Lista de Aves

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Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC

Tinamidae(13) Tinamous
1 Tinamus tao Gray Tinamou x x x
2 T. osgoodi Black Tinamou
3 T. major Great Tinamou x x x
4 T. guttatus White-throated Tinamou x x x
5 Crypturellus cinereus Cinereous Tinamou x x x
6 C. soui Little Tinamou x x x x
7 C. obsoletus Brown Tinamou
8 C. undulatus Undulated Tinamou x x x x

9 C. strigulosus Brazilian Tinamou x x

10 C. atrocapillus Black-capped Tinamou x
11 C. variegatus Variegated Tinamou x x x
12 C. bartletti Bartlett’s Tinamou x x x
13 C. parvirostris Small-billed Tinamou x x

Anhimidae (2) Screamers

14 Anhima cornuta Horned Screamer x x x x
15 Chauna torquata Southern Screamer x x x x
Anatidae (9) Ducks
16 Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvus Whistling-Duck
17 D. viduata White-faced Whistling-Duck x x
18 D. autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling-Duck x x x
19 Neochen melanoptera Andean Goose x
20 N. jubata Orinoco Goose x x
21 Cairina moschata Muscovy Duck x x x
22 Amazonetta brasiliensis Brazilian Teal x
23 Anas discors Blue-winged Teal x
24 Nomonyx dominicus Masked Duck x
Cracidae (5) Guans
25 Penelope jacquacu Spix’s Guan x x x
26 Pipile cumanensis Blue-throated Piping-Guan x x x
27 Ortalis guttata Speckled Chachalaca x x x x
28 Mitu tuberosum Razor-billed Curassow x x
29 Pauxi koepckeae Sira Curassow
Phasianidae (1) New World Quails
30 Odontophorus stellatus Starred Wood-Quail x x x
Podicipedidae (2) Grebes
31 Tachybaptus dominicus Least Grebe x x x
32 Podilymbus podiceps Pied-billed Grebe
Ciconiidae (3) Storks
33 Ciconia maguari Maguari Stork x
34 Jabiru mycteria Jabiru x x x
35 Mycteria americana Wood Stork x x x x
Phalacrocoracidae (1) Cormorants
36 Phalacrocorax brasilianus Neotropic Cormorant x x x
Anhingidae (1) Anhingas
37 Anhinga anhinga Anhinga x x x
Ardeidae (16) Herons
38 Tigrisoma lineatum Rufescent Tiger-Heron x x x x
39 T. fasciatum Fasciated Tiger-Heron x
40 Agamia agami Agami Heron x x x
41 Cochlearius cochlearius Boat-billed Heron x x x
42 Zebrilus undulatus Zigzag Heron x x
43 Botaurus pinnatus Pinnated Bittern x
44 Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern x x
45 I. involucris Stripe-backed Bittern
46 Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night-Heron x x
47 Butorides striata Striated Heron x x x x
48 Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret x x x x
49 Ardea cocoi Cocoi Heron x x x
50 A.alba Great Egret x x x x
51 Philherodius pileatus Capped Heron x x x x
52 Egretta thula Snowy Egret x x x
53 E. caerulea Little Blue-Heron x x
Threskiornithidae (2) Ibises
54 Mesembrinibis cayennesis Green Ibis x x x x
55 Platalea ajaja Roseate Spoonbill x x x
Cathartidae (5) New World Vultures
56 Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture x x x x
57 C. burrovianus Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture x
58 C. melambrotus Greater Yellow-headed Vulture x x x x
59 Coragyps atratus Black Vulture x x x x
60 Sarcoramphus papa King Vulture x x x
Pandionidae (1) Osprey
61 Pandion haliaetus Osprey x x x
Accipitridae (30) Hawks, Kites and Eagles
62 Elanus leucurus White-tailed Kite x
63 Gampsonyx swinsonii Pearl Kite x x
64 Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite x x x x
65 Leptodon cayanensis Gray-headed Kite x x x
66 Elanoides forficatus American Swallow-tailed Kite x x x
67 Morphnus guianensis Crested Eagle x x x
68 Harpia harpyja Harpy Eagle x x x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
69 Spizaetus tyrannus Black Hawk-Eagle x x x x
70 S. melanoleucus Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle x x x
71 S. ornatus Ornate Hawk-Eagle x x x
72 Busarellus nigricollis Black-collared Hawk x x
73 Rostrhamus sociabilis Snail Kite x x x
74 Helicolestes hamatus Slender-billed Kite x x x
75 Harpagus bidentatus Double-toothed Kite x x x
76 Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite x x x x
77 Accipiter poliogaster Gray-bellied Hawk x x
78 A. superciliosus Tiny Hawk x
79 A. striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk x x
80 A. bicolor Bicolored Hawk x x
81 Geranospiza caerulescens Crane Hawk x x x
82 Buteogallus schistaceus Slate-colored Hawk x x x
83 B. urubitinga Great Black-Hawk x x x
84 Rupornis magnirostris Roadside Hawk x x x x
85 Geranoaetus albicaudatus White-tailed Hawk x
86 Pseudastur albicollis White Hawk x
87 Leucopternis kuhli White-browed Hawk x x
88 Buteo nitidus Gray-lined Hawk x x x x
89 B. platypterus Broad-winged Hawk x x
90 B. brachyurus Short-tailed Hawk x x
