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GCSE Media Studies - Set Product Fact Sheet

(Series 1 Episode 1, 2010)

Factsheet 2 - Media Industries, Audiences & Media Contexts

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All images BBC

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GCSE Media Studies - Set Product Fact Sheet

(Series 1 Episode 1, 2010)
Component 2: Understanding Forms and The success of Luther over the five series is also
Products an example of how the BBC as a mainstream
broadcaster, whilst engaging in risk and
producing new, innovative programmes, also
Focus Areas: relies on the repetition of successful formats to
Media Language secure audiences in an increasingly competitive
Representation media landscape.
Media Industries
Audiences The programme has relatively high production
values for a television series, evident in the
Media contexts
choice of locations, the cinematography and the
well-established actors including Idris Elba, Saskia
PART 1: STARTING POINTS - Media Industries
Reeves and Indira Varma.
The nature of media production, including by
large organisations, who own the products they
Luther has a wide global distribution: it was
produce and by individuals and groups:
previously available on Netflix, is currently
There have been significant changes to the
(March 2021) available on Amazon Prime and is
television industry in recent years due to the
broadcast on BBC America as well as in over 200
impact of digital technology on the way in which
other territories. As part of its global promotional
programmes are produced and distributed and
campaign BBC Worldwide released a video to
how audiences consume them. Audiences have
market the series to international buyers
become more fragmented and traditional
featuring a scene from the programme dubbed
broadcasters like the BBC must evolve in the ways
into different languages
in which they produce, distribute and market
their products.
The impact of the increasingly convergent
Luther is a mainstream programme from a
nature of media industries across different
popular genre, produced and distributed by the
BBC. It has become one of the organisation’s
Whilst Luther is broadcast at 9pm each week
flagship programmes, ensuring a loyal audience.
during a series run, audiences also have the
The set episode had 6.35 million viewers when it
opportunity to access the programme across
aired in 2010. It was ranked 6 out of 10
different platforms and devices. Digital
programmes for that week, the top four slots
technology also allows audiences to binge-watch
being taken by episodes of EastEnders and the
the series. The series is also available on DVD.
fifth slot by Doctor Who, a successful start for a
new programme and testament to the marketing
Before the last series of Luther, all the previous
series were available to watch on iPlayer
encouraging audiences to engage with the brand.
GCSE Media Studies - Set Product Fact Sheet
There is also a BBC website dedicated to the broadcasters. DVD releases of the programme are
programme, and social media platforms. classified by the BBFC. One of the duties of
Ofcom is to examine specific complaints made by
The importance of different funding models, listeners about programmes broadcast on
including government funded, not-for-profit and channels that it has licenced.
commercial models:
Television companies operate either a public PART 2: STARTING POINTS – Audiences
service or commercial broadcasting model. The Luther is produced by the BBC, a public service
BBC is a public service broadcaster, funded by the broadcaster. Audiences will be familiar with BBC
licence fee, with a remit to inform, educate and content and have an expectation of a quality
entertain, and this influences what is produced. drama with high production values. The trailer for
The funding arrangement allows the BBC some the programmer uses the slogan ‘Original British
aspect of freedom as they are less driven by Drama’ to appeal to the audience suggesting the
ratings and profit. Its relative autonomy enables BBC’s investment in homegrown drama.
it to offer a diverse range of programming
content and crime dramas are an important Crime drama is a popular genre with audiences
element of its content and schedule. and the BBC is known for producing successful
programmes in this genre.
The BBC does have an element of governmental
control and there is an ongoing discussion Luther aims to reach a wide audience and appeals
centred around the continuation of the licence to both men and women due to its diverse range
fee, which is set by the government, with some of characters. The 9pm scheduling time is a
members unhappy about the BBC’s funding popular slot for the BBC’s highest rated shows
model. However, there is considerable support and placing it after the watershed highlights the
from the public, the arts and entertainment adult content.
industry and sections of the government for what
is seen as the essential role played by the public Whilst the BBC target audience for the
service broadcaster. programme is 25-40, the fact that it also
appeared on Netflix suggests a younger, 16-25
The function and types of regulation in the year-old, target audience who are more likely to
media: binge watch the series.
Television companies and specific channels
operate self-regulation through scheduling The ways in which media organisations target
decisions, the watershed, and announcements at audiences:
the beginning of programmes giving information • The use of teaser and longer trailers
about possible areas of offence. introduced the character of Luther to
audiences and established an enigma around
The BBC Board is responsible for ensuring that his character.
the BBC fulfils its mission as detailed in the Royal • The high production values obvious from the
Charter which sets out the BBC’s object, mission, marketing material including the use of
and public purposes. It is reviewed and renewed recognisable stars and the expectations
regularly, the current charter began in January related to the BBC branding.
2017 and ends in December 2027. • The introduction of enigmatic characters to
The BBC is externally regulated by Ofcom which is intrigue audiences including Luther, but also
accountable to Parliament and publishes Alice who became very popular. The BBC
standards which must be adhered to by website for the programme included
GCSE Media Studies - Set Product Fact Sheet
‘Postcards from Alice’ encouraging audiences Theoretical perspectives on audience: Blumler
to engage with the character’s story world. and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications theory:
• The creation of other interactive and online There are several theories that have been written
features which extend the world of the to explore the relationship between audiences
programme including ‘Ripley’s Video Diary’ and media products. The Uses and Gratifications
which involves the audience by creating a theory was one of the first to suggest that
backstory around Luther. The blog from the audiences can be active consumers of the media
writer Neil Cross gives and insight into the and seek out and use different media products in
process of creating the programme and the order to satisfy a need and to experience
BBC Writer’s room allows audiences to read different pleasures including:
programme scripts. • Entertainment/diversion: audiences watch
some media products including crime dramas
to escape from everyday life into a fictional
world that absorbs their interest. Luther is an
inverted detective story and audiences may
also gain pleasure from picking up clues and
trying to solve the crime along with the
detective. Audiences may recognise the
conventions of the genre in the programme
and will predict certain outcomes,
experiencing pleasure when they are correct
in their assumptions. Luther involves the
The role of media technologies in reaching and audience from the beginning by placing them
identifying audiences, and in audience in a privileged spectator position regarding
consumption and usage: the outcome of the chase and Henry Madsen
• Changes and developments in technology at the start and the relationship between
have had an impact upon the way in which Luther and Alice. Audiences may also be
audiences access, consume and respond to attracted to the actors who are popular, for
media products. Audiences now have a range example Idris Elba, Ruth Wilson and Saskia
of content to choose from on a range of Reeves. Luther is an enigmatic character who
different platforms to suit their needs and does not display the typical characteristics of
lifestyle. his role and this may add to his appeal ‘When
• Luther, as well as being available to watch on I type the end of any series I immediately
BBC, BBC iPlayer and Amazon Prime, also has start to miss him’ (Neil Cross, writer of Luther
a website where audiences can access extra
information and videos related to the
• The programme can also reach audiences
through social media sites including Twitter
and Facebook which also allows the BBC to
review audience reactions to characters and

