit and retain the original in the school finance office. See
MCPS Regulation DDA-RA, Seeking and Securing Federal, State, and Private Grants.
Do not accept restricted donations without the advice of legal council from the Office of the Chief
Operating Officer. Do not accept gifts other than cash. If stocks or bonds are offered, ensure that they
8300.0000 8 Donations
can immediately be converted to cash prior to accepting them. Transfer funds to the account from which
you want to make expenditures.
These are student funds received from Ahold Finance based upon parents and others registering with
Giant. The use of the Giant BonusCard and registering a school preference earns points for the school.
8310.0000 8 Giant Bonus Bucks
Ahold Finance distributes the checks directly to the school. Transfer funds to the account from which you
want to make expenditures. Page 4 of 5

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


APPENDIX C March 2013

SchoolFunds Online (SFO)

Account # Series Account Name Account Description

These are student funds distributed to schools based upon a percentage of use of the Target credit card
8320.0000 8 Target Rebate by parents and others who register their school preference with the store. Transfer funds to the account
from which you want to make expenditures.
These are student funds are distributed to the schools based on the number of box tops, can labels, and
8330.0000 8 Box Tops for Ed Universal Product Codes (UPC) from different products, such as General Mills cereals, Pepperidge Farm
products, and Campbell soups. Transfer funds to the account from which you want to make expenditures.
These are student funds from Safeway based upon parents and others registering with Safeway. The use
of the Safeway BonusCard and registering a school preference earns points for the school. Safeway
8340.0000 8 Safeway/eScrip
distributes the checks directly to the school. Transfer funds to the account from which you want to make
8350.0000 8 MerchDonatn/Othr
An account should be established for each memorial fund maintained by a school. The school will obtain
written documenation from the donor indicating the intent for expenditures as well as alternative uses of
8400.0000 8 Memorial Accts the funds in the event that the amount raised during a fiscal year no longer reaches anticipated levels for
the memorial to continue for the purpose as originally established. The school will retain the donor's
original documentation for auditors to verify that the donor's directives are being followed.
An account should be established for each scholarship fund maintained by a school. The school will obtain
written documenation from the donor indicating the intent for expenditures as well as alternative uses of
8500.0000 8 Scholarship Accts the funds in the event that the amount raised during a fiscal year no longer reaches anticipated levels for
the scholarship to continue for the purpose as originally established. The school will retain the donor's
original documentation for auditors to verify that the donor's directives are being followed.
9000-9200 EXCHANGE
For charitable activities, exchange accounts are used to record activity transactions in which the total
amount of receipts collected equals the total amount of the disbursement at the conclusion of the
collection period. Change funds are exchange accounts in which the amount issued by the financial agent
9000.0000 9 Exchange is the exact amount returned to the financial agent at the conclusion of the need for the change fund. An
exchange account may also be used if a check is erroneously made payable to a staff member rather than
to the school, or if a staff member erroneously purchases a person item included in a school order and
must reimburse the school for the personal item.
9010.0000 9 Community Service Activty
9020.0000 9 Pennies for Patients
9025.0000 9 Hoops4Hearts
9030.0000 9 Red Cross
9035.0000 9 Disaster Relief
9040.0000 9 March of Dimes
9050.0000 9 Charity Drive/Other
An amount of funds issued to make change at an admission event or business activity. Change funds will
9200.0000 9 Change Funds be returned to the financial agent to be closed out at the conclusion of one-time events and at the end of
the activity year for all other change funds.
Accounts funded by receipts contributed or generated by school staff members to include donations made
to staff. These funds are included in the school's IAF for the convenience of staff to avoid the expense of
9800-9850 STAFF maintaining their own individual checking account. However, the principal must approve expenditure of
these funds in accordance with IAF procedures. Staff vending commission receipts may be transferred into
these accounts.
Receipts contributed or generated by staff activity and disbursements from this account for staff social
9800.0000 9 STAFF_Social Cmttee
committee purposes.
Receipts contributed or generated by staff activity and disbursements from this account to recognize
9810.0000 9 STAFF_Hosp/Sunshine
personal staff events.
Receipts contributed or generated by staff activity and disbursements from this account for staff wellness
9820.0000 9 STAFF_Wellness
Receipts contributed or generated by staff activity and disbursements from this account to recognize staff
9830.0000 9 STAFF_Retirements
Receipts contributed or generated by staff activity and disbursements from this account for other staff
9850.0000 9 STAFF_Accts/Other
Small amount of cash, usually no more than $100, used in lieu of writing checks to reimburse for purchases
9900.0000 9 PETTY CASH
of nominal amounts. The amount of petty cash is included in a school's cash holding authority.
Account into which funds received are deposited and from which disbursements are made by writitng
9920.0000 9 CHECKING ACCT
checks. Receipt and disbursement of funds may also occur via ACH.
Centralized Investment Account (CIF) is a savings account where excess funds are deposited to earn
interest. Deposits into the CIF are made by check and return of funds from the CIF occur via ACH into a
9930.0000 9 CIF
school's checking account. Transactions between the checking account and CIF are recorded as transfers.
These transfers neither increase nor decrease the combined total of a school's asset accounts.

