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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet

by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

What is Business Analysis? Role of BA in project phases (cont) What is a Business Goal? (cont)

The practice of enabling change in an Analyzing and docume​nting change - It keeps a clear picture of what the
organi​zat​ional context, by defining needs requests for the requir​ements organi​zation is trying to do with the
and recomm​ending solutions that deliver Processing new requir​ements (new regula​‐ business, and helps focus motivation
value to stakeh​olders. tions, standards, etc.) - It allows the organi​zation to understand
discip​lined approach Processing the requests to fulfill new needs and maintain a commitment to the
Business analysts identify and define the requested by the customer or user business’ main objectives
solutions that will maximize the value - It provides a metric against which to
delivered by an organi​zation to its stakeh​‐ What is an artefact? measure the organi​zat​ion’s progress
olders SMART
Final or interm​ediate work products that are
Business analysts work across all levels of produced and used during a project SMART is a system and a tool that is used
an organi​zation and may be involved in to establish goals and define their quality
Might describe the function, archit​ecture,
everything from defining strategy, to object​ives. SMART requires that all goals
and design of software
creating the enterprise archit​ecture, to have the following charac​ter​istics
Might be concerned with the process of
taking a leadership role by defining the
develo​pment itself, such as project plans, - Specific
goals and requir​ements for programs and
business cases and risk assess​ments - Measurable
projects or supporting continuous improv​‐
ement in its technology and processes. Should use version control - Attainable

Business Analysis is the set of tasks, Should be correctly traced to their origin - Relevant
knowledge, tools and techniques required to - Timely
identify business needs and determine What is a Business Goal?
solutions to business problems [BABOK] A Business Goal is a short- or long-term What is a requir​ement?
BA Solutions may include: objective of an organi​zation. Business
A condition or capability needed by a
Goals should be charac​terized by the
- Develo​pment of software systems stakeh​older to solve a problem, or achieve
following qualities
- Develo​pment of software components an objective.
- Specif​icity
- Extensions of existing software A condition or capability that must be met or
- Optimism possessed by a system or system
- Improv​ements to the business process
- Realism component, to satisfy a contract, standard,
- Changes to the organi​zation
specif​ica​tion, or other formally imposed
- Both short- and long-term scope
Role of BA in project phases Setting Business Goals is important
A documented repres​ent​ation of a condition
Supporting implem​ent​ation work in order to or capability
ensure developers understand and - The organi​zation needs to have a vision
Requir​ements are the foundation of
implement the requir​ements properly of what it wants to accomp​lish. This is
systems, or system compon​ents. They can
facili​tated by having clearly stated goals,
Business Analyst supports the project from be obligatory (required functions, constr​‐
along with establ​ishing time periods in
the beginning through the system aints, etc.), essential for the software to
which they need to be achieved
deployment (and sometimes to the system perform its functions, and meet the expect​‐
retire​ment). ations and needs of the intended stakeh​‐
Supporting testing, for example by olders
validating test cases in order to ensure that
testing will adequately cover all the requir​‐

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 16th November, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

What is a requir​ement? (cont) What is a requir​ement? (cont) Requir​ement Analysis (cont)

Requir​ements should be placed into one of - Customer requir​ements Capture and assess these requests
the following categories - Solution or system requir​ements Outputs: Assump​tions and Constr​aints
- Business requir​ements - Product or component requir​ements Task: Verify Requir​ements
- User requir​ements Outputs: Verified requir​ements
- Functional requir​ements Requir​ement Analysis
Task: Validate Requir​ements
- Non-fu​nct​ional requir​ements Elaborate the solution definition in order to
Validate that a requir​ement will satisfy a
enable the project team to design and build
Purpose of requir​ements: business need.
a solution that will meet the needs of the
- Provide a foundation for assess​ment, Outputs: Validated requir​ements
business and stakeh​olders
planning, execution and monitoring of
Task: Organize Requir​ements
the project activities Elicit​ation
Structure and organize a set of requir​‐
- Define customer expect​ations Business Requir​ements Elicit​ation is
ements into logical sets. The organi​zation
(expressed as real requir​ements and defined as a set of approa​ches, techni​ques,
may be based on defining multiple “levels”
stakeh​older’s value of those requir​‐ activi​ties, and tasks used to capture the
of requir​ements, packaging related
ements) business requir​ements of a planned solution
functions together, and so forth.
- Serve as a component of agreem​ents, from the stakeh​olders and other available
Inputs: Business Case, Solution Scope, sources [
orders, project plans
- Establish system bounda​ries, scope of Purpose: Explore, identify and document
Outputs: Structured requir​ements stakeh​older needs. Orienting the requir​‐
delivery, and the services classi​fic​ation
of the requir​ements Task: Prioritize Requir​ements ements toward the project vision. Excluding
Determine the business priority of requir​‐ features that the customer does not want
Requir​ement classi​fic​ations
ements (including voting, ranking, benefit and need
Process requir​ements
analysis and so forth). Identify logical Describes how we work with stakeh​olders
- describe needs and limita​tions of the
depend​encies between requir​ements and to find out what their needs are and ensure
business processes
requir​ements packages. that we have correctly and completely
- Costs understood their needs.
Inputs: Requir​ements, Business Case
- Marketing Task: Prepare for Elicit​ation
Outputs: Priori​tized requir​ements
- Processing time Purpose: Prepare for elicit​ation by ensuring
Task: Specify and Model Requir​ements
- Sales and distri​bution all needed resources are organised and
Describes standard practices for writing
- Organi​sation scheduled for conducting the elicit​ation
textual requir​ements and creating models or
- Docume​ntation diagrams. Specific models are addressed
as techni​ques. Includes capturing the Outputs
Product requir​ements
requir​ements attributes - Scheduled resources
- functional and non-fu​nct​ional product
requir​ements Inputs: Requir​ements - Supporting materials

- POV of customer and team Outputs: Specified or modeled Requir​‐ Task: Conduct Elicit​ation
ements Meet with stakeh​old​er(s) to elicit inform​‐
Types of requir​ement
Task: Determine Assump​tions and Constr​‐ ation regarding their needs
aints Outputs
Identify stakeh​older requests that are not Elicit​ation activity results
properly requir​ements but based on
Assump​tions, constr​aints, risks, issues
assump​tions regarding what the solution
team is capable of delivering

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 16th November, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Elicit​ation (cont) What is a stakeh​older Business Analysis Commun​ication

Docume​ntation based on technique (e.g., Any person involved in, or with an interest
interview notes, workshop results, survey in, a project The main purpose of planning the Business
responses, etc.) Stakeh​olders on the vendor side Analysis commun​ication is to define how to
Task: Document Elicit​ation Results receive, distri​bute, access, update and
Project Managers
escalate inform​ation to and from the project
Purpose: Record stakeh​older info for use in Business and System Analysts
stakeh​olders, as well as how to organize
Developers and Architects the schedule and structure of the commun​‐
Outputs: Stated requir​ements
Database designers ication within a project.
Task: Confirm Elicit​ation Results
GUI designers Business Analysis is the starting point for
Purpose: Play back the requir​ements to designing and implem​enting a software
Technical writers
validate that the stakeh​older’s intentions solution. Its delive​rables are inputs to many
Testers and Quality Assurance staff
have been correctly captured and unders​‐ other project phases and processes, such
tood. Instal​lation and Operations personnel as establ​ishing the system archit​ecture that
Outputs: Validated stated requir​ements Stakeh​olders on the customer side will allow meeting the business goals,
Customer repres​ent​atives (i.e., “Busin​ess”) creating detailed functional and non-fu​nct​‐
ional system specif​ica​tions, and planning
Questi​onn​aires Project sponsors
and executing QA activi​ties.
Interviews End users (from the customer company)
Outputs from the Business Analysis are
Self-r​eco​rding Instal​lation and Operations personnel
also inputs to system acceptance testing,
Reviewing existing documents External stakeh​olders may be: which is the final check before the
Reusing a specif​ication from a previous End users who are not a part of the production release.
project customer’s organi​zation System acceptance testing is conducted to
Brains​torming Other organi​zations (e.g., regulatory verify that the software is working as
entities) expected, and is needed in order to realize
Field observ​ation
its goals (i.e., improving efficiency of
Stakeh​older Identi​fic​ation Problems performing the business process
Conducting workshops to refine the requir​‐
A lack of unders​tanding of the real BA provides info to the following
ements after each iteration
operators of the business processes in the - Project management (scope planning,
Requir​ements Elicit​ation should apply to
organi​zation schedu​ling, and estimating develo​pment
enterprise requir​ements as well as user or
Unclear definition of respon​sib​ilities within and testing)
customer requir​ements.
the customer’s organi​zation - Systems analysis
Requir​ement charac​ter​istics
Excluding stakeh​olders who are not clearly - Design (system specif​ication and archit​‐
and directly related to the process ecture)
Incomplete analysis resulting in missing - Implem​ent​ation
Usability processes and activi​ties, and the related - Testing
Efficiency stakeh​olders
Common methods of commun​ication
Mainta​ina​bility include:
Portab​ility - Workshops
- Presen​tations
- Reviews

