Factsheet On Air Quality EN PDF

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Zero pollution:
New rules
for healthy air
26 October 2022

Every year, as many as

die prematurely
due to air pollution.

Air pollution is the greatest Most Europeans live

environmental threat in cities, where science
to health and a leading cause shows air is How has existing
of stroke, cancer and diabetes, too polluted EU legislation
costing public authorities to be healthy. improved air quality
€231-853 until now?
billion per year.
Why • Since 2008, EU clean air
we need policy reduced share
of air quality zones with
to act particulate matter (PM)
exceedances by 50%.

Dirty air Air pollution affects • Between 2000 and 2020,
crops, buildings, forests the vulnerable emissions of the main air
pollutants have decreased
and ecosystems, and makes most: children, elderly,
groundwater acidic and by between 13% and 84%,
ill, socio-economically
depending on the pollutant.
overgrown with algae. The Conference on the disadvantaged people.
Future of Europe and • Today, 70% fewer early
recent surveys show deaths are attributable
Europeans are seriously to air pollution, compared
concerned about air
to the 1990s.
pollution. They want stronger
action from the EU, the
industry and employers.

Why are existing EU rules not enough?
• Scientific evidence of health
impacts of dirty air is now
stronger, which prompted
the World Health Organization
to call for stricter limits.

• Better air quality
monitoring and modelling
is needed to improve air
quality management and
enforcement of rules.

• Preventive air quality plans

would enable authorities
to take faster action to
Key measures
improve air quality.
▶ Stricter thresholds for pollution, more closely
aligned with new limits set by the World Health
▶ Enhancing the right to clean air, improved access
The new standards will cost to justice.
less than 0.1 % of GDP, at least
▶ Current law does not include provisions for citizens
7 times lower than benefits to economy
and society. to claim compensation for health damage due to
air pollution. The new rules will bring more effective
penalties and compensation possibilities for
violating air quality rules
▶ Strengthened rules for air quality monitoring
to support preventive action and targeted
▶ Requirements to improve air quality modelling,
especially if and where air quality is poor.
▶ Better public information.


Publications Office of the European Union, 2022 © European Union, 2022.

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Print ISBN 978-92-76-57806-2 PDF ISBN 978-92-76-57820-8 license). For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the EU,
doi:10.2779/236818 doi:10.2779/677614 permission may need to be sought directly from the respective right holders.
KH-05-22-339-EN-C KH-05-22-339-EN-N All images © European Union, unless otherwise stated.

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