Peripheral Mechanisms in Appetite Regulation

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Gastroenterology 2015;148:1219–1233

Peripheral Mechanisms in Appetite Regulation

Michael Camilleri

Clinical Enteric Neuroscience Translational and Epidemiological Research, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,
Rochester, Minnesota

Peripheral mechanisms in appetite regulation include the typically ingested 4 hours previously (eg, a 300-kcal meal).
motor functions of the stomach, such as the rate of It is relevant to distinguish these 2 terms because satiation
emptying and accommodation, which convey symptoms of reflects the early postprandial experience, whereas satiety
satiation to the brain. The rich repertoire of peripherally reflects the appetite to ingest food at a subsequent meal
released peptides and hormones provides feedback from after a period of fasting.
the arrival of nutrients in different regions of the gut from Because obesity results from the imbalance between en-
where they are released to exert effects on satiation, or ergy consumed and energy expended, postprandial satiation
regulate metabolism through their incretin effects. Ulti- and satiety are critically relevant to the development of obesity.
mately, these peripheral factors provide input to the highly
organized hypothalamic circuitry and vagal complex of
nuclei to determine cessation of energy intake during meal
ingestion, and the return of appetite and hunger after
Gastric Motility and Phases of Digestion

fasting. Understanding these mechanisms is key to the Gastric motility is critically involved in the cephalic,
physiological control of feeding and the derangements that gastric, and enteric phases of digestion; these functions are
occur in obesity and their restoration with treatment (as integrated.
shown by the effects of bariatric surgery). Taste and other visceral sensations project into the nu-
cleus of the solitary tract (NTS). The NTS is a sensory
complex linked through the action of neurons secreting
Keywords: Satiation; Satiety; Stomach; Neurohormonal. acetylcholine, neuropeptide Y (NPY), and thyrotrophin-
releasing hormone to the dorsal motor nucleus of the
vagus in the brainstem to activate the processes of diges-
tion. The vagus nerve is the major mediator of the cephalic

T his article reviews the control of gastric motility and

digestion, the gastrointestinal mechanisms control-
ling appetite including gut-brain communication, the effects
phase of gastric motility and digestion, and the main
neurotransmitter is acetylcholine. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
and gastrin are additional modulators that control a coor-
of peripherally released peptides and hormones on hypo- dinated digestive response, including gastric acid and
thalamic and brainstem control, and the effects of macro- pepsin secretion, gastric motility and emptying, and inte-
nutrients on the functions associated with appetite and grated pancreaticobiliary secretion. Descending projections
gastric functions. from higher senses, such as olfaction and vision, and from
the forebrain also modulate these brainstem reflexes.
It is estimated that the cephalically stimulated motor and
Definitions of Satiation and Satiety secretory activities in the upper gut and midgut contribute
Satiation refers to the postprandial feeling of fullness
that may be one of pleasure or distress, and manifests other
symptoms such as fullness, nausea, or bloating. Operation- Abbreviations used in this paper: AA, amino acids; ARC, arcuate nucleus;
ally, satiation can be defined as the maximum tolerated BMI, body mass index; CCK, cholecystokinin; FFAR, free fatty acid re-
ceptor; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide; GLP, glucagon-
volume of a liquid nutrient meal, and by intraprandial and like peptide; GPR120, G protein coupled receptor 120; MRI, magnetic
postprandial symptoms experienced with the meal resonance imaging; NPY, neuropeptide Y; NTS, nucleus of the tractus
solitarius; PVN, paraventricular nucleus; PYY, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine;
challenge. RYGB, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; T1R, T1R2, and T1R3, G-pro-
Satiety reflects the appetite to ingest meals, and it may tein–coupled taste receptors.
be defined operationally by the kilocalories ingested at a
subsequent ad libitum buffet meal after a standard period of © 2015 by the AGA Institute
fasting or a specified time from a prior standard meal,
1220 Michael Camilleri Gastroenterology Vol. 148, No. 6

Figure 1. Integrated neuro-

hormonal response to the
ingestion of food. Sensing of
different nutrients by enter-
oendocrine cells results in
the release of diverse hor-
mones and peptides that
result in gastric accommo-
dation to the meal, stimula-
tion of gastric contractions
that lead to emptying, and,
when the nutrients reach
different levels of the small
intestine, the release of
substances that provide
generally negative feedback
that delays gastric emptying
(eg, CCK in the duodenum,
GLP-1 and PYY in the
more distal small intestine
and colon).

