CB 4th Stage Steel STD

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Ministry of Higher
M H Educaation &
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Koya Univers
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C rse Boo
Cour B k
Facultty of En
ngineering (F

nt of Ciivil Eng
gineeriing (DC

urth Year

Course Title
Stteel Strructurees Design

urse Code
STD512 29

e Modu
ule URL

Dr. Faaris Ra
Assist Pro

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Course Name Steel Deesign

Academic Year
Y 2018-20 019
Teacher in Charge Assist. Prof.
P Dr. Faris Rashied
Faculty / School / Dep
partment FENG/D DCEN
Email: faris.rashied
f d@koyaunivversity.org
Contact deetails
TAP: htttps://sites.gooogle.com/aa/koyauniverrsity.org/fariss-rashied
or peer reviewer’s
Lecturerr: Mohanad Yaseen
Y Abdu
e-mail mohanaad.yaseen@

Time Table
Classes Wedneesday: 08:30 0 – 11:30
Sundayy: 12:30 – 01
Office hours Tuesdaay: 08:30 – 10:30
Wedneesday: 11:30 0-02:30

The studen nts are requ
uired to do two
t closed book exams two timess during thee academic year
besides thee laboratoryy assignment;
1st Mid-terrm Exam: 200%
2nd Mid-term Exam: 20%
m: 60%
Final Exam

urse Overvview
This course provides an introduction n to structurral steel desiggn concepts through thee use of the AISC
design codee. The coursee covers the structural deesign of steeel members and
a connectiions. Topics include
design loads and the strructural design of steel beams,
b colummns, tension members an nd bolted and welded
The course extends the concepts off Structures through
t the design
d of ten
nsion membeers, compresssion
members, beams,
b and beam
b columnns; and bolteed, welded, and
a riveted connections.
c . The course objectives
are as follow
• To provvide the stud dents the too
ols necessaryy for designing steel struuctures
• To fam miliarize the students
s with
h internationnal design coodes.
• To provvide an undeerstanding of Load from Allowable Sttress Design (ASD).

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Course Tittle: Steel Design

Course Cod
de STD5129

No. of hours/week: 3 | 2 hrs. Theory + 1 hrs. Tutorial

No. of Unitts: 4

Text Bookss: 1. ”ASD Manual

M of Steeel Construction,” 9th Edition, Americcan Institute of Steel
Construction (ASIC).
2. “Structtural Steel Design”,
D Joseeph E. Bowlees, International Studen
nt Edition,
1981, McGraw
M Hill.
3. “Design of Steel Sttructures” Edwin H. Gayylord and Chharles N. Gayylord,
1972, McGraw
M Hill.

Course Objjective: 1. Determmination of design

d loadss
2. Undersstand design n process.
3. Sizing of structuraal steel memmbers.
4. Structu
ural design of
o a realisticc structure.

Course Policies:
1. No Cell Phone is allowed during
d lecturre and examm. Must be OFF
O (not silen nce or vibrating mode)
2. Be on time to class.
c Tardy is strongly discouraged
3. Exaams and Qu uizzes are closed
c book and closed note
4. Homework will w be assigned but not collected.
c If you have anny question about the homework
youu can discusss it with me at the classs or office ho
ours. Beforee you ask forr assistance with your
assigned homeework, makee sure that you y have attempted thee problem already
5. Thee Questions of the com mmon exams are based on the exam mples, homeework problems and
thee exercises of
o the textbo ook and refeerences given in this cou urse.
6. Youu should brinng calculato or to every lecture.

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Weeklyy Course Outlines


Lecture Top
1 IIntroduction n to steel deesign, Type of
o structurall elements, Effect
E of tem
mperature on
n steel
2 T
Type of load ds, Dead Loaad, Live Load d, Snow Loaad, wind load d, and Earthh Quake
3 E
Effect of win nd load of stteel buildinggs
4 P
Parts of struuctures (skeeleton of struuc.)
5 A
Analysis and d design of tension
t mem
mbers by AS SD and LRFD D
6 E
Effect of staggered holees, and effecttive net areaa
7 D
Dimensions s and limitattions of Eye--bar membeers
8 A
Analysis and d design of built-up
b tension membeers
9 A
Analysis and d design of Compressio
C n members by ASD and d LRFD
10 E
Effect of slen nderness raatio and align nment chartt
11 L
Limitations of width/thhickness of comp.
c memb bers
12 A
Analysis and d design of built-up
b com
mpression members
m -1
13 A
Analysis and d design of built-up
b com
mpression members
m -2
14 D
Design of coolumn base platep
15 A
Analysis and d design of flexural
f memmbers (beam ms) by ASD anda LRFD
16 D
Determinati ion of beams allowable stresses
17 A
Analysis and d design of beams
b beariing plates
18 A
Analysis and d design of “beam-colum
“ mn” membeers by ASD and a LRFD -1
19 A
Analysis and d design of “beam-colum
“ mn” membeers -2
20 E
Effect of defflection curv vature (Cm)
21 A
Analysis and d design of plate
p girders -1
22 A
Analysis and d design of plate
p girders -2
23 S
Structural faasteners and d connection ns, Type of bolts
b and itss strength
24 D
Determinati ion of joint resistance
25 W
Welded con
nnections an nd type of weelds, Strengtth of welds
26 D
Design of tru uss connecttion
27 D
Design of fraame connecction, web an ngles, and seeated beam connections
28 D
Design of cliip angle, Design and anaalysis of Pin n members

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Structtural Ste
eel Design
n and An
Advantagees of Steel as a Structurral Materiall
• It is intteresting to
o know thatt steel was not n econom mically madee in the United States until
u late in
the nin
neteenth ceentury.
• Howevver, since th hen steel haas become the t predom minate mateerial for the constructioon of
bridgees, buildingss, towers, and other strructures.
• Steel exhibits
e dessirable physsical propertties that maake it one of o the most versatile structural
materials in use.
• Its greeat strength, uniformityy, light weigght, ease off use, and many m other d
desirable prroperties
makess it the mateerial of choice for num merous strucctures such as steel bridges, high
• Rise buildings, tow wers, and other
o structures.
• The many
m advanttages of steeel can be su ummarized as follows:
– High Strength
• This meaans that the weight of structure
s thhat made off steel will be
b small.
– Uniforrmity
• Propertiees of steel do
d not change as oppose to concre ete.
– Elasticcity
• Steel follows Hooke’s Law veryy accurately
– Ductiliity
• A very deesirable of property
p of steel in wh hich steel caan withstand d extensive deformatioon without
failure undder high tennsile stressees, i.e., it givves warning before failure takes place.
– Tough hness
• Steel hass both strenngth and ductility.
– Additions to Existting Structures
• Example: new bays or even enttire new win ngs can be added
a to exxisting fram
me buildings, and steel
bridges maay easily be windened.

