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Acute respiratory distress Learning objectives

syndrome After reading the article, you should be able to:
C define acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), describe the

Tapan Parikh aka Parmar complex pathophysiology, and identify aetiologies and risk fac-
David Pilcher tors for poor prognosis
C categorize ARDS patients in different severity and able to explain

ventilatory management including lung-protective ventilation

Abstract and non-ventilatory management
C discuss appropriateness of patient selection for various rescue
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a heterogeneous lung
disease that is triggered by pulmonary and non-pulmonary pathol- and novel therapies and debate about utility of components of
ogies. It predominantly causes hypoxaemic respiratory failure and individualized ventilation
can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. Although ARDS re-
mains underdiagnosed, 24% of mechanically ventilated patients in
intensive care units and 33% of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pa- Despite recent advances in the understanding of pathophysiology,
tients admitted to the hospital are reported to have ARDS. Despite investigations and treatment, ARDS remains significantly under-
recent advances in treatment, mortality remains at more than 30% diagnosed and mortality remains high. Lung-protective ventila-
for all ARDS patients and 43% for severe ARDS. tion and treating the underlying cause have been the mainstay of
The pathophysiology is complex and involves acute pulmonary and treatment. Prone positioning, veno-venous extracorporeal mem-
systemic inflammation, alveolar oedema, and de-recruitment which brane oxygenation (VV ECMO) and neuromuscular blockade are
lead to ventilation-perfusion mismatch, reduced lung compliance sometimes deployed with uncertain clinical benefits. The patho-
and hypoxaemia. Similarities in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 physiology of COVID-19 pneumonitis marginally differs, howev-
ARDS outnumber differences from non-COVID-19 ARDS. Inhomoge- er, most of the principles of treatment are similar.
neous distribution of transpulmonary pressure variation throughout
the lungs in ARDS increases the risk of patient self-inflicted lung injury Definition and scoring system
and ventilator-associated lung injury.
Stratifying ARDS patients as per Berlin definition can help to recog-
ARDS was first reported in a case series of 12 patients from
nize ARDS early, identify resource requirements and plan appropriate
Denver in 1967. The American European Consensus Conference
management. Treating the underlying cause, lung-protective ventila-
(AECC) in 1994 defined ARDS as the acute onset of hypoxaemia
tion and supportive care are the mainstays of clinical management.
(the ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of
Multiple rescue therapies, novel treatments, and methods of facili-
inspired oxygen [PaO2/FiO2] 200 mmHg), with bilateral in-
tating individualized ventilation have been described but many require
filtrates on chest X-ray, in the absence of left atrial hypertension.
further validation; and appropriate patient selection is warranted.
The sensitivity of this definition remained reasonable at 84%, but
the specificity was significantly lower at only 51%.1
Keywords Acute respiratory distress syndrome; ARDS; COVID-19;
Due to issues with the validity of this definition, a consensus
ECMO; individualized ventilation; intensive care; lung-protective
process was developed (an initiative of the European Society of
ventilation; P-SILI; pathophysiology; rescue therapies
Intensive Care Medicine endorsed by the American Thoracic
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD Skills Framework: Intensive care Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine), which pro-
medicine and emergency management; airway and resuscitation duced the Berlin definition of ARDS in 2012. This underwent
independent peer-review and endorsement by the same
The final version of the Berlin definition includes the four key
diagnostic criteria:
1. Acute onset: within 7 days of a defined trigger
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a heterogeneous 2. Degree of hypoxia: a PaO2:FiO2 ratio of <300 mmHg (40 kPa)
lung disease that can lead to significant morbidity and mortality on at least 5 cmH2O of positive end-expiratory pressure
among critically ill patients including patients infected with severe (PEEP).
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) respon- 3. Bilateral lung infiltrates seen on either chest X-ray or
sible for the recent coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. computed tomography scan
4. Not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload.
ARDS is further subcategorized into mild, moderate, or severe
Tapan Parikh aka Parmar MD DNB is a Transitional year trainee of categories according to PaO2/FiO2 ratio and these are listed in
College of Intensive Care Medicine and currently works at the Alfred Table 1. Mortality increased with stages of ARDS from mild
Hospital ICU, Melbourne, Australia. (27%; 95% CI, (24e30%)), to moderate (32%; 95% CI, (29
e34%)) to severe (45%; 95% CI, (42e48%)). Similarly, the
David Pilcher MBBS FRACP FCICM is a senior Intensive Care Specialist
at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia and is the Chair of the duration of mechanical ventilation increased as the severity of
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Centre ARDS increased from mild (5, interquartile [IQR], 2e11) to
for Outcome and Resource Evaluation. moderate (7, IQR, 4e14) and severe (9, IQR, 5e17).2