more than 50% of the overall postprandial response.1 Food In obese individuals, apart from body mass index (BMI),
ingestion releases gastrointestinal hormones and activates age, and sex, the following factors contribute to post-
gastrointestinal motility, and gastric and pancreaticobiliary prandial symptoms: smaller fasting or postprandial gastric
secretion and absorption (Figure 1). Gastrin, CCK, glucose- volume, accelerated gastric emptying at 1 hour, and delayed
dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), ghrelin, gastric gastric emptying at 4 hours.5 The univariate association of
leptin, and pancreatic polypeptide are secreted from the postprandial gastric volume with symptoms is not inde-
upper gut. Incretins such as GLP-1, peptide YY, and oxy- pendent of the fasting gastric volume. However, these data
ntomodulin, which are secreted from the proximal and support the notion that gastric motor functions are
distal small intestine, generally inhibit the cephalic phase important predictors of the sensation of fullness or satia-
mediated through the vagus nerve. Upper gut–derived tion and may determine the individual’s choice to stop
hormones, such as CCK and GIP, also inhibit gastric motility ingesting food. The relevance of these factors is shown by
by relaxing the fundus and antrum or stimulating pyloric the effects of sleeve gastrectomy on appetite and weight
contraction to inhibit gastric emptying. This results in loss (discussed later).
slowing of meal digestion, and induction of satiation
resulting in reduced ingestion of calories.
Gut-Brain Communication
The vagal nuclei and the vagus nerve innervate most of
the gastrointestinal tract involved in energy intake, satia-
Role of Gastric Motor Functions in tion, and digestion.6 Vagal afferents are stimulated directly
Postprandial Symptoms by changes in viscus tension when food, or later chyme,
There has been little attention to the role of gastric passes through the gut gastrointestinal tract, and indirectly
motor functions and the development of postprandial by chemical stimuli activating taste receptors (see later),
symptoms in obesity.2 However, a vast amount of literature releasing peptides from mucosal enteroendocrine cells.
based on hundreds of patients with dyspepsia convincingly Some of these peptides act on vagal or other pathways to
has shown that gastric motor functions (such as emptying induce appetite (an orexigenic effect; eg, ghrelin), whereas
and accommodation) and gastric sensation are important others (eg, gastric leptin, CCK, GLP-1, or peptide tyrosine-
determinants of intraprandial and postprandial symptoms.3 tyrosine [PYY]) induce satiety—an anorexigenic effect.
Moreover, the proportion of fats with at least 12-carbon Circulating nutrients, reflecting levels of nutrients in the
chain length influences satiation in health and dyspepsia.4 periphery, influence brainstem nuclei after being sensed in
May 2015 Taste Mechanisms, Satiation, and Appetite 1221

Figure 2. Peripheral and central factors modulating appetite centers in the brain. Gastrointestinal and fat-derived hor-
mones stimulate specific areas of the hypothalamus and brainstem that sense nutrients, and coordinate the response to
hunger and the intake of food. The arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus receives input from brainstem (eg, vagal) nuclei as
well as direct stimulation by circulating hormones through an incomplete blood-brain barrier. Neurons in the arcuate
nucleus are either orexigenic (eg, contain neuropeptide Y via Y 1 receptors or agouti-related peptide [AgRP]) or anorexi-
genic (eg, contain pro-opiomelanocortin [POMC] and cocaine- and amphetamine-related transcript [CART]). POMC is a
precursor of a-melanocyte–stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Ultimately, other regions of the hypothalamus (the para-
ventricular nucleus and lateral hypothalamus) and higher centers (such as the amygdala, limbic system, and cerebral
cortex) are stimulated to change feeding behavior by influencing the functions of the same hypothalamic nuclei. DMV,
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone; PP, pancreatic polypeptide. Redrawn
from Camilleri and Grudell.182

the area postrema in the floor of the fourth ventricle, where Hypothalamic and Brainstem Mechanisms
there is a thin blood-brain barrier.7 In response, the brain Hypothalamic circuits involve several peptide receptors
stem controls the enteric nervous system,8,9 modulating that control appetite and food intake. These mechanisms
upper-gut function or signaling to the hypothalamic circuits include cannabinoid,11 NPY, pro-opiomelanocortin, melanin-
to reduce calorie intake. On the other hand, partial vagot- concentrating hormone, a-melanocyte stimulating hormone,
omy, total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, or intermittent agouti-related peptide, cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated
vagal nerve electrical stimulation to inhibit vagal function in transcript, CCK, and GLP-1 (Figures 1 and 2).
human beings10 decreases food intake and induces early Neural pathways link the hypothalamic nuclei to higher
satiety and weight loss, possibly by reducing gastric centers (which produce food reward or a feeling of well-
emptying and inducing satiation. being) and to the brainstem nuclei. Through the brainstem
nuclei, such as the NTS and the dorsal motor nucleus of the
vagus, the hypothalamus can slow gastric emptying by
Mechanisms Regulating Appetite stimulating vagal fibers that activate intramural gastric
Several interacting control mechanisms (Figure 2) that nitrergic neurons to decrease gastric motility,12,13 retard
involve peripherally released mediators are involved in the gastric emptying, and, as a consequence, decrease calorie
regulation of appetite.6 consumption.14–16
1222 Michael Camilleri Gastroenterology Vol. 148, No. 6