Page 5 of 5

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Posting Electronic Payment Receipts—SFO
Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Accounting With

Posting Electronic Payment Receipts

Entries other than checks and receipts that need to be posted to the books are entered as JOURNAL ENTRIES. By
using the Journal Entry functions, you are guaranteed to post the correct “debit” and “credit” entries because
SchoolFunds Online posts these entries automatically! After saving each journal entry, a Journal Entry Proof Sheet
will print providing printed documentation for each journal entry posted.

Journal Entries for Bank Interest/Other Credits

This journal entry may be used to post interest earned on a checking account and/or any interest earned on CDs or
other investment accounts. It may also be used to post other credits.
Field Name: Explanation (All fields are required except Additional Comments).
Transaction Date: Automatically inserts the statement ending date from the bank reconciliation screen (Step #1).
Change this date if necessary.
Amount: Enter the amount of the bank interest or other credit, ACH payment, etc.
Post to Account: Select the account number to which the funds should be posted.
Offset Account: Automatically inserts the correct cash (checking) account number to be used as an offset. This
account may be changed if posting savings or investment account interest.
Reference: Specify the source of the funds (e.g., Safeway, MCPS Reimb, etc.)
Additional Comments: Enter any additional comments/description for this JE not entered in the reference field. This
information will only print on the proof sheet.
Bank Name and Account: Automatically inserts the bank name and account number previously entered on the My
Profile screen. The bank name and account number can be changed on this screen if needed.

Once the screen is completed, click on the Preview button to display the preview entry. Verify all information is correct -
do not be concerned that the amount is labeled “Interest Amount.” Click on the Post and Generate Final Proof button.
The entry has now posted. When the proof sheet appears, click on the printer icon to print a copy of the entry for
documentation. Note: Be sure to print the proof sheet.

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Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Montgomery County Public Schools, MD 12/2012

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Recording CIF Transactions—SFO

Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Accounting With



1) To transfer funds from checking to savings

To transfer funds from the school’s checking account to savings in SFO, it is possible to
write a check payable to the Centralized Investment Fund (Sandy Spring Bank) directly from
the 9930.000 CIF asset account. It is no longer necessary to void CIF chec ks and record
general ledger transfers to move funds. Checks written to the CIF in this manner will appear
on the outstanding check list and can be cleared in the normal bank reconciliation process.

A. Enter the check in SFO

 Click <Check>, <New Check>
 Use the current date
 Allow the check number to default to <Print>
 The vendor is <Centralized Investment Fund>
 The description is <Move funds to savings>
 Enter account <9930.0000>
 Enter the amount that you want to move
 Save the transaction

B. Print the check

 Click on <Preview Checks>
 If the check is correct, click on the <Print> button at the top of the preview window to
print the check

C. Post the check

 After the check has printed correctly, click the <Post Checks> button

Note that when transferring funds from checking account to savings account the transaction will
appear as a negative disbursement in the CIF 9930.0000 account history report.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


2) To transfer funds from savings to checking

Funds will be transferred electronically from Sandy Spring Bank to your school’s
checking account. When the funds appear in your checking account, the movement of
funds is recorded as an Asset Transfer between the savings and checking accounts. This
transfer will appear as a negative transfer in the CIF account histo ry report.

