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Earning the At

tention of T
oday's Empower
ed Buyer

Learning Overview - Earning the Attention of Today's Empowered

When inbound salespeople connect with potential buyers, they personalize their outreach for each individual
buyer. This lesson demonstrates how to connect with buyers in a variety of situations and includes best practices
for creating outreach sequences.

• Other: Blog post: 5 Steps to Executing the Perfect Sales Prospecting Campaign [+Templates]
• Other: Blog post: 4 Data-Driven Sales Prospecting Tips
• Other: Template: 12 CRM-Ready Sales Email Templates to Send Today
• Other: Blog post: 28 Sales Email Templates Guaranteed to Get a Response & Start a
• Other: Blog post: 4 Critical Factors for Sales Follow-Up Success
• Website: Learn on the go. Subscribe to HubSpot on YouTube!

VIDEO - Why Do You Need to Personalize Your Outreach?

SLIDE The connect phase is the second part of your inbound sales strategy.

The way you identify your leads impacts how effectively you can connect with them.
Far too many salespeople focus their prospecting efforts on cold, uncustomized emails and voicemails. These
kinds of tactics result in cold leads that aren't especially eager to talk to the salesperson in the first place.

SLIDE Modern buyers do online research.

They know know they can get more insight online rather than taking a cold call from a salesperson.

SLIDE How do you avoid having your calls just go to voicemail?

As an inbound salesperson, you'll reach out to buyers in a different way.

You’ll lead with a message that’s personalized to the buyer’s context.

You'll make an offer aligned with the awareness stage of the buyer's journey. And when you get a prospective
buyer on the phone, you'll seek to understand the buyer's interests and needs and offer to help where you can.
Now, you might be thinking, "I thought this was inbound sales — why are we talking about making outbound

SLIDE It's important to remember inbound is a philosophy.

Inbound encourages companies to be human, helpful, and holistic.

SLIDE Be "human".
Being "human" means taking an empathetic, personable approach to doing business.

SLIDE Be “helpful”.
Provide people the insight and guidance they need at each step of the buyer's journey.

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SLIDE Be “holistic”.
Provide the same level of human, helpful service to people at every stage of their lifecycle, whether they're
strangers, prospects, or customers.

If your outreach is human, helpful, and holistic, it's inbound.

If your outreach focuses solely on trying to push a product, it isn't.

SLIDE What if your current sales strategy isn't inbound?

Changing to an inbound sales strategy might take work; but it will be worth it.

Your prospects will be happier to talk to you with an inbound approach.

That will make your outreach more enjoyable and effective. As you practice connecting with your leads in an
inbound way, it will become second nature to you, and you'll get to enjoy the benefits of focusing your efforts on
truly qualified leads.

VIDEO - Connecting With Inbound Leads

What happens in the Connect Phase?

During the Connect Phase of your inbound sales strategy, you'll connect with leads that you've sourced in a variety
of ways, but the most valuable ones will be inbound leads.

SLIDE Inbound lead

A person who has visited your website and identified themselves in some way.

Inbound leads have the most context around the specific interests of the buyer.
For example, you may know the buyer reads specific blog articles or pages on your website. You may know that
the buyer received five emails from your organization and opened two of them on a related topic. You may know
the buyer re-tweeted certain types of content in social media. All of these actions are indications of the buyer's
specific interests.

SLIDE How can you get a deeper understanding of buyer interests?

Define the categories of interests your buyers might have that your company can help with.

SLIDE For example, here are categories of interest for a recruiting firm:
• Increase the quality of new hires
• Increase the pace of hiring
• Decrease the cost per hire
• Reallocate the time hiring managers spend on sourcing to higher value activities

SLIDE The interest categories for your product or service may be different from your buyer's interests.
List the problems you help your customers solve, and map those problems to the content on your website.

Mapping your persona's interests will help you prepare for your connect calls.
You'll have a pretty good idea of the problem your prospect is trying to solve. Initially, it might be challenging to
connect certain buyer actions to your interest categories. However, this connection will become clearer as you
gain experience with your buyers. When you observe buyer actions and connect these actions to interest
categories, you can then use interest-specific content to your outreach efforts. Armed with relevant content to

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address your inbound lead's specific problems, you'll be ready to connect in a helpful, inbound way.

SLIDE When it comes to contacting inbound leads, connect live.

Picking up the phone is definitely worthwhile.

Inbound calling is not like traditional cold calling.

