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Ethiopian TVET System

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Bako TVET Institute

Level I

Assessment Guide
(Demonstration & Knowledge Test)

Unit of Competence: Operate Personal Computer

Module Title: Operating Personal Computer
TTLM Code: ICT ITS1 TTLM06 1011

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Prepared by jiregna A
Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development


1. The diagram below shows a typical set up of a personal computer.

2. A computer with typical input and output devices

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Prepared by jiregna A
Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

3. Examples of input / process / output

Activity Input Process Output

Getting money at Swipe card and enter PIN Computer checks the PIN Options to continue or
the Automatic number. number is valid for the ‘Access denied’ is
Teller Machine card you used. displayed on the terminal
(ATM) screen.
Enter the account you The bank’s computer If you have enough
want to withdraw the checks whether you have money you get the money
money out of. enough money for the plus a receipt.
transaction. If you don’t have the
money you get a message
that denies the transaction.
Buying groceries Prices and details of item Computer adds up the Details of goods including
from barcode on the items and provides a total price/weight come up on
goods cost. screen.
Pay for goods. Computer checks your A receipt is printed and
payment methods and message on screen gives
calculates any change change amount.
Preparing a travel Data is entered that lists The computer calculates The result is shown on the
budget expected costs. the total costs. computer screen and it
can be printed.
Print a label for a Select customer name and Computer checks the Label is printed by the
customer order address from file. printer is ready and sends printer.
Click on Print. label details to the printer.

4Sequence for starting a computer

1 Check peripheral device connections.

2 Turn on power at the power outlet.
3 If the monitor has a separate switch, turn it on.
4 Switch on the printer.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
5 Check to see if there is a floppy disk in the floppy disk drive if your computer has one. Eject
the disk to ensure the computer starts from the hard drive.
6 Switch on the system unit. If using a desktop PC the power switch is usually a button on the
front or side of the system unit. If using a laptop the power switch is usually at the top of the
7 The computer will perform a start-up routine. When the start-up routine has completed
then the operating system will start

5 Sequence for shutting down a computer

Follow this sequence if you do not have to log off first.

1 Close all files (remember to save your latest work if necessary).
2 Close all software programs.
3 Remove floppy disks or other storage media from drives if necessary.
4 Click on Start on the taskbar. Select Turn Off computer from the Start menu.
6 Check that Turn off is selected.

7 Click on OK to confirm.
Your computer may automatically turn the power off but if not you will get a message like
‘It is now safe to turn off your computer.’
8 Switch off the computer and the power outlet.

6. Move subdirectories between directories

Sometimes it is necessary to move a folder to another location or folder. Here are two
ways you can do this. (Note that you can move a file in the same ways.)

Use ‘Move To Folder’

1 In a window view, click once on the folder you want to move (so that it is selected).
2 In the window’s Toolbar click on the Edit menu and select Move To Folder.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
3 Select the folder you want to move the selected folder to. To do this, scroll up or down
the list to find the target folder. You may also need to expand folders to find the folder you
want. To select the target folder click on the folder name so that it is highlighted.
4 Click on the Move button.


1. Hard disk drive (HDD)

Your computer will have a hard disk drive. The hard disk drive is in the system unit.
The hard drive is where the operating system and application programs are kept. If
you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system there is also a location called My
Documents on the hard drive for storing your data files. You can also have a
removable hard disk drive which has the advantage of being able to store a large
amount of data and be transported and connected to other computers.

2. Floppy disk drive (FDD)

A floppy disk is the least expensive storage media. They don’t hold a lot of data but
they are easily transportable. They can be damaged by smoke, heat, magnets and

3. Memory stick/flash drive/thumb drive/pen drive/USB drive

All these terms refer to a small drive that you plug into a USB port (an input
connection on the system unit). They are small (about the size of a disposable lighter)
and can be carried easily. They hold a lot more data than a floppy disk.
4. CD-R: (compact disk read-only) are read-only format which means you can read
the data but you can’t write (add) data to the CD. They often have application
programs or music stored on them.
CD-RW: (compact disk read-write) another form of CD that you can read and write
to. This means you can add or copy data to this type of CD. You will need a CD
burner to do this.

