Active Listening - LoveLEE

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Power of

By: Chong & Lee

Some People think it is better to choose friends who always have
the same opinions as them.Other people believe it is good to have
friends who sometimes disagree with them.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Several individuals believe that an individual
must choose a friend whose ideas are similar to
their thoughts while other comments that it is
beneficial for a person to have a companion who
sometimes rejects his/her ideas.

As far as my views are concerned,I certainly

agree with the latter statement.

However,I would like to explicate (解释) both

views in the upcoming paragraphs.
To commence with, (首先)those who tells that it has an advantage
choosing a friend with the same opinion gives the first and
foremost reason that there are fewer chances of a conflict.

To explain it, the individuals follow the same values and their
principles for the life is familiar which enhances their bond and it
will lead to the development of an individual.

For instance, it is a scientific belief that a person with similar

habits is more likely to become friends.

Moreover, it will not only reflect their never-ending relationship in

the future but also they will never fight with each other, as they
are familiar with each other habits. Though,it is vital for a
juvenile(少年) to make a friend with the same preferences.
Conversely ,the other section of the society asserts (断言)that it will be
a blessing for a person if they make a friend who sometimes disagrees
with them .

Firstly, it will help them to expand their knowledge.In other words, an

individual with distinct characteristics has different ways of tackling
issues. Although,i n ,spite a person with the same approach to dealing
with the situation can learn different ways of solving a problem.

For example, in the case of Mathematics if "A" is solving the problems

with the same formula and through his , the method takes him 20
minutes to solve while "B" doesn't find A's method logical and he
provides A with his own method and finally he could save 5 minutes by
adopting (采用)the technique of B.

Furthermore,in case of a life the same theory follows, thus an individual

should have a person who sometimes disagrees with his co-member which
will ultimately benefit the other person.
In conclusion, after looking into both the points.

I completely agree that it is more advantageous

if a person has a friend with a different opinion

because it will wider their knowledge which will

lead to their future growth

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