GCSE Media Studies - Set Product Fact Sheet
• Information/education: crime dramas can representations, themes, values, and messages.
give audiences an insight into another area of Consider:
society with which they may not be familiar, • How the representations of women in Luther
in Luther this is the police procedures. challenge typical representations in crime
• Social interaction: this pleasure has been drama illustrating how the genre has
enhanced by developments in technology. developed over time and been informed by
Audiences watch episodes of Luther and at cultural influences.
the same time interact with friends and family • How theme of the representation of evil and
on social media. As there are long gaps the role of the villain offers a more
between series of Luther the first and contemporary view of society.
following series become examples of water- • How Luther’s character reflects the time in
cooler television and as such are discussed by which the programme was made. Consider
audiences in anticipation of their broadcast the similarities he has with Regan and Carter
and during the series run. in The Sweeney and the ways in which is he
• Personal identity: the programme may different.
appeal to the audience because they relate to • How the programme addresses the under
a character or a particular situation. representation and misrepresentation of
ethnic diversity in television crime dramas.
PART 3: STARTING POINTS – Media Contexts • How Luther be said to have cultural links to
The specification requires learners to develop the film noir genre and American procedural
their understanding of relevant contexts of media crime dramas. Consider the codes of clothing,
and their influence on the product. the cinematography in key scenes and the
role of the femme fatale.
Social and Cultural contexts • The similarities and differences in the way in
How Luther reflects the society and culture of the which London is represented in The Sweeney
time in which it was made through its and Luther and how settings and locations
have a social and cultural significance.

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