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1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………2

2. RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………….2-3


4. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………….5

5. REFERENCE…………………………………………………………………………6

6. SURVEY ON RISKY BEHAVIOUR………………………………………………..7-12

7. RESOURCES PICTURES…………………………………………………………13


1.1.1 Risky behaviours are behaviours that people practice that expose them to potential
harm or significant injury to their well-being, which prevents them from reaching their
potential in life and can cause significant morbidity or mortality and a decline in
literacy. ( Majmaah University, 2016)

1.1.2 - Substance and alcohol abuse

- Unsafe/risky sexual behaviour

- Cyberbullying


2.1.1 Unsafe sexual behaviour is a type of a risky behaviour that people mainly the youth
engage in, with multiple partners without using protection and without knowing each other's
health status which then poses harm to their health and well-being. This behaviour may refer
to a variety of sexual behaviour, such as receptive or insertive anal or vaginal. This
behaviour is risky because it can increase the chances of contracting or transmitting sexual
infections or diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

2.1.2 Causes of unsafe sexual behaviours are linked to:

• Poverty linked with unemployment- as a result, young people date older men to
support their families, which compels them to work as prostitutes in order to make
ends meet because there is a lack of food and other necessities that require money.
• Childhood sexual abuse victims- victims of sexual abuse often feel lonely, insecure,
rejected etc, and this can lead to sexualised behaviour. They date older men or even
have multiple sex partners in order to feel loved and accepted.
• Environment- children lack the ability to distinguish between what is right and wrong
so when growing up and they are exposed to unhealthy sexual behaviours through
those they look up to or those around them, they think that it is the right way to live,
and they are most likely to engage in such risky behaviours too when they grow up.
• Lack of recreational facilities- such as the library, parks, museums etc, which play a
crucial role youth development. The youth do not know what to do in order to refresh
their bodies and minds to make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable, so
the only things they find doing for fun is going to the clubs drinking alcohol and
engaging in sexual activities.

• Social media linked to peer pressure- due to peer pressure and high lifestyle
standards that young people are exposed to through social media such as Instagram,
they become prostitutes and have sex with elderly men in exchange for money in
order to conform social media standards.
• Exposure to pornography sites and content- from the internet and movies, young
people are more gullible to practice whatever they see with their naked eyes in real
life, this is why parental supervision is advised.

2.1.3 These risky behaviours often lead to unwanted teenage pregnancies, and transmission
of sexual diseases or infections (STI/STD) that will spread between individuals within the
community which will pose a threat to their health.

• Teenagers who are mothers, will have to pause on their studies or education in order
to take care of the child because they might not afford to take the child to a preschool
or afford a caretaker. Sometimes, they do not feel confident enough to go to school
during the gestation period, so they will stay at home till they give birth. It is
unfortunate, that in most cases, these teenagers might not go back to school
because they are told, or circumstances force them to look for jobs to take care of the
child. Additionally, unplanned pregnancies lead to a reduction in literacy and raise the
likelihood of poverty.
• Teenage mothers are frequently sole caregivers since the men who got them
pregnant do not intend to have a family with them and do not want to accept
responsibility for their acts. The duty is consequently placed on the shoulders of the
teenage mother. Teenage moms are frequently left to care for their children alone. As
a result, the child has an angry upbringing and may later cause issues for themselves
or the community.
• When individuals engage in risky sexual behaviours, they contract sexually
transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and infections such as chlamydia. These can
be transmitted or communicated between individuals within the community and can
also lead to death when not treated.
• Lack of knowledge of STIs and STDs and their stigmatization can induce depression
and suicide in individuals because society will judge them and not accept them with
their health statuses. Instead of these individuals seeking treatment and adhering to
it, they are afraid of being judged by the community, and failure to follow therapy can
result to the spread of the disease within the community and death.


Moloto on 0722988821
Makhura on 0730848073


Mission is to improve public health through deepening our understanding of alcohol and
other drug use and investigating innovative approaches to reduce its consequences on
individuals, families, and communities.


We envision a future with greatly reduce alcohol- and other drug-related harms.

Challenges faced by the organizations are:

• Corruption done by the officials and those in governance/ leadership, these

organizations lack the assistance and the support necessary to address their
needs and to deal with the core problem, which is the perpetrators, drug dealers.
Even when these organisations attempt to apprehend these offenders, they are
frequently freed on bail or the docket disappears if bribery is involved. The
country is plagued by lawlessness.
• Financial support, In order to mobilize against drug traffickers and to protect
themselves from criminals who try to silence them by planning to murder them,
these organizations require money. The government and police officials turn a

blind eye to them and have no intention of assisting them, this is because they
could also be receiving their share from these syndicates.
• Sometimes the community itself becomes a problem in assisting these
organizations because they choose not to call out on these drug dealers, often
out of concern for their own safety and occasionally because the criminals are
people they know and eat with. They do not want to become "sellouts".
• The victims of substance abuse who do not want to change and don't take the
rehabilitation process seriously relapse when they return home.


As a society, we must advise and teach our youth from a young age about life and making
prudent decisions for their own future and well-being. We should constantly be excellent
examples to those who look up to us and those who are younger than us, as the sayings
"charity begins at home" and "you are what you eat" are true. Young people are daring and
strong, and they are the potential leaders of tomorrow, shaping our future, so it is critical that
young people have objectives and set goals in life. This will assist them in achieving their
goals in life, having a better tomorrow, and making better decisions. It is the obligation of the
government and the municipality to build recreational facilities such as libraries and parks so
that adolescents do not engage in risky behaviours in order to have "fun." Wisdom and
information play a vital role in one's life and impact the decisions they make; such content
should be provided to the youth. Substance addiction and risky behaviours are frequent in
developing countries such as South Africa, where there is a greater unemployment rate and
criminality; the constitution and its laws are not followed by citizens, making it simple to
commit crimes. Even if there is a small number of people who follow and respect the law and
strive hard to cope with it.


1. J Family Community Med, Majmaah University, 2016. PubMed Central.
%20are%20defined,sexual%20behaviors%2C%20and%20eating%20disorders Date
of Access: 31 Aug 2023.
2. Tlolane L. 2023, 03, Aug Legona why otepitxa Lethabo la ZB? O beile ke mang? Re
votile neng, satla re gafela [ Facebook post]
Date of Access: 31 Aug 2023.
3. Maphuthuma T. 2023. Personal interview, 31 Aug, Limpopo.
4. Phaladi K. 2023. Personal Interview, 31 Aug, Limpopo.
5. Sibanda P. 2023. Personal interview, 31 Aug, Limpopo.
6. Molala M. 2023. Personal interview, 31 Aug, Limpopo.
7. Mabye K 2023. Personal interview, 31 Aug, Limpopo.

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