A Superior Technique For Spiritual Activation, Healing and Transformation - Ray Del Sole

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d Transformatio

A Superior Technique for

Spiritual Activation, Healing

and Transformation


Ray del Sole

A Superior Technique for

Spiritual Activation, Healing

and Transformation

ISBN 978-1-4461-5793-0

Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this work in any form what-
soever, without permission in writing from the author, except for brief passages in
connection with a review.

Art work: Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

Front cover: Photo: Spiralz, „ Yellow rose of friendship ", CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)
Back cover: Photo: Bonsai, „Nur ein Sonnenuntergang", CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)
Source: www.piqs.de


Please regard that you take the responsibility for all exercises, experiments
and advices you do or follow in this book. All warnings of spiritual teach-
ers, especially by Franz Bardon, Indian Yogis and me should be taken se-
rious. Spiritual training is an art and science and not something to play
with or for curiosity. Spiritual development takes years, whole life times,
many incarnations indeed. As you are an eternal being you have time
enough to proceed step by step keeping the balance in all aspects.

Flourish — as it is foreseen for you!

Ray del Sole








What are chakras? 19

Chakras and healing: 20

Main chakras and their analogies /functions: 21

Some more general words about this topic: 26

A short add-on: 28




Like the old mystics say the spiritual path consists in main of clearing, heal-
ing and refinement. This means in different words activation, vitalization
together with healing and transformation, - spiritualization.

For this purpose I have developed a very simple but extraordinary effec-
tive training, - an "All-in-one-wonder". This is not exaggerated but a real
key for a strong spiritual development with a minimum of effort.



The technique is based on the knowledge about the five elements and
their appearance on the three planes in the human microcosm. The ele-
ments have an analogy to the 5 senses, to the so called chakras or psychic
centers, to body regions and the whole personality with its characteristics
and abilities.

The three planes of existence, - the mental, astral (soul) and physical plane
are in resonance. This is also true for the elements and their centers (cha-
kras) on the different planes.

Resonance means here the same as you know it from tuning forks. If you
have several tuning forks and you let one vibrate then all other tuning
forks of the same note will resonate and vibrate too. This means for the
exercise if you activate one center of an element then all other centers of
the element will take part in the activation. This principle is supported by
the Akasha element as it helps to connect the different centers.

The main chakras of the head region have a special analogy to the mental
plane and those chakras of the upper part of the body have a special anal-
ogy to the soul. This is a little bit simplified. We can also say that there are
chakras with a special focus on one element. Regarding these analogies we
have a resonance between chakras and elements, between mental and
astral plane. For example the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows belongs
to the mental plane and to the fire element. It is in resonance to the solar
plexus chakra which belongs also to the fire element but on the plane of
soul, the astral level. There is also a further analogy with organs. In this
example the gall bladder belongs to the fire element.

When you do concentration experiments with chakras then you can expe-
rience that by concentrating on the Ajna chakra the solar plexus chakra
and also the gall bladder become active — the resonance phenomenon,
also the eyes benefit from such exercises (fire element). You can also ex-
perience that the throat chakra becomes active as it belongs to the Akasha

element with the ability to connect the different chakras and to provide a
flow of energy.


In the following I give a simplified survey of the main analogies:

0. Akasha element:
Throat chakra, used to make a connection between the chakras of one
element on different planes (mental and astral/soul) and to bridge
time and space for perception on higher planes (clairvoyance, etc.)

1. Fire element:
Mental plane: Ajna Chakra, the center of mastership and will power
Astral plane: Solar Plexus Chakra, the "fire" of the soul, for interaction,
relationships and assertiveness
Sense: Eyes (light/vision), seeing on the higher planes (clairvoyance)
Organ/region: Gall bladder (electric fluid, quabbalistic "S") etc.
2. Air element:
Mental plane: Forehead Chakra, Third Eye (higher visions/intuition)
Astral plane: Heart Chakra, inspiration (hearing words)
Sense: Ears, hearing on the higher planes
Organ/region: lungs, heart etc.

3. Water element:
Mental plane: Soma Chakra
Astral plane: Navel Chakra
Sense: Intuition (intuitive feeling), instinct (navel chakra), empathy
Organ/region: Intestine, kidneys etc.

