2021-01-18 The National Scotland

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McConnell appears to label half

of SNP voters as ‘extremists’

Exclusive: ‘Deep concern’ raised over format
of FM’s briefing – with opposition given slot for
Covid response without any input from SNP
Exclusive: Rowley’s warning to Exclusive: ‘Inconceivable’
Labour on ‘bitter’ indyref2 split EU would say no to Scotland
2 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 WWW.THENATIONAL.SCOT / @SCOTNATIONAL


BBC urged to
what we’ve
got for you
Stay tuned
for news of
our next campaign
change ‘biased’
THE last thing you need in the middle of a strange,
stressful and upsetting global health crisis is a
tangled mix of voices arguing amongst themselves.
The fact the BBC decided back in the autumn that
briefing show
this was required in order to avoid ‘bias’ while the
FM updates the nation with vital information was Lack of input from SNP ‘deeply concerning’, says Brown
ridiculous in the first place. But the new format,
complete with opposition members invited to give BY LAURA WEBSTER featured nearly every day it aired.
opinions on the response, is frankly concerning. Labour’s Anas Sarwar and Sarah

HE BBC has been urged to Boyack were given interview slots,
change its coverage of while the Scottish Greens were r
NEWS 4 Scottish Government
coronavirus briefings after
epresented by Patrick Harvie and
Ross Greer.
UNIONISTS the programme was branded “overtly
“To not feature the SNP in that po-
litical space is grossly misrepresenta-
FUME OVER The SNP’s depute leader Keith
Brown wrote to bosses at BBC Scot-
tive and deeply unfair,” Brown wrote.
“When the old programme, which
NEW INDY land with concerns that the show was initially solely focused on the pub-
has a “stark bias against the largest lic health response to the pandemic,
TASKFORCE party”. changed to accommodate opposition
During what is now called the BBC politician voices, the SNP questioned
Scotland News Special – previously BBC Scotland on why non-pandemic
COMMENT 10 Coronavirus Update – BBC journal- Keith Brown says the briefing related matters were arising in oppo-
ists discuss the country’s Covid-19 re- coverage is now ‘overtly political’ sition politician interviews,” Brown
NEW BENEFIT sponse, show part of the First Minis- told bosses in his letter.
ter’s briefings, and then cut away for other voices and other perspectives … “It was explained that the BBC
BIG STEP FOR interviews with public health experts involving politicians from across the could only control what was asked
OUR SOCIAL and opposition politicians.
The BBC One Scotland coverage
political spectrum”.
The BBC Scotland channel contin-
and not the response – and that in
any case this was ‘a contested space’.
SECURITY started including opposition repre-
sentatives in September, when the
ues to air the briefings in full with no
political input at the end.
“This ‘space’ is no longer ‘contest-
ed’ – it is now overtly political with
corporation U-turned on plans to Now the SNP is “deeply con- a stark bias against the largest party.”
NEWS 18 only broadcast Nicola Sturgeon’s
briefings based on “editorial merit”.
cerned” about the format of the pro-
gramme – particularly the final 15
Brown added that his constituents
had been in touch to “rightly” point
PLANS FOR When the broadcaster scrapped the
plans, director Donalda MacKinnon
minutes where politicians discuss the
pandemic response. Last week Scot-
out that the “First Minister’s only fo-
cus is on public health and pandemic
£34M LEISURE told staff they would “incorporate tish Tory leader Douglas Ross was related matters”.
Indy becoming inevitable,
COLUMNISTS IN BY ANGUS COCHRANE by Brexit and what they see as the
incompetence of Boris Johnson and
the four nations of the UK after
Brexit. However, that chance was
COTTISH independence is his government.” squandered. “Rapidly, the Prime
becoming inevitable, He also warned the UK is at a Minister of the United Kingdom of
TODAY 8 according to former crossroads. “Whether you are a Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BBC presenter Gavin Esler. British Unionist or one of the several shrank to becoming Prime Minister
KIRSTY The former Newsnight host, who versions of Scottish, English, Welsh of England only – and at times only
STRICKLAND: described himself as having a
“strong Unionist inclination”, says
or Irish nationalists, the truth is that
the United Kingdom is now united in
parts of England,” Essler wrote. “The
global health emergency prompted
‘WINNER’ OF the UK now seems destined to
break up.
name only,” Esler wrote. “The choice
before us is either to come together
different national solutions, but in
the UK the pandemic once more
LABOUR JOB Citing Brexit, Boris Johnson’s
leadership and media bias, the Scot
and make profound changes to the
way we are governed, or to accept
raised serious questions about our
multinational state.”
HAS THEIR explained in a column for the Mail that the UK is ultimately a failed Detailing why the constitutional
on Sunday why he believes the state and agree to split apart.” crisis has come about, Esler notes
WORK CUT OUT Union is “sliding at a glacial pace He added: “I have a strong broadcasting bias. “Broadcasting
into a constitutional crisis”. Unionist background and inclination, organisations may present themselves
Esler warned Scots are yet I have come to believe that as British national institutionalism,”
PUZZLES 19, 25-27 “scunnered” and “thrawn”, writing:
“If a nation of five million people
Britain may indeed be coming to its
end. It is not alarm bells I hear. It’s a
he writes. “Yet they, too, are run very
differently in Scotland, Northern
LETTERS 20 can be summed up in two words
right now, it is these two. Most
death knell.”
Esler believes the pandemic offered
Ireland and Wales. To take one
example, at the start of the pandemic,
TELEVISION 28 Scots are scunnered by events at
Westminster since 2016, notably
the perfect chance for the Prime
Minister to heal the divide between
the Scottish businessman and SNP
adviser Andrew Wilson posted a
WWW.THENATIONAL.SCOT / @SCOTNATIONAL The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 3
EU rejection of
Scotland ‘not
according to
top economist
A TOP European economist has said
it would be “inconceivable” for the
EU to reject an independent
Scotland’s membership.
Fabian Zuleeg, who is the chief
executive and economist of the Eu-
ropean Policy Centre, also said it
“could ease some of the frictions and
unresolved issues” the rest of the UK
will be left with after Brexit if an inde-
pendent Scotland rejoins.
Writing for thenational.scot he
said: “If an independent Scotland
shows its commitment to EU val-
ues, willing to fulfil the conditions
of membership, it is inconceivable
that it would be blocked permanently
from becoming a member state.”
He went on: “It would be important
for the EU to be convinced that an in-
dependent Scotland was not driven
by a negative nationalism of “us vs
them” but that it could even provide
a bridge between the EU and the rest
of the UK, helping to ease some of the
frictions and unresolved issues.”
But Zuleeg warned the process
would not be automatic but that Brex-
it has changed the case for Scotland
in the EU compared to after the 2014
independence referendum.
“Then, a vote for independence
“So why is the BBC enabling non- the BBC – but the politicisation of Scottish The spokesperson added: “We would potentially have meant an exit
SNP politicians to have a ‘free hit’?” this programme with the continued Tory leader are also committed to delivering on from the EU, followed by an uncer-
the MSP asked. “I urge you to recon- absence of an SNP voice is just a non- Douglas Ross our obligations around impartial- tain accession process, facing not
sider the format of and our exclusion sense and they need to get real.” featured nearly ity and we therefore hear from a only some sceptical member states
every day the
from this programme as a matter of In response, the BBC said it contin- programme range of other voices – either po- struggling with secessionist move-
urgency.” ued to show the briefings on multiple aired last week litical or public health experts – on ments but also the potential veto of
A senior SNP source told The Na- platform “particularly at this time our BBC One Scotland offer to the rest of the UK,” he said.
tional: “We’re trying to work with given the state of the pandemic”. our audiences.” “Now, EU countries recognise
that Scotland has been taken out of
the EU against its will and that there

says former Newsnight presenter

could well be a legitimate case to re-
enter the EU.”
He said an independent Scotland
would have to prove it “truly belongs
in the EU” by pursuing a membership
screen-grab on Twitter from an ITN as a strength that allows ‘British’ for reasons other than to achieve in-
News bulletin broadcast on the institutions to react on a local dependence.
Scottish television channel STV. level. The question for the future is “The last thing the EU would want
It showed a map of hospital bed whether that devolutionary impulse at this stage is a new ‘awkward’ part-
‘critical care capacity’ in England can be made more coherent while ner,” Zuleeg continued. “Key here is
and Wales, with Scotland cut off. maintaining the idea of a United a strong and visible commitment to
Wilson’s ire was clear: ‘Come on. Kingdom, with clear written rules.” EU values and the rule of law, in step
Make an effort, you are broadcasting Responding to Esler’s comments, with the overall direction of Europe-
to the whole UK.’ SNP depute leader Keith Brown an integration.”
“Even the BBC, as a cherished said: “The growing momentum Zuleeg warned against pursuing
institution paid for by everyone behind independence, and a fresh alternative routes to independence
through the licence fee, is frequently referendum on our future, is instead of waiting for Westminster’s
lambasted for exhibiting this kind of unstoppable. permission saying it “would create
unthinking metropolitan bias.” “Scotland has been dragged out of a dangerous political and legal prec-
Esler, who ran as an anti-Brexit the EU against our will by a right- edent” in the eyes of EU member
Change UK candidate in the 2019 wing Tory Government we didn’t states. He said it “could stir up seces-
European Parliament election, stops vote for. People in Scotland want sionist movements”.
short of backing independence. the chance to choose a better future, Zuleeg concluded: “If constitu-
He points out that since its inside the EU. Boris Johnson’s tionally separated from the UK, and
inception, the Union has been Trump-style attempts to deny willing to commit to EU values and
“reformed, renewed, reinvented and democracy simply won’t stand. accession conditions, it is highly
sometimes renamed” and advocates “The longer the Tories run scared likely that an independent Scotland
for a fresh approach. He wrote: of democracy, the more support for would become a member of the
“Federalism, I believe, can be seen independence will grow.” Gavin Esler ran as a Change UK candidate in 2019 European Union.”
4 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

SNP NEC votes

down motion
for indy strategy
working group
Party’s new ruling body rejects proposal by majority
EXCLUSIVE The new NEC has a higher num- dependence strategy when independ-
BY KATHLEEN NUTT ber of members open to examining ence underpins everything the SNP

HE SNP’s new ruling body alternative routes to independence aims to do.
has rejected a motion calling if Boris Johnson fails to agree to a “We need to begin laying the path
for the party to set up a new vote than the party’s previous towards independence and the CWG
working group to advance a ruling body. recognises that there are a range of
strategy to achieve a second The working group plan was ad- different opinions within the party
independence referendum. vanced and supported by SNP CWG on how to do that.
Sources told The National that the on the NEC when the body met “The upcoming National Assembly
proposal was voted down by the par- on Saturday. is an opportunity to discuss those
ty’s National Executive Committee A National Assembly meeting to views and build consensus.
(NEC) over the weekend. discuss a “Plan B” is to be held virtu- “This working group was intended Conference was ramping up the drive for inde-
“The NEC held the vote on setting ally later this month. to further that work by uniting the organisers pendence with the creation of a dedi-
up a working group but it was voted In a statement to The National, party behind one clear strategy to de- rejected a cated taskforce to lay the groundwork
motion from
down by a majority,” one insider said. the SNP CWG said the motion was liver independence. Joanna Cherry, for a new Yes campaign.
The plan for a working group was brought forward and supported by “The National Assembly is an im- as well as The party’s campaign director
originally the idea of MP Joanna members of the SNP Common Weal portant democratic exercise and a previous Keith Brown told the Sunday Na-
Cherry and was put forward as a pro- Group (CWG) and would have es- its outcomes will reflect the demo- motion put tional that the group would bring
posed resolution to the party’s annu- tablished “a working group to ex- cratic will of party members. It is down by Angus together strategic direction and ex-
al conference for debate back in No- plore democratic and legitimate crucial that these outcomes lead to MacNeil (top pertise which is the “final piece in the
vember by the party’s Common Weal routes to independence proposed real action. right) and Chris jigsaw” to help deliver independence.
Group (CWG). at the upcoming National Assem- “The CWG has worked with the McEleny A spokesperson for SNP CWG said:
But conference organisers rejected bly and make recommendations party grassroots on a plan to improve “The announcement of an ‘independ-
the motion – and a previous Plan B to the NEC on how to implement internal democracy and give members ence unit’ is welcome but given its
motion put down by Angus MacNeil these proposals”. a say on independence strategy and remit, it is now even more surprising
and Chris McEleny – leading to anger Responding to the plan being party policy. The grassroots delivered that a motion to facilitate grassroots
among some party activists. turned down, a spokesperson for the a message at the last party conference input into our independence strategy
However, it is understood support- SNP CWG said: “If these reports are elections – it is time for change. Our was voted down.
ers of a working group were hopeful correct, it is extremely disappointing representatives on the NEC must re- “It is crucial that elected NEC rep-
the party’s new NEC may have sup- that our party’s NEC has rejected a spect that message.” resentatives have democratic over-
ported the idea. proposal for a working group on in- The SNP yesterday announced it sight of this new unit’s work and that

Unionists fume at SNP over announcement of new

BY KATHLEEN NUTT A “high-profile” campaigner to Conservative leader Douglas Ross. from concerned constituents about
head the taskforce is expected to “They are stuck in the Holyrood the slow pace of the vaccine delivery

NIONIST parties have be announced in the next few days, bubble with no clue about the in Scotland, They are asking why
launched a fierce attack on which Brown said will “fire up” the priorities of people across Scotland.” the SNP Government is focusing on
the SNP for announcing a wider Yes movement. He said: “Escalating their plans independence. They are right – the
new dedicated The objective of the group will be for indyref2 is rash and incredibly priority should be vaccines, not
independence taskforce to lay the to lay the foundations of the indyref2 self-indulgent when the country referendums.”
groundwork for a new Yes campaign before the Scottish is struggling through another Scottish LibDem leader Willie
campaign. Parliament elections due to take lockdown. Rennie said: “The First Minister
Keith Brown, the party’s depute place in May, the SNP said. Scottish Tory “Their shameless push for another promised that the SNP wouldn’t
leader and campaign director, But the Tories and the LibDems leader Douglas referendum this year would wreck start a referendum in the middle of
unveiled the initiative yesterday, are furious about the development. Ross called our recovery from the pandemic. a pandemic, but off they go. They
saying the group would bring “The SNP are ramping up their the move We need to focus on building up can’t help themselves. Thousands of
together strategic direction and push for indyref2 this year while ‘self-indulgent’ Scotland, not breaking up our people are ill with Covid. Business
expertise which is the “final piece the rest of Scotland is worried country.” and workers are desperately worried
in the jigsaw” to help deliver about their jobs and when they’ll Tory MP John Lamont added: “My about their immediate future.
independence. get the Covid vaccine,” said Scottish inbox is filling up with messages “Despite the promises of the First
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 5

Former Tory McConnell under

minister fire for suggesting
appears to half of SNP voters
snub Ross
FORMER Tory leadership
contender Jeremy Hunt
are extremists
appeared to snub Douglas Ross
when he took to social media to

highlight Tony Blair’s view that ABOUR peer Jack McConnell
the best opposition leader to the ha s c ome u nder f i r e for
SNP has been Ruth Davidson. suggesting half of SNP voters
Hunt, who stood are extremists.
unsuccessfully against Boris The former first minister was criti-
Johnson in the Conservative cised for describing 50% of SNP sup-
leadership contest in 2019, took porters as “extreme nationalists”. He
to Twitter to highlight the also claimed most Scots would “choke
former’s Labour PM’s views. on their breakfast” at the imminent
He tweeted: “The only prospect of a second independence
effective opposition to the SNP referendum.
in the last decade was when His comments were made during
@RuthDavidsonMSP was an interview with the BBC yesterday build a fairer Scotland with the full
leader.” morning, where he was asked about powers of independence.
Hunt, the former Tory health the resignation last week of Scottish “Not only is Labour working hand
secretary, did not give his view Labour leader Richard Leonard. in glove with the Tories to stop an in-
on the performance of current “I think people across Scotland will dependence referendum, they voted
Scottish Tory leader Douglas be choking on their breakfast, you for a shambolic Brexit deal which is
Ross. mentioning another referendum at already making Scotland poorer – it’s
Blair’s comments were seen this particular time. We’ve had a pan- unforgivable.
as a damning verdict on demic crisis that’s been in our country “Scotland is tired of Labour politi-
Scottish Labour by insisting the now for 12 months,” McConnell said. cians who make excuses for the To-
only effective opposition the Pressed that this might not be the ries. I look forward to making the
SNP faced in the past decade case for the 57% of Scots which the lat- positive case for independence to the
the grassroots have meaningful op- was when Davidson was Tory est poll recorded as supporting inde- people of Dumbarton constituency in
portunities to contribute to it. leader. But by highlighting his pendence, McConnell replied: “That’s the weeks and months ahead.”
“We will continue to work with comment it suggested Hunt may not the issue, the issue is whether they Chris McEleny, who has been push-
party members across the country to agree with him. want a referendum or not and they ing for a Plan B if Boris Johnson won’t
deliver the action on independence Davidson – like most of the want another referendum soon.” agree to a second independence refer-
that the SNP membership and wider Tory MSP group – backed Hunt, He went on to say that Labour were endum, said support for independ-
Yes movement believes in.” a former Remainer in the Tory in an “ideal position” to offer some- ence “is now normal”.
Responding to the motion being leadership race, with Brexiteers thing different from “extreme nation- “This is a very disappointing inter-
rejected by the NEC, an SNP spokes- in the group such as former Tory alism and extreme Unionism”. vention from Jack McConnell. Eight-
person said the meaning of the deci- MSP Michelle Ballantyne – now He said: “We have this polarised een opinion polls in a row have said
sion was that NEC would defer to Reform UK Scotland leader -- debate in Scotland which has divid- that a majority of Scots now believe
the membership’s discussions at the and Oliver Mundell backing ed our country for the best part of a Scotland should be an independent
National Assembly on January 24 and Johnson. decade with extreme nationalism on country.
return to the subject thereafter. Moray MP Ross – who also one side and extreme Unionism on “Of course, Lord McConnell of
Citing from the meeting’s notes: backed Brexit – also supported the other and what Scotland wants is Glenscorrodale has a conflict of in-
“The NEC will look at the potential Johnson in the Tory leadership a government that can lead us out of terest as he won’t have his seat in the
for establishing a Working Group on election and was later rewarded this crisis, that will help rebuild our House of Lords anymore if Scotland
Independence Strategy once the Na- with a junior ministerial post. He economy, improve our education ser- were to become an independent coun-
tional Assembly has reported on its later resigned from his role over vice and make sure we are better pre- try, but the reality is independence is
meeting of January 24.” the PM’s response to his chief pared for any future pandemic than now normal. It is, however, an odd ap-
aide Dominic Cumming’s visit to we were for this one.” proach by the Labour Party to try and
Durham from London during the Pressed on whether Labour needed win voters back by calling more than

indy taskforce
Minister in the Scottish Parliament,
spring lockdown.
An SNP spokesperson said:
“It is almost impossible for
voters to tell these two pro-
to find a better stance on the constitu-
tional issue, he added: “I estimate that
about half of those people who cur-
rently either vote SNP or who might
half the country extremists.”
Last week, a Savanta ComRes sur-
vey – the 18th in a row to record
majority support for independence –
nationalists will always put their own Union parties apart. someday support independence are showed that on the Holyrood con-
interests first.” “With Labour and the Tories not extreme nationalists. stituency vote, voting intention shows
Brown said: “Our Independence currently trailing in the polls, the “They don’t want this country po- more than half of likely voters will
Taskforce at SNP headquarters will SNP will continue to work hard larised in the way it has been and they choose the SNP (53%), with 19% opt-
be welcomed by party members and for every single vote and ensure certainly don’t want another referen- ing for the Tories and 18% for Labour.
grassroots Yes activists across the Scotland has the right to decide dum happening anytime soon.” It also recorded that more than a
“I really believe that when I make
The its own future – not Boris
The SNP Holyrood candidate for
Dumbarton, Toni Giugliano, hit back:
third of 2019 Labour voters are now
more likely to vote for the SNP in May
the appointment it will also fire up priority A Scottish Conservative “Insulting the electorate is a strange because of the Scottish Government’s
the wider Yes movement.”
The head of the taskforce will
should spokesperson declined to
way to win back voters. Lord McCo-
nnell – from his privileged position in
response to the pandemic. A further
13% of Tory voters said likewise.
work with existing SNP headquarters be Johnson beat Hunt in the last the House of Lords – should reflect on This is in contrast to just 14% of
staff and strategists across the party, round of voting in the contest to why Labour voters have left his party 2019 SNP voters who say they’re more
with more staff to be added if the vaccines become Tory leader and in droves. Labour would rather have likely to vote Labour in May, and just
party achieves successful results in succeed Theresa May as PM. the Tories in Westminster harming 8% of 2019 SNP voters who are more
Holyrood in May. our communities, than the chance to likely to vote Conservative.
6 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Rowley warns
Labour must
resolve ‘bitter’
indyref2 split
Former deputy leader rules himself out of contest
BY KATHLEEN NUTT party’s list rankings still ongoing regional lists elections will be so you among a number of senior Labour
it was not known who from the may have a small group of individuals politicians, who included fellow

LEX Rowley has ruled party would be in Holyrood deciding the next leader when they MSPs Neil Findlay and Monica Len-
himself out of the after the election. themselves are not even going to be non, to urge the party not to oppose
S c ot t i s h L ab ou r His suggestion was that returning to the parliament. a second independence referendum –
leadership contest candidates would get “I also take the view that it will not though they still took a stand against
as he warned the party their backing from MSPs who really matter who the leader is if the independence. There are now fears
t r ouble s wou ld not b e may no longer be sitting party cannot come together and agree on the Scottish Labour left that the
solved until they agreed in a few months time. where it stands on the future govern- new leader will advance a hardline
“where it stands on the “I will not be standing, ance of Scotland and the absolute Unionist position in a bid to win over
future governance of my own view is we should right of the Scottish people to deter- former Tory voters, alienated by Bo-
Scotland and the absolute have waited until after mine their own future. ris Johnson.
right of the Scottish people to the elections and asked “On this issue, Labour in Scotland When news of Leonard’s resigna-
determine their own future”. the interim leader to lead us remains bitterly divided and people tion emerged, Findlay said he had
The party’s Holyrood front- through the elections,” he told do not vote for parties that are divid- been brought down by internal crit-
bencher also appeared to question The National when asked if he ed and full of bitterness.” ics, adding “these flinching cowards
the legitimacy of a contest before would be throwing his hat into the Rowley is among the senior Labour and sneering traitors make me sick”.
the election, due in May, saying they Scottish ring for the leadership. figures who believe Scottish Labour He later told the Morning Star that
should have decided to wait and elect Labour MSP “No-one in their right mind is sug- should not oppose an independence the party’s performance in 2017 –
a new leader after the Scottish Parlia- Alex Rowley gesting Scottish Labour can win in referendum if there is majority sup- when it got seven MPs – was due to
appeared to
ment poll. question the May, but our objective must be to port for one. Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing message
In a bombshell intervention, the legitimacy of come a good second so the question His stance followed a devastating and not so much the Unionist one ad-
MSP and former deputy leader re- a contest for of who becomes FM does not arise defeat for Labour at the 2019 General vanced at the time by Scottish Labour
ferred to the process where candi- leader before for Labour.” Election, when it lost six of its seven leader Kezia Dugdale. As we went to
dates have to get the backing of sit- the election He added: “As it is today, we do not MPs. press, pro-Union Anas Sarwar was
ting MSPs and pointed out with the know what the results of the internal Following the result, Rowley was the party’s only leadership candidate.

Yes Cymru: Vote Labour out Starmer allies reportedly call for
for Welsh independence Brown to lead drive to save Union
BY KIRSTEEN PATERSON The Green Party and Gwlad are BY KIRSTEEN PATERSON saying: “Although he has not given
also pro-independence. a firm commitment, his attitude is
WALES must vote Labour out of Jobbins told the BBC that Yes SENIOR Labour figures have urged ‘let’s wait and see what happens’.”
office this year to set a path for Cymru will not tell its members Gordon Brown to return to Reacting, Kirkcaldy SNP MSP
independence, Yes Cymru says. who to vote for, but the country frontline politics and lead a drive to David Torrance said: “Voters haven’t
There’s been a Labour First needs a government which “has a save the Union, it has been claimed. forgotten the broken promises
Minister in Cardiff ever since the path to independence”. Brown stepped down at the 2015 made by Gordon Brown and the
Senedd’s creation in 1999. But Acknowledging the “tension” General Election after being a Better No campaign in 2014. Labour
Sion Jobbins, the chair of Yes over Yes Cymru members who are Together figurehead in the run-up were quick to jump into bed with
Cymru, says devolution is a also in the Labour Party, he said: to the 2014 Scottish independence the Tories and deny the people of
“cul-de-sac” and Wales needs new “If there’s no change in Cardiff referendum. Scotland the chance of a better
political leadership. Bay, there is no independence and Yesterday the Sunday Times future. Now, they’re all too eager to
Yes Cymru’s membership now this is a message also to Yes reported that the former PM has do the same thing all over again.
tops 17,000 after a massive uptick Cymru supporters. been approached by Keir Starmer “As long as Labour continue
in 2020. According to its polling, “There needs to be a party there allies to return to argue the case for to line up behind Boris Johnson
around one third of Welsh voters which supports independence and the Union again from the frontlines. and ignore the majority of Scots,
with an opinion would back either forces another partner to It’s understood party leaders see who believe that decisions should
independence at the ballot box. have a clear pathway to trigger Brown as the only Labour figure be made by governments entirely
Plaid Cymru has promised an independence or it’s not going to SNP MSP David who can “cut through” in Scotland, elected in Scotland, they will
independence referendum if it wins happen and our supporters need Torrance had where they now have just one MP. continue to alienate even their own
a warning for
a majority in the Senedd this year. to understand that.” Labour The paper quoted a Starmer ally as voters and remain irrelevant.”
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 7

Sarwar and Lennon in race to

be new Scottish Labour leader
“Over the past few years, I have “The new leader will be
gained a new perspective on our announced on February 27 and
politics and realised that the things will lead Scottish Labour into the

HEAD-TO-HEAD race we argue about mean little to Scottish Parliament election with
between Anas Sarwar and people’s lives. a fresh energy to carry Labour’s
Monica Lennon began last “We spend too much time message and take the fight to the
night to become the new highlighting our differences, rather Tories and the SNP.”
Scottish Labour leader. than focusing on what unites us. The next leader will be the tenth
Sarwar declared his intention “I firmly believe we cannot go Labour has had since devolution
to stand on Saturday night while back to society as it was before the and the fifth since the independence
Lennon announced she was putting pandemic – insecure work, hollowed- referendum in 2014.
her name forward as The National out public services, an underfunded Leonard announced his
went to press, ahead of a midnight health service, and the constant resignation last Thursday saying that
deadline. She tweeted: “Following focus on another independence the speculation about his position as
discussions with party members, referendum when there’s far more leader had become a distraction to
I have decided to put my name important things we need to be the party’s ability to get its message
forward to lead the Scottish Labour dealing with.” across ahead of the vital Scottish
Party. The 37-year-old also discussed Parliament elections. Reports later
“Our members deserve to have facing racism and fighting prejudice claimed UK party leader Sir Keir
their say about the best way to take in the article, adding: “Speaking out Starmer had made clear he did
forward our vision for a fairer and against the racism I’ve faced was the not have confidence in Leonard as
A number of more equal Scotland. I look forward hardest thing I’ve done in politics. the Scottish Labour chief during a
senior politicians to being considered. “ “My family faced death threats Zoom call with senior party figures
in the party The party’s health spokeswoman as a result. But I’ve used that and potential donors the previous
have now urged has won plaudits across Parliament experience to spend my time in our evening.
against opposing for her campaign on period poverty, communities working on what unites Leonard saw off an attempted
a second successfully bringing in legislation to us and bringing people together – I coup by Labour MSPs in September
referendum provide free sanitary products. have listened and I have learnt. and insisted he would lead the
Lennon had earlier been urged to “I want to bring that same party into the election, expected to
stand by several figures in the party approach to our Labour movement be a landmark in Scottish history
including former MP Ged Killen. so that we can rebuild our party and timescale for any contest with the as the SNP seek a fourth term
Sarwar, the Glasgow MSP and a rebuild our country.” Holyrood elections less than four in government and a vote on the
former deputy leader, confirmed his Sarwar was beaten by Leonard in months away. right to hold an independence
bid to succeed Richard Leonard as the party’s 2017 leadership election, Candidates had until midnight referendum.
the next Scottish Labour leader. following a three month long bitter last night to declare their intention Leonard’s resignation was
The Glasgow MSP used an article contest in which Leonard was given to run and will require support attacked by figures on the left of
for the Observer online to set out the support of influential trade from at least four of the party’s the party who said he had been
his stall in the leadership race, unions, such as Unite. MSPs or its sole Scottish MP by undermined. After his resignation,
which was triggered by Leonard’s After news broke of Leonard’s midday on Tuesday to be formally Neil Findlay said: “Looks like those
resignation on Thursday. resignation, Sarwar paid tribute to nominated. who have led a three year campaign
Late on Saturday night, he tweeted his former boss, saying: “Richard Scottish Labour’s chair Cara of briefings to journalists, leaks
to say the country “needs political has led our party through one of the Hilton said: “The Scottish Executive of private conversations and the
leadership that will bring people most difficult times in our history. Committee today agreed that a new constant feeding of stories to the
together” and that he wants “to “He is Labour to his core, and we leader of the Scottish Labour Party media to bring down a decent and
rebuild Scottish Labour, and then are all grateful for his service.” will be elected by a ballot of party honest man have succeeded. These
rebuild Scotland”. Earlier on Saturday the party’s members and affiliated trades union flinching cowards and sneering
In his column, Sarwar wrote: executive agreed to a condensed members in February. traitors make me sick.”
8 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