Cold calling does more harm than good. Calling inbound leads greatly increases the likelihood of turning that
lead into a customer.

SLIDE You should connect with your inbound leads as soon as possible.
One study found that calling such leads within five minutes as opposed to waiting even just half an hour can
increase odds of qualifying 21 times.

SLIDE You'll be more likely to get the person on the phone.

That same study found that you'll be 10 times more likely to have a conversation with a lead if you call them within
five minutes rather than waiting an hour.

Reach out in a helpful way.

They'll be delighted to hear from you, and think about how that will change the tone of this initial conversation.
Instead of spending the first 30 seconds of the call trying to convince the buyer not to hang up on you.

SLIDE Provide content that’s relevant to a problem you know your lead is experiencing.

Your next step is to find a time to discuss.

Schedule a meeting or phone call when they have more time to talk, and then you'll be ready to move to the
explore phase of your inbound sales strategy. Now, it might not always be possible to call every lead immediately.

SLIDE Remind your lead about the action they took.

It may have been a few hours or days since the lead came in, but It's still worthwhile to reach out to them.

SLIDE Listen to this example of how that conversation might go.

[Buyer] "Hello."
[You] "Hi, Mary. This is Dan from Tyre Recruiting."

SLIDE Inbound Lead Connect call 2:

[Buyer] "Oh. How can I help you?"
[You] "You downloaded one of our ebooks earlier today on tips to recruit engineering talent."

SLIDE Inbound Lead Connect call 3:

[Buyer] "Oh, yes, I remember."
[You] "What were you looking for help with?

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SLIDE Inbound Lead Connect call 4:
[Buyer] "Um. Well, we are having trouble winning the top sales talent in the area because we do not sell expensive
products and can't afford to pay at the top of the scale."
[You] "Ahh, yes. We just went through this issue with a client of ours in the northeast. They were a software
company with financial software for small businesses. What have you tried so far?"

Continue to ask the buyer about their specific situation.

Provide help where you can. At some point, you will either naturally transition the conversation into the Explore
Phase or agree to set up an exploratory call together.

SLIDE If you get a prospect’s voicemail, leave a short message.

State who you are and why you're calling. Be sure to reference the action they took because they may have
forgotten about it by the time they get your message.

What should you say in your voice message?

For example, if they downloaded a piece of content, mention its title and ask them if they found the information
they were looking for. Always offer to help in some way. Depending on the action they took, you might want to
offer them some other content related to their interest category.

SLIDE End the message by telling them you’ll send a follow-up email.
Send them a short message that includes any content you promised to them.

Sometimes your message will be ignored.

Now, if you've been in sales for any amount of time, you probably know what it's like to feel as though all of the
voicemails and emails you send to people fall into a black hole. But, your inbound leads might surprise you by
how readily they respond.

SLIDE Reach out in a truly helpful way and people will engage with you.
Your connect strategy needs to include a plan for fielding responses to your voicemails and emails.

SLIDE Email responses are easier to handle.

The buyer's response is an indication that the buyer believes you can help them with a priority goal or challenge.

SLIDE Schedule a meeting or phone call to dig into their needs.

If an inbound lead calls you in response to a voicemail you left them, use that as an opportunity to launch into a
connect call.

In the connect call, they now know who you are.

Because of the information you left in your message, you'll be able to jump straight into scheduling an exploratory
call. Now, if you're in business to business sales, there's another scenario you might find yourself in when it comes
to contacting inbound leads: contacting anonymous leads. Then you have successfully navigated to the Explore
Phase of your inbound sales strategy.

SLIDE Sometimes you don't have a specific contact name.

If you're calling a company that you don't have a specific contact at, focus on the content the people there have
shown interest in.

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SLIDE Here is an example of connecting with an anonymous lead.
Anonymous Lead Connect call 1:
[Buyer] "Mary Smith"
[You] "Hi, Mary. This is Mike from Tyre Recruiting."

SLIDE Anonymous Lead Connect call 2:

[Buyer] "OK?"
[You] "We have received a few inquiries from people at your company for information on increasing hiring quality."

SLIDE Anonymous Lead Connect call 3:

[Buyer] "Really? From who?"
[You] "That's what I was hoping you could help me with. They did not leave their names. Is there someone in your
organization that might be focused on the issue?"

SLIDE Anonymous Lead Connect call 4:

[Buyer] "Maybe Bob in recruiting."
[You] "Do you know why he may be looking for information on sales hiring quality?"

