Empirical Techniques For Improving Reliability of High Voltage Mica-Based Insulation Systems

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24th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), Mansoura University, Egypt 19-21 December 2023

Empirical Techniques for Improving Reliability of

High Voltage Mica-based Insulation Systems
Davoud E. Moghadam 1 Shahram Negari 2
2023 24th International Middle East Power System Conference (MEPCON) | 979-8-3503-5846-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MEPCON58725.2023.10462454

1 2 Senior Vice President of Engineering, Integrated Power

Senior Engineer of Electrical insulation,
Valeo eAutomotive Germany GmbH Services (IPS), Senior Member IEEE
Erlangen, Germany Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Diaa-Eldin A. Mansour 3, 4, *
3 Electrical
Mohamed M. F. Darwish 5, *
Power Engineering Department, Faculty of
5 Department
Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and of Electrical Engineering,
Technology Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University
Alexandria, Egypt
4 Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department, Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University mohamed.darwish@feng.bu.edu.eg
Tanta, Egypt

Abstract— Mica-based insulation systems are an essential become more prevalent in recent years [5], [6], and various
part of high voltage (HV) electric motors and generators. probabilistic and statistical models have been developed to
Accordingly, the performance and reliability of the machine are model the behavior of faults and conduct failure analysis in
directly impacted by the dependability of the insulation. This electrical power systems [7], [8]. Further, more advanced
paper aims to assess the impact of different design factors on
insulating materials for many electrical applications with
various dielectric indices. These indices include breakdown
voltage, dissipation factor, and partial discharge measurements, enhanced thermal, dielectric, and mechanical properties were
collected from empirical tests to assess insulation system utilized [9–13].
resilience and endurance. All these evaluation measurements This paper explores the impact of variations in mica tape
are carried out for fresh samples and thermally aged samples. compositions and the intensity of electrical field stress on
Thermal aging is performed with different temperatures and insulation dependability. This insight allows design engineers
durations. After that all samples are tested for voltage to make informed choices and employ balanced cost-benefit
endurance in accordance with IEC 60034-18-32 and IEEE 1553, strategies to boost machine efficiency. The study draws from
to evaluate their lifetimes. Analyzing the test outcomes, a authentic experimental results of three trial insulation system
number of practical methods and techniques are identified that
designs, considering eight control variables and two primary
help engineers improve their design and ensure higher longevity
of HV electrical machines. factors vital in the design of vacuum-pressure impregnated
insulation systems: electrical stress and mica content [14]. In
Keywords— HV insulation system design, mica-based conclusion, we offer pragmatic guidance on methods to
insulation, reliability, vacuum pressure impregnations, aging, enhance the insulation system's quality and reliability.
voltage breakdown, partial discharge.
The main cause of failure in HV insulation is electrical
Large high voltage electric generators and motors are
breakdown, which is a very complex phenomenon, influenced
crucial for energy conversion in the industrial sector, and their
reliability directly impacts the industry’s economic health and by various factors and the interplay of several stressors. A
prosperity [1]. Reliable electric machines prevent unplanned breakdown may occur due to high electrical field stress, which
and excessive downtime and reduce costly production is sufficiently strong to accelerate free electrons to energies
disruptions. Furthermore, high voltage insulation, as a key high enough to free additional electrons from the material
component of the machine, ensures reliable and safe operation atoms via collisions and create an avalanche like stream of
of the machine and prevents potential equipment damage. electrons. Aging of insulation due to thermal and mechanical
Failure rates of high voltage (HV) insulation systems can stresses, impurities inside the insulation material leading to
differ due to age, level of thermal, electrical, and mechanical formation of a low-resistance path in the insulation, radiation,
stressors, and other environmental factors [2]. Especially, in and treeing and tracking are among well-known factors.
high voltage mica-based insulation systems, minor design However, high voltage insulation can additionally suffer from
variations or material changes can significantly affect corona and partial discharge induced breakdowns.
resistance against corona and partial discharge, with resin
Partial discharge (PD) consists of localized electrical
notably influencing partial discharge activity and the lifetime
discharges that cause degradation over time. Various models
of the insulation [3], [4]. Considering the utmost importance
are developed to simulate PD in large electric machines and
of reliability, the concept of reliability-oriented design has