‘Winner’ of
worst job in
Scots politics
will have their
work cut out
ND so it begins. Again. bold promise to unite the fractured little opportunity to inject new It’s easy to undelivered post. Over the coming
Scottish Labour is now party and start “listening’’ to life and energy into the Holyrood pick fault days we will hear a lot from Scottish
looking for its 10th leader voters, Scottish Labour has become group and we can now see the with Richard Labour politicians about what
since the creation of the increasingly demoralised as the consequences of that as they once Leonard’s Scotland wants.
Scottish Parliament. That figure ambition has made contact again go about choosing leadership, We’ll hear this most often in
but replacing
wouldn’t be so damning if the with reality. a new leader. him will not response to questions about how the
previous nine had fizzed and It’s easy to blame Richard Leonard At the time of writing, Anas solve Scottish party intend to reconcile
whizzed through their tenures, for Scottish Labour’s most recent Sarwar was the only candidate to Labour’s myriad the growing support for
as impactful and short-lived woes. He was an ineffectual leader have put his name forward. By the problems independence with Scottish Labour’s
as fireworks lighting up the who never quite managed to rally time you are reading this, others current strategy of ignoring the
night sky. the troops after the bitter may have done so. All eyes are on electoral reality of the need for a
Instead, the party has endured leadership contest he fought Monica Lennon to see whether second referendum.
a series of flops who have tried to against Anas Sarwar. she decides now is the time to To this question, they will say
rebuild the party after successive He was – and remains – largely make her bid. “What the people of Scotland
electoral failures and found that anonymous among ordinary voters. If she decides to hold off, we really want is ...”
they, like their predecessors, In truth, he should have resigned could see a coronation of a new Then they will offer a list of
weren’t up to the job. With every after the December General leader, rather than a contest. Or priorities: health, education, dealing
new leadership contest and each Election, when it was clear that his somebody could do as Michelle with the pandemic and economic
party had lost what little confidence Ballantyne (remember her?) did recovery.
it had in him. and put their name forward purely In dodging the question, they
In their farewell statements, his as a mechanism to allow the party will inadvertently highlight why
allies and foes alike have been to debate and scrutinise the leading the outcome of the leadership
keen to point out that Leonard is a candidate. contest that they have been
thoroughly “decent’’ man. Outside of Not that any of this matters all that Labour booked to talk about won’t make
politics, decency is a desirable thing
to be thought of among your peers.
much. If front-runner Anas Sarwar
does become Scottish Labour’s
are going any difference to the party’s
And in it too: Scottish politics could newest leader, he will have very to need Ignoring the sustained and
do with a bit more decency. But it little time to reverse the fortunes of growing majority support for
also smacks of being damned the beleaguered party ahead of the more than independence won’t make it
with faint praise.
The Labour Party in Scotland
Holyrood election.
It would be of little surprise if his
decency less real. When the new leader
sets out their centre-left domestic
are going to need more than first strategic act as leader was to to reverse agenda, who are they pitching
decency to reverse the go hard on the recent mutterings it to?
decades-long decline of that the May election should be the party’s Scottish Labour can’t out-Unionist
its standing in Scottish
postponed. To do so would send a
message that Scotland, unlike
decline in the Scottish Tories and however
progressive its Holyrood 2021
So, it’s easy to pick fault
with Leonard’s leadership
all the other countries that have
held elections during the pandemic,
Scottish manifesto is, the party dsn’t have
a hope of winning back former
over the last three years, is somehow uniquely incapable of politics Labour voters while it is so set
for all he has done and pulling off such a feat. against the idea of a referendum
failed to do. But as the Whoever “wins” the worst job in on independence, let alone
party has seen many, Scottish politics will have their work independence itself.
many times before, a new cut out. It’s like getting a job as a For as long as Scottish Labour
leader will not in and of postman but before you can continues to tell people in Scotland
itself solve Labour’s myriad actually deliver any letters you’ve what they want, rather than listen to
problems. With each passing got to write out every address in the votes and voices that show what
election, its MSP talent pool Scotland, plot them on a map, they want, its downward trajectory
has dwindled. There has been and sort out a 10-year backlog of will continue.

Kirsty Strickland TOMORROW:

The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 9
Celebrations planned after anti-nuclear treaty enters force
MEMBERS of the anti-nuclear outlaws nuclear weapons. Time for a With Honduras’s ratification of the nuclear weapons ban treaty.
weapons group Trident Ploughshares clean break”, with a variation asking on October 24, 2020, the TPNW We have argued many times in court
will celebrate the entry into force of “What about Scotland?” depicting acquired the 50 ratifications needed that nuclear weapons are immoral
the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nicola Sturgeon alongside her words: for it to enter into force and become and illegal because any use of these
Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on “No ifs, no buts, no nuclear weapons international law after 90 days. terrible weapons would cause a
January 22 with banner drops, on the Clyde, or anywhere.” Founder of the group, Angie humanitarian and environmental
billboards and projections on The group said that messages will Zelter, said: “After decades of catastrophe.
buildings, and bell ringing in town appear in other cities around the UK nuclear resisters sitting on cold wet “The entry into force of the ban
centres across the UK. in the coming weeks. roads, swimming freezing lochs, treaty signals a massive change
In Edinburgh, messages will be The treaty was adopted by the being dragged through courts and globally, recognising that nuclear
projected on city centre buildings United Nations in July 2017 with the thrown into police cells and prisons, weapons are one of the greatest Angie Zelter
with billboards proclaiming “UN support of 122 member states. today we are welcoming the arrival threats to humanity.” is the group’s

September target
for Covid jag offer
to all adults in UK
died was 17 higher. It was the

VERY adult in the first time this year the number
UK will be offered a of new cases in Scotland had
first dose of a dropped below 2000, although
coronavirus vaccine official figures being reported
by September, Dominic Raab tend to be lower at the
has pledged. weekends.
The Foreign Secretary said As of Friday evening, 1863
it would be “great” if the roll- people were in hospital with
out could be faster but that recently confirmed Covid-19,
the Government was working up three.
to the early autumn target. There were also 145 patients
In an interview on Sky’s in intensive care, an increase
Sophy Ridge on Sunday, of four.
Raab said: “Our target is by Today it has been confirmed
September to have offered all that the British Army will
the adult population a first help set up 80 coronavirus
dose. If we can do it faster said the UK Government vaccination centres
than that, great, but that’s the has “considered all of throughout Scotland as part
roadmap.” the possibilities” and has of the largest peacetime
He said that he hoped strengthened checks. resilience operation carried
by the “early spring” some When pressed on whether out by the armed forces.
restrictions can be lifted there would be enough Defence Secretary Ben
“gradually” so the country can vaccine supply for someone to Wallace confirmed the
“get back to normal”. get their second dose within deployment of 98 soldiers
Raab warned, however, that 12 weeks, he said “we ought over the next 28 days to
it could be put “at risk” by the to” be able to deliver. identify and prepare suitable
new variants and pressure on His comments came as locations for NHS Scotland
the NHS as he urged people another 1295 deaths in the UK to administer the Covid-19
to follow the rules. were reported on Saturday, vaccine.
More than 3.5 million the third-highest daily total Soldiers – mostly from
people in the UK have now since the pandemic began, the Leuchars-based Royal
received their first dose of a but the lowest number of lab- Scots Dragoon Guards – will
vaccine and some 324,000 confirmed cases this year was organise vaccine delivery to
doses of coronavirus vaccines reported – 41,346. the sites, prepare storage for
were administered in the The figures will be seen medicines and equipment,
space of 24 hours. as a sign that infections may how to register and record
The Foreign Secretary also be levelling off or falling patients as well as sorting
said people should not go as a result of the lockdown car parking and traffic flow
on holiday as he stressed the measures, though scientists around the sites. They will
NHS is “on the cusp”. believe the peak in deaths will then hand over the running of
“We’ve just got to stay at come later. the sites to the health service.
home as much as possible Another 1753 new cases of Wallace said: “Using the
unless there are really strong, coronavirus in Scotland were logistical expertise of military
limited exceptional reasons reported yesterday, along with personnel, honed in warzones
for travelling domestically or 78 deaths of people who tested around the world, frees up
internationally, and that’s the positive for Covid-19 in the NHS Scotland and local
way we get through to a better last 28 days. authorities to continue to
place.” The number of new focus on administering the
Asked about reports that infections was 407 below the initial 900,000 doses provided
ministers could introduce 2160 announced on Friday, to Scotland by the UK
quarantine hotels, he but the number of people who Government in January.”
10 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Labour deal with rivals ‘could oust Tories in 2024’

BY KIRSTEEN PATERSON focaldata poll released last week and Midlands that fell to rival hands and Wales Secretary Simon Hart
which showed the Conservatives’ last time around. would not keep their seats either, it
A CAMPAIGN group has drawn up 80-seat majority crumbling, with Such a result would hand Labour is suggested.
the plan it says would take Labour Labour set to win back seats across a majority in parliament for the first Best For Britain CEO Naomi
to Downing Street – teaming up the North and Midlands. time since losing the 2010 General Smith said: “Labour has done well
with other parties. However, the projected seat tallies Election – regardless of any pact to rebuild since last year’s election
The party’s MP numbers tanked in were very different than those made between Farage and the collapse, but as things stand they’ll
2019, when a snap General Clection proposed by Best for Britain, at 283 Conservatives. need the support of other parties
saw it reduced to just one seat in for Labour and 284 for the Tories. This, it is predicted, would also to make a return to government in
Scotland and 202 as a whole. The organisation launched as an see several of the current Cabinet 2024.
As Labour lost 60 constituencies, anti-Brexit campaign in 2018 and rejected at the ballot box. “This reliance is even clearer when
the Conservatives gained 48 in now promotes internationalism This includes Scottish Secretary you add Nigel Farage’s Reform UK
a result that strengthened Boris within UK politics. Jack, who it is thought would lose party into the picture, previous
Johnson’s hand. It says that if Nigel Farage’s the Dumfries and Galloway seat he’s iterations of which have stood aside
Now the Best of Britain group Reform UK party were to stand aside held since 2017. for Conservative candidates over
says Keir Starmer’s party could win for the Tories, as happened in 2019, Fellow Cabinet minister Alok the last two elections in a show of
up to 351 seats at the next General Labour’s seat total could nosedive Sharma would also lose in Reading nativist unity. The group says
Election – if it works with the Greens further to 251. West, it is predicted, with Foreign “If Keir Starmer wants a shot at Keir Starmer’s
party could
and LibDems. But it claims that by joining forces Secretary Dominic Raab, Lord No 10 in three years, the party must win up to 351
The claim – which predicts the with the Green Party of England and Chancellor Robert Buckland and be open to working with the Greens seats in the
fall of Alister Jack – also cites SNP Wales and LibDems, Labour would Environment, Food and Rural and LibDems, particularly given the next General
“strength” as a reason why Labour be on track for as many as 351 seats. Affairs Secretary George Eustice also impending constituency boundary Election
must change. This includes winning back 39 of the forced out. changes and SNP strength north of
It is based on fresh analysis of a “red wall” seats in the English North Transport Secretary Grant Shapps the Border.”

New benefit a big step for

our social security system
This year will see us take our first applications for disability assistance
COMMENT This year we will take our first contact them as part of our case
BY SOCIAL applications for disability assistance. transfer process.
SECURITY Delivering disability assistance This new benefit will be an
SECRETARY brings new challenges and is more important step in establishing our
SHIRLEY-ANNE complex than anything else we new service. We want to make sure
have done to date. The new Covid that people know this support is
restrictions will impact on our staff available for them and their families.
and delivery partners. But we are in We will continue to work with
a good place and worked hard last disabled people’s organisations

HE year may not have year to progress with the design and and third-sector partners to get
started as most of us would set up of this new benefit. information to those who need it.
have hoped, with a new We are looking forward to taking We will run accessible awareness
Covid-19 lockdown in place. our first applications as part of a raising campaigns to make sure that
This brings all kinds of challenges, pilot this summer in Dundee, Perth those who need this help know it is
including possibly the need for and Kinross and the Western Isles. there and how to access it.
many people with a long-term From autumn, families across And we will make it as easy as
health conditions to take additional Scotland will be able to apply possible for people to apply for
steps to stay safe; additional caring for Child Disability Payment, disability assistance. People will be
responsibilities; and the balancing our replacement for the UK able to apply for Child Disability
of childcare and home schooling Government’s Disability Living Payment online, which is a first
with other pressures such as Allowance for children. This is in Scotland, as well as having the
working at home. for families of children and young option to apply by phone, post
There is also the economic impact people with a disability or long-term and – subject to progress with the
of Covid, which is being felt by many Self-Isolation Support Grant if you People on health condition and will help with pandemic – face to face, when safe
and will not go away just because are on a low income and on benefits low incomes the associated additional costs. and practical to do so. If applicants
restrictions ease. and will lose money if you need to can get extra There will be no need for families need face-to-face support, they will
Our new social security system is self-isolate. money to help currently in receipt of Disability be able to make an appointment to
with the costs
there to help. People on low incomes We’ve also prioritised the of having young Living Allowance for children to access this at a time and place that is
can get extra money to help with the introduction of the game-changing children re-apply for the benefit, as we will most convenient for them.
costs of having young children, there Scottish Child Payment, putting an Taking our first applications for
is support there for young carers extra £40 every four weeks into the disability assistance is the next
and young people who are fortunate
enough to be finding work right now.
pockets of eligible families. This
starts on February 15. The first
We want to make sure big step for our social security
system. Like other benefits we
There is money available to help
people on certain benefits or tax
payments will roll out from the end
of that month and you can apply
that people know this will do things differently from the
current UK system and deliver
credits should they lose a loved one
and be responsible for the costs of a
now. The Scottish Child Payment
isn’t the only big addition to our
support is available for disability assistance that is centred
on the needs of people from
funeral. And we have introduced a social security service in 2021. them and their families application onwards.
12 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Why new national

Yes organisation is
a fundamentally
different initiative
HE national movement in abound replacing rational discourse.
Yes Alba will be bottom Scotland is in a febrile,
testy state at the moment,
Folk are quick to “cancel” other
activists – sometimes rightly but
up, not top down. It will caught between
unprecedented political success
far too often on the flimsiest of
evidence. Former movement leaders

be controlled by the and internal division. What is going

on and are we about to snatch
defeat from the yawning jaws of
become non-persons. Turf wars
are becoming more common in the
movement, sapping energies better
membership – and the victory? Here’s the solution.
First, look at where we are in
devoted to opposing Unionism.
What to do? First, we need to
membership alone more detail. On the one hand,
the latest polls confirm both a
continuing, solid majority in support
understand why we are in this
contradictory state – seemingly
trapped between glorious national
of independence and also that most success and internal girning. The
folk – whatever their stance on the answer is simple. Since the near- every indy activist an equal voice
constitutional question – want a victory of the 2014 referendum, the in deliberations, and to structure
fresh referendum in the next few active independence movement has debate on strategy and tactics
years. And while the Tories sack expanded in numbers by hundreds of nationwide. This would be along
prospective candidates for being thousands. the lines of the Catalan National
… well, Tories, and while Scottish We have become the largest, Assembly.
Labour’s whirling leadership (?) sustained political movement in An initiative to create such a
door takes another spin, the FM Europe. Not since the days of the body in Scotland was launched in
continues to record stellar Solidarnosc (Solidarity) movement November at an online assembly
popular ratings. in Poland in the early 1980s, or called by AUOB and supported by
On the other hand, bizarrely it the Peaceful Revolution in East movement activists including Lesley
seems, the indy movement appears Germany that brought down the Riddoch, Ian Grant of the Scottish
to be a loggerheads with itself. There Berlin Wall, have ordinary citizens Independence Foundation and the
are deep divisions over strategy: mobilised in our numbers to effect SNP MP Angus MacNeil.
Plan A versus Plan B. There is the change from below.

looming threat to the FM – not As a result, our movement has OR the last two months, the
to mention the stability of the overflowed the boundaries of the 15-person elected steering
SNP Government and higher civil existing pro-independence political group – I’m co-convenor
service -– over the outcome of the parties. That, in turn, makes it along with Gillian Mair, and
Parliamentary investigation into difficult to structure debate and give the committee has a majority of
the administration’s handling of the the movement direction – hence the women – has been developing a
Salmond affair. sometimes-unruly discourse among website and putting in place the
There are also the deep indy groups and individuals. necessary infrastructure. The
antagonisms inside the SNP and Yet our political strength lies public launch will be this month
the Yes movement’s rank and file in this diversity and grassroots followed by a first national
over attitudes to transgender rights initiative. Witness the mass rallies assembly in March.
– or at least the elevation of that and demos organised by All Under The sole basis on which to
issue (which is an important one) One Banner (AUOB). Witness found this national membership
as a political metaphor for other the Yes hubs and committees organisation has to be a guarantee it
ideological frictions. that have erupted spontaneously will be controlled by the membership
The sum total of these political across Scotland. Witness vibrant – and the membership alone. It has
differences – real, imagined or new indy media providers such as to be bottom up, not top down. For
exaggerated – has created a toxic Broadcasting Scotland or many, modern politics seems remote
atmosphere in the SNP and in The National itself, which did not and elitist. Our new organisation
the wider national movement, not exist in 2014. seeks to be different. We are a mass
to say a meltdown in personal How do we keep this fantastic organisation wholly controlled from
relationships. Conspiracy theories grassroots dynamic and find below by ordinary members.
a mechanism for structuring Policy is made through mass
debate and accountability inside assemblies and electronic voting
the movement? One answer by every member – not by remote
George Kerevan that has been proposed is the
creation of a non-party, national
membership organisation to give
committees. We prefigure the kind
of open democracy a future Scotland
should aspire to. That includes giving
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 13

the movement a direct say in the The latest serial incompetence of the Tory
strategy and tactics for achieving polls confirm Government’s handling of the
independence. a continuing, Covid-19 crisis as fresh reason for
The “why now?” bit is easy. solid majority Scotland to govern itself – now not
in support of
Far from being a distraction, the independence later. But they also respect the fact
movement needs a national forum – that the Scottish Government sees
open to every indy activist whether its first priority as dealing with the
party member or not – to discuss pandemic (not to mention the chaos
strategy. Here I need to make a of Brexit).
modest reference to the recent As a result, we need a division
SNP conference, which I attended. of labour, with the new national
Branch motions on strategy – membership organisation taking
what to do if the Tory regime at up the reins of campaigning for
Westminster refuses a Section 30 immediate independence.
order – were simply excised from The SNP’s deputy leader, the
the conference agenda. That is not much-respected Keith Brown, has
democracy. There is just announced the creation of an
The new national membership
organisation is not anti-SNP, a need “independence taskforce” working
“within SNP headquarters”. This
nor is it a covert political party.
The organisation will not put up
for a new body will “lead on strategy
around independence as the party
candidates or express any preference
in voting. But it will provide the
national heads towards a referendum in early
stages of the next parliamentary
movement with an unfettered
opportunity to discuss strategy and
forum – term”.
Cynics might wonder what a party
tactics, and to launch campaigns open to committed to indy has being doing
which the grassroots deem
necessary. every heretofore. And SNP members know
full well that the modest-sized party
Current tensions in our movement
are the result not of too much public
indy HQ is less than efficient in running a
mass organisation.
debate but of too little. They arise
from the attempt by some in high
activist – With due respect to Keith,
the grassroots movement has been
places to suppress open discussion,
on the grounds that these worthies
where doing its own thing regarding
campaigning since the FM cancelled
alone know best. On the contrary, we can the SNP’s official referendum
our independence movement can initiative back in 2016, after the
only be strengthened by being able discuss Brexit vote.
to decide tactics and strategy in a
genuinely collective manner.
strategy Rather than rely on SNP HQ –
which has its own problems and
Some will ask if it is right to start will allow no deviation from Plan-A
a new independence campaign appeals to Boris for a Section 30 –
body in a time of pandemic. the spirit of the times suggests we
Most indy activists view the need to organise ourselves. And now.
14 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Ayrshire and Afghanistan meet

as unique Burns event goes online
BY KIRSTEEN PATERSON ed to log in from Jamaica, Germany laptops and tablets will be spared
and other nations to see comic Karen black tie attire.
IT is the Burns Supper that attracts Dunbar deliver Tam O’Shanter and However, Bostani says the event
Japanese dignitaries and Algerian Glasgow provost Philip Braat do the may be “a rare opporchancity to dress
politicians. Immortal Memory. up for the evening” after months
This year the community organisa- Dignitaries from the Japanese con- stuck at home due to the coronavirus
tion between a Bard bash celebrat- sulate, the Algerian parliament and pandemic.
ing the master poets of Scotland and the Royal Navy will be amongst those While Burns was born in 1759,
Afghanistan is to welcome attendees logging in, as will representatives of Rumi came 550 years earlier.
from around the globe as it moves Scotland’s Sudanese, Iraqi and Chi- Also known as Mawlana, he is
online. nese communities. considered the greatest Sufi mystic
The glittering event by Glasgow MPs, MSPs, councillors and mem- and poet in the Persian language
Afghan United – which works to bers of Police Scotland are also set to thanks to works like the epic Spiritu-
strengthen cultural and community attend, with Sabir Zazai, the Afghan al Couplets, which became influential
ties – celebrates both Ayrshire’s Rob- head of the Scottish Refugee Council, throughout the Muslim world.
ert Burns and Persian poet Rumi, and Unesco chair in refugee integra- Refugee-led Glasgow Afghan Unit-
whose writing has been celebrated tion Alison Phipps, of Glasgow Uni- ed was founded in 2004 and uses cul-
since the 13th century. versity, also on the guest list. ture and sport to promote social inte-
Politicians from both countries All are urged to enjoy a tradi- gration and overcome barriers – work
regularly attend the annual din- tional feast “or whatever you fancy that has won it several honours.
ner, with First Minister Nicola cooking up”. While much of the UK’s Afghan
Sturgeon and Dr Abdullah Abdul- The event is the work of Glas- population is centred in England,
lah, the chair of the High Council gow Afghan United director Abdul the Scottish Afghan community has
for National Reconciliation, both Bostani, who said: “Even though grown in recent years as people relo-
set to give the opening remarks we cannot gather together in one cate through a number of UK Gov-
tomorrow night. place this year, that should not ernment schemes, including one for
Normally held in Westminster, stop us enjoying our food and rais- interpreters who worked with British
the event is amongst many this ing a glass of whatever we enjoy forces in Afghanistan.
year to go virtual in response to the to toast our haggis to Rabbie and That scheme was extended late last
coronavirus pandemic. Rumi.” year after some of those ruled ineli-
That shift means many more will While Burns Suppers are tradition- gible under the previous terms were
now take part, with attendees expect- ally formal, those attending via their targeted by the Taliban. A group re-enacts the first Burns Supper held in 1801,
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 15

Map reveals global

reach of Burns Night
HOUSANDS of Bur ns global pandemic, many of us won’t South Korean capital Seoul, and oth-
suppers on five continents physically be able to come together. ers are documented in Dar es Salaam,
project have been mapped in a new
interactive tool by Scottish
In a testimony to the Bard’s endur-
ing appeal not only in Scotland but
Tanzania, and Luanda in Angola.
Food, drink, attendance and the
unlocks experts.
Bard specialists want Burns clubs
around the world, we are calling
Scots, at home and abroad, and lovers
Immortal Memory speaker are listed
where possible.
details and Scots around the world to join
in a global gathering on January 25
of Burns to join with us in Glasgow
to virtually celebrate and map this
The university – where researchers
are charting the history of the Burns
of parties by sharing their photos and details
of their 2021 celebrations using the
global impact and appeal.”
He went on: “Burns speaks strongly
Supper – is also working in partner-
ship with the Scottish Government to
around hashtag #VirtualBurnsNight. to people through his words which encourage people around the world
The interactive map is said to be still have resonance right up to today, to take part in a “Burns Night In” this
the world the “broadest, most detailed” record not just in Scotland.” year and join in a toast on social me-
at a click of such activities ever made.
It’s the work of the Centre for Rob-
The first such supper was held in
July 1801 by the Bard’s close friends
dia to “celebrate Scotland’s welcom-
ing and inclusive culture”.
ert Burns Studies at Glasgow Univer- as a memorial dinner. Today it’s esti- Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop
BY KIRSTEEN sity. mated that more than 9.5 million peo- commented: “Although we are una-
PATERSON Co-director Professor Gerard Car- ple around the world take part in a ble to meet up physically this year, we
ruthers said: “Robert Burns is a glob- Burns Supper every year. can still come together and continue
al writer whose life and work have The map, available at www.burn- the traditions of Burns Night from
given rise to one of the great world sc21.glasgow.ac.uk/supper-map, re- the safety of home.
cultural phenomena – the Burns Sup- veals private and public events in “This map is an excellent accompa-
per. At the heart of this celebration of Honolulu, Hawaii, Nuku’alofa in niment to the range of virtual events
Scotland’s national Bard is his word, Tonga and Stanley in the Falkland taking place this year showcasing an
from poetry to song. Islands. incredible array of artistic talent and I
now celebrated around the world “This Burns Night 2021, due to a There are three events entered for encourage everyone to get involved.”
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 17

Will Tories’ Union report

ever see the light of day?
HEN Theresa May fanfare – and the resounding silence
decided in 2019 that followed suggests it may have
that a review should “accidentally” ended up down the
take place into back of Johnson’s couch with the red
strengthening the UK Union, wine stains and long-forgotten bank
she showed much more foresight notes that reside in such places.
than was demonstrated throughout With that it was almost forgotten –
much of her time as prime minister. until last week, when a small group
Seeing the inevitable outcome of of MPs representing the devolved
the Brexit vote, in which Scotland nations banded together to demand
watched Ruth Davidson’s promise that the report be published in full.
of “vote No to stay in the European With the UK falling to pieces
Union” become an overnight faster than Johnson’s expectations
liability, the former prime minister of what it would be like to be Prime
began preparing for a sharp rise in Minister, it seems almost bizarre
support for independence. that a report that could save our
Unfortunately for May, the knives crumbling political union would
were out long before she had a withhold its findings. Unless, of
chance to see Tory peer Andrew course, it could do no such thing ...
Dunlop’s final report. There are, I suspect, three the time they deserve just because Tory peer perhaps the reason Johnson’s
When the finished report finally potential reasons the review has some Whitehall officials have to talk Andrew administration has kept Dunlop’s
did arrive on the desk of Boris never seen the light of day. Firstly, about them over Zoom now. Dunlop’s review recommendations under wraps is
Johnson in early 2020, it was to little Dunlop’s report was a bust. There is The Dunlop Review arrived on the down to the fact they view them
every possibility, even probability, allegedly contains more than PM’s desk early as ammunition in the coming
last year, to
that a clear path to saving the Union 40 recommendations the UK little fanfare referendum.
just no longer exists. Government can follow to repair Given the general behaviour
And is a member of the House the deteriorated relationship of successive Conservative
of Lords even capable of making Westminster has with all devolved governments since the independence
the kind of recommendations that nations, but if this is the calibre referendum in 2014, it would be
would have a radical impact on of thinking I’m not surprised the hard to take any generic promises of
the relationships between the four document has spent the last year more powers as a serious potential
nations that comprise the UK? gathering dust. outcome of a second vote against
I would suspect that any However, I suspect the real reason independence. The fact Scotland
meaningful democratic reforms, that the review has spent the past has been so consistently sidelined,
such as scrapping the role of year in relative obscurity is because ignored and even undermined in the
unelected peers at Westminster, does the UK Government just isn’t following years must have led to an
not feature high on the list interested in following any of the understanding that any promise of
of recommendations from recommendations. further powers or benefits will need
Baron Dunlop. The House of Commons, and to come with a little more than a
Without the will to its brooding Etonian sycophants, handshake – and the Dunlop Review
seriously challenge the status are steeped in a history of could hold those answers.
quo, what are we left with? traditionalism, exceptionalism The problem for the Conservatives
A governmental leak and privilege. Only Britain could on this front is that, fundamentally,
last year revealed that have birthed the born-to-rule class The this approach undermines any
one recommendation
from the report would
with such enthusiasm, and its
innumerable politicians with more
problem claim that the Tories are working
to strengthen the Union. If they
be to move Whitehall triple-breasted suits than morals. for the can resolve longstanding inequities
officials out of London
to Scotland, Wales and
To think the House of Commons
could make meaningful changes to
Tories of the United Kingdom right now,
but choose not to lest it leaves
Northern Ireland in a bid the UK’s institutions when MPs still is that this them with less influence in a
to ensure “policy takes into
account the differences within
need to spend six hours walking
through doors to decide what to
approach future referendum, that would
only underline how delivering
the country”. While potentially have for dinner is laughable. I undermines for Scotland comes second to
headline-grabbing, it’s difficult
to see how a change like this
suspect the suggestion of moving
officials out of Whitehall would be
any claim maintaining power in Scotland.
Until the Dunlop Review sees the
would have any meaningful viewed as outright insurrection by that the light of day, it’s impossible to really
impact in the lives of your
average member of the public.
some of Britain’s elite.
A few small changes from the
they are know exactly why it has remained
absent from the public eye. However,
Westminster governments review have allegedly started moving working to the fact that its recommendations,
have repeatedly shown they
have little interest in the
forward already. In publishing the
review, the UK Government would
strengthen and even its early implementation,
have remained hidden from the
needs of anyone outwith only be highlighting the lengths to the Union devolved administrations that it
the south of England. Local which they won’t go to save the directly relates to tells me that the
issues aren’t about to be given Union. Finally, and most cynically, Union remains beyond reform.