SLIDE Anonymous Lead Connect call 5:

[Buyer] "We've had some issues there."
[You] "Issues?"

Continue to ask the buyer about their specific situation.

Similar to the inbound lead situation, provide help where you can, and transition to the Explore Phase, either on
this call or during a follow-up call. But remember not every inbound lead you contact will be ready to move to the
Explore Phase, and that's okay.
Position yourself as an advisor that they can rely on for helpful information, and then share content with them from
time to time to maintain that relationship. They'll come around eventually.

SLIDE Inbound leads are your most valuable leads.

Connect with them as quickly as possible by reaching out with content related to their interests.

Connect with them as quickly as possible.

From there, it should be smooth sailing to the Explore Phase on your inbound sales strategy.

VIDEO - Connecting With Leads Based on Trigger Events and Common Connections

What if you don’t have enough inbound leads to keep you busy?
There are other ways to source leads that are almost as good. One of these is watching for trigger events, and the
other is leveraging common connections. Let's start with trigger events.

SLIDE Trigger Event

A trigger event is anything that indicates that you could provide immediate value to someone.

SLIDE You should be watching multiple communication channels for trigger events.
Watch for press releases, news articles, social media mentions, or hashtags for any mention of something you can

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help with.

For example, what if you work for a recruiting agency?

A potential buyer publishes a job posting for a sales hire, that would be an indication that they might need your
agency's help. The trigger events you should be watching for depending entirely on the solution you provide.

SLIDE When do you reach out?

If you can identify a trigger event from a prospect that you know is a good fit, then reach out to them!

SLIDE When making a connect call focus on the trigger event first.
Then explore whether the trigger event implies a goal or challenge you can help with.

SLIDE Here's an example from a fictional recruiting team.

Trigger event call 1
[You] "Hi, Mary. This is Dan from Tyre Recruiting."
[Buyer] "OK?"

SLIDE Trigger event call 2:

[You] "I just read your new job posting on the account executive position."
[Buyer] "Yes. You need to submit your resume to Bob in recruiting. The email is on the job ad."

SLIDE Trigger event call 3:

[You] "Actually, I was not calling about applying to the job. I was calling because we published a popular ebook
amongst your peers on writing job ads that attract sales rock stars. Based on those best practices, I had a few
suggestions on the ad."
[Buyer] "Oh. Okay. What do you think?"

SLIDE Provide suggestions and help where you can.

Transition into what changes led to the trigger event and what they are most worried about with the process.
Begin the Explore Phase when it's right.

SLIDE What if you call and don’t get the person on the phone?
Leave a voicemail referencing the trigger event and a helpful piece of content you'd like to share with them.

Trigger events and common connections are excellent tools for sourcing new leads.
As you reach out to these leads, start the conversation with the event or connection that brought them to your
attention and then look for ways you can always follow-up your calls. Send an email with the promised information.
If they respond to the email, provide help where you can, and transition to the Explore Phase when you've
identified a need you can help with. And once you're confident that you can help, you'll be ready to move on to
the Explore Phase of your inbound sales strategy.

SLIDE Leveraging common connections is another way to source leads.

Any person you and your prospect both know is a considered a common connection.

How can you leverage common connections?

It might be a friend or colleague or even a family member. Common connections are extremely effective during

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the connect phase because it elevates you from being a stranger to being an acquaintance. To use common
connections, first define the categories of common connections.

SLIDE Here are some common connection categories:

• One of your customers may refer a potential buyer.
• One of your fellow employees knows a potential buyer.
• An acquaintance outside of your organization knows a potential buyer.
Your connections may be different, and that's ok!

SLIDE Remember that each potential buyer category is different.

Develop specific content for people in each category.

Start asking your connections to introduce you to your target prospect.

If they aren't willing to make the introduction, ask them if you can use their name in your outreach. Either way,
having a common connection will be invaluable during the connect phase.

SLIDE How do you connect with a contact from a shared contact?

Use the opening 30 seconds to mention the common connection and explain why they thought it was a good idea
for you and your prospect to talk.

SLIDE Here's an example of a common connection call:

[Buyer] "Mary Smith"
[You] "Hi, Mary. This is Mike from Tyre Recruiting."

SLIDE Common connection call 2:

[Buyer] "OK?"
[You] "Kevin Harris over at XYZ Partners suggested I reach out to you."