4. Earth element:
Mental plane: Mind in general, Back head chakra (nurturing, subcons-
ciousness; it belongs also to the water element), crown chakra (divine
Astral plane: Root Chakra, foot chakras, hand chakras, Kundalini Shakti
Sense: Nose and tongue, (smell and taste on higher planes)
Organ/region: All muscles, bones etc.


1. Crown chakra:
The central point on the head

2. Soma chakra:
Imagine a vertical line on the middle of your forehead and take the
highest point at the hairline; it is about 2-3 fingerbreadths above the
forehead chakra

3. Forehead chakra:
It is in the center of the forehead

4. Ajna chakra:
The point between the eyebrows

5. Throat chakra:
In the middle of the larynx (thyroid)

6. Heart chakra:
In the middle of the breastbone

7. Solar plexus chakra:
About 3-4 fingerbreadths below the breastbone

8. Navel chakra:
Directly on you navel

9. Root chakra:
At the end of your spine (horizontal) on your backside

10. Hand chakra

In the middle of your palm

11. Foot chakra

Short after the ball of your foot


One main access to spiritual development is the work with chakras. I have
developed one easy technique which you can use to activate your chakras,
to activate your whole microcosm on all planes, to clear yourself, to heal
yourself, to spiritualize yourself (refinement), to strengthen spiritual abili-
ties, to refine them and to awake your senses for the work on higher
planes. So a small exercise with a variety of useful effects.

How does it work? When you concentrate yourself on one chakra you
activate this center. It starts to increase its energetic metabolism, the
exchange of energies. As each chakra is connected to other chakras
through the so called nadis — energetic channels — also other chakras are
activated and the nadis are cleared with fresh energies. The activation and
increasing of the energetic metabolism clears indeed the whole micro-
cosm with all chakras, nadis and organs. It clears your mind, your soul and
it activates all clearing and healing processes on the physical plane. The
increased activity of the mental, astral and physical centers provide fresh
energies for healing processes on all planes. The exercises are designed in
a way that all elements get balanced, strengthened and refined which
means a higher and better level of energy for you and a deep state of
harmony. The spiritual refinement takes place because the higher fre-
quency energies of your higher centers are connected to the lower fre-
quency chakras just by simple concentration. This has a refining, uplifting
effect. It means transformation, - spiritualization. By working with the
senses, - sense organs you vitalize them. This means you better your phys-
ical perception, you increase your imagination skills with all senses and
you awake your perception on the higher planes, e. g. clairvoyance etc.


Get an egg timer and set it on 3 minutes. As usual take your asana, relax
by deep natural breathing and close your eyes. You start with the fire
element. This means you concentrate yourself smoothly on your Ajna
chakra — just set your awareness, your feeling, your consciousness into
your Ajna and keep it there for the 3 minutes. To make this concentration
exercise easier you can press for some seconds your fingertip on the Ajna
chakra (point between the eyebrows). Then focus on this feeling of pres-
sure. With the passing time you will experience a stronger activity in the
Ajna, then also an activation of the throat chakra and the solar plexus and
also of your gall bladder. As soon as the natural activation happens you
spread your concentration also on these points. It is in fact no problem to
concentrate at once on several chakras/points. Keep your concentration
until your egg timer rings. You will probably also experience an activation
of your eyes and your temples. The chakras of the head and the senses
should receive the most concentration in general.

Then directly move on to the air element. Concentrate yourself on the

forehead chakra and then integrate the ears, throat and heart chakra. Feel
the natural activation and support it with your will. Here is the same -
focus especially on the forehead chakra and the ear chakras. Throat and
heart chakra take part in the activation in a natural way.

After 3 minutes you turn your concentration on the water element - the
Soma chakra. After a short while you integrate also your throat chakra and
the navel chakra.

At last you focus on the earth element, on the nose and on your tongue.
Keep the concentration there. Then you feel an activation of your throat
chakra, your hands, your feet and of the root chakra, after some time also
of your crown chakra and of the Kundalini Shakti. Integrate them into your
active concentration.

