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Name ፡ ____________________________ Grade ፡ ________ Section: _____ No: _____ Subject: ____________
2016E.C A.Y First Semester English Worksheet 3 for grade 6
i. Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer from the given
You communicate with people around you through your words and actions. Animals have ways to communicate.
Most animals communicate making certain sounds. Birds use songs and calls to give messages to other birds.
Male crickets produce a chirping sound by rubbing their wings together. Their chirps call female crickets and
warn other males to stay away. Some animals can communicate by special odors. When female gypsy moths are
ready to lay eggs, they give off a scent. This scent attracts male gypsy moths.

Animals use their bodies to communicate. Gorillas pound the chests and throw leaves into the air to show their
anger. Some fish that live in the darkness of the deep ocean have special structures on their bodies that
produce light. This deep-see fish signal to other fish with their flashing lights.

Communication is specially important when animals live together in a social group. Animals form social groups for
many reasons. One reason is safety in large numbers. For example, a heard of antelopes is less likely to be
attacked by a lion than a lonely antelope. In social groups, large numbers of animals help to keep each other
warm. Penguins in Antarctica come together to break the icy winds and to lessen the effects of the cold.
Migrating animals often form social groups. Animals travelling in large groups are less likely to get lost.
The members of a social group often work together for the good of the group. In some social groups, the
animals share the job of hunting or gathering food. In other social groups, the jobs are divided among the
animals of the groups. The cooperation among the animals is what makes them so successful.

Insects such as ants, wasps, bees, and termites live in social groups. In insect societies, each member has a
certain job. In the honeybee societies there are three types of bees. The queen, the drones and the workers.
The queen bee is the only female bee able to produce eggs. The drones are the male bees of the hive. They
fertilize the eggs of the queen bee. The workers are female bees that gather pollen and nectar, make wax and
all other work of the hive. By working together, the honey bees can produce more honey than if each bee
worked alone.

________ 1. Which animal use song to communicate? (Paragraph 1)

A. gorilla B. insects C. honeybee D. fish
________ 2. Which animals communicate by special odors ( paragraph 1 )
A. Birds C. Female crickets
B. Male crickets D. Female gypsy moths.
________ 3. Which of the following insects live in social group?
A. termites B. wasps C. ants D. all
________ 4. The word ... give off... in paragraph 1 line 4 means ______________
A. give freely B. receive C. put off D. send out
________ 5. What do gorillas do to show their anger?
A. They give off a scent C. Social group
B. They pond the chest and throw leaves D. They sing a song
________ 6. The pronoun ... them... in paragraph 3, line 8 refers to __________.
A. members B. jobs C. social groups D. animals

ii. Match the following words under column ‘A’ with their synonyms under column ‘B’.
“A” “B”
________ 7. Passenger A. walker
________ 8. Colleague B. search
________ 9. Pedestrian C. co-worker
________ 10. Seek D. traveller
iii. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write the letter of your
choice on the space provided
________ 11. I __________ my grand mother every Saturday.

A. visit B. visiting C. visits D. am visiting

________ 12. Sara _________ for her friend now.

A. waits B. is waiting C. wait D. are waiting

________ 13. _________ you ____________ English now?

A. Do/ study B. Does/ study C. Are/ studying D. Do/ studies

________ 14. They _______ go to Mexico last year.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. are

________ 15. I _________ my teacher two weeks ago.

A. meet B. meted C. met D. meets

________ 16. You _________ when she called.

A. are tilling B. were tilling C. was till D. tills

________ 17. Jemmy ________ swim in the pool, but now she does.

A. Used to not B. used to C. didn’t use to D. used not to

________ 18. Which one of the following sentence describes a parallel action?

A. I was walking when you sat. C. Selam was disturbing the class.

B. I was studying when he was watching TV. D. Was I interrupting you?

________ 19. Which one of the following sentence is a compound sentence?

A. I enjoyed the lesson.

B. Solomon did his assignment yesterday.

C. You did a great job and scored a good result.

D. Aren’t you a student?

________ 20. Which one of the following compound adjective is wrongly paired?

A. part time B. old fashioned C. well aged D. home made

Parents name & sign: _________________________ prepared by:- Mr. Baytewar

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