Anglais S2 MIP

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a a Dehn Dunno ja share the same opinion stop / surrender enh et Rab ont sion dd- 1-collect (ft) 2-lean tg aay i ai al SRC MUON Cuca + étredaccord avec + arréter de / abandonner i: ee + traverser mauvase expérience) pan ae = rendre (une fell + inventer tistore excuse.) an naa pC oes 2 apprendre june langue) aire boire a ‘conduire Tanger aad tomber — nourrir 7 aby a cia pel FSi ‘olor (olseau, aviony ae —aubler. on ee __eroitre? pousseT a T avoir ek = aos ele = ‘cacher ay : revelle ‘crire “camprenare— ‘metire (vétemenis) ee — toner aa, caval) ah Sommer = e = cout 5 = = “aire oe Match the phrasal verbs and their opposites. (3Pts) 1- put down a switch off 2-turn on b- pick up 3- throw away c keep 4-wake up d- undress 5-puton e-sleep 6-hand in f hand out Gz) Replace the underlined verbs with the phrasal verbs. (5 Pts) 1- Complete this form and send it to the manager today. 2- Sandra got upset because she discovered that her son was smoking. 3- His father died two months ago ina plane crash. —- 4- Students need to return papers before 6. PM 5- You need to continue; never ever surrender! ee — 6- The initials RIP refer to Rest In Peace. Oe 7- Layla resembles her sister; both have got blue eyes. 8- This fat girl needs to start sport to lose weight. 9- He refused the job offer because the salary was not good. —— 10- The teacher postponed the quiz because many students were absent. ——_____ Gazz) Fill in the blanks with the right phrasal verbs. (6Pts) 1-This car is very old. It always you should sell it. 2- Students should scholarship before June. 3-Hehadto_______his vacation because of the bad weather in Thailand. 4 Students are getting high grades in English in the national exam. 5-lf you don't know this word, why don'tyou it in your dictionary. 6-High speed and drugs _____-deadly road accidents. Fill in the GSSEEAO) iin the blanks with the right phrasal verb. (6Pts)_ with the right phrasal verb. GSSEEAO) iin the blanks with the right phrasal verb. (6Pts)_ elim tem ey Aol ty a BRIDG atthe ison page 128 EEG 2c the undertne verbs wit phrasal verbs 1. Smoking causes lung cancer. : i vest Ru. =. 0 2.tinvted my fends to ou lst igh nde th_gat e- 3. You should complete this form before you send it. pamio dank 4. The judge discovered that the suspect was innocent. A 5. The doctor advised him to stop eating fast food. 6. Students have to give back the papers by 9 O'clock 7. Sam's computer stopped working, RIO tin the btanes with the right phrasal verbs. 1.1 Aypa) £2. a visa to Canada two days ago. 2. She Fouldn't com because her carb nu 3. Angelina Jolie de aae 40 with Brad Pitt in 2016. 4.The boss (ped othe meeting because he was sick. 5. Just keep on working. Iil_Ce-eae_lnacksoon 6.linvited py classmates to 2.04 Ov tact weekend 7. this paper then hand #€6 the manager. 8 Arobber_ bagk bank last night. slr (EEEIG epee the undertine vers with phrasal verbs 1. Don't disappoint your parents this year. Get your BAC! 2. Brenda resembles her brother ; they are real twins. 3. Search this word in your dictionary. 4, He invented an excuse to justify his absence. 5. David's mother died two years ago. 6.{ called Nick, but he didn't come to the party. 7. Children should take care of their parents Rot ene 1. Hef unencel doula the job offer because the salary was not good, 2. It's hot outside. 3.The teacher. the test till next week, 4.AlpstAaameliy. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 5. will fake w8°* a mysic course next month 6. May niga ©. uf procs the towns. 7.Rose didn't 9 st session; she might be sick 8 tfyoudon't ~ your jacket, youl get cold ‘your coat. Ali EL AZOUZI ery IPLINAIRE Pr. SADDAD UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISC ‘S1- M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP April 20", 2024 The Past Continuous Form ‘The auxiliary verb “to be” in the simple past + verb+ing- GERUND AUXILIARY (TO BE) Be es : eT oY mr talking, eating, learning, doing, going. paca ae talking, eating, learning, doing, going. Structure 1. Affirmative Sentences Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + verb+ing. Examples: | I was talking. | He was eating. | They were learning. 2. Negative Sentences Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + “not” + verbting. Examples: | I was not [wasn’t] talking. | He was not [wasn’t] eating. | They were not [weren’t] learning. 