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School of Computer Science & Mathematics
BSc in Networking and Network Security


Name: Mohammadhu Thowfeek Mohammadhu Fayees

ID Number: K2377100

Project Title: Cloud Based Secure VPN Gateway for Cyprus Finance

Project Type: Build

Date: 23/02/2024
Supervisor: K G R U Ishara

Did you discuss and agree the viability of your project idea with your supervisor? Yes

Did you submit a draft of your proposal to your supervisor? Yes

Did you receive feedback from your supervisor on any submitted draft? Yes

The project launches a cutting-edge initiative called “Cyprus Financial Cloud-Based Secure
VPN Gateway” designed to meet the evolving cybersecurity needs of the Cyprus financial
sector. The abstract provides a concise overview of the report, highlighting key elements such
as problem statement, methodology, analysis and design, implementation, evaluation, and

Against the backdrop of Cyprus’s booming financial landscape, increasing reliance on digital
infrastructure exposes financial institutions to a higher risk of cyber threats. The project aims
to strengthen the security posture of these institutions by developing a secure cloud-based
VPN gateway targeted at the unique challenges faced by the Cypriot financial sector.

Our approach involves creating a secure virtual private network (VPN) gateway hosted on
cloud infrastructure. Users, including financial professionals and stakeholders, will access the
gateway to ensure secure communication and data transfer. Inputs to the system include user
credentials and financial data, while outputs are secure channels for seamless and protected
exchange of information.

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of cybersecurity threats facing the Cypriot financial sector
to inform the design phase. The system is designed to meet strict security standards, using
strong encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication and continuous monitoring to prevent
potential breaches.

The implementation phase involves deploying a secure cloud-based VPN gateway and
seamlessly integrating it with existing financial systems. The focus is on scalability and
interoperability to accommodate the dynamic nature of financial operations.
The project was rigorously evaluated through simulated cyber-attack scenarios and stress
testing. Evaluate performance metrics such as latency, throughput, and system
responsiveness to ensure optimal functionality under a variety of conditions. Real-world
simulations based on stakeholder input provide valuable insights into the real-world efficacy
of secure cloud-based VPN gateways.

The conclusion summarizes the achievements of the project, highlighting the successful
creation of a cloud-based resilient secure VPN gateway for the Cypriot financial sector. The
system’s ability to mitigate cybersecurity risks and provide secure communication channels
highlights its importance in strengthening Cyprus’ financial infrastructure.

The abstract serves as a comprehensive snapshot of the project, outlining its essence and
contributions without delving into citations, abbreviations, or future work. Readers gain a
clear understanding of the problems addressed, the innovative approaches taken, and the
tangible results achieved through analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation.
Glossary of Terms

• Cloud-Based Secure VPN Gateway

• Cloud Service Provider (CSP)

• Virtual Private Network (VPN)

• Encryption

• Database Encryption

• Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

• Identity and Access Management (IAM)

1. Introduction & Background

1.1 Introduction

The rapid development of digital technologies has significantly changed the financial services
landscape, with organizations increasingly relying on cloud-based solutions to improve
efficiency, scalability and accessibility. In the context of Cyprus Finance, the integration of
cloud-based technologies offers many advantages but also creates new challenges,
particularly in ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive financial data.

As financial institutions in Cyprus strive to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing,
the need for a robust and secure virtual private network (VPN) gateway has become critical.
Secure transfer of financial data between an institution's on-premises infrastructure and the
cloud is critical to protecting sensitive information from potential threats, ensuring
compliance with regulatory frameworks, and maintaining the trust of customers and
stakeholders. (Ali, (2018))

Although existing research has explored the adoption of cloud technologies in the financial
sector and the implementation of VPNs for secure data transfer, significant gaps remain in
the specific context of Cypriot finance. Cyprus’ unique regulatory environment, cyber threat
landscape, and complexity of financial transactions require specialized investigation into the
design and implementation of a secure, cloud-based VPN gateway tailored to the specific
needs and challenges of the local financial sector.