The precise pathways and centers involved in rewards Gastrointestinal hormones including leptin, cholecysto-
appear to involve NPY and dopaminergic receptors,17 and kinin, PYY, oxyntomodulin, and GLP-1 may affect nuclei in
eating for reward value is a primitive behavior observed in the hypothalamus and brainstem, where the blood-brain
species such as Drosophila.18 barrier allows direct interaction between these hormones
Preliminary data in human beings using magnetic with the nuclei, just as described earlier for nutrients. The
resonance imaging (MRI) with pulsed arterial spin label- circulating peptides inhibit the agouti-related peptide/NPY
ing in response to a nutrient drink (Ensure; Abbott Lab- pathway in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus,
oratories, Chicago, IL) show that the sensation of satiation thereby reducing appetite and stimulate the pro-opiomela-
is associated with decreased cerebral blood flow in the nocortin/a-melanocyte stimulation hormone pathway, and
hypothalamus compared with a control brain region increasing satiety and indirectly reducing appetite
(posterior frontal cortex). By using repeat measurements (Figures 2 and 3).23
at 15-minute intervals, hypothalamic pulsed arterial spin
labeling MRI signal decreased significantly after ingesting
the maximum tolerated volume of the liquid meal, and this Taste Receptors for Sweet or Amino
decreased signal persisted 30 minutes later.19 The effect Acids (Umami)
of nutrients in Ensure may reflect the greater reduction in Similarities between the chemosensory machinery in
cerebral blood flow in the hypothalamus to the mono- neuroepithelial taste receptor cells of the tongue and the
saccharide glucose compared with fructose ingestion,20 as molecular transducers localized in enteroendocrine cells in
well as increased functional connectivity between the the gut that sense the chemical composition of the luminal
hypothalamus and the thalamus and striatum with contents of the gut24 led to the concept of nonlingual taste
glucose, and increased connectivity between the hypo- receptors. Molecular sensing by gastrointestinal cells con-
thalamus and thalamus, but not the striatum, with fruc- trols multiple fundamental functions in digestion and initi-
tose. In another study, the blood oxygenation ates hormonal and/or afferent neural (predominantly vagal)
level–dependent signal in the cortical control areas pathways leading to satiation, the regulation of caloric
increased during glucose infusion and decreased during intake, pancreatic insulin secretion, and changes in meta-
fructose infusion.21 The significance of these findings is bolism. For example, glucose-sensing by gut enter-
unclear; however, fructose ingestion was associated with a oendocrine cells results in the release of incretin peptides,
smaller increase in systemic glucose, insulin, and GLP-1 activation of vagal afferents, and glucose homeostasis. Vagal
levels than glucose ingestion.20 The time course of afferent nerve terminals in the intestinal mucosa express
changes in hypothalamic and brainstem fluctuations in the receptors for a number of different regulatory peptides and

blood oxygenation level–dependent signal on functional neurotransmitters, including those released by glucose
MRI in response to sucrose (a combination of glucose and (GLP-1, GLP-2, and serotonin).
fructose) was consistent with a rapid, vagally mediated There are 3 distinct subunits of the G-protein–coupled
mechanism caused by nutrient absorption, rather than taste receptors, T1Rs. These form heterodimers that
sweet taste-receptor activation.22 mediate either sweet taste (T1R2 and T1R3) or sense amino