91 B. albonotatus Zone-tailed Hawk x x x x
Aramidae (1) Limpkin
92 Aramus guarauna Limpkin x x x x
Psophidae (1) Trumpeters
93 Psophia leucoptera Pale-winged Trumpeter x x x
Rallidae (11) Rails
94 Aramides cajaneus Gray-necked Wood-Rail x x x x
95 Amaurolimnas concolor Uniform Crake
96 Anurolimnas castaneiceps Chesnut-headed Crake
97 A. fasciatus Black-banded Crake x
98 Laterailus melanophaius Rufous-sided Crake x x x x
99 L. exilis Gray-breasted Crake x x x
100 Neocrex erythrops Paint-billed Crake x
101 Pardirallus nigricans Blackish Rail
102 Gallinula galeata Common Gallinule
103 Porphyrrio martinicus Purple Gallinule x x x x
104 P. flavirostris Azure Gallinule x x
Heliornithidae (1) Finfoots
105 Heliornis fulica SunGrebe x x x
Eurypygidae (1) Sunbittern
106 Eurypyga helias Sunbittern x x x x
Charadriidae (4) Plovers
107 Vanellus cayanus Pied LapWing x x x
108 V. chilensis Southern LapWing x x x x
109 V. resplendens Andean LapWing x x
110 Charadrius collaris Collared Plover x x x
Recurvirrostridae (1) Stilts
111 Himantopus mexicanus Black-necked Stilt
Scolopacidae (9) Sandpipers
112 Bartramia longicauda Upland Sandpiper x x
113 Actitis macularius Spotted Sandpiper x x x
114 Tringa melanoleuca Greater Yellowleg x x
115 T. flavipes Lesser Yellowleg x x x x
116 T. solitaria Solitary Sandpiper x x x x
117 Calidris fuscicollis White-rumped Sandpiper x x
118 Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper x x x x
119 Tryngites subruficollis Buff-breasted Sandpiper x x x x
120 Phalaropus tricolor Wilson’s Phalarope x
Jacanidae (1) Jacanas
121 Jacana jacana Wattled Jacana x x x x
Laridae (4) Gulls and Terns
122 Leucophaeus pipixcan Franklin’s Gull x
123 Sternula superciliaris Yellow-billed Tern x x x
124 Phaetusa simplex Large-billed Tern x x x
125 Chlidonias niger Black Tern x
Rynchopidae (1) Skimmers
126 Rynchops niger Black Skimmer x x x
Columbidae (12) Pigeons
127 Columba livia Rock Pigeon x
128 Patagioenas speciosa Scaled Pigeon x x x x
129 P. cayennensis Pale-vented Pigeon x x x x
130 P. plumbea Plumbeous Pigeon x x x
131 P. subvinacea Ruddy Pigeon x x x
132 Leptotila verreauxi White-tipped Dove x x x
133 L. rufaxilla Gray-fronted Dove x x x x
134 Geotrygon saphirina Sapphire Quail-Dove
135 G. montana Ruddy Quail-Dove x x x
136 Columbina talpacoti Ruddy Ground-Dove x x x x
137 C. picui Picui Ground-Dove x x x x
138 Claravis pretiosa Blue Ground-Dove x
Opisthocomidae (1) Hoatzin
139 Opisthocomus hoazin Hoatzin x x x x
Cuculidae (14) Cuckoos and Anis
140 Coccycua minuta Little Cuckoo x x x
141 C. cinerea Ash-colored Cuckoo x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
142 Piaya cayana Squirrel Cuckoo x x x x
143 P. melanogaster Black-bellied Cuckoo x x x
144 Coccyzus melacoryphus Dark-billed Cuckoo x x x x
145 C. erythropthalmus Black-billed Cuckoo x x x
146 C. americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo x x x
147 Crotophaga ani Smooth-billed Ani x x x x
148 C. major Greater Ani x x x
149 Guira guira Guira Cuckoo x
150 Tapera naevia Striped Cuckoo x x
151 Dromococcyx phasianellus Pheasant Cuckoo x x x
152 D. pavoninus Pavonine Cuckoo x x x
153 Neomorphus geoffroyi Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo x
Tytonidae (1) Barn Owls
154 Tyto alba Barn Owl x
Strigidae (13) Owls
155 Megascops choliba Tropical Screech-Owl x x x x
156 M. watsonii Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl x x x x
157 M. guatemalae Vermiculated Screech-Owl
158 Lophostrix cristata Crested Owl x x x
159 Pulsatrix perspicillata Spectacled Owl x x x
160 P. melanota Band-bellied Owl
161 Bubo virginianus Great Horned Owl x
162 Ciccaba virgata Mottled Owl x x
163 C. huhula Black-banded Owl x x x
164 Glaucidium hardyi Amazonian Pygmy-Owl x x x
165 G. brasilianum Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl x x x x
166 Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl x x
167 Pseudoscops clamator Striped Owl x x
Nyctibiidae (4) Potoos
168 Nyctibius grandis Great Potoo x x x
169 N. aethereus Long-tailed Potoo x x
170 N. griseus Common Potoo x x x
171 N. bracteatus Rufous Potoo
Caprimulgidae (10) NightJars
172 Chordeiles rupestris Sand-colored NightHawk x x x
173 C. acutipennis Lesser NightHawk x
174 C. minor Common NightHawk
175 Lurocalis semitorquatus Short-tailed NightHawk
176 Nyctidromus albicollis Common Pauraque x x x x
177 Setopagis parvula Little NightJar x x x x
178 Hydropsalis climacocerca Ladder-tailed NightJar x x x
179 H. torquata Scissor-tailed Nightjar
180 Nyctiphrynus ocellatus Ocellated Poorwill x x x
181 Astrostomus rufus Rufous NightJar x x
Apodidae (10) Swifts