5. Desktop The desktop is the background screen that appears as soon as the
computer has finished starting up. The desktop is part of the operating system
software, so its appearance is controlled by system settings.
6. The task bar
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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
The Task bar is a horizontal bar at the very bottom of the desktop. It shows any
applications or windows that are open. If there is more than one document open in
an application it will show the name of the application and the number of files open.
It also shows the time and short cuts for any other items open on the desktop.

7. The Control Panel

The Control Panel enables you to view and change settings to things like:
 The display—screen savers, patterns, appearance, wallpapers.
 Date and time
 The system—resources that the system has available such as devices listed in
the hardware tab.
 Printers and faxes—shows printers and faxes and their settings.
There are other options that you could use once you are more confident.
The Control Panel window contains many icons that represent different controls,
players or information about the computer system. You can access any of these by
double left-clicking on an icon.

8. View modes
There are 4 different modes which you can use to view the document:
These can be obtained from the View menu or from the buttons shown,
which are found at the bottom left of the window:
Normal View The best all purpose view. It shows text formatting etc. as it will look
when printed, but the arrangement of text on the page and graphics
are simplified so that you can type and edit quickly. Graphics which
“float” over text will not be shown. If your text is in multiple columns
this view will not show that, but only one long column.
Web Layout This is useful if you are creating a web page. The document appears
View as one long page and text and tables wrap to fit the window. You will
be able to see backgrounds you have set up etc.
Print layout This will show the page exactly as it will look when printed, including
the margins etc. Pictures will be shown positioned on the page as
they will print. If your text is in multiple columns it will be shown
exactly as it will print.
Outline Allows you to view headings only and thus work with the structure of
the document. You can collapse headings to see only main headings.
You can also use this to deal with Master documents (e.g. a long

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
document such as a book with chapters). This view is covered in
more detail in a further course.



1. D 6. D
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. D
4. B 9. A
5. C 10. D


1. Normal View The best all purpose view. It

shows text formatting etc. as it will look when
printed, but the arrangement of text on the
page and graphics are simplified so that you
can type and edit quickly.

2. Recyle Bin It will maintain the deleted

documents until it is emptied.

3. Icon for a shortcut to a folder that

is on the computer’s hard drive. Double-click
this icon to go to open the folder.

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Prepared by jiregna A
Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

4. Icon for Internet Explorer.

Double-click this icon to open the program

5. A timer: means the computer is busy

processing a task so you need to wait until the
computer finishes the task and the symbol
changes back

6. Flashing insertion point: When you click the

mouse the insertion point will flash if text can
be entered or deleted

You can double-click this icon anytime to check
the print jobs sent to this printer and to delete
the jobs you have sent.

8. Input Is the data that is entered into the

computer. It is entered through input devices.

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Prepared by jiregna A
Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
9. Operating System Is a program that controls the operation of
software applications and hardware. The
operating system is like the captain of a team.

10. Software A computer cannot operate (or process data)

without sets of instructions. These sets of


1. Check printers you can access

If printing over a network there may be more than one printer you can access. To check the printers
that you have access to:
1 Click on Start and then select the Control Panel.
2 Double-click on Printers and Faxes to open this item.
3 In Printers and Faxes you see the names of the computer/s that you should be able to access.

2. Create a desktop icon to open a program

1 Click on Start on the Task Bar.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
2 Click on All Programs.
3 Under All Programs, click on Accessories.
4 Under Accessories, click on Paint and drag this item to the desktop. (If you don’t have Paint on
your computer then select a different program.)
5 You should now have an icon/shortcut to the program on your desktop.

3 Change the default printer

If you have access to more than one printer, then one of those printers will be the default printer. This
means it is automatically selected when you send a job to print. In Figure 1 you can see that the
default printer has a tick next to it.
To set a printer as the default printer:
1 In the Printers and Faxes window right-click on the name or icon of the printer.
2 Select Set as Default Printer from the menu.

Figure 2: Right-click on a printer to select Set as Default Printer—to make this printer the default

If you only have one printer available then you will not need to set a default printer.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
4. Delete a shortcut/icon

You can delete a shortcut when you no longer need it. Note that if an icon is actually the file to open a
program, and not just a shortcut to it, then you probably don’t want to delete this!
Delete the shortcut to the DVD/CD drive:
1 Right-click on the DVD/CD icon/shortcut so that a menu appears.
2 Click on Delete.

