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Received: 6 July 2023

DOI: 10.1049/hve2.12431

- - Revised: 7 December 2023 Accepted: 7 December 2023

- High Voltage

A novel approach towards parametric assessment of reliability

and resilience of high voltage mica‐based insulation systems by
statistical analysis of experimental failure data

Shahram Negari1 | Davoud Esmaeil Moghadam2

Integrated Power Services, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Abstract
Valeo eAutomotive Germany GmbH, Erlangen, Insulation systems in high‐voltage electric machines play a pivotal role in the reliable
Germany operation and longevity of the equipment. Mica‐based insulation materials have proven to
possess and maintain excellent dielectric properties in the long run and prevent premature
insulation degradation. Numerous qualifications tests, such as voltage endurance, are
Shahram Negari.
Email:; outlined in IEC and IEEE standards. The authors, however, take a different parametric approach, opting for reliability assessment of insulation systems using derived three‐
parameter Weibull models. Therefore, instead of simple pass–fail criteria, empirical
Associate Editor: Ying Yang data is employed to determine failure rate probabilities quantitatively and objectively.
Experimental data, including breakdown, dissipation factor, and partial discharge mea-
surements, are used to construct the Weibull distribution model to predict fault and
failure rates and calculate hazard functions. The rigorous examinations interpreted
through the analytical model help assess insulation system resilience and particularly the
impact of electrical field stress and mica content. Variation of electrical stress from 66.75
to 71.20 V/mil demonstrated how the mean time to failure of the system changed from
146.4 to 85.1 at 3 Un, hence identifying opportunities for design improvement and
uncovering performance boundaries. Ultimately, the developed framework enhances
comprehension of insulation system failure probabilities, guiding design decisions and
ensuring a secure and reliable operation of electrical machines across applications.

1 | INTRODUCTION a report conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute

(EPRI) that indicates power quality cost estimates amount to
Unexpected failure of equipment is a major costly concern for $26 billion per year in the United States [3], excluding the losses
all industries. A study conducted by the Thomas Net in 2005 incurred by power outages longer than few seconds. EPRI
reported that the cost of downtime in the auto industry is about estimated that the total cost of power‐interruptions is estimated
$22,000 per minute [1], and more recently, Forbes stated that to be around $50 billion annually [4]!
manufacturers on average face 800 h of equipment downtime Electric machines serve as the prime movers and essential
annually, averaging over 15 h per week. This aggregate down- energy conversion apparatus in the industrial sector, driving
time imposes a significant cost which amounts to an estimated various processes and facilitating the transformation of energy
annual expense of up to $50 billion [2]. And this is not all, if the into desired forms. Therefore, the reliability of motors, gener-
cost of unreliability and power disruption caused by an up- ators, and transformers plays a crucial role in the industrial
stream system, that is, electric grid, is taken into account, the sector. These machines are the backbone of many industrial
numbers become even more egregious. The US Department of processes, powering essential operations and ensuring smooth
Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information recounts workflow. Reliable electric machines minimise downtime and

Shahram Negari and Davoud Esmaeil Moghadam contributed equally to this work.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2024 The Authors. High Voltage published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology and China Electric Power Research Institute.

