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OpenText VIM Training

Agenda: - Various Reports in VIM for business perspective

Using the VIM Analytics Current Liability Report

The VIM Analytics Current Liability Report is part of VIM Analytics. It offers you a clear data report on
documents that are parked in the system. The purpose of the Current Liability Report is to provide
the Accounts Payable department with accurate information about the current liabilities at any point
in time.

As a primary use, the Current Liability Report helps the Accounts Payable department to do the
accruals at month or period end. The Current Liability Report provides you with various views of the
data, enabling you to analyze the liability information from various forms. The various views address
the different accrual procedures used by various companies.

The Current Liability Report considers parked invoice documents and optionally credit memos that
are in parked status. It also considers DP documents that were created but have not been processed
as SAP documents. Both PO invoices and Non PO invoices are supported. There are various controls
within the report, allowing you to calculate sub totals, or to download to Excel. You can restrict the
output to lines that are within a certain amount range. This is useful if your company’s internal policy
is to ignore all lines that are below a certain money limit.

Using the selection screen

You control all functions of the Current Liability Report using a common selection screen.

To start the Current Liability Report:

• Run the /n/OPT/VAN_LIABILITY transaction.

Alternatively, navigate to OpenText VIM - Invoice Solution > SAP menu > Reports >
/OPT/VAN_LIABILITY - Current Liability Report
Output screen: -
Using the Automation Report

The Automation Report is a tool that provides data about automated and manual processing steps of
VIM documents.

Note: The Automation Report has been designed to track documents coming in using a channel that
includes OCR extraction. If no OCR extraction has been done for the document, you do not find the
document in the Automation Report.

The data is contained in table /OPT/VT_ATM_SRC. The table is filled by the ATM collection report,
which can be scheduled in the background.

The VIM program “Automation Report” allows to view and export the table contents. The current
version of the Automation Report does not do any counting or calculation.

Using the selection screen

You control all functions of the Automation Report using a common selection screen.

To start the Automation Report:

1. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_ATM transaction.

Alternatively, in OpenText VIM - Invoice Solution, navigate to SAP menu > Reports >
Automation Report
2. In the Automation Report selection field screen, configure parameters for the report.

Invoice Information
Company Code, Vendor Restrict the output according to the current value of vendor and
company code in the /OPT/VIM_1HEAD table.

Document ID, Channel ID, DP Document Type

Restrict the output according to DP document number, Channel ID, and DP Document Type.

Vendor from ICC Extraction

Restrict the output according to the vendor after extraction. In particular, you can select to
have an overview over the documents where the vendor could not be found by ICC.

Document Date, Scan Date, Posting Date

Restrict the output according to document creation date, scanning date, and posting date.

Report Options

Only Finalized Documents Select this check box to consider only documents that are posted
and not blocked. These documents are in a final status for the Automation Report and will
never be changed again. For a long-term evaluation and for a comparison over time, you
should only consider these entries

Output: -
Key Fields: -

Document Related Fields: -

Automation data related fields: -
Using the Invoice Life Cycle Report

The Invoice Life Cycle Report (ILC) is a tool that provides data about the complete life cycle of
a VIM document.
All VIM processes that a document goes through can be monitored using the ILC. The source
data for the ILC is contained in the /OPT/VT_ILC_SRC table. This table is filled by the ILC
collection report, which can be scheduled in the background.

To start the ILC:

1. Run the /n/OPT/VIM_ILC transaction.
Alternatively, in OpenText VIM - Invoice Solution, navigate to SAP menu > Reports >
Invoice Life Cycle Report.

Classical ALV output: -

Hierarchy ALV output: -

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