Stephen Paton TOMORROW:

18 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Here’s hoping Producer Spector dies while serving for murder

McIntosh gets MUSIC producer Phil Spector has
died while serving a prison sentence
for murder. He was 81.
pronounced deceased of natural
causes at 6.35pm on Saturday, at an
outside hospital. His official cause
fired into her mouth while she was
in Spector’s mansion in 2003.
Spector made his name as a record
her shot at The California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation
of death will be determined by the
medical examiner in the San Joaquin
producer for what became known
as the “Wall of Sound” recording

Olympic glory confirmed Spector died of natural

causes in hospital on Saturday.
A statement from the department
County Sheriff’s Office.”
In 2009, he was jailed for a
minimum sentence of 19 years for
He worked with some of the
biggest names in music including
BY MAUREEN said: “California Health Care murdering actress Lana Clarkson. John Lennon, Ike and Tina Turner Music producer
MCGONIGLE Facility inmate Phillip Spector was The 40-year-old died of a gunshot and The Righteous Brothers. Phil Spector

Pharma sector worth


FLEXIBILITY is one of the

bywords which I feel perfectly
sums up 2020/21. In this time of

£1.8bn, report finds

continued uncertainty, we have
all had to be flexible in our plans
while we try to second-guess
the future, all the time knowing
any plans we make may need to
be cancelled or changed at the
last minute.
With this in mind I am hoping Figure up 6% on 2017 and industry now employs about 5600 people
there will be flexibility required
ahead of the re-scheduled 2020 BY JANE CASSIDY “Scotland’s industry is stronger to-
Olympic Games being staged in day than it was three years ago with

July and August. MPLOYMENT and exports more people employed in good jobs,
Named last week as one of have continued to grow in more being spent on research and de-
four shooters selected for Team Scotland’s pharmaceutical velopment, and exports topping half a
GB was Seonaid McIntosh, the s e c t o r, a c c o r d i n g t o a billion pounds.
2017 UWS Sportswomen of the new report. “It is important that the Scottish
Year at the Scottish Women in Figures from the University of Government is ambitious and works
Sport Awards and Britain’s most Strathclyde’s Fraser of Allander In- with us to nurture and promote a sec-
successful female rifle shooter stitute report suggest the industry is tor which is not only exporting Scot-
of all time. worth £1.8 billion, almost 6% higher tish excellence around the world but
This will be her first Olympics, than when the last major review took delivering for the health of people
but I don’t think it will be the place in 2017. here in Scotland.”
last. Fingers crossed that It indicates the industry now ex- Mairi Spowage, Fraser of Allander
despite the current odds, the ports £575 million worth of manu- cantly higher than Scotland’s annual The Scottish Institute deputy director, said: “Our
Games will go ahead. factured goods, up from the £550m median income of £24,486”. pharmaceutical economic analysis shows that the in-
What is astounding to learn is reported in 2017. It also marks a 9% increase on the industry now dustry continues to grow in Scotland
exports £575m
that Seonaid has reached these Across Scotland there are current- 5130 full-time-equivalent employees worth of with direct employment, exports and
heights while living with ly around 5600 people directly em- reported in 2018. manufactured GVA increasing.
rheumatoid arthritis, for which ployed by pharmaceutical companies Alison Culpan, ABPI Scotland di- goods, up from “The contribution of the sector ex-
she requires daily medication. with the majority of jobs in North rector, said: “In a year that has seen £550m in 2017 tends beyond the activities of pharma-
This resonates with the story Ayrshire, the Highlands and Dundee. our companies stepping up and start- ceutical companies themselves, with
of tennis player Francesca The annual average salary of ing to lead us out of the pandemic their output supporting employment
Jones who has qualified for her £35,600 is described by the Associa- with the vital vaccines we need, I am and income right across the country
first Grand Slam tournament, tion of the British Pharmaceutical proud that the pharmaceutical indus- including areas of historically high
despite a rare genetic condition Industry (ABPI) Scotland as “signifi- try continues to thrive in Scotland. unemployment and deprivation.”
which meant she was born with
only three fingers and a thumb
on each hand, four toes on her
left foot, and three toes on
her right.
Plans unveiled for £34m leisure development
In more disturbing news, PLANS for a new £33.8 million development and is ideally placed in
I read about Yves Jean-Bart, the leisure-led development have been terms of transport connection.”
former chief of the Haitian revealed. As part of the plans, the hotel
Football Federation, who was The proposals from Morris Leslie from “an internationally recognised
found guilty by Fifa of having Ltd for a site at West Kinfauns, brand” would include 120-150
sexually harassed and abused Perthshire, aims to include retail, guestrooms over four storeys.
female players, including minors. a four-star hotel, lodge-style cabins Retail space would also be
This is shocking and a and a museum telling the story of provided to complement the hotel,
dreadful abuse of power, and I transport and vehicles over museum, lodges, existing Caledonian
am concerned that there may be the last century House office and the village of
other stories of the same ilk that A proposal of application notice Kinfauns.
remain buried deep within the has been submitted to Perth and Perth and Kinross Council leader
horror of those who have Kinross Council with an online Murray Lyle said: “This leisure-led
suffered. community consultation to be held development has the potential to
We need to weed out these on March 16 between 3-7pm. The Perthshire to maximise the potential of the make an exciting contribution to the
individuals from whatever sport The development would proposals aim location and draw tourism to the local economy.
they lurk in and ensure they are incorporate a park and ride, which to include area on a local and national basis. “These plans, although at an
removed at speed. We also need already has planning consent, if retail, a “Well-connected to the early stage, are a significant vote of
to empower our young women to progressed by the local authority. four-star hotel surrounding road network, including confidence in Perth and Kinross and
and a museum
be confident enough to say no Morris Leslie, chair of the plant the A90, this premium destination our ambitious plans for the area,
and to report any such pressure machinery company which has will provide a gateway to Perth, to which include the redevelopment of
or abuse of power, and that, at its headquarters in the area, said: the surrounding area and beyond. Perth City Hall to house the Stone of
all times, they be listened to. “This exciting £33.8m development “The proposed scheme is of a Destiny and the creation of the Cross
provides the perfect opportunity scale that can support additional Tay Link Road.”
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 19

IN THE WORLD TODAY Navalny flies

back home
LEADING Kremlin critic Alexei
Biden to start Navalny has left Germany to
return to Russia, where he faces
the threat of arrest, after
executive recovering from his poisoning in
August with a nerve agent.

action blitz Navalny, who announced on

Wednesday that he planned to
return, said he was “very happy”

N his first hours as president, as he boarded a plane in Berlin
Joe Biden plans to take bound for Moscow’s Vnukovo
executive action to roll back Airport yesterday.
some of the most controversial It remains to be seen what
decisions of his predecessor reception awaits him in Moscow.
and to address the raging On Thursday, Russia’s prison
coronavirus pandemic, his service said he faced immediate
incoming chief of staff said. arrest on his return.
The opening salvo would herald a Navalny has blamed his
10-day blitz of executive actions as poisoning on the Kremlin.
Biden seeks to act swiftly to
redirect the country in the wake of
Donald Trump’s presidency without
waiting for Congress.
Death toll in
On Wednesday, following his
inauguration, Biden will end
Trump’s restriction on immigration
Sudan rises
to the US from some Muslim- THE death toll from tribal
majority countries, move to rejoin violence between Arabs
the Paris climate accord and and non-Arabs in
mandate mask-wearing on federal Sudan’s West Darfur
property and during interstate province climbed to
travel. for those struggling during the administration – but also to start at least 48,
Those are among roughly a pandemic. moving our country forward.” including women
dozen actions Biden will take on his “These executive actions will “Full achievement” of Biden’s and children, a
first day in the White House, his deliver relief to the millions of goals will require Congress to act, doctor’s union and
incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, Americans that are struggling in Klain wrote, including the 1.9 trillion aid worker said, as
said in a memo to senior staff. the face of these crises,” Klain said dollar (£1.46trn) virus relief bill he sporadic violence
Other actions include extending in the memo. outlined on Thursday. continued.
the pause on student loan “President-elect Biden will take Klain said Biden will also propose The deadly clashes
payments and actions meant to action – not just to reverse the an immigration reform bill to grew out of a fist-fight
prevent evictions and foreclosures gravest damages of the Trump lawmakers on his first day in office. on Friday.

1 Hey! Blue Thistle may have the desired 2 Attracted to alternative? Not I! (4)
effect (3,3,8) 3 Ascends spires (6)
9 Rachel West makes energetic moves (10) 4 Apprentice and so on ring up citizens (10)
10 Contract also incorporated official record (4) 5 Slug lying in plain view? Gross! (4)
12 Pig munched tuber (5) 6,24dn Solid support for koalas (10,4)
13 You and Alice treated stings (6) 7 Doctrine? It is managerial, in a way (14)
16 Late changes to colour (4) 8 Familiar with something specific (10,2,2)
17 Paperboy is working with condition (10) 11 Cry about Alistair becoming a radical (5)
19 Thought I’d met Ian to conduct review? (10) 14 Support student getting into Arab
20 Quarrying quartz unifies some people (4) dance (10)
22 Big shapeless lump! (6) 15 Dishonest article took our breath away (10)
23 Advises editor to ignore legal papers (5) 18 Held rose (5)
26 Spherical Robby could be left out (4) 21 Stoic, Ann only carries a weapon (6)
27 Lang conducts search for supernatural 24 See 6dn
beings (10) 25 Last of the old characters (4)
28 Leonard can’t stand mix-up regarding the
other-worldly (14)

Across: 1,26 Calculated risk 6 Odin 9 Expediency 10 Flip Down: 1 Crew 2 Lips 3 Underwhelmed 4 Abele 5 Enchilada
12 Irresistible 15 Marihuana 17 Force 18 Repel 19 Staccatos 7 Deliberate 8 No pretense 11 Staff canteen 13 Imprimatur
20 Misrepresent 24 Toes 25 Middlebrow 27 Internment 14 Prepossess 16 Assertion 21 Sidle 22 True 23 Twit
20 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Have your say by emailing letters@thenational.scot!

Double standards at
play as Tories call for
Freeman’s resignation
OUGLAS Ross is calling current Covid pandemic is having
for the Health Secretary both in Scotland and elsewhere
Jeane Freeman to resign, across the globe but the recent
saying she has broken the news about the cyber attack on the
ministerial code because she gave Scottish Environment Protection
too much information about Agency seems to stress the need for
vaccine supply on the Scottish a security review as advocated by
Government’s website. Isobel Lindsay.
In the meantime Victoria Prentis, It’s more of this type of analysis
the UK fisheries minister, is backed and planning we need to make the
by Boris and presumably DRoss transition to independence. As the
(since he has not said a word against paper highlights, we already have
her) even though she admitted to a some powers we could use to prepare
parliamentary committee she was Scotland for this transition, and
too busy at Christmas to read the the sooner we start this process the
new regulations in the Brexit deal smoother will be our transition to
for fisheries.
So he is calling for one person
regaining our independence.
Cllr Kenny MacLaren
Have you got
to resign for giving too much Paisley a good story?
information while the other person
who admitted to not doing her job is Health A GOOD appraisal of Scottish Contact us on
backed. It’s the old Tory way – do as
I say, not as I do.
Jeane Freeman Clarifications Labour’s travails by Gerry Hassan
in yesterday’s Sunday National (The
0141 302 7000
I just hope the fishermen who were
promised the world have learned
apologised to
her counterpart and corrections problem is Scottish Labour, not the
leader, January 17). represent the natural political home
a lesson, and this will be reflected Matt Hancock IT is our policy to correct errors Labour’s entrenched tribal hatred of many – most of whom in the
after sensitive
in their vote in May. Never mind, information as soon as we can and all of the SNP (largely reciprocated – meantime have joined (or will at
though – Rees-Mogg says the fish was mistakenly corrections and clarifications despite or because both parties in least vote for) the SNP as the vehicle
are happier now they are British. published will usually appear on this page. recent years have actually espoused for independence.
Winifred McCartney We are regulated by the very similar managerial, neo-liberal Almost paradoxically,
Paisley Independent Press Standards politics) has blinded even decent independence achieved will be
Organisation (IPSO) and adhere left-wingers such as Neil Findlay something of a problem for SNP
THE publication of the “transition” to the Editors’ Code of Practice MSP to the radical opportunities members and politicians. Long
paper on Scotland’s security in (see www.ipso.co.uk). that Scottish independence could bound together only by the idea
Friday’s National couldn’t have The National is published by open up. To be fair, he and a of independence as an un-met
come at a more appropriate time Newsquest (Herald&Times) Ltd. few colleagues have at least now aspiration, the reality could force
(Trident removal critical to security Complaints should be referred recognised the democratic argument them to decide what kind of politics
of indy Scotland, January 15). to Callum Baird, Managing for a further referendum. their party actually represents, or
This paper, promoted by the Editor, The National, c/o The Unfortunately, I cannot see the whether they can all remain in the
Scottish Independence Convention Print Centre, 125 Fullarton voluntary establishment of an same party at all.
and written by Isobel Lindsay, Drive, Cambuslang, Glasgow, Independent Labour Party here – “Bring it on” indeed!
highlights that we have to look at all G32 8FG or emailed, for the especially with that loaded word Cathy Watkins
the current and future threats facing attention of Callum Baird, to in its title! – while we remain in West Calder
Scotland. It’s not about simply a letters@thenational.scot the UK. The best thing that could
case of getting a share of the UK’s z If we cannot reach happen for Scottish Labour is WHEN the leaders of the
mismatched defence forces but a a resolution, contact actually independence: once this is a oppositions parties in Scotland
deeper examination of the threatst complaints@ipso.co.uk or by fait accompli, they no longer have to are told by their paymasters down
an independent Scotland would face. post at Ipso, Gate House, take sides in that debate and could south to jump, the only question
Included amongst these would 1 Farringdon Street, London, set about creating in Scotland a they should be asking is “how
be pandemics and cyber crime. We EC4M 7LG. genuinely left-radical party. high?” Jackson Carlaw and
are all well aware of the impact the Scotland needs such a party to Richard Leonard forgot to ask
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 21


betray an PLEASE note that due to the
coronavirus pandemic, The

ignorance National’s roadshow events

have been suspended until
further notice.
of nutrition Are you are self-isolating and
in need of help with shopping
CRAIG Ross, who has been or collection of prescription
dropped as a Conservative medicines? Or are you worried
MSP candidate over comments about an isolated friend or
about users of food banks relative who may need
being fat and liable to diabetes, assistance in the coming
is ignorant of how diet works. weeks, or perhaps just
Poor people are likely to someone to chat to by phone?
obtain cheap foods which Get in touch with us by emailing
are high in carbohydrates, community@thenational.scot
sugars, saturated fats, salt and and we’ll do our best to put you
chemical additives. These are in touch with an online group or
mass-produced to be attractive, individual reader in the local
easy to keep and serve. Foods community.
that are high in protein, fibre,
vitamins and trace elements

tend to be more expensive and
hard to bring to the table. Thus
the poor become short of vital
parts of their diet. But the body
urges them to keeping eating in
a vain attempt to make good the
deficiencies. They persist in British will not easily give
up their ‘precious’ Union
eating the empty calories,
which become deposited as
adipose tissue. This is a part of
the combination of factors that
leads to bad health. Former BBC Newsnight host glory dangling in front of them
Experiments with animals Gavin Esler says Union seems and immediately, faster than
show they instinctively adjust destined to break up light, descended into dishonour
their diets to include all the Scottish independence is NOT betraying the country’s students
complex of parts. All children inevitable! I used to say it was for some imagined thing of
in Scotland must be allowed inevitable because any personal gain, Gavin Esler as
to follow this natural path to a constitutional settlement that a news person is very late to
wholesome balanced diet by succeeds in terms of the aims this party.
being provided with the whole and objectives of the British Who in their right mind would
range of foods necessary. state necessarily fails in terms not reject Westminster when the
Iain WD Forde of the aspirations and priorities reality of the stench of that place
Scotlandwell of Scotland’s people. But I is stuffed up your nose daily?
have since learned that the Gavin at least tells us again
British political elite is much what we already know – Scotland
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.thenational.scot more contemptuous of
Scotland’s people and the
has a choice and for that we are
amazingly lucky. It’s a jackpot.
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @scotnational principles of democracy than Won life’s lottery indeed.
I had supposed. And the best part – for all of the
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ Independence would only be SNP’s government glitches,
thenationalnewspaperscotland inevitable if the British state
was truly democratic. It would
mistakes and failures they are
recognisably of us. People we
only be inevitable if the wishes know in everyday life. People we
the all-important question and that might have a big appeal after of Scotland’s people counted can see as our aunties, brothers
paid the price. independence. for something in the British state. and cousins. They are true
Labour can turn over the Mike Herd Independence is NOT people with all the ups and
poison chalice to any number Highland inevitable. The restoration of downs that entails. They are
of hopeful luminaries but Scotland’s independence will what a people’s government
in the end they’ll fall by the I REFER to the letter from only be possible when we have a should be. Westminster cannot
wayside like all the rest. The James Dippie (January 17) Scottish Government that is be fixed – Scot-Gov is the only
problem is in their policies, regarding the introduction prepared to confront the British game in town.
not the leadership. Even if of neonicitinoids in farming state. Power is not given. Power Nicholas Durant
Labour in Scotland embraced insecticides despite them is only taken. The British will not
the right for Scotland to decide being a danger to our easily give up their “precious” Ah, this started off so well, with
its own future, it would have to ecosystems, and ultimately Union. Our independence will Esler acknowledging that the
stand on its own two feet. It has human health. The human have to be wrenched from Union is finished.
revealed again what we all know to digestive system system has evolved Britannia’s jealous grasp. Then pops up the F word! Jeez,
be true – you can be the leader of With Monica over millions of years, but since the Peter A Bell these guys are so agonisingly
an opposition party in Scotland as Lennon as end of the Second World War it has unimaginative!
long as you like, providing you don’t leader, perhaps been blasted by chemicals which When for years the Tory party Where I thought Esler was
diverge from central office thinking. Scottish have changed our digestive systems, so visibly deals in lies, going with this was a velvet
If Monica Lennon becomes Labour would and NOT for the better. generalised dishonesty and now divorce. That is the logical
leader with a pledge to diverge recognise the The introduction of neonicitinoids blatant corruption coupled to conclusion.
from London and embrace not right to hold is just the latest attack on human, stunning incompetence, when the Thom Muir
independence but the right to hold indyref2 animal and plant life by big pharma. Labour party has descended into
a referendum, the fortunes of the Unless we fight back we, and the a crowd of playground gangs I do like his statement “It is not
Labour party in Scotland would animals and plants that feed us, have clamouring away inside their own alarm bells I hear, it’s a death
change. It would be hard without no chance of survival. wee dimwit biscuit tin, and when knell” - here’s hoping!
London money, but it could be the Margaret Forbes the Liberals had a moment of Tom Carroll
beginning of a fledgling new party Kilmacolm
22 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

to seafood Have your say by emailing

crisis show Who will

true colours
PAGES eight and nine of write a 2021
sequel to
Friday’s National demonstrate
very clearly why our fishing
industry, and in particular our

seafood sector, has been – as
predicted by almost everyone
except the Tory government
– seriously incapacitated by
Brexit (“Tory minister shows
‘total contempt’ over Brexit
chaos” and “Rees-Mogg claims
fish ‘are happier now because
vital play?
they’re British’”, January 15). WAS reminded recently, while
Though the Westminster watching Kirsty Wark’s series
government will doubtless The Years that Changed
attempt to appease the general Modern Scotland on BBC
public and the industry by Scotland, of the power of John
announcing compensation of McGrath’s play The Cheviot, the
some kind and the defence of Stag and the Black, Black Oil. In
“red tape teething problems”, 1974 I watched the TV production
the real reason for the of the play with my father, then in
continuation of the economic his sixties. By that time I had given
woes the industry will suffer him up for lost as a lifelong
can be found in the reactions of Unionist, but from the day we sat
the Tory ministers involved. together and watched The Cheviot
Scottish Tory minister David he moved inexorably towards a
Duguid shamelessly exhibits an position of support for an
apathetic disdain for the future independent Scotland.
of the seafood industry that can A quarter century later, a couple
only be described as ignorant, of years before he died, I was
arrogant and delusional. working in North Africa and had
Westminster fisheries minister been issued with a new laptop by my
Victoria Prentis admitted she employer’s Cairo office. On a visit
had not bothered to read the home I showed him the “Made in
Brexit deal, a stunningly Greenock” label on the back of the
brainless statement, even by machine. He smiled and said, “Aye,
the shallow standards of Tory but for how long?” As a younger
ministers. Perhaps she believed man he would never have asked
that because her leader has that question. He would simply have
made a career out of ignoring accepted that it was good to have a
the perusal of documents, she factory in Greenock making world-
should follow suit. class products.
Worst of all, however, is the I am convinced the play altered
contemptuous and xenophobic his perspective on both the politics
reaction of the Leader of the and the economics of Scotland as a
House of Commons to the part of the UK, and that it did so for One of the latest examples being
immediate existential difficulties many others too. Fiona Bruce BBC Question Time
of Scottish fishermen. Mr Where is today’s equivalent of last week and her attitude towards
Rees-Mogg, the contemptuous The Cheviot? Something that will Dr P Whitfield MP.
MP for North East Somerset, open the eyes of many more people Or is it Union fatigue? I think for
cemented his reputation as a of all generations to the realities of me it is.
man of limited empathy by the way we are governed. The play The same disregard and disrespect
claiming patriotic feelings and told a miserable story, but people is shown to Ian Blackford MP week
rights for fish. This was no came away from it feeling uplifted. on week at PMQs. Extend that to
doubt intended to appeal to the Feeling, somehow, that they had a all SNP MPs, and just that coming
little Englander he and Mr better understanding of why we from the Tories. Add in the Scottish
Johnson pander to, but was were where we were and maybe, Labour and LibDem MPs. When did
deeply offensive and also sadly just maybe, they understood you last hear or see them talking up
predictable given his track something about what needed to be Scotland in Westminster?
record in the sensitivity stakes. done about it. Now we see the rise of pro-Union
The response of these Since 1974 we’ve had the Thatcher bombardment. Embedded in print,
ministers and the Conservative years, interminable foreign wars, actually do something about it. Any radio, TV, as well as social media
government to any tribulation Brexit and many other events as playwrights out there fancy the job? Want to platforms, it is insidious. The facts,
suffered by the people of cumulatively damaging to our Cameron Crawford advertise in figures, articles, statements, critiques
Scotland mirrors Trumpian country as any of the tribulations Rothesay The National? and interviews come neither with
standards of care and fellow imposed on us cited in The Cheviot. Contact: challenge nor a balancing pro-indy
feeling. The sooner we leave I believe John McGrath’s play A WHILE back there was a worry Stephen input. It’s cloaked, it’s hidden.
them and their amoral should be compulsory viewing for the country might experience McTaggart Was the recent public intervention
government behind the better. everyone living in Scotland, but I “compassion fatigue” in relation to 0141 302 6137 by Our Scottish Future merely a
Owen Kelly also believe there needs to be an charitable donations. But are we stephen. coincidence? Or part of a strategy
Stirling equally entertaining and challenging now experiencing Covid fatigue mctaggart@ including Leonard’s removal?
sequel to demonstrate that the with all the false, unchallenged thenational.scot With a change in Labour leader
story will repeat forever until we facts, figures and anti-Scottish bias? here we’ll see a fresh onslaught. Not
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 23

Picture The long letter...

of the
day Wake up to the reality
McCredie snapped
of a UK desperate to
this fox on an
autumn morning
behind his
retain its last colony
N her letter in Friday’s
National, L McGregor
highlights her well-founded
fear at the establishment of
the Scottish hubs in
Edinburgh and Glasgow. His
correspondence is exactly a
clone of my own thinking when
some time back there was very
little publicity shown in the Tory
media, let alone in The National,
about these hubs – unless I
missed it through perhaps a copy
that I was unable to get.
Some time back I became Holyrood is under threat
aware that these hubs had been
set up in Edinburgh and Glasgow independence. The structure,
for “the UK Government in principle and and noted
Scotland”. Why? Was this agreed competency of individuals in the
by Holyrood? Scottish Government already
Anyway, this subtle infiltration exists. Procrastination will not
of what could easily be construed succeed in achieving
as English nationalism taking independence in any form.
better control of Scotland simply W D Mill Irving
equates to past powers of British Kilbirnie
colonialism such as quietly
installing a Government House CAN’T agree more with L
along with a governor and his McGregor of Falkirk and the
trimmings for future ceremonies answer to the question in her last
and a colonial infrastructure to paragraph is no, they are doing
control and fly the flag to allow absolutely “nowt” to combat it.
the UK to cling to its past empire They are all so concerned with
before it is lost forever in this plan A or plan B, they haven’t
fast-changing world. Are these seen the wagons circling.
two hubs a last-ditch effort to that That leads me nicely on to
end, by retaining Scotland as its Maggie Chetty’s letter (Letters,
last worthwhile colonial country January 15), which is 100%
Submit your of any note and thus ensure USA correct. By the time our elected
photographs and EU will still give the UK some members take their “heeds oot o
to pictures@ respect? the sand”, the game’s a bogey.
thenational.scot As L McGregor writes: “wake Three years ago the UK
up Scotland!” Government pulled the funding to
Independence will be difficult our green energy project, Why?
how to save their precious Union, But is it time for organised action? enough dealing, with BJ pulling Just, as it happens, when
but the myth of making it better A themed day, a week? Could we out all the stops legally or Scotland was for the first time
for Scotland within the existing sustain a month? Is it time to display otherwise with his majority at self-sufficient in green electricity.
Union with their latest, new leader. the Saltire where we can? Is it time Westmonster and hundreds of This would have given us another
Will soft Nos be tempted? Will for window posters again? Is it time unelected lordships, without string to our bow, and that can’t
undecideds decide to give the Union to be visible, as May approaches? having to dismantle this sort of be allowed to happen. Yes, this
another go? We may expect the Selma Rahman scheming intrusion by an anti- shower o rogues will decimate
Tories will suffer due to the practical Edinburgh independent UK clinging hard to everything we have built up over
failures of Brexit and the emergence its past empire. Most of the UK’s many years in one stroke of the
of Farage here. I READ with interest the long letter previously existing colonial pen just to keep the Union alive.
In the grassroots we may be from Donald Anderson regarding countries that gave them past Do you honestly think Johnson,
confident about the FM and the Is it time to the “suicide” of the nationalist and serious clout in the world are now Gove, Patel and 18th-century man
Scottish Government’s handling of
the Covid crisis. But no matter that
display QC Willie McRae. I would urge
supporters of independence to read
independent, and I have yet to
hear of any that wish to return to
Rees-Mogg care a damn?
Johnson would rather be seen
we all do what we can individually, the Saltire Ron Culley’s book Who shot Willie the UK fold. “dying in a ditch” than be
no matter how much we do in
lockdown in our virtual hubs and
and McRae?” This details the events
leading up to his death and the
Let’s not waste more time and
get independence under way. The
“tagged” as the PM who lost
groups, it is difficult to counteract window ludicrous official version. Mr Culley Brexit that Scotland did not vote OUR ELECTED ONES DOING OR
the passing of legislation when there
is that Tory majority in Westminster.
posters explains that the threat Willie
possessed evidence of the corrupt
for was not delayed or stopped
because there was a serious
a few of our MSP or MPs would
The Internal Market Bill, is the where Heath/Thatcher years made him a pandemic. It simply gave BJ a like to enlighten us through your
latest, the most dangerous threat
to Scotland and our future: direct
we can? target. Mr Anderson, an OAP like
myself, must be determined to live
further opportunity to bolster his
ego. We need to get moving
Please read L McGregor and
funding, emasculating Holyrood to see an independent Scotland and without an excuse provided by Maggie Chetty’s letters if you
prior to dismantling it. And Covid some justice given to the many like this pandemic. We have the haven’t already, and digest.
lockdown is helping since public Willie who didn’t live to see it. ability and means to succeed and Ken McCartney
meetings, campaigning, marches and Mrs V Nelson cope with a pandemic and Hawick
stalls just cannot happen. Leven, Fife
24 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021


