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Players hear the sounds of someone crying.

They will find a young human girl in the swamp, injured and
separated from her party. She tells them that she is lost, and she is headed to Oak Station. She is level one
Rogue. Her name is Brina and she is a traveling performer. She was traveling with her father, a musician,
but he was injured and continues to the Oak Station for medical treatment. Brina was separated from her
father when she was attacked by three spiders. She is frightened, but if given a gold coin, she will not
betray the players. She will warn them about the spiders that attacked her. If asked, she will tell the players
about the situation at Oak Station north of the swamps.
A group of 1d4 alligators float by, each about 15 feet long. The alligators are slow and docile, but there is
no control over their actions. There is a 50% chance that each is carrying a traveler, intent on traveling up
river. If they are attacked, the alligators will release the travelers and will attempt to flee.
A dark green gas rises from the swamp. The gas spreads 25 feet in all directions. Any creature covered in
the gas must save versus magic or be affected by the spell fear (save at -3). The gas dissipates in 1d6
A pack of 2d8 wolves, all with strange and jagged-like teeth are following the party. The wolves are
hungry and attack any human. They will retreat if threatened with fire or magic.
A young (Level 1) dragonborn has been separated from her traveling companions. She is headed to the
Oak Station, and she is lost. She is willing to travel with the party for protection, however she will insist on
searching the swamp to look for her horse. Her name is Illiana.
The party comes upon a small hillock rising out of the water. The ground is covered in a thick, shiny green
moss. The party may spend one hour searching the brush and find 1d4 shuriken made from pure rock-
crystal, as well as a gem-studded dagger worth 40 gold.
A mass of spiderwebs covers the area the party is walking in. Every creature in the area must save or be
caught in the webbing. Creatures affected this way will become entangled and will be unable to attack. If
any players are stuck, 1d4 giant spiders will crawl down from trees above, attacking the party.
The party comes across a collection of animal and humanoid skulls mounted on a long wooden post. If the
players are searching, they will find a note written in goblin. It is a list of the names of those who were
captured and sacrificed to their god. They were offered to Kukulkhan the Hunter. If the party is able to
decipher the note, they will find out that Kukulkhan's Hunters is the name of the goblin tribe living in the
A single traveler is headed north-east toward the Oak Station. She is a young (level 1) human woman
named Margitta. She was traveling with a party, but she was separated from them in a fight with some
goblins, thought to be Kukulkhan's Hunters. She was left to die, they lost most of their supplies and all of
their gold. She was attacked by a few goblins, but she was able to kill one and escaped. She managed to
find a campsite and arrived here where she has been waiting for a few days.
A fight is heard. 1d6 gnolls are hunting something - a large humanoid moving fast. If the players move
closer, they will see the body of a young dwarf hunter hanging from a tall, sturdy pine. The gnolls slowly
strip pieces of loose flesh from the dwarf as they taunt him. They are armed with a mix of crude and
primitive weapons. They will attempt to kill the dwarf hunter if attacked, and then they will flee,
disappearing into the fetid swamp. If a show of force is used, they will run and the players have a chance
of catching them. The dwarf is named Evander. He was only a half-day's travel from Oak Station, but he
was ambushed by the gnolls. They killed his companions and he was beaten to near death. He was strung
up and the gnolls have been torturing him for three days. If rescued, he will reward the party with gold for
their bravery and intelligence. He will be grateful and warn them about a possible goblin tribe in the
nearby swamps. He will consider traveling with them to Oak Station.
The players hear the sound of a small group of people laughing. The party can see a group of people
walking through the swamp. The people are male and female humans, and they are clothed in variegated
and ragged animal skins. They are half-elves, and they have been living in the swamp for the past year.
They are members of the local tribe, which lives in poverty and scavenges what it can. They congregate
each night and dance to drums made from animal skins. If approached, the Dancers will speak friendly
with the party and attempt to share food with them. They are wary of magic, and they will not allow the
party to speak directly to them. If any of the players begin to cast a spell, the party will be attacked by the
Dancers. If the battle goes well for the players, the members of the tribe will surrender and beg for mercy.
A loud crash is heard in the distance. A large group of tree-like humanoid creatures, standing over ten feet
tall, are breaking through the trees, coming closer to the party. The creatures attack without warning,
smashing the trees and bushes with their huge fists. The creatures have overgrown and large facial features,
their eyes and mouths open, drool dripping. The creatures are swamp giants, stumbling and smashing
through the swamp. They will attack anything that is not a swamp giant. They are most interested in the
party because they are in their territory, and the party is a threat. If attacked, the swamp giants will push
their opponents into the water, drowning them. If the battle goes well, the party will be able to flee without
losing any of their supplies, but they will be soaked and travel will be slowed.
A large, reptilian creature slithers onto land from the water. It is a massive constrictor snake, with a thick
body the length of a horse, and a large head. It moves with a strange grace. If the players do not act, the
creature will lunge for the closest creature. It will grapple and begin squeezing it. PCs will be able to make
out that it is carrying traveling bags. Every round, they may attempt a saving throw to escape the snake.
The bags contain minor gems, jewelry, and a small amber bottle filled with a clear liquid. The clear liquid
is a poison. The snake has been eating swampers and travelers who have been attacked by the goblins.
A group of 1d6 wolves, the largest with a broken leg, are howling in the distance. They are eating the body
of a human. It appears that he is a swamp dweller who was attempting to hunt and trap game. His weapons
and bag are missing. Either a swamp giant or a large reptile got to him.
Mi querida Kassiopeia, Fue un placer volver a saber de ti y espero que
estés encontrando tu reclusión tan productiva como esperabas. Las cosas
van bien conmigo. En cuanto a la poción de curación, mayor he buscado
por todos lados pero no puedo encontrar la receta en ningún lugar. Sin
embargo, te diré lo que puedo recordar de ella y estoy segura de que
podrás reconstruirla.

Tu amiga, Polymnia

Receta de Ingredientes para la Poción de Curación Mayor

Esta poción tiene cuatro ingredientes, y todos deben colocarse en el caldero

precisamente cuando las estrellas estén en la posición correcta. Uno de los
ingredientes debe ser molido, uno picado, uno machacado, y uno remojado
en agua fría primero. Esto es lo que recuerdo:

-La belladona va al caldero ya sea en último lugar o penúltimo, no


-El corazón de dragón debe ser picado.

-Estoy segura de que la Verruga de rey tiene que ser lo primero al caldero

-El tercer ingrediente va al caldero remojado o machacado, no me acuerdo.

-Las púas de mantícora van al caldero en algún momento después de que el

corazón de dragón.

-El corazón de dragón debe ir inmediatamente después del ingrediente

remojado, lo que haya sido.

-Las púas de mantícora van molidas.

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