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Business Analysis Commun​ication Planning Principles for Successful Requir​ements Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria (cont)
(cont) (cont)
Acceptance criteria describe the minimum
Factors to be Considered 4. Quantify quality requir​ements as a set of requir​ements that must be met in
- Type of project basis for software engine​ering. order for a particular solution to be worth
5. Don’t mix ends and means implem​enting. They may be used to
- Commun​ication formality
determine if a solution or solution
- Commun​ication frequency 6. Capture explicit inform​ation about
component can meet a requir​ement.
- Geogra​phical location
Acceptance criteria are typically used when
7. Ensure there is “rich specif​ica​tion”;
- Culture only one possible solution is being
requir​ement specif​ica​tions need much
evaluated, and are generally expressed as
more inform​ation than just the requir​‐
Common BA techniques a pass or fail
ement itself.
Brains​torming Valuation criteria define a set of measur​‐
8. Carry out specif​ication quality control
CATWOE (Clients, Actors, Transf​orm​ation, ements which allow for ranking of solutions
Worldview, Owner, Enviro​nmental constr​‐ and altern​ative designs according to their
9. Consider the total lifecycle and apply
aints) value for stakeh​olders.
system​s-t​hin​king, not just a focus on
Data Flow Diagrams Attributes that cannot be measured directly
are evaluated using expert judgment or
Five Why’s 10. Recognize that requir​ements change;
various scoring technique
Functional decomp​osition use feedback and update requir​‐
Interviews ements as necessary.
~ Value attributes ~
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria - are the charac​ter​istics of a solution that
PESTLE (P for Political, E for Economic, S
determine or substa​ntially influence its
Acceptance criteria are used to define the
for Social, T for Techno​log​ical, L for Legal
value for stakeh​olders
requir​ements, outcomes, or conditions that
and E for Enviro​nme​ntal)
must be met in order for a solution to be - represent a meaningful and agreed​-
MOST (Mission, Object​ives, Strate​gies,
considered acceptable to key stakeh​olders. upon decomp​osition of the value
Evaluation criteria are the measures used to propos​ition into its consti​tuent parts,
Protot​yping assess a set of requir​ements in order to which can be described as qualities that
Requir​ements Workshops choose between multiple solutions the solution should either possess or
Risk Analysis Define measures of value attributes to be
used for assessing and comparing solutions examples
Scenarios and Use Cases
and altern​ative designs ability to provide specific inform​ation
Measurable and testable criteria allow for ability to perform or support specific
User stories
the objective and consistent assessment of operations
solutions and designs
Principles for Successful Requir​ements perfor​mance and respon​siv​eness charac​‐
1. Understand the top level critical
objectives applic​ability of the solution in specific
situations and contexts
2. Think stakeh​olders, not just users and
customers availa​bility of specific features and capabi​‐
3. Focus on the required system quality,
not just its functi​onality usability, security, scalab​ility, and reliab​ility

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria (cont) Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria (cont) Why is Business Analysis Necessary?
~ Assessment ~ Acceptance criteria may express contra​‐
In order to assess a solution against ctual obliga​tions and as such may be - Instab​ility of the requir​ements (frequent
acceptance or evaluation criteria, it must be difficult to change for legal or political and uncont​rolled changes in requir​‐
constr​ucted in a measurable format reasons ements)

Evaluation criteria provide a way to Achieving agreement on evaluation criteria - Poor transl​ation of the business needs
determine if features provide the value for different needs among diverse stakeh​‐ to requir​ements (incom​plete, incons​‐
necessary to satisfy stakeh​​older needs. olders can be challe​nging. istent, or not measurable requir​ements)

The criteria are presented as parameters - Unclear objectives of the initiative

What is a business analyst?
that can be measured against a continuous - Commun​ication problems
or discrete scale. A person respon​sible for:
- Language barriers
Acceptance criteria are expressed in a identi​fying the business needs of the
- Knowledge barriers
testable form customer (external or internal) and other
- Vague wording
Acceptance criteria are presented in the
- Overly formal wording
form of statements which can be verified as determ​ining solutions to business problems
- Redundancy
true or false. This is often achieved through BA activities include identi​fying, analyzing,
user acceptance testing (UAT) developing and managing the requir​ements. - Gold plating (adding unnece​ssary
Usage Consid​era​tions Business Analyst is not respon​sible for
determ​ining the solution implem​ent​ation - Insuff​icient user involv​ement
Agile method​ologies may require that all
requir​ements be expressed in the form of (creating the product’s design) - Overlooked user classes
testable acceptance criteria The Business Analyst acts as a bridge - Minimal specif​ication
Acceptance criteria are necessary when the between the customer and other stakeh​‐ Conseq​uences of low quality BA
requir​ements express contra​ctual obliga​‐ olders (e.g., the project team), identi​fying,
- Problems during during scope definition
tions negoti​ating and achieving a consensus
- Planning diffic​ulties
between the needs of the various repres​ent​‐
Acceptance criteria provide the ability to
ative indivi​duals and groups. - Implem​ent​ation problems
assess requir​ements based on agreed​-upon
criteria - Testing problems
Why is Business Analysis Necessary?
Evaluation criteria provide the ability to - Unclear requir​ements, or low quality
assess diverse needs based on agreed​- Problems with requir​ements can cause business design of the solution, can
upon criteria, such as features, common projects to fail. In most cases those lead to confusion and questions
indica​tors, local or global benchm​arks, and problems are caused by poor or incorr​ectly regarding the intended software product
agreed ratios conducted Business Analysis (espec​ially or process solution
Requir​ements Engine​ering, a part of the - risk of the project’s failure increases
Evaluation criteria assist in the delivery of
Business Analysis knowledge area).
expected return on investment (ROI) or - Requir​ements are imprecise
otherwise specified potential value Common problems
- Requir​ements are ambiguous
Evaluation criteria helps in defining priorities - Ambiguous, under-​spe​cified, unclear,
imposs​ible, contra​dictory business

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Why is Business Analysis Necessary? Tracea​bility (cont) What is Enterprise Analysis? (cont)
- Requir​ements (mapping the higher level Output: Defined Proble​m/O​ppo​rtunity
- Requir​ements are contra​dictory requir​ements that defined the needs and Task: Determine Solution Approach
- Requir​ements do not fulfill the agreed features to the more detailed requir​‐
criteria ements)
- Identify potential solutions
- Requir​ements are missing - Detailed requir​ements to design models
- Analyze feasib​ility of options
- Business processes and artifacts are - Detailed requir​ements to test cases
- Recommend viable business solution
not covered by requir​ements or are - High level requir​ements to test cases
- Validate with decision makers
described incomp​letely - Requir​ements to releas​e/code
Output: Solution Approach
- All stakeh​olders are not identified branch​/ve​rsion
Task: Define Solution Scope
- Business goals or needs are not Allows BA to ensure all business requir​‐
identified causing the designed solution ements have been met. Projects inevitably struggle at some point or
to fail to meet the organi​zat​ion’s needs the other if the scope is not defined properly
Important from the change management
and not achieve the business goals perspe​ctive, to determine the impact of a Solution scope may be determined using
Common reasons for neglecting BA change on the system or process the following techniques

