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Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers


Dr Ümit Keskin

Gazi University,
Faculty of Engineering,
Mechanical Eng Dept,
Room 137,

May 27, 2024

L14 L15 FR

Lecture Content

1 L14: Vector Differential Calculus

2 L15: Vector Integral Calculus

3 Further Reading

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable I

A vector function of one variable is a function of the form

F(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k.
This vector function is continuous at t0 if each component
function is continuous at t0 .
We may think of F(t) as the position vector of a curve in
For each t for which the vector is defined, draw F(t) as an
arrow from the origin to the point (x(t), y (t), z(t)).
This arrow sweeps out a curve C as t varies.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable II

When thought of in this way, the coordinate functions are

parametric equations of this curve.
Example 1.1

Solution 1.1

H(t) = t 2 i + sin(t)j − t 2 k is the position vector for the curve

given parametrically by

x = t 2 , y = sin(t), z = −t 2 .

Figure 1.1 shows part of a graph of this curve. ♦

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable III

Fig 1.1 Graph of the curve of Example 2.1.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable IV

Fig 1.2 Graph of the curve of Example 2.1.

ref: curves 3D.html

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable V

F(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k is differentiable at t if each

component function is differentiable at t, and in this case

F′ (t) = x ′ (t)i + y ′ (t)j + z ′ (t)k.

We differentiate a vector function by differentiating each


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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable VI

Fig 1.3 F′ (t0 ) as a tangent vector.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable VII

To give an interpretation to the vector F′ (t0 ), look at the limit

of the difference quotient/ratio/division:

F(t0 + h) − F(t0 )
F′ (t0 ) = lim

h→0 h 
x(t0 + h) − x(t0 )
= lim i
h→0 h
y (t0 + h) − y (t0 )
+ lim j
h→0 h
z(t0 + h) − z(t0 )
+ lim k
h→0 h
= x ′ (t0 )i + y ′ (t0 )j + z ′ (t0 )k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable VIII

Figure 1.3 shows the vectors F(t0 + h), F(t0 ) and

F(t0 + h) − F(t0 ), using the parallelogram law.
As h is chosen smaller, the tip of the vector F(t0 + h) − F(t0 )
slides along C toward F(t0 ), and (1/h)[F(t0 + h) − F(t0 )]
moves into the position of the tangent vector to C at the
point (f (t0 ), g (t0 ), h(t0 )).
In calculus, the derivative of a function gives the slope of the
tangent to the graph at a point.
In vector calculus, the derivative of the position vector of a
curve gives the tangent vector to the curve at a point.
In Example 2.1,

H′ (t) = 2ti + cos(t)j − 2tk,

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable IX

and this vector is tangent to the curve at any point

(t 2 , sin(t), −t 2 ) on the curve.
The tangent vector at (0, 0, 0) is H′ (0) = j, as we can
visualise from Figure 1.1.
The length of a curve given parametrically by x = x(t),
y = y (t) and z = z(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b is
Z b q
length = (x ′ (t))2 + (y ′ (t))2 + (z ′ (t))2 dt.

In vector notation, this is

Z b
length = ∥F′ (t)∥dt.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable X

The length of a curve is the integral (over the defining
interval) of the length of the tangent vector to the curve,
assuming differentiability at each t.
Now imagine starting at (x(a), y (a), z(a)) at time t = a and
moving along the curve, reaching the point (x(t), y (t), z(t))
at time t.
Let s(t) be the distance along C from the starting point to
this point (Figure 1.4).
Then Z t
s(t) = ∥F′ (ξ)∥dξ.
This function measures length along C and is strictly
increasing, hence it has an inverse.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XI

Fig 1.4 Distance function along a curve.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XII

At least in theory, we can solve for t = t(s), writing the

parameter t in terms of arc length along C .
We can substitute this function into the position function to
G(s) = F(t(s)).
G is also a position vector for C , except now the variable is s
and s varies from 0 to L, the length of C .
Therefore, G′ (s) is also a tangent vector to C .
We claim that this tangent vector in terms of arc length is
always a unit vector.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XIII

To see this, observe from the fundamental theorem of calculus

s ′ (t) = ∥F′ (t)∥.
d d dt 1 1
G′ (s) = F(t(s)) = F(t) = F′ (t) = ′ F′ (t),
ds dt ds ds/dt ∥F (t)∥

and this vector has a length of 1.

Example 1.2

Solution 1.2

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XIV

Let C be defined by

x = cos(t), y = sin(t), z = t/3

for −4π ≤ t ≤ 4π.