 Click <JE’s>, <Transfers>, <Asset Transfer>

 Transaction date is the date the bank posted to the checking account
 Record the amount of the transfer
 The “Take-From” account is 9930.0000 CIF
 The “Add-To” account is 9920.0000 Checking Account
 Reference <Move funds to checking>
 Add any additional comments as necessary
 Click the <Preview> button to view the transfer
 Click the <Post and Print Final Proof> button
 Maintain proof with CIF transfer authorization signed by the principal


A. Access monthly Centralized Investment Fund (CIF) statement online and print a copy.

B. Record CIF interest and CIF expense as journal adjustments. For interest, click <JE’s>,
<Bank Interest/Other Credits>, Post to Account <0055.0000 CIF Interest>, Offset Account
<9930.0000 CIF>, and Reference <CIF Interest>. For expense, click <JE’s>, <Bank
Charge/Other Debits>, Post to Account <0056.0000 CIF Expense>, Offset Account
<9930.0000 CIF>, and Reference <CIF Expense>. Information entered in “Additional
Comments” will appear only on the proof sheet.

C. If your school has additional CIF accounts set up for endowment funds, memorial accounts
etc. you will need to record the interest and expense for each separate account in the fund’s
activity account and corresponding general ledger account.

D. Transaction Date
a. The date recorded should be the date interest/expense was posted to your CIF account by
Sandy Spring Bank (SSB) and should be recorded in the general ledger in the month
received. If for any reason interest/expense is not posted in the month received before that
month is closed (reports have been completed and signed), interest/expense should be
recorded as soon as possible with a transaction date in the month currently open. All
interest/expense must be recorded prior to closing the fiscal year and completing year-end

E. After recording the monthly interest and expense, compare the CIF statement to account
9930.0000 to ensure that all transactions have been correctly recorded in the general ledger.
Resolve any discrepancies.

4. Include the CIF statement, with the journal adjustment proof sheets, in the month-end report
forwarded to the principal for review.
Page 2 of 2

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Visiting Bookkeeper Checklist—SFO

Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Accounting With


1. Review prior month account history (sponsor) reports.
• Which sponsors have not returned reconciliation reports?
• What strategies have been used to ensure all sponsors have reviewed,
signed, and returned account history reports?

2. Review Time & Effort Certification forms to ensure that forms are
completed and on file for all grant funded positions.

3. Review records of all IAF transactions - receipts, disbursements, and

transfers through current date.

4. Perform Independent Bank Reconciliation In SFO software (reference SFO

User Guide, Section 7, page 56)
• Print and Sign/Date the following:
 Completed bank reconciliation report
 List of outstanding checks

5. Print additional Monthly Reports for principal’s review and signature.

Signed reports should be kept in a notebook in the main office. A divider
should be prepared for each month and items filed in the following order:
A. Receipts & Disbursements Report (formerly F u n d s Ledger Report)
• Enter the last day of the month in the field for “Report Ending
• Select “Detail” and “Exclude Encumbrances, Exclude Accounts
with Zero Balance” then “Generate Report Data”
• Check your report for the following:
• Total Regular Accounts equals Total Asset Accounts
• Transfer column equals $0
• Click “Finish” then print the report for principal’s review and
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD Rev. January 2013

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013



B. Account History Reports (formerly Account Sponsor Reports)

Account History Reports should be run for all accounts (exclude accounts with zero
balance), regardless of activity, for the current month, in sponsor order, with page
breaks (these reports are for sponsors to review, sign, date, and return to the
financial agent); file signed Account History Reports in separate binder or folders.
▪ Enter the first day of the month as the “Start Date;” enter the last day of the
month as the “End Date”
▪ Set report parameters to “Select All” accounts and “Run by account sponsor”
▪ Click on “Generate Report”
▪ Print

C. Centralized Investment Fund (CIF) online statement for current month

D. FMS iReceivable Account Summary Report (as of Month End Date)

5. Principal’s Review of Receipts and Disbursements Report and Bank Reconciliation

The financial agent and principal should meet to review and the Receipts and
Disbursements Report and the Bank Reconciliation Report, including all monthly and
year to date activity in accounts.