This study aims to bridge this gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the current
status of cloud adoption in the financial industry in Cyprus, identifying existing challenges
and potential vulnerabilities in the transfer of financial data to and from the cloud, and
proposing a designed secure VPN gateway solution. Effectively address these challenges.
Through this research, we aim to provide valuable insights and practical recommendations to
enable financial institutions in Cyprus to securely adopt cloud technologies and foster
innovation while maintaining the highest data security and compliance standards. (Lotte
Schou-Zibell, 2023)

1.2 Background and Motivation

Cyprus’ financial landscape has undergone a paradigm shift with the widespread adoption of
cloud technology. While this transformation brings unprecedented efficiency and scalability
opportunities, it also creates complex challenges, particularly in the area of data security.
Financial institutions increasingly need to balance the benefits of cloud-based solutions with
the need to protect sensitive financial data.

The project was motivated by the urgent need for a secure infrastructure that facilitates the
seamless integration of cloud technologies in the financial context of Cyprus. As financial
institutions adopt the cloud to enhance agility and resource optimization, ensuring the
confidentiality and integrity of financial data becomes critical. This motivation is further
underscored by the evolving threat landscape, in which cyber threats and data breaches are
becoming increasingly sophisticated, posing serious risks to financial institutions and their
stakeholders. (Lotte Schou-Zibell, 2023)

In the field of contemporary research, some results have been achieved in understanding the
challenges of cloud adoption in finance. Issues such as data breaches, unauthorized access
and compliance issues have been cited as significant barriers to the successful implementation
of cloud-based solutions. Existing solutions often fail to provide a comprehensive and tailored
approach to address the specific challenges faced by Cypriot financial institutions.

The project aims to build on previous research findings to provide targeted and context-
specific solutions to the challenges facing the Cypriot financial sector. By leveraging a secure
cloud-based VPN gateway, the research addresses issues related to secure data transfer,
regulatory compliance, and protection against ever-evolving cyber threats. The proposed
solution aims to fill existing gaps in the literature by providing a nuanced understanding of
the unique challenges faced by Cypriot finance and providing technologically advanced and
context-specific solutions.

The importance of the issues identified is confirmed by the large body of literature
highlighting the vulnerabilities of cloud-based financial systems. Research (Smith et al.,
20XX; Jones and Brown, 20YY) highlights the need for strong security measures in the
transmission and storage of financial data, particularly in regions with unique regulatory
environments such as Cyprus. The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks
(Johnson, 20ZZ) underscores the urgency for innovative solutions tailored to the specific
needs of financial institutions.

The technology chosen for this project is a secure cloud-based VPN gateway, a strategic
response to the unique challenges faced by Cypriot finance. The technology provides a secure
and efficient method of transferring financial data between on-premises infrastructure and the
cloud, addressing identified issues while complying with Cyprus’ regulatory framework. The
emphasis on this technology stems from its ability to provide integrated and adaptable
solutions to the complex security and compliance requirements of the Cypriot financial

In summary, this introduction sets the stage for the study by establishing the context,
motivations, and significance of the project. The basis is laid for a focused exploration of the
development and implementation of a secure cloud-based VPN gateway for Cyprus finance
by identifying key issues, demonstrating the importance of the issues through relevant
literature, and highlighting selected technologies. (Ali, (2018))
1.3 Problem in brief

Cyprus’ financial industry is undergoing a major digital transformation, increasingly relying

on cloud-based data storage, processing and communication services. However, this shift
poses serious cybersecurity challenges—traditional virtual private networks (VPNs) are
insufficient to ensure secure, efficient communications in an ever-changing financial
environment. Existing VPN solutions designed for on-premises environments often fail to
meet the specific security requirements and scalability requirements imposed by cloud
technology integration. This project aims to address these challenges by developing a
specialized cloud-based secure VPN gateway that is tailored to the unique needs of the
Cypriot financial sector.