C has the position vector
F(t) = cos(t)i + sin(t)j + tk
and the tangent vector
F′ (t) = − sin(t)i + cos(t)j + k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XV

Fig 1.5 Curve C defined by x = cos(t), y = sin(t), z = t/3.

ref: curves 3D.html

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XVI

It is routine to compute ∥F′ (t)∥ = 10/3, so the distance
function along C is

1√ 1√
Z t
s(t) = 10dξ = 10(t + 4π).
−4π 3 3

In this example, we can explicitly solve for t in terms of s:

t = t(s) = √ s − 4π.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XVII

Substitute this into F(t) to get

G(s) = F(t(s)) = F √ s − 4π
3 3
= cos √ s − 4π i + sin √ s − 4π j
10 10
1 3
+ √ s − 4π k
3 10
3 3 1 4π
= cos √ s i + sin √ s j + √ s − k.
10 10 10 3

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XVIII

Now compute
′ 3 3 3 3 1
G (s) = − √ sin √ s i + √ cos √ s j + √ k,
10 10 10 10 10
and this is a unit tangent vector to C .
For instance,
√ when t = 0, the value of the distance function
s = 4π 3 .
In this case,

G(s) = F(t(s)) = i + 0j + 0k = i

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XIX

3 1
G′ (s) = F′ (t(s)) = 0i + √ j + √ k ∼
= 0.94868j + 0.31623k.
10 10
This tangent vector has a length of 1:
∥G′ (s)∥ = ∥F′ (t(s))∥ = 02 + 0.948682 + 0.316232 ∼
= 1,

and it is calculated from the origin (0, 0, 0).

Therefore, G′ (s) is now translated to its correct location
(1, 0, 0) the vector G(s) points to (see Figure 1.6). ♦

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XX

Fig 1.6 G(s), G′ (s) calculated and translated.


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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XXI

Rules for differentiating various combinations of vectors are

like those for functions of one variable.
If the functions and vectors are differentiable and α is a
number, then
1 [F(t) + G(t)]′ = F′ (t) + G′ (t).
2 (αF)′ (t) = αF′ (t).
3 [f (t)F(t)]′ = f ′ (t)F(t) + f (t)F′ (t).
4 [F(t) · G(t)]′ = F′ (t) · G(t) + F(t) · G′ (t).
5 [F(t) × G(t)]′ = F′ (t) × G(t) + F(t) × G′ (t).
6 [F(f (t))]′ = f ′ (t)F′ (f (t)).

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Functions of One Variable XXII

Rules (3), (4) and (5) are product rules, reminiscent of the
rule for differentiating a product of functions of one variable.
In rule (5), the order of the factors is important, since the
cross product is anti-commutative.
Rule (6) is a chain rule for vector differentiation.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature I

Imagine a particle or object moving along a path C having the

position vector F(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k, as t varies from
a to b.
We want to relate F to the dynamics of the particle.
Assume that the coordinate functions are twice differentiable.
Define the velocity v(t) of the particle at time t to be

v(t) = F′ (t).

The speed v (t) is the magnitude of the velocity:

v (t) = ∥v(t)∥.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature II

v (t) = ∥F′ (t)∥ =
which is the rate of change with respect to time of the
distance along the trajectory or path of motion.
The acceleration a(t) is the rate of change of the velocity
with respect to time, or

a(t) = v′ (t) = F′′ (t).

If F′ (t) ̸= O, then this vector is a tangent vector to C .

We obtain a unit tangent vector T(t) by dividing F′ (t) by its

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature III

This leads to various expressions for the unit tangent vector to

1 1
T(t) = ′ F′ (t) = F′ (t)
∥F (t)∥ ds/dt
1 1
= v(t) = v(t).
∥v(t)∥ v (t)
Thus, the unit tangent vector is also the velocity vector
divided by the speed.
The curvature κ(s) of C is defined as the magnitude of the
rate of change of the unit tangent with respect to arc length
along C :
κ(s) = .
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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature IV

This definition is motivated by Figure 1.7, which suggests that

the more a curve bends at a point, the faster the unit tangent
vector is changing direction there.
This expression for the curvature, however, is difficult to work
with because we usually have the unit tangent vector as a
function of t, not of s.
We, therefore, usually compute the curvature as a function of
t by using the chain rule:

dT dt 1
κ(s) = = ∥T′ (t)∥.
dt ds ∥F′ (t)∥

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature V

Fig 1.7 Curvature/curvedness as a rate of change of the tangent vector.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature VI

Example 1.3

Solution 1.3

Let C have position vector

F(t) = [cos(t) + t sin(t)]i + [sin(t) − t cos(t)]j + t 2 k.

for t ≥ 0.
Figure 1.7 is part of the graph of C .
A tangent vector is given by

F′ (t) = t cos(t)i + t sin(t)j + 2tk.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature VII

Fig 1.8 Graph of the curve of Example 1.3.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature VIII

Fig 1.9 Position & tangent/velocity vectors of C in Example 1.3.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature IX

Fig 1.10 Position & tangent/velocity vectors of C in Example 1.3.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature X

This tangent vector has the length

v (t) = ∥F′ (t)∥ = 5t.