979-8-3503-5846-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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methods to eliminate its magnitude. In a simple geometrical Therefore, Arrhenius model and the impact of electrical
case, the inception voltage can be calculated as follows: stress can be combined in one formula as follows in equation
V =3 (1)
t = Ce E #
where Vi denotes the inception voltage, Ɛ0 and Ɛr show the
permittivity of free space and relative permittivity of the Nonetheless, it should be borne in mind that there are a
material, d is the total distance between the electrodes, and multitude of other factors that affect aging, more complex
finally, r means the radius of the void or cavity. models might consider multiple variables. Detrimental effects
However, in practical applications, multiple mechanisms of radiation, vibration, humidity, mechanical stresses due to
operate simultaneously, which lead to the aging of mica and expansion and contraction, or exposure to certain chemicals
the eventual breakdown of the insulation. are usually derived from extensive testing under various
conditions. In motors and generators with operating voltages
A. Insulating Aging higher than 6 kV, PD can significantly accelerate the aging of
The aging of insulation systems is a well-studied area due insulation. For this reason, proper application of conductive
to its significant impact on the reliability and longevity of and semi-conductive material to control the corona inside the
electrical machines. As mentioned, the degradation magnetic core slots and overhang section of form-wound
mechanisms are complex. A short overview of some aging windings becomes critical.
models suffices for this introductory discussion. Since no single model can capture the entire complexity of
Arrhenius Model is frequently used to describe the thermal insulation aging, empirical data are often obtained from
aging of materials. It's based on the Arrhenius equation, which accelerated aging tests. In the next section, the experimental
relates the rate of a chemical reaction to temperature as setting for trial insulation systems, accelerated test results, and
indicated by the following equation (2): findings are discussed in details.
= Ae (2)
A. Trial High Voltage Insulation System Designs
Where Ra is the rate of aging, A is the multiplication factor Most mica tapes used in the high voltage industry are
measured empirically for different materials, Ea denotes the produced from mica minerals, mainly muscovite or
activation energy, K stands for the Boltzmann constant, and phlogopite, which have distinct crystal structures and
finally, T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin. Experimental chemical compositions, leading to variations in their dielectric
results have been applied to insulation aging, and the widely strength, breakdown voltage, and aging characteristics. Both
accepted rule-of-thumb is that every 8 to 10 o C increase in the binder and the impregnating resin used to impregnate mica
operating temperature reduces the insulation life by half. tapes under vacuum and pressure (VPI) play vital roles in
Another famous model for thermal aging is the Eyring enhancing the mechanical strength, and electrical properties
model that yields better approximations for certain materials of the insulation system, as different types of resins, such as
and conditions. His model also takes Gibbs free energy of epoxy, silicone, or polyester, exhibit diverse and dissimilar
activation (G), universal gas constant (R), and Planck’s behaviors. It is shown that resin has a substantial impact on
constant (h) into account, as shown in the following Eq. (3): partial discharge activity and lifetime of the insulation system
= e (3)
[3], hence epoxy resin is used in three sample systems. The
details of the three designs of mica-based systems used for
It is notable that the relationship between the life experimental values and variations in their respective
expectancy of an insulating system and any type of stress can components are outlined in the following Table 1.
often be modeled by the inverse power formula. That is if the
B. Experimental Setup
life expectancy – or time to failure – is shown by tf, electrical
stress by E, and finally empirically measured constants C and To evaluate the impact of the varying design factors a
n that vary for each material, the relationship can be series of tests are conducted on numerous samples of the three
formulated as in equation (4): systems under investigation. The tests are performed in
accordance with IEC standards partial discharge levels and
t = (4) magnitudes, dissipation factor (tan delta), and finally