182 Cypseloides cryptus White-chinned Swift x
183 Streptoprocne rutila Chestnut-collared Swift x x
184 S. zonaris White-collared Swift x x x x
185 Chaetura cinereiventris Gray-rumped Swift x x x x
186 C. egregia Pale-rumped Swift x x x
187 C. viridipennis Amazonian Swift x x
188 C. brachyura Short-tailed Swift x x x x
189 C. pelagica Chimney Swift
190 Tachornis squamata Fork-tailed Palm-Swift x x x x
191 Panyptila cayennensis Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift x x
Trochilidae (25) HummingBirds
192 Florisuga mellivora White-necked Jacobin x x x
193 Eutoxeres condamini Buff-tailed SickLebill
194 Glaucis hirsutus Rufous-breasted Hermit x x x
195 Threnetes leucurus Pale-throated Barbthroat x x x
196 Phaethornis ruber Reddish Hermit x x x
197 P. stuarti White-browed Hermit x
198 P. hispidus White-bearded Hermit x x x x
199 P. philippii Neddle-billed Hermit x x x
200 P. malaris Great-billed Hermit x x x
201 Heliothryx auritus Black-eared Fairy x x
202 Anthracothorax nigricollis Black-throated Mango x x x x
203 Lophornis delattrei Rufous-crested Coquette x
204 L. chalybeus Festive Coquette x x x
205 Discosura langsdorfii Black-bellied Thorntail x x x
206 Heliodoxa aurescens Gould’s Jewelfront x x x
207 Heliomaster longirostris Long-billed Starthoat x x x x
208 Calliphlox amethystina Amethyst Woodstar x
209 Chlorostilbon mellisugus Blue-tailed Emerald x
210 Klais guimeti Violet-headed HummingBird
211 Campylopterus largipennis Gray-breasted Sabrewing x x x
212 Thalurania furcata Fork-tailed Woodnymph x x x
213 Amazilia fimbriata Glittering-throated Emerald x
214 A. lactea Sapphire-spangled Emerald x x x x
215 Chrysuronia oenone Golden-tailed Sapphire x
216 Hylocharis cyanus White-chinned Sapphire x x
Trogonidae (7) Trogons
217 Pharomarchus pavoninus Pavonine Quetzal x x x
218 Trogon melanurus Black-tailed Trogon x x x x
219 T. viridis Green-backed Trogon x x x
220 T. ramonianus Amazonian Trogon x x x
221 T. curucui Blue-crowned Trogon x x x x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
222 T. rufus Black-throated Trogon x x
223 T. collaris Collared Trogon x x x
Alcedinidae (5) KingFishers
224 Megaceryle torquata Ringed KingFisher x x x x
225 Chloroceryle amazona Amazon KingFisher x x x x
226 C. americana Green KingFisher x x x
227 C. inda Green-and-rufous KingFisher x x x
228 C. aenea American Pygmy-KingFisher x x x x
Motmotidae (3) Motmots
229 Electron platyrhynchum Broad-billed Motmot x x x
230 Barypthengus martii Rufous Motmot x x x
231 Momotus momota Amazonian Motmot x x x x
Galbulidae (6) Jacamars
232 Galbalcyrhymchus purusianus Purus Jacamar x x
233 Brachygalba albogularis White-throated Jacamar x x x
234 Galbula cyanescens Bluish-fronted Jacamar x x x x
235 G. leucogastra Bronzy Jacamar
236 G. dea Paradise Jacamar x x x
237 Jacamerops aureus Great Jacamar x x x
Bucconidae (12) PuffBirds and Nunlets
238 Notharchus hyperrhynchus White-necked Puffbird x x x
239 N. ordii Brown-banded PuffBird x x
240 N. tectus Pied Puffbird x
241 Bucco macrodactylus Chestnut-capped PuffBird x x x x
242 B. capensis Collared PuffBird x x x
243 Nystalus obamai Western Striolated PuffBird x x x
245 Malacoptila semicincta Semicollared PuffBird x x x
246 Nonnula sclateri Fulvous-chinned Nunlet
247 N. ruficapilla Rufous-capped Nunlet x x x
248 Monasa nigrifrons Black-fronted NunBird x x x x
249 M. morphoeus White-fronted NunBird x x x
250 M. flavirostris Yellow-billed NunBird x x x
251 Chelidoptera tenebrosa Swallow-Wing x x x x
Capitonidae (3) New World Barbets
252 Capito auratus Guilded Barbet x x x x
253 Eubucco richardsoni Lemon-throated Barbet x x x
254 E. tucinkae Scarlet-hooded Barbet x x
Ramphastidae (8) Toucans and Aracaris
256 Ramphastos tucanus White-throated (Cuvier´s) Toucan x x x x
257 R. vitellinus Channel-billed Toucan x x x
258 Aulacorhynchus prasinus Black-throated (Emerald) Toucanet x x x
259 Selenidera reinwardtii Golden-collared Toucanet x x x
260 Pteroglossus inscriptus Lettered Aracari x x x
261 P. castanotis Chestnut-eared Aracari x x x x
262 P. azara Ivory-billed Aracari x x x x
263 P. beauharnaesii Curl-crested Aracari x x x
Picidae (16) Piculets and Woodpeckers
264 Picumnus aurifrons Bar-breasted Piculet x x
265 P. rufiventris Rufous-breasted Piculet x x x
266 Melanerpes cruentatus Yellow-tufted WoodPecker x x x x
267 Veniliornis passerinus Little WoodPecker x x x x
268 V. affinis Red-stained WoodPecker x x x
269 Piculus leucolaemus White-throated WoodPecker x x
270 P. flavigula Yellow-throated WoodPecker
271 P. chrysochloros Golden-green WoodPecker x x x