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 635 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Compared with the AECC definition, the final Berlin definition associated lung injury, have emerged. Patients with diabetes
had better predictive validity for mortality. The Berlin definition and women are less likely to develop ARDS. However, for pa-
does not include underlying aetiology, lacks a direct measure of tients with severe persistent ARDS, women have higher mortality
lung injury, and does not allow early identification. The PaO2/ than men. The attributable risk of any singular genetic poly-
FiO2 cut-offs for ‘severity’ of 100, 200 and 300 mmHg are arbitrary morphism to ARDS risk or outcome seems minimal.6 See Table 2
and poorly validated. The PaO2/FiO2 ratio itself depends on other for precipitants and differential diagnosis.
factors such as PEEP, inspiratory/expiratory time ratio, and FiO2.
The PaO2/FiO2 ratio is widely accepted as part of the ARDS Pathophysiology
definition, provides categorization of severity for ARDS and is
Microbial or cell injury products from pulmonary and non-
simpler to calculate than other scores such as the oxygen index
pulmonary sources cause activation of alveolar macrophages.
(OI, based on mean airway-pressure (Pmaw) and PaO2/FiO2
This releases cytokines that activate circulating neutrophils, and
ratio), extravascular lung water index (EVLWI), and sequential
release further inflammatory molecules leading to not only
organ failure assessment (SOFA). However, the last three scores
pathogen killing, but also injury to the alveolar endothelial
have better prognostic capabilities in terms of 28-day mortality
eepithelial barrier. Due to dysfunction of the surfactant
compared to PaO2/FiO2 ratio.3
secreting Alveolar type II pneumocytes and reduced lymphatic
The lung injury prediction score (LIPS) identifies patients who
clearance, the alveolar space fills with an inflammatory cell-rich
are unlikely to develop ARDS with a negative predictive value
proteinaceous oedema fluid (exudative phase). This causes
(LIPS <4) of 97%. Murray Score >3, which is based on the level
alveolar collapse and de-recruitment.
of PEEP, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, the dynamic lung compliance, and the
In the proliferative phase of ARDS, various mechanisms
degree of radiographic infiltration is commonly used as a quali-
including neutrophil apoptosis, interstitial matrix reformation,
fying threshold for support with ECMO. These scores address the
and regrowth of alveolar epithelium result in clearance of path-
Berlin definition lack of utility in early recognition of ARDS and
ogens, repair, and restoration of normal function. If the prolif-
deciding the treatment modality.
erative phase is impaired or prolonged, ongoing inflammation
and fibroblast proliferation ultimately lead to the long-term
Epidemiology and outcomes
consequence of fibrosing alveolitis (fibrotic phase of ARDS) in
An international, multicentre, prospective cohort study (Lung some patients.
safe) published in 2016 demonstrated that the period prevalence
of ARDS was 10.4 and 23.4% of all patients requiring MV. Clinical Gas exchange impairment in ARDS
recognition rates ranged from 51.3% for mild ARDS to 78.5% for Alveolar oedema and de-recruitment cause reduced ventilation-
severe ARDS.3 Additionally, a growing number of ARDS patients to-perfusion (V/Q) ratio. Increased FiO2 can improve oxygena-
are managed by high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) support. Hence, tion. However, pulmonary vascular injury and intrapulmonary
the actual incidence of ARDS may be higher. Overall hospital shunting leading to high V/Q ratio, maybe unresponsive to
mortality in ARDS is more than 30% rising to 43% in moderate to increased FiO2. Diffusion limitation plays a minimal part in
severe ARDS. However, it remains unclear how much of the re- impaired oxygenation.
ported mortality can be attributed to ARDS as opposed to under- CO2 elimination is also affected which may be addressed by
lying cause and other comorbidities.4 The cause of death is more raising minute ventilation. Hypercapnia with protective lung
commonly sepsis and multiple organ failure than respiratory ventilation is better accepted since the landmark ARDSNet study
failure. About 50% of patients remain burdened by functional showed mortality reduction when a low tidal volume (TV) (6 ml/
limitations or psychological and cognitive impairment at 2 years.4 kg) was used versus a high TV (12 ml/kg).
As of 20 March 2022, over 468 million confirmed cases and
over 6 million deaths have been reported globally due to COVID- Regional differences in ventilation and blood flow
19 infection. Overall, 33% of hospitalized patients with COVID- The dorsal and basilar regions of the lung are predominately
19 infection developed ARDS.5 affected by oedema, consolidation, and shunting, especially in
the supine position.
Aetiologies and risk factors Heterogeneity of regional ventilation is larger in the supine
position due to more compressive effect of the lung and soft
The most common risk factors are pneumonia and non- tissue weight on basilar lung regions and greater regional pleural
pulmonary sepsis. New causes such as vaping product use- pressure differences in the supine position.
The pulmonary circulation is less affected by gravitational
forces and positioning. Blood flow is higher in posterior and
Classification of acute respiratory distress syndrome caudal lung regions, and hence, prone positioning which im-
(ARDS) as per Berlin definition proves ventilation in these areas is associated with significant gas
Severity of ARDS PaO2:FiO2 ratio (mmHg) PaO2:FiO2 ratio (kPa) exchange improvement in most patients with ARDS.