In conclusion: After altogether 12 minutes you have activated all main

chakras and with this the referring senses and the four elements on men-

tal, astral and physical plane. With this you have also increased the flow of
energies in your meridians, nadis, in your organs. You have cleared your
microcosm, you have strengthened it — recharged it. You have streng-
thened your soul, your mental powers and abilities and certainly you have
started to awake your senses. After a training period of about one month
with increasing smoothly the time of training you are probably able to get
impressions of the higher realms with your astral senses. So indeed this
exercise can provide the development of all of your senses including the
third eye and divine intuition. Over a longer training period it will clear,
heal and refine you completely which means spiritual transformation and
the building up of your personality with main powers and abilities. Your
chakras will blossom.

Maybe you will experience that parts of your body do ache when you work
with your chakras. This always means that there are blockades, ill ener-
gies, ill structures which are now in a clearing and healing process. So this
is a good sign and you should keep on working there.

Certainly you will feel quite well and balanced, recharged and energized
after these exercises. They are truly a real blessing for you and your spiri-
tual development.

Please have in mind to do everything smoothly with love and enough time.
When you put too much force in it or when you do things too quickly then
this will probably lead to aches, heavy aches. This is then the "burning of
chakras" as I defined it in a former article. The transformation of power
and structure needs much time — and you should give your body this time
to really adapt itself to this new level.

I recommend to increase the training time per element starting with three
minutes, after 1 week to 7 minutes, keep this for 2 weeks, then if you like
you can go on with 10 minutes. For normal purposes this is good and
enough. Your body has time to adept itself to the new and higher, stronger
energies by building new structures. You can keep this training as long as
you want to and indeed you can clear, heal and refine yourself completely.

Your senses will be developed and also divine qualities will appear — cos-
mic consciousness, enlightenment (both crown chakra), divine feelings of
love and peace (heart chakra). You will experience many good changes in
your personality.

If you want to use your higher senses then just concentrate smoothly on
them and activate your throat chakra to produce Akasha for bridging time
and space for higher perception. In general you can expect that a higher
perception appears naturally.

I recommend that you should do some kind of physical training to balance

your energy system. Certainly you should follow all well known spiritual

For good results I recommend a training period of at least one, better

three months with daily training. If you feel overcharged or uncomfortable
then it may be good to make a break or to release energy by taking a cool
shower/bath in a swimming pool. Take your time for everything.

You have the possibility to increase your training time with each element
up to 30 minutes. Then you can spread the elements on one per day. This
intensive training has really strong effects and must be done with care to
keep your health and balance. 30 minutes is the time of Samadhi, the
merging of duality into unity. Probably you will experience such things
already before as your concentration skills will increase in all aspects.

At last — please have in mind that you are responsible for everything you
do. You are full responsible for your health and well being.

You can use this technique as a preparation for all kinds of spiritual, reli-
gious training, certainly also for a higher and better performance in all
aspects of life, business and sports.

Special training for special abilities can't be replaced by this simple train-
ing. So if you want to achieve something special then you must do the
necessary analogue training.


The following explanations are for a deeper understanding of the energet-

ic system of the human microcosm. To read and understand them is not a
"must" for successful training.

The chakra system as we know it today comes from the Indian yoga sys-
tem. But the chakras are known in every culture and tradition. The Indian
yogis sometimes say that there are just seven chakras. Some yoga texts
say that there are more chakras. The Indian texts are cryptic. The esoteric
truths are hidden. You have to be an initiate to understand them in the
right way. So there is a lot of misunderstanding in the pure word by
word translation from one language into another. Also "great" Gurus of
our time have written a lot of books with totally stupid suggestions for
exercises. Sometimes it was for protection of the holy mysteries and
sometimes they didn't understand for themselves. So you always have to
be careful by doing Indian yoga exercises. They are often kidding. (Under-
standing Sanskrit is the key to understand the yoga texts in the right way.
Read Boris Sacharow's explanations.)

In our days there are also a lot of authors writing big books about chakras
but without having a deeper understanding of the matter. They are like

There are only very few authors who are initiated into this topic writing
utilizable things about it. In the first place there is Choa Kok Sui, the
founder of "Pranic Healing" - he was initiated by his Chinese and Indian
masters. He developed a very scientific healing system grounded on the
chakras. In the second place there is Mantak Chia, a Chinese initiate in
Taoistic Alchemy. He writes about the chakras from the Chinese point of
view - chakras are not the main point in his teachings but his knowledge of
Chinese alchemy is great.

