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How to survive the Comprehensive Exam writing task?

Good news:

 it’s just an email, mostly work-related – no fuss about the letter format; more often than not
you can even skip the salutation or start simply by putting Dear + first name (rarely Mr/Ms So
and So), and you can end simply by putting Best regards or similar and that’s it;
 with emails the letter head (TO/FROM/DATE) gets filled in automatically; you just have to
find a proper SUBJECT;
 there’s no need to write too much: it’s not War and peace... the required length: 120-150
words refers to the body of the letter: without the salutation and the ending; (please count
the number of words and write it in the box under the letter, unless it’s an online test)

Things to bear in mind:

 don’t write much more than required: it’s not about quantity, but quality; don’t write much
less either: you might find it difficult to express your ideas effectively;
 your argumentation should be clear, easy to follow, without logical jumps;
 how to achieve this? you should divide your ideas into smaller units and connect them with
the appropriate linking words from the “and”, “but” and “so/because” linking word families;
 linking words are also important when listing things, especially when listing more than two:
firstly… another point…; first…, then…, next…, finally etc;
 the tasks are realistic but it’s still a test: this is your chance to show off your hopefully
excellent command of English: how extensive your vocabulary is, what grammatical
structures you know etc;
 so try to vary the linking words and instead of “and” use e.g. also, what’s more, moreover,
furthermore; instead of “but” use although, however, on the other hand; instead of
“so/because” use as a result, therefore, for this reason/as, since, due to this; (but of course
you shouldn’t overdo it)
 also, get creative when it comes to words: remember that it’s not just e. g. “ money” but you
have e. g. revenue, expenditure, spending, outgoings, earnings, gain, savings, reserves,
financial resources, profit etc. to choose from according to what exactly you want to say;
 the same goes for grammatical structures: it’s not a good strategy to play it safe and stick to
simple sentences because there you can’t go wrong; (of course the other extreme: writing
mile-long sentences is just as bad) you should rather risk making some mistakes and go for
also complex sentences. (e. g. make sure that you include an if or although sentence; or a
passive or conditional sentence to avoid using only simple sentences)
 finally: style; there’s no need to be overpolite – you’re writing to your boss and not the Pope
in Rome; but it’s important to use a civil tone especially when you disagree with someone,
and you shouldn’t say things like: that’s bs and you’re a bloody idiot.

Before you go on revise the most important linking words – they will come in handy whatever the
task may be about.

The basics: (How to use linking words)

Further examples: (Linking words) (Linking words 2 – cause and effect)

Now study this example of an email:

You are Gabor/Gabriella Kovacs, Finance Director of ABC Ltd, which produces tools. Write an email in
120-150 words (body of the letter) to your staff.

Include the following:

 your concrete ideas for necessary cost-cutting measures

 your reasons for them
 requesting your staff’s opinion
 a time for all staff meeting

A possible solution:

To: All staff

From: G. Kovacs, Finance Director

Date: 00/00/2020

Subject: Cost cutting measures

Dear All

I regret to inform you that neither our turnover, nor our profits have picked up as expected since the
end of the financial crisis, so I feel forced to introduce some cost cutting measures. They would
probably affect both our production: e. g. cheaper raw materials, less investment in new machinery,
and our labour expenses: cutting back on overtime payments or fringe benefits.

As we need to make very serious decisions, could you please share your views on the subject and
make your own suggestions till the end of the month?

It is also an option to economize on indirect costs such as marketing and advertising, transport or
warehousing. One thing is sure, though: what we don’t want is cutting jobs or compromising on

Since we want you all to accept the changes that are to be made, I suggest we meet next month to
discuss it more in detail.

150 words

A further example:

Write an e-mail in 120-150 words on the following.

You work for Just4U, a small international accounting firm, as a team leader. Your foreign boss, Peter
Brown, wants to hire a new accountant. He prefers Anne White.

 say politely why you don’t like the idea

 suggest Kate Black instead
 give your reasons
Use the ideas in the box. You can add your own ideas.

Candidate Anne White Kate Black

experience multinational college student, applied for
qualification economics degree accountancy major
reference 1 positive, 1 negative none

A possible solution:

TO: P. Brown

FROM: (student’s name)

DATE: 00/00/2020

SUBJECT: accountant position

Dear Peter

I’m afraid I must disagree with you on your choice of the right candidate for the position.

Anne seems to have better qualifications with her university degree and more experience since she’s
worked for a multinational, but I think our firm could benefit more from a colleague with more local
experience right from the start.

Kate, during her internship, could pick up all the necessary knowledge and gain the necessary insight
into her later tasks. As she’s an accountancy major, she might be a faster learner in accounting than
Anne, too.

Another advantage for us would be that we could observe her during her unpaid internship, which
could make up for her missing references.

And we mustn’t forget about the financial aspect. A beginner will always be cheaper than someone
with several years’ experience. Moreover, Anne has a negative reference too – who knows why…??

So, what do you think??

150 words

TASK 1: Now please write your own letter on the following:

You are Gabor/Gabriella Kovacs, Team leader at We-R-here-4-U Ltd, whose profile is home
maintenance and repair.
Due to customer complaints on lazy, rude workers and sloppy work write an email in 120-150 words
(body of the letter) to your foreign boss, Peter Brown.

Include the following:

 your concrete ideas for necessary steps to improve work morale

 your reasons for them
 try to convince your boss
 ask for personal meeting

To: P. Brown

From: G. Kovacs, Team leader

Date: 00/00/2021


TASK 2: Write an e-mail in 120-150 words on the following.

You are Head of Finance with a supplier of car parts. Your business has made some profits. Write to
your MD, Bob Brady, about where the profits should go. You are mostly against his ideas. Give your

Managing Director YOU

overdue taxes OK
dividends ???


TO: B. Brady MD
FROM: student’s name Finance Director
DATE: 00/00/2021

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