3. Interrogative Sentences ‘Auxiliary verb (to be) + subject + verb+ing? Examples: | Were you talking? | Was he eating? | Were they learning? Uses 1. The past continuous is used for an action in progress interrupted by a short action (the past simple). “When” and “while” signal the use of the past simple and past continuous, In general, the past simple is used after “when” whereas “while” is followed by the past continuous. Examples: | Jose called while I was watching the news. | He was walking to work when he fell. ] Was it raining when you left? 2. The past continuous is used for two actions that past. Examples: [ My son was reading while I was cooking. [They were talking very loudly while we were trying to watch the movie. Note: Stative verbs are not used in the continuous tense. were occurring simultaneously in the EMG : PC SECTIONS A/D ce mr : a st continuous e form of these regular and irregular verbs. Past simple and pa 1 Write the past simpl r 2 Complete the sentences with the pa sts form of the verbs in Exercise 1. (simple past) \ 1 Last summer, my friend and I Anus the south of France. We rely 6 Exjuourselves. 2_did you at the end of the film? I thought it was reall " repute What did you to her? You Tt er yesterday 0 4.1_Senct my grandmother an email yesterdaY with a photo but she not) dlidis £ Rasew how to open the attachment! 5 My mobile phone: smth ar bt erent ‘po seal4 That was lucky! . 6 didn’t see the accident, Ill a female wey i 77My PC was making a strange noige so ing itand onli 8.We_“Lyiwed to open the box with a knife bit my dad. himself. There was blood everywhere! 3° Write questions with the past simple. i 1 Ween ou! buy / that tablet /? 3 2 i la ath ' 3. Wha opps ster /? ; ; fee char. ; 4 Wy 8 mee oS . t se stone. Lankonigh 7 ri re eel. pihabes.sno thw. Campuiten ) | : Mh a Ad ao de 1.02. 7 7. How many copies / Gary / print / yester Hew wen did. lina pi. Gan. TW...) sabtodey: 7 Some CEM tent. guban. nlp. Ae.sbaak 2. 4 Write the -ing form of the verbs. 1 attach abn asa, 8 change 2 tie Aging | 9 upload 3 mun pe ‘ 10 think sae Santina | win 5 give guard 12 spot 6 get : iB serve # ae ie Pr. SADDAD SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE s wee SECTIONS A/B & MIP April 20", 2024 ‘A: What's the weather like? Bris sunny, snowy, rainy, windy, cloudy, stormy, cold, warm, cool, scorching... Complete the sentences with words from the box. 1. There was a very bad. heavily that ourold oak tree fell down. 2. Itwasso, that the airport was shut down because visibility was toolow. 3. Itcan get abit in the evening, so you should take a jacket with you. Ar Theses caused a lot of damage because it hit a heavily populated area. 5. There was a cool that came from the sea. 6. When I woke up this morning, I saw that the ground was covered with 7. During the thunderstorm. _ hit the tree and it caught fire. 8. Winters in Britain can be very cold, and temperatures can drop below level. 9. According to the weather ___, a warm front with occasional showers willreach us by evening. 10, The skies were__ and there was no wind. It was absolutely perfect for aballoon trip. 11, Some alpine regions do not get much, because they are situatedbetween mountains. 12. The in Sicily is very mild. It rains a lot during the winter and it's hotand dry in the summertime. 13. It rained so heavily that the central parts of the town were 14, We had a rather winter this year. Even January was warmer than normal. 15, After the last few rainy days, it was great to get some__ ee for achange. 16.4 swept through the north-eastern part of the country withextremely low temperatures and huge amounts of snow 51° M6: PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP Apt 4u y ave 5 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs. in brackets. 11 (make) my dinner at 8 oblock lastnight, J @/> : 2.Joe and Sam____(use) the wrong program in IT yesterday. Ww WA 3, Who was that guy you____(dance) with at the party?\W @ve : 4:Paula___ (come) home from school when she saw an accident. vod ° 1999 my father___ (live) in Dublin. That’s where he met my mother. wa 6.He_____(open) the box when he cut his finger. Wa) ‘7.This time last week, we ___(visit) my grandmother. wy ene 81___(sit) atthe back ofthe classroom so I couldn't see the screen. \wer> Py Akinng F resin, 9.Andrew (insert) photo into his document when the teacher stopped the class. "yo 4 6 Choose the correct options. listened /was listening to the radio when | heard/ was hearing this fantastic song. 2.When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!”, I stil rid / was stil rying to finish the last question. 4 el realy sily! While I danced was dancing. l/was falling and broke/ was breaking my elbow. 4,Tim played /was playing a computer game when his mum called /was calling him for lunch. _ 511 looked / was looking fora file on my memory stick when I noticed /was noticing there was a virus. 