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A trade union is an organization formed by workers in a particular industry or occupation to

protect and promote their interests, including better wages, working conditions, and benefits.
They negotiate with employers on behalf of their members and may also provide support such
as legal advice and representation in disputes.

Types of Trade Union

Trade unions can be categorized into various types based on their scope, objectives, and
membership. Here are some common types of trade unions:

1. Craft Unions: These unions represent workers with specific skills or trades, such as
carpenters, plumbers, or electricians. They focus on protecting the interests of workers
within their particular craft or skillset.
2. Industrial Unions: Unlike craft unions, industrial unions represent workers across
various trades or job functions within a particular industry. They aim to organize
workers across different skill levels within an industry to collectively bargain for
better conditions.
3. General Unions: General unions are not limited to a specific industry or occupation
and may represent workers from various sectors. They often have a broader focus and
membership base, addressing a wide range of issues affecting workers.
4. White-Collar Unions: These unions represent professionals, office workers, or
employees in administrative roles. They advocate for the rights and interests of
workers in non-manual or professional positions.
5. Blue-Collar Unions: Blue-collar unions represent workers engaged in manual labor
or industrial work, such as factory workers, construction workers, or miners. They
focus on addressing the needs and concerns of workers in physically demanding
6. Public Sector Unions: Public sector unions represent employees working in
government agencies or public

Formation of the Trade Union

 Established the contribution of the trade union and with all the elements found in a
trade union and which must be signed by 20 members and for the employer
association it must be sign by 5 members.
 The application must be forwarded to the registered of trade union and the employers
 The registrar of trade union has within one month to accord or give an authorization to
form the trade union and employer association. If the registrar is silence within one
month, the member will presume a tacit authorization. On the other hand, if he reject
your application he will give the reason for you to respect and reapply

Problems Face by Trade Union

Trade unions face various challenges, including;

1. Employer resistance: Some employers may resist unionization efforts, employing

tactics such as intimidation, harassment, or even termination of union organizers.
2. Legal barriers: Laws and regulations governing unions can pose obstacles, such as
restrictions on organizing activities, anti-union legislation, or limitations on collective
bargaining rights.
3. Membership decline: Changes in the economy, workforce demographics, or attitudes
toward unions can lead to declining membership, weakening the union's bargaining
4. Globalization: Globalization can lead to outsourcing of jobs, offshoring, and
competition from low-wage countries, making it difficult for unions to protect the
interests of their

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