Disadvantaages of Steeel as a Strucctural Material

• Althou dvantages as structurall material, itt also has m
ugh steel haas all this ad many disadvvantages
that make
m reinforrced concreete as a repllacement foor constructtion purposses.
• For exxample, steeel columns sometimes
s ovide the neecessary streength because of
cannot pro
buckling, whereas R/C colum mns are generally studyy and massive, i.e., no buckling problems
• The many
m disadvaantages of steel
s can bee summarized as followws:
– Maintenance Cosst
• Steel struuctures are susceptiblee to corrosio on when exxposed to aiir, water, an nd humidityy. They
must be paainted perio odically.
– Fireproofing Costt
• Steel is in
ncombustib ble material; however, its strength h is reducedd tremendou usly at high
temperatu ures due to common
c firres
Steel Sections
* Rolled Seections

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– Structural steel caan be econo omically rollled into a wide

w varietyy of shapes and sizes without
apprecciably changging its phyysical properties.
– Usually the most desirable members
m are those with large mom ments of inertia in proportion to
their areas.
– The I, T, and C shaapes, so commmonly useed, fall into this class.

– Steel sections
s aree usually designated byy the shapess of their crross sections.
– As exaamples, there are anglees, tees, zeees, and plates.
– It is neecessary, ho
owever, to make
m a defiinite distincction between Americaan standard beams
(calledd S beams) and
a wide-flange beams (called W beams) as they are bo oth I shaped

* Rolled Seections
I-Shaped Sections

* Designattion System
Some exammples of this abbreviattion system are as follo ows:
1. A W17 7×117 is a W section ap pproximateely 27 in. deep weighingg 114 b/ft.
2. An S122×35 is an S section 122 in. deep weighing
w 35 lb/ft.
3. An HP12×74 is beearing pile section
s whicch is approxximately 12 in. deep weeighing 74 lb/ft.
4. A C10××30 is a chaannel sectio
on 10 in. deeep weighingg 30 lb/ft.

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5. An MC C18×58 is a miscellaneo ous channeel 18 in. deep weighing 58 lb/ft, which cannott be
classiffied as a C shape becauuse of its dim
6. An L6××6×½ is an equal
e leg an
ngle, each leeg being 6 in long and ½ in. thick.

* Idealized
d Relationsh

* Yield Point of Modern Steels

– In the paast, a structu
ural carbon steel desiggnated as A3
36 and having yield strress of Fy = 36 ksi was
the commo only used sttructural steel.
– Today, a steel having Fy = 50 kssi can be produced and d sold at alm
most the samme price ass 36 ksi
– Structuraal steels aree generally grouped
g intto several major
m ASTM classificatioons:
ASTM = Am merican Socciety for Tessting and Materials

* Yield Point of Modern Steels

– The carbon steels A36, A53, A5 500, A501, and
a A529.
– The high-strength lo ow alloy steels A572, A618,
A A913, and A992.
– The corroosion resistant high-strrength lowaalloy steels A242, A588
8, and A847
Considerabble information is presented for each of these steels in AISC
A Manuaal.
Responsibiilities of thee Structural Designer and Engineer

– Safety
• Not only must the frrame of a sttructure saffely supportt the loads to t which it is subjectedd, but also
it must suppport them in such a manner
m thatt deflectionss and vibrattions are no
ot so great as
a to
frighten th
he occupantts or to causse unsightlyy cracks.
– Cost
• The engineer or dessigner needss to keep in n mind the factors
f that can lower ccost withou ut
sacrificing the strengtth, e.g., the use of standard-size members,
m simple conneections, etc.
– Practicality

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• Designerrs and engin

neers need to t understaand fabricattion methodds, and should try to fitt their
work to the fabricatio
on facilities available.
• The moree the designner knows about
a the problems,
p to
olerances, and
a clearancces in shop and field
the more probable
p it is that reasoonable, practical, and economical
e l designs will be produced.

Couldd I get thiis thing toogether if

i I were sent out to do it??
Specificatioons and Buiilding Codess
* The desiggn of structural steel in n the Unitedd States is controlled
c a governeed by building codes.
* These coodes providee general gu uidelines off the minimum requirements for tthe design of o a
structural component
c t or a systemm.
* These coodes, which are actuallyy laws or orrdinances, specify
s minimum:
– Design lo
– Design sttresses
– Construcction types
– Material quality
– Other facctors.
* Some of these codes are writteen specifically for certaain areas and disciplinees of an engineering
* Exampless:
– The design
d of stteel bridges is generallyy in accordaance with sp ns of the Am
pecification merican
Assoociation of State
S Highwway and Tran nsportation Officials (A AASHTO).
– Railroad bridgess are design ned in accorrdance with h specificatioons provideed by the Am
way Engineeering Associiation (AREA A).
– The design
d or annalysis of offfshore stru
uctures is ussually goverrned by the specificatioons
adoppted by the American Petroleum
P Institute (APPI).
– Commercial ship p design is generally
g coontrolled byy the specifications furnished by the
American Bureaau of Shipping (ABS).
– Reinfforced conccrete structures are generally desiigned accorrding to thee American Concrete C
Instittute (ACI).
* Structuraal Steel Design
– Structuraal steel desiign of buildiings in the United
U Statees is princip
pally based on the speccifications
of the Ameerican Instittute of Steeel Construction (AISC).