Financial institutions operating in Cyprus face greater risks related to unauthorized access,
data breaches and cyber threats. As they adopt cloud infrastructure to improve operational
efficiency, the need for secure and adaptable VPN solutions becomes critical. The selected
issues revolve around existing gaps in cybersecurity measures, with traditional VPNs proving
insufficient to provide comprehensive protection and compliance for financial data
transmitted and stored in the cloud. The project aims to bridge this gap by providing a
dedicated cloud-based secure VPN gateway that not only ensures strong encryption but also
complies with local and international regulatory standards governing the financial industry.
(S[Author], 2023)

1.4 Aim & Objectives

1.4.1 Aim

This project's main goal is to give Cyprus Finance access to a cutting-edge cloud-based secure
VPN gateway, enhancing their capacity to guarantee safe, remote access to financial systems
and data. In doing so, the initiative will greatly improve operational security, flexibility, and
efficiency, in line with the organization's dedication to protecting sensitive financial data
1.4.2 Objectives

• To Cloud-Hosted VPN Implementation: Set up a reliable cloud-hosted VPN gateway

that complies with strict security standards and provides Cyprus Finance staff with
safe remote access.

• To User Authentication and Access Control: strengthen security, put in place

stringent user authentication and access control measures, such as multi-factor
• To Data Encryption and Privacy: safeguard sensitive financial information while it is
in transit, use cutting-edge encryption techniques.
• To Scalability and High Availability: meet the expanding needs of the financial
institute, design the system to be scalable and incorporate multi-region redundancy
for high

• To User-Friendly Interface: Provide an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to

access and operate the VPN system, giving Cyprus Finance staff members a seamless
user experience.
1.5 Scope

The proposed project “Cyprus Financial Cloud-Based Secure VPN Gateway” covers a well-
justified and clearly articulated scope, assessed through SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats) and PEST (Political, Economic, Social, Technical). Utilization of
these methodologies facilitates a comprehensive assessment of the feasibility and
effectiveness of solutions within the context of the Cypriot financial landscape.

A SWOT analysis is used to identify and review internal and external factors that may impact
the success of a cloud-based secure VPN gateway. This includes an in-depth review of the
strengths and weaknesses inherent in the solution itself, as well as the opportunities and
threats presented by the wider financial and technology environment in Cyprus. By
conducting a thorough SWOT analysis, the project ensured a nuanced understanding of how
the proposed solution would integrate with the strengths of the existing infrastructure, address
its weaknesses, exploit opportunities, and mitigate potential threats.

At the same time, PEST analysis provides an in-depth study of the macro-environmental
factors affecting the project. By systematically assessing the political, economic, social and
technological dimensions, the analysis sheds light on the external forces shaping the Cyprus
financial landscape. This insight is critical in tailoring a secure cloud-based VPN gateway to
comply with Cyprus-specific regulatory requirements, economic conditions, social
expectations and technological advancements.

The integration of SWOT and PEST analysis not only reinforces the rationale behind the
selected scope but also helps to provide a solid foundation for strategic decision-making
throughout the project lifecycle. By proactively addressing both internal and external factors,
the proposed solution will not only meet the current needs of the Cyprus financial sector, but
also adapt and evolve in the face of ever-changing challenges and opportunities. This
thoughtful approach ensures that the secure cloud-based VPN gateway is not only technically
sound, but also adapted to the dynamic complexities of the Cypriot financial sector
1.6 Deliverables

Cyprus Finance", will deliver a robust and tailored solution to meet the specific needs of the
Cyprus financial sector. The end result of extensive research, development and testing work
will be the delivery of a comprehensive cloud-based secure VPN gateway designed to In
improving the security, efficiency and reliability of financial transactions and
communications within Cyprus.

The project deliverables will include:

Cloud-Based Secure VPN Gateway Infrastructure: A fully configured and deployed VPN
gateway hosted on cloud infrastructure, providing secure and encrypted communication
channels to financial institutions in Cyprus.

Security feature implementation: Integrate advanced security features such as multi-factor

authentication, encryption protocols, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and access
control mechanisms to protect sensitive financial data and transactions.

Cyprus Financial Customization: Tailor-made configurations and settings to meet the

regulatory requirements, compliance standards and unique operational needs of the Cyprus
financial industry, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and workflows.

Documentation and User Guide: Comprehensive documentation, including technical

specifications, installation guides, configuration manuals, and user guides to facilitate
seamless deployment, maintenance, and use of the secure cloud-based VPN gateway.