272 Colaptes puntigula Spot-breasted WoodPecker x x x x
273 Celeus grammicus Scale-breasted WoodPecker x x x
274 C. elegans Chestnut WoodPecker x x x
275 C. flavus Cream-colored WoodPecker x x x x
276 C. spectabilis Rufous-headed WoodPecker x x
277 C. torquatus Ringed WoodPecker x x x
278 Dryocopus lineatus Lineated WoodPecker x x x x
279 Campephilus rubricollis Red-necked WoodPecker x x x
280 C. melanoleucos Crimson-crested WoodPecker x x x
Falconidae (14) Falcons and Caracaras
281 Herpetotheres cachinnans Laughing Falcon x x x x
282 Micrastur ruficollis Barred Forest-Falcon x x x
283 M. gilvicollis Lined Forest-Falcon x x x
284 M. mirandollei Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon x x x
285 Mi. semitorquatus Collared Forest-Falcon x x x
286 M. buckleyi Buckley’s Forest-Falcon x
287 Caracara plancus Southern Caracara x x x x
288 Ibycter americanus Red-throated Caracara x x x
289 Daptrius ater Black Caracara x x x x
290 Milvago chimachima Yellow-headed Caracara x x x
291 Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon x x x x
292 F. deiroleucus Orange-breasted Falcon x x x
293 F. femoralis Aplomado Falcon x
294 F. peregrinus Peregrine Falcon x
Psittacidae (22) Parrots
295 Touit huetii Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet x x x
296 Nannopssittaca dachilleae Amazonian Parrotlet x x
297 Brotogeris sanctithomae Tui Parakeet x x x
298 B. versicolurus White-winged Parakeet x
299 B. cyanoptera Cobalt-winged Parakeet x x x x
300 Pyrilia barrabandi Orange-cheeked Parrot x x x
301 Pionus menstruus Blue-headed Parrot x x x x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
302 Amazona ochrocephala Yellow-headed Parrot x x x
303 A. farinosa Mealy Parrot x x x
304 Forpus modestus Dusky-billed Parrotlet x x x x
305 Pionites leucogaster White-bellied Parrot x x x
306 Pyrrhura roseifrons Rose-fronted Parakeet x
307 P. rupicola Black-capped Parakeet x x x
308 Aratinga weddellii Dusky-headed Parakeet x x x x
309 Orthopsittaca manilata Red-bellied Macaw x x x x
310 Primolius couloni Blue-headed Macaw x x x x
311 Ara ararauna Blue-and-yellow Macaw x x x
312 A. macao Scarlet Macaw x x x
313 A. chloropterus Red-and-green Macaw x x x
314 A. severus Chestnut-fronted Macaw x x x x
315 Diopsittaca nobilis Red-shouldered Macaw
316 Psittacara leucophthalmus White-eyed Parakeet x x x x
Thanmnophilidae (55) AntBirds
317 Euchrepomis humeralis Chestnut-shouldered Antwren x x x
318 Cymbilaimus lineatus Fasciated Antshrike x x x
319 C. sanctaemariae Bamboo Antshrike x x x
320 Frederickena unduliger Undulated Antshrike x x
321 Taraba major Great Antshrike x x x x
322 Thamnophilus doliatus Barred Antshrike x x x x
323 T. palliatus Chestnut-backed Antshrike
324 T. schistaceus Plain-winged Antshrike x x x x
325 T. aethiops White-shouldered Antshrike x x x
326 T. amazonicus Amazonian Antshrike x x
327 Neoctantes niger Black BushBird x
328 Thamnistes anabatinus Russet Antshrike
329 Dysithamnus mentalis Plain Antvireo x
330 Thamnomanes ardesiacus Dusky-throated Antshrike x x x
331 T. schistogynus Bluish-slate Antshrike x x x
332 Isleria hauxwelli Plain-throated Antwren x x x
333 Pygiptila stellaris Spot-winged Antshrike x x x
334 Epinecrophylla leucophthalma White-eyed Antwren x x x
335 E. haematonota Stipple-throated Antwren
336 E. ornata Ornate Antwren x x x
337 Myrmotherula brachyura Pygmy Antwren x x x
338 M. sclateri Sclater’s Antwren x x x
339 M. multostriata Amazonian Streaked-Antwren x x x
340 M. longicauda Stripe-chested Antwren
341 M. axillaris White-flanked Antwren x x x x
342 M. longipennis Long-winged Antwren x x x
343 M. iheringi Bamboo (Ihering’s) Antwren x x x
344 M. menetriesii Gray Antwren x x x x
345 Dichrozona cincta Banded Antbird x x x
346 Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus Rufous-winged Antwren
347 Microrhopias quixensis Dot-winged Antwren x x x
348 Formicivora rufa Rusty-backed Antwren x
349 Drymophila devillei Striated Antbird x x
350 Hypocnemis peruviana Peruvian Warbling-Antbird x
351 H. sudflava Yellow-breasted Warbling-Antbird x x x x
352 Cercomacra cinerascens Gray Antbird x x x
353 C. manu Manu Antbird x x
354 Cercromacroides nigrescens Riparian (Blackish) Antbird x x x
355 C. serva Black Antbird x x x
356 Myrmoborus leucophrys White-browed Antbird x x x x
357 M. myotherinus Black-faced Antbird x x x
358 Hypocnemoides maculicauda Band-tailed Antbird x x x
359 Sclateria naevia Silvered Antbird x x x
360 Percnostola lophotes White-lined Antbird x x x
361 Schistocichla humaythae Humaita (Spot-winged) Antbird x
362 Myrmeciza hemimelaena Chestnut-tailed Antbird x x x
