05-How To Find Niches With Youtube Incognito

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All right, so this next method I call the incognito method.

So essentially what
we'll be doing is using incognito to find inspiration for niches you might have
never thought of. So essentially what you want to do is if you're not located in
America, what often will happen if you start an incognito page like right here, you
will open up YouTube and what you will see is often get recommendations from your
own country.

So currently I'm in Indonesia. So what you will see is that all the recommendations
I'm getting, they're all Indonesian. So they're useless.

Why? Because obviously with YouTube automation, you kind of want to target an
American audience. So to work around this problem, what you must do is close out of
your incognito tab, start up a VPN and set your VPN to whatever American state you
want to target. So for me, I recommend doing either New York, Florida, Texas,
California are all good choices.

So right now I'm connected to Seattle, but you can also put it to San Francisco or
LA. Essentially you want to target high RPM areas. In this way, you will probably
also find the niches that people with a high income and thus high CPM or RPM will

So I'll just set it to San Francisco. That will work fine for this example. You can
boot up your incognito page again.

And in this case, you will see American recommendations. All right. So as you can
see right here, we finally got a bunch of American recommendations.

There's already a bunch of interesting niches in there. So for example, you can see
dash cam videos. I wouldn't necessarily recommend those, but what I see right here,
for example, is a tornado video.

And this channel, for example, only has 20,000 subscribers. And that video blew up.
They got 3 million views.

So essentially what you can do is kind of use these channels as a starting point to
search between niches. So what you can do is essentially now, okay, I know people
in San Francisco are watching tornado videos. That's what they find interesting.

So what I'll do is I'll just search up tornado and essentially go to most viewed,
then go to this month and then press 4 to 20 minutes. So that way you, again, you
filter out shorts. And as you can see right here, for example, you find interesting
channels like this one is not necessarily faceless, but I can imagine you can
probably convert this format into a faceless YouTube channel.

So as you can see, this channel is doing really, really consistent views and might
be interesting to replicate as well. But again, keep in mind, these methods are
just for finding you inspiration for good YouTube niches. So essentially you can
keep repeating this process.

So you can go to the homepage. Okay. Can I find something interesting? Not really.

You just refresh. Eventually, the more you start pressing on stuff, the more fine-
tuned your recommendations will become. So I recommend sometimes closing out of
your incognito tab and restarting one, because it will slowly start recommending
you certain videos.

So yeah, make sure you keep refreshing it from time to time, but eventually you'll
find some interesting niches like, you know, you have rebound like the faceless
channel, but keep in mind, it takes time. It takes consistency to find the right
niches. So I recommend to just keep scrolling, seeing if you can find any of these
faceless channels.

They often just appear when you least expect them. And to be honest, like what you
can also do is if you see videos that consistently get a lot of views, for example,
what I keep seeing is stuff about the Navy. Like apparently people in San Francisco
enjoy watching Navy videos, because I've seen one here.

I've seen one up top, another one about a Navy ship, and maybe you can search up
Navy, see if you can find any interesting videos about the US Navy. And maybe you
can start a channel in that area as well. So this is the incognito method.

Again, you can kind of fine-tune it to your own preference. It's more so about
finding the inspiration for entering the right keywords than it is really to
directly find channels. But again, it's a great method.

And yeah, that's basically it. Thanks for watching.

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