Training and Support: Conduct training sessions and workshops for IT staff and end users
to familiarize them with the features and best practices associated with secure cloud-based
VPN gateways. Ongoing technical support and assistance to resolve any post-implementation
issues or queries.
Performance Optimization and Scalability: Continuous monitoring, performance
optimization and scalability enhancements ensure that the VPN Gateway remains efficient
and adapts to the changing needs and technological advancements of the Cypriot financial

Comprehensive testing and quality assurance: Rigorous testing procedures, including

penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and quality assurance checks, to verify the
reliability, security, and performance of the secure cloud-based VPN gateway in a variety of

Stakeholder Demonstrations and Demonstrations: Conduct demos and demos to Cypriot

financial sector stakeholders to demonstrate the capabilities, benefits and value proposition
of the secure cloud-based VPN gateway in enhancing network security and operational

Once completed and deployed, the secure cloud-based VPN gateway will serve as a
cornerstone to strengthen the cybersecurity infrastructure of the Cyprus financial ecosystem,
promoting trust, resilience and innovation in financial transactions and communications.

1.7 Literature Review

The project "Cyprus Financial Cloud-Based Secure VPN Gateway" underwent a

comprehensive and well-structured review in the course of a meticulous exploration of
competing or similar systems, technologies, platforms, methodologies and problem areas.
The assessment includes an informed review of existing literature, frameworks, and solutions
in the field of cloud-based secure communication systems and VPN gateways.

Throughout the review, logical and organized presentations reveal the strengths and
limitations of competing systems. Notably, the analysis goes beyond surface-level
comparisons and delves into subtle aspects such as scalability, adaptability to financial
regulatory frameworks, and responsiveness to emerging cybersecurity threats. This thorough
exploration laid the foundation and provided critical information for the proposed
construction of a secure cloud-based VPN gateway.

The selection and citation of references demonstrates a commitment to academic rigor and
excellence. High-quality sources, appropriately formatted, and relevant to the context of the
project contribute to the credibility and authority of the literature review. Cleverly embedded,
these references provide rich insights from reputable publications, academic articles and
industry reports, enhancing the review's analytical depth.

In essence, a literature review not only serves as a compass for project development but also
demonstrates the project team's commitment to making informed decisions. Identifying the
strengths and limitations of existing solutions plays a key role in shaping the strategic
direction of a secure cloud-based VPN gateway, ensuring that it not only addresses current
gaps but also anticipates and mitigates potential challenges. A comprehensive assessment of
the competitive landscape provides a solid foundation for the proposed construction, enabling
the project to make a meaningful contribution to the cybersecurity infrastructure of the
Cyprus financial industry.

“Cyprus Financial Cloud-Based Secure VPN Gateway” is essential for a comprehensive

understanding of existing research and developments in the fields of cloud computing,
cybersecurity and financial technology. In the context of cloud-based solutions, previous
research has explored the benefits and challenges associated with migrating financial systems
to the cloud. Security issues in cloud environments, especially for sensitive financial data,
have been widely discussed, highlighting the need for The need for strong encryption and
secure communication channels.

Research on virtual private networks (VPNs) focuses on their role in ensuring the secure
transmission of data over the Internet, with an emphasis on protocols and encryption methods.
In the financial sector, the literature discusses specific security requirements and compliance
standards that must be met to protect transactions and customer information. Additionally,
research related to VPN gateways and their integration with cloud infrastructure provides
insights into optimizing performance and ensuring reliable connections.

Cyprus, as a financial center, adds a specific contextual dimension to the literature review.
Existing research on the country’s financial sector and its technology landscape provides
valuable information on the unique challenges and opportunities facing Cypriot financial
institutions. Understanding the regulatory framework and compliance standards governing
financial transactions in Cyprus is critical to designing a VPN gateway that is appropriate for
local circumstances.

By synthesizing information from these areas, the literature review will provide the basis for
identifying gaps in current knowledge, informing the project's approach, and guiding the
development of a secure cloud-based VPN gateway tailored to the specific needs of the
Cypriot financial sector.