Figure 3. The gut hormone signaling to the brain to mediate sensations of hunger and satiation. (A) During the fasting/pre-
prandial state, ghrelin release from the stomach acts on the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and vagus nucleus in the
brainstem to stimulate hunger. (B) In the postprandial state, release of anorectic hormones, PYY, GLP-1, oxyntomodulin, and
pancreatic polypeptide from the intestine act on the ARC, brainstem, and vagus to cause satiation.
May 2015 Taste Mechanisms, Satiation, and Appetite 1223

acids or umami (T1R1 and T1R3). The subunits of T1R2 Adiposity- and Glycemia-Related Hormones
and T1R3, as well as other elements of the sweet taste Insulin from the pancreatic ß cells and leptin from white
transduction pathway found in the lingual epithelium adipocytes (as well as the stomach and other tissues) each
including Ga-gustducin, are expressed in intestinal enter- are secreted in direct proportion to body fat. Both hormones
oendocrine cells. Ga-gustducin is co-localized in enter- are transported through the blood-brain barrier113,114 and
oendocrine cells that express PYY in the colon or GLP-1 and access neurons in the hypothalamus and other regions of
serotonin in the small intestine. T1Rs up-regulate the the brain to influence energy homeostasis. In contrast to
sodium-coupled transporters, sodium-coupled glucose satiation signals, which primarily influence calories eaten
transporter and glucose transporter 2, in the intestinal during individual meals, adiposity signals are related more
epithelium in response to glucose, and T1Rs also regulate directly to how much fat the body carries and maintains.
GLP-1 secretion. The T1R system has broad specificity for Insulin systemically elicits hypoglycemia, which increases
sweet sensing and can be activated by natural sugars, sweet food intake. In obesity, there is insulin and leptin resistance;
proteins, and artificial sweeteners.25 There are also fat- thus, more of each hormone is required to achieve the same
sensing receptors, free fatty acid receptor (FFAR1) and physiological effect when compared with lean individuals.
G-protein coupled receptor 120 (GPR120), in enter-
oendocrine cells,26 and the receptors sense both medium-
and long-chain fatty acids.27,28 Binding of basic tastants Effects of Meal Properties on Food
(sweet, bitter, umami, or fat) initiates second-messenger Intake, Satiety, and Satiation
cascades that result in the release of peptides or neuro- The nutrient content of a meal influences the rate of
transmitters (eg, ghrelin, CCK, GLP-1, and PYY), resulting in emptying from the stomach. For example, the maximum
physiological events. Each receptor is coupled to distinct emptying rate of liquid food from the stomach is approxi-
gustatory G proteins; gustducin is the most common G mately 200 kcal/h.115 Compared with calorie density, the
protein for taste.27,28 Gut endocrine cells also may detect volume, carbohydrate, and protein content of the meal have
microbiota because they also express Toll-like–receptor minor effects on the rate of gastric emptying, whereas fat
molecules that recognize bacterial breakdown products.25 has a major effect. CCK-mediated reflexes are activated by
chylomicrons or by fatty acids with at least 12-carbon chain
Gut Peptidergic and Hormonal Control of the lengths in the upper small intestine and result in inhibition
of antral motility,116 thereby retarding gastric emptying.
Response to Feeding and Satiation
The energy density, meal volume, and physical properties of
Ingested nutrients and their digestion products initiate
a meal influence food intake, satiety, and satiation, pre-

local actions in the upper gut, producing signals that initiate
dominantly through effects on gastric emptying. We address
digestion and absorption. Other signals lead to the feeling of
the role of macronutrient content of food in food intake.
satiation, either directly or indirectly, through effects on
gastric function, and lead to meal termination. Even during
ingestion of the meal, gastric emptying of liquids results in Does Macronutrient Class Influence Gastric or
the rapid delivery of nutrients into the intestine. Gastric and Pancreatic Function, or Food Intake?
duodenal vagal afferents are stimulated by the mechanical, Several studies have addressed whether nutrient intake
chemical, and osmotic effects of ingested nutrients, stimu- results in adaptation of gastric functions and satiation
lating the release of a variety of peptides and hormones,29 mechanisms. The adaptation of these mechanisms to
which mediate or modulate digestion, sensation after different nutrients has been tested by means of nutrient
feeding, and appetite.30 preloads, typically for a 2-week period. In these studies,
This article provides a brief summary of the main ef- calories in a macronutrient class were given in excess of
fects of the predominant hormones or peptides on food caloric needs, and the effects on gastric or pancreatic
intake or appetite. Ghrelin is an orexigen that is important function were assessed. Although such studies can be per-
in short-term food intake; in contrast, leptin (gastric) is a formed in animals with 90% or 100% of the calories
minor orexigen, and obestatin is a peptide encoded by the designated in a certain class,117 there are limitations to the
ghrelin gene that opposes ghrelin’s effects on food intake, degree of enrichment with a specific macronutrient class in
delays gastric emptying, and inhibits jejunal motility.31 CCK diets ingested by human beings. Hence, animal data are less
is a major mediator of satiation, providing negative feed- relevant to the human situation.
back to the stomach (delaying emptying, at least in part, by Carbohydrates tend to reduce pancreatic enzyme output,
fundic relaxation and antral inhibition). GLP-1 is an incre- and fat has the greatest potential to perturb digestive
tin that modulates glucose control and provides similar functions including interdigestive and postprandial outputs
negative feedback to the stomach. Peptide YY is involved in of pancreatic enzymes118 and gastric emptying.
appetite control, the ileal brake, and negative feedback to Nutrient preloads of 4 different classes of macronutri-
the stomach. Table 1 expands on this summary, reviewing ents (protein, carbohydrate, fat, or mixed/balanced) did not
the role of gastrointestinal peptides and hormones significantly affect satiation, appetite (food ingested at an ad
released in response to feeding and their potential physi- libitum meal), or gastric emptying.119,120 These studies were
ological effects of relevance to satiation or satiety in human conducted in 10 male, normal weight, healthy volunteers,119
beings.32–112 and in 52 healthy normal-weight, overweight, or obese
1224 Michael Camilleri Gastroenterology Vol. 148, No. 6