High Voltage. 2024;9:495–507. 495


prevent costly disruptions to production schedules. They pro- Our aim is to examine the influence of variations in mica
vide consistent and efficient performance, contributing to tape compositions and level of electrical field stress on reli-
increased productivity and profitability. Furthermore, reliable ability, distribution parameters, and hazard function. Because
machines reduce the risk of equipment failure, which can lead to by understanding how these factors impact failure rates and
safety hazards and potential damage to other components. reliability, design engineers can make informed design de-
Therefore, ensuring the reliability of electric machines is cisions and implement calculated cost‐benefit tactics to
vital for maintaining optimal functioning and overall success in enhance the performance and longevity of these machines in
industrial settings and power generation [5]. Therefore, industrial applications. The first section of the paper briefly
developing an understanding of fault modes and failure rates of presents the concept and application of the Weibull–Bayesian
equipment has an essential role in reliability engineering. framework in studying failure and reliability. Then, it is dis-
Focusing on the electrical aspects of electric machines, it is cussed how and why a three‐parameter model is more suitable
obvious that insulation is the heart of electric reliability as it in analysing reliability in insulation systems [18, 19]. Then,
ensures the integrity and satisfactory performance of the ma- three trial variations of HV insulation systems whose failure
chine [6, 7], in particular in mission‐critical and high‐power data used for analysis are introduced. This part continues with
density designs [8]. By providing insulation, these materials explaining the experimental set up and the data. The next
help maintain proper electrical insulation resistance, preventing section assesses and analyses faults and failure rates of sample
the risk of electrical breakdowns, malfunctions, and potential systems and probes into the importance of deriving hazard
damage to the machine [9]. Additionally, insulation materials functions and reliability measures. This paper finally concludes
help withstand high temperatures, humidity, and other envi- by summarising the findings.
ronmental factors, safeguarding the machine against external This research proposes a novel approach towards the
stresses. Ultimately, reliable insulation in electric machines is design of HV mica‐based insulation systems, and the key
essential for maintaining their performance, longevity, and differentiating factors of the suggested framework can be
overall reliability, and hence the concept of reliability oriented summarised as follows:
design has gained more traction [10, 11].
This research employs empirical data gathered from real i. Most standards define pass/fail criteria for testing insu-
experiments to conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis lation materials. For example, the success of a voltage
based upon Weibull distribution. Probabilistic models are endurance test is defined by not experiencing any break-
gaining more popularity in fault detection and failure analysis down by the end of the test [20, 21]. However, the quan-
in electrical power systems due to advancements in machine titative method that is outlined in this paper delivers a
learning and artificial intelligence [12, 13]. Weibull modelling is robust statistical method to calculate the probability of
a powerful statistical tool for analysing failure patterns and failure rates throughout the lifespan of the HV insulation
predicting failure rates over time. In high‐voltage (HV) insu- system. In other words, this method covers the grey areas
lation systems, failure rates can vary based on the system's age; where the status of the machine is not known.
thermal, electrical, and mechanical stressors; environmental ii. The three‐parameter Weibull when combined with
conditions; and other factors [14–16]. For instance, in line with Bayesian allows for the consideration of a priori knowledge
the three regions of a bathtub curve, a new insulation system available for a specific insulation system [22]. The knowl-
may experience an initial period of a decreasing failure rate as edge that is collected through years of experience signifi-
early‐life failures are experienced, a steady‐state period of an cantly enriches the accuracy and reasoning of probabilistic
approximately constant failure rate, and eventually an end‐of‐ models [23, 24].
life period of an increasing probability rate of failure. The iii. Real‐world experimental results have been employed to
three‐parameter Weibull distribution is specifically designed to demonstrate the efficacy and usefulness of the framework
accommodate all three stages; hence making it a powerful tool in interpreting failure rate probability and hazard functions
for reliability analysis and even studying the impact of pro- of three trial insulation systems based on eight control
duction defects on insulation lifetime [17]. Moreover, the variables and two random variables that are primary factors
flexibility of Weibull distribution makes it adept at analysing a in the design of vacuum‐pressure impregnated insulation
broad range of failure data that HV electric machines experi- systems: electrical stress and mica content [25].
ence, allowing for accurate life expectancy predictions and iv. The model allows design engineers to make informed
maintenance scheduling. Therefore, by tailoring the parameters trade‐off decisions regarding life expectancy, hazard func-
to the data and developing a close fit distribution model, en- tion and cost of HV insulation systems that fit the
gineers can leverage periodical data collected from the ma- application.
chine, such as insulation resistance, dielectric absorption rate,
polarisation index, dissipation factor and partial discharge To summarise, this research seeks to provide valuable in-
(PD), and surge error area ration, to identify the trend sights into the relationship between insulation system charac-
and predict when insulation systems are more likely to fail and teristics and the overall reliability of electric machines by
schedule preventative maintenance to avoid costly and estimating the shape, scale, and offset parameters of Weibull
dangerous system failures. distribution; thus helping design engineers to select the right
- 497

system based on reliability requirements and expected life of we increased the sample sizes to 30 for non‐destructive tests
the machine. (NDT) so the data can inform future Weibull–Bayesian
models. Due to its flexibility and ability to estimate parame-
ters from failure data, the two‐parameter Weibull distribution
2 | WEIBULL MODEL AND FAILURE that yields the probability density function, f(t), is most prev-
ANALYSIS alent for life data analysis [29]:

� �β
Weibull distribution has been long used to model uncertainty in f ðtÞ ¼ β ⋅e η
material and equipment failure. The fundamental idea is based ηβ
on the weakest link principle [26] and application of extreme
However, in the series of experiments conducted, the
value theory to a very large number of samples [27] which
probability of failure of designed insulation systems at time
indicates the following:
t = 0 is practically zero. Therefore, a three‐parameter Weibull

