Sa7787sw D

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S-TEC Corporation
One S-TEC Way
Mineral Wells Municipal Airport
Mineral Wells, TX 76067-9236




Installation of S-TEC System 65 Two Axis Automatic Flight Guidance System, Model ST-397, according to
Bulletin No. 497, Revision 4, dated 4-15-97 and Master Drawing List No. 92530, Revision D, dated 4-15-97
with Optional Flight Director/Steering Horizon or later FAA Approved revisions of the above data (28 Volt

1. Also eligible on Model 414A When Modified Per STC SE09104SC (335 H.P. Engine Conversion and
7,105 Lbs. Gross Weight Increase) and/or STC SA8125SW (Vortex Generators and Strakes).

(See Continuation Sheet, Page 2, a part of this STC.)


1-23-91 State a0t**u&/.- 4-28-97, Revision 1


William 3. Thomas
DAS Staff Coordinator. DAS 5 SW.

Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.

FAA Form 8110-2(10-68) Page 1 of 2 This certificate may ba transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
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SA7787SW-D, Revision 1

Limitations and Conditions (con't.)

2. FAA/DAS Approved Airplance Flight Manual Supplement, P/N 89906, dated 1-23-91 is required for
Cessna Model 414A or later FAA Approved revisions of the above supplement.

3. FAA/DAS Approved Pilot's Operating Handbook and/or Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, P/N
89906, Revision 1, dated 4-28-97 is required for Cessna Model 414A And The Above Model When
Modified Per STC SE09104SC (335 H.P. Engine Conversion and 7,105 Lbs. Gross Weight Increase)
and/or STC SA8125SW (Vortex Generators and Strakes) or later FAA Approved revisions of the
above supplement.
4. FAA/DAS Approved Pilot's Operating Handbook and/or Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, P/N,
P/N 891351, dated 4-28-97 is required for Cessna Model 421C or later FAA Approved revisions of
the above supplement.

5. Compatibility of this modification with other previously approved modifications must be determined
by the installer.

Any alteration of this certificate ia punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.

FAA Form 8110-2-1(10-69} Page 2 of 2 This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
INSTRUCTIONS: The transfer endorsement below may be used to notify the appropriate FAA Regional Office of
the transfer of this Supplemental Type Certificate.

The FAA will reissue the certificate in the name of the transferee and forward it to him.


Transfer the ownership of Supplemental Type Certificate Number .

to (Name of transferee) _____________________________

(Address of transferee) ____________________

(Number and street)

(City, Stair, and £IP cade)

from (Name oj grantor) (Print or type) _______________________

(Address of grantor)
{.Wiimkfr and street)

( ' i l f . Slate, and -~Vr tode)

Extent of Authority (if licensing agreement):

Date of Transfer:

Signature of grantor (In ink):

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