For deeper studies I recommend to read books especially from Choa Kok

The knowledge and the practical implementation of the chakra system is
very complex. So I only will give here in this article some main points.


They are energy swirls looking in a way like flowers with petals. These
swirls are rotating. They draw energy in and they emanate it. They also
transform energy. They have several different colors. In the middle of the
swirl there is a protection net. It works like a filter. The swirls differs in size
and in the amount of petals. There are main chakras - the big ones, middle
sized chakras and very small chakras. The size of a chakra tells about the
spiritual development and about the health of the person. The energy-
swirls appear normally pair wise - this means there is one swirl on the
front side of the body and one on the back side. The chakras work togeth-
er with the Indian nadis or in Chinese the meridians (acupuncture). Im-
agine the chakras as energy gates, pumps and energy transforming sta-
tions of the body letting the energies floating and circulating through the
nadis through the whole body on all three planes. The chakras belong to
the different spheres of macrocosm and to the four elements. Also the
cosmic letters are in resonance to the referring chakras. As Bardon would
say - macrocosm is analogue to microcosm. So you can find the whole
universe in your body. The psychic chakras are directly connected with
physical adenoids and special points of the nerve system and in the or-
gans. The chakras control the body through the release of hormones by
the adenoids. The chakras are the centers of the microcosm and they
have several functions like controlling, regulating, steering, communicat-
ing, receiving, self expressing and so on. By spiritual training they start to
blossom and grow in size as a sign of refinement and higher energies (fre-
quencies). The activity increases and abilities manifest.

The status of the chakras shows very clear the status of health and spiri-
tual development of a person. You can see or feel very fast what is wrong,
where the disharmony comes from and you directly know what is neces-
sary for healing. III chakras are too big or too small, rotate too fast or too
slow. They often have bad energies inside which are like slime. This slime
hinders the normal function of the chakra. It also goes into the meridians /
nadis and organs (structures). This slime is stinking on astral plane, it is
sticky and it causes pain. An advanced healer can clean the chakras and
organs from this slime and the function of the chakras is recovered very
fast. The ill person feels relief also very fast. Depending on the illness and
the time cleaning and giving healing energies have to be repeated several
times. The treatment of the chakras and the nadi system has powerful
effects on the recovering process. It is very good and professional. By con-
centration on chakras you activate and clear them by yourself without a

There are also parasites and negative ideas/feelings/patterns which set

themselves in the chakras to nourish themselves from the energies of the
host (person). Strong parasites can damage the protection nets and cause
bad disharmonies. These parasites have a small kind of intelligence and
they could be very aggressive. They force their victims to behavior which
feeds them. For example a smoker has several parasites sitting in special
chakras. These parasites tell him to smoke and force him to take the next
cigarette even though he doesn't want to. They live from the smoke ener-
gies, from the desire to smoke. These parasites can be disintegrated by
advanced healers. Also the protection nets can be recovered. The addic-
tion normally stops immediately. Parasites have to be disintegrated for
psychic healing.

Pranic healing offers very advanced techniques for healing nearly every-
thing in a relatively easy way. Cristal healing techniques and other things
(esoteric feng shui, self protection, meditation techniques) can be learned
as well. Have a look for Choa Kok Sui in the internet.

I start at the feet. Every foot has several chakras. (The body is full of cha-
kras). The main chakras of the feet are at the sole. They draw energies
from the earth into the body. They are our direct connection to the earth.
So it is very healthy to put off the shoes and have a walk in nature with
naked feet. These chakras are also often used for an indirect energizing of
the whole body when a person is very weak and can't stand a direct ener-
gizing treatment. The hand chakras can be used for this purpose also.