Table 1.Peptides, Hormones and Receptors Involved in the Peripheral Gastrointestinal Control of Upper Gastrointestinal
Functions Associated With Satiation and Appetite.

Peptide/hormone/ Predominant site of synthesis/

receptor release Main functions References

Gastrins 17-AA peptide from gastric mucosa - Blood-borne regulator of gastric acid secretion, 32–34
interacting with somatostatin and EC cells
- Regulates gastric epithelial organization,
proliferation, and function

CCK I cells in duodenal mucosa, - Activates vagal afferents directly and modifies the 35–38
particularly 12 carbon chain long response of vagal mechanosensitive fibers to
fatty acids; multiple molecular gastric and duodenal nutrients
forms - Relaxes the proximal stomach to increase its
reservoir capacity, inhibits gastric emptying and
acid secretion, gallbladder contraction, and
exocrine pancreatic secretion
- Limits amount of food consumed during an
individual meal

CCK1R Vagal afferents - Induces fullness and nausea in response to 39

duodenal lipid and gastric distention

CCK2R CNS, hypothalamic (eg, arcuate) - Controls satiety and appetite 40–42

Ghrelin 28-AA peptide expressed mostly in - Growth hormone secretagogue that stimulates 43–45
stomach pituitary release of GH
- Stimulates food intake
- Induces metabolic changes, increases body 46
weight, fat mass through NPY/AgRP system

- Stimulates appetite via secretion of NPY and

- Inhibits appetite via POMC/aMSH system 47–49
- Effects mediated through vagus nerve 50
- Stimulates gastric emptying and contracts gastric 51–63
- Other actions: stimulates gastric acid, 64–66
vasodilatation, inhibition of insulin, and
antiproliferative effects

GHS-R G protein-coupled receptor - Distributed in hypothalamus and pituitary, 43

adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, myocardium,
spleen, ovary, enteric neurons, and stomach

Leptin Circulating 16-kDa protein - Central regulation (arcuate nucleus and other) of 67–73
(167 AA) secreted by adipose food intake and energy balance, storage of fat
tissue, placenta, skeletal muscle and insulin signalling
- Secretion is proportionate to fat stores of the 74
- Decreased leptin induces hunger; starvation 75–78
reduces leptin levels and increases appetite
- Regulates feeding behavior and short- and long-
term satiation by providing information to brain
on availability of external (food) and internal (fat)
energy resources

Gastric leptin Fundic glands and chief cells Reduced during fasting, rapidly released after food 79
intake by vagal cholinergic stimulation, CCK
and secretin, or in response to satiety factors
(eg, CCK and insulin)
May 2015 Taste Mechanisms, Satiation, and Appetite 1225

Table 1. Continued

Peptide/hormone/ Predominant site of synthesis/

receptor release Main functions References

GLP-1 Co-secreted with PYY from intestinal - Two biologically active forms: GLP-17–37 and 80–82
L cells: GLP-17–36 amide is located GLP-17–36 amide (the major circulating form)
in the PVN, DMV, NTS, pituitary, - Incretin hormone that enhances insulin secretion 83
and thalamus stimulated by oral nutrients
- Control of appetite and energy intake in humans
- Enhanced satiety and fullness after an energy- 84–87
fixed breakfast, reduced energy intake at an ad
libitum lunch, retarded gastric emptying,
inhibited antral motility, reduced postprandial
glycemia and increased gastric volume or
reservoir capacity

