The Actual Campaign

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The actual campaign


Doing A RPG Folder

Full of Folders on Solo RPG’s

This folders the 1 on The Adventurer Conquer King Campaign

Its actually a variant of A Adventurer Conquer King Campaign were my 15+6 or 21 year old character
has recently inherited his families lands, title and vassals and throughout the campaign I play him as
he rules his lands

The solo rules are designed to create a character that by various means has the ability to solo a
normal campaign

For example this 1’s A Minor Viscount who got the title from his father who died at the age of 66
years, 10 months, 0 weeks and 3 days

During his time his grandfather earned him self 720,720 experance and had stuff worth 927,320 Gold

In case your wondering why my characters has a lot less magical stuff then you’d think its because
his grandfather sold most of it and used the money to purchase a domain

My character also got 140 Gold Coins and all the basic gear, but none of the proficiencies, from the
mercenary template


This documents the 1 on The actual campaign



On I go

Year 1, season 1

The main domains goes up by +11 -13 families or by –2 families

Luckily it being stalwart adds 9 lots of 4D10 families to it or +216 families to it or +214 families to it

My 3 vassal domains all go up by +9 -15 families or by -6 families

Luckily them all being adds 1 lot of 3D10 families to each of them or +18 families to each of them or
+12 families to each of them overall

I get 4,385 Gold Coins and put it into my cash, that also nets me 436 +109 +10% or 599 experance
My Vassals each get 2,066 Gold Coins and they all put it into their cash pots, this also nets all of them
207 +41 +10% or 273 experance

I end up getting A Duty or favour and I roll A 10


This means my characters liege gives him a monopoly that adds +5% to what his domain nets him
per season


A roll of A 62 on The Table for criminal growth see all of the criminal organizations in my domains 2
towns all go up by 5D6+3

A 2D10 roll of A 11 means that those criminal organizations that are all identical all go up by the
same amount


A 1D100 roll of A 54 means that both towns gain A Syndicate that fix’s horse races that has
4D6+1D3+3 members or 17+2+3 or 22 members that is lead by A 4th level Fighter that earns 1,530
Gold Coins per month

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