�β distribution will be more appropriate to produce the CDF

PðT ≤ tÞ ≈ 1 − e η
ð1Þ model:
� �
t−t0 β
where P represents the probability of some extreme events FðtÞ ¼ 1 − e
− η
happening at time T prior to a threshold time t. Ƭ, ɳ, and β are
the shift (location), scale, and shape parameters of the distri- Equation (6) follows IEC 61649 notation: t is the
bution, respectively. Under weak conditions, Equation (2) can elapsed time and t0 is the offset or failure‐free time. From
be approximated to an equality which provides the time to the empirical failure rate data of three insulation systems,
failure function: this model predicts specific time point failures or overall
lifespan failures. For accurate Weibull parameter estimation
� �β
− t−τ from experimental data, maximum likelihood estimation
FðtÞ ¼ PðT ≤ tÞ ¼ 1 − e η
ð2Þ (MLE), a reliable and well‐known method based on obser-
vations [30] is utilised. In terms of probability, considering a
where F(t) represents the cumulative distribution function function f (x|θ) that describes a density function of random
(CDF) for a failure event. Since in Weibull analysis it is variables x with θ being the true state of the system, MLE
assumed that failures are statistically independent, then the yields
probability of failure can be calculated as a product of indi-
� �
vidual failure probabilities. Therefore,
^θ ðxÞ ¼ arg maxLðθjxÞ ð7Þ
Pðminðt1 ; t2 ; …; tn Þ > tÞ ¼ Pðt1 > tÞ � Pðt2 > tÞ � …
� Pðtn > tÞ where ^θ is the value of the parameter that maximises the
� P n � � �
probability of the observed data for the function f (x|θ). As the
� � t
n t
β − ð3Þ sample size grows, MLE yields increasingly more accurate and
− ηi
¼∏e ηi
¼e i¼1

consistent results. MLE's invariance property is vital in deriving
� �β
other functions of the estimated parameters.

¼e η
If a distribution is parametrised by θ and there is a need to
estimate other functions of θ, the new estimator would be a
Thus, the minimum time to failure will be the minimum transformation of the original parameter. Therefore, MLE can
value of t1 to tn over a Weibull distribution with distinct shape determine the most probable Weibull distribution parameters.
and scaling parameters. Thus,
� �−β1 n
Tmin ¼ minðt1 ; t2 ; …tn Þ� Weibull ðη; βÞ j η ¼ Σni¼1 η−β
i Lðη; β; t0 jx1 ; …; xn Þ ¼ ∏ f ðxi ; η; β; t0Þ ð8Þ
However, in practice, the above equation is usually con-
The Weibull distribution's shape is defined by two or three verted to the log‐likelihood function, which is the natural
parameters. If the probability of failure before a time Ƭ is logarithm of the likelihood function. The log‐likelihood func-
negligible, a threshold parameter Ƭ is added to the CDF. ɳ, a tion simplifies the mathematical calculations because it trans-
positive number, is the scale parameter or characteristic life. β, forms the product of probabilities to the algebraic sum of
also a positive number and usually ≥1, is the shape parameter. logarithms:
The mathematical model used for predicting failure rates with
this distribution is based on IEC 61649, which suggests the n
Weibull–Bayesian model for experiments with samples ≤20 L ðη; β; t0 jx1 ; …; xn Þ ¼ lnðf ðη; β; t0 jx1 ; …; xn ÞÞ ð9Þ
[28]. However, the systems studied lacked a priori data. Thus, i¼1

Which for the three‐parameter Weibull distribution can be 3 | RELIABILITY AND HAZARD
simplified to FUNCTION

Lðη; β; t0 jx1 ; …; xn Þ ¼ n � lnðβÞ − n � β � lnðηÞ Weibull distribution, as discussed earlier, is used to calculate
n n � � density and cumulative distribution functions. In reliability
X X xi − t0 β
þ ðβ − 1Þ � lnðxi − t0 Þ − ð10Þ engineering, the well‐recognised hazard function, also termed
i¼1 i¼1
η as the failure rate function [31, 32] is derived from
Equation (5):
There is no simple closed‐form solution for the given � � � �β−1
equation, so numerical methods are typically needed. Com- f ðtÞ β t
λ ðtÞ ¼ ¼ ⋅ ð11Þ
mercial software uses iterative methods to find the values for 1 − FðtÞ η η
shape, scale, and offset that maximise the log‐likelihood The famous bathtub shape is in fact the visual interpreta-
function. Nonetheless, it is essential to have sensible initial tion of the hazard function based on various beta values. For
estimates for accurate results. The algorithm to derive distri-
example, when β > 1, obviously the term λ(t) increases over
bution parameters from experimental data is depicted in time which translates to higher failure due to ageing and
Figure 1. In summary, using MLE with the Weibull distribu- wearing, whereas β < 1 means that the failure rate declines
tion, parameters were estimated for three insulation systems, over time. Interestingly enough, when β = 1, the entire hazard
allowing reliable predictions and assessments of reliability for function turns into a generalised exponential distribution [33]
HV insulation systems. and can be formulised as follows [34]:

f ðtÞ dt
λðtÞdt ¼ ð12Þ
1 − FðtÞ
− λðtÞdt
f ðtÞ ¼ λðtÞe 0 ð13Þ

− λðtÞdt
FðtÞ ¼ 1 − e 0 ð14Þ

The memoryless property [35] indicates that the failure rate

is time‐independent, unaffected by ageing and wear, but by
external factors. This model suits the analysis of electronic
components' reliability, which often fails due to external factors
such as transient voltage spikes or overloads [34]. However,
insulation systems are not memoryless as most mathematical
models consider ageing a key mechanism in insulation failure.
Some traditional models, such as the Arrhenius thermal ageing
model [36], have merely focused on the impact of a single
stressor on ageing. However, newer studies have proposed
more sophisticated multi‐stressor models: Ramu's [37], Simo-
ni's [38], Montanari's probabilistic model [39], and Dissado
et al. Dissado's thermodynamic model dives deeper and out-
lines how temperature increases the electrons energy which
allows them to jump the barrier, whereas electrical stress re-
duces the height of the barrier [40, 41].

Z ( " !#)−1
kB T
� � � �
−Ur ðEÞ −Ub ðEÞ
ðN−nÞ ðnÞ
t¼ e kB T
−e kT
dn ð15Þ
N h

where t is time to failure, Ur(E) and Ub(E) are activation energies

for bond formation and breakage. N is the total breakable bonds,
n represents bonds already broken, nc is the critical broken bond
count leading to failure, and finally h and kB are Planck's and
Boltzmann's constants [42]. HV machine design and industry
FIGURE 1 Algorithm for deriving Weibull distribution parameters. data provide enough evidence to consider failure at time zero as
- 499

not a typical event, suggesting that the Weibull model should [VPI]) play vital roles in enhancing the mechanical strength and
have an offset value. Thus, (a) insulation system requires a three‐ electrical properties of the insulation system, as different types
parameter Weibull analysis, and (b) the shape factor β is typically of resins, such as epoxy, silicone, or polyester, exhibit diverse
greater than one. Design factors dictate the hazard function λ(t) and dissimilar behaviours. It is shown that resin has a sub-
behaviour, impacting system reliability over time. The hazard stantial impact on the PD activity and lifetime of the insulation
function informs the choice of insulation materials based on system [44], hence epoxy resin was used in three sample sys-
applications, such as IEEE 323 [43] describes the qualification tems. Furthermore, the substrate, onto which the mica‐based
process of electrical equipment designed for the harsh envi- insulation system is applied, also contributes to its overall
ronment of nuclear power plants [43]. Environmentally qualified reliability. The choice of the substrate material also impacts
HV motors, especially safety‐related class, call for rigorous failure modes and failure rates. For instance, different backing
design parameters. A larger value of β, shape factor, enhances materials entail different dissipation factors and play a crucial
hazard function accuracy for insulation systems, reducing pre- role in ensuring good resin penetration while minimising the
mature failure risk. The following section examines three insu- risk of delamination or cracking due to thermal cycling.
lation systems and their test results. In summary, in mica‐based HV insulation systems, the
combination of mica, resin, and substrate crucially affects the
failure rates and the Weibull curve shape. Recognising these
4 | EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS component impacts enables engineers to design long‐lasting
HV systems optimally and understands how minor changes
4.1 | Trial HV insulation system designs affect system's reliability and hazard function.
The three trail systems designed for this study are based on
Mica‐based insulation systems play a crucial role in ensuring commercially available tapes and resins, commonly used in the
the reliability of HV motors and generators by providing industry, as this research is industry‐inspired and practical
electrical insulation and favourable thermal characteristics. rather than abstractly theoretical. The specifics and details of
These systems typically consist of mica papers impregnated the three trail designs, used for collecting experimental test
with a binding resin and applied to a mechanical substrate such values, are indicated in Table 1.
as PET film, polyester felt, or glass cloth. The composition of
mica, binding resin, and substrate material can significantly
influence the performance and reliability of the insulation. 4.2 | Experimental setup and results
Variations in these components can impact the failure rate and
shape of the Weibull curve, which is commonly used to analyse Samples, encompassing coils and formettes, from the three
the failure characteristics fault mode of insulating materials. systems were subjected to rigorous testing. NDTs were per-
For example, most mica tapes used in the HV industry are formed on 30 specimens per design, while destructive tests
produced from mica minerals, mainly muscovite or phlogopite, were performed on 10 samples from each design, resulting in
which have distinct crystal structures and chemical composi- a total of 120 data points. Tests were carried out according to
tions, leading to variations in their dielectric strength, break- IEC standards, measured PD magnitudes and levels, the
down voltage (BD), and ageing characteristics. Both the binder dissipation factor (tanδ), and BD values, both pre and post
and the impregnating resin used to impregnate mica tapes the ageing process. BD measurements, conducted across
under vacuum and pressure (vacuum pressure impregnation diverse voltage levels, illustrated the dielectric strength of the