”ASD Maanual of Steeel Construuction,” 9TH Edition

merican Insttitute of Steeel Construcction

Dead, Live,, and Enviro

onmental Lo oads
* Loads
– The accurate
a deetermination of the loaads to which
h a structure or structu
ural element will be
subjeected is nott always preedictable.

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– Even n if the loadss are well known at on ne location in

i a structure, the distrribution of load
l from
elemment to elem ment througghout the sttructure usu ually requires assumpttions and
– The objective
o off a structuraal engineer is to designn a structuree that will b
be able to withstand
all th
he loads to which
w it is subjected
s w
while servingg its intendeed purpose throughoutt its
intennded life spaan.
– Load ds can be claassified into o three broaad categoriees: (1) Deadd Loads, (2) Live Loads, and (3)
Envirronmental Loads.
* Types of Loads
– Dead Loaads
– Live Loadds
– Environm mental Load ds
• Impact • Sno ow loads • Hydrostatic and sooil pressure
• Rain loadds • Earth hquake load ds • Thermaal and otherr effects
• Wind loaads

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* Dead Loaads
– Dead loadl is a fixeed position gravity servvice load.
– It is caalled dead lo oad becausee it acts con
ntinuously toward
t the earth when n the structure is in
– The weight of thee structure is i considereed dead load, as well as attachments to struccture such
as pipees, electricaal conduit, air-conditio
a ning and he eating ductss, lighting fixtures, andd roof and
floor covering,
c etc.
– Dead loads
l are ussually know wn accuratelly but not until
u the dessign has beeen complete ed.
– Reasonable estim mates of struucture weigghts may be e obtained byb referring to similar types
t of
structu ures or to various
v form
mulas and taables.
– Appro oximate weights of som me common n building materials
m forr roofs, walls, floors, an
nd so on
are provided in Taable 1.

Tablee 1. Typical Dead Loadss for Some Common

C Building Matterials
Reinforced concrete 50 lb/ft3
Strructural steeel 49
90 lb/ft3
Mo ovable steel partitions 4 psf
Plaaster and cooncrete 5 psf
Susspended ceilings 2 psf
3-pply ready ro
oofing 1 psf
Hardwood flooring (7/8 in.) 4 psf
2 ´ 12 ´ 16 in. double
d woo od floors 7 psf
Wo ood studs with
w ½ in gyp psum 8 pssf
Claay brick wytthes (4 in.) 39
9 psf

* Live Loadds
– Gravity loads acting when th he structuree is in servicce, but varyiing in magn
nitude and lo
are termed live lo oads.
– Examp ple of live lo
oads are
• Human occupants
• Furnituree
• Movablee equipmentt
• Vehicles
• Stored go oods
– A greaat deal of information ono the magnitudes of these t variou
us loads, alo
ong with specified
minimmum values, are presen nted in ASCEE 7-98:
• Floor loads:
– Typicaal values forr floor loading are listed in Table 2
• Traffic lo
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Koya University

– Bridgees are subjected to seriies of conceentrated loaads of varyin

ng magnitude caused by
b groups
of trucck or train wheels.
Table 2. Typical Minimum
M Uniform Live e Loads for Design
D of Bu

Table 3. Tyypical Conccentrated Livve Loads fo

or Buildings
Hosspitals - opeerating room ms, private 10
000 lb
rooms, and waards
Manufacturingg building (liight) 20
000 lb
Manufacturingg building (h heavy) 30
000 lb
Offiice floors 20
000 lb
Retail stores (first floors) 10
000 lb
Retail stores (uupper floorss) 10
000 lb
School classroo oms 10
000 lb
School corridors 10
000 lb

• Impact lo
– Impact lo
oads are cau used by thee vibration of
o moving oro movable loads.
l The A
ASCE Speciffication
requires th
hat when structures are supportin ng live loadss that tend to mpact, it is necessary
t cause im
for those lo
oads to be increased
i b the perceentages give
by en in Table44.
• Longitudinal loads
– Longitudinal loads are
a another type of load that need ds to be connsidered in d
designing soome
structures.. Stopping a train on a railroad briidge or a truuck on a higghway bridgge causes lo
forces to be
b applied. Imagine
I thee tremendous longitudinal force developed
d w
when the drriver of a
40-ton trucck travelingg at 60 mph has to stop p suddenly.
Table 4. Livve Load Imp
pact Factorss
Elevator maachinery 100%
Motor driveen machinerry 20%
Reciprocatin ng machineery 50%

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Hangers forr floors or balconies

H 33%
* Environmmental Load ds
– Snow loaads
• On inch of
o snow load is equivallent to a loaad of approxximately 0.55 psf.
• For roof design, sno
ow loads varry from 10 tot 40 psf.
– Rain load
• Althoughh snow loadd are a moree severe pro oblem than rain loads for
f the usuaal roof. The situation
can be reversed for flaat roofs witth poor draiinage system
– Wind loaads
• Wind loaads can be severe.
s Num
merous structural failurres by wind were reported. Perhaps the
most infammous of these are the failure
f of
Tay Bridgee in Scotland
d in 1979, which
w causeed the deathhs of 75 peo
Tacoma Naarrow Bridgge in Tacom ma, Washinggton, in 194 40,
Union Carb bide Buildin
ng in Torontto in 1958.