Latin link shows how Scots looked zScottish
poetry in
Latin is the
to Europe rather than England focus of the
LAST week, we introduced the most back before that. At this time, AHRC-
neglected tradition in Scottish Scottish scholars went abroad for a funded
literature, poetry in Latin, now university education. Partly that online
available to a new readership in the meant England, but England didn’t resource
Association for Scottish Literary take many Scottish students
Studies publication Corona Borealis: because times were troubled. created
Scottish Neo-Latin Poets on King Travelling from the Scottish principally
James VI and his Reign, 1566–1603, Borders to Oxford or Cambridge by Steven
edited by Steven J Reid and David meant crossing dangerous territories. J Reid and
McOmish. Here Alan Riach and the So Scottish students would travel David
philosopher Alexander Broadie, by sea to the continent, to Paris or McOmish:
emeritus professor of logic and to Bologna in Italy. For example, Bridging the
rhetoric at Glasgow University, Richard de Victor’s Latin name is
discuss how this tradition arose. Ricardo de Sancto Victore Scotus. Continental
He died around 1173. At that time, Divide:
Alan Riach: Alexander, I share with “Scotus” and “Hibernicus” or Neo-Latin
you the sense that the idea of Scottish and Irish were distinctly and its
“Scottish literature” could do with identified, so we should call him cultural role
some expansion. The category of Richard the Scot to emphasise the in Jacobean
“literature” isn’t closed. When we point. His book De Trinitate is
introduce the work of secular and centred on the concept of love. The
Scotland, as
religious philosophers, we open Trinity is generated by successive seen in the
enquiries into matters of meaning acts of love, so the world is generated Delitiae
and value that complement, rather by love. The practical theological Poetarum
than rival, the work of poets, fiction aspect of this is love of your Scotorum
writers and playwrights. Where neighbour and love of God. (1637), now
would you begin to outline this Then there was John Duns available at:
territory? Scotus, who came from Duns, in
Alexander Broadie: One way is to the Borders, before any Scottish www.dps.
raise the old question of the canon. university existed. On his tomb in gla.ac.uk.
Overwhelmingly, in the Middle Cologne there’s an inscription that Check
Ages, writing by Scots, within or reads, “Scotland bore me, England it out.
outwith Scotland, was closely related brought me up, France taught me
to matters of religion and theology, and Cologne holds my bones”.
and it was written in Latin. Alan: He was a great European, a
Alan: But also even beyond the brilliant intellect who bestrode
philosophical and theological areas, academia throughout Europe and
there’s a substantial contribution to was immensely influential and
Scottish literature in Latin in the widely recognised internationally. minutes of the Arts Faculty of quite personal. This great theologian
form of poetry. So do you think we And he was known throughout St Andrews, a teacher and philosopher and logician of the
could be more inclusive and say the Middle Ages by the name complained about the Middle Ages should not be excluded
that the Scottish literary canon of the country he came from. students playing football from the Scottish literary canon.
should include not only poems in So he was one of many and shouting at each other Alan: Wasn’t one of his students
Latin but also religious and Scots representing – but not in Latin! Imagine John Knox?
theological work in Latin? Scotland on the continent the people on the Alexander: Yes, indeed. Another
Alexander: Indeed, yes. Theological of Europe. terraces today shouting one was George Lokert from Ayr.
writings are deeply embedded, not Alexander: Yes. Now, let’s “Populus sumus!” (We He became Abbot of the College of
fiction or poetry but, for example, come to the universities. are the people!) Sorbonne, theology’s headquarters
commentaries on “The Sentences” St Andrews was founded Alan: So culture, wide in Paris, and ended up Dean of
of Peter Lombard – that was the in 1411, Glasgow in 1451, and deep, was marinated Glasgow Cathedral. William
main educational text in theology King’s College Aberdeen in in Latin. Manderston was another one, a
in the Middle Ages. By profession, 1495: three medieval Alexander: All the children member of Mair’s Scottish circle
I’m a philosopher, and most of the foundations, all of them with in schools learnt Latin, not who became Rector of the
primary sources I study are in the job of protecting the truth, as only the children of the lairds, University of Paris, then Rector of
Latin, and these are hardly the church saw it, from error and but also the sons of agricultural the University St Andrews. He was
recognised within the Scottish heresies. All the teachers in the first John Duns labourers learnt Latin. One a fine Latin stylist on very good
literary community on the whole. 100 years of the Scottish Scotus, (above) labourer’s son, John Mair, went to terms with George Buchanan.
Alan: Let alone the wider public! universities received a terrific and depicted Cambridge, then to Paris, lived in Alan: And Buchanan was
Alexander: I say this not education – in Latin – at the alongside the same house as Erasmus, became recognised throughout Europe as
aggressively or competitively but to University of Paris, then came back Thomas well-known, returned to Scotland to one of the greatest humanists of his
emphasise there is still so much to Scotland to teach. Aquinas (main spend seven years from 1518 as era. And increasingly Buchanan is
more to bring into our Alan: So where did their students picture), is principal of Glasgow University, acknowledged not only as a crucial
considered one
understanding of the subject. come from? And in what language of the three returned to Paris and then finally political thinker whose insistent
Alan: And of Scotland, the whole did they learn? most important back to Scotland from 1534 till his argument utterly rejected the idea
inherited cultural file. We’re Alexander: They were taught in philosopher- death in 1550 as Provost of of any “divine right” of kingship,
talking about education, in the Latin. This was the language of theologians of St Leonard’s College, St Andrews. but also as a playwright recognised
broadest sense, which in so many education, of the textbooks and it Western Europe By then he was in his 80s and had as a major figure throughout
ways is under threat these days. was the spoken tongue of the in the High published more than 40 books, the Europe, a poet, a playwright, a man
Where to begin? classroom. The Latin mass was the Middle Ages last one a commentary on Aristotle. of letters and a man of ideas, a
Alexander: The beginning. The normal thing in the church. Even The epistolary prefaces to his writing philosopher.
Scottish universities came into the minutes of faculty meetings are full of gossip, full of information Alexander: And thus is the canon
being in the 15th century, so let’s go were written in Latin. In the about his colleagues, sometimes revised!
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 25
18. Creatures backing a You have 10 minutes to find as many words as
celebrity (4) possible using the letters in the wheel. Each
must use the hub letter and at least 3 others.
19. Fashionable supporter for Letters may be used only once. You cannot use
a score of soldiers (8) plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. There is
21. Now most oil is refined at at least one 9-letter word to be found.
half speed (4,6)
22. Need to get out of
paradise (4)
Down L I
2. Sporting creatures? (7,3) A
3. Small quantity of work
given to the doctor (4) N C
4. A book, a drink and a
flower (6) I T
5. There’s nothing French in
the book of the East (6) How you rate:
25, average; 35, good;
6. Mistakes for underwear (8) 45, very good; 60 or more, excellent.
7. Bighead upset the girl (4) QUICK CLUES
11. Ring curate up to make Across Down
peace (4,1,5) 1. Increase (4) 2. Play list (10)
8. Monstrous (10) 3. Made fabric (4) Starting from 1, fill in the grid clockwise with
CRYPTIC CLUES 13. I glance, say, on a face (8)
9. Rite (8) 4. Powerful (6) four-letter words. The last letter of each word
Across 16. An outfitter from Rialto, 10. Differ (4) 5. Solicitor (6) becomes the first letter of the next to reveal the
1. Bill takes Diane back a 12. As Pete changes a perhaps (6) 12. Series (6) 6. Distorted (8) seven-letter key word in the shaded boxes.
chemical (4) Spanish coin (6) 17. It’s not just that the funfair 14. Seldom (6) 7. Observe (4) 1 2 3
8. It’s very sharp, the blazer 14. A singer good at hasn’t started (6) 15. Steal (6) 11. Demotion (10)
Dora ordered (5,5) darts? (6) 18. It’s all right for the 17. Drag up (6) 13. Endless space (8) 9 10
9. Blades that are not used 15. Hopeless sailor caught distress call to come to 18. Slender (4) 16. Despoil (6)
14 15
for cutting (8) in a plane (6) nothing (2-2) 19. Speed (8) 17. Lump (6)
10. It sounds painful to 17. Depose when a tune’s 20. A number fashionable in 21. Neighbouring (10) 18. Bolt (4) 8 11 4
touch when headless (4) rewritten (6) the North-East (4) 22. Tug (4) 20. Snug (4)


Codeword is the crossword puzzle with no clues. The number in each square 7 6 5
corresponds to a letter. Work out the words in the grid using the letters provided.
Fill in these known letters first, then use skill and judgement to work out the others.
5 9 4

1. Tablet 10. Information

1 14 2. Produces eggs 11. Relatively long
3 1 8 7 2 15
Wound mark
Thick cable 12. Ooze
13. Mutual
1 8 2 3 16
British nobleman
14. Ruffian or
7. Gratuities
8 7 9 5 4 17
8. Went fast
15. Great delight
5 18 9. Deceased 16. Resound
5 1 4 8 Keyword clue: Education term
6 19
9 8 5 6 7 20 Previous day’s solutions
6 7 3 8 21
Cryptic: Across:
23=U, 24=Q, 25=W,
7 Heave; 8 Private;
7 8 6 9 9 22 9 Twister; 10 Harms;
12 Moderation;
10 23 15 Court-dress;
5 1 9 11 24
18 Dingo; 19 Tension;
21 Mariner; 22 Graze.
2 Pull; 3 Lush; 4 Hack;
5 Kill; 6 Loss; 7 Spiv;
Down: 1 White-faced;
2 Rapid; 3 Felt; 8 Veal; 9 Lisp; 10 Pals;
12 25 4 Sparse; 5 High mass; 11 Seek; 12 Kind;
6 Hair-oil; 11 Sun- 13 Drab; 14 Ball;
15 Limb; 16 Burn.
13 26
lounges; 13 Outdoing; Keyword: Varnish.
14 Runners; 16 Return;
17 Divan; 20 Nigh.

Quick: Across:
7 Rouse; 8 Calling;
12 Paltriness; SUDOKU
15 Subterfuge;
18 Yield; 19 Eternal; 9 1 4 2 7 8 3 5 6
21 Recital; 22 Stiff. 8 3 6 4 9 5 2 1 7

NINER Down: 1 Previously;

2 Hurry; 3 Zero;
4 Accept; 5 Alarming;
6 Diluted; 11 Disqualify;
Each number from 1 to 9 represents a different letter. Solve the clues and insert 13 Anecdote;
3 8 2 7 1 6 5 9 4
2 7 8 1 4 3 9 6 5
the letters in the appropriate squares to discover a word which uses all nine 14 Absence; 16 Feeble; 4 9 3 5 6 2 1 7 8
letters. 17 Antic; 20 Else. 1 6 5 9 8 7 4 2 3
653789 gives courage; BLOCKHEAD.
13762 gives dignity; CODEWORD: 1=C, 2=G,
63742 gives ambition. 3=B, 4=R, 5=X, 6=Y,
7=H, 8=F, 9=M, 10=P,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11=O, 12=T, 13=I,
14=V, 15=N, 16=D,
17=Z, 18=S, 19=L,
20=A, 21=K, 22=J,
26 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021


















64 Relating to birth (5) 123 Fruit skin (4) 52 Frantic (9)
66 Turn to ice (6) 124 Couch (6) 53 Springs (7)
68 Portion of time (6) 54 Obstruction (7)
Famous fictional collie (6)
Urn (4)
69 Units of land DOWN 55 Sport (5,4)
measurement (5) 57 Non-metallic element (7)
8 Parody or imitation, 2 Timeless (7)
71 Foe (5) 59 Extend (7)
informally (4-2) 3 Meagre (6)
72 Of the heart (7) 61 Sudden, unexpected (6)
10 Spanish city (8) 4 Hold spellbound (7)
75 Ant bear (8) 65 __ Hemingway, US novelist (6)
15 Thin length of cord or twine (6) 6 Indigenous Australian (9)
77 Motive (5) 67 Drew __, US actress and
17 Challenges (5) 7 Wear away (5)
79 Music writer (8) director (9)
23 Witty retort (8) 8 Taylor __, US singer (5)
81 Suit of workman’s overalls (9) 70 Grasslike plant (5)
24 Art of paper folding (7) 83 Internal organ (7) 9 Widely, internationally (11) 73 Sunday dinners (6)
25 Accumulate (5) 85 Closed (4) 11 Type of stove (3) 74 Disaster (11)
26 Disappointing conclusion (10) 86 Towboat (3) 12 Fundamental nature (7) 76 Small bottles used for
27 Humbles or debases (7) 87 Eye disease (8) 13 Skill (3) medicine (5)
29 Animal skin (4) 89 __ Murphy, US actor and 14 Device (7) 77 Call into question (9)
30 Focus of an earthquake (9) comedian (5) 15 Facial expression (5) 78 Eyelid inflammation (4)
32 At any time (4) 91 Characteristics (6) 16 Wandered (6) 80 Freedom from war (5)
33 Project (10) 93 Former Portuguese monetary 18 Reverence (3) 82 Allow (7)
34 Vote in (5) unit (6) 19 Senior nurse (6) 84 Scottish football team in
35 Strongbox (4) 95 Small unobvious detail (8) 20 Drinks (9) Edinburgh (9)
37 Donkey (3) 97 Busy insect (3) 21 Friend (4) 88 Person in pursuit (6)
38 US actor known for The 102 Annoy or anger (4) 22 A tool for pounding (6) 90 Sweetheart (7)
Godfather series (2,6) 103 Be of the same opinion (5) 26 Median (7) 92 Nabs (7)
40 Gorgonzola, for example (6) 104 Exaggerated depiction (10) 28 Usually (9) 94 Internet address (init.) (3)
41 Mother __, Roman Catholic nun 105 Den (4) 31 River in Devon (3) 96 Dressmakers (7)
and missionary (6) 107 Be prominent 35 Portly (5) 98 Make bigger (7)
42 Belonging to them (5) or important (4,5) 36 Asian river (6) 99 __ Franklin, late US singer (6)
44 Munificent (8) 110 Depend (4) 37 Slightly open (4) 100 Swiss city (6)
47 Append (3) 111 Walks softly (7) 39 Open to view (5) 101 Clergyman (6)
49 Carpenter’s tool (4) 113 Behead (10) 40 Lizard (9) 104 Stop (5)
51 Precious stone (7) 115 Capital of Bulgaria (5) 42 Meals ordered for delivery (9) 106 Unfortunately (4)
54 Rebellious 117 Tolerant (7) 43 Synthetic fibre (5) 108 Overweight (5)
56 German shepherd (8) 118 Branch of maths (8) 45 Hair product (7) 109 28 Days __, 2002 horror film
58 Nicola __, UK boxer (5) 119 Common viper (5) 46 Yeast (6) directed by Danny Boyle (5)
60 Indiscreet (8) 120 Congenital (6) 48 Felix __, late UK comedian and 112 Definite article (3)
62 Not as old (7) 121 Level of contact (8) Fast Show actor (6) 114 Chopping tool (3)
63 Hugh __, UK Notting Hill actor (5) 122 Nullify (6) 50 Inns (7) 116 Animal’s coat (3)
Giant Sudoku Giant Crossword
322154557  5 6 ;  4   : 8 . 1  2 /   <   3 0 7 = 9 Across: 1 Lassie, 5 Vase, 8 Send-up, 10 Valencia, 15 String,
322124473 . 4 =  3 0   2   ; 9 7   6 : 5   1 < / 8 17 Dares, 23 Repartee, 24 Origami, 25 Amass, 26 Anticlimax,
27 Demeans, 29 Pelt, 30 Epicentre, 32 Ever, 33 Enterprise, 34
9 digits: 9  8 : 0 <  =  3   6   1 4 7 / 2 5  ; . 
Elect, 35 Safe, 37 Ass, 38 Al Pacino, 40 Cheese, 41 Teresa,
4334771 / 2   < 6 7 5  1   8 0 3 . = ;  9    : 4 42 Their, 44 Generous, 47 Add, 49 Adze, 51 Emerald, 54
1455224 4223551    7 1 9 ;  / . < 5 4 = :  8 3  0    6 2 Breakaway, 56 Alsatian, 58 Adams, 60 Tactless, 62 Younger,
: 6  3 4 ; . 8 0 7   =   5  / 9  2 <  1 
7 digits: 1377334
63 Grant, 64 Natal, 66 Freeze, 68 Period, 69 Acres, 71
Enemy, 72 Cardiac, 75 Aardvark, 77 Cause, 79 Composer,
0  . <   5 :    9 7  ; 8 2 4 1 = 6  3  /
5 digits: 85644
 7 5 / ; = 1  6 9 0 2   8 :   3 <  .  4  81 Dungarees, 83 Stomach, 85 Shut, 86 Tug, 87 Glaucoma,
5182 5819 6485 89 Eddie, 91 Traits, 93 Escudo, 95 Subtlety, 97 Bee, 102 Rile,
1  9 2   4 /    < : 3 .  0 6  ; = 8  5 7
4 digits: 2845 103 Agree, 104 Caricature, 105 Lair, 107 Loom large, 110
462 546 565 915  =   8  <  3 2 6 4 / 5 1 7 .    9 : 0 ;  Rely, 111 Tiptoes, 113 Decapitate, 115 Sofia, 117 Patient, 118
3 digits: 262 264 7 9  0   8 ; . < 3  2 /  6 1  =  : 4 5   Geometry, 119 Adder, 120 Innate, 121 Exposure, 122 Negate,
34 42 43 72 74    = 2 / 3 4   1 8 < .  9 5 0 : 7  6   ; 123 Rind, 124 Settee.
2 digits: 22 25 27 < 8 3 1  5  7 9 6 =  ; :  4  . 2  /   0  Down: 2 Ageless, 3 Scanty, 4 Enthral, 6 Aborigine, 7 Erode, 8
 : ; 4   0  1  9  5  6 /  8  3 < = 2 7 . Swift, 9 Universally, 11 Aga, 12 Essence, 13 Art, 14 Machine,
 . / 5 6  : 2 =  4 0   7 < ;    1 9  8 3 15 Smile, 16 Roamed, 18 Awe, 19 Sister, 20 Beverages, 21
Mate, 22 Pestle, 26 Average, 28 Generally, 31 Exe, 35 Stout,
=  4 8 : 1 9 0 5 /    <  3  2 7 .  ; 6  
Fit the listed numbers into the grid.
36 Mekong, 37 Ajar, 39 Overt, 40 Chameleon, 42 Takeaways,
2 ;    3  6  : 7 = . 8 9  < 1  /  5 4  0 43 Rayon, 45 Shampoo, 46 Leaven, 48 Dexter, 50 Taverns, 52
NUMBERFIT  0 <  . 8 2  7 = 5 / 1 6  ;  9  4  3 :   Desperate, 53 Bounces, 54 Barrier, 55 Water polo, 57 Sulphur,
3 1 7  9    4  ;  0  2  : 5 6 8 .  / < = 59 Prolong, 61 Abrupt, 65 Ernest, 67 Barrymore, 70 Sedge,
5 /  6  .   < ;  : 3  4 =   0  7 2 8 9 1 73 Roasts, 74 Catastrophe, 76 Vials, 77 Challenge, 78 Stye,
8 3 0 .  : / <  4  6  1 5 2 7 = ;    9   80 Peace, 82 Entitle, 84 Hibernian, 88 Chaser, 90 Darling,
92 Arrests, 94 URL, 96 Tailors, 98 Enlarge, 99 Aretha, 100
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14  < 1  5   .   8 7  9 0  3  4 6 ; / = 2 :
Geneva, 101 Priest, 104 Cease, 106 Alas, 108 Obese, 109
6    =   9 8  2 .  ;  0 /  < : 4 7 1 3 5 Later, 112 The, 114 Axe, 116 Fur.
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4  2 9 / 7 = 1 ; 0 : 3   <    . 5 8    6
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ;  :  7 2 6 3  5 /   4 =  9  8 1 0  .  <
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Numberfit
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26       
Z H A F J X C V N P Q L B      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13        
PAGES 7 & 8
R X I M K B O F P Q H V C      
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26      
Z W G L D N Y U S E T A J       
0 .  =   5  3 
8     . / 1 4 
1 3 5 < ;  =  9 
= 2  6  5  
  5 2 7 ;   1 0 . : / < 3
9 1    : 3 <
2 < = 2 : 6 8 7  9
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
  = 5 < . 7 0
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5 4 9   .   6 2
1 < ;  0  / 5 6 : 2 
= 2 / 8 3  ;    :
 0 4 = 1 7 9 <
6   ; 5 0 : 7   /   
: 5    2 <    8 .
9 .  4 / 8 
8  ;  2  / 1
 .   : 3 <  0 ; 1  7
6 ; 2 4 1   <  5
  5 9   4 ; 8 0 6
  : 8 3  0 4 . 7 
 : 4 3 ; 9 8  5
1  ; .  2  8 0 <  =  9
knowledge of words, complete the puzzle. / 8 6 :  7 =  0   2
in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your
example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write 7 = 3 <    . 4 : 5
number always representing the same letter. For
printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same
This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number Every row, every column and every 5 x 5 box must contain every digit from 1 to 9 and every letter from K to Z.
27 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021
28 The National/Monday, January 18, 2021

Bradley & Barney Walsh:
Breaking Dad (STV, 8pm)
IN an episode originally scheduled
for last week, the father-and-son duo
continue their European adventure
in central Germany. They head to
Frankfurt, where Brad attempts to
abseil down the side of a building,
facing forwards. After that drama,
the boys also stop off at a bratwurst-
themed hotel and soak up some local
Bavarian culture when they have a go
at fingerhakeln (finger wrestling). The
pair finish off their time in Germany
with a wet and wild adventure in the

Long Lost Family (STV, 9pm)

THE Bafta-winning family reunion show
is back for its 10th series. Phyllis and
Kevin Haran have spent more than 40
years searching for their first-born son.
The couple fell in love as teenagers
in Ireland in the 1970s and Phyllis
became pregnant. They fled to London
but their landlady kicked them out
when she discovered they had a baby
in their flat. Homeless, jobless and
desperate to put their baby’s interests
first, they agreed through an agency to

Phyllis and Kevin Haran in the 1970s

place their son in the care of a family,

with the possibility of adoption.

Mark Kermode’s Secrets of

Cinema: Pop Music Movies
(BBC4, 9pm)
KERMODE combines his twin
passions – music and film – as he
looks at the success, or otherwise, of
pop movies. There’s the classic pop
star vehicle, where the biggest acts
play a version of themselves, then
there are pop biopics, dramatised
accounts of the stars’ lives. Kermode
also sees what happens when actors
play musicians, and when musicians
take on acting roles and celebrates
some of the true cinematic oddities
that have emerged.

999: What’s Your Emergency?

(C4, 9pm)
‘SEXUAL offences and how we deal
with them are a major issue, now
more than ever”, says South Yorkshire
Police call handler Terry Batchelor. In
recent years the number of reported
sex offences in the UK has increased
by 15% and range from indecent
exposure to rape. As late-night
clubbers start to throng the streets,
police are called to a suspected sexual
assault outside a nightclub; and in
another early-morning incident, officers
confront a man after he exposes
himself in the street.
The National/Monday, January 18, 2021 29

The recycled paper content of UK

newspapers in 2019 was 63.2%
30 Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 RACING
Going: Heavy. Draw: A middle to high draw is an advantage in sprint
WOLVERHAMPTON Going: Standard. Draw: No advantage. TV: Sky Sports Racing. AYR races, low numbers favoured on the round course. TV: Racing TV.

White & Gold 5.10

1 569-
of £5,593 for 4yo plus. 6f
LADY QUICKSTEP (Miss G Kelleway) 4-9-11 G Bass (7) 1
1 79-2
BETWAY HANDICAP (CLASS 3) of £11,500 for 4yo plus.
1m 1f 104yds
TESTON d,p (I Furtado) 6-10-3 J Hart 6
(CLASS 4) of £6,800 for 4yo plus. 2m 4f 100yds
5-22 BASS ROCK bf (A M Thomson) 5-11-5 R Mania
CHASE (CLASS 4) of £8,035 for 5yo plus. 2m 5f 110yds
13-3 MANETTI c,d (N Alexander) 9-11-12 B Hughes
AYR 2.20 Getariver
2 420- POETRY AND ART (W Haggas) 4-9-10 T Marquand 9 2 113- POWER OF STATES (H Palmer) 5-9-10 T Marquand 3 2 3-24 CHAMPAGNESUPEROVER bf,c,t (Olly Murphy) 6-11-5 A P Heskin 2 348 BAKO DE LA SAULAIE (Mrs R Dobbin) 10-11-12 Craig Nichol
12.25 Bass Rock 2.50 Zabeel Star 3 132- IT MUST BE FAITH cd,v (M Appleby) 11-9-7 Sophie Jones (7) 11 3 055- HOME BEFORE DUSK cd,p (K Dalgleish) 6-9-10 C Rodriguez 4 3 8 FAMOUS MOMENT (Mrs R Dobbin) 6-11-5 Craig Nichol 3 117 VOCALISER d,t (Olly Murphy) 9-11-11 F Gregory (3)
12.55 Gold Miner 3.25 Atomic Jack 4 997- GLORIOUS CHARMER d (M Herrington) 5-9-6 T Eaves 5 4 121- MYTHICAL MADNESS cd,v (D O’Meara) 10-9-7 S Gray 8 4 4-44 HONOR GREY (B Pauling) 6-11-5 N De Boinville 4 P14 ARD CHROS c,p (W Coltherd) 9-11-10 Sam Coltherd (3)
1.25 Dame De Compagnie 3.55 Lucky’s Dream 5 388- SWISSAL d (J G O’Shea) 6-9-5 Adam J McNamara 10 5 132/ LEDHAM c (G Hanmer) 6-9-6 Hollie Doyle 5 5 4- OPERATION OVERLORD (Miss L Russell) 6-11-5 D R Fox 5 435 CABOY d,t (Miss L Russell) 9-11-9 B Campbell (3)
6 004- MY FRIEND STAN (Julie Camacho) 4-9-4 P Mulrennan 3 6 909- KASER cd (David Loughnane) 6-9-3 Rossa Ryan 7 6 2-72 SIMPLE RULES (M Todhunter) 5-11-5 S Quinlan 6 321 SKIPPING ON (Laura Morgan) 12-11-7 C O’Farrell
1.55 Event Of Sivola WOLVERHAMPTON 7 219- AVARICE (J Butler) 4-9-3 Laura Pearson (5) 1
7 90-7 SECRET POTION c,d,b (R Harris) 7-9-3 D Probert 7 7 74-2 UGO DU MISSELOT (Tristan Davidson) 7-11-5 H Reed (3) 7 1-51 DARIUS DES SOURCES c,p (C Grant) 8-11-3 S Quinlan
2.30 Darius Des Sources 4.10 Spirit Of Rowdown 8 33-1 ATHMAD cd (Mrs R Carr) 5-9-1 P Mulrennan 2
8 00-1 ONEBABA cd,b,e (A Carroll) 5-9-1 R Kingscote 8 8 213 MELANAMIX (R M Smith) 6-10-12 B Hughes 8 566 ARDERA CROSS c,d,p (William Young Jnr) 10-11-2 R Mania
3.00 Charm Offensive 4.40 Highest Mountain 9 47-3 DYNAMO WALT c (D Shaw) 10-8-12 L Morris 2 Betting 5-2 Power Of States, 4 Mythical Madness, Athmad, 9-2 9 42-5 WORCESTER PEARMAIN (Mrs R Dobbin) 11-10-12 L Murtagh (3) 9 21P ORIONINVERNESS (Miss L Russell) 10-10-12 S Mulqueen (3)
3.35 Made For You 5.10 It Must Be Faith 10 0-02 TAN c,d (Mrs L Williamson) 7-8-4 George Rooke (5) 4 Teston, 10 Home Before Dusk, 12 Ledham, 14 Avarice, Kaser. 10 4-P3 LASTIN’ MEMORIES d,b (Miss S Forster) 9-10-7 T Dowson
4.05 Everyday Champagne 5.40 Sarah’s Verse 11 66-8 GENTLY SPOKEN (S Dixon) 4-8-3 K O’Neill 6
Betting 11-4 Bass Rock, 3 Champagnesuperover, 4 Honor
Last year Kaser (5-8-13) Thomas Greatrex(3) (9-4) JtFav Grey, 7 Ugo Du Misselot, 8 Melanamix, 10 Operation 11 6P9 NO NO MAC c,d,p (I Duncan) 12-10-5 D R Fox
LINGFIELD 6.10 Rainbow Dreamer (nap) Betting 4 Onebaba, 9-2 It Must Be Faith, 5 Dynamo Walt, 6 David Loughnane, drawn (4), 7 ran.
Overlord, 12 Simple Rules, 25 Others. Betting 7-2 Skipping On, 5 Darius Des Sources, 7 Lastin’
12.15 Rose Ohara 6.40 Athmad Poetry And Art, 7 My Friend Stan, 8 Swissal, 10 Others. Last year Mayo Star (8-11-5) Brian Hughes (7-2) N Memories, Vocaliser, 8 Manetti, 10 Others.
12.45 Italian Legend
1.15 Not That Fuisse
1.45 Win My Wings
7.10 Rain Gauge
7.40 Critical Thinking
8.10 Elegant Love
Last year Mount Wellington (5-9-5) Rob Hornby (4-1) JtFav
S C Williams, drawn (10), 12 ran. 7.10 BETWAY MAIDEN STAKES (CLASS 5) of £5,300 for 3yo Richards, 8 ran.
plus. 1m 1f 104yds
1 8-9 JURISTE (P Kirby) 7-10-0
FORM: BASS ROCK 4-7fav (10-12) Prominent, close up
T Eaves 2 when not fluent 3rd, upsides 4 out, led narrowly after 3 out,
Last year Strong Economy (8-11-2) Sean Quinlan (7-1) I
Duncan, 9 ran.
FORM: SKIPPING ON 15-2 (12-0) Mid-division, headway