Mild 200e300 26.6e40 Respiratory mechanics in ARDS

Moderate 100e200 13.3e26.6 Lung parenchyma is formed of interdependent alveoli, which
Severe <100 <13.3 prevent overdistension during inspiration and collapse during
expiration. In ARDS, lung compliance is reduced due to alveolar
Table 1 oedema and de-recruitment. The ‘baby lung’ concept/term is

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 636 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Precipitants of acute respiratory distress syndrome and differential diagnosis

Common precipitants Less common precipitants Differential diagnoses

Pneumonia (bacterial and viral are the most Smoke inhalation Vasculitis
common, compared to mycobacterial and Drowning Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage
fungal) E-cigarette use Drug-induced pneumonitis
Non-pulmonary sepsis Multiple transfusion of blood products Organizing pneumonia
Aspiration of gastric contents Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Ischaemia-reperfusion injury Acute eosinophilic pneumonia
Pancreatitis Acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease
Non-cardiogenic shock Malignancy
Severe trauma or high-risk surgery
Drug overdose

Table 2

used to indicate the reduced size of aerated lung. This is physi- respiratory drive, such as metabolic acidosis or uncontrolled
ological rather than anatomical because compliance changes pain.
over the course of the disease and due to various treatment
manoeuvres. This variation creates heterogeneity of distending Pathophysiology of COVID-19 lung injury
pressures which form a penumbra of at-risk lung units of alveoli. Pathophysiological similarities of ARDS from COVID-19
ARDS may be associated with airway obstruction due to compared to other causes outnumber any differences. The
inflammation and thickening of the distal small airways’ wall. virus enters type 2 alveolar cells through host angiotensin-
This leads to expiratory flow limitation and increased airway converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptor which leads to release
resistance which improves with PEEP but not with of various cytokines (cytokine storm). This attracts neutrophils,
bronchodilators. CD4 and CD8 T cells which counteract viruses but also lead to
subsequent inflammation and lung injury. The thrombotic ten-
Pathophysiology of ventilator-induced lung injury dency causing pulmonary vasculature micro- and macro-throm-
(VILI) bosis increase the severity of respiratory failure. In many ways,
VILI associated with high lung volumes is due to alveolar over- the advent of COVID-19 as a trigger for ARDS has reopened many
distension (barotrauma/volutrauma). Volutrauma and baro- questions on the pathophysiology of ARDS itself.7
trauma may lead to pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and
air embolism in ARDS. Lung-protective ventilation may not be Risk factors for poor prognosis
adequately protective when accounting for delivered TV to Studies have depicted many risk factors, but no single factor or
nonaerated parts of the lung. scoring system has been proven to be superior to others. Risk
Cyclic opening and closing of collapsed (atelectatic) but factors are listed in Table 3.
recruitable lung units during TV contribute to lung injury and is Prognostic factors for poor long-term outcomes also include
termed as atelectrauma. It causes parenchymal shear injury and treatment such as low TV, prone position or ECMO intervention
may be prevented with higher PEEP in some patient subsets. and number and severity of complications.
Other aetiologies include patient self-inflicted lung injury (P-
SILI) and biotrauma. Biotrauma represents generation of proin-
flammatory mediators that drive ongoing lung injury and cause General principles
systemic organ dysfunction. Early recognition of the underlying cause and its treatment is of
paramount importance to prevent and treat ARDS. A better un-
Patient self-inflicted lung injury derstanding of mechanical ventilatory support, prevention of
Increased work of breathing as a response to impaired gas ex- VILI and good supportive care are essential in managing patients
change can lead to heightened respiratory efforts and increased with ARDS.
negative intrapleural pressure in both diseased and at-risk lung
regions even when TV and plateau pressures are limited. This Ventilatory strategies
can lead to regional over-distension of alveoli and atelectrauma. Lung-protective ventilation is the mainstay of ventilatory
Spontaneous ventilation has beneficial effects in preventing res- management to prevent VILI. The ARDSNet study respiratory
piratory muscle atrophy, reducing sedation and facilitating early management arm (ARMA) trial was a randomized multicentre
mobilization. However, when deciding whether to continue with study conducted by ARDSNet investigators, which compared a
spontaneous ventilation or to instigate invasive ventilation, cli- ventilation strategy of lower TV (6 ml/kg) to 12 ml/kg TV in
nicians should take the following factors: the amount of respi- ARDS and demonstrated considerable reduction of hospital
ratory drive and effort; the severity of ARDS; the patient’s clinical mortality and duration of mechanical ventilation when a lower
trajectory; and the search for non-respiratory causes of increased TV strategy coupled with targeting plateau pressure less than