– Earthquaake Loads
• An earthquake conssists of horizzontal and vertical
v ground motionns, with the vertical mo otion
usually havving much smaller
s maggnitude.
• Since thee horizontall motion of the ground
d causes thee most significant effecct, it is that effect
which usuaally thoughtt of as earth
hquake loadd.
• When the ground under a struccture havingg certain mass suddenly moves, the inertia of o the mass
tends to reesist the mo
ovement (Fig. 1)

Design (LRFD)
* Probabiliity Based-deesign Appro
oach Versuss Deterministic Approaach

ng to ASD, one factor off safety (FS)) is used thaat accountss for the enttire uncertaainty in
• Accordin
loads and strength.
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• Accordin ng to LRFD (probability--based), diffferent partiial safety factors for th

he different load and
strength tyypes are useed.
φ = strengtth reduction n factor
γi = load faactor for thee ith load component out of n com mponents
Rn = nomin nal or desiggn strength (stress, moment, force e, etc.)
Lni = nominal (or design) value fo or the ith load compon
nent out of m componeents

* Tension members
m are found in
– Bridges and
a roof tru usses
– Towers
– Bracing systems
– Cases whhere they arre used as tie
t rods
* The desiggn of tensio
on memberss is very sim
mple and strraightforward.
* No buckling problem ms are encoountered as in the case
e of compression members.

* Tension Members
– Trusses

– Tension Structures

* Rods
– One of th
he simplest forms of teension mem
mbers is the circular rod

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– The rod has

h been ussed frequen ntly in the past, but hass only occassional uses nowadays in bracing
systems, ligght trusses,, and in timber constru uction.
– The probblems associated with rodsr that th
here is somee difficulty connecting
c them to maany
* Rolled Sh
hapes (Standard Sectio ons)
– Today, teension mem mbers includ de
• Single an
• Double angles
• Tees
• Channelss
• W sections, and
• Built-up sections
– These meembers look better, arre stiffer, an nd are easieer to connecct to other sstructures.
* Tie Plates (bars)
– Memberrs consistingg of more th han one secction need tot be tied to ogether.
– Tie plates (also calleed tie bars) located at various
v inte
ervals or perrforated covver plates serve to
hold the vaarious piecees in their correct posittions.
– These plaates help co a equal distribution off loads betw
orrect any an ween the vaarious parts.

* Steel Cab
– They are made with h special steeel alloy wire ropes that are cold-d
drawn to a d desired diam
– The resulting wire sttrengths of about 200,,000 to 250,,000 psi cann be econom mically usedd for
suspensionn bridges, caable supporrted roofs, ski
s lifts, and
d other simiilar applicattions.

* ASD Speccification
– For tension members having ho oles, such as o bolts, thee reduced crross section
a for rivet or n is
referred too as the nett area.
– Holes in member caause stress concentrati
c on (nonunifform stresses).
– For exammple, a hole in a plate with
w a tensile service fo orce P produces a stresss distributiion at
service loaad as shownn in Fig. 1

Figure 1. Elastic
E Stresss Distributio
on with Holles Present
– Theory of
o elasticity shows that tensile streess adjacentt to the holee will aboutt three time
es the
average stress on the net area.

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– Howeverr, as each fiber reachess yield strain

n, that is y = Fy/Es, its stress
s then becomes a constant
Fy with defformation continuing
c w increassing load un
with ntil finally all fibers havve achieved or
exceeded the
t strain εyy (see Fig. 2)

Figure 2. Ultimatee Condition – Stress Distribution with

w Holes P

* Net Areaas, An
• Whenever a ten nsion memb ber is to be fastened byy means of bolts or riveets, holes must
m be
provided at the connection n.
• Therefore, the member
m cro
oss sectionaal area is red
duced and the
t strength h of the meember may
also be reduced d dependinggon the sizee and locatio on of the ho
• The term
t nal area” orr “net area”” refers to the gross secctional areaa of the
“net cross-section
memmber minus the holes, notches,
n or other indenntations.
• How to find the area of thee hole?
The area f the hole is considered a rectangu ular area, annd is compuuted as follo

AH = dH × tP
For fasteneer in standaard holes,
dh = diameeter of fasteener + 1/8 in. (3.2 mm))
tp = thickness of platee or metal used

* Example 1
What is thee net area An
A for the tension mem
mber shown

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* Example 2
Determinee the net areea of the 3//8 8-in platee shown. Th
he plate is co
onnected at its ends with
w two
lines of ¾-iin bolts.

* Example 3
Compute the
t net areaa for the meember show
wn in the figgure.

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Effect of Sttaggered Holes

* Wheneveer there is more
m than on
o hole and a not lined up transvverse to the loading
d the holes are
direction, more
m than one
o potential failure line may exisst.
* The conttrolling failu
ure line is th
hat line whicch gives the
e minimum net area.
* In the previous exam mples, tensiion membeers were asssumed to fail transverssely as alongg line AB in
Fig. 1a or 1b.

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Figurre 1. Possib
ble Failure Sections in Plates

• Fig. 1cc shows a member

m in which
w a failu
ure other th
han a transvverse one is possible.
• The ho oles are stagggered, and d failure aloong section ABCD
A is posssible unlesss the holes are a large
distance apart.
• In Fig. 1b, the failure line is along
a the seection AB.
• In Fig. 1c, which is showing two t lines of staggered holes, the failure
f might be through one
line m
hole (ssection ABEE) or it migh ht be along a diagonal path
• At firstt glance, on
ne might thiink section ABE A is criticcal since thee path ABE is obviouslyy shorter
than path
• Howevver, from paath ABE, on nly one holee would be deducted
d w
while two ho oles would be
deduccted from paath ABCD.
• Contro olling Sectioon
– In ordeer to determ mine the co ontrolling seection, bothh paths ABEE and ABCD must be invvestigated.
– Accuraate checking of strengtth along patth ABCD is very v compleex.
– Howevver, a simpllified empirical relation nship has beeen proposed by Cochrane and ad dopted by
in the AISC ASD Manual.
– The ASSD Specificaation and otther specificcations use a very simp ple method d for computing the
net wiidth of a ten nsion memb ber along a zigzag section.
– The method
m is to take the grross width of o the member regardless of the liine along whichw
failuree might occu ur, subtractt the diametter of the holes along the t zigzag ssection, and d for each
individdual line thee quantity given
g by S /4g.
– In deteermining th he critical seection amon ng various paths,
p the one
o that givees the leastt value
after subtracting
s the holes, and
a the quaantity

S2/4g is the critical section.

s = staggerr or spacing of adjacentt holes paraallel to loading directio
on (See Fig. 2), also called pitch
g = gage diistance tran
nsverse to th
he loading (Fig.
( 2)

Figure 2. Criticcal Section and

a net Len

Net length of ABC = leength of ABC – diameteer of hole

Net length of ABCD = length of ABCD – 2(diaameter of hole) + S2/4gg

Note: for standard

s bo
olts, add 1/8 in. to hole
e diameter,

* Example 1

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Determinee the criticall net area of the ½ -in plate

p shown
n using the LRFD Speciffication. The holes are
punched fo
or ¾-in boltts.