363 M. atrothorax Black-throated Antbird x x x x
364 M. goeldii Goeldi’s Antbird x x x
365 M. hyperythra Plumbeous Antbird x x x
366 M. fortis Sooty Antbird x
367 Gymnopithys salvini White-throated Antbird x x x
368 Rhegmatorhina melanosticta Hairy-crested Antbird x x x
369 Hylophylax naevius Spot-backed Antbird x x
370 Willisornis poecilonotus Scale-backed Antbird x x x
371 Phlegopsis nigromaculata Black-spotted Bare-Eye x x x x
Conopodhagidae (1) Gnateaters
372 Conopophaga peruviana Ash-throated Gnateater x x x
Grallariidae (2) Antpittas
373 Hylopezus berlepschi Amazonian Antpitta x x x x
374 Myrmothera campanisona Thrush-like Antpitta x x x
Rhinocryptidae (1) Tapaculos
375 Liosceles thoracicus Rusty-belted Tapaculo x
Formicariidae (4) Antthrushes
376 Formicarius colma Rufous-capped Antthrush x x x
377 F. analis Black-faced Antthrush x x x x
378 F. rufifrons Rufous-fronted Antthrush x x x
379 Chamaeza nobilis Striated Antthrush x x x
Furnariidae (52) Ovenbirds
380 Sclerurus mexicanus Tawny-throated LeafTosser x x
381 S. caudacutus Black-tailed LeafTosser x x
382 S. albigularis Gray-throated LeafTosser
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
383 Sittasomus griseicapillus Olivaceous WoodCreeper x x x x
384 Deconychura longicauda Long-tailed WoodCreeper x x x
385 Dendrocincla merula White-chinned WoodCreeper x x x
386 D. fuliginosa Plain-brown WoodCreeper x x x
387 Glyphorhynchus spirurus Wedge-billed WoodCreeper x x x
388 Dendrexetastes rufigula Cinnamon-throated WoodCreeper x x x
389 Nasica longirostris Long-billed WoodCreeper x x x
390 Dendrocolaptes certhia Amazonian Barred-WoodCreeper x x x
391 D. picumnus Black-banded WoodCreeper x x x
392 Hylexetastes stresemanni Bar-bellied WoodCreeper x x
393 Xiphocolaptes promerophirhynchus Strong-billed WoodCreeper x x x
394 X. obsoletus Striped WoodCreeper x
395 X. ocellatus Tschudi’s (Ocellated) WoodCreeper x x
396 X. elegans Elegant WoodCreeper x x
397 X. guttatus Buff-throated WoodCreeper x x x x
398 Dendroplex picus Straight-billed WoodCreeper x x x x
399 Campylorhamphus trochilirostris Red-billed Scythebill x x x
400 C. pusillis Brown-billed Scythebill
401 Lepidocolaptes albolineatus Inambari (Lineated) WoodCreeper x x x
402 Xenops tenuirostris Slender-billed Xenops x
403 X. minutus Plain Xenops x x x
404 X. rutilans Streaked Xenops x
405 Berlepschia rikeri Point-tailed PalmCreeper x x x x
406 Microxenops milleri Rufous-tailed Xenops x x x
407 Furnarius leucopus Pale-legged Hornero x x x x
408 Anabazenops dorsalis Dusky-cheecked Foliage-Gleaner x x
409 Philydor erythrocercum Rufous-rumped Foliage-Gleaner x x x
410 P. erythropterum Chestnut-winged Foliage-Gleaner x x x x
411 P. rufum Buff-fronted Foliage-Gleaner x x x
412 P. pyrrhodes Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-Gleaner x x x
413 Anabacerthia ruficaudata Rufous-tailed Foliage-Gleaner x x x
414 Syndactyla ucayalae Peruvian Recurvebill x x
415 Ancistrops strigilatus Chestnut-winged HookBill x x x
416 Clibanornis rubiginosus Ruddy Foliage-Gleaner x x x
417 Automolus rufipileatus Chestnut-crowned Foliage-Gleaner x x x
418 A. melanopezus Brown-rumped Foliage-Gleaner x x x
419 A. ochrolaemus Buff-throated Foliage-Gleaner x x x
420 A. subulatus Striped WoodHaunter x x x
421 A. infuscatus Olive-backed Foliage-Gleaner x x x
422 Metopothrix aurantiaca Orange-fronted Plushcrown
423 Thripophaga fusciceps Plain Softail x x x
424 Cranioleuca curtata Ash-browed SpineTail
425 C. gutturata Speckled Spinetail x x
426 Certhiaxis cinnamomeus Yellow-chinned Spinetail
427 Synallaxis gujanensis Plain-crowned Spinetail x x x x
428 S. cabanisi Cabanis’ Spinetail x x
429 S. albigularis Dark-breasted Spinetail x
430 S. albescens Pale-breasted Spinetail
431 S. rutilans Ruddy Spinetail x x x
Tyrannidae (97) Tyrants Flycatchers
432 Tyrannulus elatus Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet x x x x
433 Myiopagis gaimardii Forest Elaenia x x x x
434 M. caniceps Gray Elaenia x x
435 M. viridicata Greenish Elaenia x x x
436 Elaenia spectabilis Large Elaenia x
437 E. parvirostris Small-billed Elaenia x x
438 E. strepera Slaty Elaenia x
439 E. gigas Mottle-backed Elaenia x x x
440 Ornithion inerme White-lored Tyrannulet x x x
441 Camptostoma obsoletum Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet x x
442 Serpophaga hypoleuca River Tyrannulet x
443 Phaeomyias murina Mouse-colored Tyrannulet x
444 Capsiempis flaveola Yellow Tyrannulet x
445 Pseudocoloptryx acutipennis Subtropical Doradito x
446 Corythopis torquatus Ringed Antpipit x x x
447 Euscarthmus meloryphus Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant x