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 637 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Risk factors for poor prognosis in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Patient related Disease related Treatment related

Age (>60% mortality in patients age>85) Severity of hypoxaemia Positive fluid balance
Comorbidities such as cancer, Pulmonary vascular dysfunction Steroids prior to ARDS
immunosuppression, chronic liver failure High severity of illness score Red blood cell transfusions
Lower mortality in Obese Non-traumatic cause of the ARDS Late intubation

Table 3

30e32 cmH2O was used. Plateau pressure may decrease as the  raised right ventricular afterload and pulmonary vascular
duration of time spent at end-inspiratory occlusion lengthens, resistance
likely due to delayed recruitment of additional lung volume via  increased dead space due to reduced blood flow in West
surfactant spread and alveolar pendelluft. Pendelluft is defined zone 1 and impaired CO2 elimination.
as redistribution of gas from a more recruited nondependent Modifying the inspiratory:expiratory ratio with prolonged
lung region to a less recruited dependent lung region due to inspiratory time leads to prolonged high mean airway pressure
differences in time constant (compliance X resistance) and improved oxygenation.
when there is no inhalation or exhalation. Hence, a shorter
end-inspiratory occlusion plateau pressure should be Oxygenation targets: the optimal strategy for supplemental ox-
considered. ygen is still controversial and remains unknown. Studies have
Low TV ventilation can cause hypercapnia, double triggering failed to show the reproducibility of benefits or harms of either
and dyssynchrony. To control hypercapnia, a relatively high liberal or conservative oxygenation targets.
respiratory rate should be adopted first. However, it increases the
risk of dynamic hyperinflation. Different ventilator modes: There is limited evidence for the
superiority of any ventilator mode over the others. For example,
PEEP and inspiratory:expiratory ratio: adjustment of PEEP is airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) is a mode of venti-
an important strategy to improve oxygenation in patients with lation that involves maintaining a continuous high positive
ARDS. No single strategy has proven to be ideal. In the ARMA pressure for most of the cycle with intermittent release phases,
trial, PEEP levels in the range 5e24 cmH2O were used, with while allowing for spontaneous respiration. Only low-quality
dynamic changes to PEEP in combination with FiO2. High PEEP evidence favours APRV over synchronized intermittent manda-
is more advantageous in moderate to severe ARDS in terms of tory ventilation (SIMV) to reduce duration of mechanical venti-
reducing mortality rates. Low TV ventilation itself is less bene- lation and length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay when applied
ficial in ARDS when implemented without high PEEP4,8 early in patients with ARDS.
Other methods to optimize PEEP include:
 adjustment of PEEP to either optimal SpO2 or static Rescue therapies
compliance, with or without preceding recruitment Recruitment manoeuvres improve lung compliance and gas
manoeuvres exchange by expanding collapsed alveoli. Various methods have
 set PEEP at 2 cmH2O above the lower inflection point of been used. Some of them include increasing TV gradually in
pressure-volume loop which represents the pressure where volume-controlled ventilation, or up-titrating PEEP while main-
maximum alveoli are thought to be recruited taining driving pressure until a peak inspiratory pressure of at
 dynamic PEEP titration to achieve lower driving pressure least 40 cmH2O is reached in pressure control ventilation. A large
(<15 cmH2O) randomized controlled trial has shown that titration of PEEP to
 transpulmonary pressure-guided PEEP, especially respiratory compliance with recruitment manoeuvres is associ-
in situations of reduced non-pulmonary compliance such ated with increased mortality. Recruitment manoeuvres can
as in abdominal hypertension and morbid obesity provide a temporary advantage at the expense of increased
 optimizing PEEP by various methods in electrical sedation requirements, decreased cardiac preload, increased risk
impendence tomography (EIT), a non-invasive bedside of VILI, and possibly worsening oxygenation by promoting
tool that monitors real-time distribution of ventilation. perfusion of poorly ventilated areas. The search for a better target
The driving pressure (DP ¼ TV/CRS(static compliance of the respi- population is needed which could include patients with ARDS
ratory system) or plateau pressure-PEEP) estimates TV adjusted to
who have a higher potential of reaping the benefits of recruit-
functional lung size and driving pressure >19 cmH2O has been ment manoeuvres rather than experiencing adverse effects.
associated with increased mortality rates. It is unclear whether
DP is superior to other methods to set PEEP.9 The dynamic Prone positioning is now a widely accepted and utilized tool for
adjustment of PEEP to ensure low plateau pressure is more the management of ARDS.
important than the level of PEEP itself. Various randomized, controlled trials including a metanalysis
Complications of high PEEP include: and the PROSEVA trial which compared early application of
 decreased right ventricular preload prone positioning for at least 16 hours to conventional supine