TABLE 1 Insulation materials used in the trails.

Trail systems
Specifies Insulation system design A Insulation system design B Insulation system design C
Control variables i. Strand insulation: Enamelled MW 0.03 mm single build þ one turn half‐lapped mica tape 0.065 mm
ii. Total strand insulation thickness: 0.160 mm
iii. Catalysed, class F uncalcined muscovite with film backing
iv. Tape thickness: 0.135 � 0.05 mm
v. Ground wall insulation four half‐lapped layers
vi. Outer corona protection: 0.08 mm tape impregnated with electrically conductive varnish, half‐lapped
vii. Stress grading: 0.24 mm tape impregnated with silicon carbide resin, half‐lapped
viii. Impregnating resin: Epoxy with a glass transition temperature of 140°C

Random variables a) Mica 170 g/m2 þ film 42 g/m2 a) Mica 160 g/m2 þ film 42 g/m2 a) Mica 155 g/m2 þ film 42 g/m2
b) Design electrical stress: 66.75 V/mil b) Design electrical stress: 71.20 V/mil b) Design Electrical stress: 67.2 V/mil
≈2.6 kV/mm ≈2.8 kV/mm ≈2.65 kV/mm

Abbreviation: MW, Magnet Wire.


insulation system post accelerated ageing. The time to failure corresponding values for design A exhibited an increase post
until breakdown for each sample is graphed in the following each phase of the ageing process.
plot. Moreover, system B demonstrated marginally elevated
values in comparison to design C, which could be attributed to
its reduced thickness. In general, the escalation in PD ampli-
4.3 | Thermal ageing tude post 500 h of thermal ageing and the subsequent reduc-
tion in values post 1500 h may be correlated to the post‐curing
The 6.6 kV sample coils and formettes, representative of process of the resin. For design A, the observed behaviour is
each insulation system specification, were subjected to a indicative of a delamination process brought about by thermal
thermal ageing examination. This procedure was executed in ageing, hence the increment in values with each level. It is
compliance with IEEE 275 and IEC 60034‐18‐31 standards, noteworthy that the thermal ageing process at 230°C reflected
and MPD600 was used to measure the PD. Also, a identical behaviour across all systems.
sequence of non‐destructive insulation characteristic tests Upon the completion of each phase of the thermal ageing
was performed at various stages of the thermal ageing process, the specimens successfully underwent BD testing as
progression. illustrated in Figure 4a. Initial BD test (BDV) values across the
Dielectric dissipation factor (tanδ) and maximum PD samples, prior to the ageing process, indicated comparable
amplitude (Qmax) were evaluated, alongside the measurement behaviours and measurements.
of residual BD. The thermal ageing was carried out at 230oC However, upon analysis of the results, it was found that
over 250 and 500 h, and at 210oC for 500, 1000 and 1500 h, post thermal ageing, the BDV values for systems B and C
respectively. remained relatively consistent across each phase for the
In line with the guidelines set by IEC 60034‐27‐1, IEC respective systems (Figures 4c,d). In contrast, System A dis-
60270 and IEEE 1434, the PD activity of the specimens was played an alteration in the value range after each level of the
evaluated after each heat cycling process. Concurrently, the process, a phenomenon that could potentially be attributed to
dissipation factor was assessed in accordance with IEC 60034‐ the delamination brought about by thermal ageing (Figure 4b).
27‐3 and IEEE 286. Subsequent to these assessments, insu- This particular behaviour was also mirrored in the measured
lation BD tests were conducted following the IEC 60243 and values for the dissipation factor and PD amplitudes pertaining
IEEE standards. to design A.
Figure 2 exhibits the variations in the tanδ value of the Additionally, system C recorded marginally elevated values
specimens after undergoing diverse durations of thermal in comparison to design B, despite demonstrating lower reli-
ageing at a temperature of 210°C. It was observed that the ability against system B. It should also be noted that despite
dissipation factor values of system A experienced a substantial possessing a thinner insulation layer, system B maintained
increase post 500 h of thermal ageing, whereas designs B and C values almost parallel to design C and in fact displayed
retained stability. Notably, design C consistently demonstrated enhanced reliability.
lower values. It is worth mentioning that the behaviour of the
dissipation factor values remained consistent for the systems
aged under 230°C. 4.4 | Heat endurance cycle test
The PD amplitude (Qmax) of each system, prior to and
following thermal ageing, was quantified at three distinct Each system was subjected to a Heat Endurance Cycle eval-
voltage levels (Un/√3, 1.25 Un/√3, Un), Un being the uation test, executed in adherence to the standards set by IEC
nominal voltage, as shown in Figure 3. System C consistently 60034‐18‐34 and IEEE 1310. The apparatus for the heat cycle
exhibited a substantially lower PD amplitude, both pre‐ageing
and subsequent to each ageing duration. Conversely, the