Table 1: Insulation materials used in the trails

Insulation System Design A Insulation System Design B Insulation System Design C
i. Strand insulation: enameled MW 0.03 mm single build + one turn half-lapped mica tape 0.065 mm.
ii. Total strand insulation thickness: 0.160 mm.
iii. Catalyzed, class F uncalcined Muscovite with film backing.
iv. Tape thickness: 0.135 (+/–) 0.05 mm.
Control Variables: v. Ground wall insulation four half-lapped layers.
vi. Outer Corona Protection: 0.08 mm tape impregnated with electrically conductive varnish, half-lapped.
vii. Stress Grading: 0.24 mm tape impregnated with silicon carbide resin, half-lapped.
viii. Impregnating resin: epoxy with glass transition temperature of 140 °C.
a) Mica 170 g/m2 + film 42 g/m2 a) Mica 160 g/m2 + film 42 g/m2 a) Mica 155 g/m2 + film 42 g/m2
Random Variables: b) Design Electrical Stress: 66.75 b) Design Electrical Stress: 71.20 b) Design Electrical Stress: 67.2
volt/mil ≈ 2.6 kV/mm volt/mil ≈ 2.8 kV/mm volt/mil ≈ 2.65 kV/mm

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breakdown voltage values are measured, prior and after aging Dissipation Factor - Aged @ 230°C
process. The breakdown voltage tests are conducted at various 5
voltage levels to assess the dielectric strength of the insulation System-A
system under accelerated aging. Time to failure for each 4
sample until the breakdown is illustrated in the following

tanδ (‰)
3 System-C
Table 1 and illustrated in the next plot.
C. Thermal Aging 2

The 6.6 kV sample coils and formettes, representative of 1

each insulation system specification, are subjected to a
thermal aging examination. This procedure is executed in 0
compliance with IEEE 275 [15] and IEC 60034-18-31 [16] 0 250 500 750
standards. A sequence of non-destructive insulation Aging time (h)
characteristics tests performed at various stages of the thermal Fig. 1. Dissipation factor – Aging time @ 230 ˚C.
aging progression.
Dielectric dissipation factor (tan δ) and maximum partial PD Activity Variation _ Aged @ 230°C
discharge (PD) amplitude (Qmax) are evaluated, alongside the 20000
measurement of residual breakdown voltage. The thermal
aging is carried out over a specified duration, as detailed

PD Amplitude (pC)

230 ℃: 250 h, 500 h
210 ℃: 500 h, 1000 h, 1500 h 8000
In line with the guidelines set by IEC 60034-27-1 [17],
IEC 60270 [18], and IEEE 1434 [19], the partial discharge 4000
activity of the specimens is evaluated subsequent to each heat
cycling process. Concurrently, the dissipation factor is 0
3 4 5 6 7
assessed in accordance with IEC 60034-27-3 [20] and IEEE Voltage (kV)
286 [21]. Subsequent to these assessments, insulation
breakdown voltage tests are conducted following the IEC A-250h A-500h B-250h

60243 and IEEE standards. B-500h C-250h C-500h

At a temperature of 230 °C (Fig. 1), it is observed that the Fig. 2. PD Amplitude – Applied voltage, system without aging,
dissipation factor values of system A experienced a substantial and aged @ 230˚C.
increase post 500 hours of thermal aging, whereas designs B systems (Fig. 3-c & d). On the other hand, after each stage of
and C retained stability. Notably, design C consistently the process, System A exhibits a change in its value range.
demonstrated lower values. It is worth mentioning that the This change could possibly be linked to the delamination
behavior of the dissipation factor values remained consistent caused by thermal aging (see Fig. 3-b). This particular
for the systems aged under 210 °C. behavior is also mirrored in the measured values for the
The partial discharge amplitude (Qmax) of each system, dissipation factor and PD amplitudes pertaining to design A.
prior to and following thermal aging, is quantified at three Additionally, system C records marginally elevated values
distinct voltage levels ((Un/√3, 1.25 Un/√3, Un), as shown in in comparison to design B, despite demonstrating lower
Fig. 2. System C consistently exhibited a substantially lower reliability against system B. It should also be noted that
PD amplitude, both pre-aging and subsequent to each aging despite possessing a thinner insulation layer, system B
duration. Conversely, the corresponding values for design A maintained values almost parallel to design C, and in fact
exhibited an increase post each phase of the aging process. displayed enhanced reliability.
Moreover, system B demonstrated marginally elevated values
in comparison to design C, which could be attributed to its D. Heat Endurance Cycle Test
reduced thickness. In general, the escalation in PD amplitude Each system is subjected to a Heat Endurance Cycle
post 500 hours of thermal aging may be correlated to the post- evaluation test executed in adherence to the standards set by
curing process of the resin. For design A, the observed IEC 60034-18-34 [22] and IEEE 1310 [23]. The apparatus for
behavior is indicative of a delamination process brought about the heat cycle test comprised an electrical transformer, a
by thermal aging, hence the increment in values with each cooling fan, and a temperature control panel.
level. It's noteworthy that the thermal aging process at 210 °C The procedure involves conducting a heat endurance cycle
reflected identical behavior across all systems. test using a test coil and a temperature control coil. The
Upon the completion of each phase of the thermal aging regulation of the temperature is achieved by affixing a
process, the specimens successfully endured breakdown thermocouple to the coil. The conditions specified for the
voltage testing, as illustrated in Fig.3-a. Before the aging heat-resistance cycle are as follows:
process is applied to samples, the initial Breakdown Voltage
(BDV) values for the samples showed similar patterns and • The heat-endurance cycle entails the repetition of 40 °C
readings. and 155 °C temperatures.
However, upon analysis of the results, it is found that post • Standard one-cycle conditions encompass heating for a
thermal aging, the BDV values for systems B and C remained duration ranging from 30 to 60 minutes, followed by a
relatively consistent across each phase for the respective cooling period of the same duration.