The unit tangent vector in terms of t is

1 1
T(t) = F′ (t) = √ [cos(t)i + sin(t)j + 2k].
∥F′ (t)∥ 5
T′ (t) = √ [− sin(t)i + cos(t)j],
and the curvature of C is

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XI

1 1 1 1
κ(t) = ′ ∥T′ (t)∥ = √ [sin2 (t) + cos2 (t)] =
∥F (t)∥ 5t 5 5t

for t > 0.
It is usually more convenient to compute such quantities as
the unit tangent and the curvature in terms of the parameter
t used to define C , rather than attempting to solve for t in
terms of the arc length s. ♦
Given a position vector F(t) for a curve C , we have a unit
tangent at any point where the component functions are
differentiable and their derivatives are not all zero.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XII

We claim that, in terms of s, the vector

N(s) = T′ (s).

is a unit normal vector (orthogonal to the tangent) to C .

First, N(s) is a unit vector because κ(s) = ∥T′ (s)∥, so

∥N(s)∥ = ∥T′ (s)∥ = 1.
∥T′ (s)∥

We claim also that N(s) is orthogonal to the tangent vector


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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XIII

To see this, recall that T(s) is a unit vector, so

∥T(s)∥2 = T(s) · T(s) = 1.

Differentiate this equation to get

dT(s) dT(s) d(1)

· T(s) + T(s) · =
ds ds ds
T (s) · T(s) + T(s) · T (s) = 2T(s) · T′ (s) = 0.
′ ′

Therefore, T(s) is orthogonal to T′ (s).

But N(s) is a scalar multiple of T′ (s), hence it is in the same
direction as T′ (s).
Therefore, T(s) is orthogonal to N(s).
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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XIV

At any point where F is twice differentiable, we may now place

a unit tangent and a unit normal vector, as in Figure 1.11.

Fig 1.11 Unit tangent and normal vectors to a curve.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XV

With these in hand, we claim that we can write the

acceleration in terms of tangential and normal components:

a(t) = aT T(t) + aN N(t)

aT = tangential component of the acceleration =

aN = normal component of the acceleration = [v (t)]2 κ(t).

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XVI

To verify this decomposition of a(t), begin with

1 1
T(t) = F′ (t) = v(t).
∥F′ (t)∥ v (t)

v = v T,
d dv
a= v= T + v T′
dt dt
dv ds dT
= T+v
dt dt ds
dv dv
= T + v 2 T′ (s) = T + v 2 κN.
dt dt
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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XVII

Because T and N are orthogonal, then

∥a∥2 = a · a = (aT T + aN N) · (aT T + aN N)

2 2
= aT T · T + 2aT aN T · N + aN N·N
= aT 2 + aN 2 .

This means that, whenever two of ∥a∥, aT and aN are known,

we can compute the third quantity.
If aN is known, it is sometimes convenient to compute the
curvature κ(t) as
κ(t) = 2 .

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XVIII

Example 1.4

Solution 1.4

Let F(t) be as in Example 1.3.

There we computed v(t) = 5t.
dv √
aT = = 5.
The acceleration is

a = v′ = F′′ (t) = [cos(t) − t sin(t)]i + [sin(t) + t cos(t)]j + 2k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Velocity and Curvature XIX

∥a∥ = 5 + t 2.
aN = ∥a∥2 − aT
= 5 + t 2 − 5 = t 2.
Since t > 0, aN = t.
The acceleration may be written as

a = 5T + tN.

If we know aN and v , it is easy to compute the curvature,

aN = t = κv 2 = 5t 2 κ,
implying that κ = 1/5t, as we found in Example 1.3. ♦

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines I

Vector functions F(x, y ) in two variables, and G(x, y , z) in

three variables, are called vector fields.
At each point where the vector field is defined, we can draw
an arrow representing the vector at that point.
This suggests fields of arrows “growing” out of points in
regions of the plane or 3-space.
Take partial derivatives of vector fields by differentiating each
For example, if

F(x, y , z) = cos(x + y 2 + 2z)i − xyzj + xye z k,

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines II

= − sin(x + y 2 + 2z)i − yzj + ye z k,
= −2y sin(x + y 2 + 2z)i − xzj + xe z k
= −2 sin(x + y 2 + 2z)i − xy j + xye z k.
Given a vector field F in 3-space, a streamline of F is a curve
with the property that, at each point (x, y , z) of the curve,
F(x, y , z) is a tangent vector to the curve.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines III

If F is the velocity field for a fluid flowing through some
region, then the streamlines are called flow lines of the fluid
and describe trajectories of imaginary particles moving with
the fluid.
If F is a magnetic field, the streamlines are called lines of
Iron filings put on a piece of cardboard held over a magnet
will align themselves on the lines of force.
Given a vector field, we would like to find all of the
This is the problem of constructing a curve through each
point of a region of space, given the tangent to the curve at
each point.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines IV

(a) (b)

Fig 1.12 Iron filings aligned on the lines of magnetic forces.


