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1. What are the main causes of sea level rise discussed in the video?

● The video highlights that the main causes of sea level rise are global
warming and the resulting thermal expansion of seawater, as well as
the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps.
2. How is sea level rise affecting Miami and Atlantic City?
● Miami and Atlantic City are experiencing increased flooding,
especially during high tides and storms. This flooding is causing
damage to infrastructure, homes, and businesses, and is posing
significant challenges for local governments and residents.
3. What specific strategies are Miami and Atlantic City implementing to combat
sea level rise?
● Miami is investing in extensive infrastructure projects such as raising
roads, installing pumps, and improving drainage systems. Atlantic City
is focusing on building sea walls, elevating structures, and reinforcing
dunes to protect against storm surges and high tides.
4. How are local communities in Miami and Atlantic City responding to the
threat of sea level rise?
● Local communities are becoming increasingly involved in resilience
efforts, participating in planning and advocacy, and supporting
initiatives to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Residents are also taking individual actions, such as elevating homes
and using flood-resistant materials.
5. What role do government policies play in addressing sea level rise in these
● Government policies play a crucial role by providing funding for
resilience projects, setting building codes and land-use regulations,
and developing long-term adaptation plans. Policies at both the local
and state levels are essential for coordinating efforts and ensuring
comprehensive approaches to combating sea level rise.
6. What are the economic implications of sea level rise for Miami and Atlantic
● Sea level rise has significant economic implications, including the cost
of infrastructure improvements, potential declines in property values,
increased insurance premiums, and the risk of losing tourism revenue.
Long-term economic sustainability is a major concern for both cities.
7. How does climate change contribute to the issue of sea level rise, according
to the video?
● The video explains that climate change contributes to sea level rise
through higher global temperatures, which cause the thermal
expansion of seawater and the accelerated melting of ice sheets and
glaciers. These processes lead to an overall increase in ocean
volumes and higher sea levels.
8. What are some challenges faced by Miami and Atlantic City in implementing
their sea level rise adaptation strategies?
● Challenges include securing adequate funding, coordinating between
various governmental and community stakeholders, addressing the
needs of vulnerable populations, and planning for future scenarios
that may involve more extreme sea level rise. Political, social, and
economic factors also complicate the implementation of effective
adaptation strategies.
9. How do the efforts to combat sea level rise in Miami and Atlantic City reflect
broader trends in coastal cities worldwide?
● The efforts in Miami and Atlantic City are reflective of broader trends
where coastal cities worldwide are increasingly investing in resilience
and adaptation measures. These include infrastructure upgrades,
natural barrier enhancements, and policy changes aimed at reducing
vulnerability to sea level rise and other climate change impacts.
10.What future projections or scenarios regarding sea level rise are discussed
in the video, and how might they affect Miami and Atlantic City?
● The video discusses future projections of continued sea level rise,
potentially reaching several feet by the end of the century if global
greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed. Such scenarios would
exacerbate flooding, threaten more properties and infrastructure, and
make current adaptation measures insufficient, necessitating even
more extensive and costly interventions.

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