The next main chakras are the Muladhara chakra (root chakra) at the
highest point of the backside and the opposite chakra the Svadhisthana
chakra (sacral chakra) on the front side. The root chakra is the basic chakra
and the chief of the feet chakras. It works with low frequencies. If you
have a good developed root chakra you are settled, anchored in the earth,
feet on the ground. This chakra can support you with a lot of physical
power for great physical performance in sports for example and so on. It
also controls the body heat - the ground fire. It has some analogy with the
deep fire of Pluto - the hidden fire in the earth. It is the deepest manifesta-
tion of Brahma. If you awake this center Kundalini (Shakti), the spiritual
power comes up to reunite with Shiva in the crown chakra. They are in
love and in their love they create everything. Remember the first Tarot
card (Shiva and Shakti in the crown chakra!) Normally the Shakti is sleep-
ing but when she is awake enormous creative powers coming up to manif-
est the will of the master (magician). It is the power of imagination, the
power of the hidden fire of the earth and of Pluto.

The Svadhisthana chakra is the chakra of the lower creative (sex-

ual) powers. These energies give life; they are "life", real life energy. In
direct connection are the small chakras of the testicles and the ovaries.
These creative energies give life to new human beings - babies. Taoistic
alchemists use this energy to transform themselves to spiritual beings.
They say that they beget the golden (divine) child in themselves. This
energy is called Ojas -transformed sexual energy. It is a manifestation of
the cosmic letter b (OE). If you work with this energy your body becomes
alive in an unknown dimension. It also gets very heavy - physically heavy. I

did Taoistic transformation exercises with sexual energies but I stopped
because of this side effect. These things are the reason why the sexual
energies are so precious in several spiritual traditions and why they give
the order to live without a woman, without having sexual activities. They
want to contain these transforming energies to reach high steps in their
spiritual development. Too much containing without transforming is un-
healthy - especially Christian monks are concerned because they are not
initiated into the transforming techniques. Life without sexual activities is
extreme and not recommendable. Too much transformation of sexual
energies is also not recommendable - just too much quantity of energy. It
leads to disharmony!

Some centimeters higher you can find the next pair of chakras, at the back
side the Meng-Mein chakra and on the front side the navel chakra. The
Meng-Mein chakra has the function of transforming the low frequency
energies of the root chakra into higher frequency energy for the transport
into the higher energy realms of the body along the spine. (All main cha-
kras can be found along the spine!) The Meng-Mein chakra can give su-
perhuman powers especially in dangerous situations. But it is also danger-
ous to make experiments with it. The navel chakra belongs to the water
element and contains all the abilities and mysteries of it. It is your lower
intuition your basic instinct - especially for fighting. Martial artists have a
good developed navel chakra - they have a good instinct how to act in a
fight. Three fingers below the navel chakra there is the Hara chakra. It is
called the ocean of power because it contains a lot of dense energy, physi-
cal power. Martial artists ground themselves in this chakra to be invincible
- limitless physical power through concentration exercises on this chakra.

The next pair are the two Solar plexus chakras - one at the back side work-
ing as a pump and the other on the front side with a deep meaning. It has
a connection to the pancreas where the cosmic letter U is at home. The
Solar plexus chakra is in the middle of the body, it is the Akasha point.
There is a deep mystery about this center which I want to explain because
it is very important to understand. It is the mystery of the ego. The term
"ego" is in most cases negatively occupied - someone acts selfishly - egois-

tical - he doesn't care about the needs of others. This is the absolute op-
posite to spiritual seekers who are working on expressing selfless love and
service of God and creation. This can cause big conflicts in the soul of the
student and it can end in bad fights with the ego nature. These are prob-
lems of the spiritual development. Therefore I want to explain the ego
from a higher point of view for a better understanding and handling of the
problem. God can be understood as a glorious sun keeping with its radiat-
ing light the whole creation alive. God as the sun and center of creation is
one without another. This one being is the majesty of everything, unchal-
lenged, absolute, glorious and perfect. Right understood it is the ego - the
self of creation. This God-Ego gave life to uncountable children - the crea-
tures on all planes and in all realms. There is a law in nature which says
that children are similar to their parents - this belongs to the laws of anal-
ogies. In this way all the little egos in all creatures are similar to the one
divine ego. The little ego of the human beings in the solar plexus are drops
/ children of the one God-Ego. These little egos are originally positive in
their nature- small suns shining like the one big sun. Analogue to the di-
vine father/mother they were pure, good and fine. Their characteristics
appear in the symbol of young children. A young child is pure and good. It
is genuine, real; it loves to play, to create, to feel, to have adventures. It is
full of energy, it takes part in life. It is giving and receiving. It loves to have
friends and family. (The ego knows that it has a lot of brothers and sisters.)
The problem is that God gave restriction to parts of his creation to make it
work - these are the veils of Maya which cover the higher worlds from the
material world and keep the divine mysteries. In this way the ego is re-
stricted as much as a young child missing a deeper knowledge
and wisdom. The young child has a lot of needs (restriction!) and wishes.
Without the deeper knowledge of the divine laws it experiences all the
bad things of the material world and it gets hurt! The pain of the world
makes the ego change. It often feels sad, unsatisfied, defeated, hungry and
from this sickness it starts with bad habits - as you know. So what does it
mean for us? The ego is a divine child of God which lets us experience the
creation and take part in it. It is originally good but often turned negative
because of the restrictions and the bad experiences. So we have to heal