SLIDE Common connection call 3:

[Buyer] "He did? Why?"
[You] "I was speaking to him about some of the success we have seen companies achieve with recruiting
salespeople. He mentioned you were struggling in the area the last time you spoke and suggested I reach out."

SLIDE Common connection call 4:

[Buyer] "Ah, right, I remember."
[You] "How is recruiting salespeople progressing?"

SLIDE Common connection call 5:

[Buyer] "We are still struggling."
[You] "On what aspect, specifically?"

Can you help this lead?

If you can identify a need that you can help with, then you'll know it's time to transition to the explore phase of
your inbound sales strategy. If you can't identify a need you can help with, don't push.

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SLIDE Share any relevant content and move on.
If you can't identify a need you can help with, don't push.

SLIDE What if you get voicemail for a lead that's a common connection?
Leave a message referencing your common connection and a helpful piece of content you'd like to share with

Trigger events and common connections are excellent tools for sourcing new leads.
As you reach out to these leads, start the conversation with the event or connection that brought them to your
attention and then look for ways you can always follow-up your calls. Send an email with the promised information.
If they respond to the email, provide help where you can, and transition to the Explore Phase when you've
identified a need you can help with. And once you're confident that you can help, you'll be ready to move on to
the Explore Phase of your inbound sales strategy.

VIDEO - Moving to the Explore Phase

What is the purpose of the Connect Phase?

The purpose of the Connect Phase of your inbound strategy is to confirm that the prospect has a problem you can
help with and to set up a time when you can explore that problem in depth. Typically, this can be accomplished in
a single, short conversation.

SLIDE There's a chance you may not connect on the phone right away.
Modern buyers are busy, and they aren't eager to take calls from phone numbers they don't recognize.

Some of the leads you connect with won’t be ready to move to the Explore Phase.
That's okay. Keep finding helpful ways to reach out to your prospect so they'll think of you when they're ready to
make a move. The key word here is HELPFUL.

SLIDE Have you ever use the phrase “just checking in”?
Chances are you've run out of value you can add.

SLIDE Create a sequence of content to present.

You can share content at regular intervals until a lead is ready to move forward.

SLIDE Personalize each step of your outreach to the individual buyer.

To personalize your content, you need to understand your ideal buyer.

If haven't created buyer personas yet, now is a great time to do it. If you put in the necessary work to develop a
robust buyer persona you can use that to fill in the blanks when you don't know everything about a particular lead.
You'll be able to say things like, "I've worked with other people in your situation, and here's something that really
helped them."

Buyer Persona
A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on real data and some educated speculation about
demographics, behaviors, motivations, and goals.

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Many of your prospects are going to be in the "awareness" stage of the buyer's journey.
Keep this in mind as you develop your sequence of content. In the "awareness" stage of the buyer's journey,
they're still trying to diagnose the problem they have. So the goal of your sequences shouldn't be to sell them
your product or service or even to get them to see a demo. Let's review some best practices to help you connect
with your buyers.

SLIDE Your goal should be to build your credibility with the buyer.
You want them to trust your advice and want to spend more time with you.

SLIDE Build trust by providing educational content.

Tailor your content to help your prospects with a goal or challenge they're currently facing.

SLIDE As a best practice, start with an inventory of your existing content.

Review any blog articles, ebooks, webinars, presentations, or case studies that your company has developed.

Note any content that may be is particularly helpful to your prospect.

As part of your inventory, also check your "Sent Items" folder in your email. Typically you'll find emails to prospects
that will serve as excellent templates for addressing the unique perspectives of each persona that you
documented while building your buyer personas.

SLIDE You may discover some gaps in your content.

The gaps in the content serve as a content roadmap for you in the future.

You may find that you have lots of content for one type of challenge.
However, there are other important segments, industries, or buyer roles you do not have content for. Or, you
might have a lot of content that's too generic and not specific enough to different personas. In the future, you can
target your content development to fill those gaps.

SLIDE Keep your messages short.

• Voicemails should be less than 15 seconds.
• Emails should be less than 200 words.

SLIDE Reference the buyer at least twice as much as you mention yourself.
This rule applies to company mentions, personal mentions, the word "I" and the word "you."

SLIDE End all emails with a question.

The question should be short and on a separate line. It should be focused on identifying a challenge or a goal.

Here's an example of a good ending question.

If you've heard great things about their sales team, you should ask, "How do you find such great salespeople?" If
you're asking for time, be explicit about how much you're looking for. For example, "When do you have 15
minutes to speak?"