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 638 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

positioning among patients with moderate to severe ARDS Supportive therapies

showed significant reduction in 28-day and 90-day mortality. Conservative fluid therapy: implementation of a conservative
Improved survival is predominantly because of reduction of VILI lung strategy in patients with ARDS without contraindications can
due to more even distribution of volume than due to improved reduce the length of ICU and hospital stay and reduce duration of
oxygenation.10 Other advantages are improved secretion clear- mechanical ventilation. Also, early diuretic use in ARDS is inde-
ance and respiratory mechanics. pendently associated with lower hospital mortality.10
Despite the benefits, the rate of use of prone position was as
low as 16% in patients with severe ARDS in the large prospective Sedation and neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs):
epidemiologic Lung safe study.4 sedation and analgesia are used in patients with ARDS to
Factors associated with low implementation of prone ventila- improve tolerance to mechanical ventilation and decrease oxy-
tion include under recognition of ARDS, logistical difficulties, and gen consumption. Using sedation scales such as the Richmond
fear of complications. Complications of prone positioning include Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) may help clinicians meet seda-
increased intraabdominal or intracranial pressure, pressure in- tion goals more effectively, reducing the likelihood of over or
juries, ETT obstruction or dislodgement, difficult monitoring and under-sedation.
performing procedures and delay in the instigation of ECMO.10 NMBAs can benefit patients with ARDS by reducing lung
injury caused by patient-ventilator dyssynchrony and P-SILI. The
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: VV ECMO improves ACURASYS trial investigated early use of NMBAs in patients with
oxygenation and CO2 clearance and may reduce ventilator ARDS and revealed improved 90-day mortality and increased
induced lung injury by allowing the reduction in the intensity of ventilator-free days. In contrast, the Re-evaluation of Systemic
mechanical ventilation. The CESAR trial demonstrated higher Early Neuromuscular Blockade (ROSE) trial revealed no out-
survival without disability in the ECMO group versus the control comes benefits with early use of NMBAs at 3, 6, and 12 months.
group (67% vs 43%) whereas The EOLIA trial revealed a non- A panel of international experts suggested against the routine
statistically significant reduction in mortality in the ECMO use of an NMBA infusion in adults with ARDS before optimizing
group (35% vs 46%), despite a high rate of crossover to ECMO in mechanical ventilation, assessing ARDS severity and who
the control group. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization tolerate ventilation using lighter sedation. They recommended
(ELSO) guidelines recommend that patients with severe ARDS the use of NMBA infusion for up to 48 hours for patients whom
and refractory hypoxaemia (PaO2/FiO2 <80 mm Hg), or severe clinicians determine that they require ongoing deep sedation, to
hypercapnic respiratory failure (pH <7.25 with a PaCO2 facilitate lung-protective ventilation.13
60 mmHg), should be considered for ECMO after optimal
conventional management including a trial of prone positioning Corticosteroids: studies in the last two decades have conflicting
and in the absence of contraindications.11 Selecting patients for results regarding improvement in outcomes (ventilator-free days,
ECMO can be challenging and inclusion criteria vary between ICU length of stay) with early steroid use.
hospitals. Severity and aetiology of the respiratory failure are key In the recent DEXA-ARDS trial, patients with moderate-severe
factors to be considered. Maximizing traditional therapies for ARDS who received steroids (20 mg dexamethasone daily for
ARDS before initiation of ECMO, early transfer to the ECMO 5 days followed by 10 mg daily for 5 days) had lower 60 days all-
centre, earlier use of ECMO, protocolize care and weaning from cause mortality rates more ventilator-free days. Randomized
ECMO are of paramount importance. ARDS patients treated with Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) trial showed
ECMO experienced less psychological morbidity and impairment benefit from dexamethasone therapy in COVID-19 in 28 days
of health-related quality of life.10 mortality especially the patients who were mechanically venti-
As per ELSO Registry report, estimated in-hospital mortality lated and had symptoms for >7 days.
90 days after VV ECMO support was 37.4% post-pandemic and Due to the heterogeneity of clinical presentation and compli-
40% pre-pandemic. While COVID-19 ECMO run duration (18 cations of steroids, an individualized approach is suggested,
e20 days) may be longer than in non-COVID-19 ECMO patients where steroids are given to patients most likely to benefit such as
(12 days), published mortality appears to be similar in the two in ARDS with septic shock, COVID-19 and PaO2/FiO2 ratio <200;
groups.12 withheld in patients at higher risk for harm such as trauma,
influenza; and considered on a case-by-case basis among patients
Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators: the benefit of nitric oxide with intermediate risks/benefits.14
(iNO) is to improve oxygenation by improving V/Q because of
selective vasodilation of ventilated lung regions, rather than a Recent research and conflicts in ARDS
reduction in pulmonary artery pressure and right ventricle Individualized mechanical ventilation
afterload. Its use is associated with infrequent complications A personalized mechanical ventilation approach for patients with
such as renal toxicity, methaemoglobinemia and rebound pul- ARDS based on lung physiology and morphology, ARDS aeti-
monary hypertension. Minimization and frequent re-evaluation ology, lung imaging, and biological phenotypes may improve
of the dose and monitoring of complications are essential. ventilation practice and outcome.
Studies have failed to show survival benefits. However, given a
favourable benefit-risk ratio with adequate monitoring, iNO may Novel methods of safe TV and dynamic PEEP titration
be justified in severe ARDS when prone positioning and opti- Adaptive support ventilation, an automated closed-loop mode of
mization of mechanical ventilation do not correct hypoxaemia. ventilation, may provide the best combination of TV and

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 639 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