6) of £5,593 for 4yo plus. 6f
2 0-0 GRANDBOB (W Knight) 4-9-13
3 54- CARMENERE (D Coakley) 4-9-8
C Shepherd 7 ridden and headed approaching last, no extra flat, 2nd of
C Bishop 4 12, 8l behind Severance (10-12) at Carlisle 2m 1f mdn hdl
9th, went 2nd final bend, jumped left 2 out, 2 1/2 lengths
down when not fluent last, stayed on flat, led towards finish,

1 433-
(CLASS 5) of £6,545 for 3yo Only. 1m 1f
HAFEZ bf,b (R Hannon) 9-7 Rossa Ryan 1
REBEL REDEMPTION d,v (J J Quinn) 4-9-10
BAHUTA ACHA cd,e (M Mullineaux) 6-9-7
KUPA RIVER cd,h (Roger Fell) 7-9-5
J Hart
P Dennis
Tyler Heard (7)
4 5-2 BE MY BEAU (David Loughnane) 3-8-6
5 0- HE’S A DREAM (W Knight) 3-8-6
6 5-4 INVINCIBLE GIFT (Archie Watson) 3-8-6
H Shaw 11 (4) hvy in Nov. CHAMPAGNESUPEROVER 8-13fav (11-0)
K O’Neill 12 Not always fluent, chased leaders, ridden after 2 out, hung
D Probert 5 left before last, lost 2nd and weakened tamely flat, 4th of 8,
won at Warwick 2m 4f hcp chs 0-105 (5) sft in Dec beating
Lickpenny Larry (11-4) by 1 3/4l, 11 ran. DARIUS DES
SOURCES 13-2 (11-9) Midfield, headway to chase leaders
7 0-0 NAYON (P Evans) 3-8-6 JP Sullivan 6 12l behind Rocheston (10-11) at Chepstow 2m 3f mdn hdl 3rd, hit 7th, awkward 9th, close up when blundered 4 out,
2 766- SCHABANG (Ed Walker) 9-5 T Marquand 2 4 92-1 JUMIRA BRIDGE c,t (D Shaw) 7-9-5 L Edmunds 2 8 RAIN GAUGE (J Tate) 3-8-6 J Fanning 10 (4) hvy in Nov. HONOR GREY 10-3 (10-12) Pressed leader,
3 587- DARK ESTEEM (R Teal) 9-5 J Mitchell 6 5 979- MAJOR VALENTINE cd (J G O’Shea) 9-9-3 C McKee 1 hit 2 out but still in touch, ridden before last, led flat, stayed
9 3-7 THE THUNDERER (M Botti) 3-8-6 L Morris 8 awkward 1st, not fluent 3rd and 4th, shuffled back to midfield
4 884- RENBAWI (M Johnston) 9-4 J Fanning 7 6 15-6 WE’RE REUNITED c,p (R Harris) 4-9-3 J F Egan 11 10 THEYAZIN (J Gosden) 3-8-6 Hollie Doyle 13
on, won at Ayr 2m 4f hcp chs 0-105 (5) hvy in Nov beating
5 13-2 LIVIA THE EMPRESS bf (G Scott) 9-2 D Probert 8 7 5/08- KINGSLEY KLARION c,d (J Butler) 8-9-0 P J McDonald 9 6th, ridden after 3 out, faded before last, 4th of 7, 22l behind Slainte Mhor (11-4) by 1/2l, 12 ran. LASTIN’ MEMORIES
11 24- WALLEM bf (A Balding) 3-8-6 H Turner 9
6 11-3 SPIRIT OF ROWDOWN cd,p (M Usher) 8-13 C Bennett 4 8 40-2 SARAH’S VERSE (R Harris) 4-8-13 D Costello 4 12 6- WAY OF LIFE (J Portman) 3-8-6 J Haynes 3 Gaston Phebus (11-4) at Carlisle 2m 3f NH nov hdl 4-6yo (4) 18-1 (11-4) Towards rear, headway into midfield 3rd, out-
7 84-6 HEAT AND DUST (Sir M Prescott) 8-10 L Morris 5 9 508- OUR MAN IN HAVANA cd (A Carroll) 6-8-10 Elisha Whittington (5) 5 13 69- YOUARENOTFORGIVEN (J Osborne) 3-8-6 N Currie 1 sft in Nov. UGO DU MISSELOT 10-1 (10-9) Chased leading paced before 4 out, ridden approaching 3 out, stayed on for
8 99-2 NURSE DEE (R Fahey) 8-5 Laura Pearson (5) 3 10 4-43 ONE ONE SEVEN cd (A Brittain) 5-8-3 C Hardie 7 trio, closer in 3rd place 4th, 2nd before 2 out until the last, modest 3rd approaching last, kept on but could not reach
11 93-3 CHILLON CASTLE (M Herrington) 5-8-2 F McManoman (3) 8
Betting 9-4 Wallem, 5-2 Theyazin, 5 Be My Beau, 7 Rain kept on again into 2nd towards finish, 2nd of 5, 3 1/2l behind leaders, 3rd of 12, 6l behind Darius Des Sources (11-9) at
Betting 7-2 Livia The Empress, 4 Hafez, 5 Heat And Dust, 6 Gauge, 8 Invincible Gift, 10 The Thunderer, 16 Others. Portstorm (10-12) at Ayr 2m 5f nh nov hdl (4) hvy in Dec. Ayr 2m 4f hcp chs 0-105 (5) hvy in Nov.
Spirit Of Rowdown, 7 Nurse Dee, Renbawi, 8 Others. Betting 4 Jumira Bridge, 9-2 Kupa River, 5 Rebel Last year Never Alone (3-8-6) L Morris (2-9) Fav C Appleby,
Last year No corresponding race. Redemption, 6 Sarah’s Verse, 8 Others. drawn (2), 11 ran.
FORM: LIVIA THE EMPRESS 9-4fav (9-7) Towards rear, Last year No corresponding race.
HURDLE (CLASS 5) of £5,844 for 4yo plus. 2m 5f
ridden and headway entering final furlong, pressed winner
close home, not quicken, 2nd of 12, nk behind Liberated
Lad (9-7) at Lingfield 1m 2f 3yo hcp 0-65 (6) pol. HAFEZ 6.10 CONDITIONS STAKES (AW CHAMPIONSHIPS FAST-TRACK
QUALIFIER) (CLASS 2) of £19,000 for 4yo plus. 2m 120yds
1 14-3
(CLASS 6) of £5,593 for 4yo plus. 1m 1f 104yds
CRITICAL THINKING cd,p (David Loughnane) 7-9-12R Kingscote 11
3-P1 SEVEN EYE BRIDGE (Mrs R Dobbin) 6-11-4
5-21 CORACH RAMBLER d (Miss L Russell) 7-10-12
C O’Farrell
1 5-44 CHARM OFFENSIVE (N Alexander) 7-12-1
D R Fox
2 353 TIMELESS BEAUTY (W Greatrex) 6-11-12
B Hughes
A P Heskin
10-3fav (9-2) Led after 1f, ridden 2f out, narrowly headed 3 1-23 GOLD MINER bf,d (B Ellison) 8-10-12 B Hughes
3 5-48 PAPER PROMISE (D Whillans) 9-11-8 Craig Nichol
1 36-8 BATTLE OF MARATHON c (J Ryan) 9-9-5 T P Queally 7 2 335- WIN WIN POWER (R Hannon) 4-9-11 Rossa Ryan 12
over 1f out, rallied inside final furlong, no extra final strides, 4 21P HOUSTON TEXAS d (A Whillans) 7-10-12 Craig Nichol
4 554 SINNDARELLA (Tom Lacey) 5-11-6 T Gillard (7)
2 034- CARNWENNAN (C Fellowes) 6-9-5 S Donohoe 4 3 89-1 VISIBILITY cd,p (S Dixon) 4-9-11(5ex) K O’Neill 3
3rd of 12, 3/4l behind Thapa VC (9-5) at Wolverhampton 5 2-03 IMPERIAL KNIGHT (B Pauling) 9-10-12 N De Boinville
5 4-P4 ON WE GO cd,p (Kenny Johnson) 8-10-10 Alison Johnson (7)
3 472- COSMELLI (Miss G Kelleway) 8-9-5 T Eaves 5 4 7/9-3 FIRST DANCE cd (T Tate) 7-9-9 JP Sullivan 1
7f 2yo hcp 0-70 (5) in Dec. HEAT AND DUST 5-1 (9-3) 5 756- HOT TEAM (R Fahey) 5-9-9 B McHugh 10 6 7-P2 STOLEN MONEY (D Whillans) 6-10-12 B Campbell (3)
6 896 SHANBALLY ROSE (Mrs R Dobbin) 7-10-10 C O’Farrell
4 425- MEKONG (J Osborne) 6-9-5 J P Spencer 2 7 42-5 WORCESTER PEARMAIN d (Mrs R Dobbin) 11-10-5 Doubtful
Held up towards rear, ridden over 3f out, headway from 2f 6 90-4 JACK D’OR (Ed Walker) 5-9-8 T Marquand 5 7 P11 HOT GOSSIP d,b,t (Mrs D Sayer) 7-10-9 D McMenamin (3)
5 485- MILDENBERGER bf (M Johnston) 6-9-5 J Fanning 6
out, not clear run and switched left inside final furlong, not 7 432- CORKED (A Whillans) 8-9-8 P J McDonald 6 Betting 13-8 Gold Miner, 2 Imperial Knight, 7-2 Seven Eye 8 650 ORIENT SUNSET (I Duncan) 7-10-9 T Willmott (5)
6 44-2 NATE THE GREAT (A Balding) 5-9-5 R Kingscote 9
trouble leaders, 6th of 11, 2 3/4l behind Uncle Dick (9-6) at 7 33/4 OUTBOX (Archie Watson) 6-9-5 Hollie Doyle 3 8 563- ARABIC WELCOME (M Botti) 4-9-7 Christian Howarth (7) 7 Bridge, 10 Corach Rambler, 16 Stolen Money, 25 Houston Texas. 9 860 SILKEN MOONLIGHT (W Coltherd) 7-10-4 Sam Coltherd (3)
Wolverhampton 1m 1f 3yo hcp 0-65 (6). 9 982- NEVER SAID NOTHING cd,h (M Loughnane) 4-9-7 L Morris 4 Last year Escaria Ten (6-11-4) Adrian Heskin (4-6) Fav G 10 6/30 LOVE AT DAWN (F Murtagh) 8-10-0 L Murtagh (3)
8 453- RAINBOW DREAMER cd,p (A King) 8-9-5 T Marquand 8
9 38-7 STARGAZER (P Kirby) 8-9-5 P Mulrennan 1 10 2/7-0 HENRY CROFT (A Carroll) 8-9-6 Mollie Phillips (7) 2 Elliott, 7 ran. Betting 3 Hot Gossip, 4 Charm Offensive, 9-2 Timeless
11 384- TANQEEB c,p (I Williams) 5-9-4 Hollie Doyle 8


STAKES (CLASS 6) of £5,593 for 4yo to 6yo. 7f
1 2/70- LETHAL LUNCH d,t (M Bell) 6-9-12
Betting 9-4 Mekong, 3 Rainbow Dreamer, 7-2 Mildenberger,
7 Outbox, 14 Carnwennan, Nate The Great, 16 Others.
C Fallon 3 Last year Rainbow Dreamer (7-9-5) Hollie Doyle (10-3) A
12 10-1 FINAL ATTACK cd,p (Sarah Hollinshead) 10-8-13 L Keniry 9
Betting 11-2 Critical Thinking, 6 Visibility, 7 Corked, Final Attack,
Win Win Power, 8 Jack D’Or, Arabic Welcome, 10 Others.
FORM: GOLD MINER 11-10fav (11-4) Tracked leader, led
after 3 out, headed after mistake over last, weakened on the
run-in, 3rd of 9, 3l behind South Terrace (11-7) at Catterick
Beauty, 5 Sinndarella, 10 Shanbally Rose, On We Go, Paper
Promise, 16 Love At Dawn, 20 Others.
Last year On We Go (7-11-3) Alison Johnson(7) (4-1) Kenny
2m 3f mdn hdl (4) sft in Dec. IMPERIAL KNIGHT 3-1 (10-9) Johnson, 7 ran.
2 100- EMBOLDEN d,v (L McJannet) 4-9-8 K O’Neill 2 King, drawn (4), 5 ran. Last year Traveller (6-9-3) C Hardie (4-1) A Brittain, drawn (6), 12 ran. Raced in touch, headway 4 out, led after 3 out, headed 2 FORM: HOT GOSSIP 4-1 (10-2) Chased leader, led after
3 03-4 ONE HART cd (M Johnston) 4-9-8 J Fanning 6 FORM: MEKONG 33-1 (9-2) Started slowly, held up in rear, out, ridden before last, kept on one pace flat, 3rd of 11, 3l 3 out, clear before next, strongly pressed run-in, kept on
H Russell (5) 5 some headway over 3f out, no impression and well beaten
4 18-2 HIGHEST MOUNTAIN c,v (B Ellison) 5-9-4
5 21-1 REVOLUTIONARY MAN c,d,b,e,t (S Curran) 6-9-4Grace McEntee (5) 4 final 2f, 5th of 8, 24l behind Stradivarius (9-2) at Royal Ascot
6 76-6 DANCING RAVE cd,p (D O’Meara) 5-9-1 C Hardie 7 2m 4f Grp 1 (1) sft in Jun. RAINBOW DREAMER 7-2 (9-3)
(CLASS 6) of £5,593 for 4yo plus. 1m 1f 104yds
behind Golden Gift (10-13) at Huntingdon 3m 1f mdn hdl (4)
gd in Nov. SEVEN EYE BRIDGE 9-4 (11-2) Towards rear,
headway to track leaders in 3rd 4 out, pushed along and
gamely and found extra towards finish, won at Sedgefield
2m 1f hcp hdl (5) gs in Nov beating Flood Defence (11-4)
by nk, 10 ran. CHARM OFFENSIVE 11-4 (10-10) Tracked
7 74-0 KUMASI (Archie Watson) 4-8-13 Hollie Doyle 1 Tracked leaders, headway to dispute lead 3f out, narrowly 1 481- ELEGANT LOVE (A Carroll) 5-9-11 T Marquand 9
pressed leader 2 out, soon led on the run to the last, driven
2 693- CLAY REGAZZONI cd (K Dalgleish) 4-9-11 S Gray 3 leaders, went 2nd from the 2nd until 4th, not fluent 3 out,
8 10-9 TREATY OF DINGLE c (S Curran) 4-8-13 T Greatrex (3) 8 led when pushed along 2f out, plugged on once headed out and extended advantage after the last, won at Carlisle
3 2-70 ONE TO GO (Archie Watson) 5-9-10 Adam J McNamara 10 no impression from next, 4th of 9, 9l behind Little Mo (10-
9 697- FORONCEINMYLIFE (J Osborne) 4-8-9 C Shepherd 9 inside final furlong but lost second final 110 yards, 3rd of 3m 1f mdn hdl (4) sft in Dec beating Stolen Money (10-13)
9, 3/4l behind Island Brave (9-3) at Newcastle 2m stks 4 30-4 TUNDRA (P Evans) 5-9-9 Hollie Doyle 6 10) at Hexham 2m mrs nov hdl (4) hvy in Dec. TIMELESS
Betting 5-4 Lethal Lunch, 6 One Hart, 7 Dancing Rave, (3yo+) (2) in Dec. MILDENBERGER 5-2fav (9-3) Prominent 5 794- COVIGLIA c (M W Easterby) 7-9-8 Joanna Mason (5) 5 by 10l, 8 ran. CORACH RAMBLER (12-2) Tr ldr, 2nd 1/2way, BEAUTY 12-1 (10-12) Close up, ridden 4 out, plugged on,
Revolutionary Man, 8 Highest Mountain, 10 Kumasi, 16 early, led by halfway, shaken up and headed over 3f out, 6 78-0 BRAVO FAISAL (Adam West) 4-9-8 D Probert 7 rdn bef str, jnd ldr 2out, ld bef last, ko strongly run in, won at 3rd of 11, 38l behind Ballycallan Fame (10-9) at Wetherby
Treaty Of Dingle, 20 Embolden, 25 Foronceinmylife. outpaced 2f out, ran on again inside final furlong, 5th of 7 742- CITY ESCAPE (Mrs S Humphrey) 4-9-7 W Humphrey (7) 11 Monksgrange 3m ire ptp gd in Sep, 9 ran. 2m 4f mrs nov hdl (4) sft in Dec.
Last year Kodiline (6-8-12) Richard Kingscote (8-1) P 9, 2 3/4l behind Island Brave (9-3) at Newcastle 2m stks 8 59-4 INTERNATIONAL LAW cd (A Brittain) 7-9-7 C Hardie 12
Evans, drawn (1), 5 ran.
FORM: LETHAL LUNCH 33-1 (9-0) Always towards rear, 15th
of 17, 18l behind Motakhayyel (9-7) at Newmarket 7f hcap (2)
(3yo+) (2) in Dec. OUTBOX 10-1 (9-9) Led after 1f, pushed
along over 2f out, ridden and strongly pressed over 1f out,
battled on well until headed 150 yards out, no extra and lost
BROKEN RIFLE (I Furtado) 4-9-6
MONSARAZ (David Loughnane) 4-9-3
G FOR GABRIAL (R Fahey) 4-8-13
HARD TOFFEE (L Allan) 10-8-5
K O’Neill
Rossa Ryan
B McHugh
L Morris
CHASE (CLASS 4) of £8,035 for 5yo plus. 2m 110yds
1 3P-2 CORNERSTONE LAD d (M Hammond) 7-10-12 B Hughes
£5,844 for 4yo plus. 3m
gd in Jul. ONE HART 6-1 (9-7) Keen close up, led over 2f out, 2nd inside final 100 yards, dropped to 4th last strides, 4th 1 71/4 J’AI FROID (Laura Morgan) 8-11-13 M Kendrick (3)
Betting 4 Elegant Love, 11-2 Clay Regazzoni, 6 City Escape, 2 511- DAME DE COMPAGNIE d,h (N Henderson) 8-10-5 N De Boinville 2 P-5F SHAUGHNESSY (Mrs A C Hamilton) 8-11-12
T Gillard (7)
ridden and headed approaching final furlong, one pace and lost of 8, 1 1/2l behind Lucky Deal (9-2) at Kempton 2m hcp
7 Tundra, G For Gabrial, 10 Others. Betting 4-6 Dame De Compagnie, 5-4 Cornerstone Lad. 3 233 MADE FOR YOU (Olly Murphy) 6-11-8
F Gregory (3)
2 places towards finish, 4th of 12, 6l behind Corazon Espinado 0-105 (2) pol.
Last year No corresponding race. Last year Glinger Flame (8-10-12) Brian Hughes (15-8) N 4 148 DEQUALL (W Coltherd) 5-11-3
Sam Coltherd (3)
(9-3) at Lingfield 7f hcp 0-75 (5) pol.
Richards, 5 ran. 5 3-7P THE OGLE GOGLE MAN d,t,p (I Jardine) 9-11-2
C O’Farrell
6 P54 CRANK EM UP d (S G West) 10-11-2 J Kington
FORM: DAME DE COMPAGNIE 5-1fav (10-12) Held up
7 PP4 CAIRNSHILL (Kenny Johnson) 10-11-1
Alison Johnson (7)
in touch, tracked leaders 3 out, shaken up to challenge
LINGFIELD Going: Standard to slow. Draw: Low best in races up to a mile. TV: Sky Sports Racing. approaching last, ridden to lead flat, stayed on well, assert-
ed near finish, won at Cheltenham 2m 5f hcp hdl G3 (1)
8 457 FINAL FLING d,p (Mrs R Dobbin) 10-10-9
L Murtagh (3)
9 P03 WIND OF HOPE cd,p (A Whillans) 12-10-7
C Bewley
10 33-5 THE PINE MARTIN (M Hammond) 11-10-1
A Cawley
sft in Mar beating Black Tears (11-2) by 2 1/4l, 25 ran.
RACE) (CLASS 5) of £4,500 for 4yo to 6yo. 2m
9-8 ANNIE MOORE (M Loughnane) 5-10-12 K Brogan (5)
BUMPER’ NH FLAT (CLASS 4) of £7,200 for 4yo plus. 2m
9 CATFISH ROW (M Scudamore) 5-11-4 T Scudamore
(CLASS 5) of £3,800 for 4yo plus. 2m
1 4P1 JUMPING CATS cd,p (G L Moore) 6-11-10
CORNERSTONE LAD 10-3 (10-9) Held up, chased leader
11 45-9 MORE MADNESS d,p (N Alexander) 14-10-0
4th, close up 7th, ridden after 3 out, lost ground on leader 2 Betting 5-2 Made For You, 4 J’Ai Froid, 7 Final Fling, 8
Jamie Moore out, no extra from last, 2nd of 5, 6l behind Cheddleton (11- Shaughnessy, 12 Wind Of Hope, Cairnshill, Dequall, The
B Hughes

Pine Martin, 14 Others.

2 CAROLE’S TZARINA (Miss Amy Murphy) 5-10-12 J Quinlan 2 5-P4 CHAMBARD (Miss V Williams) 9-11-4 C Deutsch 2 09P AGINCOURT REEF (R Teal) 12-11-4 T Cannon 4) at Haydock 2m nov chs (3) hvy in Dec.
3 8-7 DISTANT UNIVERSE (A Carson) 6-10-12 G Carson (7) 3 747 DISTINGO d,v (G L Moore) 8-11-4 Joshua Moore Last year Emma Beag (9-11-8) Henry Brooke (5-1) Julia
3 802 ARONIUS (D Skelton) 6-11-4 H Skelton
U3 FIRST GLORY (P Kirby) 5-10-12
5 MILLIE ROUND (T R George) 5-10-12
40 MISS MOCKTAIL (Steph Hollinshead) 6-10-12
J Williamson (7)
J Bowen
C Hammond (3)
P EZZRAH (M Attwater) 5-11-4
4 JERSEY WONDER (O Sherwood) 5-11-4
P MOBHAM (J R Jenkins) 6-11-4
N F Houlihan (7)
D Jacob
A Coleman
4 027 COMMANDER MILLER (Mrs D O’Neill) 7-11-4
5 PP0 DANDY TIMES (Joanne Thomason-Murphy) 8-11-4 A Thorne (5)
6 653 MEGALODON d,t (P Henderson) 8-11-4
G Sheehan
(CLASS 4) of £8,035 for 5yo plus. 3m 3f
P Brennan 1 P05 POLYDORA (Tom Lacey) 9-11-12
FORM: MADE FOR YOU 17-2 (11-7) Close up, headway
9th, ridden 3 out, headway approaching last, kept on one
B Hughes pace, 3rd of 9, 7l behind Juge Et Parti (12-0) at Fakenham
7 0 OKHOTSK (Chris Honour) 5-10-12 B Carver (3) 7 608/ MONJENI (I Williams) 8-11-4 C Todd (5)
7 P72 NOW CHILDREN (Alexandra Dunn) 7-11-4 C Deutsch 2 1-31 STRONG ECONOMY c (I Duncan) 9-11-9 D R Fox 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-110 (4) gs in Dec. J’AI FROID 11-2 (11-11)
8 4 ROSE OHARA (J Snowden) 5-10-12 G Sheehan 8 17-1 SUPAKALANISTIC (N Twiston-Davies) 8-11-4 S Twiston-Davies
9 225- TIMBERMAN (F O’Brien) 6-11-4 P Brennan 8 080 NYE BEVAN (N Twiston-Davies) 6-11-4 J Neild (10) 3 85F SUTTON MANOR (Miss L Russell) 10-11-7 S Mulqueen (3) Soon chasing leaders on outside, went 2nd before 7th
9 SHIROCCY ROAD (Emma Lavelle) 5-10-12 B R Jones (3)
10 75 KADIYAMA (N Gifford) 4-10-1 J M Davies 10 110 SUNRISE RUBY d (N Henderson) 7-10-11 J Bowen 9 775 SAY THE WORD (T R George) 5-11-4 C Gethings 4 212 SCOOP THE POT bf,t,p (B Haslam) 11-11-6 A Cawley mistake next, lost 2nd 4 out, plugged on, 4th of 8, well
11 LUNAR FLIGHT (P Webber) 4-10-1 R McLernon 11 68-2 WIN MY WINGS (Christian Williams) 8-10-11 Jack Tudor (3) 10 7-23 UNCLE O (Clare Hobson) 7-11-4 J McGrath 5 223 BUDDHA SCHEME (Miss L Russell) 7-11-2 B Campbell (3) behind Bushypark (10-7) at Haydock 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-110
6 322 EVENT OF SIVOLA bf,p (M Walford) 7-10-8 T Dowson (4) hvy in Dec. FINAL FLING 12-1 (10-12) In rear, not much
12 PHILLIPSTOWN ELLEN (M Harris) 4-10-1 M Bastyan (3) 12 0 NIGHT BEAR (A Carroll) 4-10-7 H Bannister 11 61-4 ZABEEL STAR d (I Jardine) 9-11-4 R Johnson
7 5-11 ASKING FOR ANSWERS c (M Todhunter) 8-10-5 D McMenamin (3) room 3 out, never involved, 7th of 13, 14l behind Cudgel
13 4P SERGEANT (M Harris) 4-10-7 K Jones (3) 12 823 CORRIE LAKE (Suzi Best) 8-10-11 D Jacob
Betting 9-4 Rose Ohara, 4 Carole’s Tzarina, 5 Millie Round, C Brace (3) Betting 9-4 Scoop The Pot, 4 Asking For Answers, 9-2 (11-3) at Hexham 2m 7f hcp hdl 0-100 (5) hvy in Dec.
14 P EPSOM DREAMER (M Attwater) 4-10-0 Jamie Moore 13 P/77 SHANANDOA cd (D Brace) 10-10-11
6 Shiroccy Road, 7 Kadiyama, 10 First Glory, 14 Lunar SHAUGHNESSY 25-1 (11-9) Close up, ridden when fell 5
14 064 TIERRA VERDE d (Emma Lavelle) 10-10-11 B R Jones (3) Strong Economy, 7 Event Of Sivola, Buddha Scheme, 8
Flight, 16 Phillipstown Ellen, 20 Others. Betting 4 Jersey Wonder, 5 Timberman, 11-2 Polydora, 10 Sutton Manor. out, in a race won by Trimmers Lane (10-0) at Wetherby 3m
Last year No corresponding meeting. Supakalanistic, 6 Sunrise Ruby, 7 Chambard, 8 Night Bear, Betting 3 Jumping Cats, 11-2 Now Children, 6 Aronius, 8 Last year Donna’s Delight (9-11-9) R Mania (2-1) Fav A M nov hcp chs 0-105 (5) sft in Dec, 14 ran.
10 Win My Wings, Monjeni, 14 Others. Zabeel Star, 10 Tierra Verde, Megalodon, Say The Word, 12 Thomson, 7 ran.