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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines V

To solve this problem suppose that C is a streamline of

F = f i + g j + hk.
Let C have parametric equations x = x(ξ), y = y (ξ),
z = z(ξ).
A position vector for C is

R(ξ) = x(ξ)i + y (ξ)j + z(ξ)k.

R′ (ξ) = x ′ (ξ)i + y ′ (ξ)j + z ′ (ξ)k
is tangent to C at (x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ)) and is therefore parallel
to the tangent vector F(x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ)) at this point.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines VI

These vectors must therefore be scalar multiples of each

other, say
R′ (ξ) = tF(x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ)).
dx dy dz
i+ j+ k = tf (x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ))i
dξ dξ dξ
+tg (x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ))j + th(x(ξ), y (ξ), z(ξ))k.

Equating respective components in this equation gives us

dx dy dz
= tf , = tg , = th.
dξ dξ dξ

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines VII

This is a system of differential equations for the parametric

equations of the streamlines.
If f , g and h are nonzero this system can be written as

dx dy dz
= = .
f g h

Example 1.5

Solution 1.5

We will find the streamlines of F(x, y , z) = x 2 i + 2y j − k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines VIII

If x and y are not zero, the streamlines satisfy

dx dy dz
= = .
x2 2y −1

These differential equations can be solved in pairs.

First integrate
= −dz
to get
= −z + c
with c an arbitrary constant.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines IX

Next integrate
= −dz
to get
ln |y | = −z + k.
It is convenient to express two of the variables in terms of the
If we write x and y in terms of z, we have
x= and y = ae −2z ,
z −c
in which a is constant.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines X

This gives us parametric equations of the streamlines, with z

as the parameter.
If we want the streamline through a particular point, we must
choose a and c accordingly.
For example, suppose we want the streamline through
(−1, 6, 2).
Then z = 2 and we need
−1 = and 6 = ae −4 .

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Vector Differential Calculus

Vector Fields and Streamlines XI

Then c = 3 and a = 6e 4 so the streamline through (−1, 6, 2)

has parametric equations

x= , y = 6e 4−2z , z = z. ♦
z −3

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field I

Let φ(x, y , z) be a real-valued function of three variables.

In the context of vector fields, φ is called a scalar field.
The gradient of φ is the vector field

∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
∇= i+ j+ k.
∂x ∂y ∂z

The symbol ∇φ is read ”del φ” and ∇ is called the del

If φ is a function of just (x, y ), then ∇φ is a vector field in
the plane.
∇ is also often called nabla.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field II

For example, if φ(x, y , z) = x 2 y cos(yz), then

∇φ = 2xy cos(yz)i
+[x cos(yz) − x 2 yz sin(yz)]j − x 2 y 2 sin(yz)k.

If P is a point, then the gradient of φ evaluated at P is

denoted ∇φ(P).
The gradient has the obvious properties

∇(φ + ψ) = ∇(φ) + ∇(ψ)

and, for any number c,

∇(cφ) = c∇(φ).
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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field III

The gradient is related to the directional derivative.

Let P0 : (x0 , y0 , z0 ) be a point and let u = ai + bj + ck be a
unit vector, represented as an arrow from P0 .
We want to measure the rate of change of φ(x, y , z) as
(x, y , z) varies from P0 in the direction of u.
To do this let t > 0.
The point P : (x0 + at, y0 + bt, z0 + ct) is on the line through
P0 in the direction of u and P varies in this direction as t
We measure the rate of change Du φ(P0 ) of φ(x, y , z) in the
direction of u, at P0 , by setting

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field IV

Du φ(P0 ) = [φ(x0 + at, y0 + bt, z0 + ct)]t=0 .
Du φ(P0 ) is the directional derivative of φ at P0 in the
direction of u.
We can compute a directional derivative in terms of the
gradient as follows.
By the chain rule,
Du φ(P0 ) = φ(x0 + at, y0 + bt, z0 + ct)
dt t=0
∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
= a (x0 , y0 , z0 ) + b (x0 , y0 , z0 ) + c (x0 , y0 , z0 )
∂x ∂y ∂z

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field V

∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
=a (P0 ) + b (P0 ) + c (P0 )
∂x ∂y ∂z
= ∇φ(P0 ) · (ai + bj + ck)
= ∇φ(P0 ) · u.
Therefore Du φ(P0 ) is the dot product of the gradient of φ at
the point, with the unit vector specifying the direction.
Example 1.6

Solution 1.6

Let φ(x, y , z) = x 2 y − xe z and P0 = (2, −1, π).

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VI

We will compute the√rate of change of φ(x, y , z) at P0 in the

direction of u = (1/ 6)(i − 2j + k).
The gradient is

∇φ = (2xy − e z )i + x 2 j − xe z k.