6.Ron found / was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed / was. s surfing the internet. was spilling her cup of coffee on the keyboard 7.My ium had /was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled 8.When you saw jwere seeing me yesterday, I didn go. ‘wasnit going to school, | went/was going to the doctor's —I felt temible. 9.How many pictures did you take /were you taking while you travelled /were travelling around Ireland? 10.Why did you chat/ were you chatting 0 Philip while I ‘ried / was trying to tell you something really important? st simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. (make) a strange noise. Sws duced oth [was conndhin 7 Complete the sentences with the pas 1.1____ (witch off) the computer because it__ 2.My dad (listen) to classical music when I “(artive) home from school. wa 4ighLe- ] arnived ‘ 3.We (play) video games when my mum ___ say 7m the volume gown” wae pa {rood 4-My cousin (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he __(live)n aly. Irwsan trent 2 SMylitlesister___(draw) a picture while |____(study) for my French exam. way olryay fhe 6.While they ___(try) to fix the computer, all the lights (go out). were Frsing Iwentk Bea ‘oly 7.When you___(6ee)Paul,__he __(weat)ablack jacket?” S ayy | ¥ : 81 (ry) to log on when the WiFi_(stop) working, Woss | piper. Ue pens 9While Dad (print) an article, the printer____(run out) of paper, ‘tas hE ie | y with the correct past tense form of the verbs in brackets. 8 Complete the stor ‘Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when Is..»-.,. (tty) to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery ~ , owe. od run out) eslgigie) ‘on my bed and f was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me to concentrate. 4 no also. InSight) fo my fiend Daniel on Facebook. OK, so 5.--(aotcopcengrate) very hard on my homework and | © faraya\tonget) to plug in my laptop!I didn't notice that the battery Se x tow Iwas working ‘onan essay when the screen 7_ Ad (go) black. 18 (lose) everything. 19 \waus creas earn) I in frustratioh. My dad 10( running into my bedroom. I wlan almost Crusiug(cry) $0 he 12_govce (give) me his laptop I 134 ued (ry) to remember everything in my essay —it 14. Jay (be) quite dificult especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos Anyway, while | was watching one, the WiFi stopped working In the end it was probably better because I 15 (manage) to finish the essay. UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE Pr. SADDAD May 11°, 2024 S1- M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP Grammar Future tenses Future simple: (4)S. will go (-) S. will not go= won't go (2) will you/he...80? ‘will’ is used to talk about future events we believe to be certain. * The sun will rise over there tomorrow morning. * Next year, I'll be 50. + That plane will be late. It is always late + There won't be any snow. I'm certain. I's too warm. Jief less certain. Often we add ‘perhaps’, ‘maybe’, 'probably’, 'possibly’ to make the bel + I'll probably come back later. + He'll possibly find out when he sees Jenny. + Maybe everything will be ok. + Perhaps we'll meet again some day. We often use ‘will’ with 'I think! or ‘I hope’. 7 + I think I'l go to bed now. ‘ I think she'll do well in the job. + Thope you'll enjoy your stay. + Thope you won't make too much noise. We use ‘will’ at the moment we make a new decision or plan. + Bye. I'll phone you when | get there. + Till answer that. « [wont tell him. I promise. Future simple: S+ (is, am are) going to + inf) (4) I’m going to travel/ He is going to travel/ We are going to travel... () I’m not going to play/ He is not going to play/ She is not going to play (2) am going to do...? / are you going to go?/is she going to go? We use "going to' to talk about a plan for the future. « I'm going to see him later today. + They're going to launch the project next month. + Welre going to have lunch first + She's going to see what she can do. «+ I'm not going to talk for very long. Notice that this plan does not have to be for the near future. « When I retire, I'm going to go back to the country to live. + Inten years’ time, I'm going to be boss of my own successful company. We use ‘going to' when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now. + Look out! That cup is going to fall off. + Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon. UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE Pr. SADDAD S1- M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP May 11", 2024 + These figures are really bad. We're going to make a loss. ‘The present continuous is also used for future arrangements + I'm meeting Jim at the airport = Jim and I have discussed this. + Lam leaving tomorrow. = I've already bought my train ticket. of staff have been told about it + Welre having a staff meeting next Monday = all members Future Continuous: Swill (not) be+ verb + ing/ Will you be driving to work? + We can use ‘future continuous’ to talk about something that will be in progress at particularmoment in the future. + This time next week, I'll be sitting on the beach Tl be thinking about you all back in the office ~ and I'll be laughing. 