3 Click on Yes to confirm you want to delete this icon.

The desktop icon/shortcut for the DVD/CD drive will be deleted but you will still be able to access the
drive through My Computer. Only the shortcut has been deleted.

5. Access directories on your computer

You can view folders on a drive and the contents of the folders through windows. Double-clicking on a
drive icon or a folder icon opens a window which shows you its contents.
Try this exercise:
1 Double-click on the My computer icon on the desktop.
2 Double-click on a data drive (check with your teacher or someone familiar with your computer
which drive is a data drive if you are not sure).
3 You will see a list of folders stored at the root level of the drive. Double-click on a folder to view
the contents of the folder.
4 Keep opening folders until you find files inside a folder. Note the difference between icons for
folders and files

6. Restore deleted files

If you have deleted files or folders but not emptied the Recycle Bin you can still get the deleted files
back. This is called restoring a file.

To do this you need to access the Recycle Bin from the desktop:

1 Double-click on the Recycle Bin to open it. Inside this window you can see the files that have
been deleted.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
2 Right-click on the file you want to restore. Click on Restore in the menu.
The file will be returned to the place it was previously deleted from

7. Using the basics of the Mail Merge Wizard

Make sure you have created a data source (Error: Reference source not
found) and a Main document (Error: Reference source not found)
Make sure the Main document is open and is the current document
(i.e. your cursor is within it. (You could use a new blank document as
you main document)
Select Tools, Letters and Mailings, Mail Merge Wizard.
You will see a new window open down the right-hand side of the
screen. This is designed to lead you gently through the process.

Step 1 – Select document type

Choose whether you wish to create letters, Envelopes, labels or a

letter or directory.
Directory refers to a single document containing a printed list of
many items of data
If you are not sure what each means click the option and read the
explanation which appears below
Click on the required option and then click

Step 2 – Select starting document

If you already have a letter written that you wish to use as a base for the
mail merge you will choose either Use current document or Start
from existing document.
The main document should be open and current so click Use the
current document

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Step 3 – Select Recipients

We will assume that you have

already created your list of data
(Error: Reference source not
found and Error: Reference
source not found)
Click Use an Existing list and
click on Browse below. Find
the relevant drive and folder,
click the name of the file which
contains your data and Click Open
Check that the data shown is the data which you wish to use and click OK.

Step 4 – Write your letter

You can now write your letter if you have not already written it.
You must then define which fields (fields are defined by the column
headings) you want printed where in the main document
To insert individual fields click on More
Click on the field (or column of the table) you
require and click Insert
The field name will be shown within the
document. For example if you moved
after the word Dear and inserted the field
First_name you would see

Click Close once you have finished

inserting fields.

Deleting fields

If you have placed a field somewhere

mistakenly you can delete it by selecting it and
pressing delete.
Note that when you click in a field it turns grey
to demonstrate that it is a field. This is not the
same as being selected. Click and drag over it to
select so that it turns black.

Field shading

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
The shading on the fields will not print – it merely indicates that the text you see on screen represents
a field.
Shading options can be changed, though it is quite important to have some form of shading so that
you will remember that they are fields and not just ordinary text.
To change the shading options select Tools, Options, View
In Field Shading select Never, Always or When selected

Step 5 – Preview your letters

You will now see the letter with the field names replaced by the first row of data from your data file.
To see the next row of data click on the button. To see the previous tow of data click on the
You can also choose to view a particular record by clicking on
Type the data you wish to see (e.g. a surname) in the Find what box.
Make sure you have selected the relevant field name in the In field
Click Find First. If the correct information is not shown click Find Next
You can change the letter at any point if necessary.

Step 6 – Complete the merge

To print the letter with relevant data, click

To print one letter for each row of data in the data file click All
The Current record option will print only one letter with the data you see
on screen (If you click the button you will get this result
If you wish to print letters for, say, the first 10 rows of data the put 1 in the From field and 10 in the To
Click OK.
You may wish to have slight variations on some letters. If this is so then click .
The data will be merged with the letter to form a new document containing all the letters one after
another. You can then move through this document making changes and click the usual print button -
when you are ready to print.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Prepared by: Mr. Mark Julius Panganiban, IT Expert Date:
Checked by: Date:

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