- Time pressure For the testers and develo​pers, tracea​bility - Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - a
ensures that the requir​ements coverage has decomp​osition of the work that is
- Exclusive focus on fast results
been achieved required to complete a project, and
- Exclusive fixation on costs
accomplish the business objectives
- Perceiving docume​ntation or the
What is Enterprise Analysis? - Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) - a
analysis and unders​tanding of the
Purpose: Identify and propose projects that decomp​osition of the components of the
business processes within an organi​‐
meet strategic needs and goals. product
zation as a cost, not an added value
Task: Identi​fying business processes - System Interface Analysis - a definition
performed in the organi​zation of the work required to integrate the new
Requir​ements Elicit​ation
solution into the existing business and
Requir​ements Elicit​ation is the collection of Purpose: Evaluate the internal and external
technical enviro​nments
activi​ties, approa​ches, tools and techniques enviro​nment
Context diagram
for capturing the requir​ements for a planned Conducting feasib​ility studies to determine
software system (or other business solution) the optimum business solution Product Breakdown Structure
from the stakeh​olders\ Define​/refine curren​t/f​uture business archit​‐ Output: Solution Scope
ecture Task: Develop the Business Case
Assess the current state of technology - Define project objectives and expected
Tracea​bility is an associ​ation that exists (infra​str​ucture and applic​ations) business benefits
between different types of requir​ements and
Benchmark analysis - Develop project scope
the following items:
Compet​itive studies - Estimate time, cost, resources
Fully define business proble​m/o​ppo​rtunity - Analyze cost vs. benefit

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

What is Enterprise Analysis? (cont) Solution Assessment and Validation (cont) Solution Assessment and Validation (cont)

- Evaluate risk Allocate requir​ements to hardware, Purpose:

- Inputs: Business Archit​ecture, Business software, manual proced​ures, etc. - Assess the value of the solution as
Goal(s), Defined Business Proble​m/O​‐ Recommend the releas​e/d​elivery strategy deployed to the business (to determine
ppo​rtunity Solution Scope Understand trade-offs between different if the original goals are met).
- Outputs: Business Case implem​ent​ation approaches - Compare actual vs. expected costs and
Inputs: Solution Design, Validated Requir​‐ benefits.
Solution Assessment and Validation ements Outputs: Cost/B​enefit Analysis
How to assess proposed solutions to Outputs: Allocated Requir​ements
determine which solution best fits the Stakeh​older Identi​fic​ation Techniques
Task: Determine Organi​zat​ional Readiness
business need, identify gaps and shortc​‐ Invest​igating the business domain
omings in solutions, and determine
Identi​fying owners of the business
necessary workar​ounds or changes to the Determine organi​zat​ional readiness to
solution effect​ively operate the new solution
Analyzing the structure of the customer’s
How we assess deployed solutions to see - Conduct organi​zat​ional readiness
how well they met the original need in order assessment
Exploring the target market of the
to enable businesses to assess the perfor​‐ - Recommend ways to optimize the
customer’s organi​zation
mance and effect​iveness of projects. organi​zat​ional deployment
Analyzing relati​onships with external
Purpose: Assess solutions to ensure that Outputs: Organi​zat​ional Readiness Assess​‐
organi​zations (suppl​iers, etc.)
strategic goals are met and requir​ements ment, Organi​zat​ional Change Recomm​end​‐
are satisfied. ations
Stakeh​older Needs and Expect​ations
Task: Assess Requir​ements Coverage Task: Validate Solution
Different stakeh​olders may have different
Purpose: Determine how well possible Purpose:
needs and expect​ations regarding the
options for solution designs will meet the Validate the verified and deployed solution
planned solution. It is very important to
requir​ements. The assessment may include meets the business need
identify all the stakeh​olders and their needs,
a recomm​end​ation of a particular solution,
Define acceptance criteria (including what and to find a common unders​tanding of the
rejection of all solutions, or an assessment
level of confor​mance to requir​ements is purpose of a solution, in order to avoid the
of possible trade-​offs.
accept​able) situation where the final product may meet
Examples: RFI/RFP responses, Internal
Identify defect​s/s​hor​tco​mings (this should the requir​ements of only a selected group of
designs, Manual procedures
be distin​guished from functional testing) stakeh​olders.
Inputs: Solution Design Option(s)
Analyze impact Ensure that the features to be implem​ented
Outputs: Solution Design Assessment will not conflict with the requir​ement of other
Define corrective actions
Task: Allocate Requir​ements stakeh​olders
Validate corrective actions
Purpose: Allocate requir​ements among One of the respon​sib​ilities of a Business
When a problem is identified with the
releases and/or solutions compon​ents. Analyst is to identify all the stakeh​olders
deployed solution determine what is the
Ensures that the possible release options and define their requir​ements and expect​‐
most approp​riate response
are designed in a way to maximize the ations
Outputs: Validated Solution, Defect Impact
possible business value given the options Determines the initial scope and requir​‐
Analysis, Validated Correc​tive, Actions
and altern​atives generated by the design ements of the system
team. Task: Evaluate Solution


By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Business Case Definition Business Case Definition (cont) Requir​ements Docume​ntation (cont)

Provides the reasoning for initiating a - Prepare the Business Case - Document acceptance
project - Define the procedures that will be used When creating a requir​ements document,
Describes a justif​ication for the project in to measure the costs and benefits the Business Analyst should remember that
terms of the value added to the business as requir​ements specif​ica​tions must be
a result of the project outcomes, in Requir​ements Docume​ntation complete, consis​tent, modifi​able, and
comparison to the cost of developing the traceable [Wiegers].
Follow common standards and guidelines
new solution Common Mistakes
Important guidelines
May be in form of Trivia​lities - Lengthy descri​ptions of
- Each requir​ement must be unambi​‐
- Structured document commonly known issues should not be
guous, precise, and unders​tan​dable
- Short argument included
- Superf​luous inform​ation should be
- Presen​tation Inform​ation out of scope
Topics may include Thinking in solutions - The requir​ements
- Templates should be used as an aid
specif​ication should discuss the problem to
- Inform​ation about the opport​unity - Models and diagrams should be used to
be solved not the technical design of the
(market trends, compet​itors) make the specif​ication document clear
- Qualit​ative and quanti​tative benefits and more unders​tan​dable for readers.
Redundant details
- Estimates of cost and time to breakeven - Formal graphical notation should be
Lacking rationale
used as a method for presenting
- Profit expect​ations
complex requir​ements, depend​encies,
- Follow-on opport​unities Modelling
and relati​onships
- Cash flow conseq​uences of the action, Modeling is a way of expressing requir​‐
A requir​ements document may include
over time, and the methods used for ements by repres​enting parts, or the whole,
- Introd​uction
quanti​fying benefits and costs of the proposed solutions
- Secrecy clause
- The impact of the proposed project on Way of presenting complex requir​ements
the business operations or business - Regula​tions
and relati​onships in the form of a model,
process - Standards especially some graphical form such as
- The impact of the proposed project on - Stakeh​olders diagrams, helps ensure the solution is
the technology infras​tru​cture understood by other stakeh​olders
- Purpose of the product
- Constr​aints associated with the Easier to read and comprehend than written
- Overall descri​ption
proposed project text
- Functional requir​ements
- Estimated budget Not mandatory but very helpful in big
- Non-fu​nct​ional requir​ements
- Alignment with priorities establ​ished by projects
- Limita​tions and assump​tions
the business Can skip modeling in the following
- Depend​encies situations
Procedure of Building the Business Case
- Risks - The solution is fully understood by the
- Identify and quantify the benefits
- Safety requir​ements stakeh​olders and is easy to implement.
- Identify and quantify the costs
- The requir​ements are mostly non-fu​nct​‐
ional and difficult to express in the form
of a model
- The problem domain is well known
- The solution is dedicated to use by very
few people

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Modelling (cont) Modelling (cont) Tools and Techniques of Facili​tation