A. Look for the following:

▪ Note the beginning, ending balances, monthly, and year-to-date activity. What is
the purpose of each account? Which accounts are restricted use?
▪ Which accounts have negative balances? Why? How will the negative balances
be resolved?
▪ Note account activity for the current month – Which accounts show the most
activity? Which accounts are inactive? Why? Do any accounts need to be closed
▪ Make sure the “Reconciled Bank Balance” on the Bank Reconciliation equals
“Checking Account” balance on the Receipts and Disbursements Report.
B. The principal should sign and date the Receipts and Disbursements Report and the
Bank Reconciliation Report, and then return the signed reports to the financial
agent to retain for audit records.

6. Collect Reports
For completed activities, have sponsoring staff members prepare the following
A. Fund Raiser Completion Reports (available on myMCPS Business Center/tools)
B. Final Field Trip Accounting Forms (MCPS Form 280-41 or equivalent)
C. Inventory lists (MCPS Form 281-22) for activities with salable merchandise. This
form should be completed even if there were no items left.
D. Monthly Account History Reports – reviewed, signed and dated by sponsor

Montgomery County Public Schools, MD 12/12/2012

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


End of Month Checklist—SFO
Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Accounting With


FOR THE MONTH OF_________________, Year ________

1. Record All of the Following:

A. Receipts (including interest earned and ACH transactions)
B. Disbursements (including bank charges and ACH transactions)
C. Transfers
D. Movements of cash (including deposits)
E. CIF Interest/Expense/Transactions

2. Record Any of the Following:

A. Voided checks/receipts
B. Old checks written off
C. Bank corrections
D. Adjusting entries

3. Complete Bank Reconciliation in the School Funds Online (SFO) software

A. Who does the bank reconciliation?
 High Schools – to be done by the school business administrator
 Middle Schools – to be done by a designee, trained by school financial
specialist (send name of bank reconciliation designee to Sue DeGraba for
access to be set up in software)
 Elementary Schools – to be done by visiting bookkeeper
B. How is the bank reconciliation done? (Ref: SFO User Guide, Section 7 – pg 56)
C. The person doing the bank reconciliation should Print and Sign/Date the
 Completed bank reconciliation report
 List of outstanding checks

4. Print Monthly Reports

At the end of each month, the following reports must be printed and kept in a
notebook in the school financial office. A divider should be prepared for each
month and items filed in the following order:
A. Receipts & Disbursements Report (formerly General/ F u n d s Ledger Report)
▪ Enter the last day of the month in the field for “Report Ending Date”
▪ Select “Detail” and “Exclude Encumbrances, Exclude Accounts with Zero
Balance” then “Generate Report Data”
▪ Check your report for the following:
1) Total Regular Accounts equals Total Asset Accounts
2) Transfer column equals $0
▪ Click “Finish” then print the report for principal’s review and signature
Montgomery County Public Schools, MD 12/12/2012

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013



B. Account History Reports (formerly Account Sponsor Reports)

Account History Reports should be run for all accounts (exclude accounts with zero
balance), regardless of activity, for the current month, in sponsor order, with page
breaks (these reports are for sponsors to review, sign, date, and return to the
financial agent); file signed Account History Reports in separate binder or folders.
▪ Enter the first day of the month as the “Start Date;” enter the last day of the
month as the “End Date”
▪ Set report parameters to “Select All” accounts and “Run by account sponsor”
▪ Click on “Generate Report”
▪ Print

C. Centralized Investment Fund (CIF) online statement for current month

D. FMS iReceivable Account Summary Report (as of Month End Date)

5. Principal’s Review of Receipts and Disbursements Report and Bank Reconciliation

The financial agent and principal should meet to review and the Receipts and
Disbursements Report and the Bank Reconciliation Report, including all monthly and
year to date activity in accounts.

A. Look for the following:

▪ Note the beginning, ending balances, monthly, and year-to-date activity. What is
the purpose of each account? Which accounts are restricted use?
▪ Which accounts have negative balances? Why? How will the negative balances
be resolved?
▪ Note account activity for the current month – Which accounts show the most
activity? Which accounts are inactive? Why? Do any accounts need to be closed
▪ Make sure the “Reconciled Bank Balance” on the Bank Reconciliation equals
“Checking Account” balance on the Receipts and Disbursements Report.
B. The principal should sign and date the Receipts and Disbursements Report and the
Bank Reconciliation Report, and then return the signed reports to the financial
agent to retain for audit records.

