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Enhancing Performance Management and Motivation at Sopranos Southsea Restaurant

Students Name ID

1. Lucian Aparaschivei




Executive Summary

This report involve total analysis of how performance management and team member

motivation work at Sopranos Southsea restaurant, giving not only the reasons for weaknesses but

also offering practical tips to make the performance process go smoothly and increase workers'

satisfaction. The report confirm that by exchanging the vibrant staff, a great deal of excellence in

common with the community and a vast majority of stunning customers, the challenges appear in

task clarity, structured feedback, goal-setting and resource allocation. Guest complaints,

management errors, and rising team member turnover are painful for a restaurant. If the issues

still need to be solved, they affect the restaurant's ability to maintain high service and team

member morale. Sopranos Southsea restaurant needs a more structured system of performance

management and motivation in his business. Sopranos Southsea can play the role of positive

change. The advice to be one of the proposals is organising regular and structured feedback

sessions to supply teams and individuals with clear, meaningful direction; employing

personalized recognition programs as an instrument to point out and reward individual and team

achievements; expanding professional development opportunities that fuel skills growth and

stimulate innovation; and organising team-building activities to improve the work environment

among employees within the company. Sopranos Southsea can increase both the intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation of its employees by integrating these tactics. This goal further ensures

service quality, work satisfaction, and long-term success and broadens a fine dining spot. The set

of these ways, guided by organisational behaviour theories, aims to supply a basis for

performance management and motivation practices, which are essential in achieving the

restaurant's purpose of providing excellent service and maintaining culinary leadership.


Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2


The Organisation: Sopranos Southsea Restaurant...........................................................................5

Managing Performance at Sopranos Southsea Restaurant..............................................................5

The Role of Task Clarity..............................................................................................................5

Implementing Effective Goal Setting..........................................................................................6

Resource Availability: Ensuring Staff Are Well-Equipped..........................................................6

Feedback and Reinforcement......................................................................................................7

Overcoming Challenges in Performance Management...............................................................7

Motivation at Sopranos Southsea: Strategies and Analysis.............................................................8

Current Strategies and Their Impact............................................................................................8

Feedback and Praise....................................................................................................................8


Effectiveness and Areas for Improvement...................................................................................9

Proposed Strategies....................................................................................................................10



Reference list................................................................................................................................13


Work log: Each group member's contributions and attendance at meetings.............................15



It is essential not only for the success of any general organisation but also in the highly

competitive and service-oriented restaurant industry due to the dynamics of workplace

performance and motivation. This report tries to look at these dynamics concerning Sopranos

Southsea, a restaurant in the local niche that is well known to its clients due to the unique

experience offered in quality dining matched with quality service. Based on the principles of

Organisational Behavior Management (OBM), the primary goal of the research is to unveil the

underlying factors driving motivation and, overall, the two aspects of performance among the

employees and finally try to offer practical strategies of enhancement that can be supported by

evidence. OBM provides a convenient tool within a modern workplace seeking to understand

and improve various relationships of employees with their conditions to the environment

(Weatherly, 2021). In the case of Sopranos Southsea, applying OBM principles would enable a

well-reasoned identification of existing or potential problems that could affect staff performance

and motivation. This approach becomes equivalent to the positive workplace culture and sustains

further success and growth of the restaurant in the competitive Southsea dining scene. Sopranos

Southsea is an excellent Italian food-serving restaurant that makes a distinctive name through the

attention given to intimate ambience and personalized service. The restaurant is an outstanding

example of a non-chain outlet, where services are about making the dining experience

memorable with a compact team of professionals committed to their job. In this respect, this

report investigates how management at Sopranos Southsea can further benefit from using OBM

strategies to ensure improved team performances and, thus, keep them within the community as

the best dining place.


The Organisation: Sopranos Southsea Restaurant

The Sopranos Southsea, centrally located in the heart of Southsea, is a boutique Italian

restaurant that brings genuine, authentic Italian cuisine in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Its

human resource base is approximately 20 employees who work in various capacities in the

kitchen, house service, and management, all of which maintain a relatively small and effective

organisational structure. These small-scale operations create a close-knit team environment,

wherein strong relations and interpersonal bonding among the employees are built up at one

point, thus creating some family culture at the workplace. A level management hierarchy

provides open communication lines between staff and leadership, allowing room for feedback

and collaborative problem-solving. Such a framework is highly ripe and helpful for driving OBM

strategies, for it will have the facility to adapt quickly and thereby make the recognition more

personalized for their contribution by individual employees. Such a culture at Sopranos Southsea

speaks of teamwork, excellence in service, and a love for the culinary arts, very much in sync

with OBM principles that dictate the pressing necessity of a motivated and enthused workforce

for organisational triumph.