RACE (CLASS 5) of £3,500 for 4yo to 6yo. 2m
FORM: JERSEY WONDER 13-2 (10-12) Chased leader, unti- Uncle O, Corrie Lake, 14 Others.
dy and pecked on landing 1st, not fluent 4th and soon shuf-
fled back to mid-division, outpaced after 3 out, kept on well
FORM: SCOOP THE POT 15-8fav (10-9) Prominent, pushed
along after 2 out, every chance when not fluent last, soon
ATTHERACES.COM ‘JUMPERS’ BUMPER’ NH FLAT RACE ridden, stayed on well flat, just held, 2nd of 8, nk behind
(GBB RACE) (CLASS 3) of £8,300 for 4yo to 6yo. 2m
CLEAR ON TOP (T R George) 5-11-4
32 DATSALRIGHTGINO (J Snowden) 5-11-4
3 7-86 DENABLE (A Carson) 5-11-4
J Bowen
G Sheehan
G Carson (7)
after the last to take 4th, 4th of 12, 27l behind Atholl Street
(11-4) at Taunton 2m nh nov hdl (4) gs in Dec. TIMBERMAN
(DIV 1) (CLASS 4) of £5,000
1 8-82 AIR HAIR LAIR (Miss S West) 5-11-4
for 4yo plus. 2m Charlie Snow Angel (9-9) at Kelso 3m 2f amat hcap ch (4)
sft in Dec. ASKING FOR ANSWERS 3-1fav (11-1) In rear,
N F Houlihan (7) not fluent 2nd, closed after 5th, mistake and lost place 6th,
1 2-21 AVIEWTOSEA (G McPherson) 6-11-11
U-1 AHOY SENOR (Miss L Russell) 6-11-4
EVERYDAY CHAMPAGNE (N Richards) 5-11-4
M Kendrick (3)
D R Fox
B Hughes
7-2 (10-12) Prominent, chased easy winner before 2 out,
4 5 IMPERIAL STORM (F O’Brien) 5-11-4 P Brennan 4 3-55 FABULEUX DU CLOS (S G West) 6-11-4 J Kington
soon ridden, never on terms, lost place before last, weak- 2 46 ATOMIC JACK (G Baker) 6-11-4 R Johnson headway approaching 14th, ridden in 5th and plenty to do
5 3 ITALIAN LEGEND (N Henderson) 6-11-4 D Jacob 5 3 FORTESCUE WOOD (N Alexander) 6-11-4 G Cockburn (3)
ened flat, 5th of 13, 17l behind Fiddlerontheroof (10-12) at 3 570/ DIAMOND JOEL (Sarah Hollinshead) 9-11-4 Bryony Frost final bend, went 3rd last, stayed on well final 200 yards, led 6 PARISENCORE (N Richards) 5-11-4 R Day
6 3 LELANTOS bf (N Henderson) 5-11-4 J McGrath
Sandown 2m nov hdl (3) hvy in Dec ‘19. SUPAKALANISTIC 4 445 DONT GO GENTLE (N Twiston-Davies) 5-11-4 S Twiston-Davies towards finish, won going away, won at Hexham 3m hcp 7 FAODAIL (R M Smith) 5-10-11 R Mania
7 3/1-8 MISS AUSTEN bf,d (H Morrison) 6-11-4 T J O’Brien 0-100 (5) hvy in Dec beating Flaming Glory (10-3) by 3l, 14
14-1 (11-4) Made all, went clear before 2 out, stayed on 5 658 FULL SPES (W Greatrex) 5-11-4 G Sheehan 8 K C BAILEY (A Whillans) 5-10-11 C Bewley
8 6- ROBELLI (I Williams) 6-11-4 T Scudamore ran. STRONG ECONOMY 5-1 (11-0) Held up last, still plenty
strongly, unchallenged, won at Kempton 3m hcp hdl 0-120 6 813 MYSTIC DREAMER bf (N Gifford) 7-10-11 Tabitha Worsley (5)
9 WHITTON LOCH (Mrs S Humphrey) 5-11-4 Bryony Frost to do 4 out, headway on outside next, went 2nd 2 out, led Betting 3 Aviewtosea, 7-2 Everyday Champagne, 4 Ahoy
(4) gd in Nov beating The Domino Effect (11-7) by 2 1/2l, 7 834 RAVEN’S RAFT (Dave Roberts) 6-10-11 L Edwards and dived at last, soon joined, stayed on gamely to assert
10 KIMMINS (N Henderson) 6-10-11 A Coleman Senor, 6 Parisencore, 7 Fortescue Wood, 12 Faodail,
11 ran. SUNRISE RUBY 5-1 (10-7) Chased leaders out 8 333 SATURN ‘N SILK (M Scudamore) 6-10-11 T Scudamore towards finish, won at Ayr 3m hcp chs 0-125 (3) hvy in Dec Fabuleux Du Clos, 14 K C Bailey.
11 HANAFY (K Bishop) 4-10-7 S Bowen
wide, weakened approaching 2 out, 12th of 14, 16l behind 9 74 ROYAUME UNI (G L Moore) 4-10-7 Joshua Moore beating Up Helly Aa King (11-5) by 1l, 6 ran.
12 26 SHIELD OF HONOUR (N Littmoden) 4-10-7 J Quinlan Last year No corresponding race.
The White Mouse (10-1) at Wincanton 2m 5f mrs hcp hdl
13 SOCKS OFF (A Keatley) 4-10-7 A Anderson (7) Betting 3 Atomic Jack, 7-2 Dont Go Gentle, 5 Mystic
(2) gd in Nov.
14 TIZIO (E De Giles) 4-10-7 D Bass
Dreamer, 6 Saturn ‘n Silk, 8 Royaume Uni, 10 Raven’s Raft,
Betting 3 Miss Austen, 9-2 Imperial Storm, 5
Datsalrightgino, 7 Kimmins, 8 Lelantos, 10 Italian Legend,
12 Shield Of Honour, 14 Clear On Top, 20 Others.
2.20 YOUTUBE.COM/ATTHERACES ‘JUMPERS’ BUMPER’ NH Air Hair Lair, 12 Full Spes, 25 Diamond Joel.
FLAT RACE (CLASS 4) of £5,000 for 4yo plus. 2m RESULTS
518 DAREBIN cd,v (G L Moore) 9-11-4
3-06 DON’T ASK (A Hales) 8-11-4
Jamie Moore
(DIV 2) (CLASS 4) of £5,000 for 4yo plus. 2m SOUTHWELL 3.05 1 False Id P Dennis 13-2, 2 Maykir 13-8 fav, 3
Dramatista 3-1. 6 ran. 12l, 512l. D C Griffiths. Tote: Win
NH FLAT RACE (CLASS 4) of £5,000 for 4yo plus. 2m
880 ESPION DE SAFLO (G L Moore) 7-11-4 Jamie Moore
302 GOOD BYE (M Harris) 6-11-4
445 IMPHAL (G L Moore) 7-11-4
268 JACK THUNDER (C Mann) 7-11-4
M Bastyan (3)
Joshua Moore
H Bannister
1 877 ACE TIME (J R Jenkins) 7-11-4
2 123- DARLING ALKO d (Toby Bulgin) 8-11-4
A Coleman
J Quinlan
1.05 1 Fast Emma C Fallon 4-1, 2 Smokey Malone
9-1, 3 Katty D 9-4 fav. 10 ran. 1l, 114l. M Bell. Tote:
Win £3.60; £1.40, £1.20, £3.00. Exacta £49.30.
£6.60; £3.20, £1.30. Exacta £19.50. Trifecta: £64.50.
CSF £16.54. NR: Hammer Gun.
3.35 1 Requinto Dawn Connor Murtagh 9-1, 2
3 9P8 LORD HOWARD (Joanne Thomason-Murphy) 5-11-4 A Thorne (5) Tricast £100.96. Trifecta: £183.60. CSF £40.78. Alsvinder 11-2, 3 Katheefa 7-2 fav. 9 ran. 34l, ns. R
2 35-P ESPRIT DE SOMOZA d (G L Moore) 7-11-4 Joshua Moore 6 453 JARLATH d (J W Mullins) 10-11-4 K Jones (3) 1.35 1 Ghost Rider P J McDonald 2-7 fav, 2
4 97/0 LUCKY’S DREAM (I Williams) 6-11-4 T Scudamore Fahey. Tote: Win £11.20; £2.70, £2.00, £1.50. Exacta
3 234 FAIRWAY FREDDY d (N Gifford) 8-11-4 J M Davies 7 113 KITTY’S LIGHT (Christian Williams) 5-11-4 Jack Tudor (3) Driftwood 8-1, 3 Mellys Flyer 14-1. 8 ran. 4l, nk.
5 00-0 PERFECT PERCY (N Twiston-Davies) 6-11-4 J Nailor (5) M Johnston. Tote: Win £1.10; £1.10, £1.70, £2.40. £63.20. Tricast £206.97. Trifecta: £313.10. CSF
4 P2F FANZIO d,t (Richard Hobson) 6-11-4 Paul O’Brien (3) 8 0PP SEVERUS ALEXANDER (Clare Hobson) 5-11-4 J McGrath £57.84.
5 6P6 LUCKOFTHEDRAW d (N Twiston-Davies) 8-11-4 S Twiston-Davies 6 96P GETAWAY FLYER (D Brace) 8-10-11 C Brace (3) Exacta £4.80. Trifecta: £23.10. CSF £4.10.
9 36F SUNNY EXPRESS (W Greatrex) 6-11-4 Mr Caoilin Quinn (10) 4.05 1 Motawaafeq A Rawlinson 7-1, 2 Nordic Fire
7 6P5/ GETAWAY HONEY d (Kayley Woollacott) 9-10-11 H Cobden 2.05 1 Thrave Frederick Larson 10-3, 2 Defence
6 134 NOT THAT FUISSE d (D Skelton) 8-11-4 H Skelton 10 32-1 ZOLTAN VARGA (Miss S West) 7-11-4 J Best Treaty 5-1, 3 Parallel World 5-2 fav. 6 ran. 34l, nk. 13-2, 3 Iva Reflection 9-1. 11 ran. 1l, ns. M Appleby.
7 568 WHATTHEBUTLERSAW d (D F Davis) 12-11-4 Mr B Ffrench Davis (7) 11 233 GETARIVER bf,d,h,t (D Skelton) 8-10-11 H Skelton 8 13P VEGAS BLUE d (N Henderson) 6-10-11 J McGrath Tote: Win £8.10; £2.30, £1.80, £2.80. Exacta £55.70.
M Appleby. Tote: Win £4.30; £2.10, £2.10. Exacta
8 344 FRICKA (A Carson) 8-10-11 G Carson (7) 12 566 NORTHERN PRINCESS d,p (Mrs L Wadham) 7-10-11 Bryony Frost 9 3P ISAYALITTLEPRAYER (G L Moore) 4-10-0 Jamie Moore £20.10. Trifecta: £65.30. CSF £20.28. NR: Headland. Tricast £430.73. Trifecta: £459.10. CSF £52.05. NR:
2.35 1 Notation O Stammers 5-4 fav, 2 Chipiron De Little Engine.
Betting 11-8 Not That Fuisse, 9-2 Luckofthedraw, 5 Fanzio, Betting 11-4 Getariver, 6 Kitty’s Light, 7 Darebin, 8 Sunny Betting 13-8 Vegas Blue, 9-4 Lucky’s Dream, 6 17-2, 3 Mukha Magic 3-1. 5 ran. 412l, 5l. M Johnston. Placepot: £40.20
6 Esprit De Somoza, 8 Fairway Freddy, 12 Espion De Saflo, Express, Northern Princess, 10 Good Bye, Zoltan Varga, 12 Isayalittleprayer, 8 Getaway Honey, 10 Darling Alko, 20 Ace Tote: Win £1.90; £1.10, £3.30. Exacta £9.20. Trifecta: Quadpot: £28.70
25 Fricka, 33 Whatthebutlersaw. Don’t Ask, Imphal, 14 Others. Time, Perfect Percy, 25 Getaway Flyer, 50 Lord Howard. £24.40. CSF £11.83. Kelso meeting abandoned due to frost
1872 CUP Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 31

Wilson cool
Danny Wilson is hoping he will
have better access to
Glasgow’s Scotland players
than in the autumn

on any given Six Nations


ahead of his “I’ve had conversations with

Gregor,” he said. “Gregor has
his plans in place and there’s
still a bit of uncertainty about
the Six Nations generally and
what the rules and regulations

leap into the

are going to be. I think they’re
still putting that together.
“I’m anticipating that there
will be chunks of time when
players are kept together [by
Scotland], though maybe not in
as big a squad. That’s my hope.

unknown But we’ll have to wait and see.

“For me it’s a tough one,
because you understand that
the money needs to come
back into international rugby
because that’s the lifeblood of
us as a sport. But at the same
Coach plays waiting game time, with your Glasgow hat on
you can’t be without that many

over fixtures and players

players for that long.”
Asked if he thought
Townsend would feel able to
allow players to drop in and
unable to reschedule their game out of the national squad more
STUART against Benetton, apparently than they did during the
BATHGATE because of the Italian team’s
unwillingness to travel at a
autumn, Wilson was optimistic.
“I think he will, for the reason
at Scotstoun time when the Covid pandemic that he will want players to
continues to worsen, and like be getting games. If we’re not
every other team in the league playing on Monday nights that
are waiting for the PRO14 to will help. The Monday night

COACH invariably confirm the remaining regular fixtures give us a problem
knows when his next season fixtures. because of the testing process.
match will be and Two years ago, Glasgow won “Then there’s the testing
which players he will seven league games on the trot itself. Will everyone be kept in
have available for it. Right now, from late January in a season a bubble? There are all these
Danny Wilson knows neither. which ended with them reaching different permutations at the
The Glasgow coach is not the final. Their poor autumn The major difficulty for moment. I’ve got to a stage this
overly perturbed by this form means they will not get Wilson and for Cockerill in season where you’re better off
situation, deeming it to be just close to doing that this season, the autumn was the lack just waiting for confirmation.”
another awkward aspect of a but Wilson is nonetheless of players being released Although he has now secured
season which has already been hopeful that they will hit a good back by Scotland during the services of Duncan Weir
liberally strewn with unusual vein of consistent form once they the extended international for next season, Wilson still
obstacles. But, as he tries to get a run of games. Or rather, if window. The desire to adhere hopes to sign a stand-off with
build on the many positives
of his team’s 23-22 win over
Edinburgh at the weekend,
they get a run of games.
“At the moment we’ve been
told we won’t be playing next
We don’t want to Covid protocols was part
of the reason for that, but
the pro teams’ coaches were
immediate effect given the
injuries that have ruled out
Adam Hastings and Pete
Wilson knows his task is
certainly not being made any
week or the next two weeks
and then there’s a bit of a
a backlog. We not helped by the PRO14’s
decision to stage games on a
Horne. He declined to confirm
his target was Ian Keatley,
easier by those uncertainties
about fixtures and personnel.
debate,” he said. “I think
we’re planning to play the re- want to be Monday night.
With league matches
who is now a free agent after
being released by Benetton,
Richard Cockerill’s team have
a PRO14 game against Zebre
in Parma on Saturday then a
arranged game against Treviso
in three or four weeks’ time.
I’m hoping that comes as soon
able to roll on now set to be held over the
weekend again, Wilson hopes
it will be easier for Scotland
but did suggest that the more
players who were called up
and retained by Scotland next
re-arranged match against the
Dragons in mid-February. By
as possible, because we don’t
want a backlog and we want to
after a win coach Gregor Townsend to let
players return to their clubs
month, the more he would have
to recruit either on loan or as
contrast, the Warriors have been be able to roll on after a win.” when they are not needed short-term signings.

Injured McInally may miss Six Nations opener

STUART BATHGATE would stretch the national have to see. We’re still waiting Kerr, both of whom have just one boat, having injured his head
team’s resources. Edinburgh for him to see a specialist to see cap. Edinburgh’s David Cherry, in training on Thursday, as
S C O T L A N D c o ach G r e gor coach Richard Cockerill said what exactly the issue is.” who has previously been called is Warriors second-row Scott
Townsend faces an anxious after his team’s 23-22 defeat Townsend will announce his into the national squad but has Cummings, who was unable to
wait before learning if Stuart that he hoped McInally would squad for the Six Nations on yet to win a cap, could also come finish Saturday’s game after
McInally will be fit for the only be sidelined for two weeks, Wednesday, with Scotland’s into consideration. failing a head injury assessment.
start of the Six Nations after but admitted it could be a opening fixture being away Edinburgh flanker Jamie Edinburgh lock Ben Toolis
the hooker missed Edinburgh’s longer-term problem. to England on February 6. If Ritchie missed the 1872 Cup was a late withdrawal from
loss to Glasgow at the weekend “At this point I’ve no idea, McInally is ruled out, Glasgow’s match after sustaining a head the visitors’ squad after feeling
because of a neck strain. but hopefully yes,” Cockerill George Turner will be a firm knock in training, and he will the effects of a toe injury, but
With the Warriors’ Fraser said when asked if McInally’s favourite to start in the No.2 have to pass his concussion he could be passed fit for his
Brown already ruled out of the absence would only be for a jersey, with back-up coming protocols before being allowed team’s rearranged PRO14
whole Championship because of fortnight. We’re hoping it’s not from his team-mate Grant to resume. Glasgow loosehead match against Zebre in Parma
a neck injury, losing McInally a long-term injury, but we’ll Stewart or Leicester’s Jake Oli Kebble is in the same on Saturday.
32 Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 SCOTTISH CHAMPIONSHIP
ICT want
to play on
SCOT Gardiner insists Inver-
ness Caley Thistle are desper-
ate for the campaign to con-
tinue – because they want the
chance to win promotion back
to the Premiership that they
were denied last season.
The Highlanders chief exec-
utive has criticised the SFA for
‘misrepresenting’ their views on
suspending the Championship af-
ter they found themselves at the
centre of a row over the weekend.
Manager John Robertson’s
questioning of the motivation
for continuing the second-tier
in the face of growing Covid-19
safety concerns led to SFA chief
executive Ian Maxwell writing
to all Championship clubs to
ask if they wanted to call a tem-
porary halt to the fixture list.
But Gardiner has made it clear
Robertson’s ‘ruminating’ was
not the club’s official stance and

Mackay-Steven brings
Gary Mackay-Steven holds off Alloa’s Lucas Williamson on his Hearts debut, a second-half showing where he impressed on the wing
they are fully behind the deci-
sion to play on.
Gardiner said: “Last year we
were misrepresented and they
were saying we were doing it
for one side, and this time we’re

bag of tricks for Irving

misrepresented and it looks like
we’re doing it for another side.
“Really, all we wanted to do
was not have Inverness’ name
taken in vain.
“I have no problem, I don’t
think any club will ever have
a problem, with Ian or anyone
else calling us and saying, ‘we
of the first half set the tone for unlock the defence, at home education this term. “The run read this, are you guys fully on
ALISON the day.
Alloa kid Lucas Williamson
and away.”
If MacKay-Steven caught
of games that I’ve had from
Morton onwards has helped
“We were denied the chance
MCCONNELL was sent off, harshly, for a the eye on one flank, Ginnelly me,” he said. last year to get promoted. We
at The Indodrill second booking after clashing offered similar encouragement “Every game I think I’ve were in second place and it
with Mackay-Steven and on the other. It is early days improved at things but also wasn’t anyone’s fault, we were
Stadium although Kevin Cawley yet for the on-loan Preston maybe made mistakes in other just denied that chance.
pulled a goal back for the winger who has started just positions where I need make “We are desperate to get pro-
hosts to prompt a late burst two league games but he improvements in as well. But moted this year. We’ve got a lot

ARY Mackay-Steven of intensity, Josh Ginnelly’s brought a directness and a pace the more I play, the more I feel of games in hand but if we win
infamously took a dip goal came after Alloa had that suggests there is more to I’ll get better.” them we’re right back in the mix.
in a Glasgow river committed goalkeeper and all come from him. Consistency Irving is out of contract at “The main thing that got us,
one evening but even to a final attack. will be key in that respect the end of this season but has and why it caused us such anxi-
on the back of a second-half Mackay-Steven was running but certainly with a seven- maintained that his focus ety, was because we were being
showing against Alloa on out of puff before the final point lead at the top of the needs to be on on-field matters represented as not wanting the
Saturday, there is every whistle but his pace and Championship it looks like a for now. game to go ahead, as opposed to
indication that he will be a big trickery suggest he will fairly steady course for Robbie “I just need to keep the other nine clubs, potential-
fish in a small pond in the augment what is already a Neilson’s side as they look for a concentrating on my football ly. That’s not fair on Inverness.”
Championship for the latter strong Hearts pool. Certainly, return to the top flight. He told the BBC: “We’re hap-
and I’m sure it’ll get sorted
half of this campaign. 20-year-old Irving is confident Irving’s opening goal when py for the League or the SFA to
out when the time comes,” he
If the winger’s most recent of benefitting from his he curled an effort from outside call us, that’s what we need more
football itinerary had a touch experience. of the box into the net was said. “All I want to focus on of. Pick up the phone, give us a
of glamour – New York, “He’ll be a good signing impressive too and underlines is playing football to the best quick call, we’re always available
Miama, Florida – his return for us,” he said. “He brings the confidence within the of my ability and helping the and we can say, ‘we’re fine’.”
to Scottish football at the something totally different Tynecastle side. The midfielder team win. Hopefully at the Iain Collin
Indodrill stadium with the with a bit of trickery and was applauded by his manager end of the season we reach our
bright lights of Lidl and KFC confidence as well. We need after the game for his attitude objective of getting out of this
gleaming brightly in the players that can do something and willingness to learn with league.
background was quite the different with a bit of skill and the player keen to continue his “I need to work on everything
descent to earth. really! I’m only 20 so I’ve got a
His first appearance on a
football pitch since November,
Mackay-Steven played the
We need players lot to learn and get better at.
Physicality is definitely one of
them. The guys that we have,
second period of a comfortable
win for Hearts where most of that can do Mikey [Williams] and Bob
[McCunn] helping us in the

something different
the hard work was done by gym is great for the younger
the break. Two cracking goals players because physicality is
from Andy Irving and Elliott such a big part of the game
Frear in the final 10 minutes now.” Inverness chief Scot Gardiner
FOOTBALL RESULTS Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 33
SPFL PREMIERSHIP P W D L F A Pts Sheffield United 1 Tottenham Hotspur 3 P W D L F A Pts GERMANY. BUNDESLIGA

