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Since the destruction of the Antediluvians, a number of changes have been wrought
on the vampire species. This document details the out of game stat effects, and some
‘character’ based effects. The political and social effects will be dealt with elsewhere.

As any Vampires who were at Opposing Forces will tell you, the first thing that
happened as the last Antediluvian was destroyed was every supernatural being on the
planet was hit by what can only be described as a ‘blastwave’ of erupting power. This
rendered everybody unconscious for the rest of the day.
Upon waking, the Vampires discovered that a number of their powers were not
working. Others had been reduced in effectiveness. And a few new ones had suddenly
Also manifesting was the worst case of ‘Hollywooditus’ ever. Holy water, Crosses,
Garlic, all of these things seemed to have damaging effects on the Kindred. Vampires
found themselves unable to cross thresholds of private buildings without permission.
Running water became painful, even deadly to be immersed in. Some even reported
crippling allergies to silver. The masquerade was almost shattered as overnight
Vampires found they no longer reflected in mirrors. These unfortunate maladies lasted
for the best part of a week before something resembling normality returned. But some
of these flaws seemed to stay around...


The loss of powers suffered, particularly by the elders, seems to be permanent. The
forgotten disciplines show no sign of returning, and even their most skilful users
cannot raise so much as a flicker of these powers. By the same standard, the new
skills and powers acquired by every vampire seem to be around to stay.
Unfortunately, some of the flaws mentioned above still plague the Kindred.

1) An aversion to religious symbols. If brandished at a kindred, a religious icon (i.e.

one made for the purpose, not just 2 sticks crosses together) will cause the Vampire to
recoil. The touch of one of these symbols, (if blessed/used in worship regularly), will
cause the Vampires flesh to burn, and severe pain. None of this will stop an armed
vamp from blowing the wielder away, however.
2) Blessed water from a church is much like strong acid. It burns, melts flesh and
causes agonising pain.
3) No Vampire can cross the threshold of a private residence (other than their own), or
enter that residence in any way, without the permission of someone within the
building. This does not have to be the owner/resident. One admitted, the creature is
free to come and go, as they like, whenever they want. It cannot be ‘revoked’. No
such permission is required for public buildings.
4) Whilst everyone’s reflections have returned, the face in glass has a tendency to
‘fade’ in and out of existence. Shadows, however, are very sharp edged and black.
The good news is that ALL the clan weaknesses have vanished. This includes the
hideous features of the Nosferatu, the blood restrictions of the Ventrue and the
derangements of the (few remaining) Malkavians. However, since the Malks only
ever embrace the insane anyway, it hasn’t made a huge difference. The weaknesses of
the Bloodlines, however, are still in effect. (Bad luck for the Samedei then….)


 No Discipline can be rated at over 5. If you had powers rated higher than that,
all bonuses related to that power have stopped working. You remember how to
use the power, it just doesn’t work anymore.
 All Vampires have the following ‘base’ disciplines. Potence 1, Fortitude 2,
Celerity 1. If you already have these disciplines, these points add straight onto
them. They still can’t be raised above 5 however.
 ALL Vampires now have access to the ‘Protean’ discipline. This manifested
itself as the ability to transform into mist, wolf and bat forms. HOWEVER,
this was not a given for all Kindred. Some instead manifested the ability to
grow claws and see in the dark as if in daylight (just without the burning and
screaming). Some found the 2 abilities ‘swapped over’ after a time. This is
represented OOC by you choosing the 2 powers you want. Either Wolf/Bat
and Mistform, or claws and red-eye. The earthmeld ability seems to be unique
to those who had Protean before the change.

The following disciplines have vanished. No-one can use them, regardless of their
previous abilities.

Any effects created by any of the above disciplines were dissipated upon the fading of
the discipline. This means any Thaumaturgy ritual wards, items imbued with
thaumaturgy or vampiric sorcery etc have stopped working. Pity the Setites, whose
ability to remove their own hearts to avoid being staked backfired REALLY badly
when that discipline vanished and its effects failed…
Bloodline Disciplines (unless above) still exist, but only exist within those bloodlines.

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