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Following the well-known guidelines established in the
IEC 60034-18-34 [22] standard, the temperature increase and
decrease intervals are integral components of the heat-
endurance cycle test conditions. Throughout the course of the
heat endurance cycle test, insulation diagnostic assessments
are performed at defined intervals, specifically post the initial,
10th, 50th, 100th, 250th, and 500th cycles. The diagnostic tests
conducted included the tan δ test and partial discharge test.
Upon examination of the PD amplitude variation at three
voltage levels ((Un/√3, 1.25 Un/√3, Un) post each thermal
cycle, it is observed that trails A and C demonstrated less
variation with increasing voltage and thermal cycles, in
(a) Breakdown probability of the systems prior aging contrast to system B, which displayed a more significant
variation (Fig. 4). This discrepancy could potentially be
attributed to System B's thinner insulation system [24].
However, the dissipation factor values and breakdown
voltages displayed stability throughout the thermal cycling
process (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). The observed variations in the
early stages of heat cycling could be associated with the post-
curing process of the systems.

(b) Breakdown probability of the system A aged @ 230°C

Fig. 4. PD amplitude of the systems measured after Heat

Endurance Cycles.

(c) Breakdown probability of the system B aged @ 230°C

Fig. 5. tan δ of the systems measured after Heat Endurance Cycles.

(d) Breakdown probability of the system C aged @ 230°C

Fig. 3. Probability of breakdown voltage of the system under
various thermal aging conditions.

• The heating phase is initiated by applying an electrical

current to the coil wire conductor.
• The cooling phase is facilitated by a fan installed
Fig. 6. Breakdown Voltage of the systems measured after Heat
externally to the coil. Endurance Cycles.