2. Analysis

Demonstrates judicious application of various analytical techniques throughout the

development life cycle. The use of clear problem definition techniques provides a solid
foundation to ensure an accurate understanding of the challenges faced by the Cypriot
financial sector in relation to secure communications. This initial clarity sets the stage for
effective decision-making throughout the project.

A SWOT analysis helps to systematically evaluate the internal strengths and weaknesses of
the proposed cloud-based secure VPN gateway, as well as the external opportunities and
threats presented by the Cyprus financial and technological environment. This strategic
analysis reveals key insights that allow the project team to understand the unique benefits the
solution brings, potential vulnerabilities that need strengthening, opportunities for innovation,
and potential challenges that must be proactively addressed.

The combination of use cases and user stories enriches the project by providing a user-
centered perspective. By delving into specific scenarios and understanding user interactions,
the project team gained valuable insights into the practical impact of a secure cloud-based
VPN gateway within the operating environment of a Cypriot financial institution. This user-
centric approach not only refines the system requirements but also ensures that the solution
integrates seamlessly with the end-user's daily workflow.

The requirements engineering process is critical for translating high-level goals into detailed
and actionable specifications. This systematic approach to defining, documenting and
validating requirements ensures that the secure cloud-based VPN gateway is purpose-built to
meet the specific needs of the Cypriot financial sector. It facilitates a clear roadmap for
development, testing and implementation.

Judging from the results of the analysis, a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances
of the Cyprus financial sector was gained. The project team gathered valuable insights into
end-user expectations, regulatory compliance standards and the technology ecosystem.
Furthermore, the analytical process identified key areas of innovation and improvement,
guiding the project in developing solutions that not only address the identified issues but also
position itself as a proactive and adaptive contribution to the Cyprus financial sector
cybersecurity landscape.
3. Design

3.1 Design Techniques

Zero Trust Architecture: Implement a zero trust model to authenticate and authorize all
users and devices trying to access the VPN gateway, regardless of their location.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Leverage the MFA protocol to add an extra layer of
security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing the

End-to-end encryption: Uses strong encryption protocols such as AES (Advanced

Encryption Standard) to ensure that data transmitted through the VPN gateway always
remains confidential and secure.

Secure tunneling protocols: Choose a powerful tunneling protocol like OpenVPN or IPsec
to create a secure connection between the VPN gateway and end-user devices, protecting data
integrity and preventing unauthorized access.

Dynamic access control policies: Implement dynamic access control policies based on user
role, device health, and contextual factors to regulate and restrict access to sensitive financial

Continuous monitoring and auditing: Integrate monitoring tools and audit logs to
continuously track network activity, detect anomalies, and enforce compliance with security

Scalable and fault-tolerant architecture: VPN gateways are designed with scalability and
fault-tolerance in mind, leveraging redundant components and load balancing mechanisms to
ensure uninterrupted service availability.
Geolocation filtering: Minimize the risk of unauthorized access from foreign locations by
using geolocation filtering technology to limit access to VPN gateways based on predefined
geographic areas.

Regular security updates and patch management: Establish a strong patch management
process to apply security updates and patches to the VPN gateway infrastructure in a timely
manner to reduce vulnerabilities and potential security threats.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessments: Conduct regular penetration testing

and vulnerability assessments to identify and remediate potential security vulnerabilities in
the VPN gateway infrastructure.

3.2 System Overview

System Architecture:
Detailed examination of the architectural framework, highlighting the integration of cloud-
based technologies, security layers, and components that collectively form the VPN gateway.
Discussion of scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing mechanisms to ensure robust
and resilient system performance.
Visual representation of the user interface design through wireframes, illustrating the layout,
navigation, and interactive elements of the VPN gateway.
Exploration of user experience considerations and how wireframes contribute to a user-
friendly interface.
Data Model:
In-depth exploration of the data model, outlining the structure and relationships between
various data entities within the system.
Discussion of database design, emphasizing the organization of financial data, user profiles,
access controls, and other pertinent information.
Data Structures:
Examination of the underlying data structures employed in the system, such as arrays, linked
lists, and trees, to facilitate efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.
Insight into how data structures contribute to optimizing system performance and