F I G U R E 3 PD amplitude—applied voltage, system without ageing

FIGURE 2 Dissipation factor—ageing time @210°C. and aged @210°C.
- 501

test comprised an electrical transformer, a cooling fan, and a

temperature control panel.
The procedure involved conducting a heat endurance cycle
test utilising a test coil and a temperature control coil. The
regulation of the temperature was achieved by affixing a
thermocouple to the coil. The conditions specified for the
heat‐resistance cycle were as follows:

� The heat‐endurance cycle entailed the repetition of 40°C

and 155°C temperatures.
� Standard one‐cycle conditions encompassed heating for a
duration ranging from 30 to 60 min, followed by a cooling
period of the same duration (Figure 5).
� The heating phase was initiated by applying an electrical
current to the coil wire conductor.
� The cooling phase was facilitated by a fan installed exter-
nally to the coil.

Following the well‐known guidelines established in the IEC

60034‐18‐34 standard, the temperature increases and decrease
intervals were integral components of the heat‐endurance cycle
test conditions. Throughout the course of the heat‐endurance
cycle test, insulation diagnostic assessments were performed at
defined intervals, specifically post the initial, 10th, 50th, 100th,
250th and 500th cycles. The diagnostic tests conducted
included the tanδ test and PD test.
Upon examination of the PD amplitude variation at three
voltage levels (Un/√3, 1.25 Un/√3, Un) post each thermal
cycle, it was observed that trails A and C demonstrated less
variation with increasing voltage and thermal cycles, in contrast
to system B, which displayed a more significant variation
(Figure 6). This discrepancy could potentially be attributed to
System B's thinner insulation system.
However, the dissipation factor values displayed stability
throughout the thermal cycling process. The observed varia-
tions in the early stages of heat cycling could be associated with
the post‐curing process of the systems (Figure 7).
Given the insights obtained from the PD activity and
dissipation factor values, it can be conjectured that the BDV
values of the systems post 500 cycles may be predictable

F I G U R E 4 Probability of breakdown voltage of the system under

various thermal ageing conditions. (a) Breakdown probability of the systems
prior ageing, (b) breakdown probability of the system A aged @ 210°C,
(c) breakdown probability of the system B aged @ 210°C, and F I G U R E 5 Heat endurance cycle test temperature change (within IEC
(d) breakdown probability of the system C aged @ 210°C. 60034‐18 standard conditions) measured from samples.

FIGURE 6 PD amplitude of the systems measured after heat endurance cycles. (a) Design A. (b) Design B. (c) Design C. PD, partial discharge.