∇φ(2, −1, π) = (−4 − e π )i + 4j − 2e π k.
The directional derivative of φ at P0 in the direction of u is
Du φ(2, −1, π) = ((−4 − e π )i + 4j − 2e π k) · √ (i − 2j + k)
√ √
= (1/ 6)(−4 − e − 8 − 2e ) = (−3/ 6)(4 + e π ). ♦
π π

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VII

If a direction is specified by a vector that is not of length 1,

divide it by its length before computing the directional
Now imagine standing at P0 and observing φ(x, y , z) as
(x, y , z) moves away from P0 .
In what direction will φ(x, y , z) increase at the greatest rate?
We claim that this is the direction of the gradient of φ at P0 .
Theorem 1.1

Let φ and its first partial derivatives be continuous in some

sphere about P0 , and suppose that ∇φ(P0 ) ̸= O.
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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VIII

1 At P0 , φ(x, y , z) has its maximum rate of change in the

direction of ∇φ(P0 ). This maximum rate of change is
∥∇φ(P0 )∥.
2 At P0 , φ(x, y , z) has its minimum rate of change in the
direction of −∇φ(P0 ). This minimum rate of change is
−∥∇φ(P0 )∥. ♦
For condition (1), let u be any unit vector from P0 and
Du φ(P0 ) = ∇φ(P0 ) · u
= ∥∇φ(P0 )∥∥u∥ cos(θ)
= ∥∇φ(P0 )∥ cos(θ)
where θ is the angle between u and ∇φ(P0 ).

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field IX

Clearly Du φ(P0 ) has its maximum when cos(θ) = 1, which

occurs when θ = 0, hence when u is in the same direction as
∇φ(P0 ).
For condition (2), Du φ(P0 ) has its minimum when
cos(θ) = −1, hence when θ = π and ∇φ(P0 ) is opposite u.
Example 1.7

Solution 1.7

Let φ(x, y , z) = 2xz + z 2 e y and P0 : (2, 1, 1).

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field X

The gradient of φ is

∇φ(x, y , z) = 2zi + z 2 e y j + (2x + 2ze y )k

∇φ(2, 1, 1) = 2i + ej + (4 + 2e)k.
The maximum rate of increase of φ(x, y , z) at (2, 1, 1) is in
the direction of 2i + ej + (4 + 2e)k and this maximum rate of
change is q
4 + e 2 + (4 + 2e)2 ,
or p
20 + 16e + 5e 2 . ♦

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field I

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Depending on φ and the number k, the locus of points

(x, y , z) such that φ(x, y , z) = k may be a surface in 3-space.
Any such surface is called a level surface of φ.
For example, if φ(x, y , z) = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , then√the level
surface of φ(x, y , z) = k is a sphere of radius k if k > 0, a
single point (0, 0, 0) if k = 0, and is vacuous/empty if k < 0.
Part of the level surface φ(x, y , z) = z − sin(xy ) = 0 is shown
in Figure 1.13.
Suppose P0 : (x0 , y0 , z0 ) is on a level surface S given by
φ(x, y , z) = k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field II

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Fig 1.13 Part of the graph of the level surface z = sin(xy ).

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field III

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Assume that there are smooth (having continuous tangents)

curves on the surface passing through P0 , as typified by C in
Figure 1.14.
Each such curve has a tangent vector at P0 .
The plane containing these tangent vectors is called the
tangent plane to S at P0 .
A vector orthogonal to this tangent plane at P0 is called a
normal vector, or normal, to this tangent plane at P0 .
We will determine this tangent plane and normal vector.
The key lies in the following fact about the gradient vector.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field IV

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Fig 1.14 Normal to a level surface.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field V

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Theorem 1.2
Normal to a Level Surface
Let φ and its first partial derivatives be continuous.
Then ∇φ(P) is normal to the level surface φ(x, y , z) = k at
any point P on this surface such that ∇φ(P) ̸= O. ♦
To understand this conclusion, let P0 be on the level surface
S and suppose a smooth curve C on the surface passes
through P0 , as in Figure 1.14.
Let C have parametric equations x = x(t), y = y (t),
z = z(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VI

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Since P0 is on C , for some t0 ,

x(t0 ) = x0 , y (t0 ) = y0 , z(t0 ) = z0 .

Furthermore, because C lies on the level surface,

φ(x(t), y (t), z(t)) = k

for a ≤ t ≤ b.
d ∂φ ′ ∂φ ′ ∂φ ′
φ(x(t), y (t), z(t)) = 0 = x (t) + y (t) + z (t)
dt ∂x ∂y ∂z

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VII

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

= ∇φ · [x ′ (t)i + y ′ (t)j + z ′ (t)k].

But x ′ (t)i + y ′ (t)j + z ′ (t)k = T(t) is a tangent vector to C .
Letting t = t0 , T(t0 ) is tangent to C at P0 and the last
equation tells us that

∇φ(P0 ) · T(t0 ) = 0.

Therefore ∇φ(P0 ) is normal to the tangent to C at P0 .

