A Study of Marketing Strategies of Surf Excel and Ariel

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Compaiative Analysis of

Suif Excel anu Aiiel

Final Pioject Pioposal


The project will be based on the survey to perIorm a comparative analysis between the two
detergent brands SurI Excel and Ariel. The purpose oI the survey is to analyze the comparison
between these two brands on the basis oI points oI diIIerences and point oI parity and to judge
diIIerent aspects oI the brand which make customers loyal, associated and in Iavor oI one brand
more than the competing one.

Surf Excel

SurI Excel is the product oI Unilever. SurI Excel is the oldest detergent brand to be present in
Pakistan since 1960. The company has always believed that dirt is a valuable way to enrich our
lives, both young and old. To ensure that everyone, anywhere in the country, can share in this
initiative, company investing heavily in developing a range that suits the pockets oI all income
groups. This has included launching aIIordable packs that not only oIIer the top-clean advantages
oI SurI Excel, but also reduce the time, physical eIIort and amount oI water needed to wash
clothes by hand. SurI introduces innovations that challenge laundry conventions. We believe that
by giving consumers more than what they would expect out oI a laundry detergent, we help
brighten up their day.


Ariel is the product oI P&G. Ariel detergent gives you impeccable cleaning in stain removal.
Ariel contains unique ingredients that cannot be Iound in other detergents, thus it is designed to
remove a multitude oI stains better. Ariel is perIect Ior your everyday washing needs. The unique
Iormula has been designed to give brilliant cleaning and long lasting Ireshness. Clothes will keep
that just-washed Ireshness Ior longer (Ior up to 8 hours)

ro[ect Cb[ect|ves
lollowlng are Lhe ob[ecLlves LhaL are Lo be meL Lhrough Lhls research pro[ecL
nalyzlng Lhe brand awareness and usage of Lhe Lwo deLergenLs
nalyzlng Lhe polnL of dlfferences creaLed by Lhe Lwo deLergenLs and how much successful Lhey
are ln communlcaLlng Lheses dlfferences Lo Lhe LargeL markeL
hecklng Lhe [udgmenLs and assoclaLlons consumers have developed wlLh Lhe brands
hecklng Lhe cusLomer's ulLlmaLe loyalLy wlLh Lhelr preferred brand
uggesLlng recommendaLlons for lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe second brand

esearch 1echn|que

ln Lhls pro[ecL a descrlpLlve research Lechnlque wlll be used Lo flnd ouL Lhe consumer's evaluaLlon of Lhe
aLLrlbuLes of Lhe one deLergenL brand versus Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lhe compeLlng deLergenL brand

esearch 1oo|

1o conducL Lhls survey Lhe research Lool used wlll be quesLlonnalre 8oLh close ended and openended
quesLlons wlll be lncluded ln Lhe quesLlonnalre Lo flnd ouL Lhe ln deLall vlew of Lhe respondenLs on Lhe
purpose under research

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