NPY 36-AA peptide in hypo-thalamus, and - Appetite induction through NPY network in the 88
intestinal neurons PVN-ARC of hypothalamus; opposing hormonal
signals, such as leptin and ghrelin, regulate
secretion of NPY in PVN-ARC;
- Antisecretory effects in small intestine and 89
especially colon; motor inhibitory effects

NPY (Y) receptors Multiple receptor subtypes Y1, Y2, and Y5 receptor subtypes mediate NPY- 90,91
Y1 to Y5 induced feeding; central NPY delays GE in rats
(through Y2 receptors); in humans, intravenously
NPY had no effect on GE

PP 36-AA peptide from D cells in Experimentally, anorectic effects with peripheral 92–96
pancreas PP, central PP stimulates food intake;
Circulating PP levels inversely proportional to
adiposity; higher levels with anorexia nervosa,
reductions in circulating PP in some studies in

obese subjects; PP may delay GE

PYY Co-secreted with GLP-1 from - Stimulates Y2 receptors in hypothalamic ARC 97

ileocolonic L cells; active form nucleus circuitry to regulate food intake
PYY3-36 - Activates ileal brake and other feedback control of 98–103
regional motor function
- Inhibits gastric acid, pancreatic exocrine, and bile 104–107
acid secretion

OXM 37-AA peptide from intestinal Acts via GLP-1 receptors to decrease food intake 108,109
L cells and inhibit gastric acid secretion and GE

Apo A-IV 46kDa protein from small bowel Synthesized and secreted in response to lipid 110–112
enterocytes absorption; exogenous apo A-IV decreased
food intake (mediated centrally) and inhibited
gastric acid secretion and motility in rodents

NOTE. Italics refer to receptors of peptides/hormones.

AA, amino acid; AgRP, agouti-related peptide; aMSH, a-melanocyte–stimulating hormone; Apo A-IV, apolipoprotein A-IV;
CNS, central nervous system; DMV, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve; EC, enterochromaffin cells; GE, gastric
emptying; GHS-R, growth hormone secretagogue receptor; NTS, nucleus of the tractus solitaries; OXM, oxyntomodulin;
POMC, pro-opiomelanocortin; PP, pancreatic polypeptide; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; PVN-ARC,
paraventricular and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus.

participants (14 men, 38 women with a BMI of 19.4–47.0 gastric volumes after the 4 diets enriched with a specific
kg/m2).119,120 However, nutrient preload with a high-fat macronutrient class.120
diet (4800 kcal) increased hunger ratings during duodenal Carbohydrate influence on appetite was elucidated in
lipid infusion compared with the same infusion after a classic studies.122 Compared with soup that was not sup-
lower-fat (2670 kcal) diet.121 In contrast, a more physio- plemented with carbohydrates, Blundell et al122 found that
logical, balanced-nutrient, orally administered meal carbohydrate-supplemented soup significantly reduced
(Ensure) was associated with very similar postprandial subjective hunger and subsequent food intake by an amount
1226 Michael Camilleri Gastroenterology Vol. 148, No. 6

Table 2.Summary of Effects of Different Fat Molecules on Appetite, Food Intake, and Weight

Fat variation Effects on appetite/satiety, food intake, or weight References

LCFA C18 fatty acids reduce food intake; effect is not related to rate of absorption but partly by 123
CCK release
MCFA No significant effect of fatty acid chain length (LCFA vs MCFA for 3 days) on ratings of 124
hunger, fullness, satisfaction, or current thoughts of food, energy, and macronutrient 125
intake at next meal did not differ between diets
Triacylglycerol (olestra) Olestra does not influence signals of satiation including cholecystokinin and stomach 126
emptying; most studies of olestra on human satiation found no additional energy
consumption when olestra was substituted for dietary fat
MUFAs, PUFAs, or SFAs Short-term studies indicated that PUFA may exert a relatively stronger control over appetite 127
than MUFA and SFA
SFA-rich meal elicited greater subjective feelings of fullness compared with MUFA- and 128
PUFA-rich meals; postprandial PYY response (area under the curve) was significantly
lower for the MUFA-rich meal vs the SFA-rich or PUFA-rich meals
Long-chain omega-3 PUFAs Observational studies (Health Professional Follow-up Study and Nurses’ Health Study) and 129
RCTs provide conflicting evidence of weight gain or loss
High amount (>1300 mg/day; n ¼ 121) associated with lower hunger sensations immediately 130
after test dinner (fullness) and after 120 min (fullness and hunger) compared with low
amount (<260 mg/day; n ¼ 112)

FA, fatty acids; LCFA, long chain fatty acids; MCFA, medium chain fatty acids; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA,
polyunsaturated fatty acid; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SFA, saturated fatty acid.

