UNIT Building A Paragraph On Light Class 5 March 2024 Samia

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Name: ______________________ Date: _________________

Building a Paragraph on Light

Read each sentence carefully. Identify how each sentence connects to the topic of
light. Arrange the sentences in a logical order to construct a coherent paragraph
on light.

Arrange the sentences in a way that it tells a fun and interesting story about light.


1. When we play outside, plants use light to make their food. It’s like their own
superpower called photosynthesis!

2. Did you know that light travels super-fast? It zooms through space at about
300,000 kilometers per second!

3. So, whether it’s the warm glow of a candle, the bright flash of lightning, or the
sparkle of a firefly, light is all around us, making our world a brighter place!

4. Colours are like the superheroes of light! Each colour has its own special power,
like red, blue, and green.

5. Light is like magic; it can bend and change direction when it moves through
different things.

6. Light helps us see things around us, like the sun, stars, and even our friends’

7. Sometimes light plays tricks on us, like when it makes a pencil in water look
bent or a mirror shows our reflection.

8. Light can do lots of cool things, like bouncing off mirrors, going through
windows, or making shadows on sunny days.

9. Imagine if there were no light. We wouldn’t see rainbows, fireworks, or even

the beautiful colours of flowers!

10. Light is special because it can move through space, air, water, and even glass.

BVA 2023-2024 CLASS 5 UNIT Building a Paragraph on Light MARCH 2024

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