(Figure 8). The results indicated a superior performance by

system C in comparison to the other systems. Additionally, the
impact of PD amplitude variation during the thermal cycling
process was distinctly reflected in the BDV probability graph,
and the corresponding values for design B demonstrated lower

4.5 | Electrical lifetime test

The voltage endurance testing (VET) on each system was
conducted in accordance with IEC 60034‐18‐32 and IEEE
1553 (Figure 9). Pursuant to the IEC's guidelines, the over-
voltage was configured to three distinct voltage levels as follows:
FIGURE 7 tanδ of the systems measured after heat endurance cycles.

� 4E (26.4 kV): Room temperature—in oil.

� 3E (19.8 kV): Room temperature—oil.
� 2.17E (14.3 kV): Room temperature—air. The VET graph, represented in terms of electric field
strength (E(kV/mm)), to counter the disparities in insulation
Figure 10 illustrates the Weibull distribution of the voltage– thickness, depicts that systems B and C exhibit nearly identical
time to failure (V–T ) test outcomes, estimated at the cumu- lifetime behaviours under conditions of elevated voltage
lative breakdown rates of 63.2% and 1.0%. The retention time (Figure 12). However, at diminished voltage levels, design B
at the cumulative breakdown rate of 63.2% is evaluated as the shows superior lifetime characteristics. When factoring in the
mean of the results obtained for each coil. Concurrently, the imposed voltage, trial design A continues to demonstrate an
retention time at the cumulative breakdown rates of 63.2% and extended lifespan at higher voltages, potentially attributable to
1.0% is assessed at the juncture where insulation breakdown its enhanced insulation thickness. Conversely, under lower
commences in each coil, marking the initiation of its lifespan. voltage conditions, the lifespan of system A remains the least
When the projected lifespan is assessed using the mean value, extended amongst the systems with design B outperforming
no significant distinction is observed between the systems. with a more prolonged lifespan.
However, a rigorous evaluation reveals a deviation in the sample Therefore, studying the results examined above, it becomes
coil of design B, thus suggesting a potentially shortened lifespan. clear that the correlation between the mica content and the
The voltage–temperature (V–T ) assessment was conduct- lifetime/durability of a predefined slot dimension is not a
ed in compliance with the IEC 60034‐18‐32 standard, with the straightforward relationship. This study compares three trial
criterion, as delineated in Table 1 of IEEE 1553 and KEMA insulation systems of different designs, referred to as design
requirements (Table 2), being a duration exceeding required system A, design system B, and design system C. System A and
hours at desired voltage levels. This result substantiates C were designed for very similar electrical stress values of
commendable voltage endurance life characteristics across all (67 � 5) V/mil, while the other random variable, mica content,
systems, significantly surpassing the established evaluative varied between 170 and 155 g/m2, respectively, to scrutinise its
standard. impact on shape and scale parameters. Despite the similar
The VET outcomes, presented in terms of electric field design basis, it was observed that the resin penetration in
strength (E(kV/mm)), have been illustrated independently for design A was limited, indicating inadequate impregnation
each system considering IEEE 1553 and KEMA requirements during the VPI process. This limitation led to rapid delami-
(Figure 11). nation during thermal ageing, as evidenced by the changes in
- 503

FIGURE 9 Schematic circuit diagram for voltage endurance testing.

F I G U R E 8 Breakdown voltage (BDV) of the systems measured after

heat endurance cycles. Comparison of BDV (kV) (a) prior to aging, (b) after
thermal aging. Considering the results and the impact of slot dimensions,
system C emerges as the most reliable and durable option with
favourable properties. However, as discussed, the performance
tanδ, PD, and BD values obtained from thermal ageing and durability of the insulation system not only depend on the
evaluations. composition of the system materials but also on external fac-
On the other hand, trial design B has a mica content tors and even geometry of the machine's slot size and pa-
between the other two systems (160 g/m2) but higher elec- rameters of the VPI cycle.
trical stress design basis and larger clearance between the slot
and the coil straight portion. This configuration provided
more space within the slot for resin impregnation, resulting in 5 | ANALYSIS OF FAULTS AND
the formation of tiny air bubbles, as confirmed by cross‐ FAILURE RATES
sectional analyses and the occurrence of PD during various
evaluations. Since the breakdown is considered a definite failure of the
To optimise the insulation properties of system A, it would insulation system, BDV data collected from the experimental
be necessary to increase the clearance between the coil arms results are used for the analysis. Yet, it is sought to leverage the
and the slot to facilitate impregnation. This, in turn, could complementary information collected from other tests to gain
either decrease the power output of the motor within the same more insight on the interpretation of BDV values. Specifically,
motor size or require an increase in the motor's dimensions for the focus has been on examining the values of scale parameter
the same output power. Conversely, reducing the clearance ɳ as it represents the spread or dispersion of the distribution,
between coil arms and slot would be an appropriate approach which also illustrates the time at which a certain proportion of
for improving the performance of design B. This reduction not the population, that is, insulation system, is expected to fail. A
only lowers the material costs but also reduces the overall high‐scale parameter corresponds to a wider spread and
motor costs by shrinking the motor size while maintaining the consequently a large range that random BDV values can take.
same output power. In fact, considering the BDV value as the random variable, it

TABLE 2 Required durability at certain voltage levels based on IEEE

and KEMA.