6. Collect Reports
For completed activities, have sponsoring staff members prepare the following
A. Fund Raiser Completion Reports (available on myMCPS Business Center/tools)
B. Final Field Trip Accounting Forms (MCPS Form 280-41 or equivalent)
C. Inventory lists (MCPS Form 281-22) for activities with salable merchandise. This
form should be completed even if there were no items left.
D. Monthly Account History Reports – reviewed, signed and dated by sponsor

Montgomery County Public Schools, MD 12/12/2012

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Guidelines for Student Athlete Purchases
(February, 2013)
General Guidelines—The following general guide-
1)  A. Items purchased directly by the student from
lines apply to all team and student purchases. a vendor, without school involvement (for
• Coaches must have approval from the principal or instance, student purchases cleats, socks, etc.,
designee before initiating any purchases for their directly from Sports Authority).
team or for students on their teams. B. Items purchased directly by the student from a
• School teams may not have their own bank vendor, with school involvement (for instance,
accounts. Personal checks may not bear the name working with an approved vendor, school
of the school or school team. designs a T-shirt, or designates a particular
color of socks, etc., and negotiates a price.
• Students must purchase all equipment, uniforms, Then, student purchases the T-shirt directly
apparel, and items that they do not return to the from the vendor, either online or otherwise).
school at the end of the season.
C. Items purchased from a vendor by the school,
• If the school is involved with the purchase of an and students purchase the items from the
item that will become the personal property of school, using athletic sub accounts 9053/5053.
students, sub account codes 9053/5053 (student
purchases) should be used, unless the purchase • If offered for sale through the school, the cost
is conducted as a fundraiser. Sales tax must be of the item to students (rounded to the nearest
included. If conducted as a fundraiser, appropriate dollar for ease of accounting) must be calculated
school system fundraiser standards and proce- with sales tax and no profit to the school’s athletic
dures should be utilized. program. No overcharge may be assessed to pay-
ing students to offset the costs absorbed by the
Required School Inventory Items—Uniforms
2)  school for students who are unable to pay.
and equipment owned by the school and issued to
• The coach is responsible for coordinating orders
students for a particular season. Items are returned to
and collecting funds from students. Checks
the school after the season.
should be made payable to the school (not to an
• These items are required for participation in inter- individual) and funds collected should be remit-
scholastic athletic competitions. ted to the school financial specialist on a daily
• If a student damages or loses an assigned item, the basis. The order should be transacted according to
student incurs a financial obligation for repair or MCPS procurement guidelines and paid through
replacement costs. the school’s independent activity fund.
Required Personal Items—Items required for par-
3)  4) Optional Personal Items—Items are not required
ticipation, but items are purchased and retained by for participation; items are retained by students as their
students. own personal property.
• The items become the personal property of the • Purchasing options and procedures for optional
student. personal items are the same as required personal
• Examples include mouthpieces, socks, baseball items.
hats, swimsuits, practice jerseys, girdle pads, • Coaches must emphasize that purchasing the item
shoes, etc. Examples may also include uniforms. is an option, not a requirement.
• Required personal items may be purchased in one • The sale of optional team gear may be coordinated
of three fundamental ways: by parent-team support groups; however, parent
groups may not have checking accounts bearing
the school name.

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Guidelines for Athletics Fund-Raising Fundraising