1 Weil be enjoying ourselves too. We wont be doing any work while you are not here. To talk about future events that are fixed or decided. « Til be visiting your country on a regular basis. In fact, « Helll be looking after the factory until we can appoint a new manager. + They'll be thinking about this very carefully over the next few months. T'm going to come next month. To prediet what is happening now. ly still be having breakfast. « Try phoning his hotel. He'll probabl + They'll be discussing who gets the contract at this very moment. I'm very nervous. + She's not in her office. She'll be having lunch out, with no pressure, about future plans. To ask extremely politely, and «Will you be eating with us this evening? Wil they be joining us for dinner? Future perfect: I will (not) have done/ will you have done? We can use future perfect simple! to talk about what will have been achieved before some point in the future o Weill have been in these offices for eight years next month. «Shell have visited ten countries in twelve days by the time she gets back. « Tl have finished this project by Friday. If we want to emphasise the continu « Til have been working here for 35 years by the time I retire. 1 Shell have been driving for more than fifleen hours straight by the time she gets here, They'll have been working with us for 15 years by the end of this year. ‘We can also use ‘future perfect simple’ to express certainty that an action was completed Hell have already read the report by now. Too late to change it. © They'll have decided by now. We should hear the result today or tomorrow ty of the activity, we can use the continuous form. Pr. SADDAD UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY ‘SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE May 11%, 2024 S1- M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP (Intermediate level) Fill in the correct form of the Future Tense. In some sentences several form: possible. 1 Theyieflwii! driving to New York tomorrow evening. (DRIVE) 2. offered him a jb last week and Lthink he. it. (TAKE) 3. Lhope the weather___ |" nice when you get to Brazil. (BE) 4. We, married on June 25th . (GET) 5. L suppose real estate prices_ a fan ttl Apion up again next year. (GO) 6. What Piguy iS when you grow up?-In~ at __a pilot. (YOU DO, BE) 7.1 am. @PLAY) 8. Put your wallet away. 1. 91 wd John at the airport tomorrow at 5.30. (MEET) 10,Take the umbrella with you. I think it Ab in the afternoon. (RAIN) ____acup of tea after all. (HAVE) football this afternoon so I can't make it to the party. for the tickets. (PAY) 14.1 think 1) 12.Ask Mary. She. the answer (PROBABLY KNOW) 13..Which car. Ain to buy? (YOU PLAN) late again. (BE) next Monday at 10.00 a.m, 14. Jack missed the train. He. 1s. All our stores, (OPEN) 16.We our holidays in France next year (SPEND) 17.What do you want to eat? ~ I think I a sandwich. (HAVE) 18.We have to go now. It ___late. (GET) 19.1 can't talk about it now, but | you a mail next week. (SEND) a party tomorrow afternoon, but they haven'tinvited us. (HAVE) UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE Pr. SADDAD S1- M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP May 11%, 2024 (Advanced level) Complete the sentences using a form of the future, future progressive or future perfect. ! 1. We. prints the day hes get back. (FINISH) 2. The phone is ringing, on willag and answer it. (GO) 3. Laas a bd aon 0 we scan go to the beach. (NOT WORK) 4. If you touch the stove, you_2 ik yourself, (BURN) 5. Ba a 4 job that was advertised in the newspaper. (APPLY) 6. Next week af this time we in the sun in Spain (LIE) 7. My sister in the USA next year. (STUDY) 1+ ( 8. They) JiuiTurkey in November. (VISIT) eT ulunch with Mary at 12. (HAVE) 10.1 dont think the exam_Ms'!( og very difficult. (BE) 11Jane_/s con her thesis for the next three months. (WORK) 12.By the time I arrive home, the workers { repairing my TV set. (FINISH) 13, During the next century the climate. (GET) Woree 14. The guided tour. ay the hotel at 8.25 tomorrow morning, (LEAVE) 15.1 think [ to bed early tonight. - I’m tired. (GO) 16.At this time next year, we. in our new house (LIVE) 17.What. if the firm gets reorganised? (HAPPEN) 18,We. _to her whenever we get a chance (SPEAK). 