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Keybox Set Up Instruction 展讯平台 keybox 写入操作说明

Prepare File 准备文件如下:

1:keybox Source File 源文件 :(2021-01-27_08-50-
2:key Tool 工具:(SecurityServer_R7.0.0001)

1) Un-compressed zip file in the desktop first, like below 先解压源文件在桌面文件夹中,


Desktop folder

Uncompressed source
2) Run the SecureToolBox.EXE under directory SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\
SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\Bin\ToolBox, like below picture 打开
SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\Bin\ToolBox 目录下的
SecureToolBox.EXE 应用程序,如下图:

3) Import Keybox source file, select the directory to save Keybox.BIN(create a folder in
desktop and name it with model # ), then click Extract, like below 导入 keybox 源文件,
选择要保存 keybox.BIN 文件的路径(在桌面上建立一个型号的文件夹为路径),点击
Extract 进行生成。如下图:

1.Select this item

2.Import un-compressed Key source file

3.Select the directory to save key file


4) Generated successfully like below 生成成功如下图:

Keybox.bin file generated

5) Check if the file is in the folder that created previously, like below example 查看创建的

6) Open the SecureCenter.ini file under directory SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\

SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\Bin\SecurityServer and set up the keybox file’s directory
and IP address. Then save, like below 打开 SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\
SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\Bin\SecurityServer 文件中的 SecureCenter.ini 文件进行
keybox 文件的路径设置及 IP 地址设置。然后保存,如下二图示:

Keybox.bin file directory

1.Run cmd.exe, type in ipconfig/all

3.Open the SecureCenter.ini

2.Check local PC’s IP address

4.Change to local PC’s IP address

7) Open the SecureOperations.ini file under the same directory, set up new added item,
then save. Like below 打开 SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\SecurityServer_R7.0.0001\Bin\
SecurityServer 文件中的 SecureOperations.ini 进行新增项目设置,然后保存。如下图:

Model key file name for

new added item

8)Run and set up the SecurityServer.exe file under the same directory 打开
SecurityServer.exe 程序,
Keybox file directory address

Local PC IP address

8) Run the Simba.exe file under the directory Simba_R7.0.0001\Simba_R7.0.0001\Bin

打开 Simba_R7.0.0001\Simba_R7.0.0001\Bin 中的 Simba.exe 程序,如下图:

9) Now the Simba. file will be like below 现在 Simba 文件如下图:

Select WriteX.seq and click start

10) Set up the EnterMode like below 如下图进行 EnterMode 设置

11) Set up the SecurityDeployClient like below 如下图进行 SecurityDeployClient 设

Use local PC IP
12) Set up the PowerOff like below 如下图进行 PowerOff 设置

13) Click the 全部开始(s) , plug in type C cord when the tablet stays shut down, wait
for the tool write in Key. Like below 点击全部开始》平板关机状态下插入 type-c 数据
线》等待工具完成写入 key,如下图:
This is finished status

14)Like above picture, it shows green bar and 全部通过 , then it is completed 如上图中
绿色显示通过,恭喜完成烧写 keybox

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