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Task 1

1. The price of oil has gone down for /due to /because the increase in production.
2. Therefore /even though /despite a lot has been done, we need to continue
working hard.
3. You need to find a more user-friendly name for /so that /in order to people can
access it more quickly.
4. Due /because /owing to the weather conditions, the fire could not be contained.
5. When you argue with your partner you may say things that you don't really want
to say. However /for this reason /even though, you should choose your words carefully
before you speak.
6. I'm going to say only a few words so as not to /for not to /so not to take too much
of your time.
7. They didn't find any proof of illegal activity and despite this /consequently
/however, the investigation with regard to these companies was terminated.
8. I recorded the match so that /because of /in case we want to watch it again.
9. Nobody is perfect; however /so /therefore, nobody's decisions are perfect either.
10. Although /because of /since you are not listening to me, I'll just stop talking.

Task 2

1. Internet access has been growing exponentially across the country. _______ , growth
in rural areas is much slower.
a.However b.Even though c.Although d.Despite

2. He became a very nice and well-educated man _______ having a very difficult
a.because of b.although that spite of

3. Scientists have discovered a new technique _______ measuring the speed at which the
universe is expanding. b. for as to d. due to

4._______ technological advances, the world is becoming a global community.

a.Since b.As c.Because of d.Despite

5. Clever people ask better questions, and _______, they get better answers.
a. as a result b.however that d.because

6. Some prisons have been closed in the Netherlands _______ a lack of prisoners.
a.because b.due to c.despite as to

7. He asked a stupid question _______ I gave him a stupid answer. that c.although d.due to

8. The company had to close down _______ the decline in profits.

a.despite b.because c.owing to that

9. _______ it was very late, we decided to have room service and watch a movie.
a.Owing to b.Because of c.However d.As

10. Take the map _______ we get lost.

a.for case order to

Task 3

We were the greatest fans of Daft Rockers and 0 we were really looking forward to
going to their concert. It had been announced that it would probably be the band’s last concert,

and 1 , thousands people had bought their tickets online much in

advance 2 they wouldn’t miss the opportunity. As soon as the online sales were open,

we bought our tickets, and we even bought extra tickets 3 some of our friends also

wanted to go. Nothing could go wrong, or so we thought. 4 , two hours before the
concert, a terrible storm hit the city and we were informed that it had been

cancelled 5 the adverse weather conditions. We were in shock. We quickly went

online 6 see when the concert was rescheduled for. We read that the members of the
band had expressed their disappointment and the organisers had announced that all the people

with a ticket could contact their ticket seller 7 to get a refund. 8 they
didn’t inform of a new date for the concert, we were sure that it had been permanently

cancelled, 9 we decided to ask for a refund. When we'd got our money back, we read
that the concert had been rescheduled for the following weekend. We immediately decided to

buy the tickets again, but 10 we did it as soon as we read the news, we were too late;
the tickets were all sold out.

although as as a result due to However in case in order so so as to

therefore so that

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