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Given the insights obtained from the PD activity and
dissipation factor values, it can be conjectured that the BDV
values of the systems post-500 cycles may be predictable. The
results indicate a superior performance by system C compared
to the other systems. Additionally, the impact of PD amplitude
variation during the thermal cycling process is distinctly
reflected in the BDV probability graph, and the corresponding
values for design B demonstrated lower reliability.
E. Electrical Lifetime Test
The Voltage Endurance Testing (VET) on each system is
conducted in accordance with IEC 60034-18-32 [25] & IEEE
1553 [26]. Pursuant to the IEC’s guidelines, the overvoltage is
configured to three distinct voltage levels as follows.
• 4E (26.4 kV): Room temperature - in oil
• 3E (19.8 kV): Room temperature – oil
• 2.17E (14.3 kV): room temperature - air
Fig. 7 illustrates the Weibull distribution of the Voltage -
Time to Failure (V-T) test outcomes, estimated at the
cumulative breakdown rates of 63.2% and 1.0%. The retention
time at the cumulative breakdown rate of 63.2% is evaluated
as the mean of the results obtained for each coil. Concurrently,
the retention time at the cumulative breakdown rates of 63.2%
and 1.0 % is assessed at the juncture where insulation
breakdown commences in each coil, marking the initiation of
its lifespan. When the projected lifespan is assessed using the
mean value, no significant distinction is observed between the
systems. However, a rigorous evaluation reveals a deviation
in the sample coil of design B, thus suggesting a potentially
shortened lifespan. The Voltage-Temperature (V-T)
assessment is conducted in compliance with the IEC60034-
18-32 standard [25], with the criterion, as delineated in Table
1 of IEEE 1553 [26], also KEMA requirements (Table 2),
being a duration exceeding required hours at desired voltage
levels. This finding confirms outstanding voltage endurance
life characteristics across all systems, significantly exceeding
the set evaluative standard.
The VET outcomes, presented in terms of electric field
strength (E[kV/mm]), have been illustrated independently for
each system considering IEEE 1553 and KEMA requirements
(see Fig. 8). The VET graph, represented in terms of electric
field strength (E [kV/mm]), to counter the disparities in
insulation thickness, depicts that systems B and C exhibit
nearly identical lifetime behaviors under conditions of
elevated voltage (see Fig. 9). However, at diminished voltage
levels, design B shows superior lifetime characteristics. When
factoring in the imposed voltage, trial design A continues to
demonstrate an extended lifespan at higher voltages, Fig. 7. Weibull distribution of the Voltage - Time to Failure (V-T).
potentially attributable to its enhanced insulation thickness.
Conversely, under lower voltage conditions, the lifespan of
system A remains the least extended amongst the systems, IV. PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE INSULATION
with design B outperforming with a more prolonged lifespan. RELIABILITY AND QUALITY
While all three experimental systems display similar aging
Table 2. Required durability at certain voltage levels based on IEEE and behaviors, the presented figure distinctly shows that system A,
having the highest mica content, exhibits the least variability
Standard Min. durability Voltage
over time. From the results observed, the relationship between
250 2.5 Un mica content and the durability of a set slot dimension is not
IEEE 1553
400 2.17 Un directly linear. This research contrasts three insulation
10 3 Un systems with varying designs, named as design systems A, B,
KEMA and C, respectively. Systems A and C target almost identical
1000 2 Un
electrical stress values of 67 (+/–) 5 volt/mil, but with differing

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Fig. 9. Comparison lifespan of the systems based on field strength
and applied voltage.

the same output power. Conversely, reducing the clearance

between coil arms and slots would be an appropriate approach
for improving the performance of design B. This reduction not
only lowers the material costs but also reduces the overall
motor costs by shrinking the motor size while maintaining the
Fig. 8. Durability of the system based on electrical field strength. same output power.
Considering the results and the impact of slot dimensions,
mica contents of 170 gram/m2 and 155 gram/m2, respectively, system C emerges as the most reliable and durable option with
to assess its effect on shape and scale parameters. Even with a favorable properties. However, as discussed, the performance
similar design foundation, limited resin penetration in design and durability of the insulation system not only depends on the
A is noted, suggesting insufficient impregnation during the composition of the system materials, but also external factors
Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) process. This limitation and even the geometry of the machine’s slot size, and
leads to rapid delamination during thermal aging, as parameters of the VPI cycle.
evidenced by the changes in tan δ, partial discharge, and
breakdown voltage values obtained from thermal aging V. CONCLUSIONS
evaluations. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the significant
Conversely, trial design B, which has a mica content impact of design factors such as electrical stress and mica tape
between the other two systems (160 gram/m2), features a more variations on the performance and reliability of the system.
robust electrical stress design foundation and a greater gap The test results. The following list summarizes the findings:
between the slot and the coil's straight section. This
configuration provided more space within the slot for resin 1) Variation of mica content and design factors significantly
impregnation, resulting in the formation of tiny air bubbles, as impact failure rate and parameters of the Weibull curve.
confirmed by cross-sectional analyses and the occurrence of 2) Higher mica content results in less variability in the shape
partial discharge during various evaluations. and scale of the Weibull curve, but a tradeoff exists
To optimize the insulation properties of system A, it would between performance, expected lifespan, and costs.
be necessary to increase the clearance between the coil arms 3) Higher shape parameters offer higher reliability but
and the slot to facilitate impregnation. This, in turn, could increase susceptibility to initial failures and steeper aging
either decrease the power output of the motor within the same at the end of machine’s life.
motor size or require an increase in the motor's dimensions for

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