SLIDE Focus on being helpful.

Try to sound like a human who is trying to help a fellow human solve a problem, not a robot who's trying to make a

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SLIDE Personalize email subject lines.
The subject line is the most important element of an email. It's the first impression your contacts get of your email,
and if they don't like it, they won't open it.

Express the goal you can help them with in three words or less.
Try to keep it below 30 characters, because if your email gets opened on a mobile device, your subject line's
going to get cut off at that point anyway.

SLIDE Use your personal voice and style.

If you're using content that someone else at your company created, edit it to make it sound like it's coming from

Develop and follow your own best practices.

Having a documented process and best practices will greatly improve your success in connecting with your leads.

SLIDE What if your company doesn't have much online content for you to share?
You have two choices here: find useful content or create your own.

Useful content doesn't have to be from your company.

There's probably a lot of content by thought leaders, authors, executives, and non-competitive firms in your space.
If the content is high quality and aligned with your buyer's area of interest, share it.

SLIDE Your prospects are likely new to the goal or challenge they are facing.
They don't have your depth of experience in this area. They'll appreciate your help finding high-quality
educational content that's relevant to their situation.

SLIDE A free consultation is a great way to personalize an offer.

If you or someone else at your company can provide a consultation that's relevant to your prospect's goals and
challenges, they'll likely appreciate the help. And you'll build trust with them.

How will you share the content you have gathered?

Once you know what content you want to share, you need to figure out what a strategy is for doing so. Document
a how and when you will provide information to guide your buyer. you'll need to develop an outreach sequence
for each of your personas.

SLIDE Determine which mediums you will use to reach out to each persona.
Phone? Email? In person? Social media?

SLIDE When will you reach out?

Before work? After work? During lunch?

SLIDE If you don’t connect on the first outreach, when will you try again?
Will you reach out the next day? Two days later? A week?

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SLIDE How many times will you reach out before you give up?
Response rates often rise with each subsequent outreach attempt. But, when you surpass five touchpoints, the law
of diminishing returns comes into play. In other words, a seventh touchpoint is not much more effective than a

SLIDE Is there a specific order that your content should be shared in?
Does one piece of content build on the next? Make sure you're sending the content in an order that makes sense
and will deepen the prospect's understanding of the areas they've shown interest in.

SLIDE It’s important to remember that a lead is a person, not a persona.

When you start working with a specific person, make sure you're using real information about them rather than
general information about your persona.

What if a person matches your persona?

The broad strokes of your sequence shouldn't have to change, but you'll still want to personalize each step of the
sequence to the specific person you're sending it to.

SLIDE Personalization is at the heart of inbound sales.

Every message you send should be personalized to the person receiving it.

Personalized messaging doesn't take long.

It can be as simple as mentioning a sports team in their city or even the weather. These little touches don't take
long to add, and the response you get from your leads will be much, much better than if you just send a generic
message to everyone.

You can connect with people beyond phone and email.

The rise of inbound marketing and the many social media channels presents additional places to connect with
potential buyers beyond phone, email, and in-person. As you incorporate these mediums into your connect
sequences, be mindful of the appropriate timing for each type of outreach.

SLIDE Visit a buyer’s company blog.

• Subscribe.
• Post new articles on your social media account.
• Comment on blog articles.
• Mention articles written on the blog as part of your outreach to the potential buyer to show
them that you know the things they're interested in.

SLIDE Connect with prospects on social media.

• Send an invitation to connect on LinkedIn.
• Follow the buyer on Twitter and retweet their content.
• If the buyer follows you back, message the buyer as part of an outreach sequence.

SLIDE Attend webinars.

• Attend any webinars the buyer conducts.
• Send a follow up email to the buyer regarding the lessons you learned during the webinar.

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SLIDE Find in-person events.
• Attend an in-person event the buyer hosts or speaks at.
• Introduce yourself after the speech with a contextual comment around points you found

SLIDE Connect on social media after you’ve shared valuable content with the buyer.
Make sure you've built up some trust and credibility with them first before attempting to strengthen the

SLIDE Connecting online can take time.

Use technology to automate certain parts of your outreach.

You don’t need advanced technology.

You can connect with a prospect with simple shared documents: white papers, eBooks, and spreadsheets.
However, the right technology can be helpful in executing a great connection. Explore some tools and templates
to help automate the process.