* LRFD Maanual Provissions for Angles

– Holes forr bolts and rivets
r are usually drilleed or punched in steel angles
a at ceertain stand
– These loccations or gages
g are deependent on the angle-leg widths and on thee number off lines of
– Table1 (ppage 1-52), which is takken from Fig. 10.6 of thhe ASD Man nual, showss these gagees.

ASD Manual Provision

ns for Anglees

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– When ho oles are stagggered on two legs of ana angle, th

he gage lenggth g for usee in s2/4g expression
d by using a length betw
is obtained ween the centers of th
he holes meeasured alon ng the centerline of
the angle thickness,
t i.e., the distaance AB in Fig.
F 2.
– Thus the gage distan nce g is giveen by

Effective Net
N Areas
* The net area
a as commputed prevviously givess the reduced section that t resist b
but still mayy not
correctly reeflect the sttrength.
* This partticularly truee when the tension meember has a profile con nsisting of eelements no ot in
common plane
p and where
w the teensile load iss transmitte nd of the member by connection
ed at the en
to some bu ut not all off the elemen nts.
* An angle section havving connecction to onee leg only is an example of such a such a case e.
* For such situations, the tensile force is nott uniformly distributed d over the net area.
* To accouunt for nonu uniformity, the
t AISC Sp pecification provides fo or an “effecttive net areea Ae”
equal to UA An.
* AISC LRFD Provisions for Effective Net Area
The ASD LR RFD Specificcation provides that th he effective net area is to be comp puted as;
Ae = U An
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U = reduction coefficient, An = neet area
AISC ASD Provisions
P or Effective Net Area
Table 1. Peermissible U Values forr Bolted Con nnections
a. W,
W M, or S shapes with flange widtths not lesss than two-tthirds the depth, and
structural teees cut fromm these shap pes, provideed the conn nection is too the flangees and
h no feweer than three fasteners per line in the directio
has on of stress,, U = 0.90.
b. W,
W M, or S shapes not meeting
m thee conditionss of subparaagraph a, sttructural tee es cut
from these shapes,
s and
d all other sh
hapes including built-u up cross secctions, proviided
the connection has no fewer
f than three faste
eners per lin ne in the dirrection of sttress,
U = 0.85.
c. All
A memberss having only two fasteeners per lin ne in the dirrection of sttress, U = 0.75.
– The desiggner also haas to check the slenderrness ratio that
t it woulld not exceeed a value of
o 300, that
L/r = 300 or rmin = L/300

* Axial Commpression
– Colum mns are defined as mem mbers that carry
c loads in compression.
– Usually they carryy bending moments
m ass well, about one or both axes of tthe cross section.
– The beending actio on may prod duce tensilee forces oveer a part of the cross seection.
– Despitte of the ten nsile forces or stressess that may be
b produced d, columns are
– Generrally referred to as: “co ompression members” because the compresssion forces or stresses
domin nate their beehavior.
– In add dition to thee most comm mon type ofo compression membeers (vertical elements in n
structuures), comppression meembers inclu ude:
• Arch ribss
• Rigid fram
me members inclined or o otherwisse
• Compresssion elemeents in trusses
• Shells

* General
– Columns include topp chords of trusses and
d various brracing members.
– In many cases, manyy members have comp pression in some
s of theeir parts. Th
hese include
• The compression flaange
• Built-up beam sectio
ons, and
• Memberrs that are subjected simultaneoussly to bendiing and com mpressive lo oads.

– Mode of Failures forr Columns

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1. Flexurall Buckling (aalso called Euler

E buckling) is the primary typee of buckling. Members are
subject to flexure or bending
b when they beccome unstable.
2. Local Bu
uckling: Thiss type occurs when som me part or parts
p of thee cross sectiion of a colu
umn are so
hey buckle locally in co
thin that th ompression before the other modes of buckliing can occu ur. The
susceptibillity of a colu
umn to locaal buckling iss measuredd by the widdth-thicknesss ratio of thhe parts of
the cross section

Euler Buckkling

* Slendern
ness Ratio
– The longer the colummn becomees for the saame cross seection, the greater beccomes its te
endency to
d the smalleer becomes the load it will carry.
buckle and
– The tend
dency of a member
m to buckle
b is usually measu ured by its slenderness
s s ratio, that is;
Slendernesss Ratio = L//r
Where = = radius of
o gyration

* Why is a column mo ore critical than

t a beamm or a tensioon memberr?
– A column n is a more critical mem mber in a sttructure thaan is a beamm or tension
n members because
minor imperfections in materialss and dimen nsions mean n a great deeal.
– This fact can be illusstrated by a bridge trusss that has some
s of its members ddamaged byy a truck.

– The bendding of tenssion membeers probablyy will not bee serious ass the tensilee loads will tend
t to
straighten those mem mbers; but the bendingg of any com mpression members
m is a serious matter, as
compressivve loads willl tend to magnify
m the bending
b in those
t members.

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Developmeent of Colum mn Formulaas

* In 1757, Leonhard Euler,
E A Swisss mathemaatician wrotte a paper of o great valu
ue concerniing the
buckling off columns
* He was probably
p thee first perso
on to realizee the significance of buuckling.
* The Euler formula, the
t most fam mous of all column equations willl be derived d in the follo
* This form
mula marked d the real beginning
b off theoretical and experrimental invvestigation of o
* Practical column design is baseed primarily on formulaas that havee been deveeloped to fitt with
reasonablee accuracy test-result
t c
* The testing of colum
mns with various slendeerness ratio os results in a scattered
d range of values
v as
shown in Fig.
F 1.

