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November 30 178 dni

1/ I have no money. I am broke.

2/ The game had started before we came.

3/ She wants me to buy her a bar of chocolate.

4/ Can I borrow your bike? (LEND)

Will you lend me your bike?

When are you going to move out?

December 1 177 dni

1/ What are you addicted to ?

2/ ach in the south of England.

3/ Do you often eat out?

4/ draw. (ABLE)

James is not able to draw.

If I were you, I would dance with Anna.

December 2 176 dni

1/ The election is next week. Who are you going to vote for?

2/ Look out! The train is coming.

3/ Could you give me a lift to the city centre?

4/ Peter is interested in history. (INTO)

Peter is into history.

In which country do men wear skirts?

December 3 175 dni
1/ Gina behaved badly so her father told her off.

2/ The teacher told the students not to cheat in the test.

3/ I did not take part in the competition last week.

4/ Kim wrote the poem. (BY)

The poem was written by Kim.

All my friends speak Spanish.

December 4 174 dni

1/ Do you find it easy to make new friends?

2/ Are you going to look for a new job?

3/ My parents are proud of my achievements at school.

4/ go jogging, shall we? (ABOUT)

What about going jogging?

Does Laura speak Japanese?

December 5 173 dni

1/ When you fall out with someone, do you find it difficult to make up?

2/ Peter, do you miss living in the countryside?

3/ Are you using the printer now?

4/ Could you open the door, please? (MIND)

Would you mind opening the door?

z Warszawy, prawda?

You are not from Warsaw, are you?

December 6 172 dni
1/ Do you know how to put up a tent?

2/ My brother refused to lend me his laptop.

3/ Are you often late for school?

4/ watch comedies. (SOMETIMES)

We sometimes watch comedies.


December 7 171 dni

1/ Could you explain it to me?

2/ Let me climb the ladder!

3/ I will let you know, as soon as I come back from Greece.

4/ Kim is a good violinist. (VIOLIN)

Kim plays the violin well.

Whose shoes are these?

December 8 170 dni

1/ Excuse me, how much are these jeans?

2/ I want to watch a film. Where is the remote control?

3/ next month.

4/ My friend doesn dancing. (ENJOY)

My friend does not enjoy dancing.

I do not like wearing socks.

December 9 169 dni
1/ Have you ever played truant?

2/ The radio does not seem to work at all.

3/ t drive so fast!

4/ a thief. ( )

George a thief.

Is this book yours?

December 10 168 dni

1/ This is the best pizza in the world.

2/ If you want to lose weight, you should go on a diet.

3/ The bank is next to the hospital.

4/ this man is famous. (MUST)

This man must be famous.

Ho can I help you?

December 11 167 dni

1/ No news is good news.

2/ How many lessons did you miss last week?

3/ One of my classmates is into football.

4/ Perhaps Mike is upstairs. (MAY)

Mike may be upstairs.

Look at yourself!
December 12 166 dni
any more.

2/ Tom fell off the ladder while he was painting the room.
3/ Does this scarf match this hat?

4/ Nobody helped John paint the flat. (BY)

John painted the flat by himself.

5/ Dlaczego tak na mnie patrzysz?

Why are you looking at me like that?

December 13 165 dni

1/ The tent is full of ants!

2/ What are you responsible for?

3/ Take off your coat and put it on the chair.

4/ My sister is at work now. (GONE)

My sister has gone to work.

5/ Nie krzycz na mnie, dobrze?

t shout at me, will you?

December 14 164 dni

1/ Are you angry with me?

2/ After arriving home, call me.

3/ Are you punctual?

4/ Did you sleep

Anna wants to know if you slept well last night.

I wish you good luck!

December 15 163 dni
1/ We might go on a trip. It depends on the weather.

2/ Who stole your car yesterday?

3/ Is it important for you to look good?

4/ My hair is longer than his hair. (THAN)

His hair is shorter than mine.

Mike and Tom often help each other.

December 16 162 dni

1/ You can always count on me.

2/ If I had more money, I would go to the USA.

3/ My mother is not addicted to caffeine.


necessary for you to wait for me.

I would like to know where Brian lives.

December 17 161 dni

at her.

2/ to visiting my cousins.

3/ High heels are not in fashion/are not fashionable now.

4/ D (IF)

Susan wants to know if Tom studies.

I do not know how many dogs Anna has got.

December 18 160 dni
1/ Can you teach me how to ride a bike?

2/ What happened yesterday?

3/ Can I try on this skirt/try this skirt on?

4/ W

What does your father do for a living?

5/ Czy wiesz, ile mamy czasu?

Do you know how much time we have?

December 19 159 dni

1/ Please, go to the shop and buy two loaves of bread.

to swim in the sea today.

3/ Tom plays football once a week.

4/ Are jeans fashionable now? (FASHION)

Are jeans in fashion now?

There are two chairs and a desk in the room.

December 20 158 dni

1/ My grandad gave me two bars of chocolate.

2/ Mike is revising for an exam now.

3/ My father is not short.

4/ Susan failed the exam. (NOT)

Susan did not pass the exam.

Is there a rug in the bathroom?

December 21 157 dni

2/ One of his friends is a famous architect.

3/ France drew 3-3 against England.

4/ Their garden is so big that you can get lost in it. (SUCH)

They have such a big garden that you can get lost in it.

The bathroom is upstairs.

December 22 156 dni

1/ Our teacher was in a good mood yesterday.

2/ Everyone likes

3/ Are you allergic to nuts?

4/ newer than mine. (AS)

as new as

est naprzeciwko mojego pokoju.

December 23 155 dni

1/ I was scared to death when I saw a boar in front of me.

2/ put the armchair next to the fireplace.

3/ Could you switch on the light?

4/ The book was too long for me to read. (SUCH)

It was such a long book that I co


There is a mouse under the bed.

December 24 154 dni
since I was 5.

2/ Are you worried about your son?

3/ when

4/ (TIME)

The last time he drank coffee was two weeks ago.

Who teaches you biology?

December 25 153 dni

for 10 years.

2/ What colour is your hair?

3/ He wants to know if you can swim.

4/ Michael is a professional dancer. (PROFESSIONALLY)

Michael dances professionally.

What is your phone number?

December 26 152 dni

1/ Alice was brought up by her aunt.

2/ to feed the dog.

3/ You should drink less tea.

4/ Tom and I have the same number of pencils. (MANY)

I have as many pencils as Tom.

How many friends do you have?/How many friends have you got?
December 27 151 dni h

1/ When my son is nervous, he tends to bite his nails.

2/ Did you remember to close the door?

3/ Were you in London in 2010?

4/ the race. (BEST)

do his best to finish the race.

5/ Jest deszczowo i wietrznie.

It is rainy and windy.

December 28 150 dni

1/ These trousers are out of fashion.

2/ Stop shouting at me!

3/ I have had a headache for two days.

4/ How much are the apples? (COST)

How much do the apples cost?

It has not rained for two months.

December 29 149 dni

in fashion now?

2/ me such stupid questions!

3/ anyone at the cinema.

4/ Riding a bike (NOT)

You must not ride a bike here.

What time do you go to sleep?

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