- The scope is declared as constant and - Relevance (no irrelevant details) Applying engagement strategies
there is a low probab​ility of changes in - Economic efficiency (designed for a Creating partic​ipation
the scope resulting from future requir​‐ particular purpose) Generating and organizing data
ements or needs.
- Clarity (under​sta​ndable by the Initiating reflection
- model repres​ent​ation would be less audience)
Mobilizing energy
unders​tan​dable by the key stakeh​olders
- Compar​ability (based on the same
than written text Igniting action
modeling conven​tions within and
Benefits of modeling Recording inform​ation
between models)
- simplified expression of real processes Applying SWOT analysis
- Systematic design (contains well-d​‐
- describe a complex system in the most efined interfaces to other types of Tools
clear and unambi​guous way. models) Gap analysis
- Models present the whole system and Flipcharts
its context in a single diagram and Domain Knowledge
therefore help to look at the problem The goal of a Business Analyst is to provide
from the overall perspe​ctive. business solutions to business issues by
Root cause analysis
Common techniques assessing business problems, and identi​‐
fying and analyzing root causes. Brains​torming
- UML notation to express requir​ements
as use case diagrams, activity The success of Business Analysis is Managing conflicts tips sheet
diagrams, component diagrams, state determined by the benefit that the solution Focus group framework
machine diagrams, etc. provides to the business either in terms of
savings in costs, improv​ement in produc​‐ Process Improv​ement
tivity, and/or increase in customer satisf​‐
- Using protot​yping as a technique of GUI Process Improv​ement supports the introd​‐
modeling uction of change into the current process in
To be able to provide a business solution order to improve quality, reduce costs
- Using SysML notation to develop specif​‐
that provides a measurable benefit to the and/or accelerate schedules
ica​tions, analysis, design, verifi​cation
organi​zation, the Business Analyst must
and validation docume​ntation for Supporting Process Improv​ement is one of
have knowledge of the business domain.
systems and system​s-o​f-s​ystems. The the tasks of a Business Analyst.
specif​ica​tions may include hardware, The Business Analyst models and analyzes
software, inform​ation, processes, Domain knowledge makes it easier for the business processes used within an organi​‐
personnel and facili​ties. Business Analyst to connect and commun​‐ zation in order to discover any ineffe​ctive
icate with Business Users. elements.
Quality criteria for business process models
Domain knowledge makes unders​tanding Techniques
- Correc​tness (syntactic and semantic
and analyzing business issues easier
correc​tness) - Manually re-design processes on the
Lack of domain knowledge may lead to basis of experience and domain
delays in providing the solution, since the knowledge with the goal of elimin​ating
business process and business rules must bottle​necks and making the execution
first be understood times shorter and more efficient

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 9 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Process Improv​ement (cont) Common Objectives of Business Analysis Business needs (cont)

- Introduce tools, including software, to Collect and document the requir​ements for the projects that help the organi​zation
optimize the business processes in the Design business solutions to resolve the reach its vision, strategic goals, and
organi​zation (e.g., SAP, ERP, CRM business problems business object​ives.
software) Business Analysts are often supported by
Assist in the timely completion of the project
- Simulate and optimize processes by providing accurate requir​ements identi​‐ Project Managers and Product Managers in
- Adopt a selected method​ology or fic​ation and analysis defining Business Needs
strategy Improve efficiency by increasing the quality One of the respon​sib​ilities of a Business
Methods: of requir​ements identi​fic​ation and analysis Analyst is to cooperate with the person or
and therefore reducing the need for rework group requesting the project, including
and fixes in the later stages of the project users or proxy users, and to help them
Business process improv​ement
articulate the real need.
Business process reengi​neering
Business Analysis influences other project
Capability Maturity Model Integr​ati​on/​Cap​‐ areas What is a business process?
ability Maturity Model (CMMI/CMM) set of activities aimed at producing a
Signif​icant impact on project management
ISO 9000 (espec​ially scope and time manage​ment) specific output for a particular customer or
IT Governance market.
Design – Business Analysis determines the
Just In Time manufa​cturing required business archit​ecture and scope of focuses on how the work is done within an
the solution organi​zation, the way of organizing work,
Lean manufa​cturing
activi​ties, relati​onships and the depend​‐
Perfor​mance improv​ement Develo​pment – The Systems Analyst (who
encies between them. A process can be
determines detailed requir​ement specif​ica​‐
Process management considered as the ordering of work activities
tions) uses the Business Analysis to
Process Improv​ement and Management across time and place, with a beginning, an
determine what has to be implem​ented.
(PI&M) end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs [
Testing and other Quality Assurance
Six Sigma A business process must have the following
activities – Products of Business and
Total Quality Management (TQM) Systems Analysis are a basis for testing
- Has a goal
BA Knowledge Areas Business needs - Has specific inputs
1. Business Analysis Planning and A Business Need describes the business - Has specific outputs
Monitoring (Orange) problem or opport​unity which the Business - Uses resources
2. Enterprise Analysis (Dark Green) Analyst must understand and analyze in
- Has a number of activities that are
order to recommend approp​riate solutions
3. Elicit​ation (Light blue) performed in some order
before a project starts, the Business Need
4. Requir​ement Analysis (light pink) - Affects at least one organi​sat​ional unit
(under​stood as a problem or an opport​‐
5. Solution Assessment and Validation - Creates value for the customer (both
unity) and Business Case (under​stood as
6. Requir​ements Management and internal and external)
costs vs. benefits) are defined, either
Commun​ication formally or inform​ally. Identi​fic​ation of processes allows the
Business Analyst to understand the organi​‐
zat​ion’s goals,

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 10 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

What is a business process? (cont) BA in Phases of the Software Life Cycle BA in Phases of the Software Life Cycle
(cont) (cont)
Helps determine the activities and the flow
required to achieve future planned business - Supporting the Systems Analyst in - Partic​ipating in the prepar​ation of test
and strategic goals preparing the detailed system specif​ica​‐ cases for User Acceptance Testing
Identi​fic​ation of business processes helps tions (e.g., covering such items as data, - Supporting the acceptance testers by
find possible gaps and ineffe​ctive parts of mapping, integr​ation issues, user interf​‐ answering questions during test
the process, which may then be improved aces) execution
via process optimi​sation - Validating the proposed software design
If business processes are not establ​ished with the customer and other stakeh​‐ BA Planning and Monitoring
and unders​tood, then the organi​zation may olders
The parameters which are defined and set
have a low maturity level, which makes - Managing any requir​ements changes during the planning phase should retain
measuring and contro​lling processes very Develo​pment phase their validity throughout the project phases
difficult. In addition, there are likely to be and it becomes the respon​sib​ility of the
- Supporting the develo​pment team
signif​icant problems with the definition of the business analyst to perform the activities
during implem​ent​ation (e.g., clarifying
business goals and needs. classified under this knowledge area
issues related to the requir​ements,
validating business rules to be applied in
BA in Phases of the Software Life Cycle
the code) Activities
Analysis phase Identify the stakeh​olders
- Validating the evolving solution
- Identi​fying and evaluating the current according to the intended requir​ements - Identify stakeh​olders who may be
business processes in an organi​zation and needs (when possible) impacted by a proposed initiative or
(“as is” analysis) who share a common business need.
- Supporting testers in preparing test
- Gathering initial requir​ements for the cases and test scripts at the business - determ​ining approp​riate stakeh​olders for
needed business solution (“to be” level and validating the resulting work the project or project phase, and
analysis) products analyzing stakeh​older influence,
- Creating and analyzing the business - Managing any required changes to the authority (approve, sign off, veto), and
case requir​ements (resulting from detected project attitude.
- Conducting a feasib​ility study defects, regulatory or legal changes, Outputs: Stakeh​older list, Stakeh​older
needs for new or extended functi​ona​lity, roles and respon​sib​ility design​ation
- Preparing ideas for the business
solution - RACI matrix (also known as RASCI
Testing phase matrix) plays very important role in this
Specif​ication phase
- BA role varies process.
- Identi​fying and docume​nting business
requir​ements on a more detailed level - verifying test results - Scope of the tasks and the dependency
can be defined easily
- resolving issues related to defects or
gaps in the requir​ements - estimates related to cost, timings and
Commun​ication Planning

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 11 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

