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Heading into the final few weeks before the project is due...
1. How far have you come with your Capstone project?
2. How many progress updates and photos (or other evidence) have you included to your
have made on your "Evidence and Progress page"? Do you feel you have enough
evidence on your website to effectively and convincingly show your learning from the
beginning of your project? Explain Yes / No?
3. What still needs to be completed?
4. What has been the most rewarding aspect of your project to date? Explain why.
1.I did finished it already, and now all I need will be prepare myself well so I will be more
confident and know what I will present to my teacher.
2. I already update 3 blog posts as evidences and it also go along with the pictures I took of
my project. I not sure if those pictures going to be enough for the project or not, but I will try
my best to provide as much evidence as many as possible if there something missing. It might
not be enough evidence in my opinion, because it look really simple and everything I use for
the project are really easy to get. However, the project did show some of my learning, for
example, when I work on the blog post, I see that my idea keep come out and I tried to use
some of it to replace the current plan, so my capstone could get better.
3. Currently I think everything seem fine, even my project didn’t look really nice, but it’s really
late to switch it to something better, so I will stick with it and try to make it look best. I have
completed the capstone and I am on my way finding anything still look not really good to fix it.
4. I think the experience is the most rewarding aspect for me, because it is something I
couldn’t found my normal life, because normally I don’t think I will have a chance or I will just
do something like for my spare time, because the project take time a bit and it also base on
my creativity to work on anything I want to can show my personalities and what I have learnt.

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