Trabajo Final Ingles

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Año: “Año del bicentenario, de la consolidación de nuestra independencia, y de
la conmemoración de las heroicas batallas de Junín y Ayacucho ”
Instructor: Edwin Jesús Cortez Garcia
Apellidos y Nombres: Soto vasquez Jordan Isaac
Dirección Zonal/CFP: Trujillo – Parque Industrial
Semestre: IV
Curso/ Mód. Formativo: INGLES TECNICO
Tema del Trabajo: The benefits of Electrical Installation and Maintenance



After briefly reviewing the industrial field and how we have reached Industry 4.0 since
the first revolution, today we would like to talk about the benefits of maintenance and
electrical installation; As a first point we cover the history of maintenance and how
little by little it has gained importance not only in the industrial environment but also
in the business one.

maintenance history:

Maintenance was born during the first Industrial Revolution, a period that began in
the second half of the 18th century in Great Britain, a few decades later it spread to
a large part of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America and finally ended between
1820 and 1840. In the beginning they were the operators themselves who carried
out this type of maintenance tasks, there were no personnel dedicated solely and
exclusively to this activity. With the appearance of more complex machinery, the
need to create a department dedicated to maintenance within the factories was

During the Second World War (1936-1945) the concept of reliability appears, which
is defined as the probability that a piece of equipment will function properly during a
given period under specific operating conditions, for example; conditions of
pressure, temperature, speed, voltage, vibration level, etc.) This means that the
maintenance department will not only carry out corrective actions, but also
preventive ones.

In addition to preventive maintenance, other concepts arise such as: predictive,

proactive, CMMS (computer-aided maintenance management) or RCM (reliability-
based maintenance).

What is electrical maintenance?

As its name indicates, electrical maintenance covers all electrical components of the
infrastructure. It is essential for industry, buildings for public use and residential
buildings. Some examples of tasks included in industrial and building electrical
electrical and electromechanical machinery;
air conditioners or electric water heaters;
electric showers;
review of electrical outlets and electrical connections;
review of the electrical panel and circuit breakers;
measure system voltage and amperage;
lighting system and electrical appliances for common use;
control corrosion and wear of components;
electrical damage repair.

Types of maintenance:

Corrective Maintenance: This first stage in the evolution of maintenance was

limited to the repair of machinery after a failure or breakdown. A type of
maintenance called corrective or reactive, which forced the affected machine to
stop and, consequently, production.

Preventive Maintenance: This stage in the maintenance story focuses on

preserving the useful life of equipment, particularly military assets, whose
corrective maintenance meant that they could not be operated during repairs.

It was necessary to avoid early failure, minimizing impacts and costs, and thus
have planes, ships, and tanks available for as long as possible to go into battle.

The preventive maintenance plans consisted of:

Carry out routine inspections.

Detection and systematic monitoring of failures.
Change of some components in attention to the number of operating hours.

Predictive maintenance: As the activities did not imply substantial

improvements in the equipment or facilities, the idea of predictive maintenance
arose to monitor each asset with indicators, sensors and devices, and be able to
predict a malfunction or a possible breakdown.

Maintenance Benefits:
Corrective maintenance:

So, among the advantages of corrective maintenance we have:

✓ Longer duration of the equipment and installations: various repairs can be

carried out and by replacing the parts the equipment can be as good as new.
This is known as Overhaul.
✓ Lower cost of repairs.
✓ Uniformity in the workload of maintenance personnel due to a program of

✓ Reliability: the equipment operates in better safety conditions, since its status
and operating conditions are known.

Predictive Maintenance:

The advantages of implementing Predictive Maintenance are:

➢ Reduction of failures and breakdowns

➢ Reduction in the number of interventions
➢ Extension of the useful life of assets
➢ Increased availability of assets
➢ Reduced downtime for repair
➢ Reduced downtime
➢ Optimization of maintenance personnel management
➢ Option to follow the evolution of a defect over time
➢ Precise knowledge of the time limit for action
➢ Reduction of accidents and increase in safety
➢ Verification of repairs and overall reliability

Some advantages that incur significant cost savings, and increase profit margins:

❖ Reduced maintenance costs

❖ Labor cost reduction
❖ Reduced spare parts costs
❖ Reduction of costs due to accidents
❖ Reduction of the cost of industrial insurance.

Preventive Maintenance:

Among the advantages of having a good preventive maintenance plan are:

Avoids the need for corrective maintenance

Optimizes production by avoiding stoppages
Reduces costs
Improves equipment life
Increases operator safety
Reduces waiting time for repairs
Avoid the risk of loss for the company

Today there are still companies whose maintenance is only corrective. Even so, it is
indisputable that maintenance is important for the company to be more productive
and to increase its profits. Competition requires reducing costs and being more

As a summary and to be aware of the importance of maintenance in the business

field, García Garrido points out that: "The objective of a department such as
maintenance is not absolute availability, but to ensure that unavailability does not
affect production". In addition, the author relates maintenance to other aspects of the
company such as quality, safety or interrelationships with the environment.

Phrases that drive us to be new people day after day.

1.- The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of error.

2.- Never complain about the environment or those around you. There are those in
your same environment who knew how to win. Circumstances are good or bad
according to the will or strength of your heart.

3.- Do not complain about your poverty, your loneliness or your luck. Face it with
courage and accept that in one way or another they are the result of your actions and
the proof that you have to win.

4.- Do not be bitter with your own failure or charge it to another. Accept yourself now
or you will continue to justify yourself like a child. Remember that any time is good to
start and that no time is so terrible to give up.

5.- Stop fooling yourself. You are the cause of yourself, of your need, of your failure.


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