BA Planning and Monitoring (cont) BA Planning and Monitoring (cont) Requir​ements Management and Commun​‐
- Determine what inform​ation the various - Determine tasks in the Knowledge
stakeh​olders need to be provided about Areas: How we manage conflicts, issues and
the results of business analysis and the - Identifies task depend​encies changes and ensure that stakeh​olders and
forms it should take (verbal, written, etc). the project team remain in agreement on
- Develop estimates for BA work (time,
It includes consid​era​tions for, as well as the solution scope
skill level, complexity of tasks, etc.)
constr​aints, impacts, durability and Purpose
- Inputs: Stakeh​older list, Stakeh​older
trade-offs of different commun​ica​tions
roles and respon​sib​ility design​ation, Recognise that commun​ication takes places
Organi​zat​ional Standards throughout all knowledge areas and is
- Commun​ication plays very important important for managing requir​ements
- Outputs: Business Analysis Plans for
role in any stage of project life-cycle and
each KA Manage the approved solution and requir​‐
in order to avoid ambiguity or conflicts in
ements scope
the requir​ements and end results, the Plan Requir​ements Management Process
Ensure stakeh​olders have access to
commun​ication should be precise and - Describes how to determine the approp​‐
business analysis work products
contro​lled. riate requir​ements process for a
particular initiative Prepare and commun​icate requir​ements to
- Each stakeh​older should understand the
details of the requir​ements - Consider whether and how requir​‐
ements are changed Task: Manage Solution and Requir​ements
- WHAT, WHO and WHEN are the
important questions related to commun​‐ - Which stakeh​olders need to approve
ication Baseline and manage changes to business
- Who will be consulted on, or informed of
case, solution and requir​ements
Monitoring BA work changes,
Approve requir​ements (according to the
- metrics that can be used for monitoring - includes the approach to requir​ements
approval authority stated in the Requir​‐
business analysis work are determ​ined. tracea​bility and determ​ining which
ements Management Plan)
- helps in improving future business requir​ements attributes we will capture
Control multiple versions of requir​ements
analysis plans - Output: Requir​ements Management
work products
- perfor​mance measures, reporting and Plan
Manage requir​ements conflicts and issues
corrective actions RASCI: R- Respon​sible (does the work), A-
Inputs: Stakeh​older roles and respon​sib​ility
Plan Business Analysis Activities Accoun​table (decision maker, only one), S-
design​ation, Requir​ements, Requir​ements
- Determine which activities are required Support (provides support during any phase
management plan
to define the solution to a business of lifecy​cle), C- Consulted (consulted prior
to the work and provides input), I- Informed Outputs: Approved Requir​ements, Decision
problem, how those activities will be
(informed about the work progress). Record
carried out, the work effort involved, and
an estimate of how long the activities will Task: Manage Requir​ements Tracea​bility
take. Purpose:
Trace requir​ements (update and mainta​‐
ining relati​onships between requir​ements
Perform impact analysis when changes are
requested and supply this inform​ation to the
change control process
Support the allocation of requir​ements to the
solution in Solution Assessment and

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 12 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Requir​ements Management and Commun​‐ Change Management process (cont) Change Management process (cont)
ication (cont)
A defect found in the code, docume​ntation Updating plans as needed depending on
Outputs: Traced Requir​ements or requir​ements the phase of the project (e.g., Project Plan,
Tasks: Maintain Requir​ements for re-use System improv​ement efforts Develo​pment Plan, and Test Plan)

Purpose: External changes (regul​atory, legal, etc.) Updating business and system docume​‐
ntation (e.g., specif​ica​tions, archit​ecture
Select which implem​ented requir​ements will New or changing requir​ements (resulting
design, user manuals)
be maintained after solution implem​ent​ation from new regula​tions, changes within the
business domain, new features requested Updating test cases and test scripts
Name the respon​sible party who will
maintain the requir​ements by the users, etc.) Implem​enting the change (coding)

Facilitate ongoing use of requir​ements for Business process improv​ement initia​tives Testing by vendor or/and customer test
impact analysis and solution mainte​nance Change Request team

Facilitate re-use of requir​ements on related When the need for a change appears, there Deploying the change to the production
projects to encourage enterprise consis​‐ should be a Change Request raised by a enviro​nment
tency of business models stakeh​older requesting new or modified
functi​ona​lity. Important elements of a Requir​ements Organi​zation
Inputs: Implem​ented requir​ements
change request are a unique identi​fier, the Requir​ements can be organized (struc​‐
Outputs: Mainta​ine​d/r​e-used requir​ements
author, the deadline (if applic​able), an tured) into packages. This packaging
Task: Prepare Requir​ements Package
indication whether the change is required or conforms to the boundaries (limit​ations) and
Determine approp​riate format for requir​‐ optional, the change type, and an abstract, solution scope establ​ished during
ements, Create a requir​ements package or descri​ption, of the proposed change Enterprise Analysis and helps to further
Outputs: Requir​ements package (e.g., All changes should be tracked in a Change define those boundaries
executive summary, formal docume​nta​tion, Log or Change List BA decomposes the problem model to
RFI, RFP, etc.) make each requir​ement more detailed
Changes should be managed by the
Task: Commun​icate requir​ements Change Control Board (CCB). The CCB is Ensure that the model correctly reflects the
Intera​ction with all stakeh​olders before, not allowed to submit, approve, reject, or boundaries for the business problem
during and after projects. implement changes without discussion with
Ensure proper level of detail is achieved
the other stakeh​olders.
Intera​ction with solution team to assure that Types of decomp​osition
requir​ements are correctly understood and may have signif​icant impact on other
Goal decomp​osition
implem​ented elements of the system, such as compon​‐
ents, interf​aces, functi​ona​lity, etc. - Goals are business requir​ements

Change Management process Impact analysis should be performed - Goal decomp​osition helps to ensure the
solution will satisfy stakeh​older’s needs
Identi​fying a potential change Impact analysis includes analysis of the
changes needed in the project schedule or Feature list decomp​osition
Requesting new functi​onality
budget that would be necess​itated if the - A feature is a service that the solution
Analyzing the change request
change were to be implem​ented provides to fulfill one or more stakeh​‐
Evaluating the change
The planning of change implem​ent​ation older need
Planning the change
includes: - an abstra​ction of the solution of the
Implem​enting the change problem expressed at a high-level
Reviewing and closing the change request
Potential changes might be a result of:

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 13 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Requir​ements Organi​zation (cont) Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria BA necessary skills (cont)

- A feature is developed into completely Commun​ication and writing skills

described functional and supple​mental - Ability to commun​icate with all levels of
requir​ements management
Functional decomp​osition - Ability to commun​icate with stakeh​‐
- breakdown of a list of items into classi​‐ olders of various knowledge levels
fic​ations or groups based on the - Precision in articu​lating ideas and
function each item performs or the use it thoughts
- Ability to relate with line workers
- identifies the high-level functions of the
- Good technical writing skills
proposed solution, or the organi​zation
- Strong commun​ication skills in all forms
itself, and then breaks them down into
(verbal, non-ve​rbal, written, etc.)
sub-pr​ocesses and activi​ties.
- Public speaking skills
- usually performed by a Systems Analyst
Facili​tation skills
Quality Assurance Facili​tation can be defined as a process of
Quality Assurance is a process of enabling groups to work cooper​atively and
systematic monitoring and evaluation of the effect​ively. Facili​tation provides leadership
various aspects of a project or solution. The Facili​tation serves to improve the following
goal is to maximize the probab​ility that the skills
BA necessary skills
solution has achieved a desired standard of - Leading
quality Analytical skills
- Solving issues
Quality Criteria for Requir​ements Financial analysis
- Building team and community
Alloca​table Feasible Statis​tical analysis
- Empowering
Complete Measurable Operations research
- Resolving conflicts
Consistent Necessary Requir​ements analysis
- Transf​orming
Correct Priori​tized Systems analysis
- Evoking wise democracy
Testable Traceable Technical skills
- Building personal effect​iveness
Unambi​guous Unders​tan​dable Working knowledge of technology
Does not determine solution Unders​tanding of engine​ering principles
facili​tator is a person who contri​butes
Checklists Ability to apply financial principles to feasib​‐ structure and process to intera​ctions so that
One of the most common techniques for ility studies groups are able to function effect​ively and
requir​ements’ quality control is the use of Managerial skills make high-q​uality decisions. The facili​‐
checkl​ists. Project management capabi​lities tator’s goal is to support others and enable
them to achieve high perfor​mance
Unders​tanding of organi​zat​ional behavior
Tasks and activities
Soft skills
Negoti​ation skills
- Ability to negotiate to obtain data
- Ability to negotiate with stakeh​olders to
implement projects

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

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Page 14 of 15.
Business Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

BA necessary skills (cont) BA necessary skills (cont)

- Helping the group to define its goals and - Focuses on the business not on
objectives personal solutions
- Providing processes to support - Negotiates between parties
members of the group to help them use - Unders​tands group dynamics
their time effect​ively and to make high-q​‐
- Helps the group to listen and draw
uality decisions
logical conclu​sions
- Guiding group discus​sions to ensure
- Runs meetings
objectives are met, and noting any ideas
- Manages people’s expect​ations
and concepts raised by members during
the discussion - Unders​tands and explains the process