• All fund-raising activities shall be in accordance with Can student athletes be required to generate a minimum
Policy CND, School-Related Fund Raising. amount of fund raising profit (e.g. sale of merchant coupon
• The principal must authorize in advance and in books)?
accordance with Policy CND all fund raising No. Participation in school fund-raising activities
activities. shall be on a voluntary basis, and no student shall be
compelled to participate or contribute.
• Booster clubs must follow school and school system
guidelines and procedures with respect to fund- Purchases by Parent Groups
raisers, including gaining approval from the principal
Parents of a particular team want to establish a means
or designee. Such activities should be planned/sched-
whereby team members, or parents of team members, may
uled collaboratively with the school administration
work with a vendor to design and sell spirit wear, or items
to minimize conflicts with the instructional program
of apparel, associated with the team. The parents want to do
or previously planned school-sponsored fund raising
this independent of the school. Is this permissible?
Yes, if some fundamental guidelines are followed,
• Fund-raising activities may not be conducted for the including that purchase of the spirit wear is optional.
purpose of raising funds to purchase personal items Pressure may not be exerted on students or their
retained by student athletes or to support out-of- parents to purchase the optional spirit wear. Other
season activities such as camp or clinic fees, meals, guidelines are addressed in Q2, Q3, and Q4.
apparel for coaches or participants, summer league-
Can a parent open a special checking account for the purpose
related expenses, or coaches’ compensation.
of collecting and distributing funds for the purchase of spirit
• Fund-raising activities may be conducted to defray wear for team members and their parents?
the cost of optional activities such as travel expenses Yes, but it must be clear that the group is separate
for in-season tournaments and athletic competitions. and distinct from the school. The account, including
the checks associated with the account, may not bear
Questions and Answers the school or team name or initials. A check with the
Meetings school name or initials may suggest to some vendors
that the group is representing the school, for tax pur-
Does sharing the cost of refreshments with other high
poses or otherwise.
schools for hosting a systemwide athletic directors meeting
count towards my fiscal year $60 per FTE calculation? Do parents organizing or initiating spirit wear purchases
No. The cost of refreshments for these meetings is have to use vendors approved on the MCPS bid list?
an exception to the $60 per FTE rule. The School No, not if the items are exclusively optional spirit
Funds Online chart of accounts has an account in wear, and not a part of the school uniform. Schools
the athletic series to record these costs. However, any are obligated to purchase equipment and uniforms
meeting your school athletic staff convenes separately from vendors on the approved bid list.
does count against your $60 per FTE per fiscal year
maximum amount.

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools


Escheatment Process

Independent Activity Fund (IAF) Accounting With

Escheatment Process
The escheatment process defines the MCPS procedures to comply with
the Maryland regulation for unclaimed checks.
1. School Financial Agents begin the escheatment process by:
 Preparing the December bank reconciliation.
 Generating and verifying the outstanding check list for checks
over 180 days as of December 31
 Under Bank Recon > Bank Recon, click Step #4 Checks to mark
checks as reconciled.

 Under JE’s > Transfer, click Asset Transfer to establish the


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Montgomery County Public Schools, MD 02/2013

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


Field Name: Escheatment MM/YYYY, (All fields are required except Additional
Transaction Date: Automatically inserts the current date. Update this to reflect the actual
posting date. The transaction date cannot be outside the current fiscal year.
Transfer Amount: Enter the amount to be escheated (total amount of checks over 180
Take From Account: Holding account (9925-0000).
Add to Account: Checking account (9920-0000).
Reference: Enter a description for this entry.
Additional Comments: Enter any additional comments/description for this JE not entered
in the reference field. This information will print only on the proof sheet.
Once the screen is completed, click on the Preview button to display the preview entry. Verify all
information and click on the Post and Generate Final Proof button. The entry has now posted.
When the proof sheet appears, click on the printer icon to print a copy of the entry for
documentation. Note: Be sure to print the proof sheet. If you need to “reverse” this entry,
reenter the exact same entry again, except enter the amount as a negative.

 Send the approved memo to the Division of Controller with

detail for checks to be escheated.
o The memo requires approval by the Principal.
o The memo contains the following information:
check number, check date, amount to pay, SFO vendor
number, SFO vendor name, and vendor address for each
check escheated.
2. Once the Division of Controller reviews and verifies the information
in the memo, an invoice is issued to the school, and the
escheatment process to the State starts.
3. When the school receives the invoice request through iReceivable
application, initiate the payment process through iReceivable as
soon as possible.
 The school must record the electronic payment through the
SFO Manual Check process by charging the holding account
4. The Division of Controller starts the district wide escheatment
process. After receiving the money from the schools, the Division
of Controller will send the funds to the State in October.
5. Refer any calls /inquiries about escheated checks to the Division of
Controller, at 301‐279‐3115, or via
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March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools



Absence of the principal 6 Denial of Reimbursement 19
Activity Sponsor 2, 4 Designation or Delegation 3
Admission 2, 12 Direct payment 6
Advanced Approval of Purchases 6 Disbursement of $7,500 or more 5
Annual Financial Report 8 Disbursement of IAF Funds 5, 17
Athletics 2, 3, 12, 15, 19-21, 43, 44 Disposition of Equipment 2, 16, 17
Audit Reports on the Web 7 Disposition of Funds 16
Authorization 4 Doing Business with MCPS Employees or Their Family 5