Managing Performance at Sopranos Southsea Restaurant

Performance management in a restaurant like Sopranos Southsea is a complex set of

interconnected personal skills, teamwork, and company goals (Fernandes et al., 2021).

Successful management is vital to upholding top service and cuisine, the restaurant's most

important traits that ensure quality and popularity.

The Role of Task Clarity

Clarity of the task is a cornerstone of effective performance management; it shall ensure

each team member knows what they are supposed to do and how their input contributes to the

realization of the restaurant's goals (Chen et al., 2020). However, the positions are flexible due to

the dynamic nature of restaurant service; at times, the busy environment and sometimes

fluctuating demands blur at Southsea Sopranos. The only way to survive and manage this

confusion is through delegating specific roles among the kitchen staff, front-of-house staff, and

management with particular skills and operational knowledge. Suppose the personnel need

clarification on their duties or how to handle many responsibilities at peak hours. In that case, it

is possible for service delivery to be compromised, with the consequence that the customers will

not be satisfied, and the stress among the workers is high. Increased task clarity will include

regular training sessions, clear communication on what is expected daily, and available detailed

job descriptions. It further facilitates smooth operations through the use of digital tools in

planning shifts and the management of tasks.

Implementing Effective Goal Setting

Goal-setting is very imperative in driving team performance and ensuring the efforts put

in by the individuals are in tandem with the restaurant's strategic objectives (Swann et al., 2020).

The approach to goal setting by Sopranos Southsea needs to be very structured to bring out the

best benefits of the system. Setting up SMART goals could redefine how the team looks at

challenges, measures success, and focuses on the drive for continuous improvement (Swann,

2022). Periodic goal-setting sessions that include staff, where achievable targets are set based on

their inputs, could instil a sense of belongingness and motivation among them. These broad goals

include customer satisfaction scores, service delivery efficiency, and kitchen performance.

Resource Availability: Ensuring Staff Are Well-Equipped

Resources that get to the performance of the staff are available, such as enough numbers,

quality equipment, and opportunities for further training (Wang and Zhao, 2024). Hence,

Sopranos Southsea is often challenged by such instances, especially during peak dining periods.

This may result in overworking the staff, compromised quality service, and potentially low team

member morale. Overcoming these involves planning resources in a strategic manner, such as

forecasting the need for staff from historical data, investments in reliable and efficient kitchen

equipment, and regular training of staff to improve skills and efficiency. Engaging staff in

resource planning discussions can also identify unmet needs and potential areas for


Feedback and Reinforcement

Feedback and reinforcement are critical components of an effective performance

management system (Kim et al., 2024). This form of feedback is relatively informal, very

flexible in the type offered at Sopranos South Sea, but short in consistency and structure that

would follow a long-term improvement in performance. Formal feedback mechanisms may

include regular performance reviews and structured one-on-one meetings. This includes using

positive feedback sessions, highlighting accomplishments, and pointing out career development

paths. A recognition program needs to be implemented, which will be put in place to reward high

performance and innovations to motivate the staff and encourage further such acts.

Overcoming Challenges in Performance Management

The multi-dimensional magnitude of managing the staff performance at Sopranos

Southsea, especially during the ebb and flow of the operations, is very demanding in maintaining

the quality of service while trying to suffice the staff turnover. A strategic plan that makes

communication a significant component also should be considered, such as which periodic

meetings can be scheduled in advance and the addition of recent developments in

communication technology to facilitate the effectiveness of all team members. Another critical

factor is the attention to team member development, designing educational courses and creating

initiatives to expand team member abilities to cover the gap of any service quality

inconsistencies. Addressing the rather stressful and tiring reality behind restaurant work and

providing all the employees with mental and physical wellness is the most crucial thing to do.

Wellness programs should promote movement and healthy eating habits while allowing workers

to 'relax' during working hours. A workplace culture that supports both mental and physical

conditions should be developed. Through task-based meaningful performance management,

establishing clearly defined goals, implementing suitable resource methodologies, and having a

platform for improving, the retailer can massively improve operational efficacy and team

member satisfaction. To meet these challenges and implement such strategies, Sopranos Southsea

should add to its standing as the number one destination for dining quality, celebrated by its

customers for service excellence and a cuisine which is uniquely its own. Its unfailing success

and growth in the competitive restaurant industry would be a given.

Motivation at Sopranos Southsea: Strategies and Analysis

Current Strategies and Their Impact

Similarly to many small-sized restaurants, Sopranos Southsea staff are motivated

primarily by their own internal self-respect and sense of pride for what they do. The chefs'

aspiration towards the best cuisine, belonging to the team, and direct customer feedback inspire

them and constantly push them to improve. Nevertheless, the restaurant also utilizes a few

internal motivators, which include the manager verbally expressing gratitude, performance-based

bonuses, and team member of the month award.