Standard Min. durability Voltage

IEEE 1553 250 2.5 Un
400 2.17 Un

KEMA 10 3 Un
1000 2 Un

F I G U R E 1 1 Durability of the system based on the electrical field

strength. (a) Design B, (b) Design A, and (c) Design C.
F I G U R E 1 0 Weibull distribution of the voltage–time to failure (V–T )
(a) at 2.17 Un (b) at 3 Un, and (c) at 4 Un.
�� � �� � � ���
2 2 2 2 1
can be shown that the variance of the distribution σ is directly σ ¼η Γ 1þ − Γ 1þ ð16Þ
k k
proportional to the square of the scale parameter ɳ2. k is the
shape parameter that impact the skewness and kurtosis of the The Gamma function values here are used to calculate
distribution. Because moments of the distribution. Specifically, Γ(1 þ 2/k) is related
- 505

FIGURE 13 Change of scale parameters due to ageing.

that a drop in the shape parameter significantly impacts both

the reliability and hazard functions because β primarily governs
the shape of the reliability function. When the shape parameter
decreases, the reliability function tends to become more
stretched out or flatter by having a longer tail, which means
that the system tends to have a higher probability of survival
over an extended period. Mathematically speaking, the effect of
having a lower shape parameter for a HV insulation is more
prominent for longer time horizons, as the reliability function
approaches an asymptote. Furthermore, when the shape
parameter decreases, the hazard function becomes more flat or
less steep, which is equivalent to becoming less sensitive to
changes in time, resulting in a more stable failure rate pattern.
The chart also depicts a significant plummeting of scaling
parameters in the beginning of the ageing process. This shift
also has significant implications for the interpretation of the
reliability and hazard functions because a reduction in the ɳ
indicates a compression of the distribution along the time axis,
F I G U R E 1 2 Comparison lifespan of the systems based on the field and consequently, the reliability function tends to decline more
strength and applied voltage. (a) Reduced field strength, (b) higher field rapidly over time. Contrary to the impact of the shape
parameter, the effect of a decreasing scaling factor is more
pronounced in shorter time horizons, as the reliability function
to the second moment, and Γ(1 þ 1/k) is pertinent to the first exhibits a steeper initial decline. This in turn means that the
moment squared. Thus, the variance is then the difference hazard function increases more rapidly or becomes more
between these two moments, scaled by the square of the scale sensitive to changes in time, indicating a higher probability of
parameter η. Intuitively, a larger scale parameter implies longer failure.
survival times, because hazard function f(t) is inversely related Although, there is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that
to ɳ. However, the insulation material with the highest scale characteristics of insulation systems initially start to improve
parameter at certain voltage exhibits the highest life variance, after installation due to the continuation of curing and baking
hence lowest reliability, ceteris paribus. It may seem paradox- of the mica‐based insulation materials, it is important to un-
ical, but an insulation system with a high value of the scale derstand that once the HV machine is in service, the perfor-
parameter may entail a longer life, but the probability of failure mance of the insulation system is primarily influenced by
is more spread across the entire life span. various external factors such as load, humidity and moisture,
The following chart compares the values of scale param- temperature rise, mechanical stress, and contamination.
eters for the BDV values of the three trial insulation systems Furthermore, the choice of mica tape properties, selection of
before and after ageing at 210oC and 230oC (Figure 13). The the resin, and other components of the insulation system
missing values for either case are calculated using simple should align with the specific requirements, machine con-
arithmetic inter/extrapolation. straints, and type of applications. For instance, although all
All three trail systems demonstrate a sharp reduction in the three experimental systems show similar behaviours with
values of their respective Weibull scale parameters and shape respect to aging, the above figure clearly illustrates that system
parameters and then ramping up as the ageing process con- A which has the highest mica content demonstrates the least
tinues. Referring to Equations (6), (11), and (14), it is obvious variability in the values of ɳ over time.

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