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Test Bank for Cognition, First Canadian

Edition Mark H. Ashcraft, Raymond

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This text strives to strike a balance between basic, core material and
cutting-edge topics. It uses a first person narrative to draw you in and
convey the excitement of the field. It thoroughly covers the foundations
of the field, then goes on to reflect the increasing use of new
technologies to study memory and cognition, and to cover other
important developments central to its study.

This is the best chapter on short-term memory I have seen. It presents a

very clear explanation of the history and differences between short term
and working memory…[the book] is very clear, pitched at the right
level, and seems to present a coherent and unified picture of what
cognition is about.

- Robert West, Department of Psychology, Carleton University

I really like the fact that the text is broken up into manageable chunks.
The tables and figures are very clearly presented…The writing style is
excellent…very accessible and I actually enjoyed reading passages of
the text!...I really like what the author is trying to do…I think the book
could prove to be very popular in the Canadian market.

- Sukhvinder S. Obhi, Wilfrid Laurier University

The scientific study of human memory and cognition deals with

compelling questions and ideas, such as how we think, reason,
remember, learn, and use language. Cognition Canadian edition captures
some of the excitement of the field for students and strives to strike a
balance between basic, core material, important new developments, and
cutting-edge topics.

Reflecting the increasing use of new technologies, the authors integrate

sections on neuroscience within individual chapter topics. A major
section in the introductory chapters provides background information on
neurons and the brain, so even students without formal coursework on
the biological basis of cognition will be prepared for the cognitive
neuroscience coverage.

This Canadian edition recognizes the contributions to cognitive

psychology made by Canadian scientists, who have been in the forefront
of psychological science for over half a century. Many such research
studies are cited, while some are featured at greater length in the
Research in Action boxes found in most chapters.
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