448 Zimmerius gracilipes Slender-footed Tyrannulet x x x x
449 Phylloscartes orbitalis Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant
450 Mionectes olivaceus Olive-striped Flycatcher x x x
451 M. oleagineus Ochre-bellied Flycatcher x x x
452 M. macconnelli McConnell’s Flycatcher x x
453 Leptopogon amaurocephalus Sepia-capped Flycatcher x x x
454 Sublegatus obscurior Amazonian Scrub (Todd’s Or Dusky) Flycatcher x x
455 S. modestus Southern Scrub Flycatcher
456 Inezia inornata Plain Tyrannulet x x x x
457 Myiotriccus ornatus Ornate Flycatcher x x x
458 Myiornis ecaudatus Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant x x x x
459 Lophotriccus eulophotes Long-crested Pygmy-Tyrant x
460 Hemitriccus flammulatus Flammulated Pygmy-Tyrant x x
461 H. griseipectus White-bellied Tody-Tyrant x x x
462 H. iohannis Johanne’s Tody-Tyrant x x x x
463 H. striaticollis Stripe-necked Tody-Tyrant x
464 H. rufigularis Buff-throated Tody-Tyrant x
465 Poecilotriccus albifacies White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher x x x
466 P. latirostris Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher x x x x
467 Todirostrum maculatum Spotted Tody-Flycatcher x x x
468 T. cinereum Common Tody-Flycatcher x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
469 T. chrysocrotaphum Yellow-browed Tody-Flycatcher x x x x
470 Cnipodectes subbrunneus Brownish Twistwing
471 Cnipodectes superrufus Rufous Twistwing
472 Rhynchocyclus olivaceus Olivaceous Flatbill x x x
473 Tolmomyias assimilis Yellow-margined Flycatcher x x x
474 T. poliocephalus Gray-crowned Flycatcher x x x
475 T. flaviventris Yellow-breasted Flycatcher x x
476 Platyrinchus coronatus Golden-crowned Spadebill x x x
477 P. platyrhynchus White-crested Spadebill x x x
478 Onychorhynchus coronatus Royal Flycatcher x x
479 Myiophobus fasciatus Bran-colored Flycatcher x x x x
480 Mylobius barbatus Suphur-rumped Flycatcher x
481 Terenotriccus erythrurus Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher x x x
482 Neopipo cinnamomea Cinnamon Manakin-Tyrant
483 Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus Cinnamon Flycatcher x
484 Lathrotriccus euleri Euler’s Flycatcher x x x x
485 Cnemotriccus fuscatus Fuscous Flycatcher x x
486 Empidonax alnorum Alder Flycatcher x x
487 Contopus cooperi Olive-sided Flycatcher
488 C. virens Eastern Wood-Pewee x x x
489 Sayornis nigricans Black Phoebe x x
490 Pyrocephalus rubinus Vermilion Flycatcher x x x x
491 Knipolegus poecilocercus Amazonian Black-Tyrant
492 Hymenops perspicillatus Spectacled Tyrant x x
493 Ochthornis littoralis Drab Water-Tyrant x x x
494 Satrapa icterophrys Yellow-browed Tyrant x x x x
495 Muscisaxicola fluviatilis Little Ground-Tyrant x x x x
496 Xolmis cinereus Gray Monjita x
497 Fluvicola pica Pied Water-Tyrant x x
498 Colonia colonus Long-tailed Tyrant x
499 Legatus leucophaius Piratic Flycatcher x x x x
500 Myiozetetes cayanensis Rusty-margined Flycatcher x x x
501 M. similis Social Flycatcher x x x x
502 M. granadensis Gray-capped Flycatcher x x x x
503 M. luteiventris Dusky-chested Flycatcher x x
504 Pitangus sulphuratus Great Kiskadee x x x x
505 P. lictor Lesser Kiskadee x x x
506 Myiodynastes chrysocephalus Golden-crowned Flycatcher x
507 M. luteiventris Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher x
508 M. maculatus Streaked Flycatcher x x x x
509 Megarhynchus pitangua Boat-billed Flycatcher x x x
510 Tyrannopsis sulphurea Sulphury Flycatcher x x x
511 Empidonomus varius Variegated Flycatcher x x x
512 E. aurantioatrocristatus Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher x x x x
513 Tyrannus melancholicus Tropical Kingbird x x x x
514 T. savanna Fork-tailed Flycatcher x x x x
515 T. tyrannus Eastern Kingbird x x x x
516 Rhytipterna simplex Grayish Mourner x x x
517 Sirystes albocinereus White-rumped Sirystes x x x
518 Casiornis rufus Rufous Casiornis x x
519 Myiarchus tuberculifer Dusky-capped Flycatcher x x x
520 M. swainsoni Swainson’s Flycatcher x x x
521 M. ferox Short-crested Flycatcher x x x
522 M. tyrannulus Brown-crested Flycatcher x
523 Ramphotrigon megacephalum Large-headed Flatbill x x x
524 R. ruficauda Rufous-tailed Flatbill x x x
525 R. fuscicauda Dusky-tailed Flatbill x x x
526 Attila cinnamoneus Cinamon Attila x x x
527 A. bolivianus Dull-capped Attila x x x x
528 A. spadiceus Bright-rumped Attila x x x
Oxyruncidae (1) Sharpbills
529 Oxyruncus cristatus SharpBill
Cotingidae (9) Cotingas
530 Pipreola chlorolepidota Fiery-throated Fruiteater
531 Querula purpurata Purple-throated FruitCrow x x x