that compensated for the higher carbohydrate content of the status; examples are fermented milk and orange juice.133
supplemented soup. Such studies provided evidence for the Polyphenols are example of natural products that may
physiological regulation of short-term appetite by provide health benefits and are widely present in plants and
carbohydrates. are ingested daily with food. Not all polyphenols and related
The effects of different fat molecules (ie, MCFA, LCFA, compounds are absorbed in the small intestine, some of
saturated and unsaturated FA, as well as omega-3 FAs) are them reach the large intestine where they undergo meta-

summarized in Table 2.123–130 bolic transformation by the colonic microbiota.134 Among

The influence of protein and amino acid on the control of the different functional foods and extracts, polyphenols
food intake remains incompletely understood. In studies seem to be yielding the most promising results on dietary
performed in normal weight and obese people, food intake intake or metabolic effects associated with obesity. Poly-
enriched with 500 kcal protein for 2 weeks had no demon- phenols reduce metabolic disturbances such as hypergly-
strable effect on gastric motor function, satiation, or satiety.120 cemia, insulin resistance, and hyperleptinemia,135,136 and
The potential for oral protein and duodenal fat to influence they directly modulate neuropeptides involved in appetite
satiety was evaluated in healthy volunteers131 who were regulation (reviewed by Panickar137). Polyphenols can cross
studied in a randomized, double-blind, 4-period, cross-over the blood-brain barrier, and they reduced body weight and
design. An oral protein preload significantly reduced caloric fat mass in rodent models of obesity, along with suppressing
intake (mean, 19%). Simultaneous administration of an oral hypothalamic neuropeptide Y levels.138,139 Clinical trials
protein preload and intraduodenal fat did not result in a in human beings point to beneficial effects of some
synergistic effect with respect to reduced caloric consumption. polyphenol-rich foods (such as tea containing catechins,
However, after oral protein ingestion, only small quanti- apple juice, cocoa, red berries, other fruits, and resveratrol
ties of intact proteins enter the duodenum because of the in red wine) in the management of body fat.140 Polyphenols
extensive intragastric digestion and, therefore, the total may influence the composition of the gut microbiota, for
impact of protein intake on appetite may not be fully example, consumption of blueberry141 and grape142 juices,
appreciated with an oral protein supplement. Indeed, intra- and red wine or gin,143 generally increased Bifidobacterium
duodenal administration of protein results in higher CCK and species in fecal samples from human volunteers.
GLP-1 levels, and reduced kcal intake at an ad libitum meal
compared with oral protein administration, with greater ef-
fects observed in obese than in lean male volunteers.132 Dysregulation of Gastric Function,
Satiety, and Satiation Mechanisms
Potential Role of Functional Foods in Dietary in Obesity
Intake and Appetite Comparisons of gastric emptying in normal weight and
Functional foods are foods that, in addition to providing obese persons have shown inconsistent results with rapid,
essential nutrients including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, normal, or slow gastric emptying (reviewed by Park and
and vitamins, also improve the general well-being or health Camilleri144).
May 2015 Taste Mechanisms, Satiation, and Appetite 1227

Autopsy studies in obese subjects have shown that some latter being consistent with the accelerated gastric emptying
intra-abdominal organs such as the liver, small intestine, and of nutrients).154 Obesity also was associated with delayed
pancreas are heavier than in normal-weight individuals.145 satiation, manifested as a larger volume of liquid nutrient
Other studies showed wide variation of stomach size with ingested at a steady state to induce fullness,154 and a larger
no significant relationship to body weight.146 Obese subjects maximum tolerated volume155; in addition, the total caloric
have been shown to choose more food and to consume more intake at an ad libitum meal was greater in people with an
food per minute than nonobese subjects.147 Obese people with abnormal (high) waist circumference.154
binge eating disorder also show greater motor impulsivity,148 Fasting gastric volume influences intraprandial satiation,
choosing small, immediately available rewards over larger, and the rate of gastric emptying also influences postprandial
delayed rewards, and/or the inclination to respond rapidly fullness.156,157 Principal components analysis identified
without forethought and/or attention to consequences.149 latent dimensions accounting for approximately 81% of
Gastric capacity was larger in obese persons with binge overweight-obesity variation, including satiety/satiation
eating disorder when tested with an intragastric latex balloon (21%), gastric motility (14%), psychological (13%), and
filled with water.150,151 Other studies using the barostat or gastric sensorimotor (11%). These observations suggest
imaging single photon emission computerized tomography that quantitative traits of satiation, satiety, and gastric
(SPECT) techniques reported no differences in gastric volume functions are associated with a higher BMI.154
or compliance between obese and lean subjects.152,153
However, all these reports are based on relatively small Lessons From Effects of Bariatric
numbers of patients (eg, <40 patients). Recent studies in a
prospective cohort of 328 participants across the spectrum of Surgery on Gut Hormones, Appetite,
BMI from normal weight to class II or III obesity have shown and Weight Loss
that obesity is associated with higher fasting gastric volume, The most commonly performed bariatric procedures for
accelerated gastric emptying of solids and liquids, lower obesity are shown in Figure 4. The impact of gastric volume
postprandial PYY, and higher postprandial GLP-1 levels (the on weight loss and dietary intake is illustrated by the