* The dots in Fig. 1 will not fall onn a smooth curve even n if all of thee testing is p
performed in the
same laborratory becaause of the difficulty
d off
– Exactly centering the loads
– Lack of perfect
p unifo
ormity of th he materialss
– Varying dimensions
d of the sections
– Residual stresses
– End restrraint variations
– Etc.
* The practical approaach is to atttempt to deevelop form mulas which give resultss represente ed by an
approximaate average of the test results.
* It is to bee noted also
o that the laaboratory coonditions are not field conditions and column tests
probably give
g the limiiting values of column strengths.
* Yield Streength and Length
L of Co
– Short Columns
• The yield d stresses off the section tested aree quite important for short
s columns as their failure
stresses arre close to those yield stresses.
– Columns with Interm mediate L/rr

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• The yield
d stresses arre of lesser importancee on their effect on faillure stressees. Also resid
stresses haave more efffect on thee results.
– Long Slennder Colummns
• The yield nificance, but the column strength
d stresses arre of no sign h is very sennsitive to en

The Euler Formula

* Buckling
– Buckling is a mode ofo failure geenerally resu
ulting from structural instability
i d
due to comp
action on the
t structurral memberr or elementt involved.
– Exampless
• Overload ded metal building
b colu
• Compresssive memb bers in bridgges.
• Roof trussses.
• Hull of suubmarine.
• Metal skin on aircraft fuselagess or wings with
w excessive torsionaal and/or compressive loading.
• Any thin--walled torq que tube.
• The thin web of an I-beam
I withh excessive shear load
• A thin flaange of an I--beam subjected to excessive com mpressive bending effeects.

* Buckling
– In view of
o the abovee-mentioned exampless, it is clear that bucklin
ng is a resullt of compre
– Overall to
orsion or sh
hear may caause a localized compressive actio
on that could lead to bu uckling.
– Exampless of buckling for comm
monly seen anda used to ools (compoonents) are provided in n the next
few viewgrraphs.

* Definition
“Buckling can
c be defiined as the sudden larg ge deformaation of stru ucture due tto a slight increase
i of
an existingg load undeer which thee structure had exhibitted little, iff any, deform
mation befofore the
load was inncreased.”

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* Critical Buckling
B Loaad, Pcr
The critical buckling lo
oad (Euler Buckling)
B for a long colu
umn is given by;

E = moduluus of elasticcity of the material
I = momen nt of inertia of the cross section
L = length of
o column

Design of steel
s beam (ASD, Allow wable Stresss design)
Design cod
de: AISC Alloowable Streess Design 9th edition, 1989.
Design req
1. Maaximum ben nding stress, fb must noot exceed alllowable strress, Fb.
2. Defflection shoould not excceed allowable limit.
3. Maaximum shear stress, fv shall not exceed
e allow
wable shearr stress.
Design pro
1. Calculate desiggn load.
2. Calculate desiggn momentt, M and bending stresss, fb.
3. Select a trial beam size annd calculatee allowable bending strress, Fb (seee below)
4. Calculate defleection and check
c with allowable
a deflection
d raatio.
5. Calculate desiggn shear annd shear streess, fv.
6. Calculate allowwable shearr stress, Fv.

Determine e bending sttress and sh

hear stress
Bending sttress shall be determined as
fb= M/S where M iss design mo
oment, S is section
s mod

Design of steel
s beam with W, I shape
s or Ch
Determine e allowable bending sttress Fb (ASD D)
W, I shape and channel hot-roll section
s bending about its major axxis or shearr center
1. Com mpact section: allowab ble bendingg stress,
Fb = 0.6
66 Fy if Lb ≤ L c
Wh here
Fy is yield strenngth of steeel memberss.
Lb is laterally unsupported
u d length of the compre ession flangges,
Lc iss the smalleer of 76 bf/√
√Fy or Lc = 20,000/[(d/A
2 Af)Fy]
bf iss the width of the flangge, Af is areea of the flange.
2. Non-compact section: allo owable ben nding stress
Fb = 0.6
60 Fy if Lb ≤ 76 bf/Fy
3. Com mpact or no on-compactt section, Fb is the large er of the folllowing

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[ASD F1-6]


[ASD F1-7]

Forr any value of

o l/rT.
[ASD F1-8]

Note: for
f channelss bent, allow
wable stress is determined from [F1-8].

rT (inch o gyration of a section
h) is radius of n comprisingg the compression flan
nge plus 1/33 of the
compreession web area, taken n about an axis
a in the plan
p of web. (note: rT iss available in AISC
steel taable for most W and I section)
Af is area of flangee,
Cb = 1.775+1.05(M1/M2)+0.3(M M1/M2) but not more than 2.3.
M1 and d M2 are thee smaller an
nd the largeer applied moments
M1/M2 is positive if M1 and M2 have the same sign.

W and I shape hot-rolll section beending abouut its minor axis,

1. Com mpact section: allowab ble bendingg stress,
Fb = 0.7
75 Fy
2. Non-compact section: allo owable ben nding stress
Fb = 0.6
60 Fy

Maximum width-thickkness for co

ompression flange for W,
W I and Channel sectio
a. Compaact section: bf/t ≤ 65/√ √Fy.
b. Non-co ompact secttion: bf/t ≤ 95/√F
9 y.

e unsupportted length

Simply sup
pported beaams
1. Forr simply suppported beaam, the top flange is in compressio on. If the beeam is direcctly
attaached to ro
oof deck or floor
f slab, the compresssion flangee is fully sup
pported. Thhe
unssupported length Lb is 0.

