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Connecting Theory & Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction

Annotated Bibliography Template Part 2

My K-12 literacy instruction inquiry question with a DEI lens: Reading Comprehension using Multicultural Literature. DEI is related to this
topic by focusing on selecting text that target different cultures and while also incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds into their reading
How is equity, diversity, and inclusion central to this question? Literacy is central in this topic as students are using multicultural literature
while learning how to comprehend text.
My questions about this literacy question specific to equity, diversity, and inclusion are:
- Does the use of multicultural literature increase reading comprehension?
- Does cultural diversity influence learning?
- Are teachers creating a safe place to promote diversity in the classroom?
- Does the use of multicultural literature create a more inclusive classroom atmosphere?
- Does curriculum focus on diverse learners?
- What role can culture have on reading comprehension?

I hope to learn about the question: I hope to learn different strategies and implementation methods to use when teaching about different cultures.
I also would like to know the best types of text to use for different grades. I want to give my students the freedom to learn about their own cultures
as well as their peers.
How would I explain this literacy question and the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion to someone who is not an educator? I
would explain this literacy topic and the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion to someone who is not an educator as “Using multicultural
literature when teaching reading comprehension means including text that targets different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities. This means
students will get to learn different perspectives and become culturally educated. This creates a more inclusive classroom environment”.
Why is this literacy question from a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion important for educators to know? This topic is important for
educators to know because literature is a great way to teach diversity, equity and inclusion in the classroom. Students feel valued and seen when
they read text that focuses on their own cultures. It also teaches them about other cultures so they can better understand their peers. It also gives
them a wider range of understanding and comprehending different types of literature.

Source APA formatted source (& LINK to article or Write a 3-4 sentence summary of the Write a 2-3 sentence evaluation of the
website) article in your own words. Name the type source in your own words about why
of resource: Research article, Practitioner this source is important to your K-12
article, website literacy instruction topic.

1 Kibler, K., & Chapman, L.A. (2019). Six tips for Practitioner article This source is important to my literacy
using culturally relevant texts in This article explains how the use of instruction topic because it provides
multicultural text can help readers better evidence of how multicultural text can
diverse classrooms. The Reading

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Connecting Theory & Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction

Teacher, 72(6), 741–744. comprehend text because they can draw improve reading comprehension. It
/10.1002/trtr.1775 from their background knowledge to make includes six tips for implementing
predictions and inferences. These culturally relevant texts in the
culturally text also promote engagement classroom.
and a love for reading. A quote from this
article states “using student culture as the
basis for helping students understand
themselves and others”. Reading this
cultural relevant text overall make students
better readers.

2 Kelly-Howard, K.S. (2021). Lessons learned Research article This article is important to my literacy
from a review of diverse literature in This was a review of multiple articles instruction topic because it provides
where teachers used multicultural text with research on how to incorporate
the reading teacher (2015–2020). Read diverse characters. Reading these texts culturally relevant text into the
Teach, 75(1), 51–60. promotes acceptance of cultural classroom. As well as the outcomes of
1002/trtr.2015 differences and can helps students discover students when they read and
their own cultural identities. Students are comprehend these types of text.
able to discuss and comprehend how these
texts are relevant. It suggests that teachers
need to provide books that allow students
to engage in text with various cultures.

3 Bennett, S.V., Gunn, A.A., Research article This article is important to my literacy
& Peterson, B.J. (2021). Access to This article explains how educators can instruction topic because it reaches out
support students access to multicultural past the classroom and provides ways to
multicultural children’s literature literature outside of the classroom and how continue literacy instruction at home. It
during COVID-19. Read to offer literacy instruction at home to also explains how important it is for
Teach, 74(6), 785–796. students and their families. A quote from students to have access to multicultural
this article states “it is essential to provide text. As well as a book delivery that was
students with literature that is age set up during Covid-19 to help provide
appropriate and relevant to their lives and books to students.
interest to increase achievement and
motivation to read”. This quote
summarizes how important it is to provide
students with the access to multicultural

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Connecting Theory & Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction

text. They provided an example of a

“Postcard and Parent Interview” for
parents to monitor how well their child
was comprehending what they were
reading. This is how literacy instruction
can be supported at home, outside the