Celtic 0 Livingston 0 Hearts 11 9 0 2 33 14 27 McGoldrick 59 Aurier 5 Lincoln City 21 13 3 5 32 18 42 Borussia Dortmund 1 Mainz 1
Dunfermline Athletic 11 5 5 1 20 13 20 Kane 40 Hull City 21 12 3 6 33 20 39 Cologne 0 Hertha Berlin 0
Celtic Hazard, Ralston, Bitton, Duffy, Laxalt, McGregor, Dundee 11 5 4 2 22 20 19 Ndombele 62 Portsmouth 20 11 5 4 33 15 38 Hoffenheim 0 Arminia Bielefeld 0
Soro, Frimpong, Turnbull, Johnston (Henderson 66), Morton 11 4 4 3 10 13 16 Kick off 7.45 unless stated
Sheffield United Ramsdale, Basham (Sharp 74), Egan, Doncaster Rovers 19 11 3 5 34 21 36
Rogic (Okoflex 80). Subs: Taylor, Connell, Robertson, Raith Rovers 9 4 3 2 21 11 15 Stuttgart 2 Borussia M’gladbach2
Doohan, Harper, Welsh, Dembele Booked Ralston 29 Ampadu, Bogle, Lundstram, Norwood (Bryan 67), Fleck, Peterborough United 20 11 3 6 33 20 36 TODAY
Ayr United 11 3 4 4 16 16 13 Charlton Athletic 22 10 6 6 34 28 36 Werder Bremen 2 Augsburg 0
Stevens, McGoldrick, Burke (Brewster 71). Subs: Premier League
Livingston Stryjek, Devlin, Ambrose, Guthrie, Brown, Inverness CT 9 3 3 3 15 12 12 Ipswich Town 20 11 2 7 26 22 35 Wolfsburg 2 RB Leipzig 2
Queen of the South 12 3 2 7 17 29 11 Baldock, Lowe, Jagielka, Foderingham Booked Norwood Arsenal v Newcastle (8.00).
Lawson, Bartley, Mullin, Pitman, Sibbald (Forrest 62), Sunderland 20 8 9 3 27 15 33 Yesterday
Robinson (Hamilton 76). Subs: McCrorie, Fitzwater, Alloa Athletic 12 2 2 8 12 28 8 23, Lundstram 50, Egan 86, Ampadu 90 Accrington Stanley 18 10 3 5 25 18 33 Bayern Munich 2 Freiburg 1 TOMORROW
Emmanuel-Thomas, Serrano, McMillan, Tiffoney, Taylor- Arbroath 11 1 3 7 7 17 6 Tottenham Hotspur Lloris, Rodon, Dier, Davies, Aurier, The Emirates FA CUP - Third round
Crewe Alexandra 22 9 5 8 29 25 32 Eintracht Frankfurt 3 Schalke 04 1
Sinclair Booked Bartley 67, Lawson 84 SPFL LEAGUE 1 Ndombele, Hojbjerg, Reguilon (Sanchez 90), Bergwijn Fleetwood Town 21 8 5 8 28 19 29 Southampton v Shrewsbury (8.00).
Referee J Beaton (Lucas Moura 87), Kane, Son (Vinicius 90). Subs: Gillingham 22 9 2 11 24 27 29 Premier League
P W D L F A Pts
P W D L F A Pts Alderweireld, Bale, Lamela, Hart, Sissoko, Fernandes Oxford United 20 8 4 8 30 27 28 Leicester v Chelsea (8.15), West Ham
Hamilton Academical0 Dundee United 0 Falkirk 11 6 3 2 18 8 21 Bayern Munich 16 11 3 2 48 25 36 v West Brom (6.00).
Referee A Marriner Blackpool 21 8 4 9 21 24 28
Hamilton Academical Fulton, Hamilton, Martin, Easton, Cove Rangers 11 6 1 4 15 9 19 RB Leipzig 16 9 5 2 28 14 32 Sky Bet Championship
Plymouth Argyle 22 7 6 9 29 38 27
Hodson, Odofin, Stirling, McMann, Callachan, Smith Montrose 11 5 3 3 19 15 18 P W D L F A Pts Bayer Leverkusen 16 8 5 3 30 16 29 Blackburn v Swansea (7.00), Derby v
Milton Keynes Dons 22 6 7 9 26 28 25
(Winter 76), Moyo (Ogboe 68). Subs: Trafford, Stanger, Airdrieonians 10 5 1 4 17 11 16 Manchester United 18 11 4 3 34 24 37 Shrewsbury Town 20 5 9 6 21 25 24 Borussia Dortmund 16 9 2 5 32 20 29 AFC Bournemouth (6.00), Reading v
Mimnaugh, Munro, Gourlay, Owolabi, Johnson Booked Partick Thistle 10 4 3 3 9 6 15 Manchester City 17 10 5 2 29 13 35 Union Berlin 16 7 7 2 32 20 28 Coventry (6.00), Rotherham v Stoke,
East Fife 9 4 1 4 12 13 13 Rochdale 21 5 7 9 33 40 22
Hamilton 87 Leicester City 18 11 2 5 33 21 35 Bristol Rovers 19 6 4 9 20 28 22 Wolfsburg 16 6 8 2 24 19 26 Watford v Barnsley.
Dundee United Siegrist, Neilson, Connolly, Reynolds, L Peterhead 11 4 1 6 10 13 13 Sky Bet League One
Dumbarton 9 3 2 4 5 10 11 Liverpool 18 9 7 2 37 21 34 Northampton Town 21 6 4 11 19 36 22 Eintracht Frankfurt 16 6 8 2 28 24 26
Smith, Clark, Powers, Harkes, Robson, Appere (McNulty Tottenham Hotspur 18 9 6 3 33 17 33 AFC Wimbledon 21 5 6 10 25 36 21 Borussia M’gladbach 16 6 7 3 30 26 25 Blackpool v Northampton (7.00),
Clyde 8 3 0 5 9 19 9
58), Shankland. Subs: Sporle, Pawlett, Edwards, Forfar Athletic 10 1 3 6 5 15 6 Everton 17 10 2 5 28 21 32 Wigan Athletic 21 5 5 11 24 38 20 Freiburg 16 6 5 5 29 26 23 Crewe v Bristol Rovers (7.00),
Mehmet, Bolton, Fotheringham, Mochrie, K Smith Booked Chelsea 18 8 5 5 33 21 29 Swindon Town 22 6 2 14 29 45 20 Doncaster v Rochdale (7.00), Hull v
SPFL LEAGUE 2 Stuttgart 16 5 7 4 32 24 22 Accrington Stanley (5.30), Lincoln
Neilson 45, McNulty 70, Reynolds 90 Southampton 18 8 5 5 26 21 29 Burton Albion 24 3 7 14 29 51 16
Augsburg 16 5 4 7 17 25 19 City v Gillingham (7.00), Milton
Referee G Aitken P W D L F A Pts West Ham United 18 8 5 5 25 21 29 SKY BET LEAGUE TWO Werder Bremen 16 4 6 6 19 24 18
Aston Villa 15 8 2 5 29 16 26 Keynes Dons v Fleetwood Town
Hibernian 2 Kilmarnock 0 Queen’s Park 9 7 2 0 18 5 23 Barrow 1 Scunthorpe United 0 Hertha Berlin 16 4 5 7 23 25 17 (7.00), Peterborough v Charlton
Power 52 (og) Elgin City 9 6 0 3 18 9 18 Arsenal 18 7 3 8 20 19 24
Kay 58 Hoffenheim 16 4 4 8 22 30 16 (6.30), Portsmouth v AFC Wimbledon
Gogic 80 Stranraer 10 5 3 2 19 11 18 Leeds United 18 7 2 9 30 34 23
Stirling Albion 9 5 3 1 16 10 18 Crystal Palace 19 6 5 8 22 33 23 Bolton Wanderers 1 Cheltenham Town 1 Arminia Bielefeld 16 4 2 10 10 24 14 (7.00), Sunderland v Plymouth (7.00).
Hibernian Macey, McGinn, Porteous, Hanlon, Doig, Gogic, Doyle 86 May 54 Cologne 16 2 6 8 13 27 12 Sky Bet League Two
Edinburgh City 9 4 1 4 20 13 13 Wolverhampton 19 6 4 9 21 29 22
Hallberg, Boyle (Cadden 83), Irvine (Doidge 74), Murphy Stenhousemuir 9 3 3 3 14 16 12 Newcastle United 17 5 4 8 18 27 19 Bradford City P Crawley Town P Mainz 16 1 4 11 15 34 7 Cheltenham v Newport County (7.00),
(Gullan 90), Nisbet (Mallan 90). Subs: Gray, Wright, Annan Athletic 10 2 2 6 9 15 8 Schalke 04 16 1 4 11 13 42 7 Crawley Town v Stevenage (7.00),
Brighton & Hove Albion 19 3 8 8 22 29 17 Postponed - due to frozen pitch.
Stevenson, Dabrowski, McGregor Cowdenbeath 8 2 1 5 6 15 7 Morecambe v Walsall (7.00),
Burnley 17 4 4 9 9 22 16 Colchester United 1 Cambridge Utd 1 FRANCE. LIGUE 1
Kilmarnock Rogers, McGowan (Dabo 80), Dikamona, Albion Rovers 8 2 0 6 9 20 6 Southend v Cambridge Utd (7.00),
Fulham 17 2 6 9 14 25 12 Taylor 39 (og) Knibbs 12 Tranmere v Forest Green (7.00),
Findlay, Haunstrup, Mulumbu, Pinnock, Power, Tshibola Brechin City 9 1 1 7 5 24 4 Angers 0 PSG 1
West Bromwich Alb 18 2 5 11 14 41 11 Harrogate Town v Exeter (6.30).
(Burke 60), Kiltie, Whitehall (Kabamba 60). Subs: Doyle, PREMIER LEAGUE Forest Green 1 Port Vale 1 Marseille 1 Nimes 2
Sheffield United 19 1 2 16 10 32 5
Waters, Cameron, Brindley, Taylor Booked Power 79 Cadden 20 Rodney 76 Yesterday WEDNESDAY 20 JANUARY
Referee W Collum Mount 78 Grimsby 0 Southend United 0 Brest 1 Rennes 2 The Scottish Premiership
Ross County 4 Aberdeen 1 Fulham Areola, Aina (Bryan 83), Andersen, Adarabioyo, AFC Bournemouth 0 Luton 1 Harrogate Town P Exeter City P Lille 2 Reims 1 Livingston v Celtic (8.15).
Shaw 1, 84 Iacovitti 45 (og) Tete, Reid (Kamara 83), Reed, Zambo, Robinson, Ivan Dewsbury-Hall 67 Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Lorient P Dijon P Premier League
Lakin 20 Cavaleiro (Onomah 79), Lookman. Subs: Hector, Odoi, Barnsley 0 Swansea City 2 Lyon L Metz L Fulham v Man Utd (8.15), Man City v
Leyton Orient 2 Morecambe 0 Aston Villa (8.15).
Hylton 90 Kebano, Rodak, Ream Sent off Robinson 44, Booked Reid Cabango 45 Nantes 1 Lens 1
69, Lookman 88 Knight-Percival 88 (og) Sky Bet Championship
Ross County Laidlaw, Naismith, Morris, Iacovitti, Randall, Lowe 55 Angol 90 Nice 0 Bordeaux 3
Chelsea Mendy, Azpilicueta, Thiago Silva, Rudiger, Birmingham v Preston North End,
Paton, Vigurs, Lakin, Charles-Cook (Draper 65), Shaw Blackburn Rovers 1 Stoke City 1 Mansfield Town P Carlisle United P Strasbourg 1 St Etienne 0 Brentford v Luton (7.00), Cardiff v
Chilwell, Kovacic, Jorginho (Abraham 65), Mount,
(McKay 88), Hylton. Subs: Andreu, Gardyne, Watson, Ziyech (Hudson-Odoi 75), Giroud (Werner 75), Pulisic. Buckley 76 Powell 38 QPR (7.00), Huddersfield v Millwall
Postponed - new date to be confirmed.
Kelly, Tillson, Munro, Reid Booked Morris 49, Charles- Subs: Arrizabalaga, Zouma, Gilmour, James, Havertz, Bristol City 2 Preston North End 0 P W D L F A Pts (7.00), Norwich v Bristol City (6.00),
Cook 59, Shaw 87 Newport County 0 Salford City 0 PSG 20 13 3 4 44 11 42
Emerson Palmieri Booked Ziyech 72, Thiago Silva 82, Diedhiou 8 Nottm Forest v Middlesbrough (7.00).
Aberdeen Lewis, Hoban, Taylor (Logan 31), Considine, Azpilicueta 90 Vyner 77 Stevenage Borough 0 Tranmere Rovers 0 Lille 20 12 6 2 35 15 42
Hayes (Ngwenya 64), McCrorie, Ferguson, Kennedy, Referee P Bankes Walsall 1 Oldham Athletic 1 Lyon 19 11 7 1 39 18 40
Cardiff City 1 Norwich City2 Premier League
Wright, Main (Anderson 76), Cosgrove. Subs: Ojo, Leeds United 0 Brighton & HA 1 Jules 45 Keillor-Dunn 75 Monaco 20 11 3 6 39 29 36
Ralls 65 Hanley 3 Liverpool v Burnley (8.00).
McGinn, McLennan, Campbell, Virtanen, Woods Maupay 17 Cantwell 22 Rennes 20 10 6 4 30 22 36
Referee B Madden Leeds United Casilla, Dallas, Ayling, Cooper, Alioski P W D L F A Pts FRIDAY 22 JANUARY
Coventry City P Sheffield Wednesday P Carlisle United 21 12 3 6 32 20 39 Marseille 18 9 5 4 26 18 32
St Johnstone 1 St Mirren 0 (Hernandez 67), Struijk, Harrison, Rodrigo (Roberts 62), Angers 20 9 3 8 25 31 30 The Scottish Championship
Klich, Raphinha (Poveda-Ocampo 75), Bamford. Subs: Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Newport County 21 11 6 4 31 21 39 Arbroath v Dundee.
Kane 46 Cambridge Utd 23 11 5 7 36 22 38 Bordeaux 20 8 5 7 23 21 29
Llorente, Helder Costa, Davis, Caprile, Shackleton, Derby County 0 Rotherham United 1 The Emirates FA Cup -
St Johnstone Clark, Kerr, Gordon, McCart, Rooney, Bryson Jenkins Booked Ayling 42 Forest Green 22 10 8 4 28 19 38 Lens 19 8 4 7 29 29 28
Lindsay 86 Fourth round
(Craig 88), McCann, Tanser, Wotherspoon (Davidson Brighton & HA Sanchez, Webster, Dunk, Burn, Veltman, Salford City 23 10 7 6 29 17 37 Montpellier 20 8 4 8 33 35 28 Chorley v Wolverhampton.
68), Melamed (May 68), Kane (Hendry 82). Subs: White, Gross, March, Trossard (Tau 73), Mac Allister Middlesbrough 0 Birmingham City 1 Cheltenham Town 22 10 6 6 31 22 36 Brest 20 8 2 10 31 36 26 Sky Bet Championship
Conway, Parish, Booth Booked Tanser 65, Davidson 85 (Bissouma 62), Maupay (Propper 81). Subs: Alzate, Hogan 26 Leyton Orient 23 11 3 9 34 26 36 Metz 19 6 7 6 20 18 25 Stoke v Watford.
St Mirren Alnwick, Fraser, McCarthy, Shaughnessy, Tait, Zeqiri, Walton, Sanders, Khadra, Jenks Booked Webster Nottingham Forest 3 Millwall 1 Crawley Town 22 9 7 6 34 28 34 Strasbourg 20 7 2 11 29 32 23 Sky Bet League Two
MacPherson, Doyle-Hayes, McGrath, Connolly (Erhahon 71 Ameobi 34, 70 Thompson 89 Morecambe 21 10 4 7 27 32 34 Salford City v Harrogate Town (7.00).
Nice 19 6 5 8 22 28 23
60), Brophy (C Quaner 68 (McAllister 87)), Erwin (Obika Referee K Friend Yates 83 Exeter City 20 8 8 4 41 27 32 Kick off 3.00 unless stated
Walsall 23 7 10 6 28 31 31 Reims 20 5 6 9 28 31 21
87). Subs: Flynn, Durmus, Foley, Dennis, Lyness Booked Leicester City 2 Southampton 0 Queens Park Rangers P Wycombe Wanderers P
MacPherson 45 Sent off MacPherson 56 Maddison 37 Colchester United 22 7 9 6 28 30 30 St Etienne 20 4 7 9 20 30 19 SATURDAY 23 JANUARY
Barnes 90 Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Mansfield Town 23 6 11 6 31 30 29 Nantes 20 3 9 8 20 32 18 Betfred League Cup - Semi-final
Referee S McLean
Leicester City Schmeichel, Castagne, Fofana (Soyuncu Reading P Brentford P Port Vale 24 8 5 11 33 34 29 Nimes 20 4 3 13 16 41 15 St Johnstone v Hibernian (5.30).
YESTERDAY 53), Evans, Justin, Ndidi, Tielemans, Albrighton, Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Tranmere Rovers 21 8 5 8 23 25 29 Dijon 19 2 8 9 12 26 14 The Scottish Premiership
Motherwell 1 Rangers 1 Maddison (Perez 77), Barnes, Vardy (Iheanacho 90). Oldham Athletic 23 8 4 11 36 41 28 Lorient 19 3 3 13 20 38 12 Aberdeen v Motherwell, Rangers v
Watford 2 Huddersfield Town 0 Bolton Wanderers 23 7 7 9 27 35 28 Ross County.
Cole 21 Itten 72 Subs: Ward, Amartey, Under, Ricardo Pereira, Mendy,
Thomas Booked Fofana 15, Albrighton 45 Cleverley 54 Harrogate Town 21 7 4 10 22 26 25 PORTUGAL. PRIMEIRA LIGA The Scottish Championship
Motherwell Kelly, O’Donnell, Mugabi, Gallagher, Carroll, Joao Pedro 64 Guimaraes P Farense P
Southampton McCarthy, Walker-Peters, Bednarek, Bradford City 21 6 6 9 20 25 24 Dunfermline v Ayr, Hearts v Raith,
Campbell, Crawford (Maguire 84), Polworth (Lamie 80),
Stephens, Bertrand, Armstrong, Diallo (Valery 87), Barrow 23 5 8 10 30 32 23 Pacos Ferreira 2 Braga 0 Inverness CT v Alloa, Queen of South
Seedorf (Maciver 70), Cole, Watt (Lawless 70). Subs: P W D L F A Pts Scunthorpe United 23 7 2 14 22 34 23 v Morton.
Ward-Prowse, Smallbone (N’Lundulu 61), Walcott, Tondela 3 Boavista 1
McGinley, White, Morrison, Devine, Johnston Booked Adams (Long 72). Subs: Watts, Vokins, Forster, Ferry, Norwich City 24 15 5 4 33 21 50 Stevenage Borough 21 4 9 8 16 22 21 The Emirates FA CUP - Fourth
Carroll 50, Cole 65, Lawless 74 Tchaptchet, Chauke Booked Diallo 44, Bertrand 59 Swansea City 24 13 7 4 29 13 46 Grimsby 24 5 6 13 19 40 21 round
Rangers McGregor, Tavernier, Goldson, Balogun, Barisic, AFC Bournemouth 24 11 9 4 38 20 42 Gil Vicente L Maritimo L
Referee S Attwell Southend United 22 5 5 12 14 33 20 Cheltenham v Man City (5.30), AFC
Kamara, Davis, Aribo, Hagi (Itten 55), Morelos (Defoe Brentford 22 11 8 3 36 21 41 Nacional 0 Moreirense 1
West Ham United 1 Burnley 0 SPAIN. PRIMERA LIGA Bournemouth v Crawley Town,
83), Kent (Barker 88). Subs: Bassey, Helander, Zungu, Watford 23 11 7 5 27 17 40 Santa Clara L Famalicao L Swansea v Nottm Forest, Barnsley v
Antonio 9
Patterson, Stewart, McLaughlin Booked Hagi 47 Reading 23 12 4 7 34 28 40 Guimaraes L Farense L Norwich, Millwall v Bristol City,
West Ham United Fabianski, Coufal, Dawson, Ogbonna, P W D L F A Pts
Referee D Robertson Cresswell, Soucek, Rice, Bowen (Yarmolenko 82), Middlesbrough 23 10 6 7 28 19 36 Atletico Madrid 15 12 2 1 29 6 38 Brighton v Blackpool, Sheff Utd v
Benrahma (Lanzini 68), Fornals, Antonio. Subs: Alves, Stoke City 24 9 9 6 27 23 36 P W D L F A Pts Plymouth, West Ham v Doncaster,
Real Madrid 18 11 4 3 30 15 37
P W D L F A Pts Noble, Diop, Fredericks, Johnson, Randolph, Odubeko Bristol City 23 11 3 9 25 24 36 Barcelona 18 10 4 4 37 17 34 Sporting 14 11 3 0 31 9 36 Southampton/Shrewsbury v Arsenal
Rangers 24 21 3 0 60 7 66 Booked Soucek 73, Ogbonna 83 Barnsley 24 10 4 10 27 31 34 Villarreal 18 8 8 2 26 17 32 FC Porto 14 10 2 2 36 17 32 (12.15).
Celtic 21 13 6 2 46 16 45 Burnley Pope, Lowton, Tarkowski, Mee, Pieters, Blackburn Rovers 24 9 6 9 39 28 33 Sevilla 16 9 3 4 21 13 30 Benfica 14 10 2 2 29 14 32 Premier League
Hibernian 24 11 7 6 33 24 40 Gudmundsson (McNeil 46), Westwood, Brownhill, Brady, Luton 24 9 6 9 21 26 33 Real Sociedad 19 8 6 5 29 16 30 Braga 14 9 0 5 23 15 27 Aston Villa v Newcastle (8.00).
Aberdeen 22 11 6 5 29 24 39 Wood (Rodriguez 72), Barnes (Vydra 63). Subs: Cork, Preston North End 24 10 2 12 30 33 32 Granada 17 7 3 7 19 29 24 Pacos Ferreira 14 7 4 3 19 12 25 Sky Bet Championship
Livingston 22 9 4 9 28 27 31 Stephens, Norris, Bardsley, Long, Benson Booked Barnes 63 Huddersfield Town 24 9 4 11 28 34 31 Celta Vigo 18 6 5 7 22 28 23 Guimaraes 12 6 2 4 15 12 20 QPR v Derby.
Dundee United 24 6 10 8 19 29 28 Referee C Kavanagh Cardiff City 23 8 5 10 30 27 29 Cadiz 18 6 5 7 15 22 23 Sky Bet League One
Moreirense 14 4 5 5 11 15 17
Kilmarnock 23 7 3 13 24 28 24 Wolverhampton 2 West Brom 3 Millwall 23 5 11 7 20 24 26 Athletic Bilbao 18 6 3 9 21 22 21 Charlton v Swindon, Crewe v AFC
Santa Clara 13 4 3 6 12 16 15
St Mirren 21 6 5 10 16 24 23 Silva 38 Matheus Pereira 8 (pen), 56 (pen) Coventry City 23 6 8 9 22 31 26 Levante 17 5 6 6 23 24 21 Wimbledon, Gillingham v Rochdale,
Boly 43 Ajayi 52 Rio Ave 14 3 6 5 10 16 15 Ipswich v Peterborough, Lincoln City
St Johnstone 24 5 8 11 22 33 23 Birmingham City 24 6 8 10 18 29 26 Real Betis 17 6 2 9 20 31 20
Wolverhampton Rui Patricio, Nelson Semedo, Boly, Coady Nottingham Forest 24 6 7 11 19 27 25 Valencia 18 4 7 7 24 25 19 Tondela 14 4 3 7 13 23 15 v Northampton, Oxford Utd v Bristol
Ross County 24 5 5 14 18 43 20
(Ait Nouri 64), Saiss, Dendoncker, Neves (Gibbs-White Queens Park Rangers 23 5 9 9 22 30 24 Eibar 18 4 7 7 15 18 19 Maritimo 13 4 2 7 15 18 14 Rovers, Portsmouth v Hull,
Motherwell 22 4 7 11 19 33 19
Hamilton Academical 23 5 4 14 21 47 19 60), Joao Moutinho (Cutrone 79), Traore, Silva, Pedro Sheffield Wednesday 23 6 7 10 15 23 19 Alaves 18 4 6 8 16 23 18 Nacional 13 3 4 6 11 16 13 Sunderland v Shrewsbury, Wigan v
Neto. Subs: Hoever, Vitinha, Ruddy, Shabani, Kilman, Rotherham United 21 5 4 12 20 29 19 Valladolid 18 4 6 8 16 25 18 Gil Vicente 13 3 4 6 10 15 13 Fleetwood Town.
SPFL CHAMPIONSHIP Corbeanu Booked Dendoncker 73, Silva 90 Derby County 23 4 7 12 14 25 19 Getafe 16 4 5 7 12 17 17 Farense 13 3 3 7 15 19 12 Sky Bet League Two
Alloa Athletic 1 Hearts 3 West Bromwich Albion Button, O’Shea, Ajayi, Bartley, Wycombe Wanderers 23 3 6 14 16 35 15 Elche 15 3 7 5 13 18 16 Belenenses 13 2 6 5 6 11 12 Cambridge Utd v Bradford, Exeter v
Cawley 87 Irving 35 Gibbs, Livermore, Sawyers, Snodgrass, Matheus Pereira *Sheff Wed deducted 6 points for breach of regulations Osasuna 17 3 6 8 15 25 15 Stevenage (1.00), Morecambe v
Portimonense 13 3 2 8 9 17 11
Frear 45 (Furlong 83), Grosicki (Robson-Kanu 69), Robinson. Huesca 17 1 9 7 14 26 12 Colchester, Oldham v Newport
Subs: Krovinovic, Ivanovic, Edwards, Peltier, Kipre, Field, SKY BET LEAGUE ONE Famalicao 13 2 5 6 14 24 11
County, Port Vale v Walsall,
Ginnelly 90 Lonergan Booked Ajayi 36 ITALY. SERIE A Boavista 14 1 8 5 14 24 11 Scunthorpe v Grimsby (1.00),
Alloa Athletic Parry, Robertson, Graham, Jamieson, AFC Wimbledon 0 Sunderland 3 Bologna 1 Verona 0
Referee M Oliver
Williamson, Grant, Hetherington, Cawley, Scougall
Wyke 7, 87, 90 Sampdoria 2 Udinese 1 SENIORS Southend v Mansfield, Tranmere v
Bolton, Leyton Orient v Forest Green.
(Buchanan 67), Murray (Brown 63), Thomson (Evans Accrington Stanley 0 Gillingham 1 Torino 0 Spezia 0 FA Trophy 4th round
82). Subs: Connelly, O’Donnel, Lynch, Wright Booked Aston Villa P Everton P Dempsey 45 Yesterday Bath City 0 Peterborough Sports 1, Boreham SUNDAY 24 JANUARY
Williamson 54, Hetherington 81 Sent off Williamson 84 Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Bristol Rovers 0 Charlton Athletic 1 Atalanta 0 Genoa 0 Betfred League Cup - Semi-final
Wood P Torquay United P, Havant and W P
Hearts Gordon, Smith, Halkett, Berra, Kingsley, Walker, Liverpool 0 Manchester United 0 Millar 64 Crotone 4 Benevento 1 Livingston v St Mirren (4.00).
Inter Milan L Juventus L Altrincham P, Hornchurch 1 King’s Lynn Town 1, The Emirates FA Cup - Fourth
Irving, Halliday, Roberts (Mackay-Steven 46), Henderson Liverpool Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Henderson, Burton Albion 0 Ipswich Town 1
Robertson, Shaqiri (Jones 76), Thiago, Wijnaldum Napoli 6 Fiorentina 0 Kettering P Leamington P, Maidstone Utd 2 round: Chelsea v Luton (12.00),
(Boyce 59), Frear (Ginnelly 65). Subs: Haring, Naismith, McGuinness 73
(Milner 89), Salah, Firmino (Origi 85), Mane. Subs: Sassuolo 1 Parma 1 Dorking Wanderers 1, Oxford City 4 Haringey Fulham v Burnley (2.30), Brentford v
Popescu, Stewart Booked Walker 55, Irving 86 Fleetwood Town 0 Portsmouth 1
Oxlade-Chamberlain, Minamino, R Williams, Phillips, Borough 2, Stamford P Hereford FC P, Stockport Leicester (2.30), Man Utd v Liverpool
Referee A Muir Marquis 16 P W D L F A Pts (5.00), Everton v Sheff Wed (8.00).
Kelleher, N Williams Booked Shaqiri 33, Fabinho 66 County 1 Notts County 2, Sutton Utd 3
Dundee P Ayr United P Manchester United de Gea, Wan Bissaka, Lindelof, Hull City 1 Blackpool 1 AC Milan 17 12 4 1 37 19 40 Dagenham & Redbridge 1, Wealdstone P Sky Bet Championship
Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Maguire, Shaw, McTominay, Fred, Pogba, Bruno Wilks 51 Yates 81 Inter Milan 17 11 4 2 43 23 37 Gloucester P, Weymouth 0 Darlington 1. Preston North End v Reading (12.30),
Queen of the South 2 Arbroath 2 Fernandes (Greenwood 89), Martial (Cavani 61), Napoli 17 11 1 5 40 16 34 Middlesbrough v Blackburn.
Northampton Town P Oxford United P Roma 18 10 4 4 37 29 34 Vanarama National League
Shields 46, 52 Stewart 63 Rashford. Subs: Bailly, Mata, Henderson, Alex Telles, Kick off 7.45 unless stated
Matic, van de Beek, Tuanzebe Booked Rashford 90 Postponed - due to waterlogged pitch. Juventus 16 9 6 1 35 16 33 Maidenhead Utd P Yeovil Town P, Wrexham 3
O’Brien 65 Referee P Tierney Atalanta 17 9 5 3 40 22 32 Dover 1. MONDAY 25 JANUARY
Peterborough United 3 Milton Keynes Dons 0
Queen of the South Ferguson, Gibson, Buchanan, Obileye, Lazio 18 9 4 5 30 25 31 The Emirates FA Cup -
Manchester City 4 Crystal Palace 0 Clarke-Harris 7 Vanarama National League North Fourth round
Maxwell, Shields, McKee (Dobbie 78), Pybus, Sassuolo 18 8 6 4 31 27 30
Stones 26, 68 Szmodics 30, 65 AFC Fylde P Blyth Spartans P, Gateshead 1 Wycombe v Tottenham Hotspur.
Fitzpatrick, McCabe, East. Subs: Breen, Goss, Robinson, Gundogan 56 Verona 18 7 6 5 22 17 27
McGorry, Joseph, Cowie Booked McKee 38, Pybus 47, Plymouth Argyle 1 Crewe Alexandra 1 Guiseley 0, Kidderminster P Spennymoor Town P,
Sterling 88 Jephcott 11 (pen) Finney 64
Sampdoria 18 7 2 9 28 29 23 TUESDAY 26 JANUARY
McCabe 68 Manchester City Ederson, Walker, Stones, Dias, Benevento 18 6 3 9 21 34 21 Chorley 3 Farsley Celtic 2, Alfreton Town P Premier League
Arbroath Gaston, Thomson, Davidson (Linn 60), O’Brien, Zinchenko, De Bruyne (Joao Cancelo 71), Fernandinho, Rochdale 3 Wigan Athletic 3 Bologna 18 5 5 8 24 31 20 Boston Utd P, Bradford P A P Chester FC P, AFC Brighton v Fulham (6.00), West Brom
Hamilton, Whatley (Stewart 55), Gold, Williamson, Gundogan (Torres 71), Bernardo Silva (Foden 60), Humphrys 7, 90 Joseph 9 Spezia 18 4 6 8 23 32 18 Telford 1 Curzon Ashton 1. v Man City (8.15), Newcastle v Leeds
Craigen, Hilson, Doolan (Ruth 72). Subs: McKenna, Gabriel Jesus, Sterling. Subs: Steffen, Rodri, Mendy, Beesley 58 Lang 16 Fiorentina 18 4 6 8 18 29 18 Vanarama National League South (6.00), Southampton v Arsenal (8.15).
Swankie, Donnelly, Gallacher Booked Thomson 40, Mahrez, Delap, Doyle Keane 77 Udinese 17 4 4 9 19 27 16 Sky Bet Championship
Billericay 2 Dulwich 0, Hampton & Richmond 2
O’Brien 82 Crystal Palace Guaita, Ward, Tomkins, Cahill, Mitchell, Shrewsbury Town P Lincoln City P Genoa 18 3 6 9 18 30 15 Millwall v Watford (7.00), Bristol City v
Milivojevic (Riedewald 68), Townsend (Batshuayi 79), Cagliari 17 3 5 9 23 34 14 Ebbsfleet United 1, Hemel Hempstead P Concord
Referee S Reid Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Huddersfield (7.00).
McCarthy, McArthur, Eze, Ayew. Subs: Butland, van Torino 18 2 7 9 26 35 13 Rangers P, Slough 3 Braintree Town 2, Welling P
Raith Rovers P Inverness CT P
The Scottish Championship
Aanholt, Dann, Clyne, Benteke Swindon Town 1 Doncaster Rovers 2 Parma 18 2 7 9 14 34 13 Tonbridge Angels P, Dartford 1 Hungerford Town Raith v Hearts.
Postponed - new date to be confirmed. Referee L Mason Hope 73 Okenabirhie 5, 45 Crotone 18 3 3 12 21 41 12 1, Havant and W 1 Eastbourne Borough 2.
34 Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP

Irvine delighted
to be back after
months of park life
Things looking up for midfielder as
Hibs move ends most challenging time
and a thumping effort from and taking your ball away
GRAEME Alex Gogic sealed a 2-0 win – when you’re trying to do a drill.
MACPHERSON it was only because Irvine had “Honestly, there were times
not played a competitive match when I was thinking to myself,
at Easter Road for 10 months. ‘Two years ago I was playing
Tired but grateful in a World Cup. Now I’m in a
afterwards, the former Celtic public park, on my own, doing
youth player outlined what the running…’

ACKSON IRVINE does past seven months without a “Football is funny, how things
not want to make too club had been like. can turn for you. I’m just so
much of his hardship. “It was incredibly grateful to be back at a great
Just two years after frustrating,” he admitted. “Now club, competing at the top end
playing for Australia against that I am signed and playing of the table, looking to win
France, Denmark and Peru in again it is something I can trophies and get into Europe.”
the World Cup, Hibernian’s reflect on as probably the most Irvine, though, appreciates
new midfielder was training challenging time I will ever that others have gone through
alone in a public park, trying face in my career, especially a lot worse in the past year so
to stop passing dogs from not being able to see family and does not want to grumble too
pinching the ball from his feet. friends during a time when much about his own problems.
Without a club after being you are out of the game. It just As well as those who have
released by Hull City last emphasises how much I am suffered in the pandemic, his
summer, the onset of the hoping to make up for lost time. girlfriend Jemilla works on the
pandemic made life uncertain “I did a lot of individual front line as a firefighter.
for the 27-year-old, a state of training. I had some great “It was frustrating and
limbo that only came to an end support from the national difficult for me but in the
last week when Hibs offered team on the strength and grand scheme of things
him a short-term contract. conditioning and sports science people are facing a lot worse
If there were raised eyebrows side of things. They were situations than not being able
when he was named in the giving me programmes and to find a football club,” he said.
starting line-up for Saturday’s things to do on my own. “It’s not even remotely close
game against Kilmarnock – “I was just training in parks to how difficult this time has
when an Alan Power own goal in Hull, with labradors coming been for other people. Having a