But C is any smooth curve on S and passes through P0 .
Therefore ∇φ(P0 ) is normal to every tangent vector at P0 to
any curve on S through P0 , and is therefore normal to the
tangent plane to S at P0 .
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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field VIII

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Now we have a point P0 on the normal plane at P0 , and a

vector ∇φ(P0 ) orthogonal to this plane.
The equation of the tangent plane is

∇φ(P0 ) · [(x − x0 )i + (y − y0 )j + (z − z0 )k] = 0,

∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
(P0 )(x −x0 )+ (P0 )(y −y0 )+ (P0 )(z −z0 ) = 0. (1.1)
∂x ∂y ∂z

A straight line through P0 and parallel to the normal vector is

called the normal line to S at P0 .

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field IX

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Since the gradient of φ at P0 is a normal vector, if (x, y , z) is

on this normal line, then for some scalar t,

(x − x0 )i + (y − y0 )j + (z − z0 )k = t∇φ(P0 ).

The parametric equations of the normal line to S at P0 are

∂φ ∂φ
x = x0 + t (P0 ), y = y0 + t (P0 ),
∂x ∂y
z = z0 + t (P0 ).

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field X

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Example 1.8

Solution 1.8
The level surface φ(x, y , z) = z − x 2 + y 2 is a cone with
vertex at the origin (see Figure 1.15).
∂φ x ∂φ y ∂φ
= −p , = −p , =1
∂x x 2 + y 2 ∂y x 2 + y 2 ∂z
and √ √ √
∇φ(1, 1, 2) = −(1/ 2)i − (1/ 2)j + k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field XI

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

The tangent plane to the cone at (1, 1, 2) has the equations
√ √ √
−(1/ 2)(x − 1) − (1/ 2)(y − 1) + z − 2 = 0

or √
x +y −
2z = 0.

The normal line to the cone at (1, 1, 2) has parametric
√ √ √
x = 1 − (1/ 2)t, y = 1 − (1/ 2)t, z = 2 + t. ♦

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Vector Differential Calculus

The Gradient Field XII

Level Surfaces, Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

Fig 1.15 Circular cone z = x 2 + y 2.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl I


The gradient operator produces a vector field from a scalar

We will discuss two other important vector operations.
One produces a scalar field from a vector field, and the other
produces a vector field from a vector field.

F(x, y , z) = f (x, y , z)i + g (x, y , z)j + h(x, y , z)k.

The divergence of F is the scalar field

∂f ∂g ∂h
div F = + + .
∂x ∂y ∂z
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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl II


The curl of F is the vector field

∂h ∂g ∂f ∂h ∂g ∂f
curl F = − i+ − j+ − k.
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y

Divergence, curl and gradient can all be written as vector

operations with the del operator ∇, which is a symbolic
vector defined by

∂ ∂ ∂
∇= i+ j+ k.
∂x ∂y ∂z

The symbol ∇, which is called ”del”, or sometimes “nabla”,

is treated like a vector in carrying out calculations,

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl III


and the “product” of ∂/∂x, ∂/∂y and ∂/∂z with a scalar

function φ is interpreted to mean, respectively, ∂φ/∂x,
∂φ/∂y and ∂φ/∂z.
Now observe how gradient, divergence and curl are obtained
using this operator.
1 The product of the vector ∇ and the scalar function φ is the
gradient of φ:
∂ ∂ ∂
∇φ = i+ j+ k φ
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
= i+ j+ k = gradient of φ.
∂x ∂y ∂z

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl IV


2 The dot product of ∇ and F is the divergence of F:

∂ ∂ ∂
∇·F= i+ j+ k · (f i + g j + hk)
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂f ∂f ∂f
= + + = divergence of F.
∂x ∂y ∂z
3 The cross product of ∇ with F is the curl of F:

i j k
∂ ∂ ∂
∇×F= ∂x ∂y ∂z
f g h
∂h ∂g ∂f ∂h ∂g ∂f
= − i+ − j+ − k
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y
= curl of F.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl V


The del (or nabla) operator is part of the MAPLE set of

routines collected under the VectorCalculus designation.
Using this and the operations of scalar multiplication, dot
product (DotProduct) and cross product (CrossProduct), we
can carry out computations with vector fields.
This package can also be used to compute divergence and curl
in other coordinate systems, such as cylindrical and spherical
There are two relationships between gradient, divergence and
curl that are fundamental to vector analysis:
1 the curl of a gradient is the zero vector, and
2 the divergence of a curl is (the number) zero.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl VI


Theorem 1.3

Let F be a continuous vector field whose components have

continuous first and second partial derivatives and let φ be a
continuous scalar field with continuous first and second partial
1 ∇ × (∇φ) = O.
2 ∇ · (∇ × F) = 0. ♦
These conclusions may be paraphrased:

curl grad = O, div curl = 0.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl VII


Both of these identities can be verified by direct computation,

using the equality of mixed second partial derivatives with
respect to the same two variables.
For example, for conclusion (1),
∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
∇ × (∇φ) = ∇ × i+ j+ k
∂x ∂y ∂z
i j k
∂ ∂ ∂
= ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂φ ∂φ ∂φ
∂x ∂y ∂z