Feedback and Praise

Feedback in Sopranos Southsea is usually informal and immediate, thanks to the team's

remarkable friendship and the work's frantic speed. On the positive side, this paradigm builds an

agile and responsive environment; however, it may not guarantee that individual developmental

needs are addressed or that the evolution is orderly and well-planned. According to the Feedback

Intervention Theory by Neff (2023), focusing feedback on tasks rather than on self could greatly

help with motivation by concentrating the feedback on specific performance aspects that could

be improved with appropriate strategies.

Praise, once it is used wisely, can be an essential motivator. As per Davies and Coltheart's

(2023) two-factor theory, recognition is a substantial component of job satisfaction that deems it

an extrinsic motivational factor. According to the praise theory, one of the main concepts of

motivating employees, Sopranos Southsea's practice of verbal praise meets the theory. However,

to use that recognition for a better impact, it should be specific, timely, and linked to the

performance to make it a more potent driver of team member engagement and motivation.


The restaurant attempts a traditional approach using monetary rewards such as bonuses

and incentives, which are effective to some extent but may not as a stand-alone for extrinsic

motivation. Ryan and Vansteenkiste (2023) state that self-determination theory pinpoints the key

factors indispensable to attaining inherent motivation: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Piggybacking on this theory, Sopranos Southsea can add incentives that simultaneously satisfy

psychological needs; for instance, staff can be involved in menu development where they express

their opinions or participate in team-building activities that improve their relationships at work.

Effectiveness and Areas for Improvement

The current reinforcement programs at Sopranos Southsea have helped cultivate a

positive and fully committed team. Although there are areas of strength, there is still room for

excellence. Structured feedback mechanisms with clear expectations and growth path

preferences will provide employees with responses or needs in the self-determination theory in

these areas. Nevertheless, besides equity and empowerment, offering non-monetary rewards that

satisfy psychological needs can strengthen intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and performance.

Proposed Strategies

To raise motivation and create a working environment that will support people, Sopranos

Southsea could implement a range of specific strategies that cohere with the current

organisational behaviour theory. The feedback interception theory can be incorporated here as

structured and regular feedback sessions can show the particular areas employees need to work

on to improve and grow. These sessions help clarify and deepen individual roles and

responsibilities in the restaurant, which is imperative for its success. The next step is the creation

of personalized recognition programs that celebrate the excellent features of staff work in an

endearing way that ties directly to the restaurant's core values and vision, making staff feel

essential in everything they do. Finally, engage in matters which will support your development

for instance, working in team approach along with the like minded workers such as participation

in workshops, shadowing or even habitual involvement in menu planning. This will increase

employees' professional development and will be related to the essential elements of competence

and autonomy from Self-Determination Theory which will be focused in the empowerment of

employees where they will be able to build new skills and


Furthermore, the social events and team-building activities will also help to unify the

staff to work as a team, as they can act as a platform for sharing information and discussing

success factors of the employees with each other informally. ‘This strategy’ which involves being

able to accept feedback, receive personal recognition, professional development and team

building is what Sopranos Southsea will use to increase both its internal and external drive its

workplace. Through such a holistic approach, not only the engagement of workers will be

enhanced and the meeting of their demands guaranteed, but also the restaurant's main objectives:

the best delivery of service and continued customer happiness are close to being successfully

met, strengthening its reputation as a leader in the dining sector.


Through our comprehensive examination of Sopranos Southsea, we will examine the

complexity of performance management and how to get the best out of individual employees and

their groups. We will discover both vital facets of the business and pointers for future

improvement. The investigation pinpointed that Sopranos Southsea had flourished in a family-

like atmosphere. Still, improving task definition, goal-setting, resource allocation, and inputs in

the feedback process is necessary as these components are crucial to advancing work

performance skills. The informal nature of the restaurant, which supports the formation of an

easy and flexible environment, as well as other aspects, has some drawbacks, providing the

communication of consistent and constructive feedback expected for individual and collective

performance. In this connection, Sopranos Southsea applies devotion to food and a collaborative

atmosphere as sources of intrinsic motivation. Nevertheless, our research reveals that introducing

these external motivators, namely structured feedback sessions, purposeful awards, professional

training opportunities, and team activities, can significantly boost motivation. These approaches,

which are based on the Feedback Intervention Theory and Self-Determination Theory, are

committed to increasing employee engagement and satisfaction and improving the restaurant's

overall profitability.