- Supporting members of the group in

assessing their current skills and
building new skills
- Using consensus to enable the group to
make decisions
- Managing conflicts using a collab​orative
- Helping the group to commun​icate
effect​ively and to access resources
needed to make decisions
The facili​tator must always stay neutral,
listen actively and ask questions that allow
the group to identify and collect ideas and
concepts. One of the facili​tator’s tasks is to
note and summarize all ideas raised by the
members of the group.
Facili​tator compet​ancies
- Commun​icates well
- Processes ideas from people
- Shows a natural interest
- Listens well
- Maintains control
- Empowers the group
- Handles uncert​ainty
- Connects with the group quickly

By Natalie Moore Published 16th November, 2016. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 16th November, 2016. Measure your website readability!
Page 15 of 15.
Agile software development Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Agile software develo​pment Manifesto for Agile Software Develo​pment Agile Principles

Group of software develo​pment methods in We are uncovering better ways of Customer satisf​action by rapid delivery of
which requir​ements and solutions evolve developing software by doing it and helping useful software
through collab​oration between self-o​rga​‐ others do it. Through this work we have Welcome changing requir​ements, even late
nizing, cross-​fun​ctional teams. come to value: in develo​pment
Promotes: - Indivi​duals and intera​ctions over
Working software is delivered frequently
- Adaptive planning Processes and tools
(weeks rather than months)
- Evolut​ionary develo​pment - Working software over Compre​hensive
Close, daily cooper​ation between business
- Early delivery docume​ntation
people and developers
- Continuous improv​ement - Customer collab​oration over Contract
- Rapid and flexible response to change negoti​ation Projects are built around motivated indivi​‐
- Responding to change over Following a duals, who should be trusted
Agile software develo​pment frameworks plan Face-t​o-face conver​sation is the best form
- That is, while there is value in the items on of commun​ication (co-lo​cation)
Adaptive software develo​pment (ASD)
the right, we value the items on the left
Agile modeling Working software is the principal measure
of progress
Agile Unified Process (AUP) Kent Beck, James Grenning, Robert C.
Sustai​nable develo​pment, able to maintain
Crystal Clear Methods Martin, Mike Beedle, Jim Highsmith, Steve
a constant pace
Discip​lined agile delivery Mellor, Arie van Bennekum, Andrew Hunt,
Ken Schwaber, Alistair Cockburn, Ron Continuous attention to technical excellence
Dynamic systems develo​pment method
Jeffries, Jeff Suther​land, Ward Cunnin​‐ and good design
gham, Jon Kern, Dave Thomas, Martin Simpli​cit​y—the art of maximizing the
Extreme progra​mming (XP)
Fowler, Brian Marick amount of work not done—is essential
Featur​e-d​riven develo​pment (FDD) © 2001, the above authors. This declar​ation Self-o​rga​nizing teams
Lean software develo​pment may be freely copied in any form, but only
Regular adaptation to changing circum​‐
in its entirety through this notice.
Kanban (devel​opment) stance
Scrum The Agile Manifesto is based on 12
Scrum ban principles

By Natalie Moore Published 31st May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 13th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 1.
Mod 5 - Requirements Analysis & Design Definition Cheat Sheet
by mmckenzi87 via

PURPOSE Business Process Analysis

Manage the requir​ements and designs for a

Allocate Requir​ements

 Tasks

 Specify & Model Requir​eme​nts -

 Definitions
analyzing needs using a variety of models.
 Verify Requir​eme​nts - ensures that the Model repres​ent​ation of a real-world
requir​ements & models are of sufficient quality process, device or concept
to be used for further work. Business used in any method​ology that is
 Validate Requir​eme​nts - ensures that all aiming to improve process
requir​ements deliver value to the business, performce
contribute to the fulfil​lment of goals and
objectives and meet a specific stakeh​older
 Study Q & A
 Define Requir​ements Archit​ect​ure- What is the difference between requir​ement
describes how the requir​ements are organized verifi​cation & valida​tion?
into various models & documents.  REQUIREMENT VERIFI​CAT​ION
 Define Design Options- define the solution  Verifi​cation of requir​ements ensures that
approach, identify opport​unities to improve the the requir​ements and models are of sufficient
business, allocate requir​ements across solution quality to be used for further work.
components and represent design option that  making sure that requir​ements are ready
achieve the desired future state. for stakeh​older
 Analyze Potentials Value & Recommend review and approval.
Solution - determ​ining which design options  making sure that requir​ements provide all
will be selected to meet the stakeh​older the inform​ation
requir​ements. needed for the next steps in constr​ucting the
solution (i.e. ready for design
Requir​ement Analysis Techniques efforts)
 Requir​ement validation ensures that all
requir​ements deliver value to the business,
Tasks, Inputs & Outputs Diagram
contribute to the fulfil​lment of goals and
objectives and meet a specific stakeh​older
 BA should Tie the requir​ement to a
business value that will be
 Define evaluation criteria and process
 Define any depend​encies the requir​ement
has in order to gain
desired result (including assump​tions)
 Make sure the requir​ement aligns to the
business case
Discuss the tasks of Define Design Options
and Analyze Potential Value & Recommend
How does a BA Evaluate and manage
requir​ements to keep the solution focused
on business goals?

By mmckenzi87 Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 29th January, 2016. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 1.
Use Cases - Defining Requirements Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Labelled use case automation boundary Use case names Event Decomp​osition (cont)

Name a use case with a verb-noun phrase d. For each, name a use case and define
that states the actor's goal. Action, Name. when it occurs
e. Identify relevant state events
User goal technique (Use case method) f. For each, name a use case
g. Omit trivial use cases (like log in), but
1. Identify all potential users for a system
keep system controls
2. (Optional) Classify users by functional
role (shipping, marketing, sales) and operat​‐
Develop a use case diagram
ional level (opera​tional, manage​ment,
executive) 1. ID all stakeh​olders who need a use case
3. Interview each user and determine what diagram.
goals they have when using the system 2. Determine what each stakeh​older or user
Use Cases 4. Make a prelim​inary list of use cases for needs to review in a use case diagram.
Define requir​ements activity each type of user Could be subsystem, user focused, for use

Lists steps defining intera​ctions between a 5. Look for duplicates and incons​ist​encies cases with the includes relati​onship, and for

role (aka UML "​act​or") and a system, to across users use cases that are of interest to specific

achieve a goal. The actor can be a human, 6. Identify when multiple users need the stakeh​olders.

an external system, or time. same use case 3. For each potential commun​ication need
7. Review completed list with users and select the use cases and actors to show
other stakeh​olders for validation and draw the use case diagram.
Short summary of what the system will offer. 4.Care​fully name each use case diagram
Provides a project planning skeleton, to be Event Decomp​osition and then note how and when the diagram
used to build initial priori​ties, estimates, should be used to review use cases with
This approach looks for all events that
team allocation and timing. stakeh​olders and users
would lead to the inform​ation system being
Provides everyone with an agreement as to used. Each event typically leads to a use
what the system will/won't do. CRUD - Create, Read or Report, Update
case. Simplify events to ones that have a
and Delete
Provides context for requir​ements clearly defined start and end, and achieve a

Helps in invest​igating small details which clear business purpose. These are: 1. ID all data entities or domain classes

could cause big problems. Elementary Business Processes (EBPs) = involved

use cases. 2. For each verify a use case has been
Answers often detailed / tricky / ignored
Keeps attention on the macro scale created that creates a new instance,
business questions: “What are we supposed
purpose of the system, not internal details updates existing instances reads or reports
to do in this case?”
Events can be: values of instances and deletes (archives)
Shows that the invest​igators have thought - External – caused by an actor an instance
through every user’s needs, every user - Temporal – done at fixed time intervals 3. If a needed use case has been
system goal, every business variant - State – triggered by an internal condition, overlooked add a new one and ID stakeh​‐
involved. e.g. low inventory olders
Limits Steps: 4. With integrated apps make clear app
not good for non-in​ter​action based requir​‐ a. Identify relevant external events respon​sible for adding and maintain data
ements b. For each, name a use case and which merely uses the data
c. Identify relevant temporal events
Clarity depends on the skill of the writer(s).
Sometimes use cases are complex to write
and to understand
No fully standard defini​tions of use cases

