The Relationship Between Emotions and Learning In.1

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The Relationship Between Emotions and Learning

in Simulation-Based Education

Vicki R. LeBlanc, PhD I n this issue, Rogers et al1 present the results of a study looking at the interplay of
emotions and learning during simulation-based education. The role of emotions
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in learning, particularly simulation, has been of growing interest to educators. Med-

ical education involves significant emotional experiences for the learners, and these
emotions can have important effects on the cognitive and learning processes of indi-
viduals. Given that stress has been associated not only with greater memory consol-
idation (process of solidifying transient memory traces into long-term memory) but
also with greater biases and inaccuracies in what is recalled, simulation educators are
increasingly concerned with understanding and quantifying stress for learners during
simulations.2 The goal of this editorial is to highlight possible directions for future
research building on the work of Rogers et al.1 I first present arguments for looking
at the role of appraisals as well as motivation when studying emotions. Second, I dis-
cuss the potential importance of individual roles as potential modifiers of emotional
responses during team-based simulation sessions. Finally, I discuss the possible ben-
efits of physiological and behavioral measures in the study of emotions.
Addressing the concerns of educators regarding stress reactions during
simulation-based education, Rogers et al1 investigated whether participants in simu-
lations had greater emotional responses than observers. As a secondary outcome
measure, they examined the relationship between emotional arousal and learning.
They found that participants, as expected, reported greater negative arousal than
the observers. However, they also found that the participants reported greater posi-
tive arousal than the observers, a finding that is more unexpected. Finally, they did
not find any relationship between emotional arousal or role (participants vs ob-
server) and scores on a measure of learning.
This study represents the early stages of an important research agenda for the
field of simulation-based education: how does the construction of our simulation
sessions affect the emotional experience of our learners, and how do these emo-
tional experiences affect their learning? As discussed by Rogers et al,1 the results
of this study raise more questions than answers, as would be expected from any
early inquiry into a topic. Although readers might be tempted to interpret these re-
sults as indicating that emotions do not influence learning, there are other factors
potentially at play that could influence the results. The relationship between types
of simulation experiences, emotional experiences, and subsequent learning is a com-
plex one that merits further inquiry. Hereinafter, I describe some possible venues for
future inquiry.
As highlighted by Rogers et al,1 participants in their simulation sessions experi-
enced the co-existence of greater negative and positive emotions compared with the
observers. This supports findings from the broader emotions domain that emotions
can co-exist, with each emotion having a unique—and sometimes opposing effect -
on cognitive processes.3 In their study, Rogers et al1 use the circumplex model of
Department of Innovation in Medical Education, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Ottawa, and University of Ottawa emotions4 to frame the emotional reactions of the learners. A commonly used
Skills and Simulation Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. model, the circumplex model's strength is that it parses out various emotions into
Reprints: Vicki R. LeBlanc, PhD, Department of Innovation two dimensions thought to be at the core of an emotional experience: arousal and
in Medical Education, University of Ottawa, 850 Peter valence. Dimensional models of emotion describe affective states as arising from
Morand Cres, Room 102, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1G 5Z3
(e‐mail: overlapping neurophysiological systems thought to act in predictable ways on
Copyright © 2019 Society for Simulation in Healthcare cognitive processes. Over the years, there has been some evidence in support of
DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000379 dimensional models of emotions.5–7

Vol. 14, Number 3, June 2019 137

Copyright © 2019 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
However, dimensional models such as the circumplex Another aspect that merits further study would be to look
model have also been critiqued for being too simplistic to fully at the effects of specific roles while participating in simula-
capture the complex relationship between emotions and cog- tions. In their study, Rogers et al1 describe sessions in which
nitive processes.8 To better characterize the relationship be- 2 to 3 residents actively participated in the same scenario. In
tween emotions and cognition, discrete models of emotions such cases, one individual would likely assume the role of
have been put forward. Distinct emotions are thought to orga- leader with the others taking a more supporting role. As such,
nize behavior and physiology in a predictable fashion to allow the emotional responses of all active participants might not
the individual to deal with specific emotion-evoking events.9 be equivalent. In previous research by our group, we found
In contradiction to dimensional models, discrete approaches that different roles were associated with different stress re-
argue that emotions of the same valence and arousal can have sponses.21 Therefore, further work could look at the effect
different effects on cognition. For example, fear and anger, of different roles on participants' emotions as well as on sub-
though both negatively valenced high arousal emotions, differ sequent learning.
in terms of certainty and power appraisals. Fear is associated This study also looked at self-reported emotions. This is a
with appraisals of low certainty and low power over a situation. common approach, given financial and logistical challenges of
Anger is associated with high certainty and high power. As a measuring physiological stress responses (eg, cortisol and
result of these appraisals, anger is associated with more opti- heart rate variability). As addressed by Rogers et al,1 this is also
mistic assessments of the future and lower risk perceptions a potentially contentious approach to measuring emotions.
than is fear.10–12 Similar research has shown that sadness (eg, Although the collection of cortisol samples often requires con-
negative-low arousal) is associated with more pessimistic as- straints that do not accommodate well with simulation-based
sessments of the future, but less aversion to taking risks.12 education sessions,22 recent development in the measurement
These data suggest that even when emotions overlap in valence of heart rate variability has made data collection more straight-
and/or arousal, they can have significantly different effects on forward and affordable.23 Where possible, adding physiological
how individuals think and act. measures to subsequent studies looking at stress responses
In addition, emotions can have an impact on a learner's would allow for greater understanding of the relative contri-
motivation and efforts toward understanding of educational butions of subjective (“feeling” stressed) and physiological re-
materials, that is, their preparation, perseverance in the face sponses. Although the physiological measurement of other
of challenges, and strategies toward learning.13 According to distinct emotions is not as reliable, great advances have been
Pekrun's control-value theory of emotions,14 achievement done in facial and behavioral analyses.24
emotions are emotions directly tied to achievement activities In conclusion, Rogers et al,1 in their study, begin to ad-
(emotions experienced during an activity) and achievement dress an important question for simulation-based education.
outcomes (emotions experienced as a result of success or fail- By further understanding the emotional responses of our
ure outcomes). Different emotions will affect one's motivation learners to simulation sessions, and the effects of these various
toward learning behaviors. emotions on learning, educators will be better equipped to
Positive emotions, such as enjoying a task, can lead to create simulation-based curricula that will best prepare learners
greater interest and greater intrinsic motivation to engage in for future clinical practice.
the task for its own sake.15,16 Negative emotions (eg, boredom,
anxiety, anger) can decrease interest and intrinsic motivation
in a task. However, negative emotions can also increase extrin- REFERENCES
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