Proposal Biblioteca

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¨Unidad Educativa Municipal Sebastián de Benalcázar¨

Name: Luciana Arce

Grade: 1 IB “A”
Asignature: English
Number of words: 497

Proposal to make several improvements in the library of the

The students of the school on several occasions have approached the authorities to
report the problems they have experienced in the school library.
We are informed that on very few occasions do they find the library manager
attending to students or teachers, when they receive the books, they are scratched,
torn and the books are not in order.
Proposed solution:
The library in the institution is not in the best condition, both in the facilities and in
the opening hours and order of the books.
The organization of this school facility is regular compared to other school
These drawbacks of the library can be solved in this way: With respect to the hours
of operation, it is usually necessary to verify that the person who attends is present
and complies with his or her work schedule.
With respect to the order of the library, teachers should be called to a meeting so
that they can better organize this facility, and teachers should be called since they
are more knowledgeable about the care of books than students, the solution to the
problem of books that are often torn, scratched and in poor condition is that when
students hand in the book, the person in charge should verify the condition in
which the book was handed in and is being received.
Steps involved:
I. Look for a person who is trained and knows about books and how to manage
an institutional library.
II. Convene the teachers to the meeting in a short period of time.
III. And implement fixed hours when the library will be open.
The benefits that will occur will be very noticeable, the library will be seen in a
better way, the books will be in order and in good condition, also the students will
improve academically, since they will have this facility at their disposal.
Likewise, the image of the institution's library will improve, since as I explained
above, the library will always be in charge of a person who is attentive to what is
presented every day in this school facility.
Potential obstacles:
In the search for an improvement for the library, several obstacles will present
themselves, such as:
It is going to be a bit of a challenge to quickly get a person who is 100 percent
trained with respect to running a library and caring for books.
Some teachers will not agree to attend this meeting to organize the library, even if
it is for the betterment of all who occupy this library, which is practically the entire
Finally, the library's opening hours will not always be fully complied with, so the
school authorities must be vigilant to ensure that they are.
As you can see, the solutions to the library's problems are already in place, but we
have to manage them well as an institution so that they can be implemented as
quickly as possible.

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