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl VIII


∂2φ ∂2φ
∂ φ
= − i+ − j
∂y ∂z ∂z∂y ∂z∂x ∂x∂z

∂ φ
+ − k=O
∂x∂y ∂y ∂x
because the mixed partials cancel in pairs in the components
of ∇ × (∇φ).
Operator notation with ∇ can simplify such calculations.
In this notation, ∇ × (∇φ) = O is immediate because
∇ × ∇ is the cross product of a “vector” with itself, which is
always zero.
Similarly, for conclusion (2), ∇ × F is orthogonal to ∇, so its
dot product with ∇ is zero.
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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl I

A Physical Interpretation of Divergence

Suppose F(x, y , z, t) is the velocity of a fluid at point (x, y , z)

and time t.
Time plays no role in computing divergence, but is included
here because a flow may depend on time.
We will show that the divergence of F measures the outward
flow of the fluid from any point.
Imagine a small rectangular box in the fluid, as in Figure 1.16.
First look at the front and back faces II and I, respectively.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl II

A Physical Interpretation of Divergence

Fig 1.16 Interpretation of divergence.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl III

A Physical Interpretation of Divergence

The flux of the flow out of this box across II is the normal
component of the velocity (dot product of F with i) multiplied
by the area of this face:

flux outward across face II = F(x + ∆x, y , z, t) · i∆y ∆z

= f (x + ∆x, y , z, t)∆y ∆z.

On face I the unit outer normal is −i, so the flux outward

across this face is −f (x, y , z, t)∆y ∆z.
The total outward flux across faces II and I is therefore

[f (x + ∆x, y , z, t) − f (x, y , z, t)]∆y ∆z.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl IV

A Physical Interpretation of Divergence

A similar calculation holds for the pairs of other opposite sides.

The total flux of fluid flowing out of the box across its faces is

total flux = [f (x + ∆x, y , z, t) − f (x, y , z, t)]∆y ∆z

+[g (x, y + ∆y , z, t) − g (x, y , z, t)]∆x∆z
+[h(x, y , z + ∆z, t) − h(x, y , z, t)]∆x∆y .

The total flux per unit volume out of the box is obtained by
dividing this quantity by ∆x∆y ∆z, obtaining

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl V

A Physical Interpretation of Divergence

f (x + ∆x, y , z, t) − f (x, y , z, t)
flux per unit volume =
g (x, y + ∆y , z, t) − g (x, y , z, t)
h(x, y , z + ∆z, t) − h(x, y , z, t)
+ .
In the limit as (∆x, ∆y , ∆z) → (0, 0, 0), this sum approaches
the divergence of F (x, y , z, t).

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl I

A Physical Interpretation of Curl

The curl vector is interpreted as a measure of rotation or swirl

about a point.
In British literature, the curl is often called the rot (for
rotation) of a vector field.
To understand this interpretation, suppose an object rotates
with uniform angular speed ω about a line L, as in Figure 1.17.
The angular velocity vector Ω has magnitude ω and is
directed along L as a right-handed screw would progress if
given the same sense of rotation as the object.
Put L through the origin and let R = xi + y j + zk for any
point (x, y , z) on the rotating object.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl II

A Physical Interpretation of Curl

Fig 1.17 Interpretation of curl.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl III

A Physical Interpretation of Curl

Let T(x, y , z) be the tangential linear velocity and R = ∥R∥.

∥T∥ = ωR sin(θ) = ∥Ω × R∥,
with θ the angle between R and Ω.
Since T and Ω × R have the same direction and magnitude,
we conclude that T = Ω × R.
Now write Ω = ai + bj + ck to obtain

T = Ω × R = (bz − cy )i + (cx − az)j + (ay − bx)k.

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Vector Differential Calculus

Divergence and Curl IV

A Physical Interpretation of Curl

i j k
∇ × T = ∂/∂x ∂/∂y ∂/∂z
bz − cy cx − az ay − bx
= 2ai + 2bj + 2ck = 2Ω.
Ω = ∇ × T.
The angular velocity of a uniformly rotating body is a
constant times the curl of the linear velocity.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals I

For line integrals we need some preliminary observations about

Suppose a curve C has parametric equations

x = x(t), y = y (t), z = z(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b.

These are the coordinate functions of C .