respiratory rate (RR), to achieve the lowest work of breathing Timing of intubation
combined with the lowest driving pressure (DP). Late intubation, use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in severe
Functional residual capacity (FRC) is severely decreased in ARDS and possibly P-SILI are associated with high mortality.
ARDS. End-expiratory lung volume (EELV) is FRC plus lung Conversely, with the growing use of high-flow nasal oxygen, the
volume increased by the applied PEEP. Measurement using the proportion of ARDS patients who never require intubation or
modified nitrogen multiple breath washout technique may help require mechanical ventilation later in the course of illness is
titrate PEEP and TV and allow determining dynamic lung strain increasing. Hence, the decision on timing of intubation should be
(TV over EELV).9 taken on a case-by-case basis considering other clinical and lo-
gistic factors.16
Transpulmonary pressure and electrical impedance
tomography (EIT) guided PEEP Timing of spontaneous breathing
Transpulmonary pressure (PL), the distending force of the lung, is There are risks of developing P-SILI, patient-ventilator dyssyn-
the difference between airway (PAW) and pleural pressure (PPL), chrony, under assistance and impaired gas exchange with
which is estimated by oesophageal pressure (PES). In recent trials, spontaneous breathing on mechanical ventilation versus the risk
PL guided adjustment of PEEP was found to be superior in of developing ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction (VIDD)
improving oxygenation especially in patients with high abdominal and complications of excessive PEEP during controlled ventila-
pressure such as obesity and reducing rescue therapies such as tion, sedation and/or paralysis. These factors other than the
ECMO. Better survival was observed when PEEP was titrated PaO2/FiO2 ratio may need to be considered when deciding about
closer to 0 cmH2O of transpulmonary pressure.9,15 weaning to spontaneous breathing.
EIT uses electric currents by placing electrodes on the tho- Airway occlusion pressure (P0.1) is a non-invasive measure
rax to image the changes in air content in the lungs and for estimating respiratory drive during mechanical ventilation
evaluate regional differences in ventilation patterns. This may with spontaneous breathing, P0.1 is defined as the negative
be used to set PEEP level. It is unknown whether EIT improves airway pressure occurring during the first 0.1 seconds of an
outcomes. occluded inspiration. Small P0.1 (1.0 cmH2O), indicates the weak
effort which can lead to weaning failure, while large P0.1
Determine suitability for recruitment manoeuvres (4.0 cmH2O) indicates the strong patient’s inspiratory effort
A bedside approach to estimate recruitability has recently been which may be associated with P-SILI.17 Further validation form
proposed by abruptly dropping PEEP with an increase in expired randomized studies is warranted.
volume. The difference between expired volume and the volume
predicted by compliance at low PEEP estimates the recruited Extra corporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R)
volume by PEEP. This recruited volume divided by the pressure ECCO2R is a strategy that has been proposed as a rescue therapy
change estimates the compliance of the recruited lung; the ratio and is a means of facilitating ultra-protective lung ventilation
of the compliance of the recruited lung to the compliance at low (UPLV) for patients with ARDS. Appropriate patient selection is