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2. Wh hen the beam supporting joists or other beam ms, and its flange
f is directly attach
hed to the
suppported joissts or other beams, thee unsupportted length iss the spacinng of the joiists or
othher beams.
Cantilever beams:
1. Forr cantilever beam, the compressio on flange is at the botto
om of the b beam. If thee bottom
nge is un-brraced, the unsupported
u d length is the
t length ofo the cantillever beam..
2. If bracing
b is prrovided at th
he bottom flange,
f the unsupporteed length is the spacingg between
Continuous beams:
1. Forr the positivve moment portion of the
t beam, the t compression flangee is at the to op of the
beaam. The un nsupported length is deetermined asa a simply supported
s b
2. Forr the negativve momentt portion of the beam, the compreession flangge is at the bottom
b of
thee beam. Thee unsupporrted length is determined as a cantilever beam m.

Check sheaar stress

Shear stresss, fv =V/(twd) ≤ Allowaable shear stress, Fv = 0.4
0 Fy
Where V iss applied shear force, d is the deptth of beam,, tw is thickn
ness of web

Acceptablee deflection n in most buuilding codes

Deflection limits listed
d in International Build
ding Code 20
003 Table 1604.3are
Constructtion L S or
o W D+L
Roof meembers
Supportting plaster ceiling 60
L/36 L/360 L/240
Supportting non-plaaster ceilingg L/24
40 L/240 L/180
Not sup pporting ceilling L/18
80 L/180 L/120
Floor members L/36
60 - L/240
Exteriorr walls and interior
partitionns - L/240 -
With brittle finishes - L/120 -
With fleexible finishes

For cantileever beam, L is 2 time the

t length of
o cantileverr.

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Example 1:1
Situation: A structuraal steel beam m is supportting a roof asa shown in n the figure.. The beam m is simply
supported at each end d.
Design Cod de: AISC ASD D 9th editioon
Roof live lo
oad: WL = 12 2 psf
Roof dead load: WD = 20 psf
Length of beam:
b L = 35 ft
Unsupportted length (Joist spacin ng): Lb = 5 ft
Tributary width:
w TriB = 35 ft
Material: ASTM
A A36, yield
y strenggth, Fy = 36 ksi
Requireme ents: Selectt a W24 beaam
Total load on beam: W = (WL+WD) TriB = 112 20 lb/ft.
Maximum moment: M = W L2/8 = 171.5 kip--ft
Maximum unsupporteed length, Lb = 5 ft
Try W24x5 55, From AISSC steel Tab ble, d = 23.5 n, Af = bf tf==3.5 in2, tw = 5/16 in
57 in, bf = 7 in, tf =0.5 in
Section mo odulus, S = 114 in3.
Moment of o inertia, I = 1350 in4.
Calculate compact
c lenngth Lc = 76 bf/√Fy = 76 6 (7) / √36 = 7.4 ft or
Lc =20000//[(d/Af)Fy] = 20000 /[2 23.75/ 3.5) 36
3 ] = 6.9 ft > Lb = 5 ft
Allowable stress: Fb = 0.66 Fy = 24 4 ksi
Bending sttress: fb = M/S
M = 18.1 kssi < Fb = 24 ksi O.K K.
Check deflection: Elasstic modulus, E = 29000 0 ksi
Total defleection, ∆ = 5 W L4/(388 E I ) = 0.97 in
Deflection ratio, L/∆ = 1/435 < 1/ 1 240 O.K
Live load deflection,
d ∆L = ∆ (12/3 32) = 0.36 inn,
Live load deflection
d raatio, ∆L /L = 1/1160 < 1/360
1 O.K.
Check sheaar stress,
Shear forcee, V = WL/2 2 = 19.6 kipss
Shear stresss, fv = V/(twd) = 2.7 kssi
Allowable shear stress, Fv = 0.4 Fy = 14.4 ksi

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Example 2:

Situationn: A structural steel beam with is supporting

s a roof as sh
hown in thee figure. The
e beam is
simply supported at each end.
Design Cod de: AISC ASD D 9th editioon
Roof live lo
oad: WL = 12 2 psf
Roof dead load: WD = 20 psf
Length of beam:
b L = 36 ft
Length of cantilever:
c a = 12 ft
Tributary width:
w TriB = 24 ft
Material: ASTM
A A992,, yield strenngth, Fy = 50
0 ksi
Requireme ents: Selectt a W18 beaam
Total load on beam: W = (WL+WD) TriB = 768 8 lb/ft.
Maximum negative momentm at cantilever
c nd: Mneg = W a2/2 = 55.3 kip-ft
Maximum unsupporteed length att cantileverr, Lb = 12 ft
Try W18x3 7/16 in, Af = bf tf=2.62 in2,
35, From AISSC Table, d = 17.7 in, bf = 6 in, tf =7
tw = 0.3 in, rT = 1.49 in
Section mo 5 in3.
odulus, S = 57.6
Moment of o inertia, I = 510 in4.
Check canttilever end:
Calculate compact
c ngth Lc = 76 bf/√Fy = 76
len 6 (6) / √50 = 5.3 ft or
Lc =20000//[(d/Af)Fy] = 20000 /[1 17.7/ 2.62) 50
5 ] = 4.9 ft < Lb = 12 ft

Calculate a/r
a T = 96
Calculate Cb, M1 = 0, M2 = 69.1 kiip-ft, Cb = 1..75

Allowable stress from

m Eq. F1-6:

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Allowable stress from

m Eq. F1-8:

Maximum bending strress:

Bending sttress: fb = M/S
M = 11.5 kssi < Fb = 24.6 ksi O.K.
Maximum deflection at a cantileveer end, E = 29000
2 ksi
From strucctural analysis,
∆ = (Wa/24 4EI)(4a2L-L3+3a3) = -0.9 93 in ∆/22a = 1/248 O.K.
Live load deflection,
d ∆
∆L=∆(12/32 ) = 0.35 in ∆/2a = 1/8 825 O.K.
Check interior span:
Maximum negative moment
m is th
he same as cantilever end.
Unsupportted length iss less. O.K. by inspectiion.
Maximum positive mo oment:
Mpos = (W//8L )(L+a) (LL-a)2 = 122.8
2 2
8 ft-kip
Bending sttress: fb = Mpos/S = 25.6 6 ksi
The span iss fully suppoorted. Allow wable stresss: Fb=0.66Fy=33 ksi O.K.
Check deflection:
Maximum deflection at a x = (L/2)[[1-(a/L)2] = 16 ft
Deflection ∆ = (Wx/24 4E I L)(L4-2LL2x2+Lx3-2a2L2+2a2x2)=1 1.8 in
∆/L = 1/310 O.K.
Live load deflection
d ∆L = (12/32)∆ ∆ = 0.54 in ∆L/L= 1/80 02 O.K.
Check sheaar stress:
Shear forcee at cantilevver end, V1=W = a = 9.3 kip
Shear forcee at simply supported end, V2 = W (L+a)2/2L =24.6 = kips
Shear stresss fv = V2/twd = 4.6 ksi
Allowable shear stress, Fv = 0.4 Fy F = 20 ksi O.K.

