Defining A Location in Oracle EBS 12

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Defining a location in Oracle EBS 12

Navegar a:

Responsibility: Human Resources.

Navigation: Work Structures > Locations.

1 - Address Details Tab
Address style is selected according to Country

We further need to enter the address. Click on the address field to open the
form shown here:

You can also enter the time zone.

Click on the Shipping Details tab—shipping details are used for the Oracle
Purchasing Module.

2 - Shipping Details Tab

Enter Ship-To-Location details and check options you need like,

 ship to site
 Receiving site
 Office site
 Bill to site
 Internal site
3 - Other Details Tab

Inventory Org – Here select an Inventory org within which this location will be available in
the list of values on a Purchasing document.
If you select No Inventory org, this location becomes available on purchasing documents in
all organizations.

EDI location:
If Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to receive Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs)
with billing information (ASBNs), enter a defined location.

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