532 Cephalopterus ornatus Amazonian UmbrellaBird x
533 Cotinga maynana Plum-throated Cotinga x x x
534 C. cayana Spangled Cotinga x x x
535 Lipaugus vociferans Screaming Piha x x x
536 Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema Purple-throated Cotinga x x x
537 Gymnoderus foetidus Bare-necked FruitCrow x x x
538 Conioptilon mcilhennyi Black-faced Cotinga
Pipridae (12) Manakins
539 Neopelma sulphureiventer Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin
540 Tyraneutes stolzmanni Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin x x x
541 Chiroxiphia pareola Blue-backed Manakin x
542 C. boliviana Yungas Manakin
543 Xenopipo holochlora Green Manakin x
544 X. atronitens Black Manakin
545 Machaeropterus pyrocephalus Fiery-capped Manakin x x x x
546 Ceratopipra fasciicauda Band-tailed Manakin x x x x
547 Manacus manacus White-bearded Manakin x
548 Pipra rubrocapilla Red-headed Manakin
549 Pipra chloromeros Round-tailed Manakin x x x
550 Lepidothrix coronata Blue-crowned Manakin x x
Tityridae (11) Tityras and Becards
551 Tityra inquisitor Black-crowned Tityra x x x x
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
552 T. cayana Black-tailed Tityra x x x x
553 T. semifasciata Masked Tityra x x x
554 Schiffornis major Varzea Mourner x
555 S. turdina Brown-winged (Thrush-like) Schiffornis x x x
556 Laniocera hypopyrra Cinerous Mourner x x x
557 Iodopleura isabellae White-browed PurpleTuft x x x
558 Pachyramphus castaneus Chestnut-crowned Becard x
559 P. polychopterus White-winged Becard x x x x
560 P. marginatus Black-capped Becard x x x x
561 P. minor Pink-throated Becard x x x
Incertae Sedis-1
562 Piprites chloris Wing-barred Piprites x x x
Vireonidae (6) Vireos and Greenlets
563 Cyclarhis gujanensis Rufous-browed Peppershrike x x x
564 Vireo olivaceus Chivie (Red-eyed) Vireo x x x x
565 V. flavoviridis Yellow-green Vireo
566 Hylophilus thoracicus Lemon-chested GreenLet x x x
567 H. hypoxanthus Dusky-capped GreenLet x x x
568 H. ochraceiceps Tawny-crowned GreenLet x
Corvidae (2) Jays
569 Cyanocorax violaceus Violaceous Jay x x x x
570 C. cyanomelas Purplish Jay x x x x
Hirundinidae (13) Swallows
571 Pygochelido cyanoleuca Blue-and-white Swallow x x x
572 Alopochelidon fucata Tawny-headed Swallow x x
573 Atticora fasciata White-banded Swallow x x x x
574 A. tibialis White-thighed Swallow
575 Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Southern Rough-winged Swallow x x x x
576 Progne tapera Brown-chested Martin x x x
577 P. chalybea Gray-breasted Martin x x x x
578 P. elegans Southern Martin x x x x
579 Tachycineta albiventer White-winged Swallow x x x x
580 T. leucorrhoa White-rumped Swallow x x
581 Riparia riparia Bank Swallow x x x
582 Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow x x
583 Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Cliff Swallow x
Troglodytidae (6) Wrens
584 Microcerculus marginatus Scaly-breasted Wren x x x
585 Troglodytes aedon House Wren x x x x
586 Campylorhynchus turdinus Thrush-like Wren x x x
587 Pheugopedius genibarbis Moustached Wren x x x x
588 Cantorchilus leucotis Buff-breasted Wren x x x
589 Cyphorhinus arada Musician Wren x x x
Polioptilidae (2) Gnatcatchers
590 Microbates cinereiventris Tawny-faced (Half-collared) Gnatwren
591 Ramphoceanus melanurus Long-billed Gnatwren x
Donacobiidae (1) Donacobius
592 Donacobius atricapilla Black-capped Donacobius x x x x
Turdidae (8) Thrushes
593 Catharus fuscescens Veery
594 C. minimus Gray-cheeked Thrush
595 C. ustulatus Swainson’s Thrush x x
596 Turdus hauxwelli Hauxwell’s Thrush x x x x
597 T. lawrencii Lawrence’s Thrush x x x
698 T. amaurochalinus Creamy-bellied Thrush x x x
699 T. ignobilis Black-billed Thrush x x x x
600 T. albicollis White-necked Thrush x x x
Thraupinae (53) Tanagers
601 Paroaria gularis Red-capped Cardinal x x x x
602 Schistochlamys melanopis Black-faced Tanager x
603 Cissopis leverianus Magpie Tanager x x x x
604 Conothraupis speculigera Black-and-white Tanager x
605 Lamprospiza melanoleuca Red-billed Pied Tanager x x
606 Nemosia pileata Hooded Tanager x x
607 Thlypopsis sordida Orange-headed Tanager x x
608 Eucometis penicillata Gray-headed Tanager x x x
609 Tachyphonus cristatus Flame-crested Tanager x x x
610 T. rufiventer Yellow-Crested Tanager
611 T. surinamus Fulvous-crested Tanager
612 T. luctuosus White-shouldered Tanager x x x x
613 Lanio versicolor White-winged Shrike-Tanager x x x
614 Ramphocelus nigrogularis Masked Crimson-Tanager x x x x
615 R. carbo Silver-beaked Tanager x x x x
616 Pipraeidea melononota Fawn-breasted Tanager x
617 Thraupis episcopus Blue-gray Tanager x x x x
