GDPR (220921)

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1. We have specific legislation for computers because as computers became more prevalent, we
needed laws to protect individuals and businesses.

2. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ✅

3.Data needs protecting because it may be private, and it could be used for criminal activities.
4. The computer misuse act is used for
5. The Copyright act is for


Mid-14c, proteccioun, meaning
shelter or defense.
From Old French proteccion
“protection, shield”
from the Late Latin “protectionem”
A covering over, from Latin protegere
which is formed from pro “before”
+ tegere “to cover” meaning literally
“to cover in front”
The act of protecting or the state
of being protected;
Preservation from injury or harm
It is run by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Data Subjects are people who have data held about them.

Data Users are the people or organizations who hold the data.

An organization holding data has to have a data controller

-a person who makes sure the act is followed.

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