and to integrate our egos (solar plexus chakras which are often ill or dam-
aged). This is easy. Above the solar plexus chakras there is the pair of the
heart chakras (back and front). In an advanced spiritual student the heart
chakra is awakened and there is a permanent flow of loving, caring energy
to the solar plexus chakra. The love and wisdom of the heart integrate the
lost and sad child - the ego. The ego takes part in the higher wisdom and
love, and it feels good again and becomes a shining sun. This is the way!
Send love to your ego and listen to its needs! It is you - your inner child -
the part of your microcosm which is experiencing creation as a restricted
being. Without (enlightened) ego no fun! So take good care about your
ego! There is a saying from Jesus Christ - "If you don't become like children
you won't get into heaven!" This belongs to the ego, the solar plexus cha-
kra and means that the spiritual student has to clean and to heal his ego
his inner child, so that the ego is pure and genuine again as God made it.
"Child" means also that you are really alive, full of energy, loving to play,
to take part, to create, to love limitless, to be among your brothers and
sisters as a loving and caring family. The cosmic letter "R" represents the
ego in divine perfection - the golden child, the golden sun, the golden
center of the microcosm, golden like the divine being.

The heart chakra is in connection with the thymus gland - the center of the
immune system. If you want you can say that the heart chakra is the divine
center of the soul and the solar plexus is the human center in the micro-
cosm. The heart chakra is the center of the air-element. It contains all the
abilities and mysteries of it. The heart chakra is in its nature completely
selfless and unlimited - in opposite to the solar plexus chakra (!). It is the
place of divine wisdom, the knowledge of the divine laws, deep peace,
harmony and balance, deep understanding of everything. It is also the
place of bravery and courage - being "lion-hearted", "brave heart". This
has something to do with being lawful, righteous - being lawful means
being untouchable and expressing authority (look for the cosmic letter "0"
for better understanding). The divine virtues like divine beauty (letter "L")
are expressed with this chakra. It contains an unlimited vastness together
with the lungs (letter "A") and it regulates the elements in the whole mi-
crocosm. The heart chakra is a very beautiful and divine chakra. It is the

chakra of the mystics who unite with God in love. To spend someone
peace and harmony you can energize the back heart chakra. The direct
energizing of the front heart chakra can be dangerous.

The next chakras are the neck chakra - it is occult and has something to do
with death and leaving the body and on the front side the throat chakra.
About the neck chakra I can't tell more. The throat chakra is the place of
the cosmic letter "0" - perfectly lawful. The main characteristic of the
throat chakra is vibration, speech, therefore it belongs to Akasha. It is the
center of higher creation - you create with the cosmic language something
out of nothing - using vibration! The lower center of creation is the sacral
chakra. A spiritual student or alchemist can transfer the sexual energies
from the sacral chakra to the throat chakra to develop it. The throat cha-
kra is also the center for creative concrete activities like making arts.

Before going to the head I want to say some words about the hands and
fingers. The hands have chakras in the middle of the palms. With these
chakras you can do a lot of healing work - projecting energies, also for
cleaning and to energize indirectly weak persons. The fingers have also
chakras. For several magic or healing purposes you can use the chakras at
the finger tips. They work like laser beams. Bardon tells something about it
when he teaches the accumulation of the elements in the fingers.