19.They. married in June. (GET) 20.The headmaster anew classroom next term, (OPEN) UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACUI -FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE , SADDAD S1- M6: PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP = May tam, 2004 MODAI I- _ Modals in the present (Simple Modals) Affirmative (+) Subject + modal + verb in bare infintive(infiniive without to) “She can swim” Can't THe is always the firs in his clas, He eant be stupid. (i Impossibility (7am sure} is impossible that he is stupid. Otherwise he can't be the Negative (-) that something is first in his class.) ‘Subject + modal + not + verb ir ‘bare infinitivednfinitive without to) “She cannot (can't) swim” Hee has two expensive cars. |" is rich. Otherwise he can't have two expensive cars) Interrogative (2) “| Modal + subject + verb in bare infinitive(infinitive without to) “Can she swim?” Informal request Intention ‘ou should/ought to/ had better go to the doctor. You seem to be sick. Notice: negative of ought to is “ought not to” she ought not to te Bo... “TP Teould go to Paris this week. Tam not sure | Interrogative “ought + subject* | Could I go out teacher? i to +verb” ought she to g0 ...? ise? ‘Could you help me, pk would buy that car soon. : ‘Would you help me, please? Tneed to’ have to J go to the cybercafé to send this email ‘There is no internet connection here “Affirmative (+) (the presence of necessity) Subject + need/needs to/have/has to + verb in bare infinitive Tneed t0/ have to go to the cybercafé ‘Ske needs to/ has to go to cybercafé (3% person singular) Have to Absence or lack of You needn’t/ don’t necessity (It is not have to go to school necessary) on Sundays. There is Negative (-) (the absence of necessity) ‘Subject + don'v doesn’t need to/have to + verb in bare infinitive You don't need to/don't have to go to school on Sundays. don’t no study. She doesn’t need toldoesn’t have to go (0 school on Sundays: have to Anterrogative (2) Do/does + subject + need to/have to + verb in bare infinitive || Do you need to/have to go to school on Sundays? Does she need (0/ have to go to school on Sundays? ill and may, but they can be used in the present Notice!! Could; should; would; might are the past of can; shal UNIVERSITE SULTAN MOULAY SLIMANE-FACULTE POLYDISCIPLINAIRE, Sl- Pr. SADDAD ‘M6 : PC SECTIONS A/B & MIP May 18", 2024 Modal Practice 1/ Fill in the blanks using MUST, MUSTN'T, DON’T HAVE TO, SHOULD, SHOULDN'T, MIGHT, CAN, CAN'T! 21. 22. 23. 24. 2s. . don’t know where Kelly is. She . You have passed all your tests. You Rose and Ted, nu ck” _be good players. They have won hundreds of cups ! You__ABm' + Rave tL pay to use the library. It’s free, V’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She guy 1b be at her dance class. Jerry__wuttt 94s be working today. He never works on Sundays: You__wuck ____ be 18 to see that film You_< | | we hear this story. It’s very funny. Dad ay s—te 80 204 see a doctor. His cough is getting wo! You don’t have to shout. | “hear you very well. tty. be him. saw him a week ago, and he didn’t look like that. You look pretty tired. | think you go to bed early tonight. Let me look. | be able to help you. “iargpy you cross'the street if the lights are red !” You, sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eves. I'm sorry =f I give you a lift because my car is broken 1 L stop and talkto you now. | have to get to the library. go to the Louvre if you're in Paris. It's wonderful. come to the party if you don’t feel well. be at her sister’s be very pleased with yourself. se all the time. You really You You, smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the back. You _« work this evening. | can do the tasks for you. John doesn’t need a calculator. He_ do sums in his head. Passengers. open the door when the train is moving. tt . rain today. It’s getting cloudy already. 1 pay for the tickets because | got them from Sam for free. Modal Verbs Practice 1/ Replace the words in bold with the words below. needn’t ¢ mustn’t © ought to « have to « might © couldn’t 1. Tess should help her mother more. .: 2. 'mnot sure, but she may be French. .ndé < Ww 3. In some countries, girls are forbidden to uncover their faces in public. 4. You don’t have to explain. ./ 5. You must be careful not to offend them 6. I'm sorry we weren’t able to come.

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