618 T. sayaca Sayaca Tanager x
619 T. palmerum Palm Tanager x x x x
620 Tangara nigrocincta Masked Tanager x x x x
621 T. cyanicollis Blue-necked Tanager
622 T. xanthogastra Yellow-bellied Tanager x
623 T. mexicana Turquoise Tanager x x x x
624 T. chilensis Paradise Tanager x x x x
625 T. velia Opal-rumped Tanager x x x
626 T. callophrys Opal-crowned Tanager x x x
627 T. gyrola Bay-headed Tanager x
628 T. schrankii Green-and-gold Tanager x x x x
629 T. arthus Golden Tanager
Familia Nombre común en inglés PEM APA ARA TRC
530 Tersina viridis Swallow Tanager x x x x
531 Dacnis lineata Black-faced Dacnis x x x
632 D. flaviventer Yellow-bellied Dacnis x x x
633 D. cayana Blue Dacnis x x x x
634 Cyanerpes caeruleus Purple HoneyCreeper x x x
635 C. cyaneus Red-legged HoneyCreeper x
636 Chlorophanes spiza Green HoneyCreeper x x x x
637 Hemithraupis guira Guira Tanager x x x
638 H. flavicollis Yellow-backed Tanager x x x
639 Conirostrum speciosum Chestnut-vented Conebill x x
640 Sicalis flaveola Saffron Finch x
641 Volatinia jacarina Blue-black Grassquit x x x x
642 Sporophila schistacea Slate-colored SeeDeater x
643 S. bouvronides Lesson’s SeeDeater x x
644 S. lineola Lined SeeDeater x x
645 S. luctuosa Black-and-white SeeDeater x x
646 S. nigricollis Yellow-bellied SeeDeater
647 S. caerulescens Double-collared SeeDeater x x x
648 S. leucoptera White-bellied SeeDeater
649 S. castaneiventris Chesnut-bellied SeeDeater x x x x
650 S. angolensis Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch x x
651 S. atrirostris Black-billed Seed-Finch x
652 Coereba flaveola Bananaquit x
653 Caryothraustes humeralis Yellow-shouldered GrosBeak x x x
Incertae Sedis-2
654 Saltator grossus Slate-colored GrosBeak x x x
655 S. maximus Buff-throated Saltator x x x x
656 S. coerulescens Grayish Saltator x x x x
Emberizinae (5) Sparrows
657 Zonotrichia capensis Rufous-collared Sparrow x
658 Ammodramus humeralis Grassland Sparrow x
659 A. aurifrons Yellow-browed Sparrow x x x x
660 Arremon taciturnus Pectoral Sparrow x x
661 Chlorospingus canigularis Ash-throated Chlrospingus
Cardinalidae (6) Cardinal Grosbeaks
662 Piranga flava Hepatic Tanager
663 P. olivacea Scarlet Tanager x x
664 Habia rubica Red-crowned Ant-Tanager x x x
665 Chlorothraupis carmioli Carmiol’s Tanager x
666 Pheucticus aureoventris Black-backed GrosBeak x x
667 Cyanocompsa cyanoides Blue-black GrosBeak x x x
Parulidae (10) Wood-Warblers
668 Oporornis agilis Connecticut Warbler
669 Geothlypis aequinoctialis Masked Yellowthroat x x x x
670 Setophaga pitiayumi Tropical Parula
671 S. petechil Yellow Warbler x
672 S. striata Blackpoll Warbler x
673 Myiothlypis fulvicauda Buff-rumped Warbler x x x
674 M. bivittata Two-banded Warbler
675 M. chrysogaster Golden-bellied (Cusco) Warbler
676 Cardellina canadensis Canada Warbler
677 Myioborus miniatus Slate-throated RedStart x
Icteridae (16) Blackbirds
678 Psarocolius angustifrons Russet-backed Oropendola x x x x
679 P. decumanus Crested Oropendola x x x x
680 P. bifasciatus Olive Oropendola x x x
681 Cacicus oseryi Casqued Cacique x x x
682 C. solitarius Solitary Black-Cacique x x x x
683 C. cela Yellow-rumped Cacique x x x x
684 C. haemmorhous Red-rumped Cacique x x x
685 Amblycercus holosericeus Yellow-billed Cacique
686 Icterus coronatus Orange-backed Troupial x x x x
687 I. cayanensis Epaulet Oriole x x x
688 Agelasticus cyanopus Unicolored Blackbird x
689 Agelaius xanthophthalmus Pale-eyed BlackBird
690 Molothrus oryzivorus Giant CowBird x x x x
691 M. bonariensis Shiny CowBird x
692 Sturnella militaris Red-breasted Meadowlark x
693 S. superciliaris White-browed Meadowlark x
694 Dolichonyx oryzivorous Bobolink x x
Fringillidae (7) Finches
695 Euphonia Chloroptica Purple-throated Euphonia x x x
696 Euphonia laniirostris Thick-billed Euphonia x x x
697 Euphonia chrysopasta Golden-bellied Euphonia x x x
698 Euphonia minuta White-vented Euphonia x x x x
699 Euphonia xanthogaster Orange-bellied Euphonia x x x
700 Euphonia rufiventris Rufous-bellied Euphonia x x x x
701 Clorophonia cyanea Blue-naped Chlorophonia x
Passeridae (1) Old World Sparrows
702 Passer domesticus House Sparrow x

TOTAL 303 493 478 597

Se ha seguido el orden taxonómico vigente al 02 de Diciembre del 2014, del South American Checklist Committee (SACC), y adoptado el
criterio de inclusión modificándolo ligeramente para el Perú.
Tambien se ha incluido registros de avistamientos raros para Madre de Dios, asi como nuevos para el Perú; Fichas colectadas para el Comité
de Registros de Aves Peruanas (CRAP).

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