4 Chaghervand, S. M., & Bintz, W. (2021). Using Practitioner article This article is important to my literacy
paired text of multicultural literature This article focuses on using paired instruction topic because it provides
to create welcoming classrooms for all multicultural text to create a welcoming examples of how to create a safe
classroom environment. When students environment for students. As well as
students. Ohio Journal of English
use text that relates to their cultural how to incorporate diverse text into
Language Arts, 61(1), 35–47. background it promotes better reading everyday reading. outcomes. Students can become part of
etail/detail?vid=3&sid=096e2eba-dfb1- discussions of different cultures and use
4b22-b70b- their own experiences to comprehend text
892dc788f355%40redis&bdata=JkF1d and make inferences.

5 Mandarani, V., Retnaningdyah, P., & Mustofa, Research article This article is important to my literacy
A. (2024). Employing multicultural This article is based off research done on instruction topic because it provides
literature by practicing multiliteracies different steps to teaching multicultural steps on how to teach multicultural
literature in the classroom. Including literature in the classroom. It promotes
in the extensive reading
teacher instruction, guided reading, critical critical thinking and reflection. Students
classroom. Pegem Journal of Education thinking skills, connecting texts, growing are doing more than just reading a book.
& Instruction / Pegem Egitim ve mastery, reflective practice and lastly
Ögretim, 14(2), 297–308. assessment. It provides check list for how teachers can implement culturally relevant
2.34 text into the classroom. This type of
instruction increases students critical
thinking skills.

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Connecting Theory & Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction

6 Clark, A., & Fleming, J. (2019). “They almost Practitioner article This is an important article for my
become the teacher”: Pre-K to third-grade Culturally relevant texts are books that literacy instruction topic because it
teachers’ experiences reading and discussing students can make deep personal explains why CRTs are so important for
connections, and which main characters reading comprehension. Evidence shows
culturally relevant texts with their
remind them of themselves and families. that reading CRTs has a positive effect
students. Reading Horizons, 58(3), 23–51. CRTs are a great component to texting text on reading comprehension and
to self when students are learning how to engagement.
connect with a text. Teachers can create
questions that promote higher level
thinking and overall improve reading
comprehension. This article states “there is
a positive association between prior
knowledge for the topic of a text and
reading comprehension”. Therefore, the
use of multicultural text can improve
reading comprehension because students
are able to relate to the text.

7 Reading Rockets. (n.d.). Reading without walls: Website This article is important for my literacy
A nationwide program celebrating This website focuses on exploring books instruction topic because it explains how
reading and Diversity. Reading Rockets. about characters who look differently as important it is for students to reach past
well as topics that are unknown to you. the walls of reading. Students need to
Reading unfamiliar and diverse texts is a read diverse text to make connections
childrens-books/articles/reading- great way for students to open their mind and better comprehend the world around
without-walls-nationwide-program- to new people, places and things. It allows them.
celebrating-reading-and them to connect to their peers and
appreciate differences.

Based on your reading and the sources in your AB, what recommendations have the authors made that you would include in your
classroom implementation of this literacy question specific to equity, diversity, and inclusion (this will guide your implementation plan)?
One of the main recommendations that I would include in my classroom is creating a safe and positive environment for my students. I also
think to teach multicultural literature I need to learn more about my own culture as well as learn about every one of my students. This will help me
be able to select text that is appropriate for my students. I also think it’s important to not make assumptions when I’m selecting text for my
students and not select books with stereotypes. One article suggests having students pick out their own text to make connection to their own lives.
I think this would be a great idea once students have had more reading experience. As well as lead student centered discussions and creating

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Connecting Theory & Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction

projects where students get to display their own cultures and experiences. Learn how to alter literacy practices to teach culturally responsive
teaching if curriculum is not supporting diversity.

What resources and materials would you need to have in your classroom to implement these recommendations specific to equity,
diversity, and inclusion (these will guide the additional web resources you will collect)?
To create a safe and inclusive environment I would need to have activities to learn about my students and also have a place in the
classroom they can go when they feel overwhelmed. I need to do extend research on where to find culturally relevant text. I would also like to
arrange my classroom in groups so students can be encouraged to discuss their thoughts with one another. As well as have thought out and specific
lesson plans to encourage higher thinking. I need to fill my classroom library with a diverse selection for my students.


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