PEEP measures the recruitment-to-inflation ratio. The higher the important. Clinical outcome benefits are yet to be proven in
recruitment-to-inflation ratio is, the higher the potential for lung randomized studies.
recruitment is.10
Scope of future research and unmet needs
Imaging Risk prediction models
Imaging techniques may help to identify different lung There has been a growing interest in developing predictive tools
morphology and response to ventilation strategies. Chest CT al- to foresee who is more likely to develop ARDS and predict tra-
lows quantitative analysis of lung: normally aerated, poorly jectory and complications after developing it. This would allow
aerated, and non-aerated tissue. Two main chest CT phenotypes, more targeted therapies. It is difficult to establish specific tool as
lobar attenuations (focal findings) and diffuse (non-focal find- ARDS is a heterogenous disease and mortality also depends on
ings) have been proposed. Recruitment manoeuvres yield less the underlying cause. Recently, a mortality prediction model for
hyperinflation in patients with non-focal CT morphology. A ARDS that included age, APACHE III score and biomarkers
recent trial found no differences in outcome between standard (surfactant protein D, and interleukin 8) was published. A ma-
lungeprotective ventilation in focal ARDS and personalized chine learning model based novel variable [PaO2/(FiO2PEEP)]
ventilation (openelung strategy with high PEEP, recruitment for patients on PEEP 5 cmH2O has also been proposed to predict
manoeuvres and rescue prone positioning). Patients who were severity over time after ARDS onset and bridge the gaps of the
misclassified in the personalized ventilation group had a higher Berlin definition. These may be useful tools for the identification
mortality rate. of high-risk patients for recruitment into clinical trials, or for risk
adjusted comparisons of outcomes between centres. These tools
Biological phenotype need to be validated further to be used in clinical settings.18
Studies demonstrated that the different phenotypes (hyper-
inflammatory and hypoinflammatory) had a differential or even Disease modifying agents and adjunctive
opposite response to PEEP, fluid management, and simvastatin pharmacotherapies
treatment The stratification of ARDS patients according to phe- Various drug therapies have been investigated including
notypes is promising but requires validation before it can be inhaled adrenomedullin for intubated patients with ARDS,
translated into to the clinical setting.9 inhaled b-agonists, corticosteroids, epithelial sodium channels

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 640 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

activators in alveolar epithelial cells and mesenchymal stem cell 7 Swenson KE, Swenson ER. Pathophysiology of acute respiratory
therapies. None of them has been adequately studied in ran- distress syndrome and COVID-19 lung injury. Crit Care Clin 2021;
domized, well-powered trials and approved for use yet. 37: 749e76.
8 Guo L, Xie J, Huang Y, et al. Higher PEEP improves outcomes in
Long term outcomes ARDS patients with clinically objective positive oxygenation
Despite advances in the care of critically ill patients, survivors of response to PEEP: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC
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ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 23:10 641 Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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