Now to the last part of the body - the head. The next pair of chakras are
the back head chakra - subconsciousness, control of the metabolism of the
head, principle of nourishing the head organs and the Ajna chakra be-
tween the eyebrows. The Ajna is the center of activity, of will and com-
plete mastership. A master is concentrated in his Ajna. The Ajna belongs to
the highest fire element. If you are concentrated in the Ajna you are right
here and right now - you are concentrated in one point and there is no
obstacle which you don't overcome, no challenge which you won't mas-
ter. The Ajna chakra is the chakra of concentration - this goes together
with the navel chakra (water). When both chakras are good developed the
navel chakra makes your concentration power limitless - fire and water
have to work together for perfect concentration abilities.

Above the Ajna it gets more occult and there are things which have to be
studied deeper. In the middle of the forehead there is the forehead cha-
kra, also called third eye. It is often mistaken as the Ajna and the other
way round! The forehead chakra belongs to the highest air-element. It is
the chakra of clairvoyance. The cosmic letter "A" can open it.

A little bit above the third eye there is the soma (moon) chakra - it is the
chakra of higher intuition and it belongs to the highest water-element. At
the back of the head there are probably according chakras.

The highest chakra is the Sahasrara chakra at the peak of the head. It is the
most divine center and connects a person directly the source of all
sources. In a fully awakened person the Shakti of the root chakra comes up
the Sushumna (main energy channel along the spine) and makes the Saha-
srara blossom. There the female part and the male part of the divine unite
in love - Shiva and Shakti - the divine lovers of the first Tarot-Card. In this
glorious chakra there is another smaller chakra. But I can't tell more about


The chakras are all connected through the nadis / meridians and especially
through the Sushumna - spine channel and Ida - female channel and Pinga-
la - male channel at the sides of Sushumna. The energies rotate the spine
(back) from root chakra up to the crown and on the front down in a circle
or metabolism. Everything goes in circles in the whole nature. There are
alchemistical techniques to activate the chakras and to transfer energies
through the nadis for spiritual development and health (look into the
books of Mantak Chia).

There are uncountable small chakras all over the body. They work as
pumps - pumping and transforming energies through the nadis to the
organs and bigger chakras. These Mini Chakras are also important. For
example there are long nadis from the feet to the backside up to the or-
gans in the belly. If one small pump isn't working the organs get not

enough energy from the earth and start getting sick. Acupuncture is a very
good help in these situations. Nadis and chakras can be blocked with nega-
tive slime energies as I have already told. Acupuncture activates the small
chakras and nadis to clean them and to make the energy transfer work

For awakening the chakras there are several techniques especially from
the tantric brother tradition of magic and the cosmic language. You should
be very careful by doing such techniques because it might have really
unhealthy results. The techniques of Gregorius I do not recommend -
there are certainly better ways. If you like you can try to feel every chakra
for some moments starting at the feet. This carefully activates the chakras
(read Mantak Chia).

In normal life you can sense the activity of the chakras - your root chakra is
very active when you do sports, your sacral chakra gets active when you
feel sexual attraction, your solar plexus can be felt in the interaction of
people especially lovers - feelings of the belly and your heart chakra is
active when you feel selfless love for someone. When your crown chakra is
really active you can feel high energies floating into your body from above.
By this way you can train to watch the activity of your chakras to be more
aware of them and to experience that they are something natural.

Some words about the differences in the chakra system at normal people
and spiritual people. Normal people have a focus on the activity of the
lower chakras - especially solar plexus and sacral chakra. They use their
Ajna to satisfy their lower needs. Their heart and crown chakras are nearly
undeveloped. They are closed - covered from the divine light, not taking
part in the higher realms. Spiritual students have opened hearts and
crown chakras. A lot of high energies are floating through their micro-
cosms. The lower chakras serve the higher chakras.

At last I want to describe a typical problem of spiritual students. Spiritual

students practice a lot of exercises which activate the higher chakras. In
this way heart and crown chakra grow in size but the other chakras, the

lower ones are disregarded. The result is an unhealthy imbalance of the
whole chakra system on all planes of the microcosm. Imbalance is not
good and leads to massive problems in life and health. So it is really advis-
able to work also with the "lower' chakras - martial arts is very good or it
is enough to do sports and to take part in social life and so on.

The functions of the chakras are very complex on all three planes - it is not
said in just one article.