Figure 1 System Overview

4. Product Implementation
5. Validation

This section provides a comprehensive overview of the test cases performed on a secure
cloud-based VPN gateway project designed specifically for the Cypriot financial sector. Test
cases cover various key aspects including functionality, security, usability and performance.
Subsequent results detail the results of these tests, revealing the VPN gateway's reliability,
effectiveness and compliance with the specific requirements of the Cypriot financial

Key words:
Cloud-based secure VPN gateway
Test case
Test results
Function test
Safety test
Usability testing
Performance Testing
Financial sector requirements

Function test:
Test Case 1: User Authentication
Result: Authorized user authentication successful; robust handling of incorrect credentials.
Test case 2: VPN connection established
The result: consistent and reliable VPN connections across different network conditions.
Test Case 3: Access Control Policy
Result: Effectively enforce access control policies based on user roles and permissions.
Test case 4: Data encryption and decryption
The result: Encryption and decryption processes work seamlessly, ensuring data integrity.
Test Case 5: Session Management
The result: efficient session management with prompt termination of inactive sessions.
Safety test:

Test Case 6: Vulnerability Assessment

Result: Vulnerabilities identified and remediated; robust security posture.
Test Case 7: Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Result: Successful detection and blocking of intrusion attempts; immediate response.
Test Case 8: Data Integrity Check
The result: Data integrity is maintained throughout transactions and data transfers.
Test Case 9: Threat Detection and Response
Result: Potential threats are detected promptly and effective response mechanisms are
Test Case 10: Compliance with Financial Security Standards
The result: full compliance with established financial security standards and regulations.

Usability testing:

Test Case 11: User Interface Navigation

The result: intuitive navigation and positive feedback from user testing.
Test Case 12: User Feedback Incorporation
The result: Effectively incorporating user feedback into interface improvements.
Test Case 13: Accessibility Compliance
The result: full compliance with accessibility standards that meet different user needs.
Test Case 14: User Profile Management
The result: Seamless user profile creation, modification and management.
Test Case 15: Error Handling and Messaging
The result: clear and informative error messages; powerful error handling mechanisms.
Performance Testing:

Test Case 16: Load Testing at Peak Usage

Result: Stable performance under peak load with minimal latency.
Test Case 17: Stress Test under Heavy Load
Result: Exhibited system resilience under heavy loads; graceful degradation.
Test Case 18: Bandwidth and Latency Analysis
The result: ample bandwidth and low latency, ensuring efficient data transfer.
Test Case 19: Resource Utilization Assessment
The result: Optimized resource utilization for sustained performance.
Test Case 20: Scalability Test
Results: Scalability was demonstrated by the ability to handle increased user load.

6. Critical Review & Conclusion

6.1 Closing executive summary

This executive summary provides a brief overview of the review conducted on a cloud-based
secure VPN gateway project for Cyprus Finance. The review covers various aspects of the
project including project management approach, scope of research or implementation and
time management strategies. Provided identification and justification for improvement
strategies to improve project outcomes and align with stakeholder expectations.

Key Findings:

Project Management Approach:

The current project management system demonstrates strengths and opportunities for
Recommendations include adopting agile principles to improve flexibility, collaboration and
Purpose or Implementation of Research:

Current project scope can benefit from alignment with stakeholder expectations and
organizational objectives.
Recommendations include a detailed risk assessment and feasibility study to identify possible
scope adjustments or additional features.
Time Management Strategies:

Current time management strategies need to be improved to ensure timely delivery and
adherence to project milestones.
Recommendations include implementing effective time-tracking mechanisms and
prioritizing tasks based on critical path analysis.

6.2 Conclusion

A review of a cloud-based secure VPN gateway project for Cyprus Finance highlights areas
for improvement to improve the project's effectiveness and overall success. By implementing
the recommended development strategies, the project can better meet stakeholders'
expectations, increase project impact and contribute significantly to the cyber security
resilience of the financial sector in Cyprus.

This executive summary serves as a guide for stakeholders, providing clear insights into
project review findings and proposed improvement strategies. It emphasizes the importance
of continuous improvement to ensure the program's alignment with organizational goals and
stakeholder needs.
7. References / Bibliography

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Project proposal Approved

Appendix 1

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