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Professional Portfolio Plan

Mariam Mazen ElKhayat

user11876468 | R2102D11876468

Critical Reflection and Developing Practice


Thursday, 4th November, 2021

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Summary Report
Final Assessment – Part 1

Mariam Mazen ElKhayat

user11876468 | R2102D11876468

Critical Reflection and Developing Practice


Thursday, 4th November, 2021

user11876468 | R2102D11876468
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An essential practice that all teachers need to practice in their work daily,

Reflective learning is analyzing actions that have happened. Reflective learning advantages both

teachers and students. To start reflective learning, teachers need to view models that explain

ways to use it effectively, these models include: John Dewey’s Theory learning, Donald Schön’s

Reflective Model, Kolb’s Learning Cycle, and Boud et al Reflective Model.

The purpose of this writing is to gain more understanding about reflective learning and to

discuss on different models of reflective learning to able to develop more critical thinking skills,

be more sociable and open to accept feedbacks that will help us learn how far we have come, and

be more improved on our future performance by analyzing our actions and what we have learned

(Webb, 2018).

The first theory that opened up everything related to reflective learning was found by

John Dewey (1859-1952). Dewey had a questioning approach and tried to consider why things

are the way they are and thinking about how could that be different. There are several key

features of reflection which…

Developed in his book “The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action”

(1983, 1991), Donald Schon’s theory of reflective practice is the distinction between reflection

while the event is happening and reflection after the event happened (Essay Writing Service UK

(EWSUK), 2020). He focused on “three elements of his thinking…”(Smith, 2011).

As viewed by David A. Kolb, learning is considered as a process in which knowledge is

created through the transformation of experience. His experimental learning theory is a

procedure of combining knowledge and experience then transforming behavior change.

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Another model of reflective learning is Boud et al Reflective Model which is very

practical and powerful reflective cycle learning tool. It deals with learning from experience by

reflecting and evaluating it to arouse improvement (Ospina Avendano, 2020).

Learning is improved by the presence of reflective practice. Many advantages are offered

from reflecting on our thinking and learning. I see that all theories can complete each other in

way or another and that they are essential to teacher even if they only used one. Teachers can try

practicing each theory at a time, until they find the most comfortable one for them. By that time,

they can always use it. But still, practicing more than one theory can develop a teacher further.

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All Answers. November 2018. Schon's Reflective Model. [online]. Available from:
https://nursinganswers.net/reflective-guides/schon-reflective-model.php?vref=1 [Accessed
4th November 2021].

Boud, David. and Walker, David., 1998. Promoting Reflection in Professional Courses:
The Challenge of Context. [online] Research Gate. p.191-206 Available at:
onal_Courses_The_Challenge_of_Context> [Accessed 30th October 2021].

Brockbank, A., McGill, I. and Beech, N., 2002. Reflective Learning in Practice. Gower
Publishing, pp.18-28.

Cheng & Warren, (1999), Coutts, Nigel, 2021. Realising the benefits of reflective practice
— The Learner's Way. [online] The Learner's Way. Available at:
[Accessed 30th October 2021].

Cheryl Reynolds (2013). The 3 Minute Kolb. [online video] Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObQ2DheGOKA [Accessed: 2nd November 2021].

Dr. Charlotte Meierdirk (2017). Schon’s Reflective Practice. [online video] Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzjz-l8L1lc [Accessed: 3rd November 2021].

Essay Writing Service UK. 2020. Schon Reflective Model. [Online]. Available at:
[Accessed: 2nd November 2021]

Essay Writing Service UK. 2020. Hebert, 2015, Schon Reflective Model. [Online].
Available at: https://essaywritingserviceuk.co.uk/advice-and-guidance/schon-reflective-
model [Accessed: 3rd November 2021]

Fennema, B. (2017) John Dewey, Critical Reflection is More than Just Looking in a
Mirror. Franklin.edu. [online] (16th May, 2017) Available at:
[Accessed 2nd November 2021].

Léon-Henri, Dana, 2021. 12 Benefits of Reflective Teaching and Learning | Reflective

Teaching Journal. [online] Reflective Teaching Journal. Available at:
<https://reflectiveteachingjournal.com/benefits-of-reflective-teaching/> [Accessed 2nd
November 2021].

Lifetime Training (2020). Understanding Reflective Practice. [online video] Available at:
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBmtH0Qx0YU> [Accessed: 2nd November 2021]

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The Open University. n.d. Succeeding in Postgraduate Study. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 4 November 2021].

Ospina Avendano, D., 2020. Boud Reflection Model. [online] toolshero. Available at:
<https://www.toolshero.com/personal-development/boud-reflection-model/> [Accessed 4th
November 2021].

Smith, M. K. (2001, 2011). ‘Donald Schön: learning, reflection and change’, The
encyclopedia of pedagogy and informal education. Available at:
https://infed.org/mobi/donald-schon-learning-reflection-change/. [Accessed 3rd November

Webb, Libby., 2018. Why 'Reflection' Encourages a Better Learning Experience -

Learning Pool. [online] Learning Pool. Available at: <https://learningpool.com/why-
reflection-encourages-a-better-learning-experience/> [Accessed 30th October 2021].

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Critical Reflection
Final Assessment – Part 2

Mariam Mazen ElKhayat

user11876468 | R2102D11876468

Critical Reflection and Developing Practice


Thursday, 4th November, 2021

user11876468 | R2102D11876468
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Over the past few years, I have seen many teaching methods from teachers. Staring with

my university and still going with my educational careers as a teacher. There is not a certain

definition for the perfect teacher, however; there are few characteristics that are definitely found

in the good ones. I have a self-vision from my own experience by reflecting on other teachers

who worked with me, and this vision will definitely continue to grow year by year.

Starting my career as a co-teacher, I had the chance to observe a very good teacher who

taught English. She had passion toward teaching and students had a very strong bond with her.

Her teaching methods were creative even though she was an old woman who stopped working as

a teacher for 12 years.

During the first year as a co-teacher, I worked with a Math teacher who was also the

academic coordinator. I learned several teaching methods from her especially when it comes to

students being engaged during the session while the teacher talking time is less.

In the second year of being a teacher, I observed another Math teacher who had a whole

different methods when it comes to teaching, however; I had several concerns for these methods.

Students were afraid of her to the point that they do not want to go to school just to avoid her


In a nut shell, I believe that there is no definition for a perfect teacher as every teacher

has their own ways of being perfect for the students. As teachers, we cannot say who is perfect

and who is not but we can learn from each other. On the other hands, students are the ones who

can tell the perfect teachers from their perspective with respect to their mind age as they see

teachers as their role models.

Total word count: 699

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Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship. n.d. CNDLS: Top Qualities of an Effective
Teacher. [online] Available at: https://cndls.georgetown.edu/atprogram/twl/effective-teacher/
[Accessed 4 November 2021].

Foltos, L., 2018. Teachers Learn Better Together. [online] Edutopia. Available at:
https://www.edutopia.org/article/teachers-learn-better-together [Accessed 4 November 2021].

Gagnon, D., 2019. 10 Qualities of a Good Teacher. [online] Southern New Hampshire
University. Available at: https://www.snhu.edu/about-us/newsroom/education/qualities-of-a-
good-teacher [Accessed 4 November 2021].

Sketchley, M., n.d. Top Ten Tips For Observing Teachers. [online] ELT Experiences. Available
at: https://eltexperiences.com/top-ten-tips-for-observing-teachers/ [Accessed 4 November 2021].

University of the People. n.d. Why Are Teachers Important In Our Society? They Have Influence.
[online] Available at: https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/the-importance-of-teachers/ [Accessed 4
November 2021].

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