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Storage configurations

Beewant storage:

To configure your storage:

1- Click on sittings in the bare slide to join to the project sittings page
2- Click on Cloud Storage.
3- Click on Add Source Storage to choose the storage integrations type.

Amazon S3

To use the s3 to import your task you have to fill in the four required fields:
Bucket Name, Bucket Prefix, Access key ID and Secret Access key.
Google Cloud Storage

To use the Google Cloud Storage to import your task you have to fill in the three
required fields: Bucket Name, Bucket Prefix and Google Application Credentials.

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

To use the Microsoft Azure Storage (Blob) to import your task you have to fill in
the three required fields: Container Name, Container Prefix and Account key.
Upload a Dataset

To upload your dataset from cloud storage you just have to click on Sync Storage
(if you have added tasks in your storage this part consists in synchronizing the
tasks each time you want)

Also, you can import your dataset from your local machine if you click on import
which exists in the bare slide of the project
Supported data types

View a Dataset

List view
Gallery view

Curate Data

Filter a dataset
Export Data

Load a pre-trained model Run predictions
Upload predictions
Export predictions Analytics dashboard

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