Lewis throws down gauntlet for Aberdeen after

ALASDAIR FRASER Oli Shaw struck the home shadow of his former self – were
opener after 36 seconds, with goalkeeper at the heart of one of the worst
Charlie Lakin slamming in Joe Lewis results of the McInnes era.
JOE LEWIS insists it is up to a second on 20 minutes. A watches Ross A “McInnes Out” banner,
the Aberdeen players to prove deflected finish, credited as County’s third unfurled at Pittodrie on
Saturday’s disastrous an Alex Iacovitti own goal, goal, by Oli Saturday evening, did the
Dingwall performance was a mustered hope on half time, Shaw, go by social media rounds although it
one-off. but the second half proved lame him was an isolated visual protest.
With dissatisfaction growing in an attacking sense, with There is certainly growing
among Dons’ fans, Derek increasing desperation late on dissent, though, fuelled by
McInnes’ side blew the chance creating gaping holes in the frustration at failing to take
to crank up the pressure on Dons’ defence for Shaw and advantage of the open goal that
struggling Celtic and mount a Jermaine Hylton to pick off. is Celtic’s troubles.
genuine tilt for second place in The fact this crushing There also seems to be
the league. setback came just two days boredom among fans over the
Had County’s north stand after Jonny Hayes trumpeted team’s predictable style of play,
been packed out in red as it his hopes of Aberdeen splitting with McInnes now eight years
usually is on these occasions, the Old Firm made it all the in the job, as well as fatigue
McInnes and his players more galling for fans watching and frustration at the all-
would have certainly faced a at home. too-familiar sense of missed
deafening cacophony of dissent Attacking failings – with opportunity for Scotland’s
at the final whistle after the 4-1 decent chances missed and perennial third force.
defeat. striker Sam Cosgrove looking a The Dons are clearly missing
SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 35
partner in emergency services
has helped me keep things in
Fulton says wonder save just
“I’m like, yeah, I’ve had a
hard day running in the dog
park. She’s coming home from
doing what she does – and
part of defensive progress
there’s no question about the JACK HAUGH really much to think about and Few had a better view of Ful-
perspective there, it’s definitely AT FOYS STADIUM you are just trying to save it. ton’s save than United’s Nicky
an eye opener.” “[I was a bit worried it might Clark, who might have fancied
Things, though, are looking up WHEN Ian Harkes appeared drop in] and the wind helped it his own chances of putting
for Irvine. Having done his bit out of thin air to power a a bit! It blew it over the bar. Dillon Powers’ cross away. It
to help Hibs to their first victory wonderful delivery towards “At the start of the season we would have been the perfect
since before Christmas, he now g o a l h e mu s t h a v e b e e n conceded too many goals but the end to a week which saw the
has a chance of featuring in convinced he had broken the recent form has been a lot better. 29-year-old commit his future
Saturday’s Betfred Cup semi- deadlock against Hamilton. “That’s all over the pitch from to the Tannadice side, despite
final against St Johnstone. Unfortunately for the Dundee the front to the back and we interest from rivals Dundee,
“To come in during a time United midfielder, goalkeeper are a lot better defensively and and shine in his new midfield
when the club is competing for Ryan Fulton had other ideas, need to keep building on that.” role.
a chance to put themselves in throwing his weight back to his Unfortunately for Fulton, his “I was keen to stay here and
a final and to potentially play a right, clawing the ball off his heroic weekend ended with Ac- I am now just focusing on mov-
part in that is very exciting. I line and on to the roof of the cies bottom of the table after ing things forward with the
can’t wait,” he said. net. It is the kind of save which Motherwell secured an unlikely club” Clark said. “It took longer
“It’s kind of a strange one happens only once or twice a point against runaway leaders than I wanted to get into the
being at Hibs now having season. Rangers yesterday. Premiership, so I am not just
played on the Ross County side As Harkes collapsed to the “We are always in a dogfight going to give that up and move
in that final [in 2016]. Maybe turf in disbelief, the Accies and we all back ourselves,” the away.
winning that game gave Hibs goalkeeper jumped to his feet 24-year-old said. “We all trust “It all happened kinda quick
the spark to go and win the and ignored his team-mates’ in each other. But we don’t and I never knew anything
Scottish Cup that season!” plaudits. And, following the 0-0 want to be there and want to be about it [the Dundee interest]
There will be no such draw, did much the same when higher up.” until I saw it in the press. The
cup action for Kilmarnock asked how he had managed to club just wanted to get it done
this weekend, giving them keep the ball out of the net. and I was delighted as I wanted
additional time to reflect on a “First and foremost, we to stay here.
24-hour period that saw them needed to keep a clean sheet,” “It [his new position] is a wee
awarded the chance to play the former Liverpool youngster bit different but I am enjoying
Motherwell in a re-arranged said. “It was a bit unlucky [we it. I am involved in the game a
game – after an SFA panel didn’t win] and we had a few lot more and obviously you need
overturned the SPFL’s initial chances to nick one. to do more of the defensive side
decision to award them a 3-0 “[The ball] came across and of things.
loss for breaches of coronavirus I was just making sure I got “You have the licence to
protocol – and then lose in a there. When he headed it, I just get forward and get into the
scrappy game at Easter Road. threw a hand to it. There’s not Ryan Fulton sorry not to win box.”
For defender Clevid Dikamona,
getting that Motherwell game

Kerr can’t wait for semi

back on the fixture list was the
correct course of action.
Jackson “I’ve been in a lot of countries,
Irvine I’ve played for a lot of teams
rises to
and I can’t understand some
of the decisions from the
SPFL,” he said. “But we have
upon return to Saints side
in a the chance now to fight for the
challenge three points and that’s the best JOSHUA BARRIE we haven’t won in a while and St Johnstone won the Scottish
with decision. That’s what’s fair. To AT McDIARMID PARK I think we were thinking ‘let’s Cup in 2014, Kerr knows just
Killie’s get the points on the pitch not just get the ball forward’ a bit how special cup success can be.
Alan in front of people who don’t JASON KERR was delighted too much. We knew how much a “I know it’s a different compe-
Power even play football.” his rest oration t o the St win meant, both in terms of the tition but this win will give us a
Joh n s t one s t a r t i n g X I on league which is getting tighter lot of confidence going into the
Saturday coincided with a and going into our semi-final.” semi,” he said. “It’s a winnable

County collapse return to winning ways ahead

of their Betfred Cup semi-final
against Hibs at Hampden at
The defender also revealed
details of his Covid-19 diagno-
game. We all know that. We
know we’re good enough to go
and beat Hibs. I feel like we de-
the weekend. “I don’t actually know where served to beat them in the last
the spark and creativity of he said. “You have to assess The St Johnstone skipper’s I got it so it shows just how two games we’ve played.”
injured Marley Watkins, now the game and sometimes when start against St Mirren was careful everybody needs to be St Mirren have been the story
unlikely to return from Bristol emotions are high it’s best his first since being given his – wash your hands and wear of the League Cup, beating
City after his serious hamstring to reflect maybe on Monday marching orders in the reverse your mask. It’s proof that it can Rangers on their route to the
problem. morning. We have to make sure defeat to Jim Goodwin’s side get anyone. semi-final. They could set up
McInnes could move to we’re nothing like that going last month. “The more positive results a final date with St Johnstone
replenish his creative options forward. That suspension, followed that come back the greater if they can navigate their way
in this transfer window, but it “We were slow to react to by time in self-isolation after the chance of football shutting past Livingston in the other
is thought he has already been things in either box. We were he returned a positive test for down again and we really don’t semi-final.
informed resources are thin to flat-footed and didn’t make Covid-19, saw Kerr miss all of want that to happen.” “Livingston are the favourites
non-existent. the most of any opportunities St Johnstone’s five games be- Having been involved with as they are the form team and
More probably, the Dons we had – and obviously Ross fore Saturday’s win which was the club as a young player when they drew at Celtic Park so they
face being weakened by Scott County did. their first since November. are full of confidence right now,”
Wright’s departure to Rangers, “We ball-watched a little “The last game I played said defender Joe Shaughnessy.
with the identity of any make- too much when it came into against St Mirren I got sent “But I think it is two similar
weight player swap now crucial our box. We didn’t anticipate, off, so this definitely feels a lot standard of teams and I am
to appeasing supporters. at either end, where the balls better,” a visibly relieved Kerr sure it will be a close game and
Lewis, the Dons goalkeeper were going to land. said .“It was scrappy but it’s a I am looking forward to it.
and captain, sidestepped talk “We were waiting for things win. The gaffer had said before “You want to get to finals in
of crisis, but summed up the to happen rather than being the game that we would take your career and have the chance
depth of dismay in the away proactive and taking it by the a 1-0 like that and that’s what to win silverware. After our win
camp. scruff of the neck. We need to we’ve done. over Rangers you really have to
“We’re very disappointed,” make sure we lift ourselves.” “We got a bit nervous because Jason Kerr happy to be back go and make it count now.”
36 Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP

Wheels well and

truly off as Celtic
screech to a halt
...and other talking points from Parkhead
side’s stumble to stalemate with Livingston
think we can complain at the home side, but while Tom
FIVE THINGS result.”
It all rather petered out
Rogic was game, he was clearly
a fish out of water trying to
GRAEME in the end, which could well lead the line.
McGARRY be the epitaph of their tilt at “We still had a strong side
10-in-a-row. and a good shape to us,” said
Frimpong. “We just didn’t play

DAVID MARTINDALE well enough.”

CHAMPIONS GOING DESERVES That Celtic did not play
DOWN WITH A LIVINGSTON CHANCE well enough is incontestable,
WHIMPER Livingston will take on Celtic but there seems little doubt
Self-inflicted mitigating again at the Tony Macaroni that the lack of a focal point
circumstances or not with Arena on Wednesday night, on attack contributed to that.
their missing personnel, this but manager David Martindale Livi got their tactics spot on,
performance from Celtic has an arguably more pressing Celtic high up the
was symptomatic of their important appointment earlier park knowing that playing
title defence as a whole: in the day when he should long to a target man was
uninspiring, listless and finally find out if he has passed not an option for the home
nowhere near good enough. the SFA’s fit and proper person side.
It was always going to test. Any time the ball came near
be difficult up against a Martindale’s crimes Rogic, it was swallowed up by
Livingston side who came and conviction are well Jon Guthrie and Efe Ambrose,
into the game on an eight- documented, but so too is his who perhaps had as easy a day
game winning streak and openness about his past and any pair of visiting centre-
bursting with confidence, and rehabilitation, and there can backs to Celtic Park have ever
the differing levels of belief be little question over his had.
were evident in the opening capability to do the job. “That was definitely the
exchanges as Livi came flying His influence on Livingston’s game plan,” said in-form Scott
out the traps. team and tactics has long been Robinson. “With the run we Jeremie Frimpong takes a shot perceived benefit of Celtic
Celtic very rarely looked apparent, and the reaction of are on we felt we could come under pressure from former having 13 players self-isolating
like scoring, with a fine Max his players to his leadership is here and stamp our game on Celtic player Efe Ambrose in the last two matches,
Stryjek save from Jeremie obvious. Celtic and take the game to during the 0-0 draw then it should have been the
Frimpong in the first half and Having done his time, it them. opportunity it presented to
a decent Anthony Ralston would seem contrary to the “We tried to do that and it no surprise to see Livi creating those on the periphery of the
cross being spurned by late SFA’s own values of inclusion was working. For the majority opportunities from set-pieces. first team to stake a claim for
substitute Armstrong Okoflex to send Martindale back into of the game we played really Twice Ambrose got on the end more regular involvement.
the closest they came. the shadows. His team here well and just needed that goal of dead ball deliveries in the Instead, most of those
“If that had gone in it might were again a fine testament to in the end.” second half, with the first of drafted in only served to
have been a different story,” his managerial ability. those chances particularly underline why they are not

said Frimpong about his NO MATTER THE glaring, as the former Celtic central to manager Neil

chance. “The keeper made a NO FORWARD, NO PERSONNEL, CELTIC centre-back put a free Lennon’s plans.
good save to be fair. These CHANCE CAN’T DEFEND header over from around eight Ralston gives his all and put
are the things you need to go The Celtic players and SET-PIECES yards. in a couple of decent crosses,
your way. management were keen to It may seem churlish to When Shane Duffy was but there has to be doubts over
“We didn’t create too much downplay the influence that criticise the Celtic defence brought to Celtic in the whether he will ever make the
in the game. One goal might not having a striker available given its makeshift nature summer, he was seen as the breakthrough at this level,
have done it but I don’t had on the bluntness of the and the fact they did indeed man to toughen up that soft while Mikey Johnston has
record a clean sheet, but centre at the heart of their been ineffectual over the past
I don’t think we that had more to do with the
profligacy of Livingston – with
defence, but opposition teams
are still making hay from
two matches.
In fairness to the winger, he

can complain
Ambrose the chief sinner – simple balls thrown into the has been out injured for a long
than any solidity in the Celtic heart of the box. time and still looks some way
back line. short of match fitness, but in
about the result
In fact, it seems that no CELTIC FRINGE these games where Celtic
matter who takes to the PLAYERS HAVE NOT have been crying out for
field for Celtic, the same old MADE THEIR CASE creativity, he has been found
deficiencies remain, and it was If there was to be one wanting.
SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 37

Hartson says
Lennon should
exit Parkhead

JOH N H A RT S ON b el ieve s
former Celtic team-mate Neil
Lennon’s time as Parkhead
boss should be up.
The champions concluded a
calamitous week with a goalless
home draw against Livingston
on Saturday which delivered
another blow to already ailing
hopes of a 10th successive
Scottish Premiership title.
Lennon, assistant John
Kennedy and 13 first-team
players were still self-isolating
as close contacts of Christopher
Jullien who was confirmed to John Hartson says the players
have contracted Covid-19 after have got away with murder
returning from a controversial
training camp in Dubai. “It has taken me this long
First team coach Gavin to say I would like to see a
Strachan was in charge for the change, new staff, a freshness,
1-1 draw against Hibernian last something different. Neil has
Monday night and again for the done amazing. His trophy haul
visit of in-form Livi who were a has been fantastic both as a
match for the weakened hosts. player and a manager.
The result left the champions “I just think the club need
20 points behind Old Firm to say that they are going to
rivals Rangers at the top of the change the manager, whether
table with two games in hand, he goes at the end of the season
before the Ibrox side’s 1-1 draw or now, it is tough call for me to
at Motherwell yesterday. say it but I think it needs to be
Former Wales striker Hartson done. The time has come.”
has been a big supporter of Hartson believes the Celtic
Lennon, whom he played with players should be glad no
at Celtic Park between 2001 supporters are allowed into
and 2006, but he now believes Parkhead this season due to
it is time for him to go. the coronavirus restrictions.
He told the ten10podcast. He said: “I actually think it
com: “I am a pundit but I care is a blessing that the fans are
like the fans care, I am a Celtic not allowed in because at this
Frimpong mystified over poor display supporter and ex-player and it
is just very disappointing to see
moment in time there would
probably be about 15,000 fans
how this season has so fizzled watching Celtic. I think a lot of
JEREMIE FRIMPONG says have had enough out there to “As a footballer, you’ve got out. I think a change is needed. them would have stayed away
there is no excuse for Celtic’s produce a better performance. to deal with every situation. It “I send Neil best wishes and having watching some of the
dismal performance against Although there were a lot of is what it is. There is no point good luck when he needs it but drivel Celtic have shown up
Livingston at the weekend, players missing, there were in complaining. It’s happened. to lose the league in such a big, this season.
and that their players now enough regulars out there. We’ve just got to deal with it. big season in the way they have, “I think the players have got
face a huge test of character That’s no excuse. “There’s maybe a slight lack has been so disappointing. away with murder. I played at
to avoid their season fizzling “The team that’s picked has of confidence at the moment. “Not just me, look at Chris Celtic Park for five years and I
out. to go out and perform. But we That only comes if you are Sutton, Stan Petrov, Alan had the Celtic manager and the
The champions’ title defence just didn’t do that. winning games and it will only Thompson and Henrik Larsson crowd barking down my throat
is surely over already as their “I felt confident before the return when we do that.” [former team mates], we all love every time I gave the ball away.
depleted side spilled yet more game that we’d produce the Celtic will take on Livingston Neil and want him to succeed “The players are giving the ball
points in the goalless draw at performance that would get us again away from home on and we were all delighted when away willy-nilly now, the passing
Celtic Park on Saturday, but a the result we needed but it Wednesday night, and he brought home the quadruple is not crisp, not accurate, there
crestfallen Frimpong refused didn’t work out like that. I can’t Frimpong is hoping that a treble but I do genuinely think, is a lot of sloppiness going on.
to use the fact they were explain why. full-strength side can help with the situation in the league, The defenders are not winning
without 13 first-team players “It’s been strange the past them back to winning ways. a change is needed from the tackles and interceptions, the
as a justification for their poor few days without the manager “It’s a good thing that we’ve bottom to the top, I really do. crowd would go berserk, you
display. and John Kennedy being got a game on Wednesday,” “The whole thing needs to be would be booed off half the time.
“It just wasn’t good enough around as you work so closely he said. “We have to go there changed and it needs to happen “That has not happened so in
from us,” Frimpong said. “We with them. They’ve obviously and win. It’s that simple. pretty soon. Maybe the players a way you could say, yes, they
didn’t get the result we were got their messages through to “We should be helped by a need a different voice. Neil have missed the crowd but they
looking for. We had to win. us but obviously it’s just not number of players coming might want a new challenge, would get on to them and make
“All we can do is keep going the same as seeing them in back which is a positive. a fresh start. Sometimes it it more difficult. How much
now. Of course we should person. Hopefully we can win.” doesn’t work, Neil is intelligent stick would they be giving
enough, he has to see this. Shane Duffy now?”
38 Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP

Assured performance. Dealt

with crosses well and looked

confident when tested.

Solid defensively and got
forward as much as he
could from right-back.
men make
Strong in the air and kept
tabs on the Rangers attack.

visitors work
Marshalled Alfredo
Morelos well and chipped
in with a couple of key
for point
tackles and interceptions.


A threat going forward and JACK
impressive with his back to at Fir Park
goal. Lost Cedric Itten for
Rangers’ equaliser.

Battled well in the middle. Motherwell 1
Kept Motherwell ticking and
made good use of the ball. Rangers 1

Provided a lot of energy in closer to the finishing
midfield. Kept going for the line in the
full 90 minutes and stood Premiership. But this
up well against a strong will feel like two squandered
Rangers middle line. for Steven Gerrard’s side as
they were held for only the
ALLAN CAMPBELL 6 third time this term.
Did not get forward as much Not since the draw at
as he would have liked but a Easter Road in September
tireless shift nonetheless. have Rangers failed to win on
league duty. On the day they
SHERWIN SEEDORF 5 could have moved 23 points
A relatively quiet afternoon clear of Celtic, they could only
for the attacker. Struggled add one to their tally as Cedric
to get on the ball and was Itten earned them a draw Cedric Itten equalisers for did raise their levels slightly, and their pressing and their
wasteful at times. against Motherwell. Rangers, after Devante Cole, but it was not enough as they efforts paid off after 20
The point for the Steelmen below, had given Motherwell trailed at the break and could minutes as they took the lead.
DEVANTE COLE 7 and new boss Graham the lead in the first half have no complaints about doing A low drive early on from
Took his goal well and Alexander could be crucial so. Allan Campbell was a sign
caused problems at the top in their battle to beat the and frustrate Rangers. It They would get into some of their intentions to be more
end of the park. Great drop. At the other end of the took Motherwell longer to promising positions, but the purposeful with the ball on
clearance off the line in the Premiership, Rangers have the break the deadlock this time finishing touches were not this occasion and they would
second half. breathing space to ensure that around, but they were worthy there as crosses were cleared exploit a weakness in the
faltering at Fir Park does not of their advantage against a and openings closed. In Rangers defence to break the
TONY WATT 7 prove costly in the title race. lackadaisical and lacklustre terms of tempo and quality, deadlock.
Linked up well with Cole A Devante Cole strike in the Rangers. Rangers were lacking during The build-up was patient
and provided the assist for first half gave Motherwell a Given what is at stake and a surprisingly ragged and down the left and Liam
Motherwell’s opener. Tidy. chance of becoming the first the opportunity that they had, wretched first half. Polworth slipped in Tony Watt.
side to beat Rangers in the it was hard to fathom just why There was, however, plenty He had time to pick out his
Substitutes league this season. In the end, Gerrard’s side were so off it for to admire about Alexander’s man and it was Cole who was
STEVEN LAWLESS 5 Gerrard’s side would preserve long spells. The goal from Cole side in terms of their shape in the right place at the right
(For Tony Watt, 70) Looked their record as their winning time to convert from close
bright. Could be a handy run came to an end just as range.
addition for Graham they had the finishing line in The failure to stop crosses
Alexander. sight. at source has been a point of
ROSS MacIVER 4 When Motherwell went to consternation for Gerrard in
(For Sherwin Seedorf, 70) Ibrox, Rangers had a unique recent times and that mistake,
Put himself about in the challenge to overcome with coupled with some misjudged
latter stages. More of a the visitors setting up in the positional play from Leon
defensive shift. infamous 5-5-0 formation in Balogun, cost Rangers. It was
RICKI LAMIE 3 one of Stephen Robinson’s such an avoidable goal to lose,
(For Liam Polworth, 80) On final matches in charge. His but one Motherwell rightly
to shore things up in the successor Alexander was more savoured.
dying minutes. orthodox in his approach here, The efforts from Rangers to
BARRY MAGUIRE 2 and certainly more attacking. pull themselves level ranged
(For Robbie Crawford, 83) On The plan at Ibrox had from near misses to high and
too late to make an impact. been to nick a goal and then wild. A glancing header from
defend it, attempt to stifle Alfredo Morelos was narrowly
SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP Sport/Monday, January 18, 2021 39



Left exposed by his
defence for the opening

Alexander goal. Had little to do in the

second half.

left annoyed JAMES TAVERNIER

Got into a number of

promising positions but

GRAHAM ALEXANDER was could not have the desired
frustrated Motherwell were impact in the final third.
undone by an “offside” goal as
Rangers earned a share of the CONNOR GOLDSON 7
points at Fir Park. Another comfortable
After Devante Cole gave afternoon for the stopper
the hosts a first-half lead, as his fine form continued.
Cedric Itten stepped off the
bench to head home a cross LEON BALOGUN 6
from Borna Barisic from close Has to take some
range and rescue a point, but responsibility for the
Well boss Alexander reckons the Devante Cole goal. Steady
effort from the Swiss should not enough thereafter.
have been allowed to stand.
“I’m proud of the players and BORNA BARISIC 6
everyone at the club,” Alexander No lack of effort down the
said. “There’s a lot of work gone left and persistence paid
on behind the scenes this week off as he got an assist for
with ground staff and office Cedric Itten.
staff to try and create an environ-
ment for the players to feel STEVEN DAVIS 7
together and we saw that today. The best of the midfield
“We were excellent in the three by some way as he
first half. We were comfortable impressed on his 300th
and scored a fantastic goal and appearance.
deservedly went 1-0 up.
“Although I didn’t see it at the GLEN KAMARA 6
time, it looks like an offside goal Not at his best in the first
got them a point...It was only half but did improve and
after the game when someone grow in influence after the
showed me the still and a bit break.
of footage, and that hurts us a
little bit. But it’s good the JOE ARIBO 6
players are frustrated at taking Needed to show more
a point from a side who are quality when it mattered as
unbeaten this season.” it turned into a frustrating
outing for the midfielder.

Gerrard thanks hosts for

wide of Liam Kelly’s left post, was building, but the goal still
while an attempt from Glen would not come as nobody in IANIS HAGI 6
Kamara was closer to clearing blue could convert when James A couple of moments
the Davie Cooper Stand than
hitting the target.
That effort summed up
Tavernier nodded a cross back
into the danger area.
Thankfully for Gerrard,
early warning over pitch aside, the Romanian could
not really get involved or
worry Motherwell on a
Rangers in the first half and Itten was on hand the next RANGERS manager Steven get on with it and do what we low-key afternoon.
there would surely have been time there was a chance. The Gerrard said there was can.
some stern words from Gerrard cross from Borna Barisic was nothing for Motherwell to be “I don’t think the pitch was RYAN KENT 6
once his side had traipsed back pinpoint and the header from ashamed of after revealing the to blame for our first 45 Bright in spells but could
up the stairs that lead to the the Swiss was clinical as he Steelmen flagged up the minutes because you can’t not make the most of his
makeshift away dressing room scored for the fourth time condition of the Fir Park pitch blame a pitch for being chances on a day when
at Fir Park. in three outings against the ahead of their clash. passive and having no quality. manager Steven Gerrard
The team that re-emerged Steelmen this season. After the 1-1 draw, Gerrard “In an ideal world we want to needed him to step up.
certainly had more intent. Like at Ibrox, Rangers had refused to blame the state of play on a perfect pitch but at
A snap shot from Ianis Hagi been forced to wait for their the surface for a rare poor this stage it’s not going to be ALFREDO MORELOS 7
did not worry Kelly, but the goal. Now they had the winner performance by his side and the case but there’s no fingers Did not get the support that
goalkeeper did save well from in their sights going into the appreciated the heads-up pointed at Motherwell because he required at times. No
Ryan Kent on the angle just final 15 minutes. from the Fir Park outfit after a given the weather and the goal this time around but a
minutes after the winger failed There was only half that prolonged period of bad conditions and the country we good all-round performance.
to hit the target as he stretched time when Gerrard turned weather took its toll. play in, it is what it is.
to get his head on a Hagi cross. to his bench again and “We had an email off “It was heads-up that if we Substitutes
It had taken Rangers far too introduced Jermain Defoe Motherwell to be fair a few had a period of weather that CEDRIC ITTEN 6
long, but they finally looked a in place of Morelos. With days ago talking about the was bad the game could be (for Hagi, 55) Continued
threat and Itten would arrive seconds remaining, the striker standard of the pitch but we 50-50. Thankfully the game his record against the
in place of Hagi. It was Connor unleashed a low shot that knew that at this stage of the went ahead but we hosts with a header.
Goldson who almost pulled Kelly did well to save at the season you’re not going to get appreciated the heads up but JERMAIN DEFOE 3
Gerrard’s side level, though, near post. perfect pitches,” Gerrard said. it’s nothing for Motherwell to (for Morelos, 83) Could not
as his header was cleared by It was the moment that “Ibrox isn’t perfect at the be ashamed of because you grab the winner off the
Cole on the line as the striker earned his side a share of moment. It is what it is. We see all the pitches, you saw bench.
played his part at the other the spoils. Motherwell will be have to be ready for these Hibs’ pitch on Sportscene, BRANDON BARKER 2
end of the park. pleased with their point, but type of environments and Celtic Park, Ibrox, I think a lot (for Kent, 88) No impact in
Motherwell were penned in Rangers were left to rue the these pitches and we have to of people are having issues.” final minutes.
by this stage. The pressure fact they didn’t have all three.
Injured McInally set to
miss Six Nations opener
Frimpong left
frustrated by
another draw
Celtic 0 Livingston 0 fallout. Pages 36-37

Gerrard call
for focus
as title talk
ramps up
Rangers manager looks to
block out noise after draw
CHRIS JACK “After a fantastic win no-
one’s getting too high and if we

TEVEN GERRARD have a bump or don’t get the re-
is confident Rangers sult we want it’s important to
can remain focused on stay calm. We haven’t managed
the job in hand in the to stretch our lead today but at
Premiership and block out the the same time we haven’t lost
noise surrounding their title anything either.
bid this term. “You’ve seen two sides of us
Striker Cedric Itten earned today, a first half showing that
Gerrard’s side a point against wasn’t us and wasn’t good
Motherwell yesterday as the vis- enough but the second half was
itors were held for the first time an awful lot better.”
since September on league duty. Rangers were far from their
Rangers remain 21 points best at Fir Park as Itten came
clear of Celtic at the top of the off the bench to cancel out a first
table and on course for their half strike from Devante Cole.
first Premiership crown in a And Gerrard was frustrat-
decade after maintaining their ed with aspects of the perfor-
unbeaten top-flight run. mance as his side missed the
“It’s going to be a challenge be- chance to extend their advan-
cause the reality is there are big tage over their Old Firm rivals.
prizes to play for,” Gerrard said Gerrard (inset) said: “I think

when asked if it was hard not to as a group we all know where
get carried away given the noise we are at and where we are try- 
around Rangers this season. ing to get to. 
“It’s impossible not to realise “We had to get into them at
where we are as a group and half-time and demand more
what’s at stake. But it’s impor- from them in and out of posses-
tant that we stay focused and sion. We got a reaction.
don’t get ahead of ourselves. “We were really good in the
That’s where we are trying to second half and we were unlucky   
keep the boys in terms of their not to get another goal or two.”
thinking and the preparation. Match report. Pages 38-39 Cedric Itten (left) celebrates his equaliser against Motherwell at Fir Park yesterday

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