By Natalie Moore Published 29th May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 13th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Use Cases - Defining Requirements Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via


UML - Unified Modeling Language

1. Genera​l-p​urpose modeling language in

the field of software engine​ering, which is
designed to provide a standard way to
visualize the design of a system.
2. UML has been evolving since the second
half of the 1990s and has its roots in the
object​-or​iented methods developed in the
late 1980s and early 1990s.
Visualise through an assortment of types of
diagrams: Activi​ties, Components and how
they interact with other software, How
system will run, How entities interact with
others, external user interface
UML diagrams include (part of unit):
Component, Activity, Sequence, Class, Use
case*, Commun​ication

By Natalie Moore Published 29th May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 13th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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Project Management Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

WBS Delive​rables Key terms and defini​tions

Work Breakdown Structure

Delive​rables Delive​rables are milest​ones, not tasks

Includes internal and external delive​rables

External things the project produces for the organi​sation
1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
One of the main reasons for producing a WBS is to focus your Internal delive​‐ Things the project produces to enable the project
thinking. Take a top down view and document the major work areas. rables to continue towards completion
You can then subdivide further if the major work areas are too big.
Major Delive​‐ Major areas of work within the project. One or two
Level- Start with an overall project rables words.
Interm​ediate Component delive​rables to be completed for each
Level- Determine major delive​rables / products to be produced. Delive​rables major delive​rable
2 What major interm​ediate or final products or delive​rables
Milestones completion of a delive​rable. Starts with a noun.
must be produced to achieve the project’s object​ives?
Tasks Work packages for each Interm​ediate Delive​rable.
Level- Divide each major delive​rable into its component delive​‐
It must start with a verb.
3 rables in the same manner.
Level- Divide each of these work pieces into its component tasks. 3. Depend​encies
4 What delive​rables must I have to complete these compon​‐
Now start to add depend​encies:
1. Look for what needs to be done before each step can be
2. Start the project plan undertaken

1. All delive​rables go into the project plan as milestones 2. Create your a. May lead to changing the order in your Gantt
depend​encies chart to make it more logical
2. A second set of milestones are the delive​rables ready for QA. For
example 'Brief ready for approval'. These occur close to the final b. Might need to create another level in your WBS

delive​rable but allow time for rework. to clearly identify a group of activities

3. Add all the tasks or actions required to produce these delive​‐ Example: WBS heading “Feasi​bil​ity”. When you add your tasks and
rables. Estimate the time for each task. milest​ones, you realize that there are two major chunks of work: Plan
and carry out workshops, and write a report. It may be worth creating
Important notes:
two levels called “Works​hops” and “Report”
• Don’t fall into the trap of thinking ‘if all goes well it will take #’. Be
realistic. Some tasks will go to plan and some will take longer. Some
may take less but these rarely cancel out the overruns.
• There will be tasks that become evident only after the project is
underway. Consider making allowance in the plan for unspec​ified
tasks. Look for any milestones along the way. Add these to the plan.

By Natalie Moore Published 13th June, 2014. Sponsored by

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Project Management Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

4. Resourcing

1. You can now work out who is going to do all this work
2. Add resources to the tasks
3. Next to milestones only put one name, the person respon​sible for

5. Review the Plan

Check the plan to make sure it is well struct​ured. Here ten checks to
carry out:
Are all delive​rables included as milest​ones?
Do they have a quality check scheduled if required?

Is there time for rework after QA?

Are the work too big? Can you go down another level with the WBS?
Do all the tasks start with a verb
Do all the mile stone start with a noun?
Milestones keep focus, are there regular milest​ones?
Are all depend​encies in place?
How reliant is the timing on everything going exactly as planned? Is
there a buffer when something doesn't go to plan?
Are resources assigned to all tasks and milest​ones?

Big Verbs

Finalise Resolve Handle

Look into Submit Maximise
Organise Design Complete
Ensure Roll out Update
Install Implement Set-up
Develop Construct Define

Note: Most big verbs pop open to reveal they contain lots of little

Little Verbs

Call Organise Review

Buy Fill out Find
Purge Look into Gather
Print Take Waiting for
Load Draft Email

By Natalie Moore Published 13th June, 2014. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 13th May, 2016. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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Project Planning Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Prior to planning Gantt Chart Example Activity on node example

Business Case should be set out. Outlines

how projects benefits outweigh costs
Project objectives should be ID'd and
agreed. Objectives define successful project

Activity planning

Work out activity order. Draw up an activity Each node then given inform​ation in image
network diagram. There are two ways: 'Layout of an activity node'
1. Activity on node used in this cheatsheet
Resource allocation
- Activities are repres​ented on nodes
- Used by most PM tools inc MS Project Resources = raw materials, staff & equip
Useful equations For each activity ID the resource type
2. Activity on arrow
Earliest finish = earliest start + duration needed
- Activities are repres​ented by arrow
Latest start = latest finish – duration For HR identify role to carry out the task
Identi​fying Milestones
Latest finish = earliest of 'latest start' On activity network diagram for each node
Events which do not take up time or energy.
activities dependent on the activity note resources needed
Estimating elapsed time
Float = latest finish – earliest start – duration Problems you may encounter
- Estimate how long each activity will take
Activity span = latest finish – earliest start Not enough staff available – resource clash
- Add these to the nodes in your diagram
- Use the float to delay until staff available
- If task finishes on day 4, the next task Product based planning - Delay start even though float used up.
should start on day 5
1. ID project delive​rables: project outputs Will delay completion
- Float is leeway time between activities
delivered to client. Tangible. - Buy in staff to cover defici​ency. ^ cost
Critical path (CP)
2. ID interm​ediate products: created during - Split into sub activities to spread evenly
Chain of activities from beginning to end project, but not delivered to client.
- Need to keep workflow steady
with no float. A CP activity delayed then
3. List delive​rables or display them in a
project delayed. Activity span = total period Put into a form that everyone will
work breakdown structure
during which the activity has to take place understand e.g. Gantt chart
4. Produce defini​tions for stakeh​olders
- Activities left hand side
ES = Earliest start, EF = Earliest finish, LS =
- ID or name of the product
Latest start, LF = Latest finish - Calendar units along the top
- Descri​ption
- Block symbols used to show when
- Product/s that need to exist before this activities will be taken out
one, those it is derived from
- Free float shown in light blocks
- Components that make up the product
- Arrows show depend​encies
- Quality criteria which explain how
product will be judged as satisf​actory

By Natalie Moore Published 5th November, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 12th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 1 of 2.
Project Planning Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Work / activity based planning

Very similar to 'Product based planning' but

replace the products with activities

Product flow diagram (PFD)

Part of the Product approach

Visual repres​ent​ation of order in which a
sequence of products is created according
to product based planning principles
Should contain all of the products of the
Product Breakdown Structure (equiv​alent to
a Work Breakdown Structure) - the PFD
should be kept simple
Flows top to bottom and left to right
Looping back is not allowed

Product flow diagram (PFD) - Example

The activity span

Layout of an activity node

By Natalie Moore Published 5th November, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 12th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
Page 2 of 2.
System Design Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Two Levels of Design Components of design (cont) Design Activities (cont)

Archit​ectural Design Applic​‐ Server based apps, mobile User Spec how users will interact
Broad design of the overall system structure ation devices, PCs. All components interface with system to carry out all
Also called General Design and Conceptual software must itegrate as a functi​oning their tasks? (Use Cases)
Design whole Database Spec in detail all info storage
Detailed Design User Screens and reports o devices reqs
Low level design that includes the design of interface connected to the system System Spec elements to ensure
the specific program details
System Comm interfaces between controls system and data are secure
Design of each use case
interface other automated systems and and protected
Design of the database
Database Data struct​ures, deployment security
Design of user and system interfaces
Design of controls and security
Design the user interfaces
Security Firewalls, Access, data
Abstract Three Layer Archit​ecture and protection in transit between Dialog design begins with requir​ements, so
controls devices. External, internal use Use case flow of activi​ties, etc
checks and measures. Consid​era​tions:
- Workflow
Logical design - Dialogs
- Form Layout
Design the system interfaces abstract repres​ent​ation of the data flows,
- Look and feel
inputs and outputs of the system. This is
So other systems can talk to each other. - Multiple interfaces (s/w, web, mobile)
often conducted via modelling. ER
System interfaces connect with other - Multiple devices (laptop, touch, phone)
Modelling is commonly used.
systems in many different ways:
To the user, the interface is the system!
- Save data another system uses
Design Activities
- Read data another system saved
Systems Design
- Real time request for inform​ation Enviro​‐ have we spc in detail enviro​‐
- Software services nment nment and options in which Process of defining and developing systems
software will execute? to satisfy specified requir​ements of the user.
Relational Table Labelled Object​-or​iented analysis and design
App Detail spec elements of
methods are becoming most widely used.
archit​‐ software and how each use
UML standard language in object​-or​iented
ecture and case is executed
analysis and design. Widely used for
modeling software systems & increa​singly
System Spec how system will comm
used for high designing non-so​ftware
interfaces with all other systems inside
systems and organi​zat​ions.
and outside the org