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Final Exam
Course TTitle: Steel Design
Department: Civil Engg. Dept. Course CCode: CE4044
Stage/ Yeaar: 4th Time Alloowed: 3 ho ours
Total Markk: 100 Attachedd Sheet: No one

Note; Answ
wer all Questtions. Assum
me anything you
y may nee

The shownn steel frame is laterallyy supported d at points D,

D E, F, G, H,
H I, J, K and L by longitu
udinal steel
beams, all columns arre fixed base. All steel members
m are made of A36. Braces BI and HC C are made
of double angles,
a backk to back, while
w all other memberrs are W‐shaapes, and th he frame is braced
due to the bracings BII & CH.

5' W24x55

8' F G H
D W18x55
0' x
A B y C

1 '
13 13 ' 13 ' 9'

Q 1 (A) (10
0%): Choosee the right answer:
1‐ Forr Column AEE, buckling in
i plane is KLx or KLy ?
ng outside plane
Bucklin p is KLx or KLy ?
2‐ Forr Column BH H, buckling in plane is KLx or KLy ?
ng outside plane
p is KLx or KLy ?
3‐ Forr member BIB (double an ngle back to
o back), bucckling in plaane is KLxx or KLy ?
Buckling outside plane is KLxx or KLy ?

Q 1 (B) (15
5 %): For meember BI, iff KLx = 10 ft and KLy = 20
2 ft and itss compression force is 50 kips,
use the AISSC tables to
o find the ligghtest section of double angles fo
or the follow
wing two cases;
a. Lighhtest sectio
on weight off Double eq qual angles
b. Lighhtest sectio
on weight off Double un nequal anglees with short leg back tto back
c. Wh hich section will you select for dessign? Why?

Q 2 (A) (10
0 %): Determ mine the bu
uckling lengtth KLx
and KLy for column AEE.
Q 2 (B) (20
0 %): If the bending
b mooment of beeam
EFGH is as shown in fiigure, and itts section iss
W24x55. The
T upper flange of thee beam is laterally

Final Exam
Course TTitle: Steel Design
Department: Civil Engg. Dept. Course CCode: CE4044
Stage/ Yeaar: 4th Time Alloowed: 3 ho ours
Total Markk: 100 Attachedd Sheet: No one

supported at F and G.. The upper and lower flange of th

he beam is laterally fixeed at E and H.
a. Dettermine thee beam posiitive moment strength h.
b. Dettermine thee beam negative momeent strength h
c. Witthout any calculations,, is the beam
m strength safe for botth positive aand negativve
d. Dettermine thee beam sheaar strength..

Q 3 (15 %): If column ADE has thee shown beending mom ment and 237 kip.fft 112 kips
normal forrce diagram ms, and it is laterally
l sup
pported at D and E ,
1 x 55, Check the safetty of the column for
and it's secction is W 18

part DE only, if KLx = 13
1 ft and KLLy = 7 ft. (15
5 %)
79 kip.ft

Q 4 (15 %): For the givven N.F.D only

o of colum mn ADE, shown in ‐
question 3, determinee the size off base platee for the column +
(W18x55) if its base in
n a concretee raft of streength 3.5 kssi. 105 kiip.ft 160 kips
Q 5 (15%): If the conn nection betwween the beeam JK and column EJ
is made of 2 angles 2.5x2.5x3/8 inches and A490A (X) ¾”” bolts. The
flanges of the
t beam was w cut as sh hown in figure, given that
t all steel used is A3
36, determin
ne the
strength off the given shear connection takin ng into acco
1‐ Shear faailure of gro
oup A bolts
2‐ Bearing failure of group A boltts
3‐ Shear reesistance at critical section of beam
4‐ What is the total shhear strengtth of the co
Group A Bolts

W 18 x 55

1.25" 1"

‐‐ Goood Luck forr all –

Drr. Faris Rashiied

Kurdisttan Region - IRAQ
Ministry of Higher Eduucation &
Scientific Researrch

Koya University

Student feedbaack regarrding the

e course
Course: Steel
S Designn Date:: Oct. 2018 Year: 2018-2019 Teacher: Dr. Faris Raashied
Departmeent: Civil En
ng. Dept. Facultyy of Eng. Universitty: Koya

No. Assessment Questions More objjective note
Were the aims
a and meessage of thhe
course cleaar?
Were the contents
c of the course useful?
2 Was it relatted to the main
m aims of o the
departmen nt?
Do you thinnk the coursse teacher worked
hard to preepare the coourse book??
Did the teaacher highligght the coree topics
4 and points in an easy-to-understaand
Did the teaacher arrive and conclu ude the
lectures on
n time?
Did the teaacher behavve in a profeessional
manner during the leccture?
Were the slides
s that were
w used clear and
comprehen nsive?
Did the teaacher leave any time fo or
8 a answerrs? Did he/she
questions and
answer theem satisfacttorily?
Did the teaacher handlee any criticiisms or
Were exam m procedurees clearly
Did the exaam question ns reflect th
he topics
presented and studied d in the couurse?
Were the reading refeerences new w and
relevant to
o the topic?
Total level

ment meassurement
1- <2 No
ot Good 2- <3 Averrage 3-
3 <4 Good 4-5 Very Good

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