SLIDE An email template tool can help develop your persona templates.
Ideally, the folders in the email template tool can be organized around the various personas.

People like templates!

This can drastically speed up the amount of time that prospecting takes and it helps sales teams get detailed
analytics on what's working and what's not. It's also helpful if the templates are accessible wherever you are, such
as in your email, on the web, or in your CRM.

SLIDE Use a CRM that illustrates buyer activity.

You can review their activity as you prepare for the outreach.

You'll need easy access to buyer activity.

This accelerates the process of uncovering buyer interests or additional mediums that help you connect with the
buyer. It's especially helpful if the CRM automatically logs your outreach. Auto logging of your outreach means
you can focus on helping buyers rather than being bogged down on administrative work. Also, auto logging of
your outreach helps you be more organized with your sequences.

SLIDE A meeting scheduling tool can help you easily find a time for an exploratory call.
You don't want the difficulty of coordinating calendars to be the thing that kills a sales conversation.

You should explore the automation tools available to you.

There are a variety of tools that can automate this process for you so you can focus on having the conversation
instead of just scheduling it.

SLIDE An email tool can help you set up a sequence and automated execution.
The tool should prompt you when an outreach is due or could even automate the next outreach for you, if it's

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Not all technology is a good idea, though.
Be careful with tools like mail merge and auto-dialers. Mail merge enables salespeople to email dozens or
hundreds of prospects in a single click.Many salespeople like this feature because it's a quick way to surface one
or two potential buyers in order to save a month or quarter. However, mail merge offers minimal personalization.
Most recipients can recognize the impersonal outreach and immediately delete the message. Users of mail merge
fail to account for the negative experience the buyer has with this tactic and the effects it has on the company's
brand. Auto dialers rapidly call prospect lists and surface connections to the salesperson when a buyer picks up
the phone. The issue here is the salesperson has no time to review the buyer's context before they speak with the
buyer. The salesperson must revert to a generic, impersonal pitch with the buyer, which rarely leads to success.

The last thing you do in the Connect Phase is prepare for the next phase.
Be ready to transition to the Explore Phase of your inbound sales strategy. The time will come to make this
transition, so you need to be ready for it.

SLIDE How do you know its time to enter the Explore Phase?
You'll know this has happened when they confirm they're interested in discussing a particular goal or challenge
with you.

Your prospect is ready to discuss their goal or challenge. At that point, you need to get buy-in.
At that point, you need to get buy-in for a longer exploratory conversation, which is the next phase of your
inbound sales strategy. Here's what getting buy-in might sound like.

SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase call 1:

[Prospect] "We're struggling to attract enough quality sales candidates to meet our growth goals."
[You] "I've heard that a few times. What have you tried so far?"

SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase call 2:

[Prospect] "Not sure I want to share our secrets, but some of the things we've done is asking for referrals from our
current employees, sending messages through LinkedIn, and offering a bonus to our current employees when
they refer someone that we hire."
[You] "But that's not getting you the quality and quantity you need?

SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase call 3:

[Prospect] "It helped us increase the quantity, but not enough. Plus, the quality wasn't really as high compared to
when I do it myself. I'm not sure what to do next. I really don't want to lower my quality bar, but I'm afraid that
might be necessary given the lack of talent out there."
[You] "Sounds like you're running out of ideas and it's time to fix this. Is it a high priority at this point?"

SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase 4

[Prospect] "Yes. Very high. I need to make 10 hires this quarter and I am way behind where I should be."
[You] "Based on what you're doing, I believe we may be able to help you. Would it be a good use of your time to
talk through some additional ways you could catch up and then hit that target without sacrificing quality?"

SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase call 5:

[Prospect] "Yes. If you can do that, it would definitely be worth my time."
[You] "Okay. I have some available time tomorrow. What time works for you?"

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SLIDE Transitioning to the Explore Phase call 6:
[Prospect] "What about 11:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m.?"
[You] "11 won't work for me. But I can do 4:00 p.m. Should I call you on this number?"

To sum up, connecting with your leads might take multiple attempts.
So, you need to keep finding helpful ways to reach out, use technology to automate certain parts of your outreach,
and always be ready to transition to the Explore Phase of your inbound strategy. Throughout it all, focus on being
helpful. If you can help your prospect get a little bit closer to achieving a goal or overcoming a challenge, they'll
reward you for it, and soon, you'll be headed into the Explore Phase of your inbound sales strategy.

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