Components of design

Enviro​‐ Network and deployment

nment archit​ecture

By Natalie Moore Published 31st May, 2015. Sponsored by

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System Design Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Physical design Issues when consid​ering hosting

Relates to the actual input and output Reliab​ility, security, physical facili​ties, staff,
processes of the system. How data is input potential for growth
into a system, how it is verifi​ed/​aut​hen​tic​‐
ated, how it is processed, and how it is Design the Database
displayed as In Physical design, the
Archit​ecture: distri​buted or central
following reqs about the system are
Schema: Tables and columns in relational
Refere​ntial integrity constr​aints: Foreign key
1. Input requir​ement
references – for linking tables
2. Output requir​ements
Uses domain model class diagram (or ERD)
3. Storage requir​ements
4. Processing Requir​ements
Design the security and system controls
5. System control and backup or recovery.
Physical portion of systems design can User interface User Author​ization
generally be broken down into three sub- controls
tasks: User Interface Design, Data Design, Applic​ation Transa​ctions are
Process Design controls “atomic”
Database controls No database
Design the applic​ation archit​ecture and
Network controls Firewalls, access
1. Partition system into subsys​tems.
2. Define software archit​ecture. Three layer
Archit​ectural design
or model-​vie​w-c​ont​roller
The archit​ectural design of a system
3. Detailed design of each use case: Design
emphasizes on the design of the systems
class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, State
archit​ecture which describes the structure,
machine diagrams
behavior, and more views of that system
and analysis.
Design Class Diagram

Design models (primary)

Package diagrams
Nodes and locations diagrams
Design class diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
Database Schema
User interface screens and reports
System and security controls
Commun​ication diagrams

By Natalie Moore Published 31st May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 12th May, 2016. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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Systems Analysis Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Systems Analysis Activities FURPS+ Requir​ements Acronym Some analysis and design models 3

Gather Interv​iews, questi​onn​aires,

detailed documents, observing business
inform​‐ processes, resear​ching vendors,
ation comments and sugges​tions
Define Modeling functional requir​‐
requir​‐ ements and non-fu​nct​ional
ements requir​ements
Prioritize Essential, important, vs. nice to
Reasons for Modeling
requir​‐ have Some analysis and design models 4
ements Learning from the modeling process
Reducing complexity by abstra​ction
Develop Flow of intera​ction between user
Rememb​ering all the details
user and system
Commun​icating with other develo​pment
team members
Commun​icating with a variety of users and
Evaluate User involv​ement, feedback,
requir​‐ adapt to changes
Docume​nting what was done for future
Stakeh​olders Example


Internal – persons within the organi​zation

External – persons outside the organi​zation
Operat​ional – persons who regularly interact
with the system
Executive – persons who don’t directly
interact, but use the inform​ation or have
financial interest

Persons who have an interest in the Interv​iewing Users and Other Stakeh​olders
successful implem​ent​ation of the system Prepare detailed questions

Meet with indivi​duals or groups of users

Inform​ation Gathering Techniques
Obtain and discuss answers to the
Interv​iewing users and other stakeh​olders questions
Distri​buting and collecting questi​onn​aires Document the answers
Review inputs, outputs, and doc Follow up as needed in future meetings or
Observe & document business processes interviews
Research vendor solutions
Some analysis and design models 1
Collectt active user comment / sugges​tions

What Are Requir​ements?

Functional – the activities the system

Requir​‐ must perform. Business uses
ements and functions system must
carry out
Non-Fu​‐ Other system charac​ter​istics.
nct​ional Constr​aints and perfor​mance
Requir​‐ goals. Some analysis and design models 2
By Natalie Moore Published 31st May, 2015. Sponsored by
(NatalieMoore) Last updated 10th May, 2016. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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Systems Development Life Cycle Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Core Process 1 - Pre project activities Core Process 2 - Plan and Monitor Core Process 3 - Analysis Activities
Identify the problem and obtain approval. Discover and understand details
System vision document. Plan and monitor the project - Gather detailed inform​ation
- ID the problem - Establish the project enviro​nment - Define requir​ements
- Quantify project approval factors - Schedule the work - Prioritize requir​ements
- Perform risk and feasib​ility analysis - Staff and allocate resources - Develop user interface dialogs
- Review with client and obtain approval - Evaluate work processes - Evaluate requir​ements with users
System Vision doc - Monitor progress and make correc​tions
Problem descri​ption Core process 6: Deployment activities
System Capabi​lities Core Process 5: Implem​ent​ation activities
Complete system tests and deploy solution.
Business Benefits
Build, test, and integrate system compon​‐ - Perform system and stress tests
ents. - Perform user acceptance tests
Core Process 4 - Design activities
- Program the software - Convert existing data
Design system components - Unit test the software - Build training materials and conduct
Design: - Identify and build test cases training
- The enviro​nment - Integrate and test components - Configure and set up production enviro​‐
- App archit​ecture and software nment
- User interfaces The process is iterative, cyclical. - Deploy the solution
- System interfaces
- The database Core Processes
- System controls and security

By Natalie Moore Published 30th May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 7th March, 2017. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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User and System Interfaces Cheat Sheet
by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

User Centered Design Metaphors of Human Computer Intera​ction User Interface Design Guidelines

User is the last judge of the quality of a Design for Consis​tency

system. Ie will it help them perform their Provide Shortcuts
Provide Feedback
Principles of User Centered Design:
Dialogs Should Yield Closure
1. Focus early on users and their work
2. Evaluate designs to ensure usability Error Handling that Provides Guidance
3. Use iterative develo​pment Easy Reversal of Actions
Reduce Short Term Memory Load
Use Cases and the Menu Hierarchy

Menus are a typical way to organize access Guidel​ines: Web Browser User Interfaces
to use case functi​onality
Different menus for different actors
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) – Web page
Useful to design an overall menu hierarchy System Outputs
encoding standard that enables a Web site
and then subsets for different users
Detailed reports: specific inform​ation on designer to specify parts of a page that will
business transa​ctions always look the same and parts that will
System Inputs
Summary reports: summarize detail or vary by task or audience
Primary Objective is Error Free Input recap periodic activity Perfor​mance Consid​era​tions
Use electronic devices wherever possible Exception reports: provide details or Sensitive to network connec​tion, amount of
Avoid human involv​ement as much as summary inform​ation about transa​ctions or inform​ation transm​itted, type of inform​ation
possible operating results that fall outside a transm​itted
If inform​ation is already available in predefined normal range of values Pictures, Video, and Sound
electronic form, use it instead of re-ent​ering Executive reports: used by high level Powerful, but compat​ibility issues arise
inform​ation managers to assess overall organi​zat​ional
Validate and correct inform​ation at time and health and perfor​mance Dialog Design
location entered Internal outputs produced for use within the
For each use case, think of the natural flow
Device Examples organi​zation
of a dialog between user and computer
Magnetic card strip readers, bar code External outputsproduced for use by people
Based on the flow of activities in use case
readers, optical character recogn​ition, radio outside the organi​zation. Statem​ents,
descri​ption or activity diagram
frequency ID tags (RFID), touch screen, notices, stockh​older reports. Higher quality,
electronic pens, digiti​zers, speech recogn​‐ color, reflect image of organi​zation Use natural language to dialog with user
ition Turnaround documents external outputs Create a storyboard of the dialog, showing
that includes one or more parts intended to the sequence of sketches of the screen
be returned with new data or inform​ation. each step of the dialog. (story​boa​rding)
Bills with remittance vouchers Review the storyboard with users

By Natalie Moore Published 31st May, 2015. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 11th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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