Figure 4. Most frequently performed surgeries to treat obesity. Adapted from Arterburn and Courcoulas.158
1228 Michael Camilleri Gastroenterology Vol. 148, No. 6

success of vertical sleeve gastrectomy in inducing weight energy from fat (with no differences in carbohydrate or
loss. In fact, in the absence of any direct effect on absorptive protein intake) compared with vertical-banded gastroplasty
mechanisms (as would occur after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients at 1 and 6 years after surgery.176 Attenuated
[RYGB] or biliopancreatic diversion),158 the restriction of appetite after RYGB is associated with increased PYY and
gastric volume results in comparable 5-year outcomes of GLP-1 concentrations. Appetite increased when the release
percentage of excess weight loss, daily energy intake, as well of gut hormones was inhibited by the somatostatin analog
as the proportion of energy from carbohydrates, protein, octreotide.177 A reduced preference for fat has been re-
and fat with vertical sleeve gastrectomy and RYGB.159 The ported after sleeve gastrectomy in rats, but there are no
impact of restriction in gastric volume on dietary intake is reports to date in human beings.178
shown by the observation in an adjusted multivariate In summary, different bariatric procedures impact a va-
regression model that energy intake and lipid intake inde- riety of the components involved in appetite, such as total
pendently predicted vitamin D deficiency (based on plasma caloric tolerance, nutrient preference, as well as the hor-
vitamin 25hydroxy-D levels) in the same study.159 Clearly, monal and peptide responses that impact not only the
other adaptive responses also were stimulated by the sleeve intended effects on weight loss and glycemic control but also
gastrectomy, and restoration of glycemic control was com- affect appetite, satiation, and satiety. In addition to the rele-
parable with that of RYGB,160 and recent data have sug- vance of these different mechanisms that result in weight loss
gested an important activation of the farnesoid X–receptor after bariatric surgery, the lessons learned suggest novel
pathway in the small bowel.161 opportunities to achieve the same physiological changes
The main changes in gut hormones after bariatric surgery without bariatric surgery, as with endoscopic sleeve gastro-
affect ghrelin, leptin, GLP-1, and PYY.74 The lack of significant plasty179 or pharmacologic agents such as GLP-1 agonists.180
changes in these gut hormones and the modest restriction of
overall gastric volume with banding gastroplasty are likely
explanations for the lower weight loss documented in the Conclusions
long term with banding gastroplasty compared with the This review illustrates the important role of peripheral
other restrictive or malabsorptive procedures.162 taste of nutrients and the rich and diverse mechanisms
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reduced after RYGB163 because the part of the stomach that in the hypothalamus and brainstem that mediate food intake
secretes this hormone is removed; weight loss and appetite and digestion. Importantly, the hedonic (pleasures and de-
loss were attributed partly to the reduced plasma levels of sires related to food) and higher center responses to food
ghrelin. Subsequent studies showed increased ghrelin after are superimposed on these peripheral mechanisms and are

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Received August 1, 2014. Accepted September 15, 2014.
167.le Roux CW, Aylwin SJ, Batterham RL, et al. Gut hor-
mone profiles following bariatric surgery favor an Reprint requests
Address requests for reprints to: Michael Camilleri, MD, Clinical Enteric
anorectic state, facilitate weight loss, and improve Neuroscience Translational and Epidemiological Research, Mayo Clinic
metabolic parameters. Ann Surg 2006;243:108–114. College of Medicine, Charlton 8-110, 200 First Street SW, Rochester,
Minnesota 55905. e-mail:
168.Korner J, Bessler M, Inabnet W, et al. Exaggerated
glucagon-like peptide-1 and blunted glucose-dependent Conflicts of interest
insulinotropic peptide secretion are associated with The author discloses no conflicts.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass but not adjustable gastric Funding
banding. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2007;3:597–601. Support by National Institutes of Health grant RO1-DK67071 (M.C.).

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