Bank Reconciliation 8, 26, 41-42 Electronic Receipts 35-36
Bank Reconciliation Process 8, 26 Employee 2, 3, 6, 14
Bank Statement 8, 26, 27 Equipment 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17
BOE Ethics Officer 5 Escheat 3, 11, 45
Booster Clubs 16 Exchange Activities 21, 25
Box Tops for Education 21, 25
Business Activities 11, 21, 26 F
Federal Tax Identification Number 8
C Field Trips 2, 9, 19, 25
Career and Technology Education 13 Financial Accounting Records and Reports 7, 8, 15
Cash (Asset) Accounts 21 Financial Agent 3
Cell Tower Commissions 21, 26 Flowers 18, 27
Cellular Phone 21, 22, 28 Forgiveness of Obligations 19
Centralized Investment Fund (CIF) 20, 25, 37-38 Fundraisers 12, 19, 26
Change Funds 21, 26 Fund raising 1, 2, 4, 11, 18
Charities and Legal Services Division 18 Furniture 18
Chart of Accounts 21-34
Checking Account 9, 21, 27 G
Checking Interest 20, 21 General School Activities 22-23
Check made payable to the principal 6 Giant BonusBucks 24
Check Signing 5 Gift 17
Class Activities 21, 23 Gift Cards 6, 19
Class and Club Activities Accounts 11 Gifts 14, 15
Closing Schools 16 Grants and Donations 21, 24
Club Activities 21, 25 Guidance/Transcript Fees 23
Commercial Transportation 9
Commissions and Bonuses 7 I
Competitive Non-School Club 2 IAF Account Structure 10
Construction 4 Inactive Accounts 3, 11
Contract File 7 Independent Contractors 14
Contractor Subsidies 7 Interagency Coordinating Board (ICB) 23
Contracts 5, 6, 7, 14 Internal Audit 3, 9, 18
Contributions to charitable organizations 6 Internet Service 18
Course fees 10
Liability Considerations 5, 7
Loans to MCPS Employees 6
Lost Receipt 19

Financial Manual CHAPTER 20 Independent Activity Funds March 2013


MCPS Employees 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17 Safety 4, 17
MCPS Reimbursement 19, 20 Safeway/eScrip 21, 25
Media Center/Library 21 Sales Tax 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 23
Meeting Refreshments 22 School-Affiliated Organizations 16
Membership Cards (COSTCO) 8 School Newspaper 25
Memorial Accounts 11 School Stores 12, 26
Memorial/Scholarship 21, 27 SERT Rebate 23
Monthly Reports 8 SFO 8
Music 21, 24 SGA 21, 25
Sponsor Accounts 11
N Sponsor Records 9
Negative Balance Accounts 11 Staff Appreciation 19
Staff Development 10, 19
O Staff-Owned Accounts 1, 10, 19, 25
Obligation 3, 6 State of Maryland 17
Obligations 14, 15, 19 Stock Gift 18
Opening Schools 17 Student Identification (ID) Cards 24
Outdoor Education 25 Student Parking 12
Ownership 1 Students 2, 12, 14, 24
Summer School 19, 24
P Supporting IAF Records 10
Patrol 25
Payments for Personal Services 2, 14 T
Payment to Vendors 14 Target Rebate 21, 24
Petty Cash 3, 19, 25 Testing Support 21, 24
Picture Sales 13 Transfers 8, 11, 19, 21, 26
Pictures Commissions 26 Transparency 7
Principal 3, 7, 19, 21, 22
Principal’s Student Assistance Fund 22 V
Prior Approval 4, 5, 18 Vending Machines 12, 26
Prohibited Disbursements 6 Visiting Bookkeeper 3, 39-40
Promethean Boards 5
PTA 2, 3, 16, 18, 19 Y
PTA/PTSAs 16 Yearbook 13, 21, 26
Publications 19, 26 Yearbook Ads 21, 27
Purchase/Credit/Debit Cards 7
Purchasing Card 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 20
Purpose 1

Refreshments 4, 6, 19
Removal of Records 15
Responsibilities 3
Retention of Records 15

March 2013 Montgomery County Public Schools

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