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A first look at this shrug could have you scratching your head, because it has no neck opening . . . you simply fold down the back neck, put your arms in the armholes, and go! It's knit in one piece, for a quick no-finishing finish, and is as easy to knit as it is to wear - it starts as a simple rectangle, which is folded in half, and then the top and bottom of the rectangle are put on one circular needle, so that the remainder of the garment can be knit in circle, which widens to create the shrug's rounded shaping and luxurious rolled collar. Stretchy rib patterning makes it completely reversible, and adaptable to a wide variety different body types and sizes. It can be worn either open, or closed at the center front with a shawl pin. 11/14/2011 - Knitting Yarn at Irresistible Prices

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Sizes: S, M, L - To fit bust sizes 32-34 (36-38, 40-44)" Materials: - 3 balls of Mister Joe Montepulciano, or approx. 500 (550, 625) yards of yarn, which can be almost any weight from DK (21-23 st/4") to Bulky (12-14 st/4"). For this garment, gauge is determined more by 5.5 mm (US 9) needle size, than by yarn weight. - 24" circular needle, size 5.5 mm (US 9), or size required to produce stated gauge. - Size 8.0 mm (US 11) needle for binding off. - Most knitters will find ring stitch markers useful for separating repeats of lace rib stitch. Gauge: Approx. 13 st and 18 rows = 4" square, measured over lace rib, using 5.5 mm (US 9) needles.

Basic Lace Rib Stitch (knit in the round) Rounds 1 and 3: *k3, p2* Round 2: *k1, yo, ssk, p2* Round 4: *k2tog, yo, k1, p2*

Multiple of 5:

Provisional Cast On: With waste yarn, crochet a chain about 10 stitches more than the number needed for the size you re making. Tie a knot near the tail end of the crocheted chain, so you ll be able to easily unzip it later. Turn the chain over so the bumps are on top. Insert the tip of your needle through one bump and knit first row of stitches using garment yarn. Later, the crocheted chain can be carefully unzipped, and your cast-on stitches transferred to a needle to be used as "live" stitches for continued knitting. Directions: Using waste yarn and a provisional cast on, CO 57 (62, 67) sts. Switch to garment yarn, and work Lace Rib Stitch, knit flat, back and forth on 5.5 mm (US 9) circular needle until piece measures 14, 15, 16", ending with a Row 1. Lace Rib Stitch (knit flat) Multiple of 5 + 2: While this reversible stitch is not identical on its 2 sides, it is attractive from either side. Rows 1 and 3 (reverse side): K2, *p3, k2* Row 2: P2, *k1, yo, ssk, p2* 11/14/2011 - Knitting Yarn at Irresistible Prices

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Row 4: P2, *k2tog, yo, k1, p2* Fold the knitted piece in half, with reverse sides together in preparation for working the flat piece in the round. Carefully remove the waste yarn from CO sts. and transfer these stitches onto the same the same circular needle as you have using to work straight, so that your most recently knit stitches and your CO stitches are ready to be joined in one round (114, 124, 134 sts). Following Row 2 instructions, pattern across first 57 (62, 67) sts, beginning and ending with p2, and then pattern across second 57 (62, 67) sts, beginning and ending p2. Join round, and work a modified Round 3, modifying Basic Rib Stitch for rounds, so that each p2 becomes p3 in subsequent rounds: *k3, p1, M1, p1* M1 Note: Make on stitch by picking up the bar between 2 purl sts and place on left hand needle. With yarn in front, purl into this new stitch from front to back, to form a twisted purl stitch. This can be a tricky stitch to execute, if you're not used it, but with practice, it is not difficult, and its reward will be an neater -looking increase with no hole. At the 2 places where the circle joins (underarms), where you have 4 purl stitches, p2tog once, so that underarms also become 3 purl stitches - 22 (24, 26) repeats of 6 sts. = 132 (144, 156 sts). Continue knitting in rounds, as follows, until piece measures 2" from underarms, ending with a round 2 or 4: Lace Rib Stitch II (knit in the round) Rounds 1 and 3: *k3, p3* Round 2: *k1, yo, ssk, p3* Round 4: *k2tog, yo, k1, p3* Multiple of 6:

Next Round 1 further modify the Lace Rib Stitch so that each p3 becomes p5 in subsequent rounds: *k3, p1, M1, p1, M1, p1* - 22 (24, 26) repeats of 8 sts = 176 (192, 208 sts). Continue knitting in rounds, as follows, until piece measures 4" from underarms, ending with a round 2 or 4: Lace Rib Stitch III (knit in the round) Rounds 1 and 3: *k3, p5* Round 2: *k1, yo, ssk, p5* Round 4: *k2tog, yo, k1, p5* Multiple of 8:

Swing Edge: Next Round 1 - further modify the Lace Rib Stitch so that each p5 becomes p12: *k3, M1, p1, M1, p1, M1, P1F&B, M1, p1, M1, p1, M1*. Return now to Basic Lace Rib Stitch for rounds (multiple of 5) at beginning of pattern, and continue until piece measures 10" from underarms, ending with a round 4 - 66 (72, 78) repeats of 5 sts = 330 (360, 390 sts). P1F&B Note: Purl in the usual way through the front of the stitch, then purl through the back of it, from back to front, twisting the stitch, as for M1. BO in k3, p2 rib, using a size 8.0 mm (US 11) needle for BO to ensure a loose BO. 11/14/2011 - Knitting Yarn at Irresistible Prices

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Abbreviations: BO - bind off, CO - cast on, F&B - front and backK - knit, M1 - make one, P - purl, pm - place marker, RS - right side, ssk - slip next 2 sts knitwise insert point of LH needle through fronts of these 2 sts and k 2 tog, st(s) - stitch(es), st st - stocking stitch, rep - repeat, tog - together, WS - wrong side, yo - yarn over. Please note this pattern is copyrighted material and the entire contents of this pattern are copyrighted as a collective work under the copyright laws of Canada and the United States. You may print a copy of this pattern for your own personal use and enjoyment, but editing, publishing, transmitting, e-mailing, posting it to a list service or database, or otherwise commercially exploiting this pattern is strictly forbidden. Copyright inc.

Copyright inc. 2003. All Rights Reserved.

Last Update Dec. 14



Prices in USD. Click Here for CAD. 11/14/2011

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