It is convenient to think of t as time and C as the trajectory
of an object, which at time t is at C (t) = (x(t), y (t), z(t)).
C has an orientation, since the object starts at the initial
point (x(a), y (a), z(a)) at time t = a and ends at the terminal
point (x(b), y (b), z(b)) at time t = b.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals II

We often indicate this orientation by putting arrows along the

We call C :
continuous if each coordinate function is continuous;
differentiable if each coordinate function is differentiable;
closed if the initial and terminal points coincide:
(x(a), y (a), z(a)) = (x(b), y (b), z(b));
simple if a < t1 < t2 < b implies that

(x(t1), y )t1), z(t1)) ̸= (x(t2), y (t2), z(t2));

and smooth if the coordinate functions have continuous

derivatives which are never all zero for the same value of t.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals III

Fig 2.1 A nonsimple curve.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals IV

If C is smooth and we let R(t) = x(t)i + y (t)j + z(t)k be the

position function for C , then R′ (t) is continuous tangent
vector to C .
Smoothness of C means that the curve has a continuous
tangent vector as we move along it.
A curve is simple if it does not intersect itself at different
The curve whose graph is shown in Figure 2.1 is not simple.
A closed curve has the same initial terminal points, but is still
called simple if it does not pass through any other point more
than once.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals V

We must be careful to distinguish between a curve and its

graph, although informally we often use these terms
The graph is a drawing, while the curve carries with it a sense
of orientation from an initial to a terminal point.
The graph of a curve does not carry all of this information.
Example 2.1

Solution 2.1

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals VI
Let C have coordinate functions

x = 4 cos(t), y = 4 sin(t), z = 9 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π.

The graph of C is a circle of radius 4 about the origin in the

plane z = 9.
C is simple, closed and smooth.
Let K be given by

x = 4 cos(t), y = 4 sin(t), z = 9 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 4π.

The graph of K is the same as the graph of C , except that a

particle traversing/travelling K goes around this circle twice.
K is closed and smooth but not simple.
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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals VII

This information is not clear from the graph alone.

Let L be the curve given by

x(t) = 4 cos(t), y = 4 sin(t), z = 9 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 3π.

The graph of L is again the circle of radius 4 about the origin

in the plane z = 9.
L is smooth and not simple, but L is also not closed, since the
initial point is (4, 0, 9) and the terminal point is (−4, 0, 9).
A particle moving along L traverses the complete circle from
(4, 0, 9) to (4, 0, 9) and then continues on to (−4, 0, 9), where
it stops.
Again, this behaviour is not clear from the graph. ♦
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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals VIII

We are now ready to define the line integral, which is an

integral over a curve.
Suppose C is a smooth curve with coordinate functions
x = x(t), y = y (t), z = z(t) for a ≤ t ≤ b.
Let f , g and h be continuous at least at points on the graph
of C .
Then the line integral C fdx + gdy + hdz is defined by
Z  Z b
fdx + gdy + hdz = f (x(t), y (t), z(t))
C a dt

dy dz
+g (x(t), y (t), z(t)) + h(x(t), y (t), z(t)) dt.
dt dt

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals IX

fdx + gdy + hdz is a number obtained by replacing x, y
and z in f (x, y , z), g (x, y , z) and h(x, y , z) with the
coordinate functions x(t), y (t) and z(t) of C , replacing

dx = x ′ (t)dt, dy = y ′ (t)dt and dz = z ′ (t)dt

and integrating the resulting function of t from a to b.

Example 2.2

Solution 2.2

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals X
We will evaluate C xdx − yzdy + e z dz if C is the curve with

coordinate functions

x = t 3 , y = −t, z = t 2 for 1 ≤ t ≤ 2.

dx = 3t 2 dt, dy = −dt and dz = 2tdt.
Put the coordinate functions of C into x, −yz and e z to
Z Z 2
 3 2
xdx − yzdy + e dz = t (3t ) − (−t)(t 2 )(−1)
C 1
Z 2h
i 2
i 111
+e t (2t) dt = 3t 5 − t 3 + 2te t dt = + e 4 − e. ♦
1 4
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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals XI

Example 2.3

Solution 2.3
Evaluate C xyzdx − cos(yz)dy + xzdz along the straight line
segment L from (1, 1, 1) to (−2, 1, 3).
Parametric equations of L are

x = 1 − 3t, y = 1, z = 1 + 2t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

dx = −3dt, dy = 0 and dz = 2dt.

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals XII

The line integral is

Z Z 1
xyzdx − cos(yz)dy + xzdz = [(1 − 3t)(1 + 2t)(−3)
C 0
− cos(1 + 2t)(0) + (1 − 3t)(1 + 2t)(2)]dt
Z 1
= (−1 + t + 6t 2 )dt = . ♦
0 2

We have a line integral in the plane if C is in the plane and

the functions involve only x and y .
Example 2.4

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Vector Integral Calculus

Line Integrals XIII

Solution 2.4
Evaluate K xydx − y sin(x)dy if K has coordinate functions
x = t 2 and y = t for −1 ≤ t ≤ 2.
dx = 2tdt and dy = dt
Z Z 2
xydx − y sin(x)dy = [t 2 t(2t) − t sin(t 2 )]dt
K −1
Z 2
66 1
= [2t 4 − t sin(t 2 )]dt = + (cos(4) − cos(1)).
−1 5 2

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Further Reading
PV O’Neil.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
Cengage Learning, 7th edition, 2011.

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