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School of Engineering and Technology Programme Name:B.Tech.(CSE)

Course Title: Big Data Course Code:BTCS-661
Semester: VI Max. Marks: 60
Duration: 3 Hrs


Very Short Answer Type questions.(2 marks/each) (Answer should be of maximum upto 50


1. What is digital data?

2.What is map reduce?
3. List few big data tools?
4.Define Hadoop?
5.Name two type of big data?
6.What is Apache Hadoop?
7.What is spark?
8.What do you mean by Big Data ?


1.What do mean by the HDFS?

2.What is the concept of HDFS?
3.What are the benefits of Distributed File System?
4.Write the Challenges of hadoop Distributed System.
5.How does HDFS Store ,Read and Write files ?
6.How Java interface to HDFS?
7.What do mean by the block size how it work in HDFS?
8.What does Cloud mean ?


1. Define Spark?
2.Name Hadoop ecosystem component?
3.Write one application of scala?
4. What is MongoDB?
5.What do you mean by hadoop ecosystem fair and capacity?
6.What is capacity scheduling ?
7.What is full YARN?
8.Name the data types of MongoDB?


1What do you mean PIG?

2.Name the HIVE shell?
3.What is HBase ?
4.Write the applications of Big Data?
5.What is the execution mode of PIG?
6.Define the term Grunt ?
7.What do you mean by Hive metastore?
8.How does sorting work in Hive?

Short Answer Type questions.(5 marks/each) (Answer should be of maximum up to250 words)


1.Give characteristics of big data?

2. Mention different features of Hadoop?
3.Write the Application of Big Data With Explanation?
4. Write the features of Map Reduce.
5. Haw Map reduce working?
6. What are component of Hadoop.


1.How to set up HodoopCluster ?

2. Describe Monitoring & Maintained of HDFS .
3. How the Hadoop in the cloud work?
4. What is the command line Interface?
5. Describe the Security in Hadoop.
6. Write short in Avro and file based data Structure .


1. Differentiate between SQL and No SQL?

2. What is scala and why it is used?
3.Explain fair scheduling in hadoop?
4. What is difference in capacity schedulers and fair scheduler in hadoop?
5.Explain Hadoop2.0 new features and its availability?
6 How to install Spark and its stages?

1Difference between HBase and Hive?
2. What are benefits data federation?
3.Wrte short note on HBase ,clients with its example ?
4. How to built applications with Zoo keeper?
5. Explain the concept of Big SQL?
6.Differentiate between Big insight and Big sheets?


Long Answer Type questions.(15 marks/each) (Answer should be of maximum upto 500 words)


1.Explain Hadoop? List the core components of hadoop?

2. Explain the Architecture of Big Data with its Characteristics.
3. Describe Framework of Map Reduce And its Basics Rule.
4.Explain the Digital Data and its various Types.

1. Explain the full Concept of HDFS design, Benefit and Challenge.

2. How to set and configuration and Security in Hadoop?
3.Explain in detail about HDFS?
4.What is Hadoop cluster? Write about cluster setup and installation?


1. What is No SQL database .Write types of NoSql database.

2. What is Yarn and How it works?
3.Explain the Hadoop configuration and security features?
4.What are he various application of Spark? Explain.


1. Explain the architecture of Apache Hive?

2. Differentiate between HBasevs RDBMS with example?
3. Explain the Pig with database in big data?
4.Explain the Map Reduce Scripts?

Prepared By:Ms. Monika Saharan (Current Faculty Bhupender Yadav)

Designation: Assistant Professor in SET
Department:Computer Engineering in SET

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