So please look up for more explanations in good books from Choa Kok Sui
or other authors.

So these were some main points about the chakras. I hope it helps for a
better understanding of the topic.

The Solar plexus chakra belongs to the fire element - especially of the soul
- astral plane. It corresponds with the Ajna - the higher - mental fire ele-
ment. The fire element of the solar plexus is important for success in the
physical world - it gives assertiveness, it makes it possible to achieve aims
in the material world, in society. We are servants of the divine love but we
also have to achieve things straight with power in the material world. A
strong Solar plexus gives authority in society.

In some way you can say that there are main chakras with special focus on
one of the three planes. The highest frequency chakras for all elements
are in the head region - mental, spiritual dimension. The higher soul cha-
kras are in the upper part of the body and the lowest frequency chakras
are in the lower body region. This is in a way simplifying because the cha-
kras have very complex functions and provide a variety of different ener-
gies. But it is good for orientation. By spiritual development all chakras
increase their frequencies - the result of the refining process.

The root chakra belongs to the earth element like the whole region but as I
wrote before there is a hidden fire in it. The root chakra controls all small
chakras belonging to the physical body, the muscles and the joints. There
are two small chakras in the near area of the root chakra with special
meaning. It is the perineum chakra - the opposite chakra of the crown
chakra - it is the straightest connection from sky to earth - one vertical
line. The second chakra is the anus chakra - it contains the mysteries of the
negative principle and of matter in general. The one who masters this
small chakra masters the negative principle in microcosm and macrocosm.
It contains also the mystery of total freedom. This mastership is reached
by the cosmic letter A (AE). For more information about this - please read
KTQ about AE.


The books of Choa Kok Sui about Pranic Healing , Mantak Chia about Taois-
tic Alchemy, Boris Sacharow about Yoga, Arthur Avalon about Indian
teachings, Indian wisdom (yoga) in general.

More books for genuine spiritual seekers I have published at



Dear Reader,

if you like to contact me, please regard the following:

I can only provide answers for genuine spiritual seekers on the path — not
for curiosity. Before you ask me try first to answer your question by own
research as many questions of beginners and advanced students are al-
ready answered in my books and in the recommended spiritual literature.

Please respect that

- I have not much time for answering questions. I am very busy.

- I do not provide any magical help in any case. There are others
who provide direct support.
everyone has to go through the spiritual training by himself as
training means a deep transformation of your personality, - there
is simply no alternative. Discipline in training will let you reach all
aims. Practice makes perfect!
- I am not interested in joining any kinds of circles, secret societies,
brotherhoods etc.
- I am a genuine servant of the eternal light and only responsible to
God, not to any kind of limited religion or human interests.

If you are interested in taking part in altruistic projects led by me in the

future then you can mail me your name and email address and I will in-
form you when my projects start.

Please mail to: raydelsole@yahoo.de

Thank you for your understanding.

In love, light and service,

Ray del Sole

About the author:

I am an architect with special skills in management, eco-biology and eco-

nomics. I have visited many foreign countries so that I got to know the
beautiful diversity of cultures and people. I am a cosmopolitan and I feel at
home especially in the south and the east of the world. I feel the old bonds
of former incarnations to other countries, forms of old love and apprecia-

When I was a little child I have dedicated myself to the aim of understand-
ing the world completely, how everything works. Today I would say — to
understand God, man and creation, to gain real wisdom. So I started very
early to study books about sciences, mysteries, religions, cultures, ancient
history and spiritual teachings. Around the age of eighteen I began with
the spiritual training system of Bardon. Indeed I chose this life to make as
much spiritual progress as possible. And with this I will continue until I
leave the material plane. For the future I have some spiritual, altruistic
projects in mind. Let's see what the coming years will bring.

Yours, Ray

Ray del Sole
For the genuine spiritual seeker:
This book presents a superior technique for a variety of diff-
erent spiritual purposes which is based on the knowledge
of the chakra system and its analogies with the five ele-
ments on all three planes.
You do not need extraordinary abilities to improve your spi-
ritual progress, to clear and to heal yourself.
With a minimum of time`and effort in your daily practice
you can make great progress in your spiritual development.
Further more you will experience a deep balancing and
vitalization in all aspects of your personality.

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