Sopranos Southsea jumps at this point, where introducing organisational performance

management models and a dramatic shift in team members' motivational approach would

catalyze increased production and a rich work environment. During the required period,

Sopranos Southsea can put its name on the map as one of the most outstanding dining

destinations where people can find beautiful food, remarkable service and personal satisfaction

among the employees and as an organisation.


To boost performance and motivation at Sopranos Southsea, the feasibility of the strategy

that combines a theory-driven and practical approach will be addressed, taking into account the

specificities of the company's operational context. First, set up frequent, structured feedback

sessions consistent with the Feedback Intervention Theory, focusing on particular tasks and

behaviours so that you can assist the team member's development and performance. Second,

individual and team incentive programs should be built to celebrate the realization of the

restaurant culture and values, increasing the sense of belonging and value at work. Additionally,

widen professional development options through completing courses, shadowing seniors, and

collaborating in planning menus that include diet and nutrition aspects according to the needs of

Self-Determination Theory to facilitate expertise building and creativity. In the end, organised

team-building activities should be carried out to build community and a feeling of connection.

This is needed in a supporting working environment. These recommendations, if implemented


well, can greatly boost the commitment and performance of employees. Hence, Sopranos

Southsea may continue to be a top dining haven.

Reference list

Chen, S., Wang, W., Cheng, J. and Teng, D. (2020). We are activating the Benefit of Diversity
Through Team Role Clarity and Implicit Coordination. Small Group Research, [online]
52(4), pp.379–404. doi:

Davies, M. and Coltheart, M. (2023). The Two-Factor Theory of Delusion. [online] PhilPapers.
Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2024].

Fernandes, E., Moro, S., Cortez, P., Batista, F. and Ribeiro, R. (2021). A data-driven approach to
measuring restaurant performance by combining online reviews with historical sales data.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94, p.102830. doi:

Kim, K., Yoon, Y., Ryu, G., Koh, K. and Lim, K. (2024). Performance Evaluation of
Architectural Modular Member with Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
for Application. Applied sciences, 14(6), pp.2269–2269. doi:

Neff, K.D. (2023). Self-Compassion: Theory, Method, Research, and Intervention. Annual
Review of Psychology, [online] 74(1), pp.193–218. doi

Ryan, R.M. and Vansteenkiste, M. (2023). Self-Determination Theory. [online]

Available at:

Swann, C. (2022). The (over)use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative
review and critique. Health Psychology Review, 1(1), pp.1–16.

Swann, C., Rosenbaum, S., Lawrence, A., Vella, S.A., McEwan, D. and Ekkekakis, P. (2020).
Updating goal-setting theory in physical activity promotion: a critical conceptual review.
Health Psychology Review, [online] 15(1), pp.34–50. doi

Wang, D. and Zhao, X. (2024). Effect of resource integration on organisational resilience of

megaprojects: role of dynamic capability and resource availability. Journal of Asian
Architecture and Building Engineering, pp.1–16. doi

Weatherly, N.L. (2021). The Ethics of Organisational Behavior Management. Journal of

Organisational Behavior Management, 41(3), pp.1–18. doi


Work log: Each group member's contributions and attendance at meetings

Date Tasks Contributions Attendance

at Meetings
6 Research and James: Conducted research on All members
April, Data Collection performance management theories and
2024 gathered data on Sopranos Southsea's
organisational structure.
John: Explored motivation theories
and collected information on the
restaurant's workforce.
Mary: Researched case studies related
to performance management in the
restaurant industry.
Peter: Compiled data on Sopranos
Southsea's existing performance
management practices.
7 May Outline All group members participated in All members
2024 Development brainstorming sessions to develop the
outline for the report.
James: Led discussions on structuring
the report and assigned sections to
group members based on their
John: Contributed ideas for organising
the outline and ensuring coherence.
Mary and Peter: Provided input on
section objectives and content
7 May, Individual Lucian: Drafted the Introduction and All members
2024 Section Managing Performance sections,
Drafting incorporating research findings and
theoretical frameworks.
John: Worked on the Motivation
section, integrating motivation theories
and case study analysis.

Mary: Developed the

Recommendations section, offering
practical suggestions based on
research findings.
Peter: Wrote the Conclusion,
summarizing key points and reflecting
on the implications of the analysis.
8 May, Review and All group members attended a virtual All members
2024 Revision meeting to review individual sections.
Lucian, John, Mary, and Peter:
Provided feedback on content, clarity,
and coherence.
Collaboratively addressed revisions
and incorporated suggestions to
improve the overall quality of the
Final Editing Lucian, John, Mary, and Peter: All members
and Conducted final edits and
Proofreading proofreading.
Ensured consistency in writing style,
formatting, and adherence to academic
Made necessary adjustments for clarity
and conciseness.
Submission All group members confirmed the All members
completion of the report and its
alignment with submission
Group Member Email Sign





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